Report 20WRangdong

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Object: Analysis on Rang-Dong 20W 220Vac 50HZCFL Original board with half-bridge topology New design with complementary pair topology as customer requirement

Test Conditions and Analysis Description

Aim of this work is to evaluate the original CFL sent by the customer that use the Half Bridge topology and after implements a new complementary pair topology. The first evaluation was done on the original board, in order to can compare the standard solution values and electrical behaviour versus the new topology. The Power-in set on the original board has been change in the complementary pair because the original CFL, show a Pin=16.7W while the lamp label report 20W.

1 Part. Analysis on ctm board

In detail, the original schematic, half-bridge solution 20W CFL is reported following:

R1 Q1 D1 D2 T1 R2 C1 T R3 C2 D3 D4 D5 R4 Q2 C4 L D6 C3 R6 LAMP





Boom list D1,...D5 = 1N4007 R3, R6= 510K C4 = 3.3nF Q1 = MJ13003D

D6 = FR107 C1 = 10F/400V C5 = 47nF Q2 = MJ13003D

R1, R4= 10 C2 = 10F/50V T (saturable core) = Primary 9 turn Secondary 2 + 2 turns

R2, R5= 2.2 C3 = 680pF L= 4.3mH


In order to make a preliminary analysis, the CFL board was open like it is described below and its functionality during the normal working operation was analyzed. The bipolars under test were pulled up from the surface of the board by using wires in order to make possible the probes insertion for the signals recording by scope. Under these conditions, due to the symmetry in terms of electrical signals related to the two bipolars of the Half Bridge section, the attention was focused on only one of them (on this one the probes were inserted). The analysis started on original board in the steady-state condition at Vmain from 170V up to 264Vac, and tested the working frequency (by waveforms captured by scope) and the input power Pin (power absorbed in input by the board measured by Wattmeter). The test results are shown in the following table. Original board with MJ13003D devices Vac(V) 170 190 200 220 240 264 Iin(mA) 137 136 135.5 135 135.7 136.4 Pin(W) 13.7 15 15.4 16.7 18.1 19.7 Ic(mA) 174 204 214 240 276 315 Vce(V) 242 270 285 312 341 376 f(KHz) Tcase( C) 35.2 33.6 33.5 33.1 32.6 31.9 105 84 77 66 65 70
Dangerous spike during turn-on and turn-off phase

Original board Vmain=170V switch in steady state

Dangerous spike during turn-on, bring the working temperature to reach high values (see above table)

Original board Vmain=220V switch at turn-on During low Vce voltage

Original board Vmain=220V steady state During high Vce voltage

The particular show an higher fall time (to much carrier injected to the base) , a spike at turn-on and a spike at turn-off.

Original board Vmain=264V in steady state

Original board Vmain=264V in steady state turn-off particular

The particular show an higher fall time (to much carrier injected to the base) , and spike at turn-off. Again the over saturation bring the devices to work in bad condition, higher fall time and dangerous spike at turn-off.

2 Part analysis on complementary pair

The main benefit in the complementary pair solution based is the removal of saturable core transformer, critical component that often causes the failure of the board. The saturable core transformer isnt a narrow spread electronic part in term of electric parameters, and to make its fine design is very difficult. Moreover, what generate an unwished bad behavior, true during switching off appear a re-conduction spike on collector current, much dangerous that generated a higher power losses. Also during start-up phase the saturable core generated a simultaneous conduction on both devices of the collector current, that its to much critical condition and dangerous for the devices. Vice versa the complementary pair solution, only alternatively switch-on and switch-off the devices without any possibility to simultaneous conduction. To realize this new solution we maintain the same inductor in series to the lamp of the original board, making itself as primary of the new transformer T(p) and putting the secondary winding T(s) in opposite verse respect to the primary.. The working frequency is now achieved by the RLC circuit connected to the base of the transistors with resonant effect. Furthermore, thanks to the capacitor in series (C3 and C4) with the base of the transistors, the start up network (formed by the diode, the capacitor and the diac on the original board), can be easily substituted by one resistor (R3) connected between the collector and the base of the high side transistor Q1.

In detail the electrical schematic of new solution with complementary pair devices.

R3 L D1 R1 Fuse C1 R4 D2 T(s) R2 C2 C3



Q2 C4 D3 D4 D6 C5 R5 C6 C8

Following the picture of the pcb with complementary pair and the boom list. Boom list D1,...D4 = D5,D6 = R1 (fuse)= R2= 1N4007 STTH110 12 8.2 R3= R4= R5= C1 = 330K 330 390K 10F/400V C2 = C3,C4 = C5 = C6 = 47nF/50V 100nF/50V 1nF/630V 10nF/1200V C7,C8 = L= T (p) = T(s) 100nF/250V 330H Original inductor 4.3mH 4.5 turns Q1 = Q2 = STX93003(npn) STX 83003(pnp) Tab.2

The test results of complementary pair are shown in the following table.

Vac(V) Iin(mA) Pin(W) Ic(mA) 170 190 200 220 240 264 151.8 151.6 151.4 151.1 151.3 151.8 16.09 17.64 18.4 20.2 21.43 23.27 281 297 309 337 366 404

Vce(V) 240 267 283 312 340 374

f(KHz) 27.8 27.2 26.9 26.4 25.9 25.3

Tcase( C) 33 34 35 39 42 49

Complementary pair solution, Vmain=170V (npn)

Complementary pair solution, Vmain=220V (npn) turn-off particular

Complementary pair solution, Vmain=220V (npn) steady state

Complementary pair solution, Vmain=220V (pnp) steady state

Complementary pair solution, Vmain=220V (pnp) turn-off particular

Vac(V) 170 190 200 220 240 264

Original board Tcase( C) 105 84 77 66 65 70

Complementary pair Tcase( C) 33 34 35 39 42 49

Saving temperature Tcase(C) 72 50 42 27 23 21

Temperature table
Temperature case comparison
Tcase( C) 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 160



220 Vm ain(Vac)




All temperature was measured in open board; regarding the main 220Vac, was made also an analysis in closed board and the maximum temperature measured was Tcase100 C. Considering that the complementary pair solution use a smaller package (TO92) than original board (SOT32), the above result, representing a great optimization of the totally CFL board circuit.

This work started with an analysis on the Rang-Dong 20W CFL mounting the original JH MJ13003D (SOT32) in Half Bridge topology and continued, after a new redesigned board, with the complementary pair solution mounting the STX83003 npn and STX93003 pnp (TO92). On the original board it was observed a bad fall time during turn-off Tf450ns, an higher/dangerous spike at turn-on and a non-perfect power-in Pin, which instead of 20W, was lower (around 16.7W). The new topology was done in order to eliminate the bad switching behavior, set it to obtain Pin 20W at Vmain = 220V, working properly varying the voltage main from 100Vac up to 264Vac. Thanks to the new solution the lamp working properly starting from lower voltage (100Vac) without any problem until a high main voltage (264Vac), offering a stable working temperature, frequency and a good dynamic performance also during the test with the board closed. Captured waveforms show that the complementary pair solution works better than the original customer one in term of switching behavior (fall time improvement), power dissipation and thermal behavior, so case temperature is much lower than original solution (see Temperature table ). In the light of the above mentioned results, it can be concluded that, adopting complementary pair solution, the customer obtain a great improvement in terms of design (no saturable core transformer), innovation and performances.

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