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Diodorus Siculus Bibliography Green, Peter, trans. 2006. Diodorus Siculus, books 11-12.37.

1 : Greek history 480-

431 B.C., the alternative version. Austin.

Very readable translation (if sometimes more colorful than the text warrants); commentary, maps, useful chronological tables, and bibliography. Oldfather, C. H., trans. 1946. Diodorus of Sicily, Vol. IV: Books IXXII.40. Cambridge, Mass. More dated but useful. The introduction to Vol. I may be a better read this first introduction, as Green is strongly responding to a scholarly tradition on Diodorus and the students may not be equipped to evaluate his claims. Commentary 11.38, 48-49, 53, 67-68 38 (478/7 BCE) The conclusion of Gelons rule; his death and burial; his brother Hieron succeeds him. Hieron is the eldest of Gelons three younger brothers; the others are Polyzelos and Thrasyboulos. Hieron was tyrant from 478-467 BCE. Pindar Olympian 1, and several other victory odes of Pindar and Bacchylides, are dedicated to his athletic victories in various pan-Hellenic games; he was also known as a patron of the arts, and several famed literary figures were known to have been guests or residents at his court. [The Romans war on the Aequi and Tusculan people. In Athens, Themistocles fortifies Athens and constructs a new harbor at the Piraeus. ] 48-49 (476-5 BCE) Hierons brother Polyzelos takes refuge with Theron of Akragas, prompting hostility between Hieron and Theron. The Himerans seek to rebel against Therons son Thrasydaios with Hierons help, but Hieron is reconciled to and allies himself with Theron. The Himerans are subdued and their leaders killed. Hieron renames and resettles Naxos and Katana/Aitna, and Theron resettles Himera. 48 Polyzelos: The second-youngest brother of Gelon, he married Gelons widow Damarete, the daughter of Theron of Acragas (who himself married a daughter of Polyzelos). The scholia to Pindar mention that Polyzelos actually went on the Sybarite campaign and distinguished himself, but concur that he sought refuge with

Theron; the resulting war is said to have been ended with the help of the lyric poet Simonides (Polyaen. 1.29; scholia to Pindar Olympian 2). 49 Hierons creation of Aitna is referenced (less cynically) in Pindar Pythian 1. Diodorus recounts (at 11.76) that this settlement as well as resettled Himera was short-lived: the Katanians/Aitnaians were driven out by the Sicels under Ducetius and the Syracusians, and settled elsewhere. (Note that Green adds a bit of brutal vividness to the translation that is not present in the Greek: uprooted and dumped on.) [Hieron aids the people of Cumae in Italy against the Tyrrhenians in a naval campaign.] 53 (472/1 BCE) Theron of Akragas is succeeded by his son Thrasydaios, who masses an army against Hieron. Hieron marches on Akragas; Thrasydaios loses to the Syracusans, executed at Megara (Nisaia); the Akragantines make peace with Hieron. Note the repeated emphasis on heroic honors. Interesting to combine this with epinician poetry. Green compares this with the Hellenistic ruler cults. Akragas was under oligarchic government for three years, according to Diogenes Laertius, until democracy was restored by Empedokles in the year of Hierons death; this overthrow lays the groundwork for the fall of the Deinomenids and the democratization of Syracuse. [Hieron encourages the sons of Anaxilas of Zankle, now come to majority, to assume power from their regent Mikythos; Hieron dies at Katana and receives heroic honors as its founder, and Thrasyboulos succeeds.] 67-68 (466/5 BCE) A summary of the reigns of the Deinomenids in Syracuse, culminating with Thrasyboulos overthrow at the hands of the Syracusans and the end of the dynasty. Syracuse will become a democracy until the accession of Dionysios I sixty years later. Thrasyboulos: Succeeded Hieron (skipping Polyzelos, presumably because he had fled Syracuse), but reigned for only one year before his deposition. His massing of a mercenary force to counter civil unrest recalls Hierons use of mercenaries. The Syracusans call on the lately resettled Himera and Sikel cities from the interior of the island, as well as newly democratized Akragas, Gela and Selinous to aid in ousting Thrasyboulos.

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