Ee2403 Special Electrical Machines Question Bank

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St. Josephs College of Engineering St.

JOSEPHS COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, CHENNAI - 119 DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING QUESTIONS BANK EE 2 !" SPECIAL ELECTRICAL MACHINES UNIT I S#NCHRONOUS RELUCTANCE MOTORS PART - A 1. What are the different types of reluctance machines? Compare them. Reluctance machines are synchronous machines with certain unique features pertaining primarily to their dou ly salient stator and rotor pole design. !he machines are ro ust" use simple construction" and are suita le for high speeds. !hey include two types" switched and synchronous. !he synchronous reluctance motor is used in industry" where motors are required to operate in synchronism or where highly regulated speed control is required using a #aria le$ frequency dri#e. !he motors pro#ide constant" un#arying %or highly controlled& speed from no load to full load with no slip. !he switched reluctance motor %SR'& is e(cited y current pulses applied to each phase. !he current pulses are applied ased on precise rotor position. !he inductance profile is triangular" with ma(imum inductance when it is in an aligned position. When #oltage is applied to the stator phase" the motor creates torque in the direction of increasing inductance. )oth synchronous and SR's require a position sensor unless new" sensorless technology is employed. *osition sensors are a source of increased cost and reduced relia ility. +. What is the principle of operation of reluctance machine? ,n reluctance machines" torque is produced y the tendency of the rotor to mo#e to a position where the inductance of the e(cited stator winding is ma(imi-ed %i.e." rotor tooth aligns with acti#e stator phase to minimi-e reluctance&. !he rotor is typically constructed of soft magnetic iron shaped so as to ma(imi-e the #ariation of inductance with rotor position. .pposite poles form a phase and the phases are magnetically independent of one another. !he machines tend to e noisy/ a characteristic that has limited their applications in the past and has also limited their use currently in #ehicles. Research has een on$going for years in an attempt to address the noise issue" ut little has een accomplished in actual noise mitigation. Reluctance machines are relati#ely low$cost machines" and they generally do not contain *'s. 0. What are the properties of Reluctance motor? a. Com ined reluctance and magnet alignment torque . 1ield wea2ening capa ility c. 3nder e(cited operation for most loaded condition d. 4igh inductance e. 4igh speed capa ility f. 4igh temperature capa ility 5. What are the #arious stator current modes used in synchronous reluctance motor? a. 3nipolar current modes . )ipolar current modes 6. 'ention the applications of distri uted anisotropy cage rotor of synchronous reluctance motor? !hese rotors are used for line 7 start %constant #oltage and frequency& applications.

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin

St. Josephs College of Engineering ;. 'ention the applications of distri uted anisotropy Cageless rotor of synchronous reluctance motor? !hese rotors are used for #aria le speed applications. <. What is Synchronous reluctance motor? Synchronous reluctance motor is similar to three 7 phase Synchronous motor e(cept the rotor are demagneti-ed and made with saliency to increase the reluctance power. ,t is a motor which de#elops torque due to the difference in reluctance of the two a(is" namely quadrature and direct a(is. =. What is meant y reluctance torque? !he torque which is e(hi ited on the rotor due to the difference in Reluctance in the air gap %or& a function of angular position of rotor with respect to the stator coil is 2nown as reluctance torque. >. What are the ad#antages of Synchronous reluctance motor? Rotor is simple in construction i.e. #ery low inertia Ro ust :ow torque" ripple Can e operated from standard *W' ?C ,n#erters. ,t can e also uilt with a standard induction motor" stator and windings. 1@. What are the disad#antages of Synchronous reluctance motor? ,t has poor power factor performance and therefore the efficiency is not as high as permanent magnet motor. !he con#erter 2A? requirement is high. !he pull 7 in and pull 7 out torque of the motor are wea2. 11. What are the characteristics of Synchronous reluctance motor? ,t has com ined reluctance and magnetic alignment torque. ,t has field wea2ening capa ility % to get higher synchronous speed& 3nder e(cited operation for most load conditions. 4igh inductance 4igh speed capa ility 4igh temperature capa ility 1+. State the applications of Synchronous reluctance motor? ,t is used for constant speed applications i.e. timing de#ices" signaling de#ices" Recording instruments and phonograph. ,t is used in automatic processors such as in food processing and pac2aging industries. 3sed in high speed applications. Synthetic fi re manufacturing equipment Wrapping and folding machines. Synchroni-ed con#eyors. 10. What are the types of Synchronous reluctance motor? Synchronous reluctance motor is classified into three types depending upon the construction of rotor. !hey are Salient type or Radial type rotor. 1lat type or ?(ial type rotor. 1lu( )arrier type or :aminated type rotor. 15. Write the torque equation of Synchronous reluctance motor? ! B %3+C +Ds& % 1CEq $ 1CEd& sin +F 3 B Supply Aoltage

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin

St. Josephs College of Engineering ,s e the supply current which has two components ,d and ,q ,d B Girect a(is current ,q B Huadrature a(is current s B Synchronous speed in rad C sec. Ed B Girect a(is reactance Eq B Huadrature a(is reactance 16. S2ewing is required for Synchronous reluctance motor. Justify? ?t the time of starting" reluctance motor are su Iected to logging due to the saliency of motor. !his can e minimi-ed y the s2ewing of the rotor parts. 1;. What are the design considerations in Synchronous reluctance motor? *ower factor Copper loss and core loss Cost Efficiency 1<. What are the ad#antages of increasing :d C :q ratio in Synchronous reluctance motor? 'otor power factor increases ,+R losses reduced. Reduced #olt 7 ampere ratings of the in#erter dri#ing the machine. 1=. Compare Synchronous reluctance motor and ,nduction motor. S.N$. S%&'()$&$*+ ),-*'t.&', /$t$) I&0*'t1$& /$t$) 1. )etter efficiency Efficiency is low +. 4igh cost :ow cost 0. :ow power factor 4igh power factor 5. 3sed for low and medium power 3sed for high power application application 1>. Gefine J 'agnetic flu( !he amount of magnetic lines of force setup in a magnetic circuit is called magnetic flu(. ,t is analogous to electric current in electric circuit. +@. Gefine J Reluctance !he opposition offered to the magnetic flu( y a magnetic circuit is called its reluctance. +1. Gefine J *ermeance ,t is a measure of the ease with which flu( can e setup in a material. ,t is the reciprocal of the reluctance of the material. PART B 1. E(plain the principle of operation and constructional features of Synchronous reluctance motor. +. E(plain the torque 7 speed and torque 7 angle characteristics of Synchronous reluctance motor. 0. Graw and e(plain the steady state phasor diagram of Synchronous reluctance motor. 5. :ist the ad#antages and disad#antages of a Synchronous reluctance motor. 6. Geri#e the e(pression for torque equation of a Synchronous reluctance motor. ;. E(plain the #arious stator current modes in a Synchronous reluctance motor. <. E(plain the #arious types of Synchronous reluctance motor ased on rotor construction with neat s2etch. =. E(plain the Cage and Cageless rotors of Synchronous reluctance motor with neat s2etch. >. Compare a reluctance motor with an equi#alent induction motor and list out the merits and demerits of reluctance motor o#er induction motor.

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin

St. Josephs College of Engineering 1@. ? 1@ 4*" 5 pole" +5@A" ;@4-" reluctance motor operating under rated load condition has a torque angle of 0@K. Getermine %a& :oad torque on shaft % & !orque angle if the #oltage drops to ++5A %c& 1or the a o#e torque angle" will the rotor pullout of synchronism. SolutionJ %a& * B <.5; 2W / +N s 1+@ L ;@ =1=@@ rpm 3 Ns = s 2 5 ;@ s =1== .5>; rad C sec
TL = P

=0> .6<; N m

rel =51 .>@0 %<'& So" the motor will not pull out of synchronism %5'&

% & %c&

UNIT II STEPPING MOTORS PART - A 1. GefineJ Stepper motor? Stepper motor is a motor which rotates step y step and not continuous rotation. When the stator is e(cited using a GC supply the rotor poles align with the stator poles in opposition such that reluctance is less. +. What are the ad#antages of Stepper motor? 9o feed ac2 is normally required for either position control or speed control *ositional control is non 7 cumulati#e. Stepping motor are compati le with modern digital equipment 0. 'ention the different types of stepper motor? Aaria le Reluctance stepper motor 1. Single stac2 +. 'ulti stac2 *ermanent magnet stepper motor 4y rid stepper motor .uter rotor stepper motor 5. What are the different modes of e(citation? Single phase e(citation !wo phase e(citation 4alf step mode 'ini$step dri#e 6. 'ention the features of stepper motor? Small step angle 4igh positioning accuracy 4igh torque inertia ratio Stepping rate *ulse frequency ;. GefineJ Step ?ngle of stepper motor?

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin

St. Josephs College of Engineering ? stepping motor rotates through a fi(ed angle for e#ery pulse. !he rated #alue of this angle is called the step angle and e(pressed in degrees. <. GefineJ 4olding torque of stepper motor? 4olding torque is defined as the ma(imum static torque that can e applied to the shaft of an e(cited motor without causing continuous rotation. =. GefineJ Resolution of stepper motor? ,t is defined as the accuracy of positioning of the rotor pole at a particular step angle with respect to stator pole. >. GefineJ Getent torque of stepper motor? ,t is defined as the ma(imum static torque that can e applied to the shaft of an une(cited motor without causing continuous rotation. 1@. GefineJ *ull 7 in torque of stepper motor? !hese are alternati#ely called the starting characteristics and refer to the range of frictional load torque at which the motor can start and stop without loosing steps for #arious frequencies in a pulse strain. 11. GefineJ *ull 7 out torque of stepper motor? !hese are alternati#ely called the slewing characteristics. ?fter the test" motor is started y a specified dri#er in the specified e(citation mode in the self starting range" the pulse frequency is gradually increased/ the motor will e#entually run out of synchronism. !he relation etween the frictional load torque and the minimum pulse frequency with which the motor can synchroni-e is called pull 7 out characteristics. 1+. GefineJ Slewing frequency of stepper motor? !his is defined as the ma(imum frequency %stepping rate& at which the loaded motor can run without losing steps is alternati#ely called the ma(imum slewing frequency. 10. GefineJ Stepping frequency of stepper motor? !he speed of rotation of a stepping motor is gi#en in terms of the num er of steps per second and the term stepping rate is often used to indicate speed. 15. GefineJ 'a(imum starting torque of stepper motor? !his is alternati#ely called as ma(imum pull 7 in torque and is defined as the ma(imum frictional load with which the motor can start and synchroni-e with the pulse train of frequency as low as 1@ 4-. 16. GefineJ 'a(imum starting frequency of stepper motor? ,t is the ma(imum control frequency at which the unloaded motor can start and stop without losing steps. 1;. GefineJ 'a(imum starting frequency of stepper motor? ,t is the ma(imum control frequency at which the unloaded motor can start and stop without losing steps. 1<. What is rest position or equili rium position of stepper motor? ,t is defined as the position at which as e(cited motor comes to rest at no load. 1=. What is detent position of stepper motor? ,t is defined as the position at which a motor ha#ing a permanent magnet in its rotor or stator comes to rest without e(citation at no load. 1>. GefineJ 'a(wells stress ,t is defined as cur#ing of magnetic lines of force at the end of the poles of the stator. +@. Why interlea#ing is done in a stepper motor? ,nterlea#ing is done in the stepper motor to decrease the step angle and thus increasing the resolution. +1. E(plainJ AR type stepper motor?

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin

St. Josephs College of Engineering ,t is a asic type of stepping motor in which the motor step y step rotation is achie#ed when the rotor teeth and stator teeth are in alignment such that the magnetic reluctance is minimi-ed and this state pro#ides a rest or equili rium position. ++. E(plainJ *' type stepper motor? ? stepping motor using permanent magnet in the rotor for step mo#ement is called a permanent magnet motor. +0. E(plainJ 4y rid type stepper motor? ? hy rid motor has permanent magnet in its rotor. !he term hy rid deri#es from the fact that the motor is operated under the com ined principles of permanent magnet and #aria le reluctance motor. +5. What is micro stepping and how is it achie#ed? ,t is possi le to su di#ide on natural step into many small steps y means of electronics. !his method is 2nown as mini step or micro step. +6. What is the effect of magnetic saturation in stepper motor? !he efficiency is impro#ed ?nd the losses are reduced. +;. What are the classifications of dri#e system of stepping motor? .pen loop system Closed loop system +<. What is the relationship etween the step num er and the step angle in a stepper motor? Step num er %S& B 0;@K C Ms Ms B step angle +=. What is the relationship etween the step num er and the rotational speed in a stepper motor? Rotational speed in rpm %n& B ;@f C S Where" S B Step num er f B stepping rate in 4-. +>. What is Cyclonome? ? stepping motor manufactured y Sigma instruments ,nc." are called Cyclonome. 0@. What are the #arious ipolar dri#es used for stepper motor? )asic )ipolar dri#es )ipolar :CR dri#es )ipolar chopper dri#es PART B 1. E(plain the construction and principle of operation of Aaria le Reluctance Stepping motor? +. E(plain in detail the #arious applications of stepper motor? 0. Giscuss the #arious ad#antages and disad#antages of stepper motor? 5. E(plain the construction and operation of permanent magnet Stepping motor? 6. E(plain the construction and operation of hy rid Stepping motor? ;. Giscuss the static characteristics of stepper motor with neat s2etch? <. Giscuss the dynamic characteristics of stepper motor with neat s2etch? =. E(plain in detail the linear and non 7 linear analysis of stepper motor? >. E(plain in detail the dri#e system of a stepping motor? 1@. E(plain in detail the multi stac2 Aaria le Reluctance Stepping motor? 11. %a& What is the motor torque !m required to accelerate an initial load of

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin

St. Josephs College of Engineering 0(1@$5 2g 7 m+ from f1 B 1@@@4- to f+ B +@@@4- during 1@@msec. !he frictional torque !f is @.@6 9m and the step angle is 1.=K. Solution
Step Angle =s in deg rees L Tm =@.155+ N m




=@.@015 rad

%5 M & %5 M &

11% & What is the ma(imum acceleration of an initial load of 5(1@ 2g 7 m+ dri#en y a motor torque of @.0 9m. 1rictional loads are negligi le and the step angle is 0K.
Tm = Js df dt df =1.505 x1@ 5 steps C sec + dt %+ M & %; M &

Maximum Accelerati on =

UNIT III S4ITCHED RELUCTANCE MOTOR PART - A 1. What is switched reluctance motor? !he switched reluctance motor is a dou ly salient" singly e(cited motor. !his means that it has salient poles on oth the rotor and the stator" ut only one mem er %usually the stator& carries windings. !he rotor has no windings" magnet is or cage windings ut is uilt up from stac2s of salient pole laminations. +. What is meant y self control? ,n the open loop system" if a load is suddenly applied" the rotor momentarily slow down" ma2ing the torque angle delta increase eyond >@ and leading to loss of synchronism. ,f the rotor speed adIusts the stator frequency the dri#e system is called as self controlled dri#e. 0. What are the ad#antages of Switched Reluctance motor? a. Rotor is simple and it tends to ha#e a low inertia . !he stator is simple to wind c. ,n most applications the ul2 of the losses appear on the stator" which is relati#ely easy to cool. d. Gue to the a sence of magnet the ma(imum permissi le rotor temperature may e higher than in *' motors. e. 3nder fault conditions the open circuit #oltage and short circuit current are -ero or #arying small. f. E(treme y high speeds are possi le 5. What is the difference etween Switched Reluctance motor and #aria le reluctance stepper motor? S51t'(,0 R,-*'t.&', /$t$) 6.)1.7-, ),-*'t.&', +t,88,) /$t$) Conduction angle for phase current is Stepper motor is usually fed with a square controlled and synchroni-ed with the rotor wa#e of phase current without rotor position" usually y means of a shaft position feed ac2. position sensor !he SR' is designed for efficient power ,t is usually designed as a torque motor con#ersion at high speed with a limited speed. 6. What are the disad#antages of a Switched Reluctance motor? a. !he a sence of free *' e(citation imposes the urden of e(citation on the stator windings and the controllers and increases the per unit copper losses. . is limited

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering c. torque C ampere is limited d. 9on uniform nature of the torque production which leads to torque ripple and may contri ute to acoustic noise. ;. Gistinguish etween co$energy and field energy Co$energy Co$energy is defined as
w = di
1 @ i

1ield energy 1ield energy is defined as

w f = id

Getermine the step angle of a 0 phase Switched Reluctance motor ha#ing 1+ stator poles and = rotor poles. What is the commutation frequency in each phase at a speed of ;@@@ rpm. G19,&: q B 0/ 9S B 1+/ 9r B = / 9 B ;@@@ rpm T$ ;1&0 Step angle % & 1requency S$-*t1$&: Step angle % & B qN rad r
f1 = n N r rpm Nr ;@ ;@@@ = = ;@ f1 = =@@ H =


+ 0=

=. What are the applications of Switched Reluctance motor? a. *recision position control system for Ro otics . :ow power ser#o motor c. 4igh power traction dri#es >. Ni#e asic features of Switched Reluctance motor. !he switched reluctance motor is a dou ly$salient" singly$e(cited motor. !his means that it has salient poles on oth the rotor and the stator ut only one mem er %usually the stator& carries windings. !he rotor has no windings" magnets" or cage windings" ut is uilt up from a stac2 of salient$pole laminations. :ow inertia and simple manufacturing :osses appear only on the stator and easy to cool 9o magnets and so permissi le rotor temperature is higher than in *' motors. !orque is independent of the polarity of phase current. Reduction in no of semiconductor de#ices in controller .pen circuit #oltage and Short circuit current are -ero or #ery small under faulty condition. ,mmune from shoot through failure. 4igh starting torque" e(tremely high speeds possi le. 1@. Write the relations etween the speed and fundamental switching frequency. f B n 9r B %r.p.m.C;@& 9r 49r B 9o. of rotor poles" Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin =

St. Josephs College of Engineering ,f there are q phases there are q 9r steps per re#olution and the step angle or stro2e is gi#en y O B + P C%q 9r& rad. !he no of stator poles usually e(ceeds the no of rotor poles. 11. What is co$energy? ,n the Q 7i cur#e of a motor" the area etween the cur#e and hori-ontal i a(is is the co$energy W and the other part is the stored field energy Wf. 1+. Ni#e the e(pression for torque of a Switched Reluctance motor. !he torque is gi#en y ! B RS W C SMT iBconst .r y ! B RS Wf C SMT Q Bconst With magnetic saturation negligi le and with Q 7i cur#e straight line " Q B:i W B Wf B %U& : i+ ! B %U& i+ d: Cd M 9m 10. E(plain torque speed characteristics of Switched Reluctance motor. 1or speed elow D the torque is limited y the motor current. 3p to ase speed it is possi le to maintain the torque constant y means of the regulators. ,n the speed range elow D the firing angles can e chosen to optimi-e efficiency of minimum torque ripple. !he corner point or ase speed w is the highest speed at which ma(imum current can e supplied at rated #oltage with fi(ed firing angle. ,f these angles are still 2ept fi(ed" then the ma(imum torque at rated #oltage decreased with speed squared. 4owe#er if the conduction angle is increased there is a considera le speed range o#er which ma(imum current can still e forced into the motor and thus sustain the torque at a le#el high enough to maintain constant power change. !his is shown etween points ) and *. !he angle G is dwell or conduction angle of the main switching de#ice in each phase. ,t should generate can e possi le to maintain constant power up to +.0 times ase speed. 15. What are the types of power controllers used for Switched Reluctance motor? 3sing two power semiconductors and two diodes per phase %n V 1& power switching de#ices and %n V 1& diodes per phase *hase windings using )ifilar wires Gump 7 C 7 con#erter Split power supply con#erter 16. Why rotor position sensor is essential for the operation of Switched Reluctance motor? ,t is normally necessary to use a rotor position sensor for communication and speed feed ac2. !he turning .9 and .11 operation of the #arious de#ices of power semiconductor switching circuit are influenced y signals o tained from rotor position sensor. 1;. What are the two types of current control techniques? 4ysteresis type control *W' type control 1<. What is meant y energy ratio? Energy ratio B %Wm C Wm V R& W @.56 Wm B 'echanical energy transformed !his energy ratio cannot e called as efficiency. ?s the stored energy R is not wasted as a loss ut it is feed ac2 to the source through feed ac2 diodes. 1=. What is phase winding of SR'?

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering Stator poles carrying field coils. !he field coils of opposite poles are connected in series such that mmfs are additi#e and they are called X*hase windingY of Switched Reluctance motor. 1>. What is 4ysteresis current control? !his type of current controller maintains a more or less constant throughout the conduction period in each phase. !his controller is called hysteresis type controller. +@. GefineJ Chopping mode of operation of Switched Reluctance motor? ,n this mode" also called low 7 speed mode" each phase winding gets e(cited for a period which is sufficiently long. +1. GefineJ Single pulse mode of operation of Switched Reluctance motor? ,n this mode" also called high 7 speed mode" the current rise is within limits during the small time inter#al of each phase e(citation. ++. What is the step angle of an 6 phase Switched Reluctance motor and commutation frequency in each phase for the speed of ;@@@ rpm. SR' ha#ing 1@ stator poles and 5 rotor poles. S$-*t1$&: Step angle % & B % +P C q9r & B % 0;@K C 6L5& B 1=K Commutation frequency at each phase B % 9r L D & C +P B % 5L;@@@& C ;@ B 5@@ 4-. RD B +P9T +0. What are the merits of Gump C 7 Con#erter? !his topology uses lower num er of switching de#ices and has only one switch #oltage drop. !he con#erter has full regenerati#e capa ility !here is faster demagneti-ation of phases during commutation +5. What are the merits of split power supply Con#erter? ,t requires lower num er of switching de#ices. !here is faster demagneti-ation of phases during commutation +6. What are the merits of classic con#erter? Control of each phase is completely independent of the other phases !he energy from the off going phase is feed ac2 to the source" which results in useful utili-ation of the energy. PART B 1. E(plain the construction and wor2ing of Switched Reluctance motor? +. With a loc2 diagram" e(plain the importance of closed loop control of Switched Reluctance motor. 0. Gescri e the 4ysteresis type and *W' type current regulator for one phase of Switched Reluctance motor. 5. E(plain in detail a out microprocessor ased control of Switched Reluctance motor. 6. Gescri e the #arious power controller circuits to Switched Reluctance motor and e(plain the operation of any one scheme with suita le circuit diagram. ;. Gescri e the #arious operating modes of Switched Reluctance motor. <. Geri#e the torque equation of Switched Reluctance motor. =. Graw and e(plain torque 7 speed characteristics of Switched Reluctance motor. >. Giscuss the ad#antages and disad#antages of Switched Reluctance motor. 1@. Giscuss in detail the frequency of #ariation of the inductance of each phase winding of Switched Reluctance motor. UNIT I6 PERMANENT MAGNET BRUSHLESS D.C. MOTORS PART - A

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering 1. Why adIusta le speed dri#es are preferred o#er a fi(ed speed motor? !he common reasons for preferring an adIusta le speed dri#es o#er a fi(ed speed motor areJ 1. Energy sa#ing e.g. 1an or pump flow process +. Aelocity and position control e.g. Electric train" porta le tools" washing machine 0. ?melioration of transientsJ Starting and stopping of motors produce sudden transients. ,t can e smoothened using adIusta le speed dri#es. +. What is the structure of an adIusta le speed dri#e system? !he general structure of a motion control system or dri#e consists of the following elementsJ 1. the load +. the motor 0. the power electronic con#erter/ and 5. the control. 0. Write riefly a out the construction and types of a )rushless GC machines. )rushless *' machines are constructed with the electric winding on the stator and *'s on the rotor. !here are se#eral con#entional *' machine configurations and other more no#el concepts concei#ed in recent years to impro#e performance. !he configuration of a *' machine and the relationship of the rotor to the stator determine the geometry and the shape of the rotating magnetic field. *' machines in which the magnetic flu( tra#els in the radial direction are classified as radial$flu( machines. !hey are cylindrical in shape" and the rotor is usually located inside the stator ut can also e placed outside the stator. *' machines in which the magnetic flu( tra#els in the a(ial direction are classified as a(ial$gap machines. !hey can ha#e multiple dis2 or panca2e$shaped rotors and stators. !he stator$rotor$stator configuration is typical. !he shape of the ac2$emf is a fundamental characteristic. !he shape of the ac2$emf of *' machines matches that of the dri#ing currents and can e trape-oidal or sinusoidal. ?lthough oth 2inds are rushless and synchronous" *' machines with trape-oidal ac2$emf are often called rushless dc motors %)GC's&" while *' machines with sinusoidal ac2$emf are referred to as *' synchronous motors. 5. What are the ad#antages of *' machine? ,n general" *' machines ha#e a higher efficiency as a result of the passi#e" *'$ ased field e(citation. *' machines ha#e the highest power density compared with other types of electric machines" which implies that they are lighter and occupy less space for a gi#en power rating. !he amount of magnet material that is required for a gi#en power rating is a 2ey cost consideration. !he cost of magnet material is high compared with the cost of the other materials used in electric motors" and design attri utes that minimi-e the required amount of magnet material are important considerations in motor selection. !he stators of *' machines are generally fa ricated in the same manner as induction machine stators/ howe#er" modifications are sometimes necessary" such as the design of a stator lamination to accommodate high flu( density. 6. What are the types of *' machines? Compare. 1. ,nterior *' machine and +. Surface mounted *' machine. ,n contrast to surface$mounted *' machines" uried$magnet or ,*' machines offer certain ad#antages" their suita ility for high$speed operation eing perhaps the most o #ious. !he fundamental difference is that in a surface$mounted rotor" the flu( cannot e mo#ed tangentially within the magnet to pro#ide a rotor$to$stator phase ad#ance" while in a uried$ magnet rotor the flu( can e mo#ed tangentially a o#e the magnets in the rotor iron so that a quite significant rotor$to$stator phase ad#ance can result. ,*' machines can pro#ide torque under certain conditions with less ,+R losses than other *' machines.

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering

;. S2etch different types of ,*' machines

<. S2etch different types of Surface *' machines.

=. Giscuss riefly a out the types of *ermanent 'agnets used in electrical machines. PM strength and other key properties !he #arious types of *'s include the followingJ Z ?lnico[a family of magnets made from aluminum" nic2el" and co alt characteri-ed y e(cellent temperature sta ility" high residual induction" and enough energy for a num er of industrial and commercial applications. Z Ceramic[a hard" low$cost ferrite made of arium and strontium ferrite with e(cellent sta ility. Ceramic magnets tend to e rittle" hard" and resistant to corrosion. Z 1errites[a softer %non$sintered& #ersion of the ceramic magnet. :owest$cost magnets. Z Samarium co alt %Sm+Co1<&[a rare$earth magnet with outstanding magnetic properties including high )4ma(" e(cellent thermal sta ility" and e(cellent corrosion resistance. Samarium co alt is formulated as SmCo6 %1J6 material& and Sm+Co1< %+J1< material&. !his magnet is well suited for applications demanding high magnetic strength in a high temperature en#ironment. Z 9eodymium iron oron %9d1e)&[an ad#anced" rare$earth magnet that is the most powerful commerciali-ed *' a#aila le. !he sintered form pro#ides the highest magnetic Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin 1+

St. Josephs College of Engineering properties" ut the onded #ersion can e made in more shapes and si-es. !he sintered neodymium magnet ranges in strength from a )4ma( of +=$6@ mega$gauss$.ersted %'N.e&. )onded magnets are com inations of magnetic powders and either thermo$ elastomers or thermoplastic resins. !hese lended materials can e inIection molded or compressed. Compression onded magnets ha#e greater magnetic output ut can e shaped into only simple geometries. 9eodymium magnets offer the est #alue in performance and cost/ howe#er" designers should e aware that this type of magnet is temperature$sensiti#e and suscepti le to o(idation if not properly coated. !he magnet is high in )r" 4c" and )4ma(. !a le 6.1 compares 2ey properties of selected neodymium magnets and the most powerful samarium co alt magnets. 9eodymium magnets clearly ha#e a potential for greater magnetic strengths ut do not ha#e the high temperature capa ility of the samarium co alt magnets. Gepending on the specified grade" neodymium magnets may ha#e a wor2ing temperature of up to +@@ C and samarium co alt magnets a wor2ing temperature of up to 0<6C. >. What are the methods for containing the magnets in *'):GC motor? ?s the ase speed increases" magnet containment ecomes a critical pro lem. 1or a machine with surface$mounted magnets operating as a rushless direct current motor %)GC'& with trape-oidal ac2$emf" there are four optionsJ 1. Wrap the magnets with a suita le )$stage. +. Encase the rotor in a non$magnetic can. 0. 3se an Xinside$outside configurationY in which the stator is inside the structure containing the magnets and rotor laminations. !he centrifugal forces on the magnets are then restrained y this structure. 5. 3se an a(ial gap configuration. ,n this arrangement" the stator and rotor are in the shape of a toroid. !he armature current is in the radial direction and the magnets are charged in the a(ial direction. !he air gap is in the a(ial direction and the centrifugal force on the magnets is in the radial direction. !hus a restraining ring can e used that does not impact the air gap #olume. 1@. Compare rushless GC motor with *.'. commutator motor. B)*+(-,++ DC /$t$) 1. 9o )rushes. 'aintenance pro lems %R1," spar2ing" ignition and fire accidents& eliminated. +. 'ore cross sectional a#aila le for armature windings. Conduction of heat through the frame is impro#ed. 0. ,ncrease in electric loading is possi le" pro#iding a greater specific torque. 4igher efficiency. 5. Space sa#ing" higher speed possi le" with reduced inertia. 6. 'a(imum speed limited y retention of magnet against centrifugal force. ;. Shaft position sensor is a must. <. Comple( electronics for controller. P.M. C$//*t.t$) /$t$) 1. Commutator ased GC machines need car on rushes" so spar2ing and wear and tear is un a#oida le. +. ?rmature winding is inside and the magnet is on the stator outside. 0. Efficiency less. 5. Commutator restricts speed. 6. 'agnet is on the stator. 9o pro lem. ;. 9ot mandatory. <. Simple

11. What are the modes of operation of the square wa#e ):GC motor? !here are two modes of operationJ 1+@ degree mode and 1=@ degree mode. !he mode corresponds to the conduction period of the switches in the #oltage source in#erter. Each Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin 10

St. Josephs College of Engineering switch conducts for the period 1+@ or 1=@ degree as per the mode. Commutation from one conducting de#ice to another ta2es place at e#ery ;@ degree inter#als. 1+. Why the shape of the emf wa#eform of a ):GC is trape-oidal? !he ideal shape of the emf wa#eform is rectangular. !he effect of slotting and fringing causes its corner to e rounded and hence the shape is trape-oidal with flat top portion with 1+@ degree 10. Ni#e the emf and torque equations of the square wa#e ):GC motor. !he emf equation is gi#en y E B 2\D and the torque equation is gi#en y ! B 2\,. where 2 is the armature constant depending on the num er of turns in series per phase in the armature winding" D is rotor speed in rad C sec and \ is the flu( % mainly contri uted y the *ermanent 'agnet on the rotor&. , is the load current. 15. Ni#e the e(pression for torque speed characteristics of ):GC motor. !he emf equation is gi#en y E B 2\D and the torque equation is gi#en y ! B 2\,. E B A $ ,R ?t no load " , B @" so the no load speed D@ is gi#en y D@ BAC %2\& %Since at no load ,B@" EB AB 2\ D@ & !he stall torque% motor at -ero speed& is gi#en y !@ B 2\,@" where ,@ is the stall current. ?t -ero speed E B @ " AB ,@R" R B AC ,@. E B A$ R, ]\D B A 7 %AC ,@& , B A%1$,C ,@& D B %AC]\&% 1$,C ,@& B D@ %1$!C !@& since ! is proportional to ,. !his is the equation descri ing the torque speed characteristics of ):GC motor. 16. Compare 1+@ degree and 1=@ degree operation of ):GC motor. !he 1=@ degree magnetic arc motor uses 1+@ degree mode of in#erter operation. !he motor with 1+@ degree magnetic arc uses 1=@ degree mode of in#erter operation. ,n 1=@ degree mode of in#erter has 1.6 times copper losses ut produce same torque with only +C0 of magnetic material. 'otor operation is less efficient. 1;. Ni#e the e(pression for self and mutual inductances of a ):GC motor. Self inductance is gi#en y :g B %QCi& B %P^@ 9+lr1 &C%+gY& where gY B g V lmC ^rec g B ]cg 9 B 9um er of conductors in the slot. , B current lm B magnet length in radial direction g B air gap" gY B air gap including radial thic2ness of the magnet ^rec B relati#e recoil permea ility. 'utual inductance is gi#en y 'g B $ %1C0& :g 1<. What are the types of sensors used with *'):GC motors? 4all effect sensors are most commonly used for speed" position sensing with *'):GC motors. .ptical Gisc ased sensors are also used. *resently rotor position sensors are a#oided y using alternati#e methods called as Sensorless control methods" which uses terminal emf measurement" third harmonic #oltage measurement" flu( estimation and neuro 7 fu--y techniques etc. 1=. Why '.S1E! or ,N)!s are used in in#erters for *'):GC motors?

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering !hese de#ices operate at #ery high switching frequencies for *W' method of operation. !he duty cycle of the *W' decides the a#erage #oltage applied to the motor and hence the speed is adIusted. !hese de#ices are easy to commutate y using microprocessor or microcontroller ased software. %)ase dri#e& 1>. Write the dynamic equations of the *'):GC motor. !he dynamic model equations of *'):GC motor is gi#en y diaCdt B% #an 7 R ia 7 ea %M& & C : di Cdt B% # n 7 R i 7 e %M& & C : dicCdt B% #cn7 R ic 7 ec%M& & C : dDCdt B R !e 7 !l 7 ) D T C J dMCdt B * D C + where the !orque de#eloped is gi#en y !e B %ea%M&iaVea%M&i V ea %M& ic& C D !: B :oad torque applied" ) is the coefficient of friction and J is the moment of inertia. +@. What are the relati#e merits and demerits of rush less GC motor dri#es? 'eritsJ Commutator less motor Specified electrical loading is etter 4eat can e easily dissipated 9o spar2ing ta2es place due to rush Source of E', is a#oided GemeritsJ ? o#e 1@ 2W" the cost of magnet is increase Gue to centrifugal force the magnet may come out. +1. 4ow the direction of rotation is re#ersed in case of *'):GC motor !he direction of rotation can e re#ersed y re#ersing the logic sequences in *'):GC motor ++. What are the difference etween con#entional GC motor and *'):GC motor? DC PMBLDC )rushes are present )rushes are not present Spar2ing may occur due to rush Spar2ing will not occur as rush is not present )rush tend to produce R11 R11 pro lem does not occur !here is a need for rush maintenance 9o need of rush maintenance +0. Write the torque and emf equation of square wa#e rushless motor
e = + N pn " g lr1 Te = 5 N ph " g lr1 !

+5. What are the #arious 2inds of permanent magnets? !here are asically three different types of permanent magnets which are used in small GC motors ?lnico magnets 1errite or ceramic magnet" and Rare $ earth magnet %samarium 7 co alt magnet & +6. )ring out the differences etween con#entional and rushless GC motors? Gescription Con#entional motors )rushless GC motors 'echanical structure 1ield magnets on the stator 1ield magnets on the rotor. Similar to ?C synchronous motor. Gistincti#e features Huic2 response and :ong 7 lasting Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin 16

St. Josephs College of Engineering e(cellent controlla ility Commutation method Easy maintenance

'echanical contact etween Electronic switching using rushes and commutator transistors

+;. Write the difference etween square wa#e *'): and sine wa#e *'): motor. S.9o. Square wa#e *'): Sine wa#e *'): motor 1. ,t has rectangular distri ution of ,t has sinusoidal or quasi 7 sinusoidal magnetic flu( in the air gap. distri ution of magnetic flu( in the air gap. +. ,t has rectangular current wa#eforms. ,t has sinusoidal or quasi 7 sinusoidal current wa#eforms. 0. ,t has concentrated stator winding ,t has quasi 7 sinusoidal distri ution of stator winding %conductors& which is short pitch and distri uted or sometimes distri uted in some cases. +<. Write the e(pression of torque equation of a sine wa#e *'): motor. 1or an ideal case
T = 0 + + ! "m r1 l N s sin N m

and for the practical case

# ! sin Nm ph Where )m B 'a(imum flu( density in the air gap W C m+ l B a(ial length of the magnetic path" m 9s B stator poles B torque angle p B 9um er of pole pairs +=. Write the e(pression for induced emf C phase of the sine wa#e *'): motor. 1or an ideal case T =
# ph = 1 +p + "m r1 l N s


and for the practical case

# ph = + m1 $ w1 N p h f

Where )m B 'a(imum flu( density in the air gap W C m+ l B a(ial length of the magnetic path" m 9s B stator poles B torque angle p B 9um er of pole pairs PART B 1. Geri#e the torque and E'1 equations of the permanent magnet rushless GC motor. +. What are the differences etween mechanical and electronic commutator? 0. What are the ad#antages and disad#antages of )rushless GC motor dri#es? 5. Graw the diagram of mechanical commutator. E(plain the operation of the same. 6. S2etch the structure of controller for permanent magnet rushless GC motor and e(plain the functions of #arious loc2s.

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering ;. E(plain in detail the #arious rotor position sensors used in permanent magnet rushless GC motor. <. S2etch torque 7 speed characteristics of a permanent magnet rushless GC motor. =. Graw the diagram of electronic commutator. E(plain the operation of the same. >. E(plain in detail the magnetic circuit analysis of rushless GC motor on open circuit. 1@. Giscuss in detail the #arious dri#ing circuits used in permanent magnet rushless GC motor. UNIT 6 PERMANENT MAGNET S#NCHRONOUS MOTORS PART - A 1. Compare *'S' and *'):GC motors. PM B)*+(-,++ DC /$t$) PMSM 1. Rectangular distri ution of magnetic 1. Sinusoidal or quasi7sinusoidal flu( in the air gap. distri ution of magnetic flu( in the air gap. +. Rectangular current wa#eforms. +. Sinusoidal or quasi$sinusoidal current wa#eforms. 0. concentrated stator windings. 0. Huasi$sinusoidal distri ution of stator conductors. %short pitched and distri uted or concentric stator windings& +. Ni#e the e(pression for torque and emf of a *'S' motor. ! B %0C+& , _+ R P r1 l B 9s sin%`&TC+" where ` is the torque angle V#e for motoring Eph B R+ P %2w19ph& a'1 f T C _+ 0. Compare the performance of *'S' with ):GC motor. With equal r.m.s. phase currents the torque of the square wa#e motor e(ceeds that of sine wa#e motor y a factor 1.5<. With equal pea2 currents the factor is 1.+<. 1or the same flu($density flu( per pole of a square wa#e motor e(ceeds that of a sine wa#e motor y a factor PC+. Square wa#e motor has a slightly etter utili-ation of the pea2 current capa ility of the con#erter switches. ,n *'S' three de#ices conduct at a time %1=@ degree mode of in#erter&" where as in ):GC only two de#ices conduct at a time in 1+@ degree mode. 5. What is meant y field oriented control of *'S'? ,n general for field oriented control the stator currents are transformed into a frame of reference mo#ing with the rotor flu(. ,n the *'S' the rotor flu( is stationary relati#e to the rotor. !he rotor flu( is therefore defined y the mechanical angle of rotation b" this is o tained from a rotor position sensor. !hus" the control is much easier to implement than in the case of induction motor. 6. What are the inherent ad#antages of #aria le reluctance motor? a. Simple in construction due to a sence of rotor windings and or magnets and the use of small num er of concentrated stator coils similar to the field coils of a GC motor. . Efficient motor cooling c. Suita le for sustained high speed operations d. :ow motor inertia and high torque C weight rotor ;. Write the e(pression for the self and synchronous reactance of *'S' !he sum of the magneti-ing and lea2age reactance define synchronous reactance.
%S = %M +%l

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering Es B Synchronous reactance E' B 'agneti-ing reactance El B :ea2age reactance <. )ring out the differences etween synchronous and ,nduction motor? S%&'()$&$*+ /$t$) I&0*'t1$& /$t$) ,t is not a self starting one and some ,t has got self starting torque e(ternal means are required Requires GC e(citation or *' Goes not required GC e(citation Speed control not possi le Speed can e controlled ut to small range ,t can e operated under wide range of ,t operates at only lagging power factor power factor oth lag and lead which ecomes #ery simple for light load 'ore complicated and costly 'ore simple and less cost =. What are the applications of synchronous motor? 3sed in power houses and su station in parallel to the us ar to impro#e the power factor. 3sed in te(tile mills" ru er mills" mining and the ig industry 1ans" )lowers centrifugal pumps >. What are the applications of *'):GC and *'S' motors? *'):GCJ %:ow rating application& a. turn ta le dri#es for record players . 4ard disc dri#es c. :ow cost instruments d. Small fans for cooling electronic equipment %4igh rating application& a. ?ir craft . Satellite system c. !raction system %in future& 1@. What are ad#antages and disad#antages of *'S'? A09.&t.<,+: a. Elimination of field copper loss . 4igh power density c. :ower rotor inertia d. Ro ust construction of rotor e. 4igh efficiency D1+.09.&t.<,+: a. :oss of fle(i ilities of field flu( control . Gemagneti-ation effect c. 4igh cost 11. What are the features of permanent magnet synchronous motor? Ro ust" compact and less weight 9o field current or rotor current in *'S'" unli2e in induction motor. Copper loss due to current flow which is largest loss in motors is a out half that of induction motor. 4igh efficiency. 1+. What are the applications of *'S'? *'S' are used in low to medium power %up to se#eral hundred 4*& ?pplications 1i er spinning mills Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin 1=

St. Josephs College of Engineering Rolling mills Cement mills Ship propeller Electric Aehicles Ser#o and ro otic dri#es Starters C generator for air craft engine

10. E(plain the difference etween synchronous motor and *'S' S%&'()$&$*+ M$t$) PMSM 0 phase ?C or si( step #oltage or current 0 phase sine wa#e ac or *W' ac is used as source in#erter is used as supply supply !his type of motor is used in #ery large 4ere it is used in low integral 4* industries compressor and fan dri#es dri#es" fi er spinning mills. 15. What are disad#antages of *'S' relati#e to the commutator motor? 9eed for shaft position sensing ,ncreased comple(ion in the electronic controller 16. What are the assumptions made in deri#ation of emf equation for *'S'? 1lu( density distri ution in the air gap is sinusoidal Rotor rotates with an uniform angular #elocity of Dm % radCsec& ?rmature winding consists of full pitched" concentrated similarly located coils of equal num er of turns 1;. What are the ad#antages of load commutation? ,t does not require commutation circuits 1requency of operation can e higher. ,t can operate power le#els eyond the capa ility of forced commutation. 1<. Write down the e(pressions for power input of a *'S'? *ower input B 0Eq,a V 0,a+Ra 1=. Write down the e(pressions for torque of a *'S'? ! B 0E,sin ` C Dm 9$m 1>. What are the features of closed$ loop speed control of load commutated in#erter fed synchronous motor dri#e? 4igher efficiency. 1our quadrant operation with regeneration ra2ing is possi le 4igher power ratings and run at high speeds % ;@@@ rpm& +@. Write down the emf e(pressions of *'S'? Eph B 5.55 f cm ]w1 !ph #olts !his is the rms #alue of induced emf per phase" where f B 1requency in 4ert-" cm B flu( per pole ]w1 B Winding factor" !ph B !urns per phase +1. What is load commutation? Commutation of thyristors y induced #oltages of load is 2nown as Xload commutationY. 4ere" frequency of operation is higher and it does not require commutation circuits. ++. What is meant y slotless motor? ,n slotless motor" the stator teeth are remo#ed and resulting space is partially filled with addition copper. +0. Gistinguish etween self control and #ector control of *'S'?

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


St. Josephs College of Engineering S.N$. S,-; '$&t)$1. Gynamic performance is poor +. Control circuit is simple +5. State the two classifications of *'S'? Sinusoidal *'S' !rape-oidal *'S' 6,'t$) '$&t)$Gynamic performance is etter Control circuit is comple(

+6. Write down the e(pressions for the self and synchronous reactance of *'S'? Es B % 0 P ^@ 9s+ l r1 D& C = p+ g+ d PART B 1. Geri#e the E'1 equation of ):*' Sine wa#e motor. +.E(plain the microprocessor ased control of permanent magnet synchronous motors with a neat loc2 diagram. 0.Geri#e the torque equation of ):*' Sine wa#e motor. 5.E(plain in detail the #ector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor. 6.With neat s2etch" discuss the torque 7 speed characteristics of *'S'. ;.What are the ad#antages and disad#antages of permanent magnet synchronous motor? <. E(plain in detail the construction and principle of operation of permanent magnet synchronous motor. =.Compare electromagnetic e(citation with permanent magnet of *'S'. >.What are the differences in the constructional features of *'):GC and *'S'? 1@.E(plain the principle of operation of a sine wa#e *' synchronous machine in detail.

Jayarama *radeep 8 9.C.:enin


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