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International Journal of Philosophy

2013; 1(3): 47-50 Published online October 30, 2013 (http:// doi: 10!11%4&/$!i$p!20130103!12 !sciencepublishin""roup!co#/$/i$p)

The Hegelian critique of Kantian antinomies: an analysis based on the Wissenchaft der Logik
Marcos Fbio Alexandre Nicolau, Jos Edmar Lima Filho
't(te )ni*ersit+ o, -(le do .c(r(/, 'obr(l, 0r(1il

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3(rcos 49bio .le:(ndre 5icol(u, 6os; 7d#(r 8i#( 4ilho! <he =e"eli(n >riti?ue o, @(nti(n Antinomies: .n .n(l+sis 0(sed on the Wissenchaft der Logik! International Journal of Philosophy. -ol! 1, 5o! 3, 2013, pp! 47-50! doi: 10!11%4&/$!i$p!20130103!12

Abstract: Our orA (i#s to (n(l+1e =e"elBs criti?ue on the @(nti(n (ntino#ies in his Cissench(,t de 8o"iA! 4or =e"el, the
#et(ph+sics th(t presents the true n(ture o, thin"s is the metaphysics of contradiction! 0+ identi,+in" his Logic ith this #et(ph+sics, he intended to present in this orA the i##(nent deter#in(tions to thou"ht, hence the deno#in(tion logic of contradiction. On this (ccount, he ill i#pose corrections to @(nti(n (ntino#ies, (lbeit he pr(ises the initi(ti*e o, the philosopher ,ro# @Dni"sber" o, turnin" his (ttention to the di(lectics!

Key ords: =e"eli(n Ei(lects, @(nti(n .ntino#ies, Logic of Contradiction

!" #ntroduction
.s the ,irst #($or de*elop#ent o, the =e"eli(n lo"ic occurs on the identit+ o, #et(ph+sics ith lo"ic, the second de*elop#ent rel(tes to the ele#ent o, contr(diction itsel,! Ft is Ano n th(t =e"el introduces his discussions on con,lict throu"h ( consider(tion o, the @(nti(n (ntino#ies! 4or e(ch one o, the ,our @(nti(n (ntino#ies, t o opposin" propositions (re (sserted concernin" the s(#e ob$ect, (nd it is sho n th(t e(ch one o, the opposin" propositions #ust be (sserted ith e?u(l need! <hus, e(ch (ntino#+ puts ( contr(diction, hich is h+ =e"el e#ph(si1es the i#port(nce o, e:posure o, the @(nti(n (ntino#ies! 0ut, (ccordin" to hi#, @(nt ,(ils in t o #(in (spects! <he ,irst lies on brin"in" out onl+ ,our (ntino#ies, hich (re deri*ed ,und(#ent(ll+ ,ro# the bo(rd o, the c(te"ories! On the other h(nd, =e"el insists th(t contr(dictions (re ,ound in (ll t+pes o, ob$ects (nd in (ll (nd (n+ represent(tion, concept or ide(! 4or there is (bsolutel+ nothin", no here in hich the contr(diction c(nnot (nd should not be e:posed! <his c(n be understood in the consider(tion o, (nother (spect in hich, ,or =e"el, @(nt ,(ils (s he re,ers to it (s the Gtenderness ,or the thin"s o, the orld!H 1 4or hi#, the #(tter is th(t @(nt t(Aes contr(dictions (s belon"in" not to the essence o, thin"s o, the orld, but onl+ to the thinAin" re(son! Fn its turn, the linA("e bet een deni(l, (ntino#+ (nd

s+ste# is the #idpoint o, =e"elIs thou"ht! <he contr(diction should be rele(sed not onl+ be+ond these ,our inst(nces presented in the @(nti(n (ntino#ies, but (lso be+ond the #ere thou"ht, th(t is be+ond our re(son: the re(l ob$ecti*it+ o, thinAin" is Ano in" th(t our thou"hts (re not #erel+ our thou"hts, but (t the s(#e ti#e, thinAin" is the Jin-itsel,I o, thin"s (nd the ob$ecti*e bein"! =e"el intends to "i*e reco"nition to the inst(nce o, the contr(diction (t the core o, orld itsel,! 'o our propos(l to (n(l+1e ho =e"el understood @(ntBs (ntino#ies o, pure re(son, (nd (lso ho he su""ested ( ne st(nce on the ide( o, contr(diction to est(blish it be+ond the sub$ecti*e, "ets its si"ni,ic(nce (s it (ccur(tel+ elucid(tes the di*er"ence bet een the t o philosophic(l propos(ls hich ,ounded the conte#por(r+ thou"ht!

$" The Lo%ic o& 'ontradiction Versus the (Tenderness &or the Thin%s o& the )orld*
Ft is Ano n th(t =e"el be"(n to edit his Cissench(,t der 8o"iA (1&12) so#e 25 +e(rs (,ter the second edition o, the @ritiA der reinen -ernun,t o, @(nt (17&7)! 4or this re(son, he could not ,(il to consider the l(cA o, subst(nti(tion o, the principles b+ hich science be"ins, once it is necess(r+ to e:ist so#e orA pre*ious to the principle, on its $usti,ic(tion (s ( be"innin"! <hus, it is ( #ist(Ae to c(re onl+ (bout the principle ithout "i*in" i#port(nce to the $usti,ied be"innin"! Eurin" th(t period, such #ist(Ae (s

)nless other ise noted, (ll tr(nsl(tions (re #+ o n!


3(rcos 49bio .le:(ndre 5icol(u et al.: <he =e"eli(n >riti?ue o, @(nti(n Antinomies: .n .n(l+sis 0(sed on the Wissenchaft der Logik

#(de b+ those ho ould propose to st(rt ith the (bsolute, ithout #(Ain" (n+ re,lection on this, re"(rdless Go, the #ethod (nd lo"ic!HEue to @(nt, philosoph+ "(ined constitution o, ( re(l criti?ue o, re(son, i!e!, ( se(rch ,or the *(lidit+ on the procedures o, this re(son, de*eloped throu"h ( r(dic(l criti?ue o, re(son on itsel,! >onsiderin" it is e(sier to re,ute th(n to $usti,+, =e"el re(soned th(t the e,,ort should be th(t o, est(blishin" ( $usti,ied be"innin", ( principle th(t #ust be the union o, #ethod (nd content, ( principle th(t #ust (lso be united to ,or#! =e"el t(Aes on the t(sA o, buildin" ( pri#e ,ound(tion! <his ch(r(cteristic, t+pic(l o, ide(lis#, con*erts Cissench(,t der 8o"iA in ( re(l Wissenschaftslehre! 5otin" the di,,iculties to hich the sub$ecti*e ide(lis# (s he(ded, =e"el t(Aes o*er (nd (ssu#es the identit+ o, bein" (nd thinAin", o, ,inite (nd in,inite! 4or =e"el this is the supre#e l( o, the identit+ o, (ll thou"ht (nd (ll re(lit+! =ence the re(son h+ =e"el did not "i*e up on this (ccess to the unconditioned: it is the ide( o, ( re(l (bsolute, hich onl+ is in its #(ni,est(tion, hich "i*es #e(nin" to the di(lectic(l process est(blished in the =e"eli(n s+ste#! <he (bsolute represents the true di(lectic(l ,ul,ill#ent o, the identit+ bet een bein" (nd thinAin"! Ft is speci,ic(ll+ this i#port(nce "i*en to the contr(diction, - so r(dic(ll+ (ssi#il(ted b+ =e"el in his #ethods K the re(son h+ he en,orces corrections to the @(nti(n (ntino#ies, e*en thou"h he pr(ised @(ntBs consider(tions on di(lectic, (s #entioned be,ore! 7*en thou"h these (ntino#ies h(*e ( hu"e #erit, his present(tion is i#per,ect (nd #ist(Aen ith re"(rds its result: presupposin" th(t underst(ndin" onl+ (ccepts ,inite c(te"ories (s (+s o, thinAin" is one o, the @(nti(n errors! On th(t (ccount, in =e"elIs co#prehension, @(ntIs e:pl(n(tion o, the (ntino#ies should h(*e ( better criticis# to elucid(te his perspecti*e (nd his #ethod #ore precisel+! Fn order to put =e"elBs criti?ue in conte:t, e rec(ll the G(ntino#ies o, pure re(sonH (Kr ! .340, 03L&), de,ined b+ @(nt (s the tr(nscendent(l con,licts o, ide(s (c,! Kr ! .42%, .4%1, 0454, 04&L): <1! <he orld h(s ( be"innin" in ti#e, (nd is (lso li#ited (s re"(rds sp(ce! .1! <he orld h(s no be"innin", (nd no li#its in sp(ce; it is in,inite (s re"(rds both ti#e (nd sp(ce! <2! 7*er+ co#posite subst(nce in the orld is #(de up o, si#ple p(rts, (nd nothin" (n+ here e:ists s(*e the si#ple or h(t is co#posed o, the si#ple! .2! 5o co#posite thin" in the orld is #(de up o, si#ple p(rts, (nd there no here e:ists in the orld (n+thin" si#ple! <3! >(us(lit+ in (ccord(nce ith l( s o, n(ture is not the onl+ c(us(lit+ ,ro# hich the (ppe(r(nces o, the orld c(n one (nd (ll be deri*ed! <o e:pl(in these (ppe(r(nces it is necess(r+ to (ssu#e th(t there is (lso (nother c(us(lit+, th(t o, ,reedo#! .3 <here is no ,reedo#; but e*er+thin" in the orld t(Aes pl(ce solel+ in (ccord(nce ith l( s o, n(ture! <4! <here belon"s to the orld, either (s its p(rt or (s its

c(use, ( bein" th(t is (bsolutel+ necess(r+! .4! .n (bsolutel+ necess(r+ bein" no here e:ists in the orld, nor does it e:ist outside the orld (s its c(use! 4or @(nt, the theses (re do"#(tic propositions, not sub$ect to e:peri#ent(l *eri,ic(tion, hich does not #(Ae the# useless or super,luous! Fts pr(ctic(l ,unction is in*(lu(ble! <he theses ,or# the b(sis ,or reli"ion (nd ethic(l beh(*ior! On the other h(nd, the (ntitheses (re to hi# purel+ e#piric(l propositions (nd there,ore ould onl+ be sub$ect to e:peri#ent(l *eri,ic(tion! @(nt c(lled the# cos#olo"ic(l (ntino#ies! <he+ #(ni,est the#sel*es throu"h the (ssu#ption th(t sp(ce, ti#e (nd c(use (re e:tern(l thin"s, ith no bounds to perception, hich h(d been (nticip(ted (s ( ne"(ti*e in the Analytics! Philosoph+ h(s to re(li1e th(t these ele#ents (re not thin"s, but #odes o, interpret(tion! 3oreo*er, the principle o, pure re(son hene*er it is G"i*en the conditioned it is (lso "i*en (th(t is, cont(ined in the ob$ect (nd its connection) the hole series o, subordin(ted conditions, series th(t (re there,ore unconditioned" (Kr ! .307-30&, 03%4) K c(n onl+ be sust(ined on ( ,ound(tion o, ,und(#ent(l distinction bet een h(t is the ob$ect itsel, (nd ho it presents itsel, to us! Fn this sense, despite the in*it(tion to sAepticis# "i*en the contr(dictions o, re(son ith itsel,, @(nt proposes the critic(l (ttitude o, the re*el(tion o, h(t he c(lls transcendental illusion or appearance. 4or this re(son, the philosopher o, @Dni"sber" (nnounces (s ( dut+ o, #ialectic Gconsidered (s ( criti?ue o, the underst(ndin" (nd o, re(son rel(ti*el+ to its =+perph+sics use M!!!N K to un#(sA the ,(lse (ppe(r(nce o, such b(seless (ssu#ptions (nd reduce their cl(i#s o, disco*er+ (nd e:tension K o, hich the re(son supposes to re(ch solel+ throu"h tr(nscendent(l principles K to the si#ple (ct o, $ud"in" the pure underst(ndin" (nd (rnin" it o, sophistic illusionsH (Kr ! 0&7)! .s ( result, hene*er the re(son (pplies principles th(t (re *(lid e:clusi*el+ to the pheno#enic(l orld into the nou#en(l orld, it (l (+s ,(lls into contr(diction! Ft h(ppens bec(use in di(lectic(l thinAin" - (s in the (ntino#ies, ,or inst(nce - one ould t(Ae into (ccount t o (ssu#ptions hich correspond to t o distinct (re(s: Gthe #($or pre#ise o, the cos#olo"ic(l (r"u#ent o, re(son t(Aes the conditioned in the tr(nscendent(l #e(nin" o, the pure c(te"or+, hile the #inor pre#ise considers it ithin the e#piric(l #e(nin" o, (n underst(ndin" concept (pplied to si#ple pheno#en( M!!!N! <here lies one di(lectic error c(lled sophisma figurae dictionis. <his #ist(Ae, ho e*er, is not intention(l! Ft is ( *er+ n(tur(l illusion o, co##on re(son, since e (ssu#e b+ it (in the #($or pre#ise) its conditions (nd series, in ( $e did not notice it #(nner! hen so#ethin" is "i*en to us (s conditioned - (nd th(t is nothin" #ore th(n the lo"ic(l de#(nd to (d#it ,ull pre#ises ,or ( "i*en conclusion K $ust (s there is no order o, ti#e in the connection o, the conditioned to its condition! <he+ (re (ssu#ed to %e gi&en simultaneously" (Kr ! .4LL-500, 0527-52&)! .s the ,irst #($or de*elop#ent o, the =e"eli(n lo"ic

Fntern(tion(l 6ourn(l o, Philosoph+ 2013; 1(3): 47-50


occurs on the identit+ o, #et(ph+sics ith lo"ic, the second de*elop#ent rel(tes to the ele#ent o, contr(diction itsel,! 5ot coincident(ll+ =e"el introduces his discussions o, the con,lict throu"h ( consider(tion o, the #entioned @(nti(n (ntino#ies, ell e:e#pli,ied in h(t ,ollo s: G@(nt r(ised the di(lectic #uch #ore K (nd this is one o, his "re(test #erits K ,or rep(+in" the hole (ppe(r(nce o, (rbitr(r+ (ct hich it h(d due to its ordin(r+ represent(tion, (nd sho ed it (s ( necessary operation of the reason. =o e*er the di(lectic (s understood onl+ (s (n (rt o, cre(tin" #ir("es (nd r(isin" illusions! Ft h(d been thou"ht it si#pl+ pl(+ed ( ,(lse "(#e (nd th(t (ll its stren"th (s b(sed onl+ in hidin" the ,r(ud, th(t its results ere surreptitious (nd o, sub$ecti*e (ppe(r(nce! 7*identl+, the e:hibitions o, @(ntBs di(lectics, on the (ntino#ies o, pure re(son, do not deser*e #uch pr(ise hen e:(#ined c(re,ull+, (s e sh(ll e:plore ith #ore bre(dth in the continu(tion o, this orA! 5onetheless, the "ener(l ide( set b+ hi# (s ( ,ound(tion is the o%'ecti&ity of appearance! and the necessity of contradiction! th(t belon"s to the nature o, the deter#in(tions o, thou"ht!H (WdL 5/51) 7*en so, =e"el does not le(*e to consider @(ntIs re,lection (s one o, the deeper pro"resses o, 3odern Philosoph+! 4or hi#, it (s re(ll+ i#port(nt to point out the essenti(l (nd necess(r+ ch(r(cter o, contr(diction, (lthou"h the Criti(ue of Pure )eason represents this contr(diction (s so#ethin" e:trinsic to the concepts! Cith this, @(nt did not reco"ni1e positi*e (spects o, (ntino#ies! =e st(+ed in the ne"(ti*e result o, thin"s in-itsel, th(t c(nnot be Ano n (nd he did not penetr(te in the Ano led"e o, re(l (nd positi*e si"ni,ic(tion o, (ntino#ies! 4or e(ch o, the ,our @(nti(n (ntino#ies, t o opposin" propositions (re (sserted ith respect to the s(#e ob$ect, (nd it is sho n th(t e(ch o, the opposin" propositions #ust be (sserted ith e?u(l need2! <hus, e(ch (ntino#+ sets ( contr(diction, hich is h+ =e"el e#ph(si1es the i#port(nce o, the @(nti(n displ(+ o, the (ntino#ies K G<hese @(nti(n (ntino#ies (l (+s re#(in (n i#port(nt p(rt o, the critic(l philosoph+! <he+ (re especi(ll+ responsible ,or the ,(ll o, the pre*ious #et(ph+sics (nd c(n be considered the #(in (ccess route to #odern philosoph+! Ft h(s (lso contributed in p(rticul(r to produce persu(sion on the nullit+ o, the c(te"ories o, ,initude on content issues! <his is ( #ore proper (+ th(n the ,or#(l one o, ( sub$ecti*e ide(lis#, (ccordin" to hich their de,ect should consist on their bein" in ( sub$ecti*e ,or#, (nd not in h(t the+ (re in the#sel*es! =o e*er, despite its "re(t credit, this e:hibition is *er+ i#per,ectH (WdL 5/215)! Oet, (ccordin" to =e"el, @(nt ,(ils on t o #(in (spects: the ,irst is to brin" out onl+ ,our (ntino#ies, hich (re deri*ed pri#(ril+ ,ro# the bo(rd o, the c(te"ories! =e"el insists on ( di,,erent perspecti*e in hich the (ntino#ies
O, hich =e"el presents (n e:(#ple in hich it is st(ted th(t the orld h(s (nd does not h(*e ( be"innin" in ti#e (nd sp(ce li#its, (n issue set ,orth in the Prop(edeutic (c,! PropPdeutiA, 4/1&3-1L1 ), (nd l(ter in ( st(te#ent o, the 'cience o, 8o"ic itsel, on @(nti(n (ntino#ies (c,! WdL! 5/270-5/275)!

(re ,ound in (ll t+pes o, ob$ects, (s ell (s in (n+ represent(tion, concept (nd ide(! 4or there is nothin" (n+ here in hich the contr(diction, th(t is, opposite deter#in(tion, c(nnot (nd should not be e:posed, (s e:pl(ined in 7n1+AlopPdie der philosophischen Cissensch(,ten i# Qrundrisse: G<he #(in point to note is th(t the (ntino#+ is not onl+ in the ,our p(rticul(r ob$ects t(Aen ,ro# >os#olo"+, but in all ob$ects o, (ll Ainds, in all represent(tions, concepts (nd ide(s! @no in" this, (nd Ano in" the ob$ects (ccordin" to this propert+, is p(rt o, the essenti(l o, the philosophic(l consider(tion! <his propert+ constitutes h(t is l(ter deter#ined (s the dialectical #o#ent o, the lo"icH (*n+.! R 4&, &/12%-127)! <here,ore, @(nti(n (ntino#ies K in =e"elIs conception K onl+ co#prehended opposite #o#ents o, the contr(diction sin"l+, n(#el+, in ,(ce o, the sole choice eitherS orS, such (s (ntino#ies, =e"eli(n di(lects responds neither one thin" nor the other, but ( third, hich corresponds to ( ch(n"e o, perspecti*e on the concept (t issue (.u,hebun")! Ft c(n be understood hen consider(tion o, (nother (spect in hich, ,or =e"el, @(nt ,(ils, ch(r(cteri1ed (s the Gtenderness ,or the thin"s o, the orldH! 4or hi#, the #(tter is th(t @(nt t(Aes the contr(dictions (s belon"in" not to the essence o, thin"s in the orld, but onl+ to the thinAin" re(son: G<here is (n e:cessi*e tenderness ,or the orld in the (ct o, re#o*in" its contr(dictions, tr(ns,errin" it to the spirit, the re(son, (nd lettin" it st(nd there ithout solutionH (WdL 5/275)! <he contr(diction should be rele(sed not onl+ be+ond these ,our inst(nces presented in the @(nti(n (ntino#ies, but (lso be+ond the #ere thou"ht, th(t is be+ond our re(son! =e"el e:pects the reco"nition o, the inst(nce o, the contr(diction (t the core o, orld itsel,, (s @(nt does not see# to Gre(li1e th(t the contr(diction is precisel+ the ele*(tion o, re(son o*er the li#it(tions o, the intellect (nd their solutionH (WdL 5/3&)! Fn other ords, @(ntIs tr(nscendent(l ide(lis# let the contr(diction to subsist, under the co#prehension th(t it is not the ob$ecti*e essence o, thin"s (nd (scribin" (ntino#ies to the sub$ecti*it+ (nd not to the re(lit+! 4or =e"el, the bi" proble# is th(t contr(diction is not resol*ed in this (+! Ft subsists (,ter (s be,ore! 4or =e"eli(n criti?ue, @(ntIs solution le(*es the (ntino#ies content out, bec(use it does not re(ch to the n(ture o, the concept, hich is essenti(ll+ the unit+ o, opposites! 7(ch one isol(ted in itsel, is null (nd is onl+ deter#ined hen it p(ss o*er the other K this is reported b+ e(rl+ di(lectics in the 'cience o, 8o"ic o, hich the ce(selessl+ p(ssin" o*er o, the bein" in nothin"ness, (nd *ice *ers(, is supr(ssu#ed in the concept o, there-bein"! On =e"eli(n conception, e*er+ concept could o,,er its o n (ntino#+ (nd est(blish (s #(n+ (ntino#ies (s concepts, hich (s co#prehended b+ (ncient sAepticis#: G<he (ncient sAepticis# sp(red no e,,ort to sho the contr(diction, (s ell (s the (ntino#ies in (ll concepts ,ound in 'cienceH! <hus, in =e"eli(n perspecti*e, it is ob*ious th(t the (ntino#ies solution is in the Gbein"-to"etherH o, opposites,


3(rcos 49bio .le:(ndre 5icol(u et al.: <he =e"eli(n >riti?ue o, @(nti(n Antinomies: .n .n(l+sis 0(sed on the Wissenchaft der Logik

here(s it is not orth (sse#blin" (ntino#ies to sho its (p("o"ic(l n(ture, (s @(nt does, bec(use no (ntino#+ let itsel, to be (sse#bled, it si#pl+ is!

ne lo"ic, t(r"eted precisel+ (t the thou"ht o, the contr(diction, ( lo"ic th(t ould (ssert such ( thou"ht, ( lo"ic th(t ,ull+ reco"ni1es th(t Git is ridiculous to s(+ th(t the contr(diction c(nnot be thou"htH (WdL %/74)!

+" 'onclusion
<here is contr(diction in (ll thin"s, ,or Gthe contr(diction is the root o, (ll #o*e#ent (nd *it(lit+, bec(use onl+ in hen it h(s so#ethin" in itsel,, ( contr(diction "ets to h(*e #o*e#ent, i#pulse ,-rie%. (nd (cti*it+ ,-/tigkeit. H (WdL %/74)! <hus, the #et(ph+sics th(t sho s the true n(ture o, thin"s is the #et(ph+sics o, contr(diction! 8o"ic, hich K (s (lre(d+ #entioned K is identi,ied ith such #et(ph+sics, presents its o n deter#in(tions i##(nent to the thou"ht! 4or this re(son, it is c(lled the lo"ic o, contr(diction! =e"el repl(ces the tr(dition(l lo"ic o, .ristoteli(n root, hich ould borro ,ro# the #et(ph+sics the principle o, non-contr(diction (nd turn it into the ,und(#ent(l principle to hich (ll lo"ic(l tr(nsition ould be re?uired to $oin K (

M1N M2N M3N M4N =7Q78, Q! C! 4! CerAe - =er(us"eber =e"el-Fnstitut 0erlin! 0erlin: <(lp(--erl(", 1LL& (>E-TO3)! Cissensch(,t der 8o"iA! Fn: =e"el CerAe - =er(us"eber =e"el-Fnstitut 0erlin! Op! cit! <e:te 1ur Philosophischen PropPdeutiA! Fn: =e"el CerAe =er(us"eber =e"el-Fnstitut 0erlin! Op! cit! 7n1+AlopPdie der philosophischen Cissensch(,ten i# Qrundrisse! Fn: =e"el CerAe - =er(us"eber =e"el-Fnstitut 0erlin! Op! cit! @.5<, F! @ritiA der reinen -ernun,t! =(#bur": 4eli: 3einer, 1LL0!


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