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28 February No.


Francis Baily News

Events this term

Working Together for a Better School Behaviour This week we have been using a new much simpler behaviour As humans, for a variety of reasons, we get things wrong The school and its ladder to help the children understand employees are no different in that re- the consequences of poor behaviour. gard. When mistakes are pointed out This involves them receiving a warning, to us we will hold our hands up and followed by a yellow then red card if make every effort to ensure that there poor behaviour persists. On receiving a is no repeat. yellow card children will miss all or part On other occasions we may be able to of their next break time, whilst receivexplain the full nature of whatever ing a red card results in them also misshas occurred. ing the next lunchtime. Children will However if issues are not raised with automatically receive a red card for the appropriate person but are inphysical violence, racial discrimination stead shared through Facebook or and use of foul or abusive language. other means then we are prevented from making the necessary improveChildren start each new day afresh with ments that we surely all want for our the opportunity to do the right thing. children. If issues arise in future please allow us Children who exhibit appropriate beto react by bringing them to our attenhaviour all day receive five minutes tion at the earliest opportunity. golden time, which they take on a FriI cannot always promise complete day afternoon to a maximum of 25 satisfaction but I will promise that we minutes for the week. will listen and react according to the circumstances of each individual situaFrom Monday we will be highlighting a tion. positive behaviour each fortnight and School Uniform Thank you all for makchildren will be selected to receive a ing a super start to the term with restar certificate for using this or other gards to school uniform. positive behaviours in school . Their There have been very few children photographs will be displayed as posidressed inappropriately. Where this tive role-models on the website and in has been the case it is mainly in rethe school foyer. spect of footwear. I will continue to monitor the situation We hope by both promoting the posiweekly and talk to parents where aptive behaviours exhibited by so many propriate. children in the school, along with clearI spoke to the youngest children on ly penalising those who let themselves Monday in assembly, but havent yet down, we will continue to improve the had the same conversation with the experience for the children at Francis oldest, about how important it is to wear the uniform properly. Such as, Baily. tucking shirts in and not tying sweatThe New Behaviour Policy which inshirts and cardigans around their waists. Ill continue to nag them on cludes these revisions will be available these small matters that make a big on the school website very shortly difference.

28 February PTA Quiz & Curry Night 4 March PTA Committee Meeting 5 & 6 March Perform workshops F-Y2 10 March Book Week 17 27 March Y5 Bikeability 19 March 2.00 Spring Concert 20 March 7.00 Spring Concert 21 March Sports Relief Event & lunch (more news to follow soon) 2 April PTA Easter Egg Competition PTA Disco 3 April Term finishes 2.00pm
Positive Behaviour For the next fortnight we will be highlighting the following behaviour

Work quietly and do not disturb other people

PTA News Yellow Moon catalogues have been distributed to children in Foundation to Year 3. Please ask at the office if you would like a copy. All we ask you to do is place an order directly to Yellow Moon quoting the source code on the front cover. Please do not forget to quote the source code, otherwise the school will not benefit. Goods will be delivered directly to your door. In previous years your orders raised 100.00 + in commission, for which we were very grateful.

Get Caught Reading With a Dragon Just a reminder that wed love more pictures of you reading In interesting places and particularly reading dragon books or with a dragon! The pictures will be on display during our Dragon themed book week starting on 10 March .

Newbury Neighbourhood Police Team is holding a free bike marking event on Saturday 1st March, from 10.30am -1pm, at the Clocktower, The Broadway, Newbury.

Everyone is welcome to bring their bike along to be engraved and receive general security advice. School Council Table Top Sale Parking

Could I please ask that everyone parks with due care Many thanks to those of you who found time after school on Thursday to attend the table top and consideration to other road users and residents when using the school for any activity at any time. sale held in the dining hall. There have been more reports lately of people parking The School Council did a great job organising across resident driveways preventing them from leavthe sale. ing or accessing their premises. They made 45 which will be donated to the World Wildlife Fund, the charity chosen by the There is no easy solution other than everyone taking more care and having patience. I can assure you that council themselves. teachers will not release children until you arrive, so dont worry if it takes a little longer to get here if you need to park further away.

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