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Marla Wakefleld

1406 kenslngLon Close nW Calgary, A8 12n 3!8

!"## (403) 481-3418 "$%&# marla.d.wakefleld[

'()"!*&+" 1o use my knowledge and skllls as an AP1 sLudenL and experlenced AP1 asslsLanL
Lo galn employmenL aL an emergency anlmal hosplLal.

'012 !300454 6789:;<424=> AP1 Cnllne rogram
CA 3.83
CompleLed courses: veLerlnary LaboraLory rocedures, AnaLomy & hyslology, 8reeds,
8ehavlor and ManagemenL, Workplace CommunlcaLlon
CurrenL courses: harmacology, nuLrlLlon, Workplace rofesslonalls
?@00@AB %C4<DA<> E@5D FGD330 CraduaLed ln 2008
8lllngual dlploma (lrench lmmerslon)

;H'I"FF&'/%# $"$("HFE&;F
AlberLa veLerlnary Medlcal AssoclaLlon
AlberLa AssoclaLlon of Anlmal PealLh 1echnologlsLs

$GK=@5D> 6L E3M< +4>4<@=A<N E32O@>A0 2012-2014
!"# !%%&%'()'*+,',-&)(-. /,0&1(2 3,1,4'&5)&%'
AP1 asslsLanL responslblllLles lnclude malnLalnlng a clean, well--sLocked work envlronmenL,
provldlng baslc nurslng care for paLlenLs, wrapplng and auLoclavlng surglcal packs, and
resLralnlng paLlenLs for procedures
lamlllar wlLh lsolaLlon proLocol, laboraLory procedures, luLxx ln-house lab equlpmenL,
surgery proLocol and procedures, C8 and emergency procedures
8ecepLlonlsL duLles lnclude answerlng phones and processlng lnvolces, helplng cllenLs
Lhrough end of llfe slLuaLlons wlLh Lhelr peLs, golng Lhrough auLhorlzaLlon paperwork,
faxlng, scannlng, and malnLalnlng paLlenL flles
Lxperlenced wlLh CornersLone pracLlce managemenL sofLware
$M>>04N !<M4 135 5<33B@=5 2A03= A=1 1ANGA<4 2011-2012
6-557&)8*0(.1(-, (%%&%'()'
8esponslble for baLhlng, drylng, brushlng, and groomlng dogs, as well as walklng and playlng
wlLh daycare cllenLs.
8ecepLlonlsL duLles lnclude answerlng phone calls, complllng cllenL lnformaLlon, provldlng
lnformaLlon and asslsLance, greeLlng cllenLs, and organlzlng compuLer lnformaLlon
Skllls lnclude proper hyglene and safeLy when worklng wlLh a large group of dogs, as well as
worklng wlLh dogs wlLh a varleLy of speclal behavloral and healLh needs
% H3NA0 *3MGD 135 5<33B@=5 2A03= 2009-2011
6-557&)8 (%%&%'()'
8esponslble for brushlng, drylng, baLhlng and groomlng dogs and caLs
Marla Wakefleld
1406 kenslngLon Close nW Calgary, A8 12n 3!8
!"## (403) 481-3418 "$%&# marla.d.wakefleld[

Skllls lncluded nall Lrlmmlng, anal gland expulslon, ear plucklng and cleanlng, shavlng, and
8ecepLlonlsL duLles lncluded answerlng phone calls, complllng cllenL lnformaLlon, provldlng
lnformaLlon and asslsLance, greeLlng cllenLs, and organlzlng compuLer lnformaLlon. Learned
compasslonaLe anlmal handllng skllls

%0C4<>A FOAN A=1 /4M>4< *A2K I3<G4 6786:678L
rovlded groomlng servlces for anlmals ln need, performed baslc anlmal handllng duLles
such as walklng and feedlng, and worked ln Lhe recovery area wlLh anlmals recoverlng from
Shadowed AP1s and became famlllar wlLh surglcal procedures, sanlLlzaLlon, baslc
examlnaLlon and vacclnaLlon procedures
Worked wlLh and handled feral dogs and caLs, and became famlllar wlLh paraslLes and
conLaglous dlseases assoclaLed wlLh sLray anlmals ln rural communlLles.
!3B<A1 F3M=1 %00 %542 $M2@G +4=M4 6787
:5-;%<54 =-8()&>,-
1aughL an all-ages sllk screenlng workshop aL Comrad Sound, a local all-ages muslc venue
P@<02 %G>@3= I3M=1A>@3= I4C<MA<N 6787
!?(-,),%% @(74(&8) =-8()&>,-
CreaLed and dlsplayed an lnLeracLlve performance arL lnsLallaLlon as parL of Lhe Clrls AcLlon
loundaLlon's naLlonal uay of AcLlon
P@<02 %G>@3= I3M=1A>@3= I4C<MA<N 677Q
:5-;%<54 =-8()&>,-
1aughL sllk screenlng and skaLeboardlng workshops for young women ages Len Lo flfLeen as
parL of Lhe Clrls AcLlon loundaLlon's naLlonal uay of AcLlon

!'/*&/.&/P "-.!%*&'/
!"##$%&'()&"% *+,-./ hosLed by uCvM professor !ack Wllson, uvM
0&112 )45 (%5 645 *+,-./ hosLed by Plll's rescrlpLlon uleLs
!(%&%7 879(:&1&)()&"% *+,-./ hosLed by Laurle Ldge-Pughes, 8Sc1, ManlmSL (Anlmal
hysloLherapy), CAlCl, CC81
0&112 ;7)7<&%(<= >$)<&)&"%(1 ?5@"'()7 *+,-A/ level l and ll
;7)7<&%(<= B(&% C(%(D7#7%) *+,-A/ hosLed by 8oerlnger and lngelhelm
;(''&%7 E F7G"<#&%D B<")"'"12 *+,-A/ hosLed by Merlal
>$)<&)&"% H"< )97 !<&)&'(11= I11 *+,-A) hosLed by Cn Lhe lloor [ uove
?%72)97)&' !"#J1&'()&"%2 *+,-A/ hosLed by Cn Lhe lloor [ uove
!(%&%7 (%5 K71&%7 !B8 H"< ;7)7<&%(<= L)(HH *+,-A/ hosLed by Cn Lhe lloor [ uove

Marla Wakefleld
1406 kenslngLon Close nW Calgary, A8 12n 3!8
!"## (403) 481-3418 "$%&# marla.d.wakefleld[


ueb kamsLeeg
AP1 rogram lnsLrucLor
Clds College

Annle Cole
MuLLley Crue Croomlng and uaycare

SamanLha McCarLhy
volunLeer Supervlsor
ShlfL Calgary

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