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Febru uary 27, 201 4 V VIA E-MAI IL S Stephen Holl lingshead s stephen@hol H Howie Lind h howie@how wielind.

com B Barbara Com mstock b barbara@com mstockstrate M Marc Savitt m msavitt@mo ortgagefinanc R Rob Wasinge er r robwasinger@ m B Bob Marshal ll d delegatebob@ m T Tareq Salahi i m media@crash m Re: Congress sional Camp paign

D Dear Candid dates: This letter is directed to cand didates that have h filed to run for Con ngress in the Tenth Cong gressional D District or to o candidates I have heard d from who have h stated t they intend t to file. You may m recall The Elevent th Command dment creat ted by Califo ornia Repub blican Party C Chairman Ga aylord Parki inson, which h Ronald Rea agan adopted d and explai ined in his w writings in 19 990: The personal att tacks against t me during the t primary finally beca ame so heavy y that the sta ate ublican chair rman, Gaylor rd Parkinson n, postulated d what he cal lled the Elev venth Repu Comm mandment: Thou T shalt not n speak ill of any fellow w Republica an. It's a rule e I followed d during that campaign c an nd have ever since. The Commandm ment grew out o of the att tacks that we ere made aga ainst Barry G Goldwater in n the p primary stage of the 1964 4 presidentia al election wherein w Gold dwater was l labeled an e extremist by y his o own Party which w later be ecame the att tack of the Johnson J cam mpaign in the e general elec ction. It also o grew

out of similar attacks liberal Republican George Christopher made against Ronald Regan when he ran for Governor of California. Christopher supporters eventually headed the advice of Chairman Parkinson and Reagan went on to beat Pat Brown for Governor and eventually became one of Americas greatest presidents. I mention the above to ensure that we have a very fair and cordial campaign as we select our nominee for Congress. We want our nominee to be as strong as possible going into the general election, so I remind us all of the Eleventh Commandment in an effort to improve the discourse of this nominating process. While everyone will no doubt fairly point out where they disagree with certain candidates and even criticize peoples records, we all know that there is a line that we do not need to cross when we Republicans campaign against each other. I have had the pleasure of meeting each and every one of you and really feel like whoever wins the nomination will be a strong conservative leader we can all be proud of. With your help, the nominee will move forward and win this election untarnished by the nominating process and ready to win in November. We are already the Party of principles, let us also be the Party of class and decorum. The Tenth District Committee wishes you all the best of luck in the coming weeks as you campaign. May God bless you, and especially may He bless your families for the sacrifice they are making with you running for office. Sincerely,

John Whitbeck
John Whitbeck Chairman, Tenth Congressional District Republican Committee

John Whitbeck, Chairman | P.O. Box 447 Leesburg, VA 20178 | | | |

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