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Annotated Bibliography Brooke Dickie Samarrai, F. (2012, October 22).

University of Virginia Student engineers design, build, fly printed airplane. Additive Manufacturing [AM] . Retrieved from Additive manufacturing has been put to use in undergraduate research by two UVA engineering students. They designed and printed parts for a fully functional plane, complete with a turbofan engine. This is a great example of 3D printing having an applicable use and a test of its ability to create complex objects. Catts, T. (2013, November 27). GE Turns to 3D Printers for Plane Parts. BloomburgBusinessweek. Retrieved from General Electric's unprecedented use of additive manufacturing to produce parts for their plane engines and turbines is one of the first signs of 3D printing making the transition from research to application. GE has devoted nearly $4 billion to developing and incorporating this technology into their factory floor. By using additive manufacturing to produce these nozzles, the company is creating a higher quality product and saving a large sum of money in the process. GEs 3D printing initiative is a sound example of this new technology being used my manufacturers in the industrial world. Slick, J.. What is 3D Printing? Exploring Additive Manufacturing. Retrieved from

This article provides basic information about how 3D printing works and its potential uses. defines 3D printing as "a manufacturing process that allows computer generated 3D models to be transformed into physical objects through a layered printing process." There are many different methods of printing, but they all involve the same basic function. The objects are created from a raw material (plastic, metal, ceramic, etc.) in liquid or particle form. The printer uses the digital blueprint as a guide and constructs think layers of the raw material, which build the 3D object. 3D printing was initially limited to the industrial world, but the cost has recently fallen, opening up the potential for personal use. Printers are often used for jewelry making, retail, and models. It has also advanced into the world of health care, and doctors and engineers are working together to explore organ printing. Because this website comes from an open forum webpage, it is not very reliable and most likely not citable, yet it did provide a good foundation of understandable. Ofxord, A. (2013, June 18). Will this $100 RepRap be the device that takes 3D printing to the masses?. ZDNet. Retrieved from Quentin Harley, an engineer from South Africa, has recently redesigned a RepRap machine, creating a 3D printer that can be manufactured for about $100. RepRap stands for self-replicating rapid prototype and was created in 2005 as a low cost desktop printer. Harley intends to sell his new model in easy-to-construct kits. He believes that 3D printing has finally moved into a stage where it can be genuinely useful.

Chen, A. (2012, September 17). 3-D printers spread from engineering departments to designs across disciplines. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from Chen describes how many universities now offer classes in 3D printing for nonengineers, finding these courses especially useful in biology, anthropology, art design, and even humanities. Lipson has partnered with Bull to create the program Fab@School, which introduces 3D printing to secondary schools. The Fab@School project has also created the first homemade printer and is working to make this technology less expensive and more accessible. Their design of open-source printers gives people at home the ability to reproduce their designs and make their own 3D printer for only a few hundred dollars. However, the use of this process has been hindered by large corporations infringing on patents. Some names to look into further from this article include: Hod Lipson (Cornell), Mark Ganter (Washington), Glenn L. Bull (University of Virginia), and Fab@School. Tryft, A. (2012, November). 3D printing stars in manufacturing initiative. Design News, 67(11), 34. The United States federal government has recently set its sights on additive manufacturing. They have deemed 3D printing as key to the future of US economy, so the government has dedicated $70 million to the creation of the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Instituted (NAMII). This is the first of 15 institutions which will serve to unify industries, universities, and federal agencies around creating and implementing the best technology in the field. It is also aimed at educating workers in advanced additive manufacturing skills. NAMII is a proof of concept pilot institute;

because this article was written two years ago, it would be beneficial to research more on the success of this program. The National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining is the government agency in charge of NAMII, supported by interest from the Department of Defense and the Department of Energy. While the governments activity regarding 3D printing is fascinating, it is not necessarily pertinent to the topic of personal printing; rather the government is focusing on its industrial value. Johnston, P. (2011, October 11). 3-D printing: The future comes round again. The Seybold Report, 11(19), 5-9. There are two basic types of 3D printing; additive and subtractive. While these technologies have been used for quite some time, they have just recently become much less expensive. The programs which are required to run the printers have also become much simpler, with some versions even available for the iPad. However, advances still must be made in size, useable materials, and precision. A large group of Makers has emerged; they use desktop manufacturing to start their own companies, leading to a rise in hobbyists and, therefore, entrepreneurs. Desktop manufacturing allows the individual to make things one at a time and adapt them according to current demands, which allows for on-demand, one-at-a-time manufacturing. However, this is only beneficial for products with a high intrinsic value. Because of how easily digital files can be copied, previously secure objects can quickly and easily be counterfeited when the files are stolen and printed. The only way to counteract this piracy movement is to use certain laws and limitations to prevent illegal copying form flourishing and killing industries. Also, 3D printers being distributed in mass would lead to exploitation of raw materials to feed the printers and an illogical shipping process. This article was useful because it gave a look at

how 3D printing will change the economy in the future, while also explaining some of the major drawbacks to the comprehensive use of this technology. Additive manufacturing: For the technology-interested. e-Manufacturing Solutions. Retrieved from According to ASTM, additive manufacturing is a process by which digital 3D design data is used to build up a component in layers by depositing material. The process, called selective laser sintering, is as follows: a laser sintering device applies a thin layer of powder material to the building platform, a laser beam fuses the powder according to a computer-generated design, then the platform is lowered and the process is repeated. This process has previously been used primarily for creating prototypes. It enables a designdriven process, allowing for customizable products and design freedom, which can be used in both rapid prototyping and serial production. Also, 3D printing can create light and stable structures which may be extremely complex. Blackaby, A. (2014, January 27). University of Warwick helps students with disabilities 3D-print objects to ease their everyday life. Additive Manufacturing [AM] . Retrieved from University of Warwick is using additive manufacturing to create assistive equipment that is personalized to each student with disabilities needs. The disabled students are working closely with staff and students of the university to learn how to use the technology and design the products themselves. Said student with Muscular Dystrophy, Ollie Baskaran: This technology opens up so many possibilities to make life easier for people with

disabilities. This project is supported by the universitys department of computer sciences and their international manufacturing centre (WMG). Hessman, T. (2014, January). Technology: Whats next for 3-D printing?. IndustryWeek. 3D printing has been brought into global manufacturing in a big, dramtic way. In the span of the next 7 years, additive manufacturing is projected to grow into a $10.8 billion industry. With this future growth, a wave on investment from everyone from individuals to the government is expected, but most of the money will most likely come from the private sector. As interest peaks, talk will increase, and even more conferences and seminars will be help. The legal profession will get involved by litigating on potential patent infringement, and these trials will occur due to non-professionals experimenting and failing. As the buzz around 3D printing will continue, the public will demand reporting based in fact rather than speculations. Finally, China will get in on the action by selling 3D printers internationally, rather than manufacturing individual products in their own factories. LaMonica, M. (2013, April 23). Additive manufacturing. MIT Technology Review, 116(3), 59. Retrieved from Jennifer May reports on General Electrics massive initiative to produce thousands of fuel nozzles for an aircraft engine using additive manufacturing, rather than the traditional method of casting and wielding the metal. The technology has seen a lot of action among entrepreneurs and small businesses, but GEs use is seen as a major milestone because 3D printing will have the most impact on commercial industry. GE has bought several companies which specialize in 3D printing to manufacture 75,000 of the nozzles in three

years. This process uses less material than conventional techniques, creating a higher profit and lighter product. It is also more efficient because it is a faster process and the printers run around the clock. Now that the cobalt-chromium alloy has proved to be a success, GE engineers are experimenting with a wider range of metal alloys. GEs nozzles are the first test of whether or not additive manufacturing is ready to revolutionize the manufacturing of complex products.

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