All I Need To Know About Manufacturing I Learned in Joe's Garage

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Introduction In the first paragraph, include the author, title, and a one or two-sentence description of the idea of the book (also known as the premise). The book All I Need To Know About Manufacturing I Learned in Joes Garage is written by WILLIAM . MILL!" and #I$%I L. &$'!(%. It is an entertaining story of a weekend home improvement project that teaches principles of efficient high quality design and production. Summary )enerall*, the summar* section of the book report should be a short retelling of the plot. +his is a good e,ercise in how to bring out the most important parts of the book. $omposition of summar* should be no less than -. words. One day, Joe, ! for "anufacturing of #arret #ear $ompany asks his friends to help him build shelves for his garage. %andy, a trusted employee of Joe also came for the project along with &alph "orita who just lately moved into the neighborhood and was employed at 'amachi #ear. &alph participated to perhaps learn something from Joe since he was also going to get his own garage organi(ed one of these days. Joe gathered all the participants to his garage and hand over to everyone the design of the shelves. They were confused because of some inconsistencies on the drawings. Instead of giving the "anufacturing )ngineering design which they usually use, Joe handed the )ngineering design. &alph commented that the two engineering departments could be combined and work together to avoid conflict, waste of effort, time and paperwork. Then as the project moves on, &alph gives his opinion to %andy on how they could have implemented the tasks in a more efficient and productive manner. *e told him about effective company practices like nagara or flow without waste, kaizen or continual improvement, oka!"oke or

mistake proofing, Just+in+time,JIT- work performed rapidly. &alph also shared a learned behavior, a culture of where getting on with productive work is valued more highly than disruptively sticking to one.s ego. They called it Total /uality "anagement in which everybody in the company is participating in improving quality. *e also sighted efficient communication system such as #idoka or immediate feedback on a defective item before more defective items can be produced0 andon system, whereby workers use flashing lights or other means to signal a problem that must be fi1ed before production can resume0 kanban cards or using real live people in production who communicate their needs with empty containers. The project did not go very well but they were able to complete the job with just a few seconds short on the agreed deadline. %andy was enlightened on &alph.s sharing and finally figured out why their company, #arrett, is not performing efficiently. *e said that there company is spending money and effort focusing on the wrong thing while they ignore the basics. Opinion +his is the meat of *our book report and *our chance to gi/e *our anal*sis, own opinion and re/iew of the book in two or three substantial paragraphs. $omposition should be no less than 0-. words. The story was easily to be understood and to be retained. The book provides a great understanding and overview of world class manufacturing processes and techniques. Conclusion: +his should be the easiest portion of the report to write, as the ma1or ideas ha/e alread* been e,plored. 2suall*, a book report conclusion consists of o/erall feelings and opinions and whether or not the* would encourage others to read it and wh*. +his would also be *our o/erall assessment of the book. $omposition of conclusion should be no less than -. words. )asy read book that will give you a quick education. I recommend this book for them to enjoy and for them to understand the basics of manufacturing concepts.

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