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Philip Neri Parish

The Northwest Paulist Center
for Evangelization & Reconciliation

2408 SE 16
Avenue | Portland, OR |97214-5334
www. st phi l i pneri pdx. org
Pari sh Of f i ce 503. 231. 4955 | Fax 503. 736. 1383

Guided since our founding in 1912 by the missionary vision of the Paulists,
committed to the mission of Jesus, and dedicated to be welcoming to all, we,
the community of St. Philip Neri, strive to reach out, to reconcile and to
promote unity for all Gods creation through worship, education, and service
toward the common good.

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time ! March 2, 2014


The annual Mt. Angel 3-day Lenten Retreat with
Fr.Michael and Connie Ostland (St.Henry's) will be
March 21-23 at the Shalom Prayer Center in Mt. Angel.
As in years past, it will be facilitated by them both. The
retreat is open to parishioners from both parishes and
will include accommodations Friday and Saturday as
well as meals from breakfast Saturday through
breakfast Sunday. Cost is $140. Registration is now
open for folks to sign up! Please sign and register at
the Parish Office by Friday, March 14
. Contact
Matthew Pearl ( or 503-970-3937) if
you have questions.

This Mass is offered on the first Friday of each month
in the St. Paul Chapel at 12:10pm. This is a wonderful
opportunity to allow the Blessed oils to become a part
of healing for whatever the reason. All are welcome.

If you would like to have fellow parishioners pray for
your special concerns, we have two opportunities for
requests: The Altar Society Prayer Chain takes requests
for those in the parish who are seriously ill or for
families who have recently experienced a death (please
call the office). The email-Prayer Tree circulates prayer
requests for all who request prayers for any reason
please email ( or if you
are interested in a Prayer Partner please contact Kait
Skyler (

Our Parish will be participating in CRS Rice Bowl,
Catholic relief services Lenten Program, as a way to
encounter Jesus through others, especially through the
most vulnerable in our world. Rice bowls will be
available THIS weekend on the counters in the foyer.
Please be sure to take home a Rice Bowl and use this
fun and easy resource to deepen your familys Lenten
experience and make a difference in the lives of the

Our Masses on Ash Wednesday will be 8am and 7pm.
Our parish Lent Event (for Lenten activities) will be
Sunday, March 9th after the 9:30 Mass.
Next Sundays Scripture Readings:
First Sunday of Lent
March 29, 2014

Reading 1, Genesis, 2:7-9, 3:1-7
Responsorial Psalm, 51:3-4,5-6,12-13,17
Reading 2, Romans 5:12, 17-19
Gospel, Matthew, 4:1-11

Sunday in Ordinary Time ! Sunday, Mar 2, 2014


Sunday, March 2: 9:30 am Mass Santi + Filomena Bocci Church
10:30 am Mass Deaf Community Mass Chapel
Monday, March 3
8:00 am Mass Eulalia Johnson Chapel
Tuesday, March 4: 8:00 am Mass Pauline Fitterer Chapel
Wednesday, March 5: 8:00 am Mass All Souls Chapel
Thursday, March 6: 8:00 am Mass The Dos Great Grandfather and Grandmother Chapel
Friday, March 7: 12:10 pm Mass Joanne Scafidi (A) Chapel
Saturday, March 8: 8:00 am Mass Su Francesca Moran & Family Chapel
4:00 pm Mass Rose Antrosio (B) Church
Sunday, March 9: 9:30 am Mass Anna Nhu Church
10:30 am Mass Deaf Community Mass Chapel

Please fill out a Mass Intention Form (located in the foyer of the Church) if you would like a Mass celebrated for
you, for an anniversary of death, birthday or marriage, or some other special event. You can also call the office.

Church cleaning for March 3
: Jeanne McPherson and Dorothy Bruck
PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9:00 am Noon on Mondays ! 9:00 am 4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday
Office: 503.231.4955

Pastor, Director of the NW Paulist Center Business Manager
Fr. Charlie Brunick, CSP, x 118, Jeanne McPherson, x 103,
Associate Pastor Receptionist/Administrative Assistant
Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP, x114, Rose Wolfe, x101,
Director of Adult Faith Formation Maintenance and Grounds
Barbara Harrison, x107, Edward Danila,
Receptionist/Bulletin Editor
Angelica Liharik, x102,

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS: Deadline (unless otherwise noted) is Tuesday at Noon
prior to the Sunday Mass.

lanlsL--pald poslLlon: provldes accompanlmenL for
Lwo 9:30 Sunday LlLurgles each monLh, Poly uays of
CbllgaLlon and Poly Week. 1hls person musL have a
worklng knowledge of CaLhollc LlLurgy and 8lLuals, and
experlence wlLh Lhe CC reperLolre, good plano skllls/
Lechnlques, can work wlLh or wlLhouL a canLor. lease
call Lhe parlsh offlce Lo lnqulre.

No B-Catholics Class Lhls flrsL Wednesday, due Lo
lL belng Ash Wednesday. Class wlll proceed on Lhe 3rd
Wednesday, March 19
aL 7:13pm ln Lhe aullsL

LlLurglcal MlnlsLers are asked Lo aLLend an 'updaLe'
workshop on SaLurday, March 8, !"#!$%&"'( ln Lhe
church. We wlll begln wlll a shorL reflecLlon and Lhen
dlvlde lnLo mlnlsLry groups for a 'hands on' workshop.
lf you are currenLly noL servlng ln one of Lhese
mlnlsLrles buL would llke Lo aLLend-you are welcome.

Pl ease Pray for:

Fr. Michael and his recovery of sight.

Sunday In Ordinary Time ! Sunday, Mar 2, 2014
March 2, 2014

One of the regular Lenten prayers refers to this joyful season. As the season of Lent begin this Ash Wednesday it may be
good for us to consider how we are going to walk the path to Easter Sunday. Are we going to walk in joy or in sadness? One of
the early lines in the Exultet, as we bless and sing of the new Light of Christ coming into the world, we sing O Happy Fault.
Joy pervades the Lenten season and yet we often miss it thinking the prayer, fasting, almsgiving, penance and the like ought to
hurt; and the more it hurts the better it is. No.

There is enough pain and misery in the world; we dont need to create more of the same. Prayer is more than just saying
prayer. It is about engagement, entering into an intimate relationship with the Divine. To do this we need time, moments of
quiet and solitude. Prayer is also about engaging our dark side, our faults, failings and disabilities, accepting them, embracing
them so they can be healed. This too requires quiet and solitude so we can clearly see the next right step toward healing.
Lenten fasting isnt so much about giving up candy, and God forbid chocolate, but about fasting from those thoughts, words and
deeds that cause harm to us and others. Use fasting to bring about love, joy and peace. Fast from worry, fear, anxiety and
hatred. Fast from being preoccupied with trying to be perfect or always right. Fast from those activities and attitudes that
prevent joy from entering into our lives and the lives of others.

Almsgiving is not only about putting more money in the collection, though we certainly dont want to discourage that; but about
giving of our time and talent to create a more just and peaceful world. Think about tithing a percentage of your time to prayer,
or service to those in need. Tithe time to make our parish more robust, a place of welcome and hospitality. Spend more time
before or after mass chatting with other parishioners; involve yourself in a group or parish organization.

The Lenten season is about planting new seeds, developing new habits, bringing light and life to what ever darkness is within or
among us. Someone once said, I cant remember who, that sins are the cracks where Gods grace and mercy shine through.
So let us rejoice in our weaknesses so the power of God may shine through and heal us individually and collectively as a parish
faith community.
Happy Lent,

Fr. Michael Evernden, CSP
If you are looking for a way to give your faith a much needed boost at this time of year---we can help. Lent begins
Ash Wednesday, March 5th. During this time, when we need a transition from winter to Spring, we enter Lent
looking for ways to become more purposely Christ-like. We suggest you join a SMALL FAITH GROUP for 90 minutes
once a week for the six weeks of Lent. This is an opportunity to give concentrated time to your spiritual growth, an
opportunity to share your ideas and share companionship--an opportunity to learn more scripture and an
opportunity to learn how the Eucharist fits into your life style. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for.
Please sign up in the foyer of the church March 1-2 or March 8-9.

Sign up to donate blood at our next drive, Mar. 14, 1-6 PM in Carvlin Hall. Our goal is 27. This could be something
you do for Lent. If you havent donated in awhile or have never donated, make this a Lenten practice this year.
The Red Cross staff is very good at calming the jitters and will take good care of you. Cant donate? Volunteer to
sit at the reception table to welcome donors and assist with the registration process or to work in the canteen to
serve donors after they donate. Check the flyer on the bulletin board for information on how to schedule and

The U.S. Conference of Bishops supports a comprehensive and compassionate reform of our immigration laws.
Such a reform would include a path to citizenship for undocumented persons in the country. It would have to
preserve family unity as a corner stone of our national immigration system and provide legal paths for low skilled
workers to come and work in our country. Enforcement policies concerning immigration should also restore due
process protections, Finally, any immigrations reform should also address the roots causes of migration, such as
persecution and economic disparity. For further information go to U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Justice for

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is offered in our parish on the second Tuesday of each month, 9am to 5pm in
the St. Pauls Chapel in the Paulist Center. Can you spend an hour with the lord? Contact Dorene Dehen (503) 762-

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