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Adjectives for People Angry: enfadado beautiful brave careful: cuidadoso

careless: descuidado

vain: vanidoso

camel cat

octopus owl: b ho panda pig

Adverbs of Time after always before during lately never often rarely: raramente seldom: raramente harly ever elephant recently fish sometimes fly: mosca soon fox today frog tomorrow giraffe usually goat: cabra yesterday quite: bastante rather a bit of.. Animals alligator ant bear bee: abeja bird goldfish: pez color hamster hippopotamus horse kangaroo kitten: gatito lion lobster: langosta monkey " Bank account bills: billetes
borrow: pedir prestado

cheetah: guepardo chicken

puppy: cachorro chimpanzee rabbit cow rat crocodile scorpion deer: ciervo seal: foca dog shark dolphin sheep: oveja duck snail: caracol eagle snake spider squirrel: ardilla tiger turtle wolf zebra

clever crazy cute: lindo dangerous

exciting: emocionante

famous friendly happy interesting

lucky: afortunado

old poor popular rich sad: triste thin ugly unlucky young shy: tmido
talkative: hablador extrovert: extrovertido arrogant: arrogante handsome: guapo quiet conceited: engredo

alarm cash: efectivo cashier: cajero check: tal!n coins

credit: cr#dito credit card currency: moneda customer: cliente

foot forehead: frente hair hands head

bowling alley: bolera

dashboard: salpicadero

bus stop church convenience store

department store: grandes almacenes

gear: engranaje headlight: faro

horn: cuerno% claxon

deposit hips: caderas interest knees lend legs loan: pr#stamo lips manager: director mouth money neck
mortgage: hipoteca

hubcap: tapacubos
license plate: matrcula

fire department gas station hospital house library movie theater museum office building post office restaurant school mall supermarket train station Car Parts accelerator battery
blinker: intermitente

rearview mirror: retrovisor

seat speedometer taillight: luz trasera tire: neum$tico trunk: maletero turn signal wheel: rueda% volante
windshield: parabrisas

pay save savings: ahorros guard teller: escrutador vault: c$mara withdraw: retirar Body back cheeks: mejillas chest chin: barbilla ears: oreja eyebrows

nose shoulders stomach teeth teeth throat: garganta toes: dedos pies tongue tooth waist: cintura Buildings & Places airport apartment building bank

windshield wiper Downtown park store post office bank street road parking meter pedestrian crossing: cruce &

brake: freno barber shop

bumper: parachoques

eyes feet book store fingers

clutch: embrague

bus stop train station fire station police station Classroom blackboard blackboard eraser book

'elt: cintur!n boots cap: gorra

underclothes underpants: calzoncillos undershirt

fork: tenedor Desserts )ie: pastel *ake: pastel

coat Cooking dress 'ake: cocer gloves 'oil: hervir hat 'roil: asar jacket jeans can opener: abrelatas fry

*andy: caramelo chocolate bar cookie: galleta donut doughnut: bu+uelo fruit

bookcase: biblioteca

pajamas pants: pantalones raincoat

bulletin board: tabl!n anuncios calendar chair chalk: tiza clock: reloj computer desk dictionary eraser map notebook pen pencil pencil sharpener: sacapuntas textbook

grill ice cream measuring cup muffin measuring spoon pie microwave potato chips mixing bowl: bol pudding paper towels poach: escalfar sweet roll: pan dulce Dinner Table 'owl: cuenco cup dish: plato fork simmer: cocinar fuego lento knife spoon spatula steam: vapor strainer: colador timer glass knife mug: jarra napkin: servilleta pepper pitcher: jarro plate ,

scarf: bufanda shirt: camisa shoes skirt slacks: pantalones slippers: zapatillas socks: calcetines stockings: medias suit sweater
sweatshirt: sudadera

potholder roast: asado rolling pin: rodillo scramble: mezclar

t(shirt white board tie Clothes and Things e ear trousers

salad salt saucer: platillo spoon sugar !amily "embers Aunt: ta brother cousin: primo

grapes lemon lime melon

$ouse attic basement: s!tano bath tub: ba+era

lock: cerradura mirror picture porch roof: techo

orange bathroom peach bed pear bedroom persimmon: caqui pineapple blanket: manta

room rug: manta shelf: estante sink: fregadero bookcase sofa carpet: alfombra stairs ceiling: techo table chair toilet closet: armario wall couch: sof$ window curtain %estaurant desk 'ill: cuenta dining room breakfast door check fan: ventilador cup floor: suelo dessert furniture dinner garage hall dressing: aderezo drink fork

daughter plum: ciruela father strawberry granddaughter grandmother grandson mother nephew: sobrino niece: sobrina sister son stepdaughter stepmother stepson uncle: to !ruit apple banana cherry: cereza grapefruit: pomelo tangerine: mandarina watermelon #eography beach desert forest hill mountain ocean pond: charca river lake sea stream: arrollo valley waterfall woods: bosque hallway: vestbulo key

hamburger kitchen knife lamp lunch living room -

menu napkin order salt spoon water coffee tea Tools .rill: taladro /ammer: martillo knife plane pliers: alicates saw: sierra scissors: tijeras screwdriver: destornillador vise: tornillo
wrench: llave inglesa

motorcycle ship subway taxi train truck &egetables asparagus beans broccoli cabbage: repollo carrot celery: apio corn cucumber
eggplant: berenjena

eather clear cloudy cold: fro cool: fresco foggy hot humid rainy snowy stormy sunny warm: caliente windy

activist actor add administration admit adult advertise advise: asesorar affect: influir afraid: asustado after again against age agency

green pepper lettuce onion peas: guisantes

'pecial (nglish ord )ist *+,+ords. a an able about

above: arriba% antes

aggression ago agree agriculture aid: ayuda aim: objetivo air air force airplane airport album alcohol alive all 0

Transportation potato airplane bicycle boat bus car helicopter tomato horse turnip: nabo jet pumpkin: calabaza radish: r$bano

abuse: abuso accept spinach accident sweet potato: batata accuse across act: acto

ally: aliado almost alone along already also although always ambassador amend: corregir ammunition among amount: cantidad anarchy ancestor ancient: antiguo and anger: ira% furia animal anniversary
announce: anunciar

approve archeology area argue arms: armas army around arrest arrive

avoid: evitar awake: despierto award: premio away baby back bad balance: equilibrio ball

believe belong below: abajo best betray: traicionar better between big bill biology

art balloon artillery ballot: votaci!n as ban: prohibir ash: ceniza bank ask bar assist barrier: barrera astronaut astronomy asylum at atmosphere attach: adjuntar attack attempt: intento attend: asistir attention automobile autumn available average base: fundamento battle be beat: vencer%ritmo beauty because become bed before begin behavior behind

bird bite black blame: culpa bleed: sangrar blind block: bloque blood blow: golpe blue boat body boil bomb bone book border born borrow 1

another answer any apologize appeal: solicitar appear: aparecer appoint: designar

both bottle bottom: fondo box boy boycott: boicoteo brain brave bread break: rotura breathe: respirar bridge brief bright bring
broadcast: transmitir

but buy by cabinet: gabinete call calm camera camp campaign can cancel cancer candidate capital capture car care career careful: cuidadoso carry: llevar case cat catch: coger cause ceasefire: alto el fuego celebrate center century

chairman: presidente

clock close cloth: pa+o% tela clothes cloud coal: carb!n coalition coast coffee cold collapse collect: recoger college colony: colonia color
combine: combinar

chance: oportunidad

change charge chase: perseguir cheat: enga+ar cheer: humor chemicals chemistry chief: jefe child children choose circle citizen city civilian: civil civil rights claim: reclamaci!n clash class clean clear clergy: clero climate climb: ascenso

brother brown
budget: presupuesto

come command comment committee common communicate community company compare compete complete complex: complejo 2

build building bullet: bala burn burst: explosi!n bury: enterrar bus business busy

compromise computer
concern: preocupaci!n

corruption cost cotton

cut dam: presa% dique damage: da+o

denounce: denunciar

deny: negar depend deplore: lamentar deploy: desplegar depression describe desert design desire: anhelo destroy: destruir detail detain: detener develop device: aparato dictator die diet different difficult dig: cavar dinner diplomat direct direction dirt: suciedad disappear disarm 3

condemn: condenar

count dance country danger court: tribunal dark cover date cow daughter crash day create dead creature deaf: sordo credit deal crew: tripulaci!n debate crime: delito debt criminal decide: decidir crisis declare criticize: criticar crops: cultivos cross crowd: multitud crush: aplastar cry culture cure curfew: toque de queda current custom: tradici!n customs: aduana
decrease: disminuir

condition conference confirm conflict congratulate *ongress connect conservative consider constitution contact contain container continent continue control convention cook cool
cooperate: cooperar

deep defeat: derrota defend deficit define degree delay: retrasar delegate demand democracy demonstrate

copy corn correct

disaster discover discrimination discuss

disease: enfermedad

dust duty: deber each early

enemy energy enforce: hacer cumplir engine: motor

exchange excuse execute exercise exile

earn engineer earth enjoy earthquake: terremoto ease: aliviar east easy eat ecology economy edge: borde education effect effort egg either elect electricity embassy embryo emergency emotion employ empty end enough

dismiss: despedir dispute: disputa dissident distance dive: bucear divide do doctor document dog dollar donate door double down dream drink drive drop drown: ahogar drug dry during

exist expand expect enter expel: expulsar environment experience equal experiment
equipment: material

expert explain explode: detonar explore export express: expresar extend: ampliar extra extraordinary extreme extremist face fact factory fail: fallar fair fall: caer 4

escape especially
establish: constituir

estimate ethnic evaporate even event ever every evidence evil exact examine example excellent except

false family famous fan: ventilador far farm fast fat father favorite fear: miedo federal feed: comida feel female fence: valla fertile few: pocos field fierce: feroz fight: lucha fill: rellenar film final financial find fine: multa finish fire

fireworks firm first fish fit: encajar fix: fijar flag: bandera flat flee: huir de float: flotador flood: inundaci!n floor flow: fluir flower fluid fly fog follow food fool: tonto foot for force foreign forest forget forgive: perdonar form former: antiguo

forward: adelante free freedom freeze fresh friend frighten from front fruit fuel full fun: diversi!n funeral future gain game gas gather: reunir general generation genocide gentle: suave get gift girl give glass go

goal: meta god gold good goods: bienes govern: gobernar government grain: grano grass gray great green grind: rutina ground group grow guarantee guard guerrilla guide guilty: culpable gun hair half halt: alto hang: caida happen happy hard "5

harm: da+o harvest: cosecha hat hate have he head

headquarters: sede

honor hope horrible horse hospital hostage: rehen hostile hot hotel hour house how however huge human humor hunger: hambre hunt hurry: prisa hurt: da+o husband ice idea identify if ignore: pasar por alto illegal

immediate immigrant import important improve in incident incite: incitar include

increase: aumentar

intense interest
interfere: interferir

international 6nternet
6ntervene: intervenir

invade invent invest investigate invite

involve: involucrar

heal: sanar health hear: escuchar heat heavy: pesado helicopter help here hero hide high hijack: secuestro hill history hit: golpear hold: mantener hole holiday holy: santo home

independent individual industry infect inflation influence inform: informar information inject: inyectar injure: lesionar innocent insane: demente insect inspect instead: en lugar instrument insult intelligence

iron island issue it jail: carcel jewel: joya job join joint: conjunto joke judge: juez jump jury: jurado just justice keep kick: patada ""

imagine honest intelligent

kidnap: secuestrar

letter level liberal lie life lift: ascensor light

lightning: rel$mpago

luck machine magazine mail main major majority make male man manufacture many map march: marcha mark market marry mass: mont!n mate material mathematics matter: asunto may mayor meal mean measure meat: carne media

medicine meet melt: fundir member

memorial: monumento

kill kind kiss knife know knowledge labor: trabajo laboratory

lack: falta% carencia

memory mental message metal method microscope middle militant: activista military militia milk mind mine mineral minister minor minority minute miss: perder missile missing mistake mix: mezclar mob: multitud "&

like limit line link: enlace liquid list listen literature little live load: carga loan: pr#stamo local lonely long look lose loud: fuerte love low loyal: leal

lake land language large: grande last late laugh launch: lanzar law lead leak: fuga learn leave left legal legislature lend less let: dejar

model moderate modern money month moon moral more morning most mother motion: hacer se+ales mountain

navy near necessary need negotiate neighbor neither neutral never new news next nice: agradable night

object observe occupy: ocupar ocean of off offensive offer office officer official often oil old on once only open operate opinion oppose: oponerse a opposite

our oust: expulsar out over

overthrow: derribar owe: tener deudas

own pain paint paper

parachute: paracadas

parade: desfile pardon parent parliament part partner party pass: pasar% aprobar passenger passport past path: camino patient pay peace people percent ",

mourn: lamentar no move noise movement nominate movie noon: medioda much normal murder north music not must note mystery nothing name now narrow nation native natural nature nowhere: ninguna parte nuclear number obey: obedecer or orbit: !rbita order: ordenar organize other oppress: oprimir

perfect perform: actuar

pollute: contaminar poor

produce profession professor

quick: r$pido quiet race: carrera radar radiation radio raid: ataque railroad: va f#rrea rain

period popular permanent population permit: permiso port person position persuade possess: poseer physical possible physics picture piece pig pilot pipe: tubo place plan planet plant plastic play please plenty: mucho plot: parcela poem point poison: t!xico police policy: poltica politics postpone: posponer pour: derramar

profit: beneficio program progress project promise propaganda property: propiedad

propose: proponer

raise: aumento rape: violaci!n rare rate: estimar reach: lograr react: reaccionar read ready real realistic reason reasonable rebel: rebelde receive recent recession recognize record
recover: recuperar

poverty protect power protest praise: elogio prove: demostrar pray: rezar
provide: proporcionar

predict pregnant present president press: prensa pressure: presi!n prevent: impedir price: precio prison private prize probably problem process: proceso

public publication publish: publicar pull: tirar pump: bomba punish: castigar
purchase: compra

purpose: rprop!sito

push: empuje put quality question


red reduce reform refugee refuse: rechazar register regret: lamentar reject: denegar relations release: estreno religion
remain: permanecer

responsible rest restaurant restrain: moderar restrict: restringir result retire return: regreso
revolt: sublevaci!n

round rub: frotar rubber: goma ruin: ruina

see seed: semilla seeking: buscando seem

rule: regla seize run self rural sell sabotage 7enate sacrifice send sad: triste sense: sentido safe: seguro sentence sail: vela% velero separate sailor series salt serious same sand satellite satisfy: cumplir save say school science sea search season seat second secret security "0
serve: servir% ejercer

rice rich ride: montar right right now: ahora mismo riot: motn

remains: restos remember remove repair repeat report: informe represent repress: reprimir request: solicitud require: exigir rescue
research: investigar

rise: subir% aumento

service set: establecer settle: resolver several

severe: grave% serio

risk: riesgo river road rob: robar rock rocket: cohete roll: rodar% enrollar room

sex shake: sacudir shape: forma share sharp: afilado she sheep

resign: renunciar resist root: raz resolution rope: cuerda resource rough: $spero respect

shell: c$scara shelter: albergar shine: brillo ship shock: choque shoe shoot: disparar short should shout: grito show shrink: encoger sick sickness

skeleton skill: destreza skin sky: cielo slave sleep slide: diapositiva

speak special speech speed spend spill: vertido% derramar spirit

still stone stop store storm story stove: estufa straight: recto

slow small smash: aplastar smell smoke smooth: liso% llano snow split: division% partir sport spread: extenderse spring spy square stab: apu+alar stand

strange street stretch: tramo% estirar strike strong structure struggle: lucha% conflicto study

side so sign: signo social signal soft: suave silence soil: manchar silver soldier similar solid simple solve: resolver since some sing son single: solo soon sink: fregadero sort: ordenar% tipo sister sound sit south situation space size: tama+o

star stupid start subject starve: morir de hambre state station statue stay steal: robar steam steel suffer: sufrir step sugar stick "1 submarine substance substitute subversion succeed such sudden: repentino

suggest suicide summer sun supervise supply: suministrar support: apoyo

talk tall tank: dep!sito target: objetivo

taste: probar% gusto

the theater them then theory there these they

thick: espeso% denso

torture total touch toward town trade tradition traffic tragic train transport transportation trap: trampa travel treason: traici!n treasure treat: tratar treatment: trato treaty: tratado tree trial: ensayo tribe trick: truco trip: viaje troops trouble truce: tregua truck: cami!n true "2

tax tea teach

suppose team suppress: suprimir sure surface: superficie surplus: superavit surprise
surrender: rendici!n tear: rasgar% l$grima

thin thing think third this

threaten: amenazar

technical technology telephone telescope television tell

surround temperature survive temporary

suspect: sospechoso

through throw: lanzar tie: atar% corbata time tired to today together tomorrow tonight too tool top

tense: rgido term: plazo terrible territory terror terrorist test: prueba than thank that

suspend swallow: tragarse% golondrina

swear in: juramentar

sweet swim sympathy system take

trust: confiar try tube turn under understand unite: unir% juntar universe university
unless: a menos que

video village violate violence visa visit voice volcano volunteer vote wages: salario wait walk wall want war warm warn: avisar wash: lavar waste: residuos watch water wave way we weak: d#bil wealth: riqueza weapon: arma wear

weather 8eb site week weigh welcome well west wet what wheat: trigo wheel when where whether: si which while white who
whole: todo% entero

winter wire: alambre wise: sabio wish with withdraw: retirar without witness: testigo woman wonder wonderful wood word work world worry worse worth: valor wound: herida wreck: ruina% naufragio wreckage: destrucci!n write wrong: incorrecto year yellow

until up urge: instar urgent us use usual vacation vaccine valley value vegetable vehicle version very veto: vetar victim victory

why wide: ancho wife wild will: deseo% legar willing: dispuesto a win

yes wind: viento yesterday window yet "3

you young zero zoo

animal answer ant any apparatus apple approval arch argument arm army art as at attack attempt attention attraction authority automatic awake baby back bad bag balance ball band base

basin basket bath be beautiful because bed bee before behaviour belief bell bent berry between bird birth bit bite bitter black blade blood blow blue board boat body boiling

bone book boot bottle box boy brain brake branch brass bread breath brick bridge bright broken brother brown brush bucket building bulb burn burst business but butter button by "4

Ogden's Basic English Word List

a able about account acid across act addition adjustment advertisement after again against agreement air all almost among amount amusement and angle angry

cake camera canvas card care carriage cart cat cause certain chain chalk chance change cheap cheese chemical chest chief chin church circle clean clear clock cloth cloud coal coat

cold collar colour comb come comfort committee common company comparison competition complete complex condition connection conscious control cook copper copy cord cork cotton cough country cover cow crack credit

crime cruel crush cry cup cup current curtain curve cushion damage danger dark daughter day dead dear death debt decision deep degree delicate dependent design desire destruction detail development

different digestion direction dirty discovery discussion disease disgust distance distribution division do dog door doubt down drain drawer dress drink driving drop dry dust ear early earth east edge &5

education effect egg elastic electric end engine enough equal error even event ever every example exchange existence expansion experience expert eye face fact fall false family far farm fat

father fear feather feeble feeling female fertile fiction field fight finger fire first fish fixed flag flame flat flight floor flower fly fold food foolish foot for force fork

form forward fowl frame free frequent friend from front fruit full future garden general get girl give glass glove go goat gold good government grain grass great green grey

grip group growth guide gun hair hammer hand hanging happy harbour hard harmony hat hate have he head healthy hear hearing heart heat help high history hole hollow hook &"

hope horn horse hospital hour house how humour 6 ice idea if ill important impulse in increase industry ink insect instrument insurance interest invention iron island jelly jewel join

journey judge jump keep kettle key kick kind kiss knee knife knot knowledge land language last late laugh law lead leaf learning leather left leg let letter level library

lift light like limit line linen lip liquid list little living lock long look loose loss loud love low machine make male man manager map mark market married mass

match material may meal measure meat medical meeting memory metal middle military milk mind mine minute mist mixed money monkey month moon morning mother motion mountain mouth move much &&

muscle music nail name narrow nation natural near necessary neck need needle nerve net new news night no noise normal north nose not note now number nut observation of

off offer office oil old on only open operation opinion opposite or orange order organization ornament other out oven over owner page pain paint paper parallel parcel part past

paste payment peace pen pencil person physical picture pig pin pipe place plane plant plate play please pleasure plough pocket point poison polish political poor porter position possible pot

potato powder power present price print prison private probable process produce profit property prose protest public pull pump punishment purpose push put quality question quick quiet quite rail rain &,

range rat rate ray reaction reading ready reason receipt record red regret regular relation religion representative request respect responsible rest reward rhythm rice right ring river road rod roll

roof room root rough round rub rule run sad safe sail salt same sand say scale school science scissors screw sea seat second secret secretary see seed seem selection

self send sense separate serious servant sex shade shake shame sharp sheep shelf ship shirt shock shoe short shut side sign silk silver simple sister size skin skirt sky

sleep slip slope slow small smash smell smile smoke smooth snake sneeze snow so soap society sock soft solid some son song sort sound soup south space spade special &-

sponge spoon spring square stage stamp star start statement station steam steel stem step stick sticky stiff still stitch stocking stomach stone stop store story straight strange street stretch

strong structure substance such sudden sugar suggestion summer sun support surprise sweet swim system table tail take talk tall taste tax teaching tendency test than that the then theory

there thick thin thing this thought thread throat through through thumb thunder ticket tight till time tin tired to toe together tomorrow tongue tooth top touch town trade train

transport tray tree trick trouble trousers true turn twist umbrella under unit up use value verse very vessel view violent voice waiting walk wall war warm wash waste watch &0

water wave wax way weather week weight well west wet wheel when where while whip whistle white who why wide will wind window wine wing winter wire wise with

woman wood wool word work worm wound writing wrong year yellow yes yesterday you young

bright broken brown certain cheap chemical chief clean clear cold common complete complex conscious cruel cut dark dead dear deep delicate dependent different dirty dry early elastic electric equal false fat

feeble female fertile first fixed flat foolish free frequent full future general good gray great green hanging happy hard healthy high hollow ill important kind last late left like living long

/ualities 0 Descriptive


able acid angry automatic awake bad beautiful bent bitter black blue boiling

loose loud low male married material medical military mixed narrow natural necessary new normal old open opposite parallel past physical political poor possible present private probable public quick quiet ready red

regular responsible right rough round sad safe same second secret separate serious sharp short shut simple slow small smooth soft solid special sticky stiff straight strange strong sudden sweet tall thick

thin tight tired true violent waiting warm wet white wide wise wrong yellow young


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