Principal's Message: Springtime Celebrations of Learning!

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ISSUE #14 FEBRUARY 28, 2014

Principals Message

, 2013

Springtime Celebrations of Learning! Spring is a busy time of year! Students and families can look forward to celebrating student growth and participating in our school community in the following ways through , 2013 March and April:


Wednesday, March 19 An Evening of Celebration and Information for Spanish Immersion Parents See more info later in newsletter! Friday, March 21 Love of Reading Night for ALL VV Families See more info later in newsletter! Sign up for activities opens Monday! Friday, March 28 Jump Rope for Heart for participating VV Students (all students invited!) Info coming home soon! Friday, April 18 Family Evening of the Arts for ALL VV Families Info coming home soon! Friday, April 25 Spanish Movie Night Despicable Me 2 for ALL VV Families See more info later in newsletter

, 2013

, 2012

MARCH 23, 2012

, 2010

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Did You Know? Friday, March 14 is a half-day for Parent-Teacher conferences. Teachers will be APRIL 24, 2009 contacting parents with whom they feel they need to meet at this time. Parents are also welcome to request a conference with teachers (classroom teachers and/or specialists). Feel free to contact teachers directly in order to do so.
, 2008 Did You Know? Students will take their Mathathon test during math classes on Tuesday, March 4. Did , you know that this event is the FFOs largest fundraiser of the year? The FFO funds all FIELD TRIPS in addition to providing a variety of other support for our school. We need your help in order to keep opportunities things possible! Thank you to those who turned in your pledge envelope by the deadline (for prize eligibility). If you have not done so already, its not too late!

Continued on Page 2

Principals Message (continued) Did You Know? One way in which we build students Cultural Competence throughout the year is through the travels of Mr. Whiskers. This school mascot gives clues to students on the morning announcements about where in the world he travels each month. When he returns to school, he prepares a traditional cuisine from the region that is available to students at lunch while they enjoy watching slides from his trip. This month, Mr. Whiskers returned from India! Did You Know? We have a new morning routine at school! Upon arriving in the morning, students walk directly into the MPR through the patio, and then are seated by grade level until it is time to go to class. When signaled, they line up and are dismissed in an orderly fashion to walk to their classrooms. The front gate is opened when these lines begin to dismiss, so that those arriving to school at that time can proceed to class directly, and then closed once again. With the new routine, teachers report that students are entering the classroom in a calmer manner, allowing them to be ready to being learning sooner. Did You Know? There are many common illnesses that are circulating around the community and our elementary schools. Please see the information later in this newsletter for details. Feel free to contact our School Nurse, Mary Magill, R.N. at or by calling the school with specific questions. Kim Boling Principal 520-209-8000

DATES OF INTEREST Friday, February 28 Open Enrollment application deadline Report cards go home Tuesday, March 4th EARLY RELEASE AM Kinder 8-10:15 PM Kinder 11:15-1:30 Grades 1-5 8:00-1:30 Monday, March 10th 5th Gr. Parent Night @ 6:00 PM at ECMS Tuesday, March 11th NO EARLY RELEASE Friday, March 14th HALF DAY of school* AM Kinder 8-10:15 PM Kinder 10-11:30 Grades 1-5 8-11:30 *no lunch served Monday, March 17 Happy St. Patricks Day! Tuesday, March 18th EARLY RELEASE AM Kinder 8-10:15 PM Kinder 11:15-1:30 Grades 1-5 8:00-1:30
th th

Registration for Resident Families A reminder to our resident families that registration materials were mailed at the end of January, with a return date of Friday, February 14th. It is important that you return the registration form, and supporting documents, promptly.

Catalina Foothills School District Dr. Mary Kamerzell, Superintendent 209-7500 Governing Board Members Carole Siegler, President 529-1379 Sherri Silverberg, Vice-President 615-9224 John Bergan, Member 878-6180 Eileen Jackson, Member 299-3828 Mary Lou Richerson, Member 299-4746 State of Arizona Legislative Representatives for CFSD (please check for contact information) Legislative District 9 Senator Steve Farley Rep. Ethan Orr Rep. Victoria Steele

Lost and Found Deadline! There is a huge assortment of jackets, sweatshirts, lunchboxes, etc. at the Lost and Found. Please take a look when you are on campus and claim what belongs to your family. After March 28th, the items will be donated to charity.

Reminder to Open Enrollment Families! Office Hours for 2013-2014 are: 7:30 AM 3:30 PM 7:30 AM 2:00 PM (Early Release Tuesdays) Main Office Health Office Attendance Line FAX Durham (Bus) 209-8000 209-8004 209-8090 209-8070 615-7635 A reminder that open enrollment families must apply every year. The deadline for school year 2014-2015 is Friday, 2/28. Dont delay; apply today! The application is available on the district website. See the attached letter from Dr. Kamerzell for more details.

Mission Statement The mission of Catalina Foothills School District and Ventana Vista Elementary School is to guarantee that each student achieves academic and personal excellence, becomes a lifelong learner and is a responsible citizen of the world, by engaging all students in meaningful programs which meet the highest educational and ethical standards within a caring, collaborative learning community.


HEAD LICE: A Letter from the School Health Office To Parents/Guardians:

We have discovered there is head lice at our school. We have seen a resurgence of head lice in recent years and anyone can get head lice regardless of income, age, sex, race and neighborhood. Head lice are very tiny insects that live on the scalp of humans. They can spread very fast from person to person through direct contact with combs, bedding, articles of clothing or head gear of an infected person. Persons who have head lice may have persistent head scratching. It is hard to see head lice as they move quickly and shy away from light. The nits, or eggs, are tiny, pinpoint size, round glistening pearl-like beads attached firmly to the hair shaft close to the scalp. Nits can resemble flakes of dandruff but cannot be easily removed because they adhere to the hair shaft with a glue like substance. They are commonly found behind the ears and at the nape of the neck. Please check your child!s head and other members of your family. If you find nits or head lice proceed with the following instructions. All cases must be reported to the school health office. 1. Shampoo the hair with an appropriate shampoo or cream rinse which is labeled for controlling lice. Some examples include Nix and Rid. These and other products are available at your local drug store, or they may be prescribed by a doctor. A second treatment in 7 to 10 days after the initial treatment may be necessary to kill remaining eggs depending on the product used. Be sure to follow the directions on the label!!! Do not use remedies or products that are not labeled for controlling lice as these may not work and they may even be harmful. After shampooing, rinse hair thoroughly and rub dry with a clean towel. After shampooing, comb the hair to remove remaining lice and nits. 2. The MOST important treatment is to "Comb Out" EVERY louse and nit! Comb well with a clean, finetoothed comb to manually remove lice and loosen the nits. Some of the most effective combs on the market are the LiceMeister or the Robi Comb (see, which are available at many drugstores or online. The National Pediculosis Association has the LiceMeister comb and also a very informative website. Go to or call 1-888-542-3634 for assistance. Other excellent advice is from the Harvard School of Public Health: 3. Wash all dirty clothing, linens and towels in a hot or warm wash cycle. Non-washable items may be drycleaned, or they may be vacuumed and sealed in a black plastic bag for two weeks. 4. Soak combs, brushes, hair picks, etc. in hot (almost boiling) water for at least 15 minutes. 5. Vacuum car seats, chairs, couches and other furniture where the children sit, sleep or play in order to remove lice or loose hair that may have nits attached. Lice only live for 1-2 days off a human head. You do not need to apply household pesticides. Pets do not harbor head lice. 6. Teach your child to avoid getting head lice by not sharing hats, combs, brushes, scarves or coats. Continue DAILY head checks for nits and live lice for 2 weeks and then on a regular basis at home. Thank you for your help and attention in the efforts to keep our school!s students healthy learners. Please contact the school health office, PIMA COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. (243-7797) or your health care provider with any further questions.



FIFTH DISEASE: A Letter from the School Health Office

To Parents/Guardians: Your child may have been exposed to Fifth Disease at school. Fifth Disease is a viral infection that occurs most often in elementary school-age children. The name Fifth is historic; as it has been counted among the five classical common infections of childhood. Fifth Disease is caused by the human Parvovirus B19, which lives in the human nose and throat. Many people encounter Fifth Disease before reaching young adulthood. In fact, it is estimated that half the adults in the United States are immune because of previous infection. Common Signs and Symptoms: ! Low grade fever and tiredness ! Appearance of a lacy rash on the cheeks which gives a slapped face appearance ! Rash may extend to the rest of the body appearing and disappearing in response to environmental changes (e.g., sunlight) ! Rash may be itchy ! Some children have no symptoms at all

Fifths Disease appears to be contagious during the week prior to the appearance of the rash. It is not necessary to exclude students from school once the rash has appeared. Students diagnosed with Fifth Disease must be excluded from school until they are fever-free, for 24 hours. To prevent getting Fifth Disease, avoid exposure to the virus by frequent hand washing and avoiding sharing eating/-drinking utensils NOTE: Pregnant women and those with chronic red blood cell disorders (e.g., Sickle Cell disease) should contact their healthcare provider if exposed to Fifth Disease. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your school nurse, PIMA COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. AT 243-7797 OR YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.

1/09, 2/14



COLDS AND FLU: A Letter from the School Health Office

To Parents/Guardians: The Health Office has seen an increase in colds and flu. Please be aware that we are seeing many children coming to school sick. Transmission of the flu is from contact with secretions from the nose, mouth and throat of an infected person. The secretions may be on surfaces or in infected droplets in the air. Please remind your children to use good hand washing habits to prevent further spreading of germs. We also ask that you keep your child home from school if he/she: o o o o o o o o has had a fever within the past 24 hours. develops diarrhea or has vomited within the past 24 hours. has had any unusual discharge from the eye. has any unusual skin rash. develops a deep chesty cough. has thick green discharge from the nose. has a sore throat. develops other symptoms of a possible communicable disease.

The school will not allow a student to stay in the classroom if he/she has any of the above symptoms. If your child is ill while at school you will be notified to pick your child up as quickly as possible. We appreciate your cooperation as we try to get through this season. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the school nurse or PIMA COUNTY HEALTH DEPT AT 243-7797 OR YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDER.


Catalina Foothills Unified School District #16

2101 E. River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718
(520) 209-7500 (520) 209-7570 FAX


A 21


C e n t u r y L e a r n in g C o m m u n it y

November 1, 2013

To: From: Subject:

Parents of CFSD Students Mary Kamerzell, Superintendent of Schools

Open Enrollment for School Year 2014-2015

Pursuant to A.R.S. 15-816 Catalina Foothills School District will begin its open enrollment procedures for the 2014-2015 school year effective December 1, 2013. The law requires every Arizona school district to follow a prescribed procedure and timetable for admitting out-ofdistrict transfer students and resident transfer students (those who live in the District but are attending a school outside the attendance area of their residence). All students who currently attend CFSD schools and reside in other districts, and all CFSD resident students who are attending a different school than they would based on their residence, are impacted by this law. We require that all open enrollment students apply for admission each year. Therefore, if your child is a resident transfer (open enrollment) student and you want him/her to continue in that capacity, or if your child resides outside of the district and you want him/her to continue to attend a CFSD school next year, please complete an application form between

December 1, 2013, and February 28, 2014. applications and information regarding the application process are on the district web site, (as of December 1, 2013), or
Open Enrollment at the district office Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The district office is located at: Catalina Foothills School District J. W. Murphey Administration Center 2101 E. River Road Tucson, AZ 85718 (520) 209-7539 Applications will be available as of December 1, 2013, and may be completed on line (, or submitted in person at the district office. Electronic applications must be submitted no later than February 28, 2014, and hard copies by 4:00 p.m. February 28, 2014. Decisions about admission, based on capacity, will be made by April l, 2014. At that time, all applicants will be notified whether their applications have been accepted, wait listed, or declined.

ATTENTION PARENTS OF 5TH GRADE STUDENTS! Please mark your calendars for 5th grade parent evening at Esperero Canyon Middle School. Come and meet the faculty and get answers to those questions you have about Middle School life. The date is Monday March 10 from 6:00-7:00 p.m. Arrive 15 minutes early to participate in a question and answer session with a panel of current 6th grade students. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Marner, 6th grade Counselor at 209-8112 or

Atencin Familias! Attention Families!

You are invited to a

Spanish Movie Night!!

Who: When: Where: Ventana Vista Families FRIDAY, April 25, 6:00-8:00 PM Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)

B.Y.O.B. (Bring Your Own Blanketand a picnic, if youd like). Students will be invited to apply their Spanish language skills by purchasing tickets* from one of our 4th grade immersion students at the door that evening. Bring the whole family and enjoy watching Despicable Me 2
(rated PG)

This FREE evening is designed especially for ALL VV FAMILIES. Purchasing tickets will be a pretend experience, provided to offer an opportunity for students to practice using Spanish!

Atencin Padres! Attention Parents!

You are invited to an

Evening of Celebration & Information

Who: When: Where: Ventana Vista Spanish Immersion Parents (all grades) Wednesday, March 19, 6:00-7:00 PM Multi-Purpose Room (MPR)

We will begin altogether in the MPR, then split into grade bands (K/1 and 2/3/4) to share student work and learn more about what students have learned so far this year, and what lay ahead for the remainder of the year (and beyond!).
This evening is designed especially for PARENTS of students in Spanish Immersion.

Ventana Vista Elementary Yearbook 2013-2014

Its not too late to order your yearbook! ONLY 70 LEFT!

Our full-color, 88 page yearbooks are only $30

Extra order forms are available in the office. Please make checks payable to VVFFO with the student name and homeroom teacher on the envelope/check.
For questions regarding whether you have purchased a yearbook or to submit photos for the yearbook, please e-mail:

NOW HIRING SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS Bus drivers for Catalina Foothills School District

We are looking for people who would love to work with their community youth by transporting them to and from schools. We offer flexible hours and days off when the students are off; perfect for mothers, grandparents and retired persons. We will provide training to get your license and all certifications. If you want to earn a little extra spending money, have something enjoyable to do during the day and enjoy communicating with our youth, please contact us. Our phone number is 520-615-7635 or you can apply online at

27577 Industrial Blvd. Suite A, Hayward, California 94545


Phone: 510-887-6005 |

Hosted by Catalina Foothills High School Band Boosters

6th Annual Gigantic Yard Sale

Raise money for your club, family, athletic team or other organization by buying space at the annual Band Booster Yard Sale! You keep all the money you raise! We hope you will join us for what will be a fun way to clean out your closets and raise money. When: Where: Cost: How: Deadline: Questions: Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 8am-12pm Catalina Foothills High School front parking lot $25.00 per selling slot. A selling slot is one parking space, size is 20 ft x 8 ft. You may buy more than one space if necessary. Determine how much space you need and submit the application below with your payment. April 5, 2014 email Lisa Miller at

What do you get for your money? In addition to your selling space, you will have a highly visible location with adequate parking and we will do the advertising bringing you the buyers and saving you time and money! What will you need to do? You will provide your own goods to sell, do your own pricing and act as your own cashier. You will also need to bring tables to set up your merchandise, chairs for your use during the sale and any personal signage you would like. Since this is a school-sponsored event on school property, please be thoughtful about the items you are selling. Firearms, tobacco products and inappropriate reading material will not be permitted for sale. Download a copy of this application at Click on How to Help _____________________________________________________________________________________ YARD SALE APPLICATION Name of Organization/Family: ____________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Email and Phone number: _______________________________________________________________ Number of spaces ($25 for each 20 ft x 8 ft space) _______________________________ Amount enclosed: $______________________________ Check #__________________ Payment by check or money order made out to CFHS BAND BOOSTERS. Mail to: Catalina Foothills H.S. Band Boosters, PO Box 64193, Tucson, AZ 85728-4193 DEADLINE: April 5, 2014 *Note: Instructions and further details will be sent to you after we receive your reservation*

REPUBLIC SERVICES presents . . . .

Lets Play a Round Fore Our Kids

8TH Annual CFSD Foundation Golf Tournament

Saturday, March 8, 2014 Ventana Canyon Golf & Racquet Club


11:00 am
A fantastic grilled hamburger lunch will start the day raffle tickets and those often needed mulligans will be for sale at registration. After golf, players can

11:30 am
enjoy socializing at the 19th hole, have the chance to retell the stories of the days greatest achievements, and collect a fabulous assortment of raffle prizes.


Shotgun Start:

1:00 pm

$125 per golfer, includes cart, lunch, & prizes $600 for a Corporate Foursome
Lets make this years event a great success! The proceeds from this event benefit the Educational Excellence Endowment.

Register to play at

Cant join us? Please consider a cash sponsorship or donate a raffle prize. Text or email Peter Pritz (520) 870-6561 or Thank you to our Foundation sponsors:
Khush Bhola, M.D.

Hole in One Car from Chapman Motors

Volunteer Opportunity for Book Lovers! Tucson Festival of Books Ground Transportation Team The Tucson Festival of Books is looking for book lovers who want the opportunity to meet and spend time with an established author. Join the Author Ground Transportation crew and help us transport authors to and from the airport, their hotel and Festival events. Ground transportation drivers volunteer their time starting Friday, March 14, through Monday, March 17. Drivers take responsibility for getting their author around town during their stay. Authors love the ground transportation feature of our Festival, which is something no other major book festival in the country offers. Its our special Tucson touch of hospitality. Among the many benefits of being a ground transportation volunteer: Up close and personal time with your assigned author(s); Plenty of time to attend Festival events as YOU tell us what days/hours youre available to drive; A parking pass for the 2nd Street parking garage right next to the Student Union; A free Festival T-shirt.

So, if driving an author like Scott Turow or RL Stine around town appeals to you, please contact Eileen at Or, you can go directly to the Festival website at the following link, choose Author Transportation and complete the volunteer registration form. Hope to see you at the Festival!

Music in the Canyon March 8th from noon 4 pm in Sabino Canyon (5900 N. Sabino Canyon Rd.)

Live in Concert American Authors! Performing their top of the charts hit The best day of my life This all-volunteer fundraiser for Friends of Sabino Canyon is a fun filled day of music (5 bands), performances (Cirque Roots will be doing acrobatics, hoops and dance performances), food, drinks and kids activities right in Sabino Canyon. Kids 10 and under are free and tickets for adults are $15 at the door or $10 if purchased in advance at the Sabino Canyon Visitors Center. All childrens activities are free: face painting, puppet shows, storytelling, wildlife encounters, cactus building, panning for garnets and more. Free parking and shuttles will be running all day from Ventana Vista, Canyon View and Esperero schools.

CFSD neither endorses nor sponsors this organization or activity. This distribution of materials is provided as a community service.

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