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Richard Marrujo (303) 877 0103 Deep understanding of technical and artistic aspects of an efficient production pipeline. Earned arious academic and professional recognitions for appl!ing technical pro"lem sol ing and creati e thin#ing s#ills in o ercoming challenging situations and "eing detail$oriented. %roduced high &ualit! wor# utili'ing project organi'ation s#ills to maintain effecti e and e(peditious production. Elected to lead teams and acti el! participated in en ironments which resulted in successful project outcomes. CORE COMPETENCIES
)ttention to detail *trong +isual *ense and a"ilit! to assem"le elements of a isuall! appealing image Distinguish su"tle differences which can affect elements of multiple mediums E(pert$le el technical s#ills in )utodes# ,a!a and rendering engines- including. )rnold- /enderman and +ra! )mple #nowledge of )do"e 0reati e *uite- )utodes# ,ud"o(- ,E1 and 022 3or#ing #nowledge of ,odeling- /igging- "asic %!thon and 4ni( en ironments

RELATIVE EXPERIENCE Character FX and Rendering TD, I Need My Monster !hort "i#$% Digita# Ani$ation Center& Den'er, CO to Pre!ent
)nticipate the needs of the artists to streamline producti it! and pro ide tools proacti el! De eloped hair s!stems for fi e characters )ssumed ongoing responsi"ilit! for *oftware /esearch and De elopment (hair and fur loo#5simulation and rendering engines) 6rou"leshoot teammates scene files and find and eliminate all errors to maintain producti it! 0olla"orated with %rofessional 7llustrator 8oward ,c3illiam on o erall loo# and color palette of shots

Fe(ruar) *+,- .

Ani$ation La( Technician Digita# Ani$ation Center& Den'er, CO to Pre!ent

)ssist students in high end graphic software 6rou"leshoot 9"ro#en: files for students 6rou"leshoot software and hardware issues to maintain health! wor#stations ;ptimi'e wor#station configurations ,onitor ser er configurations to ensure seamless performance

/une *+,- .

Manager, 0a$eSto1 Inc2 Den'er, CO

Augu!t *++3 . Dece$(er *+,-

1ead small team to meet ideo game- mem"ership and pre$ordered product sales goals

,anaged all da!time funds and end$of$da! administrati e paperwor# ,aintained precise organi'ation to #eep all product in order

ED4CATION 4ni'er!it) o" Co#orado, Den'er <achelor of =ine )rts- Emphasis on 3D )nimation and Digital Effects *+,+ . to Pre!ent
E(pected graduation date is Decem"er >01? 0omputer *cience coursewor#


MEM5ERS6IPS *ecretar! of 4ni ersit! of 0olorado )nimation *tudent *ociet!


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