07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3 Mid To Low Buyers

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Yahoo Flickr San Francisco 1/23/14 5:30 m "ro# 3

$a%e a seat& ' think (e ha%e one !#) that*s st#ck in tra++ic& So (e*ll j#st lea%e one seat +or him, ho e+#ll) he can +in- his (a)& 't is reall) .ri!ht in here& No joke& So i+ Frank en-s # comin!, .rin! him on in& /ell, (elcome& ' ha%e to sa) a h#!e thank )o# to all o+ )o#& /e onl) ori!inall) ha- these !ro# s sche-#le- +or T#es-a) ni!ht (hen that h#!e storm hit& 0n- (e reall) a reciate )o#r mo%in! aro#n- )o#r sche-#les an- makin! toni!ht ha en& Yo# !#)s are ama1in!& Youre welcome. Thank )o#& /e*re %er) 2 (e (ere almost 3'N04D'5L67 (hen (e hear- that rett) m#ch e%er)one co#l- still come, so that*s +antastic& So, has an)one -one a +oc#s !ro# .e+ore8 T(o eo le8 Let me tell me a little .it (hat it*s a.o#t& So it*ll take )o# t(o ho#rs& The time +lies .) 9ca#se (e ha%e so man) +#n thin!s to talk a.o#t& 5#t ' -on*t kno( i+ )o#*%e seen a room like this& There*s micro hones 2 j#st .eca#se (e are recor-in! the con%ersation to-a)& 0n- that*s mainl) .eca#se ' -on*t (ant to .e scram.lin! tr)in! to take notes the (hole time& ' can j#st act#all) listen to (hat )o# ha%e to sa), an- it*s more enjo)a.le +or the (hole !ro# & 0n- then also ' ha%e some collea!#es that are (atchin! in the .ack room& This is a t(o:(a) mirror& 0nthe)*re j#st listenin! in, an- i+ )o# ha%e some interestin! thin!s to sa) the) mi!ht (rite -o(n some ;#estions& 0n- '*ll .e checkin! (ith them +rom time to time j#st to see i+ an)thin! )o# sa) is interestin!, the) (ant to e< lore it more& So ' ha%e thin!s that ' (ant to co%er to-a), so )o# mi!ht see me steerin! the con%ersation one (a) or another& 't*s j#st 9ca#se ' ha%e a +e( thin!s that ' (ant to hear +rom )o# !#)s toni!ht& 0 little .it a.o#t me& =) name is 0n!ela, '*m the mo-erator, an- ' -o 2 '*m an in-e en-ent researcher, so ' -o +oc#s !ro# s on an) ro-#ct )o# can ima!ine& So ' ha%e no stake in an)thin! )o# ha%e to share (ith me& '*m !onna .e sharin! act#all) a ne( ro-#ct i-ea (ith )o#& 0n- since '*m in-e en-ent, -on*t (orr) a.o#t sa)in! somethin! ositi%e or ne!ati%e& ' ha%e no stake (ith the ro-#ct& 0nother thin! is altho#!h this is all .ein! recor-e-, it*s all sta)in! con+i-ential& 't*s onl) !onna .e #se- +or research #r oses onl)& So that*s reall) it& ' 2 the onl) thin! ' (ant to mention is i+ )o# ha%e to !o to the .athroom, )o# !o one at a time, j#st since (e ha%e a smaller !ro# an- ' -on*t (ant to lose hal+ the !ro# +or a .athroom .reak& 0n- it kee s #s on sche-#le too& 0n) ;#estions +or me .e+ore (e !o into it8 So (e*ll ro.a.l) s en- the .e!innin! art talkin! a .it a.o#t some o+ )o#r e< eriences #rchasin! hoto stock& 0n- then (e*ll !o into the (hole ne( ro-#ct i-ea, (here ' (ant to !et )o#r reactions& 0n- then lastl) ' (ant to share that 2 (e

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

recr#ite- )o# all, )o# all ha%e %er) -i++erent (alks o+ li+e, )o#*re -oin! 2 )o# ha%e -i++erent ro+essions& The one thin! )o# ha%e in common is o+ co#rse #rchasin! hoto stock& /e -i- that +or a reason& >#st .eca#se it*s nice to ha%e -i++erent o inions& 0n- there mi!ht .e times in o#r !ro# (here e%er)one a!rees, an- that*s !reat& 0n- there mi!ht .e times (here e%er)one -isa!rees& 0n- that*s !reat too& 9?a#se (e (ant )o#r most honest, # :+ront +ee-.ack& That*s (hat*s most hel +#l& So that*s reall) it& So since (e ha%e so m#ch time to!ether, let*s start o++ (ith intro-#cin! each other& /e can !o aro#n- an- i+ )o# co#l- j#st sa) 2 intro-#ce )o#rsel+& =a).e tell #s a.o#t (here )o# li%e in Ne( York& That*s al(a)s interestin! to hear& 0n- (hat )o# -o +or a li%in!& /hat makes )o# .#) hoto stock8 Sure. Im Sean !aller". I no lon#er li$e in New York. I % So )o# comm#te in8 No& I 'on( commu(e ei(her. I li$e in New )er*e" an' I work all o$er (he worl'. So % I (ra$el +or a li$in#. Im a con*ul(an(. I work in pharmaceu(ical*. ,n' I u*e pho(o*& ("picall" (he"re in promo(ional mailin#* (ha( I 'o& o+ m" we-*i(e. , per*onal -lo# (ha( I ha$e. ,n' I al*o u*e (hem in clien( mailin#* (ha( I 'o& which are pro.ec(/*peci+ic. So once I comple(e a pro.ec(& I crea(e pho(o minu(e* o+ a par(icular mee(in# or *e**ion& an' (hen I crea(e an e0ecu(i$e *ummar"& (ha( I incorpora(e pho(o* (ha( I purcha*e online (o re+lec( *ome o+ (he (alkin# poin(* a( (he *e**ion* (hem*el$e*. That*s %er) interestin!& So (hat makes )o# act#all) .#) a hoto stock8 For the (e.site an- s#ch, that makes sense, .#t 2 For (he mee(in#* I 'on( wan( (o nece**aril" (ie (hin#* -ack (o *peci+ic 'i*cu**ion poin(*. So I like (o #raphicall" 'epic( i(. I+ I 'o a *(ra(e#ic plannin# *e**ion wi(h a % I work in pharmaceu(ical*& *o i+ I 'o a *(ra(e#ic plannin# *e**ion wi(h a #roup who i* in neurolo#"& I 'on( wan( (o nece**aril" ha$e& *a"& a -ran'e' i(em in*i'e (he % I 'on( wan( (o u*e a -ran'e' ima#e (ha( came +rom (heir we-*i(e& (ha(* *or( o+ (ack". So a lo( o+ (ime* Ill purcha*e a pho(o (ha( ma"-e re+lec( *ome o+ (he poin(* o+ % (ha( we (alke' a-ou(& or *ome(hin# *peci+ic (ha( % *peci+ic ra(her (han (hin#* (ha( I % *ome(ime* I (ake pic(ure* 'urin# (he *e**ion* ca*uall". + par(icipan(* workin#. I+ i(* *ome(hin# $er" *peci+ic& an' (hen i(* appropria(e& Ill inclu'e (ho*e. (herwi*e Ill -u" pic(ure* (o re+lec( (ha( in+orma(ion. Thanks& !i& Im 1llen. I al*o li$e in New )er*e"& al(hou#h I wa* -orn in 2rookl"n. I ha$e (o alwa"* a'' (ha(. 34,5G!6178 I ha$e (wo ki'* an' Im a .ournali*(& an' one o+ (he (hin#* (ha( I 'o i* I wri(e *e$eral -lo#*. ,n' *o I purcha*e *(ock u*uall" .u*( (o illu*(ra(e po*(*. 2ecau*e I ne$er pu( up *ome(hin# wi(hou( a pho(o. ,n' % well& I u*e ima#e* o+ m" own chil'ren in m" po*(*. I 'on( alwa"* ha$e (he ri#h( *(u++& or I 'on( ha$e a recen(

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

pho(o& le(* *a" (ha(* rele$an(& *o Ill u*e *(ock ima#e* +or (ha(. r i+ Im wri(in# a new*/ " po*(& (hen Ill ha$e (o +in' *(ock ima#e*. That*s reall) cool& Im 7a$en 2rownin#& I li$e in 7i$er'ale& New York. Im a pro.ec( mana#er +or a +inancial +irm. Im in human re*ource*. I ("picall" u*e pho(o *(ock +or pre*en(a(ion*& a* well a* m" home li+e. I will u*uall" -u" % purcha*e pho(o* an' (hen *en' (hem in (o ha$e (hem pu( on can$a*e* +or m" hou*e. So )o# -o .oth8 Yeah. !i& m" name* ,n'rea. I li$e in 9anha((an. ,n' Im wha( I call a ki(chen coun*elor& which woul' -e like a heal(h coach. ,n' Im a career chan#er& an' I u*e' (o -e a pho(o#rapher. So I u*e m" *kill* a* a pho(o#rapher& m" $i*ual *kill* *(ill& *o I u*e % I (ake *ome o+ m" own pic(ure* +rom m" -lo#& -u( I al*o& *ince I 'on( ha$e all (he ima#e* % I 'on( % i+ i(* win(er an' Im (alkin# a-ou( % i+ I wro(e in a new paper (o'a"& a*para#u* % "ou know& I can +in' *(ock *ho( or cer(ain +oo' #roup (hin#*. Ill u*e (ho*e& an' (hen -ecau*e I ha$e a $i*ual -ack#roun'& people *(ill know a-ou( me& an' *o I$e -een hire' (o 'o % look +or % (o -e a pho(o e'i(or& like on a -ook .acke(& (o help a -u*" ar( 'irec(or a( a pu-li*hin# compan". r I wa* .u*( 'oin# a li((le .o- +or *omeone wi(h a *(ore& an' (he" were lookin# (o 'o a new -rochure& an' *o (he" % *ince (he" knew I ha' a $i*ual pho(o#raph" -ack#roun'& (he" a*ke' me (o +in' all (he ima#e* +or (hem. So % (ha(* i(. So all -i++erent 2 ,ll 'i++eren( % 0reas 2 that*s !reat& !i& Im 6on" Nikolachek 3ph8. Im a +reelance ar( 'irec(or. I 'o mo*(l" e'i(orial. 9a#a:ine 'e*i#n. ,n' a lo( o+ (he *maller piece* +or (he ma#a:ine* I work +or (en' (o ha$e *(ock pho(o#rapher in*(ea' o+ a**i#nmen(*& .u*( (o cu( 'own on co*(. 6he compan" will (r" (o con(rol co*(* -" u*in# *(ock ima#e*. ,n' *o % -u( u*in# *(ock pho(o#raph" +or +oo' i* % "ou #e( a pre((" 'ecen( arra" o+ ima#e* online. ;herea* "ou mi#h( no( -e a-le (o .u*( alwa"* ha$e (he mone" on han' (o #o pho(o#raph i(. So % So (hat, +or a t) ical 2 )o# !#)s !a%e a little .it o+ .ack!ro#n- aro#n- some o+ the rojects that are ca#sin! )o# to #se hoto stock& /hat*s the t) ical t#rnaro#ntime8 $o( ;#ickl) -o )o# #s#all) nee- an ima!e8

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

,lmo*( imme'ia(el". In a couple o+ 'a"*. I 'on( like (o le( (hin#* % i+ Im *en'in# *ome(hin# (o a clien(& i+ I ha$e a *e**ion on 9on'a"& m" per*onal 'ea'line (ha( I *e( +or m"*el+. 6ha( +ollowin# 9on'a"& I nee' (o ha$e *ome(hin# (an#i-le (o pu( in (heir han'*& in (erm* o+ *ome ou(pu(. ,n' i+ Im #onna inclu'e pho(o#raph*& (ha(* #onna nee' (o -e wi(hin (he (ime +rame. 6ha( nee'* (o -e 'one. I' *a" ma"-e i( 'epen'*. For home& i(* reall" pre((" much a( m" lei*ure. 2u( +or work I ("picall" like (o ha$e pre*en(a(ion* 'one wa" -e+ore (heir 'ue 'a(e. So I woul' nee' i( pro-a-l" wi(hin (he +ir*( (wo 'a"* o+ me recei$in# (he pro.ec( (ha( I ha$e (o compile. 6wo 'a"*. I ha$e no 'ea'line per *e ei(her& e0cep( (ha( I po*( e$er" mornin#& an' *o Im wri(in# i( (he ni#h( -e+ore. I nee' (he ima#e ri#h( awa"& an' I nee' in*(an( #ra(i+ica(ion& <cau*e Im no( #onna *(ar( comin# -ack (o (he *i(e (o look (he ne0( 'a". I 'on( +in' i( on (ha( *i#h( ri#h( (hen an' (here& Im #onna #o (o ano(her *i(e. So (e ha- )o# -o the re:test& /hat -i- )o# !#)s think8 6ha( wa* +un. >#st to !et the (hole e< erience +resh in )o#r min-, .#t it so#n-s like )o# !#)s are -oin! it so consistentl), it (asn*t reall) necessar), .#t it*s j#st to !et it +resh& >#st c#rio#s that 2 (hat are some o+ )o#r most -i++ic#lt times +in-in! the ima!e that )o# nee-8 Do )o# ha%e an) e<am les8 Ye*. ;hen I wa* 'oin# m" pre*en(a(ion on human*& I wa* (r"in# (o +in' pic(ure* o+ ca$emen. From where we e$ol$e'. ,n' i( wa* *o har' (o +in' a normal/lookin# ca$e per*on. 2ecau*e (he" ha' all $er" car(oon"/lookin#. )u*( (oo car(ooni*h. ,n' I wan(e' *ome(hin# a li((le more reali*(ic. I ha' a pre((" 'i++icul( (ime +in'in# *ome(hin# up (o m" % (hat ' (as lookin! +or, .asicall)& $o( -i- )o# e%en !o a.o#t that search8 ;ell& I *(ar(e' .u*( (o Goo#le ima#e*. ;hich -rou#h( up a (on o+ 'i++eren( car(oon* an' weir' (hin#*. I wen( in(o Ge((" Ima#e*. I +oun' *ome(hin# +inall" on Shu((er*(ock. So (ha( pre((" much wa* e0ac(l" wha( I wa* % it (as a cartoon, .#t it (as more o+ e<actl) the theme ' (as lookin! +or& The resentation o+ it& @ther -i++ic#lties8 9" 'i++icul(" #enerall" i* in lookin# +or more e'i(orial ("pe pho(o*. ,n' I ha$e a har' (ime +in'in# (hem. =ui(e o+(en (he"re $er" *(a#e' kin' o+ *(ock *ho(*. ,n' I #enerall" %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

(hether it*s +or a .ook jacket or +or ersonal st#++, ' (ant it to look more e-itorial& @r the client (ants it more e-itorial& 0n)one else +eel that the sta!e-, (hat )o#*re sa)in! stock ose-8 0n).o-) else +eel that8 Yeah. 6ha( happen* a lo(. ,n' al*o "ou kin' o+ ha$e an i'ea in "our hea'. + wha( "ou woul' like (he ima#e (o look like. ,n' i+ "ou coul' ha$e *omeone pho(o#raph i( i(' -e one (hin#& -u( % "ou ha$e (ha( i'ea in "our hea'& an' "ou #o *earchin# +or % I wa* lookin# +or 3IN,5>I2418 recen(l". ,n' "oure lookin# +or *ome(hin# (ha(* *(rai#h( an' whi(e& an' (hi* 'oe*n( e0i*(. 1$er"(hin#* -en( or % an' i( 'oe*n( *or( o+ +i( (he wa" "ou kin' o+ woul' like i( (o % Some(ime* I +in' (ha( "ou mee( (he *peci+ic*. I ha' a $er" *peci+ic cri(eria (ha( Im (r"in# (o i*ola(e& like i+ Im lookin# +or a #roup o+ ph"*ician* *i((in# aroun' a (a-le like (hi*& ha$in# a 'i*cu**ion& I can +in' (ha(. ,n' I *(ru##le& -ecau*e i( *eem* (herell -e *ome elemen( o+ i( (ha( ma" no( nece**aril" -e appropria(e +or m" u*e& an' ma"-e ei(her (he" appear (oo *(a#e'& or appear (o -e in % in (he worl' (ha( I e0i*( in& (he" 'on( % I (r" (o work an' no( crea(e 'e-a(e. 2u( ra(her crea(e heal(h" 'i*cour*e amon#*( par(icipan(*. So a *i(ua(ion like (hi* i* ac(uall" no( i'eal. ?eople a( a roun' (a-le i* aw+ul& -ecau*e +acin# each o(her& we crea(e 'e-a(e ra(her (han i+ we *a( in a row. So I (r" (o +in' people *i((in# in a (hea(er. Some(ime* (ho*e *peci+ic* "ou can *(um-le wi(h. r "ou can +in' @0 percen( o+ wha( "oure lookin# +or& an' "ou nee' (o make a *acri+ice in (he 20 ercent& So ho( are )o# +in-in! 2 to !et that s eci+ic i-ea that*s in )o#r hea-, ho( are )o# searchin!8 0re )o# #ttin! ke) (or-s, are )o# -oin! certain +ilters8 Ae" wor'*. Ae" wor'*. I *pell i( ou( a* much a* po**i-le an' *ee wha( come* ou(. ,n' (hen "ou -e#in (o a'.u*( an' chan#e i( a* nece**ar". I+ I ("pe in e0ac(l" wha( Im lookin# +or an' I #e( no(hin#& (hen I know (ha( I pro-a-l" nee' (o a'.u*(& or *kew (he wor'*& (he ac(ual 3IN,5>I2418 (ha( Im u*in#. I (hink i(* har' (hou#h. I mean when "ou know "oure lookin# +or -ee(* or a*para#u*& "oure #onna +in' a -unch o+ choice*& -u( when "ou ha$e a more amorphou* nee'& like % I wa* wri(in# *ome(hin# a-ou( (he camara'erie "ou +in' in *ocial me'ia when "oure a paren(. ,n' *o I ("pe' B*ocial me'ia&C which i* a $er" -roa' (erm& in(o (he *earch& an' I #o( *o man" 'i++eren( ("pe* o+ ima#e*& a lo( o+ which were reall" chee*". ,n' +inall" I +oun' *ome(hin#. 2u( I ha' (o (hen % in*(ea' o+ (he *i(e helpin# me -e((er (hink o+ concep(uall" wha( (ha( coul' -e& I ha' (o (hen in m" hea' (hink oh& ma"-e I coul' +in' a ke"-oar' wi(h a hear( ke" on i(. I ha' (o (hink on (ha(. I( 'i'n( lea' me (here ea*il". So

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

*ome(ime* when (here* a more % )o# -on*t ha%e a clear i-ea o+ (hat )o# (ant, an)o#*re ho in! that the site (ill lea- )o# in the ri!ht -irection, it*s not that sim le& Does an).o-) else ha%e that, (here )o#*re lookin! +or somethin! a .it more a.stract8 9?a#se )o# ha%e the real s eci+ic thin!s, .#t the a.stract thin!s too8 ' see some han-s& I ac(uall" +in' mo*( o+ (he *i(e* (en' (o ha$e (ha( *or( o+ a-*(rac( % like "ou ha$e people (ha( ac(uall" #o ou( an' (he" make up 100 hear(/*hape' ke"* +or (heir compu(er ke"-oar'. ,n' i(* (he momen( o+ *ome-o'" % i( wa* an i'ea (ha( *ome-o'" ha'& an' (hen "ou #o an' "ou % "oure lookin# +or Bke"-oar'&C an' (hen *u''enl" "ou #e( all (he*e *or( o+ % (he i'ea. I( (en'* (o -e a lo(. 6he wor' (ha( "ou wan(& $er" *peci+ic % an- )o# ha%e )o#r hea- sort o+ (ra e- aro#n- a s eci+ic i-ea& 't*s har- to +in- it, .eca#se ro.a.l) it -oesn*t e<ist the (a) )o# think it sho#l-& 0n- it .ecomes a little +r#stratin!& So )o# mentione- this (or-, chees) or stock or ose-& /hat -o )o# think is the o osite o+ that8 /hat (o#l- .e the o osite o+ (hat )o# call stock or ose-8 7eal. Na(ural. r#anic. ;hen "ou *ee *ome(hin# (ha( % when "ou *ee (hin#* (ha( % i(* $er" ea*" (o *po( people who are po*e' na(urall" $er*u* people who are *(a#in# (ha( +or a par(icular ima#e. ;hich i* un'er*(an'a-le& I mean "ou can( #e( can'i' pho(o* o+ % in e$er" *cenario. 2u( *ome(ime* i(* no( appropria(e (o ha$e a *(a#e' (hin#. I( coul' look a li((le (oo % +or me& i( coul' look a li((le (oo *lick. ;hich i* no( % The) tr) to make it too real, (here it looks +ake& 6<actl)& 6<actl)& $oke)& Sometimes it*s too er+ect& Yeah& So (hat are some o+ the so#rces that )o#*re 2 '*m !onna (rite them -o(n& /hat are some o+ the so#rces that )o#*re #sin! ri!ht no( to +in- the hotos8 Shu((er*(ock. Sh#tterstock8 Ge((" Ima#e*.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

"ett)& iS(ock. "ett) 'ma!es& Flickr i* a #oo' one (oo. Flickr& 0n- ho( are )o# #sin! Flickr8 's that like creati%e commons, or 2 ,c(uall" % i(* +unn"& I ac(uall" u*e' Flickr (o'a". I wa* lookin# +or a par(icular ima#e o+ a *(ack o+ -u*ine** -ook*. 2u( I wan(e' -u*ine** -ook* wi(h ac(ual (i(le*. ,n' I wen( (o Ge((" Ima#e* an' wha( I +oun' a( Ge((" Ima#e* wa* all *or( o+ *(upi'. I( wa* all -ook* (ha( *ai' B-u*ine**C on (hem& an' wha( I reall" wan(e' wa* curren(& ac(ual % a pic(ure o+ a *(ack o+ curren(& ac(ual -u*ine** (i(le*. ,n' I +oun' one a( Flickr. I +oun' % I (r" (o *earch % Ill (r" (o u*e (he *ame *earch +or +our or +i$e 'i++eren( *ource*. I+ I 'on( like wha( Im *eein#& or .u*( (o #e( % i+ I 'on( ha$e a *oli' $i*ion in m" min' o+ e0ac(l" wha( I wan(. Ill *earch (hrou#h (here an' *croll (hrou#h& -ecau*e "ou #e( $er" 'i++eren( pic(ure* +rom each& o-$iou*l". ,n' *ome are -e((er +or cer(ain (hin#* (han o(her*. ,n' I$e +oun' (ha( wi(h a-*(rac( *peci+ici("& when I reall" wan( *ome(hin# $er" *(ran#el" *peci+ic& -u( weir' in m" own (hou#h(*& I +in' (ha( Flickr i* ("picall" (he -e*(& -ecau*e "ou #e( u*er* who .u*( (hrow (hin#* up (here. I mean people pu( % in-i%i-#als #t tho#san-s o+ !oo+) ict#res # there, an- )o# can +in- some interestin! thin!s& 6llen, ' see )o# shakin! )o#r hea-8 I lo$e Flickr % ' mean it*s +ree& Do )o# #se the creati%e commons8 I 'o. ,n' Ill o+(en 'ou-le/'ip. Ill look a( Shu((er*(ock or iS(ock. ,n' (hen Ill al*o look a( Flickr an' *ee wha(* (here. <Cau*e I' ra(her #e( i( +or +ree i+ I can. /ell, Sean, )o# .rin! # somethin! interestin!& ' (ant to see +rom )o# !#)s& /hat are 2 (e*re talkin! a.o#t some o+ the +r#strations& Some o+ the thin!s that 2 it*s har- to +in- certain thin!s& /e*re talkin! mainl) a.o#t search, .#t ' (ant )o# to think a.o#t ma).e all )o#r +r#strations that )o#*re ha%in!& 't*s not j#st +in-in! the ri!ht thin!, .#t (hat )o#*re a)in!& Some o+ the ke) (or-s& >#st the inter+ace itsel+ too& '+ )o# co#l- hel me j#st #n-erstan- the -i++erent +r#strations )o#*re ha%in! +or each so#rce that )o#*re #sin!, that (o#l- .e !reat& So (hat '*m thinkin! (e co#l- -o is i+ )o# co#l- j#st !ra. a Post:'t a- an- a marker& 'n the mi--le here& ' ho e (e ha%e eno#!h& 0n- i+ )o# co#l- j#st (rite -o(n a +r#stration on one Post:'t& 0nother +r#stration on another Post:'t& 0n- then i+, a+ter(ar-s, i+ )o# co#l- come

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

# an- lant it (here )o# +eel the +r#stration is& '+ )o# +eel (ith "ett) 'ma!es, search 2 ho( is it there8 >#st so ' can #n-erstan- (hich one ma).e has a more +r#stratin! search, or i+ it*s more rice)& The +ilters& /hat else8 The clarit) in a)ments, some.o-) mentione- the) ha- some s#.scri tion& ' (as callin! this +or the other !ro# s the %entin! .oar-& Since )o#*re -ealin! (ith this so +re;#entl)& /e !et all the +r#strations o#t& 3'N04D'5L67 0t the other !ro# the) (ere 2 3'N04D'5L67 I( #oe* *o +a*(. ;ha( i+ "ou ha$e (he *ame +ru*(ra(ion +or (wo *i(e*E Yo# co#l- j#st #t it ri!ht in the mi--le& $o( it*s -i++erent ma).e +or each one& /as ' missin! an) so#rces8 /ere those +o#r 2 -i- those co%er it all8 Foo'*(ock. Foo-stock& That makes sense +or 2 -o (e ha%e all the +r#strations8 /e can a-- as (e !o thro#!h too& So ' (ant to start 2 +or "ett) there*s a lot& ' j#st (ant to +i!#re o#t +rom the !ro# , is e%er)one here #sin! "ett), or 2 No. No& /ho*s #sin! "ett)8 0n- is "ett) like a main so#rce8 Do )o# +in- )o#*re #sin! "ett) more +re;#entl) than others, or 2 6ha(* m" *econ' op(ion. Fir*( i* Shu((er*(ock& (hen m" *econ' op(ion i* Ge((". So (e ha%e here 2 '*m j#st !onna rea- thro#!h them 2 too sta!e-& ' -on*t +in- (hat '*m lookin! +or +ast eno#!h& Aer) slick an- sta!e- ima!es& Fake& $a%e to ha%e acco#nt 3'N04D'5L67& Lo(:res& 0n- searches .roa- an- rice)& So ' see a lot here a.o#t this (hole sta!e- an- +ake& Do )o# +eel com are- to the other so#rces, -o )o# +eel that more (ith "ett)8 Ye*. Yeah. I (hink Shu((er*(ock i* compara-le in *(a#e'. /e*ll a-- that too, sta!e-& ;ell a lo( o+ (hem ha$e (he *ame ima#e*.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3

Yeah % 6he"re (he *ame pho(o#rapher* o$er an' o$er. 2e(ween man" o+ (he *(ock % i+ "ou wen( (o iS(ock. You wan( *ome(hin#& "ou +in' i( in iS(ock. You coul' al*o +in' i( on Ge((". So a lo( o+ (he *(u++ % So (o#l- that .e a +r#stration +or )o#8 I( limi(* (he choice*& "eah. ,n' 'epen'in# on who* le** e0pen*i$e& which one "ou ha$e an accoun( +or& (he ma#a:ine i* #onna *or( o+ 'ri$e how "ou #e( % (hich one )o# !o to +or the ima!es& So it -oes limit the choice o%erall& 0lso ' see here, search is .roa-8 I(* (oo -roa' *ome(ime*& I (hou#h(. 1*peciall" in Ge((" Ima#e*. I+ "ou pu( in Ba*para#u*.C You mi#h( #e( 75 (o 100 pa#e*. 2ecau*e a*para#u* mi#h( appear on pla(e* an' *(u++. ,n' *o "ou ha$e (o keep on workin# (he % )o#r search -o(n& @%er an- o%er& ' see )o# shakin! )o#r hea-, 0n-rea& 6o(all" (rue. ;i(hin (ha( *earch& le(* *a" i(* a*para#u*. ,c(uall" % it*s +#nn)& ' (as talkin! a.o#t as ara!#s& 3L04"$T6B7 0s ara!#s is j#st the 3'N04D'5L67 o+ the -a), ri!ht8 6here woul' -e *o man" $aria(ion* on (he *ame ima#e o+ a*para#u*& +or e0ample. I(* like (ha( *ame % (he *ame pho(o#rapher ha* 15 $aria(ion*& an' i(* .u*( % (ha(* no( wha( Im lookin# +or. So I +in' (ha( (here* no( enou#h $arie(" *ome(ime* wi(hin i(. I mean a*para#u*& (here are a lo( (hou#h. I( will -e. From ima#e (o ima#e % 3?B@SST0LC7 % (hat )o#*re lookin! +or& So not eno#!h %ariet)& Lots o+ the same ima!e& ' hear- +rom some eo le that that*s sometimes a !oo- thin!8 Yeah. Some(ime* i(* a #oo' (hin#. Then ' see here, ' can*t +in- (hat '*m lookin! +or +ast eno#!h& Tell me a.o#t that& I woul' *earch an' I woul' pu( in % +or in*(ance& I wa* lookin# up cherr" -lo**om*. I happen (o lo$e (ha( par(icular (ree. ,n' when I *earche' i(& *o man" came up (ha( i( .u*( wa*n( Fui(e wha( I wa* lookin# +or& an' i( wa* .u*( % Im $er" impa(ien(. ,n' I wan( (o

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


+in' (hin#* ri#h( awa". I 'on( like (o (ake m" (ime wi(h (hin#*. ,n' i( .u*( % i( wa* *o % (here wa* *o much (ha( came on. ,n' i( wa* .u*( % i( wa*n( e0ac(l" wha( I wa* lookin# +or. I wa* lookin# +or a 'e*i#ne' pic(ure o+ one par(icular -ranch o+ (he (ree an' (he re*( o+ (he (ree +a'e' ou(& (o kin' o+ *how a li((le % I 'on( know wha( i(* calle'& -u( % I wan(e' (ha( -ranch (o *(an' ou(& <cau*e I wan(e' (o pu( i( on a can$a*& I (hou#h( i( woul' look nice. ,n' all I +oun' wa* (he*e -i# (ree* (ha( weren( % reall" weren( 'e*i#ne' (he wa" (ha( I wan(e'. I( wa* .u*( % wa*n( % I wa* *earchin# an' *earchin#. I .u*( % ' !ot +r#strate-, so ' (ent to Sh#tterstock& Fo#n- it in t(o secon-s& T(o secon-s& 't (as the same search8 Same *earch. So Sh#tterstock, some o+ the +r#strations (e ha%e is 2 oh, ' +or!ot to ask here& /e also ha%e rice) #n-er "ett) 'ma!es& >epen'*& "ou know& i+ "ou ha$e ro"al("/+ree& $er*u* % a lo( o+ (he ma#a:ine* ha$e in(erna(ional i**ue*& *o 'epen'in# on (he % it can !et rice) at times& /hat*s rice) to )o#8 For a Fuar(er/pa#e ima#e& an"(hin# o$er like 500 'ollar* woul' -e price". ,n' *ome(ime* "ou can pa" up (o& I 'on( know& 1&000& De en-in! on (hat the ima!es are& So o%er 500& ' see 2 6ha(* price" in m" -ook& o$er 500& That*s +or e-itorial, )o#*re talkin! ersonal& /hat*s the threshol- that )o# ha%e8 25 +or a reall" #rea( *ome(hin#. /hat a.o#t )o#8 I+ i(* +or a clien(& I ha$e (o honor wha( (he" wan(. I+ i(* +or me& i( 'epen'*. For m" u*e& i+ i(* +or a we-*i(e& i(* #o((a -e reall" low. 2u( i+ le(* *a" I wa* #onna 'o a promo(ional piece +or m"*el+& (hen I woul' *pen' a li((le more. I' *pen' a couple hun're' ma"-e. Do )o# !#)s +in- that "ett) can .e more rice) than the others8 The other so#rces8 6he"re all pre((" clo*e. I( 'epen'* on wha( le$el "oure (alkin# a-ou(. 6ho*e Fuar(er/ pa#e one*& I (hink (ha( Ge((" pro-a-l" i* % <cau*e I ha$e -ou#h( (ho*e& an' (he" are % (he"

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


'o *(rike me a* a li((le -i( more e0pen*i$e (han % cer(ainl" on Shu((er*(ock. 2u( I (hink (ha( when "ou #e( (ho*e % (he *maller ima#e*& (ho*e 20& 30 'ollar one*& I (hink (he"re all % +rom m) o inion, ' think the)*re all rett) close in rice& So Sh#tterstock, (e ha- the rice (as comin! # as an iss#e& So ' think 2 I pu( price. 2ecau*e +or a "ear* *u-*crip(ion i(* 700 an- some o-- -ollars& ' j#st think that*s a lot +or hotos like that& 6s eciall) i+ '*m j#st #sin! them +or (ork or #ttin! them on a can%as& ' -on*t (ant to !o thro#!h that kin- o+ mone)& 5eca#se +or that kin- o+ mone) ' co#l- ro.a.l) !et a ict#re j#st a#tomaticall) on there (itho#t ha%in! to .#) it, rint it, #t it, sen- it in& So )eah, ' -o think it*s a .it rice)& Bi!ht no( ' ha%e a acka!e (ith them, 2D -ollars a month +or t(o hotos& 't -oesn*t so#n- like a lot, .#t i+ )o# reall) a-- it # , at the en- o+ the )ear it is& 't*s a lot (hen )o# a-- it # all to!ether& /hen )o#*re !oin! .) an- )o#*re j#st a)in!, )o# reall) -on*t reali1e ho( m#ch it reall) is costin!& 5#t at the en- o+ the -a) it*s a lot& 4nrelia.le search, too, also came # as Sh#tterstock& $o( a.o#t that8 I(* *ome o+ wha( we were (alkin# a-ou( -e+ore& -u( i+ "ou pu( in a -roa' (erm& "oure #onna #e( a lo( o+ pa#e*& an' (hen "oure .u*( *pen'in# a lo( o+ (ime clickin# (hrou#h each one. ,* "ou were (alkin# I wa* (hinkin# i( woul' -e reall" help+ul i+ when "ou pu( in a -roa' *earch (erm& ano(her win'ow poppe' up (ha( #a$e "ou a li*( o+ re+ine' *u##e*(ion* *o i( coul' #e( "ou (hinkin#. Im no( alwa"* *ome-o'" like 6on"& who* (hinkin#& I nee' (he a*para#u* lookin# (hi* wa". I 'on( know wha( Im lookin# +or *ome(ime*. I ha$e a -roa' i'ea. ,n' I nee' i'ea*. So (ha( woul' help me *earch -e((er. =ore e< ensi%e than the others& So another thin! a.o#t costs came # & Shakin! )o#r hea-& /as it an)thin! to a-- on that8 No& I .u*( (hou#h( (ha( (he *maller one* % *ome(ime* I ha$e % (he one I$e -ou#h( +rom Shu((er*(ock ha$e -een a li((le more e0pen*i$e (han o(her*. You #e( wha( "ou pa" +or& ri#h(E I *uppo*e (he"re -e((er Fuali(". 6ha(* (rue. Not eno#!h creati%it)& 6ha(* me& an' (ha(* -a*icall" wha( we were (alkin# a-ou(. 6he chee*ine**& an' % 0n- then calls # %ector ima!es an- %i-eos, nee- to click E hoto onl)&F I +or#e(. Ill #o on(o Shu((er*(ock an' Ill .u*( ("pe m" *earch (erm wi(hou( remem-erin# (o click Bpho(o onl".C ,n' (hen I ha$e (o #o -ack an' re+ine i(.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


123 S(ock 'oe* (ha( al*o. 6he" ha$e % where (he" ha$e a lo( o+ Illu*(ra(or +ile*. ,'o-e Illu*(ra(or +ile*. ,n' (he" will come up. You look +or B*hiel'C or *ome(hin# like (ha(. Youll #e( a lo( o+ e0(raneou* (hin#* (ha( mi#h( no( % 0n- then +or Flickr here (e ha%e ;#alit) isn*t as !oo- an- searchin! isn*t al(a)s as it sho#l- .e& So (he Fuali(" % *ome(ime* "ou #e( % wi(h Flickr& "oure #onna #e( *(uck % i(* no( alwa"* pro+e**ional/Fuali(" pic(ure* in m" opinion. You #e( (hin#* (ha( people ha$e (aken& an' "oure #onna #e( a (ree *(uck in (he -ack#roun' (ha( "ou 'on( nece**aril" wan(. >e*pi(e (he +ac( (ha( (he"re +ree& *ome(ime* i(* no( wor(h i(. 2ecau*e an hour o+ m" (ime +i0in# a *(upi' pic(ure i* no( wor(h (he *a$in#* o+ H1G.G5 or H1@.G5& wha(e$er I woul'$e pai' +rom ano(her place (o -u" a *imilar ima#e. 6ha(* (he onl" (hin# % Flickr "ou #o((a (ake wi(h a #rain o+ *al(. Some(ime* "ou #e( -eau(i+ul *(u++ (ha(ll work ou( per+ec(l". ,n' i(* +ree& an' i(* ea*"& an' i(* 'one. (her (ime*& (hen "ou #o((a crop ou( a ca(* +oo( (ha(* in (he -ack#roun'& or a weir' plan( (ha( 'oe*n( -elon# (here. You ne$er reall" know. ,n' *earchin# #e(* (o -e a pro-lem wi(h Flickr. I$e +oun' (ha( a* *oon a* I #e( (hin#* (ha( are (o(all" o++/-a*e& (ha( *ome-o'" mi*in(erpre(* wha( (heir pic(ure i* reall" a-ou(& an' will pu( i( in (he (i(le. ,n' (hen "ou look a( i(& an' "oure like& wh" (he hell 'i' (he" call (ha( *uch/an'/*uch when i( ha* no(hin# (o 'o wi(h (ha(E r "oure *earchin# +or a can'" -owl an' (here* a #roup name' Bcan'" -owlC who* (a##e' hun're'* o+ pho(o* Bcan'" -owl.C 34,5G!6178 Youre lookin# (hrou#h all (he #roup pho(o*. ;hich i*n( unin(ere*(in#& -u( % i( wa*(e* (ime. Flickr i* 'e+ini(el" a (ime *uck. 9uch more *o (han& *a" % I+ "ou 'on( wan( (o pa" % 2u( (he" 'o *e( up (heir home pa#e wi(h *or( o+ lu*ciou* pho(o#raph*. 6he" (r" (o a((rac( "ou an' pull "ou in wi(h (he*e *or( o+ pho(o#raph* o+ (he #ala0". ,n' "oure like oh& mu*( -e #rea(. ,n' "ou *(ar( #oin# (hrou#h i(. I( 'oe* (ake "ou hour* upon hour*. 2ecau*e (here are no common& *or( o+ % i( 'oe*n( *eem like (here i* a common +il(er +or #e((in# ri' o+ Bcan'" -owlC people. Compare' (o % For the +irst three that (e (ere reall) talkin! a.o#t, "ett), iStock an- Sh#tterstock 2 oh, .) the (a), (as there an)thin! +or iStock8 0n) +r#strations8 I ha$e % I pu( mine in (he mi''le& <cau*e I *hare % I +eel like iS(ock an' Shu((er*(ock are $er" *imilar. Not creati%e 2 not eno#!h 2

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


Chee*"& no( enou#h $arie(". '*m (on-erin! 2 (e*re talkin! a lot a.o#t the searchin!& /hat a.o#t the +ilters8 /hat +ilters are im ortant to )o#8 Filters meanin! )o# co#l- create a +ilter .) hoto orientation, )o# co#l- +ilter .) a!e, -emo!ra hic 2 For me& pho(o orien(a(ion ha* -ecome impor(an(& -ecau*e i(* % I u*e' (o alwa"* wan( $er(ical pic(ure*& -u( now wi(h *ome o+ (he -lo# (empla(e* % I u*e SFuare*pace& an' e$er"-o'" 'oe* (he lon# hori:on(al *(re(ch ima#e*. ,n' I +in' i(* reall" har' (o +in' pic(ure* (o u*e in (ha( *or( o+ +orm i+ (he"re ol'er. 6he newer pic(ure* are *ho( much wi'er. So I +in' I ha$e a har' (ime wi(h (ha(. Do )o# !#)s +in- that 2 (hat a.o#t 2 -o )o# (ant to .e a.le to search .) the t) e o+ li!htin! in the hoto8 6"pe o+ li#h(in#E 9eanin# % I+ (here* a na(ural& a +la*h % No( +or m" ama(eur purpo*e*. I(* no( a -i# 'eal (o me. 6ha(* % I(* *ome(hin# (ha( woul' -e % i(' cer(ainl" -e& in m" opinion % (ha( woul' cer(ainl" -e nice (o ha$e. 2u( no( man'a(or". I( woul'n( make me % i+ Ge((" Ima#e* ha' (ha( an' Shu((er*(ock 'i'n(& i( woul'n( *hi+( m" -u*ine** (o Ge((" Ima#e* .u*( -ecau*e o+ (ha( +il(er. I coul' *a" (ha(. 6he orien(a(ion I woul' *a" more *o& -ecau*e (he orien(a(ion i* help+ul. 6here are (ime* where I ha$e a *peci+ic *pace (ha( I nee' (o occup" wi(h an ima#e. ,n' i( nee'* (o #o one wa" or (he o(her& an' I 'on( wan( (o :oom in& I 'on( wan( (o crop i(. I' ra(her -e a-le (o (ake i( an' *hi+( i( *li#h(l". So -ein# a-le (o +il(er -" (ha( orien(a(ion i* nice. /hat*s the t) ical si1e that )o#*re .#)in!8 The me!a i<els8 Yo# kno(, those -i++erent choices )o# ha%e8 I alwa"* click (he *malle*(. 6ha(* #oo' enou#h +or me. I( reall" 'epen'* on wha( Im 'oin# wi(h i(. I+ i(* +or a we-*i(e& ma"-e a li((le -i( o+ a lar#er *i:e. I+ Im u*in# i( % I nee' (hem (o -e +airl" *mall i+ Im #onna % I crea(e 'ocumen(* ei(her on =uark or in ;or'& an' (hen I make (hem in(o a ?>F (o -e a-le (o email. So I nee' (o -e a-le (o *hrink (he ima#e*. I can( ha$e 12/me#a-"(e % I can( ha$e a 12/me#a-"(e ?>F (ha( onl" ha* 550 (or-s o+ te<t or somethin! like that& Yo# kno( (hat ' mean& 0n- so si1e:hea%) (ith the ima!e, so o+tentimes '*ll search +or smaller ict#res +or those #r oses&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


So smaller sometimes is .etter& Yeah& <cau*e i+ "ou purcha*e a *mall pho(o an' (hen "ou (r" (o enlar#e i(& i( 'oe* #e( +u::". I know wha( "oure (alkin# a-ou(. I( #e(* +u::" an' "ou ha$e (o % "ou reall" ha$e (o % i( 'epen'* on wha( "oure u*in# i( +or. For a pre*en(a(ion I woul' pro-a-l" #e( a *maller one& -ecau*e i(ll onl" -e on (he -o((om o+ (he pa#e a+(er all m" wri(in#. 6hin#* like (ha(. I+ i(* +or (he ;e-& i( can -e *mall& -u( i( o-$iou*l" % +or a -ook .acke( or *ome(hin#& "ou nee' i( (o -e lar#er. ,n' 300 >?I& i( ha* (o -e correc(. ,( lea*( 300 >?I. Coul' -e % For prin(& I woul' *a" % I( coul' -e up (o 40 me!s& De en-in! on the si1e& The scale& $o( m#ch )o# (ant to !o # & So '*m !onna r#n this i-ea o+ the ne( ro-#ct .) )o#& So Flickr is thinkin! o+ a ne( ro-#ct, (hich (o#l- .e a license- hoto!ra h) site& So it (o#l- .e a hoto stock site calle- Flickrstock& /ith j#st license- hoto!ra h)& 0n- '*m !onna !et into the -etails more& 5#t ' ha%e some ro#!h mock:# s o+ the site an- some o+ the -etails (ithin the site& 0n- also a %i-eo that ' (ant to sho( )o#& So let*s 2 i+ e%er)one -oesn*t min- j#st !ettin! # , (e*ll kin- o+ mo%e aro#n- 2 let me take #s thro#!h some o+ these& @ne thin! is i+ )o# -on*t min- !ra..in! )o#r note a-, '*- lo%e +or )o# j#st to (rite -o(n some initial tho#!hts .e+ore (e talk a.o#t it as a !ro# & 0n'*ll mo%e these o%er so e%er)one can see& ' ha%e t(o o+ 9em, so 2 come o%er here& So this (o#l- .e 2 ma).e three can come on one si-e, an- another 2 e%er)one can see& So this (o#l- .e (hat (e (o#l- call a lan-in! a!e& This (o#l- .e a a!e that )o# (o#l- see comin! onto Flickrstock& 0n- (hat it (o#l- consist o+ is 2 o+ co#rse i+ )o# lo! in )o# (o#l- see )o#r ro+ile here& That )o#*re lo!!e- in& @n the # er ri!ht )o# (o#l- also see a li!ht .o< (here )o# co#l- ha%e all )o#r ima!es sa%e-& 0n- then a cart& 0n- then )o#*- .e 2 the essence o+ the site is all a.o#t searchin!& So this is a clean search start& No( this (o#l- o+ co#rse then take )o# to an a-%ance- search, .#t the start is a clean search& 0n- j#st some +e( ke) thin!s a.o#t it& 'ncre-i.le hoto!ra hers, a#thentic hotos, an- sim le ricin!& 0n- then #n-erneath this art (o#l- .e tren-) collections an- o #lar themes& So tren-) collections, (hat that (o#l- .e is the c#rators on Flickr (o#l- #ll to!ether collections .ase- on certain themes& So i+ a c#rator is -oin! a theme on 2 this is Era-iant orchi-&F So all sorts o+ ict#res +rom a s eci+ic c#rator on orchi-s& So the) (o#l- -o 2 this is kin- o+ somethin! )o# (o#l- see on e5a), e5a) has collections& 6ts) has collections& So let*s sa) )o# like a certain c#rator, )o# co#l- !o an- see some o+ the hotos that the)*re #llin! into that collection& 0n- then at the .ottom (o#l- .e o #lar themes& So

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


this (o#l- .e .ase- on searches in the Flickrstock& So somethin! mi!ht .e ortraits or streets or sk)sca es, an- that (o#l- .e .ase- all j#st on the -ata& So i+ a lot o+ eo le are searchin! on the sk)sca es, that (o#l- come # in the o #lar themes& So it*s reall) o #lar themes .ase- on ho( eo le are searchin!& No( tren-in! collections& This (o#l- sho( # .) 2 the Flickr comm#nit) (o#l- %ote on these collections& 0n- (hiche%er one ha- the most likes, it (o#l- sho( # on this +irst a!e& 0n- this a!e (o#l- .e # -atin! +re;#entl) as (ell& >o "ou mean (he people who are -u"in# (he *(u++E >#st the comm#nit)& The Flickr comm#nit)& 2u( no( (he % 'i' "ou *a" % (ho -i- )o# sa) ori!inall) icks the ict#res8 The c#rator& So i(* no( -" (he cura(orE No& The c#rator (ill create the collection, .#t it (ill onl) -is la) .) the %otes& 't*s rett) m#ch the tren-in!, so that (a) )o# reall) kno( (hat*s 2 So an"one (ha( ha* an accoun( wi(h Flickr will -e a-le (o $o(e on (he pho(o*E =m:hmm& ?u( a like. 0n- that*s j#st ho( the) (o#l- 2 )o# co#l- o+ co#rse see more collections& 5#t the ones that (o#l- come # on the +irst a!e (o#l- .e that& '+ )o# co#l- (rite -o(n some j#st initial tho#!hts& /e*ll talk a.o#t it a little .it more& 0n- '*m !onna sho( )o# the a-%ance- search ne<t, so (e mi!ht ha%e 2 the commentin! on (hat*s the a-%ance- search like& So (e*ll !o into that too& So (hat are some o+ )o#r o%erall tho#!hts8 >#st 2 I (hink i(* an a((rac(i$e homepa#e. I(* en#a#in#& i(* reall" well lai' ou(. /hat -o )o# +in- en!a!in!8 6he la"ou(. I(* $er" *imple an' ea*" (o #e(. (her *i(e*& (he"re .u*( no( a* #oo'/lookin#. I like (ha( a-ou( i(. 6he pho(o* pop. I( *eem* *imple (o *earch.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


I (hou#h( i( wa* a $er" nice re'e*i#ne' lan'in# pa#e. 2u( I 'on( know i+ I' -e (he ri#h( au'ience +or i(. I coul' *ee m" 'au#h(er ha$in# a much more % woul' u*e (hi* *or( o+ (hin#& -u( +or work purpo*e* I 'on( know i+ I woul' ha$e a nee' +or i(. 6ha( wa* m" o(her reac(ion. 10ac(l" (he *ame. ;hen I come (o a *i(e& I 'o know wha( I nee'. I 'on( reall" care (ha( much a-ou( wha(* (ren'in#& wha(* popular. ;hen I nee' a pho(o o+ (wo ki'* .umpin# on a -e'& (hi* i*n( #onna help me in par(icular& *o % 2a*icall" i( look* $er" nice& an' I un'er*(an' (ha( in cer(ain circum*(ance* i+ "ou #o (here wi(hou( an i'ea& (he" .u*( 'on( know wha( (he" nee'& an' (he" coul' % (he" woul' +in' (ha( (he (ren'in# an' popular woul' *(eer (hem one wa" $er*u* (he o(her. 2u( +or me& (he (hin# (ha( wa* mo*( prac(ical i* (ha( nice clean % (ha( *imple *earch -ar. <Cau*e I know I ha$e a $er"& $er" *peci+ic i'ea in m" min' o+ wha( I nee'. ,n' I nee' (o -e a-le (o .u*( % to not ha%e to sort thro#!h a .#nch o+ nonsense to -o somethin!& Yo# can %er) cleanl) an- clearl) see that& 0n- Flickr ' kno( normall) has it similarl), (here it*s %er) eas) to j#st !o an- search& 't*s nice& ' like that& This remin-s me o+ Pinterest& 0 little .it& /hat a.o#t 2 ' remem.er )o# mentionin! earlier, j#st (hen )o#*re st#ck an- )o# nee- some ins iration, (hat -o )o# think a.o#t that 2 the collections or the o #lar themes8 I will *(ill nee' in*pira(ion wi(hin a 'e+ine' i'ea. >o "ou know wha( I meanE ;ell& (ha(* (rue. 4e(* *a" I nee' *ome(hin# a-ou(& "ou know& how -on'in# *ocial me'ia i*. ,#ain& i(* an amorphou*& a-*(rac( i'ea& a* "ou were *a"in#. 6hi* i* no( nece**aril" #onna help me. I *(ill ha$e *or( o+ a ca(e#or" in m" hea' (ha(* pro-a-l" no( in (ren'in# or in popular (heme*. So (ha( *(ill i* no( #onna help me. 6hi* i* +or -row*er*. 9a"-e i+ I nee'e' an i'ea +or a po*(& I mi#h( come here an' *a" oh& I can #e( *ome in*pira(ion +rom Flickr (o'a". 2u( I can 'o (ha( on (he +ree *i(e. I 'on( nee' (hi* (o 'o (ha(. 5nle** (he" crea(e ano(her *ec(ion where i( ha* *ome(hin# % an' li*(* 'i++eren( (heme* or 'i++eren( (hin#* "ou mi#h( -e lookin# +or. )u*( -a*e' on wha( people are *earchin# +or. 6he" coul' #roup i( (o#e(her an' +i#ure i( ou(& an' (hen .u*( wri(e on % a lot o+ (e.sites track all that st#++& So the) co#l- ro.a.l) come to an i-ea o+ (hat eo le are intereste- in as +ar as (hat their nee-s are in -i++erent areas& Lines o+ (ork anst#++, an- the) co#l- ro.a.l) -o somethin! like that on the .ottom& No(, this is .ase- on the search -ata tho#!h& /hat a.o#t this st#++8 >a(a +rom (he 'a"& or +rom (he pre$iou* 'a"E ?lose to real time&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6he"' -e *(ill (heme' (hou#h& like -roa' (hin#* people are -u"in#. I(* pro-a-l" (rick" (o +in' cohe*i$e 'a(e on (he*e popular (heme*& <cau*e I ima#ine people u*e (hi* $er" 'i++eren(l". ,n' I woul' (hink (ha( (hi* i* pro-a-l" % ma"-e a li((le (oo % (he u*er* o+ an" o+ (he*e (hin#* are % No( +or work. Yeah. I(* 'i++eren(. 9ore +or -lo#*. 10ac(l". 9ore +or -lo#*& more +or % i+& +or in*(ance& i+ I wa* (r"in# (o pu( *ome(hin# on a can$a*& I woul' pro-a-l" #o (here& <cau*e (he" ha$e *ome nice (heme*. 1$er"(hin# +or me i* in % ho( is the search !onna (ork8 0n- a!ain, ' -on*t +insearches that hel +#l sometimes& So i+ this took searchin! to another le%el, ' (o#l.e %er) intereste-& So (e*ll !o an- 2 so (o#l- )o# sa) this is essential8 Ye*. 0n- this is nice to ha%e, is that (hat 2 Ye*. Yeah. Yeah. Im more .u*( on % or ma"-e (here* (hi* % I mi#h( #e( *ucke' in(o (hi*. 6hree Fuar(er* o+ i( i* (he *earch& an' (hen ma"-e .u*( on (he -o((om coul' -e (ha(. )u*( +or % i+ Im kin' o+ -ore' or I wan( (o % I .u*( wan( (o *ee wha(* ou( (here. For re#ular Flickr I #e( (hi*. For re#ular Flickr& (hi* la"ou( make* comple(e an' u((er& (o(al *en*e. 2ecau*e "ou$e #o( people who are u*in# (hi* % u*e Flickr in $er"& $er" 'i++eren(

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


wa"*. I+ "oure (r"in# (o +in' an in(ere*(in# pic(ure +or Face-ook& "oure #onna #o (o Flickr. 2u( i+ Im pa"in# +or *ome(hin#& I nee' *ome(hin# $er" *peci+ic. Im no( .u*( (here (o -e 'i*(rac(e' -" a pic(ure o+ #ol' 'o(* or *ome(hin# like (ha(. Im #oin# (here +or a $er" *peci+ic nee'& an' (he *u##e*(ion*& while (he"re help+ul an' in(ere*(in# +or people (ha( nee' (ha(& I (hink +or people (ha( are u*in# i( pro+e**ionall"& (he" won( nece**aril" +in' (ha( % I can *a" (ha( I 'on( +in' (ha( $er" help+ul. I can *a" i( look* nice. I (hink (ha( (he *i(e look* A. ,n' I know (ha( *ome o+ (he o(her *i(e* ha$e *ome(hin# *imilar& -u( I al*o 'on( +in' i( par(icularl" u*e+ul +or (ha(. So % So let*s !o to the search& ' j#st 2 .e+ore ' -o that, -o these collections an- o #lar themes -eter )o# +rom 2 No. I(* no( % No. I( woul' 'i*(rac( me. I mean ano(her *ocial me'ia (emp(a(ion& (o % reall"& I mi#h( #e( *ucke' in(o (hi* *(u++. 2u( I woul'n( wan( (o u*e (he pic(ure (ha( e$er"-o'" el*e i* u*in#. ;ell (ha(* (he o(her (hin#. I woul' u*e i( in re$er*e *or( o+. 6o *ee wha(* (ren'in#& an' (hen I woul'n( u*e i(& -ecau*e I 'on( wan( (o pu( (ha( on m" -lo# i+ e$er"-o'" el*e i* u*in# (ha( pic(ure. I+ i(* on Face-ook an' i(* a #rea( *ho( o+ a'ora-le animal* in % i(* 'i++eren( when "ou *hare on % ,c(uall" a % "oo- i-ea& So let me sho( )o# here, the search& The search 2 this is the a-%ance- search a!e& So comin! on )o#*- .e a.le to +ilter .) hoto orientation, .) hotos, %i-eos& For a color& Yo# can +ilter .) rice, si1e& Yo# can also e< an- the ool& So Flickrstock (o#l- j#st contain stock hoto!ra h)& 5#t i+ )o# (ante- to e< an- it to incl#-e creati%e commons, the #.lic ima!es that are on Flickr, )o# co#l- -o that& To thro( those in& 0n- all o+ the license- hotos (o#l- ha%e a little icon& So )o# (o#l- kno( (hat are stock an- (hat aren*t& 0n- then )o# co#l- also -o that (ith eo le, !en-er, ethnicit)& So that*s 2 i+ )o# (ant to (rite -o(n some tho#!hts& ' also 2 j#st initial 2 ' ha%e a %i-eo ' (ant to sho( )o# too, o+ ho( the search (o#l- (ork& >#st to !i%e )o# a little .etter !lim se& '*ll .rin! o%er the com #ter here& 0n- .e+ore (e !o in the %i-eo, '*- j#st lo%e to hear )o#r initial tho#!hts&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


I like (he la"ou(. I like (he +ac( (ha( "ou can *earch -" color& price& an' e0pan'e' pool. r -" #en'er. I (hink (ha(* reall" #oo'& woul' 'e+ini(el" narrow 'own "our *earch Fui(e a -i(. I like (ha( i( ha* (he 'rop/'own menu wi(h (he $i'eo*& illu*(ra(ion an' pho(o#rapher. I al*o like (he colla#e o+ pic(ure* (ha( pop up on (he ri#h(/han' *i'e& an' "ou coul' al*o *(ill (weak i( % a-j#st it to narro( it -o(n +or )o#r search& ' like that& 0n- all these hotos (o#l- .e 2 none o+ them are cro sha e an- si1e& e-& This is their ori!inal

No& I (hink (ha(* #oo'. You wan( (o know wha( "oure pricin# ou( +ir*( -e+ore "ou purcha*e i( an' hi( % pu( i( in "our car(. I reall" like (ha( i( incorpora(e' re#ular Flickr. I (hink (ha(* a #rea( -ene+i(& *o I coul' *ee i+ (here* *ome(hin# I coul' #e( in crea(i$e common* or wha( -e((er pro'uc( I coul' #e( -" pa"in#. 6ha(* help+ul. <Cau*e I' pro-a-l" #o on Flickr an"wa". So (hi* i* like a one/ *(op *hop. So (ha( woul' -e #rea(. ,#ain& i( i* *(ill no( helpin# wi(h m" per*onal i**ue o+ -i# *earche*. ,n' i( will -e (he *ame (hin# a* wi(h an" *(ock *i(e. I+ I 'on( ha$e a (hin# in min'& par(icular& an' I ("pe in Bpower* o+ *ocial me'ia&C Im #onna #e( a lo( o+ i'ea*. So i(* *(ill no( a $er" re+ine' *earch. I( i* $er" *imple. ,n' i( ha* cer(ain *earch op(ion* (ha( are a *(an'ar' ma'e ea*". 2u( i( 'oe*n( help& a#ain& wi(h % >#st one thin! to note a.o#t the search& The search on Flickr is 2 %ers#s Flickrstock (o#l- .e %er) -i++erent& The Flickrstock (o#l- .e .ase- on -i++erent al!orithms an- s#ch& So this search (o#l- .e m#ch more a-%ance-& 0n) other tho#!hts j#st +rom the mock:# 8 I (hink (he num-er o+ +il(er* on (he *i'e (here i* appropria(e. I( woul' -e nice (o *ee i+ (here wa* *ome a'ap(a-ili(" o+ *ome o+ (ho*e& or ma"-e i+ (here wa* a 'rop/-o0 o+ a''i(ional +il(er*. 1(hnici(" +or me i*n( *uch an i**ue& *o i+ I coul' chan#e (ha( (o *a" wha(e$er % somethin! else, that (o#l- .e hel +#l& =a).e to cherr): ick& That (o#lhel in m) a.ilit) to +in- the searches that '*m !oin! thro#!h& 0n- so then )o# can e< an- an- 2 so let me sho( )o# the %i-eo& 0!ain, let me !et ma).e three eo le on one si-e, three on another, 9ca#se (e onl) ha%e the one com #ter& So e%er)one can !et a !oo- !lim se& 0n- '*ll j#st la) it, an- then )o# !#)s 2 can )o# see oka)8 Yup. Let me sho( it to )o# a!ain, oint o#t a +e( thin!s& So i* i( collec(in# al#ori(hm* 3IN,5>I2418.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


So this is !oin! into a-%ance- search .) color& Yo# can see all 3'N04D'5L67& 0nthen )o# can 2 3'N04D'5L67 So (hat (ere the tho#!hts o+ that8 I like' (ha( B*earch la**oC (hin#. 6ha(* pre((" cool. I like' *eein# a lo( o+ re*ul(* a( once. 1$en i+ (he"re minu*cule. 2ein# a-le (o :oom in an' ou( +rom (ho*e lar#er re*ul(* i* help+ul. You #e( a *en*e o+ (he color* an' (he (onali(" % Yo# -on*t ha%e to click e%er) a!e& That ' a!ree& That*s smart& 6<actl)& That is smart& 0n- ho( (o#l- the lasso .e hel +#l8 <Cau*e i+ "ou *ee a #roup o+ pic(ure* (ha( "ou like& an' "ou wan( (o look a( (hem more clo*el" an' compare& i(* nice (o #roup (hem up wi(h % 0n- )o#*re !ettin! a !ro# at once& 0s o ose- to in-i%i-#al clicks, clicks, clicks&

't*s -e+initel) -i++erent& ' (on*t !o so +ar as to sa) it*s inno%ati%e, .eca#se ' kno( that*s #se- else(here, .#t it*s -i++erent in this artic#lar settin!& ' ha%en*t seen the a.ilit) to isolate !ro# s like that +l#i-l) .e+ore in this artic#lar a lication& 't*s cool& 't sim li+ies thin!s& That*s cool& Sim li+ies8 I( 'oe*. $o( so8 2ecau*e a#ain& "oure no( ha$in# (o click a+(er click a+(er pa#e a+(er pa#e.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6ha( can -e $er" +ru*(ra(in#& (o #o pa#e a+(er pa#e % ,n' (hen "ou ha$e (o #o -ack an' +in' (he one (ha( "ou like. I( reall" i* a proce** *ome(ime*. 9" Fue*(ion wi(h (hi* woul' -e& (hou#h& how +lui' woul' (hi* -eE I *ee in (he $i'eo (ha( i(* +airl" +lui'& -u( i+ Im no( runnin# (he la(e*( re(ina 9ac-ook& i* i( *(ill #onna -e +lui' enou#h on m" o++ice ?C& which i* no( (he #rea(e*( machine in (he worl'E Ier*u* m" home machine& which i* pro-a-l" a li((le -i( -e((er. 2u( I can *ee (ha( woul' -e a li((le -i( +ru*(ra(in#. I+ (ha( (hin#* #onna -e chopp" an' la##"& i(* #onna -e (ou#h (o +lui'l" mo$e (hrou#h i( like in (ha( $i'eo. 6ha(& I can *ee % that (o#l- create more +r#stration than it (o#l- sol%e an)thin!& Aer) !oo-& 0n) other tho#!hts8 Tell me (hat )o#*re thinkin!& I( *eem* % ' -on*t kno(, these are the ima!es the) (o#l- #se +or the commercial8 5#t the) seem like %er) ersonal ima!es& The) -on*t seem like %er) .#siness:) sort o+ thin!s& Doesn*t seem like st#++ )o#*- #se to ill#strate an)thin! .e)on- )o#r ersonal sort o+ ort+olio& No( i+ there (as .#siness content, content that )o#*re lookin! +or (ith that search 2 , lo( o+ % .u*( when % +rom (hi* commercial (ha( "ou *howe'& e$er"(hin# *eem* $er" *or( o+ % $aca(ion. 6ha(* "our per*onal $aca(ion. Seeme' like Flickr. Compare' (o i+ "oure #onna u*e (hi* a* a *earch en#ine (o +in' pho(o#raph* (ha( "ou woul' repro'uce in a ma#a:ine. r repro'uce on *ome hi#h/en' (hin#. I 'on( (hink (he*e are (he % (ho*e are (he ("pe o+ ima#e* (ha( woul' e0ci(e "ou. ,* "oure #oin# (hrou#h. 6he" *eem like *omeone* pho(o#raph* +rom % Flickr. ;herea* (hi* % *ee& (he one on (he (op here& I (hink& i* #eneral enou#h (o % Yo#*re thinkin! @C, it*s rele%ant 2 6here* a -roa'er *cale o+ *(u++ where i( i* % (he*e are "our ima#e*. Some(hin# like (ha(& "ou (hink o+ *omeone* $aca(ion pho(o#raph*. ,n' I (hink i(* % +or me, ersonall), it*s not moti%atin!& So )o# think -i++erent content& 5#t the search itsel+8

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


Cool. Yeah. Do )o# ha%e an)thin! to a--8 No& I (hink e$er"-o'" *ai' pre((" much % ' like ho( it*s or!ani1e-& So let me j#st sho( )o# no( a checko#t a!e& So here*s the checko#t& 0n- this is ho( the checko#t (o#l- look& So here )o# ha%e )o#r ima!e that )o# clicke- on, that )o#*re thinkin! o+ .#)in!& 0n- )o# (o#l- .e a.le to see the -i++erent si1es an- the -i++erent rices er si1e& There*- .e a stan-ar- an- e< an-e- o tion& 0n- then )o# co#l- -o(nloa- a co ) or sa%e it to )o#r li!ht.o<, share it thro#!h Face.ook or email& Then )o# (o#l- see the hoto!ra h) 2 or hoto!ra her link& So this (o#l.e a link that (o#l- take )o# to the hoto!ra her*s a!e on Flickrstock (here )o# co#l- see more o+ their (ork& Yo# co#l- see their ort+olio& 0n- then )o# can also +ilter .) some -i++erent takes, let*s sa) ma).e )o#*re more intereste- j#st San Francisco in !eneral, %ers#s j#st .ikin! .) the sea in San Francisco& Yo# co#l- click on that ta!, an- then it (o#l- start 2 take )o# to another search& 0n- then )o# co#l- see %ie(s # loa-e-, an- then also ho( man) times it*s .een sol-, e%en tho#!h it*s not in this mock& Yo# co#l- .e a.le to kno( ho( man) times that ima!e has .een sol-& 0n- then at the .ottom, this (o#l- .e kin- o+ like (hat )o# (o#l- see on 0ma1on 2 ?eople who -ou#h( (hi* al*o& or people who *earche' (hi* al*o *earche' % 6<actl)& So thin!s that are some(hat like& So )o# co#l- .e a.le to see some rele%ant ict#res& 6he onl" (hin# (ha( I can *ee (ha( woul' -e nice (o ha$e % almo*( like (ha( la*( one& i+ "ou coul' com-ine *ome o+ (he*e (a#* (o#e(her. ,* "ou *earche'. I+ "oure lookin# +or BSan Franci*co& -ike&C a* oppo*e' (o % (he *earch +or BSan Franci*coC an' (he *earch +or B-ikeC woul' -e $er" 'i++eren(. 6ha( woul' % I woul' pro-a-l" wan( (o % Yo# (o#l- like to click on t(o o+ them& I+ "oure #i$in# me (ha( op(ion. Showin# me (ho*e (a#* an' makin# (hem clicka-le 'oe* no(hin# +or me i+ % -ecau*e i+ I .u*( click B*unn"&C i+ Im lookin# +or a pic(ure o+ *ome-o'" ri'in# a -ike in San Franci*co& clickin# B*unn"C i* no( #onna #i$e me an"(hin# remo(el" clo*e (o wha( Im lookin# +or. 2u( B-ikeC an' BSan Franci*coC mi#h(. r B-a"C an' B-ikeC mi#h( % I (hink +or (ha( (o (rul" -e u*e+ul& "ou nee' (o ha$e *ome(hin# % an a''i(ional *(ep.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6hi* *eem* % a lo( o+ (hi* *eem* pre((" *(an'ar'. I ne$er u*e *ocial me'ia +or *harin#& *o I 'on( know i+ (ha(* *(an'ar'. I a-*olu(el" lo$e (ha( i'ea. ,n' I u*e i( % ' (as thinkin! 0ma1on .e+ore )o# sai- it& 0n- ' #se that +eat#re on 0ma1on a lot (hen '*m st#ck +i!#rin! else (hat to .#)& 0lso another thin! to a-- is i+ )o# (ere to si!n in 2 )o# co#l- !o thro#!h all this (hole rocess (itho#t si!nin! in& 5#t i+ )o# (ere to +#ll) re!ister, )o# co#l- !et a co ) o+ this (itho#t the (atermark& So (hat 2 certain sites (ill let )o# onl) -o(nloa- a (atermarke- %ersion& This (o#l- not ha%e a (atermark& 0n- the reason (h) is .eca#se )o# +#ll) re!istere-, so Flickr can track (hat )o# -o(nloaan- -o a#-its& So the) still rotect the hoto!ra her, .#t )o# !et that ima!e an- )o# -on*t ha%e to -eal (ith the (atermark i+ )o# (ant to share it (ith a client& 2e+ore "ou purcha*e i(E =m:hmm& 7eall"E ,n' (hen (he"ll (rack "ou 'own i+ "ou % let*s sa) )o# !o ahea- an- #t it on )o#r .lo!, an- )o# -i-n*t a) +or it, the)*ll +in- )o#& Yeah, there*- .e a#-its e%er) so o+ten& So the hoto!ra her (o#l- still .e rotecte-, (hich is one reason +or the (atermark& So (he"' (ru*( % interestin!& That*s -i++erent& '*- ima!ine it*s a lo(:DP' %ersion, so it (o#l-n*t .e #se- to rint& >#st somethin! )o# co#l- !et to sho( the client, i+ the)*re a)in!& Like )o# sai-, i+ )o# ha%e client .#-!ets )o#*re (orkin! (ith, )o# mi!ht ha%e to !et there& 6ha(* han'". 6ha(* +an(a*(ic. 0n) other tho#!hts8 @n the checko#t a!e8 So then ' (ant to sho( )o# the one link that ' (as ointin! to on the checko#t a!e& The hoto!ra her 3'N04D'5L67& 6ha( one* -eau(i+ul. So this o%er here 2 so this (o#l- .e the contri.#tor*s, hoto!ra her*s a!e& 0n(hat this (o#l- consist o+ is a little .it o+ a -escri tion o+ the hoto!ra her an(hat their +oc#s is, i+ the) ha%e certain +oc#ses& There (o#l- .e all their hotos on there, the) (o#l- ha%e their al.#ms, like i+ the) ha%e -i++erent t) es o+ al.#ms, ho( the) or!ani1e their ict#res, that (o#l- all .e in the al.#m section& 't (o#l- ha%e ho( man) +ollo(ers an- ho( man) that the)*re +ollo(in!& 0n- then (ith this, )o# co#l- also +ollo( this hoto!ra her& So i+ )o# (ant to (atch their (ork&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


Cool. 6ha(* #rea(. 6ha(* reall" #rea(. 6hi* i* *o pho(o#rapher/+rien'l". I 'on( (hink an"-o'" el*e ha* an"(hin# like (hi*. 0s a .#)er, (hat -o )o# !#)s think o+ the hoto!ra her ort+olio8 I(* help+ul in m" *en*e& -ecau*e a lo( o+ (ime* wha( Im lookin# +or i* $er" (hema(ic or $er" *peci+ic& an' I +in' (ha( (here are commonali(ie* in wha( % (he pho(o#rapher *a"* Ill (ake a *erie* o+ pic(ure*& (he"re all rela(e' (o *ome(hin# (ha( I 'o. ,n' i(* han'" (o +ollow (hem (o *a" % i+ I #o on (here& i+ I #o on(o (hi* we-*i(e& I can *ee all (he mo*( recen( pic(ure*. ,n' ma"-e (he" 'o ha$e *ome(hin# *imilar (ha( I ha' in min' +or a 'i++eren( pro.ec( or +or a 'i++eren( i'ea. So (ha(* help+ul. 2u( Flickr ha* % ' #se that +eat#re on Flickr& There*s a hoto!ra her (ho ' like her ict#res, (ho -oes a lot o+ chil-ren*s hoto!ra h) an- -oes it creati%e commons& 0n- ' al(a)s !o to her a!e an- look& 5#t this is cleaner an- neater than that& 't*s %er) a ealin!& 0n- it*s easil) .ro(sa.le& ' (ant to take )o# !#)s thro#!h (hat ' (as talkin! a.o#t earlier, (hich is the li!ht.o<& So the li!ht.o< is a (a) +or )o# to sa%e )o#r ict#res, an- ' j#st (ant to sho( )o# (hat that (o#l- .e like these& 0n- these mock:# s 2 it*s all o%er here 2 (o#l- .e a little .it -i++erent& So this (o#l- .e 2 so these are more ro#!h mocks& To oint o#t the -i++erence, 9ca#se )o# ro.a.l) notice the) aren*t +inishe-& So this (o#l- .e, )o#*re -oin! )o#r search& Yo# !et )o#r res#lts, (hich )o# sa( on the search res#lts a!e& 0n- then )o# co#l- click on a .#tton that (o#l- take it to a li!ht.o<& So )o# co#l- a-- it to a li!ht.o< that )o# co#l- alrea-) create-& @r )o# co#l- make a ne( li!ht.o<& 0n- )o# can -o this all 2 )o# -on*t nee- to .e si!ne- in& /hat Flickrstock (o#l- -o, as lon! as )o#*re on that same .ro(ser, that same com #ter, %ia cookies it (o#l- remem.er (hat )o# sa%e-& For more sec#rit), i+ )o# +#ll) lo!!e- in, then )o# (o#l- .e a.le to access those +or s#re +rom an) .ro(ser& 0n- there (o#l- .e a li!ht re!istration (here )o# j#st #t )o#r name an- )o#r email& 5#t i+ )o# (ante- to !o as +ar as lookin! at a hoto (itho#t a (atermark, that (o#l- .e a +#ll com lete re!istration& 0n- then )o# co#l- look at all )o#r -i++erent ict#res in each li!ht.o<& So let*s sa) )o# ha%e three rojects !oin!, )o# can look at them all, j#st a %is#al %ie( o+ them, at the same time& 0n- then )o# co#l- o+ co#rse !o an- e< an- 2 thanks so m#ch 2 the %ie(& So this (o#l- take )o# one ste +#rther& /here )o# co#l- see a (hole li!ht.o< in its entiret)& 0n- then a+ter(ar-s )o# co#l- see 2 or sen- this li!ht.o< thro#!h a link or thro#!h email& So let*s sa) )o# ha%e a (hole collection an- )o# (ant to sen- it to some.o-)& Yo#r client, a team mem.er& >#st ha%e an).o-) take a look& Yo# co#l- sen- that to them& @r on the ne<t mock:# , it*s sho(in! that )o# can also j#st share one ima!e& So i+

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


)o# (ant to share the li!ht.o<, )o# ha%e that o tion& 5#t i+ )o# (ant to j#st share one ima!e, )o# ha%e that o tion& 0n- )o# co#l- -o that thro#!h link or email& 6hi* i* no( a +ea(ure I$e e$er *een or u*e'. I( woul' -e pre((" help+ul a**umin# i(* pre((" ea*" (o u*e. Im no( #onna *pen' *o much (ime& -u( % *ome(ime* Ill *ee an ima#e& Im like& Beh& (ha(* A& le( me *ee i+ I can +in' -e((er.C ,n' wha( I curren(l" 'o i* I (r" (o remem-er wha( pa#e i(* on an' #e( -ack (o (he pa#e. I(* clunk". So (hi* woul' re*ol$e (ha(. I( woul'n( -e *o clunk". I coul' .u*( click& *a$e i(& #o +in' *ome(hin# -e((er& or ma"-e no(. ,n' (hen e$en(uall" #o -ack (o (hem. 6he *harin# elemen( i* onl" help+ul in *peci+ic area*. 9" we- 'e$eloper i* in German"& an' % -ecau*e m" compan" i* -a*e' in German". So e$er"(hin# I 'o I ha$e (o *hare wi(h him. ,n' i( woul' -e help+ul (o -e a-le (o ha$e (ha(. 6o #i$e him *ome concep(ual i'ea* (ha( I ha$e an' le( him work wi(h i( an' *ee wha( +i(* -e*( +or our we-*i(e. Im *o *orr". 't*s @C& I ha$e (he *ame rin#& *o I wa* like % >on( worr". 9" ei#h(/"ear/ol' ac(uall" % /hat are )o# !#)s thinkin! a.o#t the +ar ri!ht si-e8 @+ the li!ht.o<8 6ha(* help+ul. 6o -e a-le (o % i+ "ou ha$e a clien( ou(*i'e (ha( "ou nee' (o a*k (hem wha( (he"re % (he *(u++ "ou$e cho*en. !a$in# (ha( 3IN,5>I2418. I (hink i(* a #oo' i'ea. $o( -i++erent -oes this +eel8 ' kno( )o# mentione- )o# +elt like it (as -i++erent, .#t +or e%er).o-), ho( -i++erent -oes this +eel +rom the c#rrent site 2 stock sites )o#*re #sin!8 To sa%e ima!es, .ookmark them an- s#ch8 I( look* like i(* ea*ier. Yeah. I mean I a**ume (here* a ri#h(/click& (ha( "ou' -e a-le (o (hen 'rop (ho*e in(o (he % Yeah, it*- .e an icon, an- then )o# 2 I(* $er" u*er/+rien'l".

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


I(* ea*ier -u( more a'$ance'. 6ha(* wha(* in(ere*(in#. 6he" mana#e' (o keep i( u*er/ +rien'l"& -u( i( ha* op(ion* (ha( I ha$en( *een. ,n' i(* reall" more a((rac(i$e (han all o+ (he o(her one*. 2u( i(* ea*" (o +i#ure ou(. 6o *omeone (ha( 'oe*n( reall" know (he *"*(em* an' we-*i(e*& i(* ea*" +or (hem (o .u*( +i#ure i( ou(. Last thin! ' (ant to sho( )o# 3'N04D'5L67 here& There*s t(o (a)s o+ a roachin! this (hole i-ea o+ Flickrstock& @ne (o#l- .e the se arate site that ' sho(e- )o#& 0nother (o#l- .e !ettin! to stock ima!es thro#!h Flickr& So thro#!h Flickrstock 2 like ' sai-, )o# !o an- )o# onl) see stock hoto!ra h)& Yo# can then e< an- the ool to see #.lic an- creati%e commons, an- then also another i-ea that '*m !onna talk to )o# ne<t& @r )o# co#l- !o to Flickr an- then j#st search the #.lic an- creati%e commons& 0n- then )o# can also ask to see stock& So )o# can !o thro#!h one ath or the other ath& ' j#st (ant to !et )o#r take on (hat ath seems the most #se+#l& >oe* i( ha$e (o -e one or (he o(herE Coul'n( (he" ha$e -o(hE I 'on( know. I mi#h( *(ar( o++ on Flickr <cau*e i(* +ree a#ain. So I' pro-a-l" lean (owar'* (he op(ion o+ -ein# a-le (o ha$e (ha( op(ion on (he Flickr *i(e. 6he *(ock op(ion on (he Flickr *i(e. 2u( i( *eem* like (he" coul' ha$e i( +or -o(h an' i( woul'n( hur(. !a$in# acce** (o (he ro"al("/+ree an' (he normal (hin#* (ha( woul' -e on Flickr woul' help& an' I like (he i'ea (ha( i+ (he" ha' (hi* a* *or( o+ a 'a*h-oar' where I -e#an& an' I woul' al*o *(ill ha$e acce** (o (he *ame (hin#* I woul' ha$e +oun' ma"-e wi(h a -e((er *earch al#ori(hm. I woul' -e more likel" (o *(ar( here an' +in' (he pic(ure* (hrou#h (hi* *o+(ware& or (hrou#h (hi* % (ha( *i(e. Ier*u* #oin# (he o(her wa". So re#ular Flickr i* no( #e((in# re$ampe' an"wa". I(' *(ill -e (he *ame ol' Flickr. No& (hen *orr". I (ake (ha( -ack. I woul' #o +or (ha(& i+ i( ha' all (ho*e a'$ance' op(ion*. I( 'epen'*. I+ "oure #onna char#e a +ee +or (he *er$ice* in$ol$e' wi(h (ha( *i(ua(ion& I 'on( know (ha( % +or me per*onall"& e*peciall" (he li#h(-o0 wall. Cool& an' I can *ee (he applica(ion woul' -e han'". I(* no( wor(h an" % i(* no( wor(h a mon(hl" +ee +or me. I(* pre((" (hou#h& ri#h(E ;oul' i( -e +ree (o *i#n up an' u*e all (ha(E Yes& 4ntil )o# 2 i+ )o# (ant to .#) a ict#re& 2u( (o po*( (o li#h(-o0 +or +ree& or *hare %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


)u*( a re#ular % Yes& 5eca#se )o# co#l- e%en !o so +ar as makin! )o#r li!ht.o< (itho#t re!isterin!& Yo#*- j#st 2 not e%en si!ne- in& Yo# (o#l- still 2 )o# (o#l- ha%e a (atermark on that ict#re too& No& I (hink i(* help+ul. /ell, thanks& This is reall) hel +#l& Take a seat .ack -o(n& '+ )o#*- like to !et # an- ha%e some stan-in! time, some sittin! time makes it more +#n& So ' ha%e another i-ea that ' (ant to r#n .) )o#& 't*s calle- 2 (hat (e*re !onna call it is 2 j#st +or the #r oses to-a) 2 is calle- Ere;#est to license&F 0n- (hat this (o#l- .e is i+ )o# re;#est a hoto 2 so ri!ht no(, )o# ha%e Flickr or )o# ha%e the stock& 5#t ima!ine i+ )o# (ere on Flickr, )o# co#l- !et an almost real:time res onse +rom a hoto!ra her, an- the) co#l- a#thori1e an- %eri+) the sale same -a)& So this isn*t creati%e commons& ?reati%e commons o+ co#rse )o# can #se +or +ree& 5#t there*s also #.lic ima!es on Flickr& That sometimes )o# ha%e to talk 2 )o# ha%e to sen- a note to the hoto!ra her an- make s#re it*s @C to #se& @r )o# mi!ht ha%e to .#) that hoto +rom the hoto!ra her& So (hat Ere;#est to licenseF (o#l- .e a.o#t is that )o# co#l- !et a real:time res onse +rom a hoto!ra her to sa) (hat the rice (o#l- .e, an- )o#*- .e a.le to make that transaction ri!ht a(a)& So (hat (o#l- .e ha enin! in the .ack!ro#n- is the hoto!ra her (o#l- .e sa)in!, E@C, it*s @C to sell this& ' j#st nee- the re;#est to sell or license it& ' nee- a re;#est&F 0n- the) kino+ set some rice arameters .e+orehan-, so that the (hole transaction can !o ;#icker& 0n- j#st to !i%e )o# some .ack!ro#n-, ' -on*t think an).o-) in the !ro# has, .#t i+ )o# (ere to -o it ri!ht no( thro#!h Flickr 2 contact a hoto!ra her 2 sometimes that rocess can take a +e( -a)s& So Ere;#est to licenseF is almost like a real:time, one:-a) 2 I(* au(oma(e'E Youre no( ac(uall" in(erac(in# wi(h (he pho(o#rapher. 6he pho(o#rapher i* in (he -ack#roun'& *e( parame(er* (o *a" "ea or na" in (erm* o+ wha(e$er "our ne#o(ia(ion % Yeah& /hat (ill ha en is that hoto!ra her (o#l- !et an email or te<t (hen )o# re;#est a license, an- )o# j#st ha%e to a ro%e it& h& I *ee. So there is a little .it o+ interaction, .#t a lot o+ the rocess is a#tomate-& 0n- that*s (hat make is ;#icker& Aers#s (hat it c#rrentl) is, i+ )o# 2 it co#l- .e a +e( -a)s& /hat -o )o# think o+ this (hole Ere;#est to licenseF i-ea8 I(* 'i++eren( an' i(* cer(ainl" help+ul. I+ "oure un'er a (ime crunch& i( cer(ainl" i* a u*e+ul (ool. 2u( i( al*o& (o me i(* more nice (o ha$e (han i( i* a mu*(/ha$e.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


,n' 'o (he" % i* i( *peci+icall" (o pro(ec( (he ri#h(* o+ (he pho(o#rapher& or % 'n essence, it*s reall) j#st another ool o+ hotos& So )o# ha%e )o#r stock hotos, )o# ha%e )o#r creati%e commons, an- their le%el o+ ;#alit) o+ co#rse is -i++erent& 5eca#se all the license- hotos are !onna .e a ro%e- thro#!h a c#rator& So this is almost a ool in .et(een, (here )o# mi!ht see a license- 2 a hoto that )o# (ant to .#), an- the hoto!ra her is not makin! 2 )o# can*t j#st take it an- #se it #.licl)& Yo# (o#l- ha%e to ask +or their ermission& @r )o# ha%e to .#) it& This is j#st makin! that rocess +aster, an- j#st allo(in! another ool o+ hoto!ra hs to come )o#r (a) as a .#)er& I #ue** i(' -e a'$an(a#eou* +or (he pho(o#rapher. 2ecau*e I woul'n( wai( a 'a" +or *omeone (o #e( -ack (o me. In an hour& hour or (wo& (he"' re(urn (heir phone call. I+ i(* a reall" cool pic(ure Ill wai( (he -u*ine** 'a"& -u( Im no( #onna 'ra# much +ur(her (han (ha(. So one:-a) t#rnaro#n-8 $o( -oes that so#n-8 ne -u*ine**. 6ha( ei#h(/hour % -ecau*e -" (he en' o+ (he 'a" "ou ha$e (o make (he choice o+ whe(her "oure #oin# (o % 6he (urnaroun' (ime ha* (o -e *hor(er. I(* pro-a-l" a #oo' (hin# +or (he pho(o#rapher (o ha$e. I 'i'n( reali:e (ha( (here wa* (ha( % (ha( (here coul' -e (ha( much o+ a la# (ime in cer(ain pho(o#raph*. n Flickr. I 'i'n( reali:e (ha( (here wa* (ha( much on 'i++eren( (hin#*. 0n- c#rrentl) ri!ht no( (ith Flickr, some o+ the hoto!ra hers aren*t kee in! an e)e on their email, thinkin! that some.o-) (ants to .#) it& 0n- that*s the iss#e& Shor(er woul' make *en*e (oo. >#st a ;#estion& ' remem.er earlier )o# (ere talkin! a.o#t sometimes )o# ha%e a little .it o+ e<tra time8 5#t ' kno( there*s this 2 )o# sai- oh, it co#l- .e e%en +aster& Faster than a -a)& ;ell a#ain& i( 'epen'*. I+ Im lookin# +or .u*( a -a*ic *(ock ima#e (ha( i* +airl" ea*il" replica(e'& (hen Im no( wai(in#. I+ I +oun' a pic(ure (ha( i* a-*olu(el" +lawle** +or (hi* applica(ion& Ill #i$e (hem (he 'a". Ill #i$e (hem (he 'a" or (wo 'a"* a( (he mo*(. 2u( % That makes sense&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


2u( i( can( -e like "oure wai(in# +or *omeone (o an*wer (heir per*onal email*. I+ "oure 'oin# *ome(hin# an' "ou wan( (o u*e (ha( pic(ure& (hen i(* #onna (ake (hem (hree or +our 'a"* (o #e( (o (heir email. 2ecau*e (he" 'on( #o (o (heir email all (he (ime -u( (he" po*( (he pic(ure*. You can( % i(* no( $er" #oo' -u*ine**. So )o# (o#l- nee- that -a)& That -a) +or s#re& You woul' nee' *ome *or( o+ re*pon*e& whe(her Flickr (ake* con(rol o+ (he ima#in# ri#h(* (o (he (hin#& (hen ha* (he pho(o#rapher* alrea'" *i#ne' o++ on licen*in# (heir pho(o#raph* a( a cer(ain price or a cer(ain ran#e or a cer(ain u*a#e. ,n' (he" can *a" A or no(. 2u( i+ "oure #onna ha$e (o wai( +or *omeone (o #e( (o (heir per*onal email % i+ "oure on $aca(ion % ' !otcha& So (hat 2 no( that (e kin- o+ talke- thro#!h (hat the site (o#l- +eel like, the li!ht.o<, an- some o+ the -i++erent ro#tes o+ search, (hat -o )o# think o%erall o+ Flickr as a hoto stock so#rce8 I (hink i(* *o *mar(. 3IN,5>I2418 ha$e (ime (o 'o (hi*. 2u( I al*o am impre**e' -" *ome o+ (he inno$a(i$e concep(*. 6he new le$el (he"$e (aken *(ock (o& *eemin#l". I(* a #rea( -ran'. I (ru*( Flickr. 6alk a-ou( or#anic& Flickr wa* (he ori#inal or#anic *ource +or +in'in# pho(o*. r one o+ (hem. I(* a (ru*(e' name& an' I -elie$e' in wha( (he" were 'oin# when (he" *(ar(e'. ,n' I (hink I (ru*( (ha( (he" coul' (ake (hi* (o a *mar(er le$el (han *ome o+ (he o(her *(ock *i(e*. I(* a na(ural e$olu(ion in m" opinion. I+ YahooJ ha' a 'i++eren( -ran' (ha( (he" a**ocia(e' wi(h& i( woul' nece**aril" make *en*e. 2u( Flickr& i(* a na(ural e0(en*ion. I( 'oe*n( *eem ou( o+ le+( +iel'. I+ i( wa* YahooJ ,uc(ion* wi(h pic(ure*& (ha( woul'n( *eem na(ural. I( woul'n( make *en*e. I 'on( (hink i(* +ar o++ (he mark. $o( -o )o# think this 2 )o# j#st sa( a mock:# , so this is a little to#!h& 5#t ho( -o )o# think this +eels in com arison to the other so#rces )o#*re #sin!8 Cleaner& *impler. 9ore a((rac(i$e. Gi$e* me more op(ion*. =ore o tions8 9ore op(ion*& 'e+ini(el". 0n- (hat -o )o# mean .) more o tions8 /hat are some o+ the thin!s that o into 2 e-

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


9ore op(ion* a* +ar a* "our *earchin#. I( narrow* i( 'own. I like (ha(. ,n' I like (he +ac( (ha( i( *how* "ou who (he pho(o#rapher i*& an' o(her pho(o*. <Cau*e na(urall" i+ "ou like a couple o+ (heir pho(o*& "oure #onna like mo*( o+ wha( (he" pro$i'e +or "ou. ;hich i* a #oo' op(ion. 6he (rick" (hin# i* "ou$e #o( (wo 'i++eren( pool* o+ people (ha( "oure (r"in# (o a((rac( wi(h (hi*. 6he Flickr u*er curren(l"& who 'oe* mo*( o+ (he (hin#* +or +ree an' look* +or pic(ure* +or (heir -lo#* an' (heir (hin#* (ha( (he"re no( #onna #enera(e re$enue. ,n' (hen "ou$e #o( people who 'a--le in Flickr +or u*e in (heir pro+e**ional *e((in#& (ha( "ou now nee' (o con$er( (o -ein# power u*er* +or *ome(hin# (ha( (he" were u*e' (o #e((in# +or +ree. ,n' (he 'i++icul( *ale* pi(ch i* #oin# (o -e wha( "ou ha$e in (erm* o+ a *(ep/wi*e increa*e in +ea(ure* an' a-ili(ie* (ha( *a"& Ge((" .u*( 'oe*n( ha$e& or *(ock ima#e* 'oe*n( ha$e& or an" o+ (he o(her compe(i(i$e *ource* ha$e. ;ha( "oure *howin# u* ri#h( here i* $er" nice& an' I like i(& an' i(* $er" cool. Im no( (ha( cra:" power u*er (ha( -u"* hun're'* o+ ima#e*& (ha(* #oin# (o -e u*in# (hi* in(ima(el" on a 'ail" -a*i*. ,n' I can *a" (ha( a* % +rom m" per*pec(i$e& (hi* i* $er" cool an' $er" nea(. I 'on( know (ha( "oure #oin# % I 'on( know (ha( wha( "ou$e 'one % I 'on( know (ha( wha(* -een 'one i* enou#h (o *wa" *ome-o'" +rom *ome o+ (he % pro-a-l" *ome o+ (he o(her al(erna(i$e*. I( woul' *wa" me. I( woul' *wa" me (oo. For me& like I *ai'& Im no( a power u*er. I (hink i(* $er" cool. ,n' (he (hin# (ha( reall" *wa"* me in (erm* o+ where I % m" u*a#e& i* (he +ac( (ha( I can *earch no( onl" *(ock ima#e* (ha( aren( ro"al("/+ree& -u( (ho*e (ha( are a* well& which i* nice. 6here aren( a million an' one #rea( op(ion* ri#h( now. 6here* *(ill plen(" o+ room. So (hi* i* ano(her choice. I 'o (hink i( woul' ha$e an e'#e i+ i( coul' -e le** e0pen*i$e (han (he o(her *i(e*. I know (hi* i* a mock/up& -u( (he price* were % @h, (e*re -e+initel) !oin! to !o into rice too& That*s o+ co#rse al(a)s an im ortant oint& I (hink (ha( coul' -e hu#e. ' j#st (as sa)in! the mock:# s 2 an- o+ co#rse (e*re !oin! to .e talkin! a.o#t rice, .#t ho( likel) are )o# to #se this8 Ier" likel". ,n' *peakin# o+ price& I wa* *eein# (ha( one pic(ure wa* 30 'ollar*E I* (ha( ri#h(E That one*s j#st a 2 (e*re !onna 2 '*m !onna sho( )o# some -i++erent rice car- too, j#st to !et )o#r take& 5#t .e+ore (e !o into that, ' (o#l- lo%e to !et )o#r take on

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


some o+ the +eat#res& Some o+ them (e to#che- on an- some o+ them (e -i-n*t& 5#t the)*re relate- to (hat*s im ortant (hen searchin!& >#st -i++erent +eat#res that (o#l- .e a%aila.le on Flickrstock& ' (as thinkin! it (o#l- .e !reat i+ (e co#lse arate into teams& =a).e )o# !#)s 2 )o# three co#l- come to!ether, an- )o# t(o& 0n- j#st sort them in (hat*s most im ortant to )o# as a team, some(hat im ortant, an- least im ortant& So j#st little .#ckets, )o# co#l- j#st line them on the ta.le& @ne thin! that*s interestin! that (e -i-n*t to#ch on )et 2 an- ' (ant to e< lain 2 is re;#estin! a .rie+& So this (o#l- .e an o tion on Flickrstock& /here let*s sa) )o# 2 in the .e!innin!, )o# (ere talkin! a.o#t )o# nee- a s eci+ic thin!& Yo# co#l- #t in a re;#est to a set o+ hoto!ra hers, an- the) co#l- either look in their -ata.ase to see i+ the) ha%e it& =i!ht .e a%aila.le& 0 lot o+ hoto!ra hers ha%e tho#san-s o+ hotos in their -eskto that the) co#l- search thro#!h& @r the) co#l- !o o#t anshoot that hoto!ra h +or )o#& So .) re;#estin! a .rie+, )o#*re #ttin! into a ool o+ hoto!ra hers an- the) co#l- !et that hoto to )o#& >o "ou (ell wha( "oure willin# (o pa"E 2ecau*e % Yes& Yo#*- sa) (hat )o#*re (illin! to a), an- )o#*- ha%e m#lti le hoto!ra hers ro%i-in! that& 6ha(* a #rea( op(ion. 0n- ho( it (o#l- (ork is once )o# sa) ' (ant this ima!e, '*m !onna .#) this, then the transaction ha ens& So )o#*ll see that on here, re;#estin! a .rie+, an- that*s (hat that means& So '*ll !i%e )o# !#)s a +e( min#tes& ;ell pu( (ha( one in (he mi''le. 6ha(* no( impor(an(. ?ho(o* (ha( are popular an' (ren'in#E No. <Cau*e I 'on( wan( an"(hin# (ha( e$er"-o'"* u*in#. 2e a-le (o -ookmark i(E 1a*il" reFue*( (o licen*eE I(* A. Ill pu( (ha( in (he mi''le. 6ha(* impor(an( when "oure +ir*( % 3C7 SS6,4A8 I+ "ou wan( (o .u*( *earch +or licen*e' or non/licen*e' % +or me (ha(* hu#e.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


;ell pu( (ha( (here % 3C7 SS6,4A8 I+ "ou wan( (o (ake a $er(ical an' make i( hori:on(al % >ownloa' ima#e*. Ill pu( % i(* help+ul. 1*peciall" i+ "ou % ;ha( 'oe* (ha( meanE ?urcha*e *in#le an' mul(iple ima#e* % (ha( one I ha' wa* a Fue*(ion mark. >o "ou a#ree wi(h (ha(. Yeah % 3C7 SS6,4A8 Ge( ri' o+ (ha( #en'er % (ho*e +il(er elemen(*. I wanna pu( (ha( one in (he mi''le. Some(ime* I nee' % I 'on( nee' (ha(& *o (ha(* no( impor(an(. 6ha(* no( impor(an(. 6ha(* a wack" one. I un'er*(an' i+ "ou % 6ha(* no( impor(an(. ;ell ac(uall" no& <cau*e i+ "ou purcha*e i(& "ou *houl' -e a-le (o % Some(ime* I nee' a ki' pho(o. ?urcha*e (hin#* on % I like (ha( +ea(ure a lo(. 6ha(* cool. ?ho(o* a( a cer(ain price ran#e& 'oe* (ha( in(ere*( "ouE No( *o impor(an( % 3C7 SS6,4A8 ?ho(o* -" *i:e& la"ou( % I *uppo*e no( (ha( impor(an( % / Crea(e a -rie+ +or a pho(o %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6ha( coul' -e % 3IN,5>I2418 (he pho(o#rapher % I( 'epen'*. 6ha(* a Fue*(ion where % 3C7 SS6,4A8 6ha(* a pain in (he a** an' I 'on( wan( (o 'o i(. So pu( (ha( in (he mi''le. I a#ree -ecau*e % pu( (ha( % 6ha( ha* (o -e ea*". ,n' (ha(* no( % No( a( all. 6ha(* no( *o impor(an( (o me. ;hi(e *pace % no& I 'on( (hink o+ orien(a(ion when I (hink o+ (ha(. No& (ha(* % orien(a(ion i* hori:on(al or % ?or(rai( or lan'*cape. 4e(* pu( (ha( one % -" color % -u( (ha(*& "ou ha$e (o ha$e (ha(. 3C7 SS6,4A8 No( impor(an( (o me. NoE YouE For me i( woul' -e $er" impor(an(. ;ell I can *ee "ou mi#h( -e % I can *ee wi(h cer(ain clien(*& (ha( "ou woul' wan( licen*e' pho(o* onl". ;ell& i+ "oure 'oin# -lo# *(u++ % No& -lo# I 'on( care& -u( i+ "oure 'oin# a -ook .acke(& plannin# (he pho(o& I' wan( (o make *ure i(* a licen*e' pho(o. >i*co$er -" #en'er % ,c(uall" I .u*( ha' (ha( i**ue& an' (ha( wa* % I wan(e' (o %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


Ain' o+ wha( "oure lookin# +orE Yeah. I (o(all" % an' I wa* lookin# +or % Same (hin#. I ha' (ha( % (ha(* all impor(an(. 6ho*e are all impor(an(E Yeah. >i*co$er -" orien(a(ionE No. 7eFue*( a licen*eE Ye*. 6ha(* #onna -e reall" 'i++icul(& le( me (ell "ou. ne/click *hoppin#E Yeah. No& no. I 'on( like i( (o ha$e m" cre'i( car' in+orma(ion. 4ook wha( (he" .u*( 'i' (o 6ar#e(. 2u( (ha( wa* onl" one purcha*e. I(* no( like (he" ha' "our in+orma(ion on +ile. I( wa* when "ou *wipe'& (he" ha' *ome(hin# in (he *"*(em (ha( 'ownloa'e' "our in+orma(ion. 2u( (he #u" wa* in (he compu(er *"*(em& an' he wa* cop"in# all (he *(u++& <cau*e e$er" purcha*e wen( (hrou#h. No( (he % 2u( i( wa*n( (ha( (he" ha' "our cre'i( on +ile. 2u( (he" 'o. Since i(* ea*". )u*( lea$e i( (here. ;ha(e$er. $o(*s it !oin!, !#)s8 6ha( wa* ea*". ;e ha' a couple % we ha' a Fue*(ion a-ou( (hi* %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


;e 'on( know wha( (ha( mean*. 0.ilit) to #rchase sin!le an- m#lti le ima!es8 ;ha( 'oe* (ha( meanE Yo# can .#) .atches& So )o# -on*t ha%e to .#) them one .) one8 Yo# co#l- j#st select the ones )o# (ant an- .#) 2 !et one rint 2 Ii'eo* an' illu*(ra(ion*E So (hree 'i++eren( % 3C7 SS6,4A8 ;h" woul'n( "ouE ;here on ear(h woul'n( "ou % 't*s reall) j#st to #n-erstan- the interest 2 3?B@SST0LC7 I+ "ou 'i'n( ha$e (he a-ili(" (o -u" mul(iple % i( woul' -e like no( -ein# a-le (o pu( an or'er on ,ma:on. 3C7 SS6,4A8 I(* no( % I woul' no( u*e i( i+ i( 'i'n( ha$e (ha(& -u( i( .u*( *eem* *or( o+ +ar/+e(che'. ,-ili(" (o crea(e a -rie+ wa* % /ere there an) others that (ere con+#sin!8 9?a#se (e -i-n*t !o into each 2 rien(a(ion. rien(a(ion (o u* mean* po*i(ion& like hori:on(al or $er(ical& no( amoun( o+ whi(e *pace or color. 4an'*cape or por(rai(. No( nece**aril" color or whi(e -alance or (hin#* like (ha(& -ecau*e (hi* % I 'on( in(erpre( (ha( a* orien(a(ion. So )o#*re thinkin! lan-sca e, ortrait, all that& 5#t (hat a.o#t 2 there are 2 I+ "ou #o( ri' o+ (hi* an' .u*( % i+ "ou #o( ri' o+ (hi* *(a(emen( an' .u*( pu( i( a* (ha(& I woul' *(ill pu( i( in (ha( ca(e#or". /hat is im ortant to still ha%e8 Yo# kno( ho( sometimes )o# -on*t (ant the as ara!#s 2 ;hi(e -ack#roun'. Yo# (ant a normal 2 not normal, .#t a non:(hite .ack!ro#n- ict#re& /o#l- that matter8

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6here are (ime* where (ha( 'oe* come in(o pla". Yeah. ,n' i+ (ha( wa* wha( "oure (hinkin#& i+ "ou #e( % (he amoun( o+ whi(e *pace& a#ain& (ha( woul' -e % i+ "ou pu( i( a* (hi*& "ou mi#h( call i( *ha'in#& -ack#roun'& (hen I woul' mo$e (ha( in(o here. So let*s hear 2 (hat (e*%e .een -oin!, it*s .een reall) interestin!, is to com are (hat*s im ortant (ith each !ro# & So let*s ha%e )o# !#)s start (ith (hat*s im ortant& 0n- let*s see ho( that com ares to (hat )o# ha%e& 0n- (hat some o+ the eo le ha%e .een -oin! is j#st kin- o+ la)in! it all o#t, 9ca#se sometimes it*s har- to remem.er (hat )o# #t in the im ortant .#cket& So le(* *a" % we$e #o( pho(o* (o -e 'i*co$ere' -" color an' -lack an' whi(e. 6ha(* *or( o+ % e$en(uall" I woul' ima#ine (ha( "ou' ha$e (o ha$e (ha(. (herwi*e how woul' "ou % pho(o* (o -e 'i*co$ere' -" *i:e or la"ou(. I almo*( pu( a couple o+ (he*e % in m" min'& I pu( (he*e a* % i+ "ou 'i'n( ha$e (he*e& "ou woul' -e a( a 'i*a'$an(a#e. 6hi* 'oe*n( #i$e "ou an" compe(i(i$e a'$an(a#e. 6he*e are all % 9u*(/ha$e*. ?rereFui*i(e* o+ *ome(hin# (ha( *ell* pic(ure*. r an"(hin#. 6hi* i* *li#h(l" 'i++eren(& (he a-ili(" +or one/click *hoppin#. ;e pu( (ha( a* a % (ha(* a nice (hin# (o ha$e. ?ho(o* (ha( are a cer(ain price or price ran#e. ,#ain& I almo*( pu( (ha( ri#h( here& ma"-e hal+wa" in -e(ween. 6ha(* reall" *or( o+ % a#ain& i+ "ou 'i'n( ha$e (ha( i( woul' -e *(ran#e. ?ho(o* (o -e 'i*co$ere' -" $i*ual *imilari("& pho(o* like (hi* oneE 6ha(* kin' o+ nice. Ill *(ruc(ure (he*e *o (ha( (hi* % This is +antastic& Sorr" i(* #onna -e -ehin' +or "ou& -u( % @h, ' can 2 So a-ili(" (o *earch +or licen*e' an' non/licen*e' ma(erial a( (he *ame (ime. 6o me& (ha(* % I woul' pu( (ha( hi#h up on (ha( li*(. You can cer(ainl" correc( me i+ Im *peakin# +or (wo o+ u*& -u( % *o choo*in# -e(ween pho(o*& $i'eo* an' illu*(ra(ion*. ,n' (ha(* al*o $er" nice (o ha$e. Some(ime* "ou 'on( wan( a car(oon 'rawin# o+ a -ook& I wan( (he ac(ual pic(ure o+ a -ook. ,n' our la*( one we ha' wa* a-ili(" (o +a$ori(e& -ookmark& an' *hare pho(o* "ou in(en' (o -u". 3IN,5>I2418 I wa* (hinkin# i( woul' -e like (ha(.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


I+ were #roupin# -" mu*(/ha$e*& choo*in# -e(ween pho(o*& $i'eo* an' illu*(ra(ion* i* like a -a*ic (hin# (ha( e$er" *i(e ha* now& *o (ha(* % ' like ho( )o# !#)s sai- these are .asics, m#st:ha%es, an- some o+ these are j#st reall) im ortant& 5#t 2 so ho( -i- that com are to (hat )o# !#)s ha-8 The most im ortant& So *houl' we *ee where we % Yeah, let*s see 2 3?B@SST0LC7 So we like' (o +ea(ure (he pho(o* +rom a *peci+ic pho(o#rapher. I(* no( a mu*(/ha$e& -u( % 6ha(* pro-a-l" a new one. So price ran#e& *o we a#ree' (here. Choo*in# -e(ween pho(o*& $i'eo* an' illu*(ra(ion*. Ii*ual *imilari("E Yes, )o# !#)s ha- that& Photos like this one8 Yup. 2ookmark an' *hare pho(o* "ou in(en' (o -u". That (as a -o#.le, )es& ,-ili(" (o ea*il" reFue*( (o licen*e a non/licen*e' ph"*ical pho(o $ia email. That*s -i++erent& 6ha(* a li((le 'i++eren(. This is a.o#t 2 one*s a.o#t search an- one*s a.o#t re;#estin!& h& we ha' a ca$ea( (o (ha(. I ha' a +la*h on (hi* one (ha( (hi* ha* (o -e ea*". ;i(hou( (ha( proce** -ein# ea*" % Yeah& we -o(h % $o( a.o#t the (a) ' -escri.e- it earlier8 That it*- .e one -a), )o#*- j#st #t )o#r re;#est in, an- then 2 S(ill 'oe*n( %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


,#ain& (he proce** % *o i+ Im #onna nee' (o $er-ali:e e0ac(l" wha( I wan( an' wha( I % an' how (ha(* #onna % i+ (ha(* a canne' (hin# where Im #onna -e a-le (o click a -u((on (o reFue*( licen*e& (hen (ha(* % Then it*s @C& Yeah& -u( I 'on( wanna *(ar( #oin# in(o *eman(ic* wi(h *ome-o'". /ell, (hat (ere )o# !#)s thinkin! (hen )o# #t it as most im ortant8 /ere )o# (antin! somethin! similar, or 2 9ca#se this one (as a more im ortant one& I( wa* .u*( % i(* an ea*" (hin# i+ "ou wan( (o *hare i( wi(h a clien( or +rien'. 6hen (he*e. 6ha(* in(ere*(in#& "ou #u"* 'i'n( pu( % *o (he con(en( (hin#& (o 'i*co$er (hem -" a#e& race& an' #en'er& I (hou#h( (ha( wa* % i+ "oure 'ealin# wi(h a lo( o+ people *ho(*& I .u*( (hou#h( i( wa* % I know when I u*e (hem& I +in' (ha( $er" % ;e pu( (ha( a* a mi''le onl" -ecau*e +or u* i( 'i'n( % 2u( (ho*e aren( % (he #en'er "ou #e( a lo( o+ +il(er* +or& -u( "ou 'on( #e( i( +or a#e or race. 6he" (en' (o a$oi' (hem. 6he" (en' (o a$oi' (ho*e (wo& -ecau*e % '*m j#st takin! a ict#re o+ this, in case )o#*re (on-erin!& You *houl' (ake i( +rom (hi* wa". You *houl' (urn (he camera up*i'e/'own. 6ha(* #oo'. Let*s see (hat 2 ,-ili(" (o *earch +or licen*e' pho(o* onl". r'er hi*(or". ;e .u*( (hou#h( (ha( wa* a #oo' +ea(ure. @r-er histor)& 9a"-e no( (he mo*( impor(an(& -u( % /here -i- or-er histor) +all +or )o# !#)s8 2o((om pile. !ere. nl" -ecau*e I 'on( nece**aril" ha$e (o in$oice % mo*( o+ (he (hin#* (ha( I 'o are % I -uil( in(o wha( Im 'oin#& I 'on( i(emi:e m" -illin# (o nece**aril" re+lec( pho(o#raph" %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


Cri(ical +or -u*ine**& -u( no( +or % No( in m" -u*ine**. ,n' no( +or .u*( ama(eur. ,-ili(" (o purcha*e *in#le or mul(iple ima#e*. That*s one o+ the .asic ones& 6ha(* .u*( a real -a*ic *or( o+ % !ere* "our pic(ure. So (hat (as least +or )o# !#)s8 Shoul' I rea' (hem& or "ou wan( me (o la" (hem ou(E ?ho(o* (ha( are (he newe*( % Yo# can #t them 2 ?ho(o* (ha( are (he newe*(& <cau*e when "ou nee' % wha(e$er "ou nee'& 'oe*n( ma((er& new or ol'. You .u*( nee' a cer(ain (hin#. ?ho(o* (o -e 'i*co$ere' -" race wa* 3IN,5>I2418 +or our purpo*e*. For me it*s reall) 9ca#se the hotos that are the ne(est 2 '*%e hear- some other thin!s, oh, this hoto is so -ate-& 's that a !oo- or a .a- 2 6ha(* 'i++eren(. 6ha(* 'i++eren(. You can ha$e an ol' pho(o (ha( *(ill *eem* curren(. <Cau*e i+ i(* a (imele** ima#e& i( 'oe*n( ma((er. I(* a per*on wearin# clo(he* +rom (he @0*& "eah& (ha(* -a'. I+ "ou u*e' e2a" (o % 4ike a per*onE I+ "ou u*e' e2a" parlance& (he newe*( li*(e'E 6ha( 'oe*n( mean an"(hin#. 6ha( 'oe*n( *er$e me nece**aril" an" purpo*e. /hat -o )o# !#)s here think o+ that8 The ne(est8 /here -i- that +all +or )o#8 't -i-n*t come # )et, so 2

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6ha( wa*n( impor(an(. ,-ili(" (o *earch +or licen*e' pho(o* onl" wa*n( impor(an( +or our purpo*e*& -u( we un'er*(an' wh" i( woul' -e. ,-ili(" (o *ee or'er hi*(or"& *ame (hin#. 9a"-e impor(an( +or cer(ain -u*ine**e*. ,-ili(" (o keep pho(o* one "ear (o re/'ownloa' a* nee'e'. No( impor(an(. I *a$e (hem. For u*& -u( i+ "oure 'oin# hu#e $olume*& i( coul' ma"-e % Youre -u"in# (hou*an'* o+ pic(ure*. This one8 't*s not im ortant, .#t ' hear- eo le sometimes sa) oh, ' mis lace- the hoto an- ' j#st (ant to .e a.le to access it& ' ai- +or it& I can % I keep (hem in m" 'ownloa'* +ile. I .u*( *earch (ha(. I+ (hi* ma'e i( *uper ea*"& "eah& I #ue**& -u( i(* no( (ha( o+(en (ha( (ha( happen*. I u*e % I per*onall" u*e a pho(o once an' (ha(* i(. I 'on( *a$e (hem. So % 2u( I coul' *ee in o(her in*(ance* wi(h % I -elon# (o (hi* a**ocia(ion an' Im in char#e o+ (heir we-*i(e& an' i+ we ha' (o purcha*e a *(ock pho(o& I coul' *ee % o(her people nee' (he pho(o *ome(ime*& an' no-o'" can +in' i(& *o i( woul' -e nice (o ha$e acce** (o i(& an' % In cer(ain circum*(ance*& 'e+ini(el"& .u*( % (hi* i* per*onal& *o no. For me. No, that makes sense& ?ho(o* (ha( are popular an' (ren'in#& *ol' or -ookmarke'. I( wa* wha( ,n'rea wa* *a"in# -e+ore. Some(ime* "ou reall" 'on( wan( (he pho(o (ha( e$er"-o'" i* u*in#. You wan( *ome(hin# uniFue or *pecial. So (ha( wa*n( *o impor(an(. ,n' a#ain& i( -oil* 'own (o "ou nee' wha( "ou nee'& who care* wha(* (ren'in#E So % an' (hen pho(o* +rom a *peci+ic pho(o#rapherE No( nece**aril"& I can *ee i(* help+ul& -u( % we were *a"in# (hi* -e+ore (oo& i+ "ou nee' na(ure ima#er" an' "ou know (ha( pho(o#rapher 'oe* (ha(& (ha( coul' -e help+ul& -u( no( +or u*. 6hi* % oh& (hi* i* onl" % (o me (hi* i* onl" per(inen( i+ i(* *ome-o'" (ha( I can *a$e a* a +a$ori(e pho(o#rapher& (ha(* 'i++eren(. 2u( i+ "ou ha$e i( ca(e#ori:e' -" pho(o#rapher& (ha(* no( % (ha( 'oe*n( help me. I+ I ha$e a #u" (ha( I +in' who (ake* *peci+ic pic(ure* o+ (hin#* (ha( are per(inen( (o m" -u*ine**& (hen "e*& (ha(* $er" u*e+ul. 2u( .u*( #i$e me a #roupin# o+ )oe Smi(h an' 2o- ,pple& who (ake pic(ure* o+ (hin#* (ha( I 'on( care a-ou(& I 'on( nee' (hem. I in(erpre(e' (ha( % (ha( wa* a li((le 3IN,5>I2418 (ha( I in(erpre(e'. $o( a.o#t )o# !#)s, +or )o#r .ottom o+ the list8 ,-ili(" (o *earch +or licen*e' an' non/licen*e' a( (he *ame (ime.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


The ne(est as (ell& 6ha(* 'i++eren(. 6ha(* +unn". See& we pu( (ha( a* one o+ our mo*( impor(an(& an' (ha(* "our lea*( impor(an(. /ell, )o# !#)s j#st ha- license-& Aers#s searchin! +or .oth& ' think )o# sai- the a.ilit) to search +or license- 2 ;ell& mo*( o+ (he pho(o#raph* are no( licen*e'. I(* no( a % (he*e are ou( o+ people* pho(o#raph* +rom (heir iClou'& i(* no( % mo*( o+ (hem are no( pro+e**ional pho(o#rapher*& no( % 6o'a". I 'on( (hink % -u( in (hi* % (ha(* (o'a". I (hink (hi* i* a 'i++eren( % (ha(* #onna make a 'i++erence wi(h (hi*. 6hi* i* #onna -e pre'ominan(l" licen*e' pho(o*& wi(h (he incorpora(ion o+ non/licen*e'. ,n' *o I in(erpre(e' (hi* % *o wi(h (ha( in min'& (ha(* wh" we % (ha(* wh" I inclu'e'& (ha(* wh" we pu( (o -e a-le (o *earch -" % No, that makes sense& 0n- that*s (h) (e (ant to #n-erstan- (hat*s most im ortant& Searcha.ilit), to +in- license-, to +in- .oth& I( 'epen'* on (he price 'i++eren(ia(ion -e(ween (he (wo al*o. Yo# j#st -on*t ha%e that iece )et& Yeah. ,-ili(" (o *hare wi(h o(her*. Less im ortant8 Yeah. 6ha(* no(hin#. ;e 'on( min' emailin#. ,-ili(" (o 'o one/click *hoppin#. @ne:click sho in!8

,n' 6on" -rou#h( up (he whole 6ar#e( (hin#& *o % "ou 'on( wan( % @h, ' -on*t think ' hear- that, ' (as in the .ack room&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


;ell& "ou 'on( wan( (o lea$e "our cre'i( car' in+orma(ion an"where. I(* *ill". 6he" alrea'" know enou#h a-ou( "ou % when "ou (alk a-ou( (he al#ori(hm* (ha( (he"re #oin# (o pu( pic(ure* on -a*e' on "our prior *earche*. 6he"re alrea'" 'oin# enou#h wi(h "our in+orma(ion (ha( (he la*( (hin# "ou wan( (o 'o i* #i$e (hem pri$" (o "our -ank accoun( on a con*(an( -a*i*. No( (ha( I (hink 9ari**a 9e"er* #onna #e( in(o m" -ank accoun(& -u( % i( 'oe* #i$e (he op(ion (o people. That*s a !oo- oint& ,-ili(" (o re/'ownloa' ima#e*. ,-ili(" (o keep pho(o* +or one "ear. ?ho(o* (o -e 'i*co$ere' -" color& -lack an' whi(e. 6rack (he ima#e -" wha( "ou *ee& no( whe(her i(* -lack or whi(e or no(. 5nle** "oure *peci+icall" % pho(o* (ha( are popular an' (ren'in#. I #ue** (he onl" wa" % (he (hin#* (ha( are newe*(. I+ "ou ha' a((ache' (he newe*( (o (he pho(o#rapher& "ou ha$e a *peci+ic pho(o#rapherE 6ha(* 'i++eren(. ,n' "ou a((ache' (he newe*( (o (he pho(o#rapher % 6ha(* 'i++eren(. I( i*& -u( % .u*( *a"in# (ha( % That*s a !oo- oint& I( chan#e* i(& -ecau*e "oure lookin# a( % "oure #e((in# an up'a(e on (heir por(+olio. ;hich i* a % So then the ne(est comes into la)& "otcha& /ell, ' (ant to no( talk a.o#t rice& 9?a#se that*s a .i! iece that*s missin!& 3'N04D'5L67 5#t .e+ore ' !o into it, j#st (ant to !et 2 +or )o#, (hat is most im ortant in res ect to -eterminin! (hat si1e to .#)8 /hat role -oes rice la) in that8 ' mean (e (ere talkin! a little .it .e+ore a.o#t it j#st -e en-s on ho( )o#*re #sin! it, .#t (hat role -oes rice la)8 3IN,5>I2418 6he cheape*(. ,n' I can #e( awa" wi(h u*in# *mall& <cau*e (hi* i* +or -lo#*. 6hi* i*n( *uch an i**ue +or me. ?rice i* alwa"* impor(an(. I+ i(* +or me& o+ cour*e I wan( i( a* cheap a* po**i-le. Clien(* (he*e 'a"* will wan( % (here* (hi* e0pec(a(ion wi(h pho(o#raph" an"more (ha( i( *houl' all -e cheap. <Cau*e i(* e$er"where& an' people 'on( pa" wha( (he" u*e' (o pa" +or pho(o#raph". So mo*( clien(* .u*( 'on( wan( (o pa" % unle** i(* a hu#e& hu#e corpora(ion an' i(* ri#h(*/mana#e' an' % #eneral e$er"'a" clien(* 'on( wan( (o pa" a -i# % #o on a % I can( -ill % -ecau*e i(* no( par( o+ m" % pho(o#raph" i* no( par( o+ m" core o++erin#. In o(her wor'*& i(* *ome(hin# (ha( % I i(emi:e m" -illin#& an' (ha(* % *o i(* alwa"* an a-*or-e' co*( +or me. So i( nee'* (o ha$e a $alue/a''& an' unle** i(* #o( a hu#e $alue/

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


a''& i( nee'* (o -e co*(/e++ec(i$e +or me& -u( % (ha(* (o *a" (ha( I 'on( nece**aril" cheap ou( i+ i(* (he appropria(e piece. 6he appropria(e (hin# +or (he appropria(e piece. So here ' ha%e t(o -i++erent ricin! an!les& @ tion one is a .asic license& 0 .asic license is 2 ' also ha%e an e<ten-e- license here, so let me sho( )o# o tion t(o& ?an e%er)one see it @C8 ?an )o# see 2 Yeah. @ tion t(o is +or an e<ten-e- license& 0n e<ten-e- license is )o# !et to #se it +or lon!er ress ones, ma).e i+ )o#*re -oin! somethin! like t:shirts& 't j#st !i%es )o# that a--e- le!al rotection& So +or one me!a.)te, )o# co#l- !et 2D .asic license, G&G, or )o# !et HD, an- then 22 me!a.)tes )o# !et 14D& 0n- this is a rice er hoto& 't (o#l-n*t .e a s#.scri tion, it (o#l- .e an act#al 2 ;ai(& *orr". I 'on( u*uall" 'o i( -" -"(e*. So one me#a-"(e +or 2G 'ollar* i* (he co*( o+ one pho(oE 0 one:me!a.)te:si1e hoto& Yes& ;ha( *i:e are (he *mall one* u*uall"E So it (o#l- .e like the small 2 like (hen )o#*re !oin! thro#!h, )o# ha%e the small, me-i#m, an- lar!e& This is reall) j#st small, me-i#m, lar!e& 6ha(* e0pen*i$e. 2G 'ollar*E 6ha( woul' -e wa" ou( o+ m" % I a#ree. 2G 'ollar* i* more e0pen*i$e (han o(her *i(e*. I mean a lo( % "ou can #e( (wo +or (ha( price. ,( Shu((er*(ock "ou coul' #e( (wo +or (ha( price. I (hink (ha(* % I woul' no( -u" (ha(. No. 6ha(* no( a 'eal. You woul' hope (ha( a *i(e like Flickr (ha(* comin# alon# woul' o++er more $alue. 2u( (he" ha$e (o ea( (oo. ;ha(E

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


I+ "oure onl" (hink a-ou( % I 'on( reall" care % 6he rela(ion*hip wi(h (he pho(o#rapher % 34,5G!6178 6he rela(ion*hip wi(h (he pho(o#rapher (oo. Im no( 'i*re*pec(in# (he pho(o#rapher a( all. 2u( Im .u*( *a"in#. 2u( when "ou 'o -u" (he*e (hin#*& "ou ha$e (o (hink i(* more o+ a % (here* a lar#er or#anic we- (ha( happen*. ne o+ (he (hin#* (hou#h& pho(o#raph"& we$e (ouche' on (ha( pho(o#rapher* are reall" no( #i$en a* much re*pec( an"more. ,n' (he curren( (hin#& <cau*e e$er"-o'" ha* an i?hone& e$er"-o'" .u*( (ake* pic(ure*. 2u( 'epen'in# on wha( (he le$el o+ pho(o#raph" i*& I 'on( (hink (he"re $er" e0(ra$a#an( price*. You 'on( (hink % I 'on( (hink. I+ i(* a reall" name/-ran' pho(o#rapher& *ome up/an'/comin# pho(o#rapher (ha( ha* a 'ecen( por(+olio (ha(* pre*en(e' on (he *i(e& an' (heir work i* con(emporar" an' #oo' Fuali("E I woul'n( (hink (ha( i(* (ha( much. 2u( i+ i(* (he a$era#e per*on* pho(o +rom (heir i?honeE 0n- these are all +or the c#rate-, license- hotos& So it*s not the 2 an)thin! like the #.lic ima!es that )o# see on Flickr& I (hink i(* one (hin# when "oure *pen'in# "our mone" an' one (hin# when "oure *pen'in# a ma#a:ine* mone". So +or m" purpo*e*& I wan( pho(o#rapher* (o -e A& -u( I wan( (heir pricin# (o -e compe(i(i$e. ,n' (hi* pricin# i* no( compe(i(i$e wi(h wha( I per*onall" pa" on o(her *(ock pho(o*. I ha$e (o (hink o+ i( in a 'i++eren( *en*e& -ecau*e I$e #o((a % like I *ai'& I a-*or- (he co*( in m" -u*ine**. So Im in -e(ween (he (wo. I nee' (o -e co*(/con*ciou*& -u( I al*o nee' (o ha$e a #oo'/Fuali(" ima#e& an' I al*o un'er*(an' a* an in'i$i'ual prac(i(ioner& which I am % Im on a (eam o+ *i0 o(her o+ (he *ame. 2u( I un'er*(an' (ha( "ou can( % "ou' -e#in (o hack awa" a( (he price& an' all o+ a *u''en "ou crea(e a -a*eline (ha( are % #u"* wi(h i?hone* are now #e((in# (he *ame a* a #u" who* (rul" an ar(i*(& an' i(* no( nece**aril" +air. ,n' I 'on( (hink % (ha( price woul'n( -rin# me (o a *creechin# hal(. 2u( I woul'n( -e a* Fuick (o -u"& a( 2G 'ollar*& mul(iple ima#e*& a* I woul' wi(h& *a"& Shu((er*(ock& where "oure #onna #e( (wo +or (ha( price. 6ha( woul' make me wa" more *elec(i$e o+ (he ima#e* (ha( I -u". ,n' woul' in (urn make me -u" le**. 1$en (hou#h I woul' *(ill pa" 2G 'ollar* +or a #oo'/Fuali(" ima#e. ,-*olu(el". I 'on( (hink (ha( (ha(* an inappropria(e price a( all. 2u( in a *i(ua(ion where ma"-e I woul'$e -ou#h( (wo or (hree ima#e* +or (ha( price& (ha( I coul'$e u*e' in(erchan#ea-l" % (hen I woul'n( ha$e %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


So this is more like cherr): ickin!& I( woul' -e wa" more *elec(i$e. I( woul' % which coul' in (urn make me 'ra# (he proce** 'own. ,n' coul' in (heor" make me u*e (he *er$ice le**. So % /hat are )o# !#)s thinkin! a.o#t these rices8 I(* reall" (ou#h +or me& -ecau*e I *ee -o(h *i'e* o+ (he *(or"& an' % a* *omeone who wa* a pho(o#rapher& (hi* i* wh" Im ou( o+ -u*ine**. I(* -ecau*e (he price* are *o low. 2u( (hen a* *omeone who u*e* pho(o#raph"& I 'on( wan( (o pa" a lo( o+ mone" ei(her. So % So (hat -o )o# think o+ these8 's this somethin! )o# !o +or, +or the 2D or HD8 I+ Im pu((in# i( on a -lo#& I 'on( wan( (o *pen' much % on m" per*onal -lo#& I 'on( wan( (o *pen' 2G 'ollar* on m" per*onal -lo#. n a *in#le ima#e. 7i#h(& on a *in#le % -u( i+ i( wa* +or *ome(hin# more impor(an(& i+ I wa* makin# a -rochure& or Im workin# wi(h a clien( +or *ome(hin#& (ha(* *uper cheap. I mean& (ha(* -e"on' cheap. So +or a lea+let& Yeah. 6ha( woul' -e reall" % +or a -ook .acke(& +rom a pu-li*her& (ha( woul' -e like #i$in# i( awa". 6ha( woul' -e % an' (he pho(o#rapher make* no mone" o++ o+ (ha(. ,n' pu-li*hin# companie* make a lo( o+ mone"& or (he" u*e' (o. No( *o much. 6he" *(ill 'o. 6here* onl" like (hree companie* le+(& ri#h(E ;ha(e$er. So (he" can a++or' (o *pen' more. So i(* (ou#h. 2ecau*e i( 'epen'* on (he en' u*e. r i+ i(* *ome(hin# (ha( I reall" nee'& an' i+ i( reall" nail* wha( Im lookin# +or& (hen "e*. <Cau*e a#ain& "ou #e( wha( "ou pa" +or. So i+ "ou % i+ Im ha$in# a har' (ime +in'in# (hin#* on o(her we-*i(e*& I pro-a-l" woul' #o +or (he 2G 'ollar*. I+ i(* a 'ire emer#enc" or i+ i(* *ome(hin# (ha( I reall"& reall"& reall" nee' a( (ha( momen(& I pro-a-l" woul' #o +or i(. 2u( woul' i( -e m" +ir*( choiceE No. That*s +air& 0n- ' j#st (ant to sho( )o# 2 j#st on Ton)*s oint 2 ho( m#ch the hoto!ra her (o#l- !et& So Flickr stock (ill !i%e 51 ercent to the hoto!ra her, (hich is a lot hi!her than 2

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6ha(* #rea( % "ett) or Sh#tterstock, (hich is aro#n- 20 to 40& So the .#)ers (o#l- a) this, the) (o#l- !et 51 ercent, an- that*s ho( it (o#l- translate& 0n- j#st somethin! 2 ' think )o# e%en mentione- earlier, 6llen, this seems +oc#se- to(ar- hoto!ra hers too& The)*re takin! the ro+ile a!e an- s#ch& So this is (hat the) (o#l- .e !ettin!& Does that im act )o#r erce tions o+ the rice at all8 6ha(* % i+ I wa* *pen'in# *ome-o'" el*e* mone"& (ha( woul' impac( m" 'eci*ion (o #o here. Ye*. Spen'in# m" own mone"& a* a -lo##er& i( *(ill 'oe*n( make a 'i++erence. ,#ain& a* a *olo prac(i(ioner I wan( e$er"one (o make mone". Im +ine wi(h (ha(. ,* I *ai' % "ou *ai' -e+ore& "ou (alke' a-ou( lookin# +or (ha( cherr" -lo**om -ranch. I+ "ou +oun' (ha( cherr" -lo**om -ranch here& "ou' pa" 2G 'ollar* +or i(. Yeah. I woul'. I+ i( wa* a #oo'/Fuali(" (hin# +rom a well/known or up/an'/comin# pho(o#rapherE Im (he *ame wa". I+ I reall" +oun' wha( I nee'e'& I woul' 'o i(. 2u( I woul'n( *pen' a* +reel" wi(h (hi*& e$en (hou#h knowin# (ha( i(* 51 percen( (o (he pho(o#rapher& I *(ill woul'n( *pen' a* +reel" a* I woul' wi(h (he le** e0pen*i$e op(ion*. That makes sense& That*s reall) hel +#l& ' j#st (ante- to share that (ith )o# in case it ha- an) 2 so ' ha%e a +e( thin!s # here, an- ' j#st (ant )o# to hel me sort them& So j#st thin!s in min- 2 that )o# kee in min- (hen )o#*re thinkin! a.o#t rice an- 2 a.ilit) to enter )o#r cre-it car- in .#lk +or cre-it& '*m j#st !onna #t these all o#t here, an- ' (ant )o# to hel me or!ani1e (hat*s most im ortant, less im ortant& Cre'i( car' in -ulkE For cre-it, that means one o+ those thin!s (e (ere talkin! a.o#t, j#st so that )o#r cre-it car-*s entere- 2 h& oh. 6he one/click *hoppin#E Yes& Somethin! like that& Lo(er rice& Cno(in! ho( man) times others ha%e #rchase- the ima!e& Peace o+ min- that the ima!e is cleare- an- release-, that )o# (on*t !et that hone call& Not (orr)in! a.o#t e<ten-e- #sa!e char!es& Cno(in! rice ahea- o+ time& 0n- then hi!her ;#alit)& Anowin# price ahea' o+ (ime i* a -a*ic. 4ike % 6ha(* 'e+ini(el" %

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


So (o#l- that !o to the to 8 Ye*. I 'on( e$en know i+ (ha( -elon#* on (he li*( (here. I+ "ou 'on( know (he % I woul' ne$er .u*( *elec( an ima#e an' no( know (he price un(il checkou(. >#st to kno( it earlier in the rocess %ers#s later& 3?B@SST0LC7 So )o# (o#lkno( m#ch more earl) on 2 6ha( woul' -e help+ul. That (o#l- .e hel +#l& /hat else sho#l- !o to the to 8 4ower price. Lo(er rice& For me. ;ha(* (ha( mean (ha( (here woul' -e $ariou* pricin# +or 'i++eren( pho(o#raph*E r i* i( .u*( a #eneral 2GE There (o#l- still .e the -i++erent rices +or si1e, .#t )o# (o#l- kno( that 2 So (he *i:e % -u( (here* no( #onna -e a *cale or a ran#e o+ price* +or 'i++eren( ima#e*. 6ha(* al*o *or( o+ *(ran#e. So one me#a-"(e i* uniFue in (ha( a lo( o+ (ho*e *maller ima#e* can -e 1.2& 1.D. So i+ (he" now -reak in(o (ha( (hre*hol'& an ima#e (ha( woul' -e % a *mall ima#e +rom Shu((er*(ock i* now #onna -e a( (he D.D me#a-"(e& 7G 'ollar price on (hi* % on Flickr* *i(e. You *ee wha( I meanE 6he *i:in# i* a mi*nomer. 6ha( 'oe*n( nece**aril" % i( 'oe*n( accura(el" repre*en( wha( an ima#e ma" -e. /ell, (hat (e*re reall) tr)in! to +in- o#t is 2 j#st kno(in! 2 ' kno( (hat )o#*re tr)in! to sa), are there !oin! to .e -i++erent rices er ima!e, er si1e8 5#t this is reall) j#st -o )o# (ant to kno( it ahea- o+ time8 $o( earl) in the rocess is rice 2 ;ell& -a*icall" i(* alwa"* #onna -e "our -a*ic one me#a-"(e. I( 'oe*n( ma((er wha( ima#e "ou pick. That is the rices on 2 1$er" ima#e i* #onna % 3C7 SS6,4A8

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


;ha( 'oe* hi#her Fuali(" meanE $i!her ;#alit) is reall) j#st the lar!er i<els 2 h& A. Sorr". 6ha(* no( *o impor(an( (o me. 'n the mi--le8 I (hink we (alke' a-ou( (hi* earlier % I+ i(* (he re*olu(ion& (ha( hi#her Fuali("& (hen i(* a li((le -i( more % So #t it ma).e here8 Yeah. Cno(in! ho( man) times others ha%e #rchase-8 6ha(* #oo' (o know& I (hink. I 'on( reall" care a-ou( % No( +or "our colla#e purpo*e*& -u( i+ "ou 'on( wan( (o u*e *ome(hin# (ha(* -een o$eru*e' % h& i+ "oure -lo##in#& I can un'er*(an' (ha(& -u( % r u*in# +or e'i(orial. I (hink % 0.ilit) to enter cre-it car-8 No( *o % Peace o+ min- that the ima!e is cleare- an- release-8 6ha(* impor(an(. /here (o#l- it !o8 3?B@SST0LC7 0.o%e8 Yeah& a-o$e. 0n- not (orr)in! a.o#t e<ten-e- #sa!e char!es8 That*s more i+ )o# (ant to #se it +or like a )ear, an- 2

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


6ha(* no( impor(an( (o me& -u( ma" -e impor(an( (o o(her*. So no( ' ha%e j#st one +inal thin!& 0n- this is kin- o+ a +#n acti%it) that e%er)one*s reall) .een enjo)in!& /hat ' (ant )o# to -o, no( ha%in! all this in+ormation, is 2 in )o#r same teams that )o# -i- )o#r sortin!, ' (ant )o# to #ll to!ether a itch +or Flickrstock8 4ike a (a#lineE Yeah, like a little sales thin!& 5#t )o# -on*t ha%e to -o it on )o#r o(n& 9?a#se ' ha%e all this in+ormation +or )o# here& So these are -i++erent ta!lines& So essentiall) (hat (e*re tr)in! to +in- o#t is (hat*s reall) im ortant to )o#& So i+ )o# ha- a +i%e: min#te con%ersation (ith some.o-), )o# reall) (ante- to !et them to si!n # +or Flickrstock tomorro(& /hat 2 +rom this list, (hat thin!s are the most critical8 So let me !i%e )o# those 2 6he ele$a(or pi(ch. The ele%ator itch, e<actl)& @n the sheet 2 )o# !#)s can (ork to!ether 2 3?B@SST0LC7 /hat ' ha%e here, .e+ore )o# e%en 2 ' ha%e 2 ?u*h (ha( (o#e(her in(o one % ' ha%e one more ste to the rocess here& So ' ha%e a .oar- here that*s !onna hel !#i-e )o#& So in )o#r little sales itch, ' j#st (ant )o# to think a.o#t (hat -oes Flickrstock reall) ro%i-e8 $o( is it -i++erent +rom the others8 0n- (h) -o )o# nee- to si!n # 8 So (hat eo le ha%e .een -oin! is )o# j#st nee- to ick 2 ma).e Flickrstock ro%i-es, ick 0 or 5 or ?, (hiche%er ones )o# +eel the most essential to (hat it*s ro%i-in! in )o#r min-& 0n- (hat )o# think is most a ealin! in thinkin! a.o#t ho( to !et some.o-) to si!n # & /hat is reall) -i++erent a.o#t it8 5eca#se i+ it*s the same as all the others, (h) (o#l- an).o-) reall) (ant to si!n # 8 0n- then at the en- 2 so (hat (e*ll -o 2 For (he la*( one& "ou nee' (o *i#n up (omorrow % 5eca#se& So )o# j#st #t letters #n-er each one& So that (ill .e )o#r itch& So '*ll ha%e a .oar- +or )o# !#)s& So )o# can +eel +ree to (rite the letters in, or (e can j#st talk 9em thro#!h a+ter )o#*%e -eci-e-& 3IN,5>I2418 6he +ir*( oneE Flickr*(ock pro$i'e* a % 'i++eren( i* C. 4ike wh" i(* 'i++eren( (han (he o(her one*E

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


I (hink (here* a couple (ha( are pro-a-l" % 2u( (ha(* more impor(an(. I 'on( know i+ were reFuire' % i+ we ha$e (o *(ick wi(h one ei(her. I (hink (wo o+ (hem % I (hink (hi* i* % +or me& i(* no( (ha( % (ha( i* 'i++eren(. I( i* 'i++eren(. So I .u*( % Yeah& C an' ,* #oo'. ,n' "ou nee' (o *i#n up (omorrow % 3C7 SS6,4A8 ,n' (hen ma"-e A i* ano(her 'i++eren( oneE Yeah. 6ha( i* 'i++eren(. 3C7 SS6,4A8 I ha$e @K02. ;here 'o "ou hail +romE I li$e in 4an'er$ille. $er -" % So "ou ha$e (o (ake ?enn % no& "ou (ake Gran' Cen(ral. No& I (ake ?enn S(a(ion& I #o((a % >o "ou wan( (o (ake a ca- wi(h meE I (ake ?enn 'own (o& wha( 'o "ou call % "eah. ;ha( (ime % Im no( walkin#. I(* (oo col'. Yeah& i(* col'. I wa* (hinkin# a-ou( #oin# (o (he #"m % I walke' here. I walke' (oo. I walk e$er"where. I( 'epen'*. I #o( a 7K45 an' I #o( a @K11& *o % You coul' walk +or (he @K11.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


>o "ou wan( a % 3C7 SS6,4A8 2u( I u*uall" wear mine. 6ha(* (he Fi(-i(E I ha$e a pe'ome(er& I +or#o(. Im #onna -reak 10&000 on (he wa" -ack& *o % (ha(ll -e % 3C7 SS6,4A8 2u( "ou know wha(E I( i* (oo col'. I 're** +or i(. ;i(h (ha( in min'& *o % where 'o "ou li$e in New )er*e"E In 1n#lewoo'E h& m" collea#ue li$e* in 1n#lewoo'. ;ho* "our collea#ueE !er name i* ,lana 3IN,5>I2418. She* % her hu*-an' i* (he *uperin(en'en( o+ *chool +or 1li:a-e(h. I 'o no( know her name. I(* no( (ha( -i# o+ a place. I(* no( % a cer(ain ("pe o+ % "ou know wha( I meanE I(* like 2@&000 people& *o % She* #o( ki'*. She* #o( (wo 'au#h(er*. So (he"re *a"in# i(* no( complica(e'& *o (he"re *a"in# (ha( woul' -e % h& "oure a mana#emen( con*ul(an(E Yeah. 2u( Im al*o % in m" work& I 'o mo'era(ion an' +acili(a(ion. I 'o plannin# an' I u*e a $er" *imilar +orma( (o (he*e car'* (o *(ruc(ure 'i*cu**ion* an' *(i(ch (hem all (o#e(her. I 'o a *imilar e0erci*e (o (hi*. h& IE Num-er IE 4e((er IE @h, )a)& Yo#*re ha%in! a 2 let*s !et )o#, 9ca#se (e*%e !ot three min#tes le+t& 3?B@SST0LC7 So (e*ll 2 these !#)s !otta !ra. a train reall) ;#ick, so (e*ll let them 2 (e can -o this ;#ickl) tho#!h& So Flickrstock ro%i-es 2 ,& a u*e+ul (ool (o $i*uall" *earch while -ein# a-le (o *earch a li((le le**. >i++eren( i* C& con(en( i* +re*h& ori#inal& an' e'#ier (han Shu((er*(ock& Ge((" Ima#e*& e( ce(era& -u( we al*o like' ). 51 percen( *hare' wi(h pho(o#rapher*. ,n' i+ we were allowe' a (hir'& we

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


like' A. Cura(e' collec(ion* (o *(imula(e "our crea(i$e proce**. ,n' (hen "ou nee' (o *i#n up (omorrow wa* 2. Simple licen*e (ha(* ea*" (o un'er*(an'& pricin# (ha(* no( complica(e'. 6ran*paren(& hi#h $alue compare' (o compe(i(ion. So (ha(* 2& *orr". >#st 2 ' reall) (ant to j#st ;#ickl) 2 the -i++erent +irst (as content, (hich makes sense .ase- on (hat (e (ere talkin! a.o#t& The 51 ercent s#r rise- me a little .it& 2ecau*e % I mean now (ha( "ou *ai' i(& i( 'oe* 'i++eren(ia(e (he *i(e. 6he Fue*(ion wa*n( impac(+ul. 6he Fue*(ion wa* wha(* 'i++eren( +rom o(her *i(e*. ,n' (ha(* % (ha( i* 'i++eren(. 6ha( i* 'i++eren(. In (ha( *en*e. I(* no( *ome(hin# (ha(* nece**aril" (ha( impac(+ul +or me. ,n' i(* *ome(hin# I care a-ou(& I 'on( wan( people (o % I 'on( like (he o(her companie* onl" pa"in# 20 percen( when i(* % -u( (ha( i* $er" 'i++eren(. ,n' (here are o-$iou*l" o(her (hin#* on (hi* li*( (ha( are 'i++eren(. 2u( (ha(* .u*( reall" appealin#. /hat a.o#t the c#rate- collection8 ' mean, (e talke- a.o#t that .ein! nice to ha%e, an- 2 .#t then it*s comin! thro#!h as -i++erent& I(* 'i++eren(. I( *eem* pre((" 'i++eren( % "ou a*ke' u* wha( wa* 'i++eren(& no( wha( we like'. No, no, this is !reat& I* i( 'i++eren(ia(e'& or mo*( o+ (he compe(i(ion (ha( i* % >i++eren(. I+ "ou a*ke' i+ (ha(* an a'$an(a#e& (ha( woul' -e a $er" 'i++eren( an*wer. 2u( (ho*e are 'i++eren(ia(e'. This makes it -i++erent +rom 2 I( 'oe* make i( 'i++eren(. 0n) tho#!hts on (hat the) #lle- to!ether8 Let*s hear )o#rs reall) ;#ick& 0n- i+ )o# ha%e to -ash, it*s totall) +ine& Let*s start (ith Flickrstock ro%i-es&

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


;e cho*e 2& *imple licen*e* (ha( i* ea*" (o un'er*(an'& licen*e (ha(* no( complica(e'& (ran*paren(& an' hi#h $alue compare' (o compe(i(ion. ,n' (hen we cho*e C& con(en( i* +re*h& ori#inal& e'#ier (han Shu((er*(ock& Ge((" Ima#e*& e( ce(era. 6hen we cho*e I +or (he (hir'. 7i#h( (o licen*e +ea(ure work in real/(ime& *o a pho(o#rapher can *impl" uploa' (o Flickr a* +ir*( *(ep an' recei$e in(ere*( +rom -u"er*& au(hori:e $eri+ie' *ale* *ame 'a". '*m c#rio#s a.o#t '& /hat ma-e )o# !#)s +eel that that*s a #sh to si!n # tomorro(8 The ri!ht to license8 2ecau*e % (he (urnaroun' (ime. I(* +a*(er. I(* a clo*er (urnaroun' (ime. /hen (e talke- a.o#t it .e+ore, )o# (ere like, E6h& /e -on*t kno(&F 5#t )o# think it*s somethin! that co#l- #sh eo le8 Yeah. I (hink *o. ' +eel like there*s somethin! on the ti o+ )o#r ton!#e, Ton)& Yo#*re a.o#t to 2 so the ri!ht to license co#l- reall) #sh 2 an- it*s not j#st the t#rnaro#n- time8 ?o#lit .e an)thin! else8 7ecei$in# in(ere*( +rom -u"er*E >epen'in# on "our ("pe o+ work& "our line o+ work. 6o recei$e in(ere*( +rom -u"er*& (ha( mi#h( -e in(ri#uin# +or *omeone. ,n' i(* al*o *ome(hin# (ha( i* en(icin# (o a pho(o#rapher who mi#h( wan( (o u*e i( +or *(ock. 6o pu( % (o *u-mi( *(u++ (o (hem when (he" *ee *ome(hin# like (ha(. No, no, that*s reall) hel +#l& That*s !reat, !#)s& 0(esome& /ell, )o# !#)s (ere ama1in!& ' can*t thank )o# eno#!h& '+ ' co#l- j#st ask )o# to lea%e )o#r home(ork& 0n- i+ )o# co#l- (rite )o#r name on the note a-s& 9?a#se ' see some o+ )o# jotte-o(n a +e( thin!s& '*- lo%e to ha%e )o#r name on )o#r initial notes an- reactions& 0n- thank )o# !#)s so m#ch +or -oin! them, ' reall) a reciate it& Thank )o#, !#)s& Yo#r +ee-.ack (as reall), reall) hel +#l& 3?B@SST0LC7 !ere "ou #o. Nice (o mee( "ou& (ake care e$er"one. Nice to meet )o#& 6ake care. "oo-ni!ht& Fantastic& Sa+e tra%els home& 6hank*& "ou (oo.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


't*s %er) col- o#t there& 5#n-le # & @h, er+ect, ' ha%e )o#r sticker& Yo# #t it 2 that*s %er) e++icient& 3IN,5>I2418 't*s so +ast, it*s j#st a er& 0n- it (as all (orth it& 6hank* *o much. $a%e a !oo- ni!ht& You (oo. ;ha( (rain are "ou (akin#E I (ake (he D 'own (o 2roa'wa"/4a+a"e((e& chan#e (o (he F (rain& walk o$er (o (he F (rain. You ha$e *ome op(ion*& 'on( "ou. Im +le0i-le. Normall" I walk& -u( i(* (oo col'. ;here are "ou walkin#E 6he D (rain. I #o (o Gran' Cen(ral. h& "ou were *a"in# "ou' walk homeE Yeah& normall" I woul' walk. I(* col'. I( i* *o col'. I .u*( wan( % I(* win(er. I(* *uppo*e' (o -e col'. I a#ree. I(* *unn"& -u( I hear' i(* more col' (han normal. You know wha(E ,c(uall"& I #rew up aroun' here& an' (hi* i* pre((" normal. 3IN,5>I2418 )u*( all (he (ime.

07 Yahoo Flickr NYC 012314 530pm Group 3


9a"-e well #e( *ome warm moi*(ure (ha( % ,n' ac(uall"& +or (he la*( +ew win(er*& whene$er we #o( *now& i(* alwa"* -een (he re*ul( o+ a norea*(er. Comin# up +rom 3IN,5>I2418. ;in' comin# +rom % 6ha(* ri#h(. ,n' (hi* "ear& (he (wo *(orm* (ha( we ac(uall" ha' ha$e ac(uall" emana(e' +rom (he we*( an' come acro** (he coun(r". ;hich i* how i( u*e' (o -e. So i(* like -ack (o normal. No& -u( i(* (rue. I( chan#e*. So "ou ei(her #e( hurricane win'* cau*in# "our *now& or % *o where are "ou +romE Im ori#inall" +rom 9ichi#an& -u( Im li$in# in 4, ri#h( now. So % 3C7 SS6,4A8 9ichi#an we ha$e *ome rou#h& rou#h win(er*. From (he lake*& (he lake* .u*( make e$er"(hin# col'. Youre reall" col'. 2u( (he onl" (hin# (ha(* 'i++eren( a-ou( 9ichi#an& "ou #e( in "our warm car. You 'on( walk. 9" cou*in* were .u*( here +rom 9ichi#an an' (ha(* e0ac(l" wha( % i( wa* *nowin# when (he" came here& an' (he"re like& B;ere no( u*e' (o walkin# in (he *now. ;e .u*( #e( in our car.C 34,5G!6178 $a%e a !oo- ni!ht& You (oo. $ello& $o(*s it !oin!8 "oo-, ho(*s it !oin! +or )o#8 The !ro# (as !oo-& The li!hts are kickin! # & The !ro# s are !oo-& The !ro# (as !oo- to-a), ' think& Yeah, ' think the) (ere& The ne<t !ro# is 2 36ran*cri-e' -" 9 8

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