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General Certificate of Ed cation Ordinar! Le"el RELIGIOUS STUDIES

(a)er # L *e and Act+ ,-#,.,/0 E++a! 1 e+tion+ S)eci2en )a)er


, 4o r %/ 2in te+
Additional Material+. An+3er Boo*let'(a)er

READ T5ESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST If !o 4a"e 6een 7i"en an An+3er Boo*let0 follo3 t4e in+tr ction+ on t4e front co"er of t4e Boo*let8 9rite !o r Centre n 26er0 candidate n 26er and na2e on all t4e 3or* !o 4and in8 9rite in dar* 6l e or 6lac* )en on 6ot4 +ide+ of t4e )a)er8 Do not +e +ta)le+0 )a)er cli)+0 4i74li74ter+0 7l e or correction fl id8 An+3er fi"e 1 e+tion+8 An+3er t3o 1 e+tion+ fro2 Section A :1 e+tion+ ,-/;0 and t3o 1 e+tion+ fro2 Section B :1 e+tion+ <-,$;8 Yo r fift4 1 e+tion 2a! 6e +elected fro2 eit4er Section8 Di"ide !o r ti2e e1 all! 6et3een t4e 1 e+tion+ !o atte2)t8 Yo r+ an+3er+ +4o ld 6e in contin o + )ro+e8 At t4e end of t4e e=a2ination0 fa+ten all !o r 3or* +ec rel! to7et4er8 T4e n 26er of 2ar*+ i+ 7i"en in 6rac*et+ > ? at t4e end of eac4 1 e+tion or )art 1 e+tion8

S)eci2en @ Uni"er+it! of Ca26rid7e Local E=a2ination+ S!ndicate #$$%

>T rn o"er

An+3er fi"e 1 e+tion+8 An+3er t3o 1 e+tion+ fro2 Section A :1 e+tion+ , to /;0 and t3o 1 e+tion+ fro2 Section B :1 e+tion+ < to ,$;8 Yo r fift4 1 e+tion 2a! 6e c4o+en fro2 eit4er Section8 Eac4 1 e+tion carrie+ ,# 2ar*+8
SECTION A T4e Life and Teac4in7 of Ae+ + a+ (ortra!ed in L *eB+ Go+)el ,8 :a; 94at 2e++a7e 3a+ 7i"en to t4e +4e)4erd+ 6! t4e an7el 34en Ae+ + 3a+ 6ornC >D? >/? >D? >/? >D?

:6; E=)lain 34! Ae+ + 3a+ 6orn in Bet4le4e2 rat4er t4an in NaEaret40 34ere Mar! and Ao+e)4 li"ed8 #8 :a; Reco nt 34at 4a))ened 34en a +inf l 3o2an 3ent to Ae+ + in t4e 4o +e of Si2on t4e (4ari+ee8

:6; 94at can 6e learned fro2 t4i+ incident a6o t for7i"ene++C F8 :a; :6; Relate t4e )ara6le of t4e Good Sa2aritan8 E=)lain :i; 34! Ae+ + told t4e )ara6le0 and :ii; 34! t4e )ara6le 3a+ +o effecti"e 6eca +e t4e 2ain c4aracter in t4e +tor! 3a+ a Sa2aritan8 De+cri6e t4e 2eetin7 6et3een Ae+ + and Gacc4ae + at Aeric4o0 and t4e o tco2e of t4e 2eetin78

>/? >D? >/? >,? >D? >%?

%8 :a;

:6; 94! did L *e incl de t4i+ incident in 4i+ 7o+)elC /8 :a; 94! did t4e 3o2en 7o to t4e to26 of Ae+ + earl! on t4e fir+t da! of t4e 3ee*C

:6; 94at 4a))ened 34en t4e! arri"edC :c; 5o3 did t4e a)o+tle+ react 34en t4e! 4eard 34at t4e 3o2en re)ortedC

SECTION B T4e Birt4 of t4e C4 rc4 a+ (ortra!ed in t4e Act+ of t4e A)o+tle+ C4a)ter+ , to #,.,/ <8 :a; 94at did (eter +a! 3ere t4e nece++ar! 1 alification+ for t4e one 34o 3a+ to re)lace A da+C >/? >D? >D? >/? >D? >/? >D? >/? >D? >/?

:6; 5o3 3a+ t4e final +election of A da+B + cce++or carried o tC D8 :a; De+cri6e t4e "i+ion 34ic4 (eter 4ad 34en 4e 3a+ at Ao))a8 n + al a6o t Corneli + and 4i+ co2)an! recei"in7 t4e 5ol! S)iritC

:6; 94at 3a+ &8 :a;

94at )art did Barna6a+ )la! in (a lB+ 6ein7 acce)ted 6! t4e a)o+tle+ in Aer +ale2 follo3in7 4i+ con"er+ionC

:6; 94! did (a l and Barna6a+ )art co2)an! after t4eir fir+t 2i++ionar! Ho rne!C I8 :a; 5o3 did (a l and Barna6a+ deal 3it4 t4e +it ation at L!+tra 34en t4e! 3ere 2i+ta*en for 7od+C

:6; 94o 3ere re+)on+i6le for t4e +tonin7 of (a l on t4i+ occa+ion0 and 34! did t4e! +ee* to *ill 4i2C ,$8:a; Under 34at circ 2+tance+ did (eter 2eet Dorca+ :Ta6it4a;0 and 34at did 4e do for 4erC

:6; 94at do 3e learn a6o t (a l0 and 4i+ )o3er and a t4orit!0 fro2 t4e incident in"ol"in7 E t!c4 +C

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