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February 28, 2014


H e ral d
Volume XXXXXII, No 3

ASH WEDNESDAYMarch 5 Service at Unity Presbyterian Church

1207 E. Springhill Dr.

Begin the season of Lent with this service led by Rev. Lant Davis and Rev. Jenni Walker Noyes. Worship will include the imposition of ashes.

Inside this issue:

Lants Lines Schmidt Concert/ Christian Educator Youth Group 2 3

2014 LENTEN SERIES at Central Presbyterian Church

March 9,16,23, 30, April 6,13
5:00 6:00 pm Supper 6:00 6:15 pm Worship 6:15 7:30 pm Classes Childcare for children 4 years and younger provided Adult Study: FAITHFUL CITIZEN: Living Responsibly in a Global Society Explore the two poles of current lifeindividualism and the common goodand how to faithfully respond to the interlocking global challenges of economics, ecology, security and health The 7th Cents Youth Group (6 thru 12 grades) will meet at Central using the study, A Journey with Jesus in the 21st Century Children Kindergarten through 5th grade will do activities to encourage being peacemakers in the community, nation and world

Flowers for Easter/ 5

Housing Help Thank Yous/Pyoca 6 Family Retreat Calendar

Church Happenings 8

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the He ral d
Lants Lines
In those days Peter stood up among the believers and said . . . [in order to replace Judas, one of those] who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us . . . must become a witness with us [the remaining eleven apostles] to his resurrection. So they proposed two, Joseph . . . and Matthias. . . . [After praying for the Lords guidance] they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was added to the eleven apostles (Acts 1:15-26 NRSV).

Well, what to write about for this months Herald? The Olympics are old news already. The weather is too horrible even for a humorous treatment. Actually, theres a lot. United Campus Ministries will be holding their Chilifest at St. Marks UCC (on Fruitridge) from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 2. Internationally known pianist Sam Rotman will be giving a concert at our church at 7:00 p.m. on March 4a part of our ongoing Schmidt Concert Series. Our Lenten observances are beginning on Ash Wednesday (March 5) with a 7:00 p.m. service at Unity Presbyterian Church, our sister congregation. Our Sunday night Lenten series, Faithful Citizen: Living Responsibly in a Global Society, begins on March 9 at 5:30 p.m. with a light supper before the program and continues on successive Sundays in Lent. The program includes a weekly video and will be led each week by a different church member. On Saturday, March 15, from 1:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the newly-refurbished Indiana Theater, Terre Haute Ministries will host its first fund-raiser ever, a new eventBaconfestin which local restaurants compete with bacon-themed appetizers.
Strategic Planning update. In last months article, I urged everyone to attend Rev. Sarai Rices presentation on February 15. You responded enthusiastically (Thank you!), and I think some generative conversation began. Some of you have asked, What comes next? Now the church will identify a team to work with Sarai in conducting a neighborhood needs assessment and an evaluation of the gifts, skills, and passions of the congregation. After the team is formed, Sarai will make a second site visit an all-day retreat with the planning team to teach them about the planning process and various ways they can go about their work. During that visit, Sarai may conduct further interviews with the goal of writing a staffing and governance analysis for the congregation. When the planning team has gathered all its data, Sarai will summarize it in a written report for the team. Then Sarai will make a third site visitan all-day retreat with the planning team to examine the data and develop a set of recommended goals and strategies for the congregation. Finally, Sarai will write the staffing and governance analysis, including recommendations regarding changes that might need to be made to the staffing design, governance structures, or budget in order to achieve the congregations goals. So our next step is to identify a planning team. Heres what Sarai advises: You'll need roughly 5-7 people, with a good mix of young and old, male and female, recent members and longer-term members, conservative and progressive, detail people and big-picture people. With regard to "recent members," I mean someone who has joined in the last 1-2 years and who did not grow up in the church. At the annual officers retreat last Saturday, nominations were received for members of the planning team. The session could appoint a team as early as their next meetingon March 12.

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Mr. Sam Rotman in concert March 4 7:00 pm Central Presbyterian Church This outstanding pianist appeared at Central last year and is returning by popular demand! The show is free and open to the public. Bring your friends!

This is a part of the Schmidt Concert Series. Upcoming: -Night of the Organ featuring Jonathan Rudy and friends Friday, April 11 7:00 pm
-Jonathan Rudys Formal Organ Recital Friday, May 9 7:00 pm
These concerts are Central Presbyterians musical gift to the Wabash Valley In honor of Dr. Alfred Schmidt, former organist at the church

Christian Educator Notes Cheryl Moles Parents Night Out/Kids Night In is Friday, March 7. Childcare will be provided from 5:30 9:00 pm with supper served. Please notify the church office if your child(ren) will be attending. The next PNO will be on April 4. Sunday School meets every Sunday at 9:30 am. There are classes for all ages with child care available from 9:15 to 11:45 am. Childrens Worship for children ages 4 years through 1st grade is held following the Childrens Moment time in worship. It is led by Donna Paul-Bonham or Cheryl Moles and meets in room 202. The family prayer group meets on Mondays at the church. Come at noon for lunch. The sharing of joys and concerns begins at 12:30 pm followed by prayer. Childcare is provided. T3EM Supper and Childcare for meeting night is March 18. Plan to attend the Pyoca Family Spring Retreat on April 25-27. Watch for more information. Workshop of Wonders Vacation Bible School will be held at Central on June 22-26 from 6:00 to 8:30 pm. Children ages 4 through 5th grade will learn 5 Bible stories demonstrating Gods wonders. .

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Seventh Cents Youth Group Updates Between the Souper Bowl and Lock-In, February has been a busy month! The youth showed their caring hearts at their Souper Bowl events on February 2. Between Centenarys hilarious skit and Centrals delicious soup lunch, the youth collected over $860 and 250 canned goods to combat hunger in our community. A big thanks to all those who helped organize these events. The youth lock-in was held on February 21 and 22. As always, it was a bit of learning mixed with a lot of fun. Our dinner of soup and a peanut butter sandwich represented the average meal cost for those on food assistance, or less than $1 per person. After dinner, we divided into Amazon tribes and played games representing the struggles of developing countries. Following the interesting and informative games, we enjoyed playing board games with each other for the remaining time. Youth also collected items to donate to the Council on Domestic Abuse (CODA). As always, our youth and their families were extremely generous. We collected 28 bottles of shampoo or conditioner, 40 rolls of toilet paper, 11 bottles of hand soap, among many other items. CODA was thrilled to receive these donations! Beginning with the March 9 youth meeting, all youth will meet from 5-7:30 pm. This will continue through our Lenten series, preparations for Youth Sunday (May 4 and 11), and through the end of the school year. I will keep parents updated on where the youth will meet. If you wish to receive text reminders for youth events, please text @7thce to (812)4954611. UPCOMING YOUTH EVENTS March 2- Youth Serving Lunch at the Lighthouse Mission. Meet at Central at 11:15 am. After serving lunch from noon-1 pm, we will return to Central to eat lunch. Youth can be picked up at 2 pm. March 9- Lenten Study begins. All youth meet at Central from 5-7:30 pm throughout Lent. Dinner will be served from 5-6 pm. March 16- Lenten study at Central, 5-7:30 pm for all youth. March 23- Lenten Study at Central, 5-7:30 pm for all youth. March 30- Lenten study at Central, 5-7:30 pm for all youth. April 6- Lenten study at Centr al, 5-7:30 pm for all youth.

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Flowers for Easter

It has been our custom to place plants in the chancel area in memory or in honor of our loved ones to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. Through a local florist, we can obtain any of the following: Lilies Tulips Daffodils $9 per plant $9 per plant $9 per plant


March 30

Lets make our church a blaze of color as we celebrate Easter. Donors: _____________________________________________________ In Memory of:_________________________________________ In Honor of: __________________________________________ Flowers must be paid for when ordered. Please leave orders in the church office or place in offering plate.


Church Family The Seo family (William & Min and daughters Ezrina & Charis) will be back with us from South Korea for about two months between March 15 and roughly May 14. William has just finished his military service and the family is in transition with plans to stay here for a few months to settle matters with their recent tragic home fire and to spend a few months in the warm embrace of CPC. They will ultimately be returning to South Korea for at least a few years where William has taken on a new job and where he also has a base of operations that supports the HEMEFund project in Afghanistan.

Their housing plans while here in Terre Haute have very recently fallen through. The family is graciously inquiring if anyone has space, or can connect them with someone who has space, for that two month period. They are in need of a two bedroom unit of some kind and the ability to prepare meals. They are also prepared to pay if/as needed, although their income is moderate, so something affordable, yet clean and safe, is desired.
You can connect with William at Or you can contact me a Thank you so much and God Bless. Sincerely, Josh Powers Member, CPC

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the He ral d

Thank Yous
Thanks to all our many friends a at Central. Words cannot express our appreciation to each and every one of you for your prayers and love. If I would send a personal thank you note to all of you, it would be like sending out my Christmas Card list. You are all special people who belong to a special church, with a special ministers. God is so good. With love, Loyal & Donna Wilson My friends at Central, This note is being sent to many for their help in getting me and my family through the holidays. We all knew it would be tough, but you and your families really helped. Your gifts, food, cards, prayers and hugs were great. Thank you. Love, Pat Collins
CELEBRATING LIFE: Through Festivity, Activity and Spirituality is taking a break and will resume in May with a lunch format. If you are of retirement age, please plan to join the fellowship of this group.

Thanks to the generosity of many members of CPC, Surrell Scholarship funds are available for graduating Seniors and current college students (including non-traditional) who are part of the CPC family, whether by membership or by participation in church life. Applications may be picked up in the church office or accessed on the church website. Completed applications are due back in the church office on April 30, 2014. No applications will be received after this date. Questions can be addressed to Sandy Mead or Amanda Davis. McKee Scholarships use the Wabash Valley Community Foundation application.

SAVE THE DATE! Family Spring Retreat at Pyoca on April 25-27

This is a fun weekend for the church family as all ages spend time at the Presbytery's church camp grounds in Brownstown, IN (2 hour drive). We have two comfortable year round cabins reserved that provide beds for 48 plus large gathering areas. We will have fun with games, music, hiking and fellowship, do work projects for the camp, and worship together each day. There is work and play for all ages and abilities. Childcare is provided during the work times. Of course there will be the traditional talent show and scavenger hunt! The cost is $35 per person for adults and children 11 years and older; $20 for children 5 - 10 years and free for children under 5. It is $23 and $12 if you come for only one night. This covers lodging, snacks, Saturday breakfast and lunch, and Sunday breakfast. The cost of Saturday's pizza supper will be shared. Registration (with payment) will begin on March 30. For more information, see Cheryl Moles.

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March 2014
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

CPR Training 9:00 Megan Harder

2 Choir

8:45 Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 Youth Group Mission 11:45

3 Family Prayer Group 12:00

4 Confirmation 4:30 Sam Rotman Concert 7:00 Herbert Diekhans

5 Deacons

6 Womens

7 Parents Night


Book Club 7:00

Ash Wednesday Service at Unity 7:00 pm
12 Session

Out/Youth Movie Night 5:30

Lant Davis, Drake McCoy, Sally Rubey

13 14 15

9 Choir

8:45 Sunday school 9:30 Worship 10:30 Lenten supper & classes 5:00 Youth Group 5:00 Sam Weber
16 Choir 8:45 Sunday school Worship 10:30 High Ground 11;30 Lenten supper & classes 5:00 Youth Group 5:00

10 Family

Prayer Group 12:00

11 Fine Arts

10:00 Confirmation 4:30 Innovation Generation 6:30



Eunice Osburn, Jack Ragle

19 Communica-

Claire VanNahmen

Anna Spydell

J. P. Mellor

17 Family

Prayer Group 12:00 Peter ChristCaroline Christ

18 Confirma-




4:30 TEM supper & childcare 5:15 Committee meetings see below** 25 Seekers & Searchers 10:00 Confirmation 4:30 Innovation Generation 6:30 Brad Bough

tion Commission 7:00 Henry Darke

Christopher Moulton Simone Cline, Susan Powers, Shirley Slutz

27 Youth De28 29

Diane Giltner, Min Seo 23 Choir 8:45 Sunday school Worship 10:30 Lenten supper & classes 5:00 Youth Group 5:00 Ridge Holder, Tebby Miller 30 Choir 8:45 Sunday school Worship 10:30 Lenten supper & classes 5:00 Youth Group 5:00 Kristen Ragle

24 Family

Prayer Group 12:00

26 Personnel

Committee 12:15

sign Team 6:00

POV Assembly (Bloomingto n) Michael Mardis

Rachel Ourand
** Worship

31 Family Prayer Group 12:00

Finance Mission CN CLCA Facilities

5:30 5:30 6:00 6:30 6:30 6:30

Central Presbyterian Church

Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street Terre Haute, IN 47807 Phone: 812-232-5049 Fax: 812-232-5040 E-mail: Website: Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Rev. Lant B. Davis, Pastor Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary


Church Happenings
Womens Book Club The Womens Book Club will be meeting on March 6 at 7:00 in the church lounge. The book to be discussed is Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown. All who are interested are welcome. Womens Bible Study The Womens Bible Study will meet on March 25 at 10:00 a.m. at the church. Unit 7 (Mary, mother of Jesus) of Twelve Women of the Bible will be discussed. Baby Shower for Lillien Guell CLCA will host a shower during the fellowship time on March 9 to welcome Lilly Guell to the church family. She was born February 15 to Matt Guell and Angel Hyde. Please share your blessings to this child. Gifts and cards may be placed on the table in fellowship hall.

Next Herald Deadline March 24, 2014

Dont forget to Spring Forward on Saturday, March 8 before you go to bed. Daylight savings time begins on March 9.

There is not a 5th Sunday Lunch in March Please enjoy the Lenten Series in the evening

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