Release CanidateUpdate1 1

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PlayTest Update 1

Starting Emotion have bee set to static values and Passion targets start higher than before. Also Movement rates and Quickness and Ambidexterity have become innate abilities that can be learned . Dodge has now become the defense skill. Starting Vehicles will change ( have not done this yet).

Section 2 Updates Character Updates

The dominate Human type today, and will continue to dominate for the foreseeable future. While the genetic races have some initial advantages, studies have shown the Pure Blood human stock is as capable as any in the long run. Known physical differences None. Sapiens are the standard to which all other types of human are held.

Intelligence: 1d100 Prowess: 1d100 +4 Endurance: 6d10 added Emotion: 7 Passion Roll Target: 12 -1d10 Avg. Life Span: 90 Years Roll required to choose: None


Effects on Current System Planning Plans must be made today to assure that as the other races grow in proportion, normal humans are not threatened or made to feel inferior. Stronger education for Sapien youth and enhanced training may be required. Failure to do so could cause a rise in species based crime, escalating into Genus based wars. Such a situation could place the entire System in jeopardy. Sapien, Genus II ural inable

Intelligence: 1d100 +10 Prowess:: 1d100 +5 Endurance: 6d10 added +15 Emotion: 6 Passion Roll Target: 13 -1d10 Avg. Life Span: 105 Years Roll required to choose: 20%

Sapien, Genus II

The dominate Human type has begun a natevolution. While the changes in this new human stock have been detected in a small percentage of the population; they are certainly creasing. The increased strength and intelligence make for a human much more adaptto the needs of the System as it evolves. Known physical differences: None. Sapiens, Genus II are physical the same as standard Sapiens. Only IQ scans can

differentiate between G II and standard stock.

Effects on Current System Planning The appearance of this evolutionary change was not planned for by the System. Current models show this races population increasing and could only improve the quality of the core society as the plan moves forward. Further monitoring and study is required to make certain that no unforeseen effects will happen to the System

Diaxtron A species designed by Hinrech Muler of Bonn University in West Germany, although the

Intelligence: 1d100 Prowess: 1d100 +5 Endurance: 7d10 added +15 Emotion: 8 Passion Roll Target: 10 - 1d10 Avg. Life Span: 70 Years Roll required to choose: 40% Can only lower EM a max of 1 point per growth session


inception date was lost during the conflict. This species was designed for military missions. Rapidly adopted by the Germans, by 2005, fully 200,000 of the population was this species. This ex plains the giant increase in German military in the early 2000s with an increased reserve. The combat effectiveness of the Homo Diaxtron is not well documented, except in operation Battle Axe which is said to be successful primarily due to the German Diaxtrons. Known physical differences: Average height is 6 for males and 511 for females, with a proportional increase in physical abilities. Diaxtron also have the unique ability of using their smallest finger as another opposable thumb. They are known to have a violent temper.

Effects on Current System Planning This race has proven its ability to succeed in Space Exploration as well as Military applications. As with the other designed Species, the Diaxtron have a previously unknown trait. Females seem to be able to bear children well into their 50s, allowing this genus to breed at a much higher rate than was first known to the Guild. This could cause stress on the System as current plans dont allow for this rate of growth.

Centurian A species designed by Encom Labs, United States military area of Iowa in 2001. They were put into standard production in 2005 for the space program and Military Intel. This human design possesses a superior intellect. Records indicate the lowest IQ Score from the 1200 or so that Encom produced was 156. It is currently estimated 5,000,000 of this species and half-breeds exist on the planet. Known physical differences: Average height is only 56 for males and 52 for females, with a proportionate lowering in physical attributes. They also tend to have a lack of body hair. Intelligence: 1d100 +20 Prowess: 1d100 +3 Endurance: 5d10 added Emotion: 7 Passion Roll Target: 14 - 1d10 Avg. Life Span: 85 Years Roll required to choose: 40%


Effects on Current System Planning This races intelligence and good nature is today a benefit to System Planning. A new development has arisen. Having no genetic disposition for birth defects from genetically similar or identical DNA, interbreeding between close family members has no negative effects. This could cause a spike in population beyond current System planning. Centurian culture has been kept ignorant of this distinct trait. However, it is only a matter of time before it becomes aware.

Half Centurian As


Intelligence: 1d100 +5 Prowess: 1d100 +4 Endurance: 5d10 added +10 Emotion: 6 Passion Roll Target: 12 -1d10 Avg. Life Span: 85 Years Roll required to choose: 50%

Half Centurian

standard human stock and Centurian stock intermingled these half breeds were born. This blending has created a race similar to a Sapien, Genus II with all the advantages of the Centurian stock Known physical differences: tendency to lack body hair. Quick development of and Higher Brain function attributes.

Effects on Current System Planning The Initial system plans did not account for the introduction of Half Stock species. Even with this oversight the effect of the half Centurian looks to expand the potential of the System. The basic increase in skills and population willing to participate in the Military Phase of the System is in the end of great benefit. Population growth is standard for Half Centurians. We do not see population as an issue Half Diaxtron



Intelligence: 1d100 +5 Prowess: 1d100 +4 Endurance: 6d10 added +8 Emotion: 7 Passion Roll Target: 11-1d10 Avg. Life Span: 85 Years Roll required to choose: 50%

Half Diaxtron

The blending of human and Diaxtron stock is rare, but very fruitful. The half Diaxtron is a Diaxtron with many man traits. They lack the temper of a full Diaxtron. Known physical differences: Half Diaxtron also have the unique ability of using their smallest finger as another opposable thumb. They are known to have a temper, though not as violent Full Diaxtrons

Effects on Current System Planning The effect on this Half stock race is great, even if it is not planned for. The system will benefit greatly from the Half Diaxtrons. The basic increase in population willing to participate in the combat sector is a positive growth factor. The population growth of the Half Diaxtron is normal. We do not see population growth as an issue. Superior Superiors result from direct coupling of Diaxtron and Centurian. This causes the Superior to be rare, but Intelligence: 1d100+15 Prowess: 1d100+10 Endurance: 7d10 added+8 Emotion: 9 assion Roll Target: 9 - 1d10 Avg. Life Span: 120 Years Roll required to choose: 15% Double normal Commendations to lower Emotion


the population is on the rise. Issues from the combination of these two species handicap the young Superior. They are emotionally unstable and violent. They have a difficult time working within the System or its obvious benefits. Their emotional instability can cause panic, requiring additional training to keep control in stressful situations. Superiors that overcome these issues are a great addition to the System. Known physical differences: Average height is 62 for males and 6 for females, with an increase in physical abilities. Superiors are especially agile and strong, but their intelligence helps curb the violent tendencies of the Diaxtron side.

Effects on Current System Planning This race has great potential to take the System to new heights. While Superiors require greater emotional training than most, they can learn to control their passions and overcome their emotional instabilities. The species has the ability to expand the System in ways not yet planned for.

Determines how well a person lasts under emotional circumstances, i.e.: Combat, torture, love, lust, etc. This is a 1d10 roll and is modifiable. To roll against emotion, you must roll 1d10 equal to or ABOVE the Em of the character. The lowest possible emotion is 3.

Emotion (EM):

each passive action.

Minimum Stat is 3 maximum is 15 Changed Skills Replaces Dodge Main Skill: Defense

Ability to pick and use defensive stances in combat. Can be used actively or passively. SubSkills: Passive/Active: Ranks in passive are doubled for active dodges. SubSkill used is determined by the action type.

Defense Skill Special Notes:

You only purchase ranks in passive. Active is the passive ranks doubled. Characters who take Quickness add 15 ranks to passive.

Innate abilities

As soon as a character achieves the required Skill rank or Attribute, pays any Coms costs and skill rolls they can gain the innate ability. Quickness

This allows the character to take 2 active actions in one phase. Melee attacks made by the character can be repeated, use first attacks EF, do not re-roll the attack. 5 is still the maximum active actions in one turn, so it is possible to run out of active actions in 3 phases. Ambidexterity

SubSkill Martial Arts or Hand To hand Adv Req. ranks: 45 Roll: None Coms Cost: 230

Character can use both hands to do an action in the same phase. Each hand requires its own action. Must roll 3 PR EF of 35 or more doing an Ambidexterity action.

Attribute: Prowess Req. Attrib: 70 Roll: 3 PR: EF 35+ Coms: 350

Character Secondary Attributes

Character Movement Rates Each character moves differently, based on their PR and their total number of actions. Active movement = PR in meters Passive movement rate = PR/10 in meters All values round up at .8.
A character with a 50 Prowess has 2 movement options actively move 50 meters a phase or move 5 meters for

Split Tail Body Swept Back Secondary Hull Plastic Plate Armor Ralson Base Gravelectric Early Detection System Controls TEF 12

Starter Vehicle - Crusader Jet

Stats DR (-13) MP (39) SP (365) Crew 1(1) Max Weight (35,000 kg) Current Weight (33,500) PUO (7500) PUTO (4150)

Value --- 60,000 Starter Vehicle - Hammer tank

Low Profile Body Wheeled 4x4 Secondary Hull Plastic Plate Armor Ralson Base Gravelectric Early Detection System Controls TEF 12

Stats DR (-12) MP (41) SP (385) Max Weight (80,000 kg) Current Weight (26,000) PUO (7500) PUTO (6800)

Value -- 70,000
Scout Helo Body Flexible Attack Secondary Hull Plastic Plate Armor Ralson Base Gravelectric Early Detection System Controls TEF 12

Starter Vehicle - Striker Helo

Stats DR (-11) MP (95) SP (215) Max Weight (27,000 kg) Current Weight (16,250) PUO (7500) PUTO (6700)

Value -- 58,000

Starter Vehicle - Hammerhead Boat

Low Angled Body Sleek Secondary Hull Plastic Plate Armor Ralson Base Gravelectric Early Detection System Controls TEF 12

Stats DR (-12) MP (23) SP (320) Max Weight (45,000 kg) Current Weight (31,350) PUO (7500) PUTO (7100)

Value -- 62,500

Refigure Stats Cheat Page

This page lists all character values that are adjusted when a skill or attribute changes.

Primary Attributes

Intelligence, Prowess, Endurance When raising the Primary attributes of a character racial maximums will limit their growth. Race Human Human GII Diaxtron Half Diaxtron Centurian Superior Half Centurian Maximum Intelligence 110 110 130 115 110 115

and END. Then subtract EM * 10 from the average. The formula is ((INT+PR+END)/5)+(30 -EM) You can buy Base Skill with commendations as you do character growth, but 20 pts is the most you can add using commendations. Psi Con: Rates the characters Psi Concentration. This power gauges the characters ability to tap into their Calon nodes and use the Power of Psi. To figure this attribute, use the below formula: Base Skill - 20 The maximum non-PSI tech PsiCon is Intelligence+25. The maximum for a PsiTech is PsiCon*2. PsiCon is refigured when base skill changes.

Secondary Attributes


Psi Actions Per Day: PsiCon/5 is the number of Psi Patterns (abilities) a Psi can use per 24 hours. This is refigured should a characters PsiCon change. Roll 100% 25% 0% 20% PsiPower PsiCon* 2 + highest Psi Focus ranks. So an 80 Psicon with a 25 Esper Focus would be a 185 Psi Power. This is refigured should a characters PsiCon change. Reaction All characters are limited in how much they can do in one 6 second, phase. This is determined by a players reaction. A players reaction is calculated as follows: Reaction: ((Prowess/2) + Highest Melee SubSkill Rank/2 + Dodge Ranks/2 Character has Hand to Hand Advanced SubSkill Reaction: ((Prowess/2) + (1.5 * Highest Melee SubSkill Ranks)/2 + Passive Dodge Ranks/2 Character has Martial Arts SubSkill Reaction: ((Prowess/2) + (Highest Melee SubSkill Ranks + Dodge Ranks/2 All reaction values are rounded DOWN A character with a prowess of 62 a Melee Combat SubSkill Martial Arts (40) and a dodge of 15; would have a reaction of 59. Using the formula above for a character with martial arts (62/2)+(40)+(15/2)=31+40+7= 78. The maximum human reaction is 150 unless technology is used. Character Actions Each character is capable of so many actions in a 30 second turn. Each turn has five; 6 second phases. Actions = Reaction / 10 Special Note for Rounding Actions: Actions are only rounded up if the decimal is 8 or above, and rounded down otherwise. So a person with a 3.8 action would have 4 actions in a phase and a persona with a 3.7 action would have 3 actions in a phase. Character Movement Rates

Race Human Diaxtron

Max Prowess 120 120 120 105 115

Half Diaxtron Half Centurian Superior Centurian

120 Max END 115 120 130



Race Centurian Sapiens Sapiens, Genus II Diaxtrons Half Centurians Half Diaxtrons Superiors

140 120 150 135

Emotion The minimum Emotion any character can have is 3. Skill Depth: For Each Skill Family that has Every Main Skill at a minimum of 1 rank, raise your Skill Depth by 1. Base Skill: Gauges the characters innate ability to do anything. All skills build on this. When a character makes a skill roll, they add their skill to the base skill to get their success chance. Base skill is figured by averaging your INT,PR,

Each character moves differently, based on their PR and their total number of actions. Active movement = PR Passive Movement = PR/10 All values round up at .8. Encumbrance: When a Characters PR changes the amount of Encumbrance changes. The table below shows the values. Prowess 30-64 85-104 105 115 65-84 Encumbrance 40 60 65 70 50

peated, use first attacks EF, do not re-roll the attack. 5 is still the maximum active actions in one turn, so it is possible to run out of active actions in 3 phases. Ambidexterity

Character can use both hands to do an action in the same phase. Each hand requires its own action. Must roll 3 PR EF of 35 or more doing an Ambidexterity action.

Attribute: Prowess Req. Attrib: 70 Roll: 3 PR: EF 35+ Coms: 350

Luck Points Character gets 1 Luck point per 1000 Commendations and for every 2 Passions Story Points Characters get 1 Story point per 2 passions. Literacy Effects on Skill Growth Characters who choose to learn more languages will gain skill growth. The below chart shows the bonus commendations that are awarded when a character exceeds 25 ranks in 3 or more languages. The Bonus Comms go to various skill families as the character becomes more literate. These Commendations must be spent on those families and are awarded each time the character does growth until any one SubSkill hits a maximum of 40 Skill total. These Comms do add to rank, MAC rewards language investment seeing it as making the well rounded personnel the System requires. Number Of Languages 3 4 6 5 Skill Family Technical Social Bonus Ranks +300 +200 +150 +125

Added combat Shields to be used with the new stances ( see section 6) Some (not all) protection technology has fallen in protection to bring the protection in line with the skill system. This allows for combat to be deadly and challenging, but death from every shot is minimized. New Stock weapon Acc/DAM values to separate the various weapons Types. New Armor repair formulas. More detailed Explosives and Combat Explosives like grenades. New vehicle creation system, super flexible and allows for creation of many different vehicle types.

Section 3 Updates Technology Updates

Combat Shields
While not a common sight, many StrikeForce members have started to use high Tech shields as a quick an easy way to boost their armor; though creating a shield that can take a plasma or Fireball ammo attack is certainly not cheap. Seeing this as a niche, but profitable, market many Corps have created High Tech shields that have been received warmly by the Combat Sector.

Tech Level 1

Beryllium Bracers A basic parry/blocking device that has been on the market for years. You can get these anywhere. TEF: 5 Cost: 5,000 Forces: Physical Protect: 20 ENC: 1 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A SP: n/a Styer Hann Combat Bracer A light weight bracer with advanced VSIC programing allowing a better protection for a fairly low price. Usually made of a light weight good SP metal TEF: 25 Cost: 150,000 Forces: Physical Protect: 50 ENC: 2 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A SP: n/a Special: +2 successes to Defense SkillSet Matrix Armor Simple Shield A smaller basic combat shield designed to take a help for a bit before failure. These Shields are cheap and easy to find, called throw aways by gang members who use them all the time. TEF: 10 Cost: 25,000 Forces: n/a Protect: 125 ENC: 6.5 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: n/a SP: n/a Special: none

Tech Level 4

Research, Medical Covert, Combat Psi



Innate abilities

As soon as a character achieves the required Skill rank or Attribute, pays any Coms costs and skill rolls they can gain the innate ability. Quickness

SubSkill Martial Arts or Hand To hand Adv Req. ranks: 45 Roll: None Coms Cost: 230

This allows the character to take 2 active actions in one phase. Melee attacks made by the character can be re-

Supron Alloy Ionic Tower Shield A huge combat shield designed to take a huge amount of punishment before failure. These tower Shields are ionicly bonded to ones armor when in use, requires a power cell. The Shields are very distinctive and used to show off stratus for some STO types. TEF: 20 Cost: 500,000 Forces: Physical Protect: 500 ENC: 15 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Power Pack SP: n/a Special: ionicly bonded to user cannot be dropped Matrix Armor Flexi Shield Matrix armor major product in this market, the flexi shield is meant to last for many combats. While its Blended Titanium materials are a bit lacking in protection the design and construction are the best around. TEF: 35 Cost: 750,000 Forces: Physical Protect: 532 ENC: 3 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: n/a SP: n/a Special: Penetration raise Bcc by +5 not 10. EV Labs Glove Suit Shield Strand A basic strand designed to have 2 modes, a bracer and a buckler. The bracer adds to ones agility when defending, with a lower protection. The Buckler has a much higher protection, (it changes its material to Kronus Steel), but agility remains normal. TEF: 20 Cost: 500,000 Forces: Physical Protect: Bracer: 150 Buckler: 450 ENC: 1 Max Apps: 1 Tech Type: DNA Requires: n/a SP: n/a RM :1 Strand Type: Basic Strand Size: 1 Human Mod: None Special: Passive action to switch modes.

Tech Level 5

sends an Electromagnetic blast at any impact/projectile attack. The base unit adds 6 protection. Reactive armor does not effect Plasma or Laser attacks. The effectiveness of the blast can be increased with additional targeting chips, maximum of 9 chips. Armor insulation increased by 2000 PU when added TEF: 8 Cost: VSIC: 900 Forces: Grav/ Elect/WNF Protect: 6 ENC: 1 RM: 1 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Glove Suit requires tech pouch

Tech Level 2
Plasma Absorption Harness An addition to Kinetic Absorbers that breaks up plasma streams, adding the ability to protect against plasma and 5 to the absorbers protection. Total absorption is now 10 for impact and plasma attacks. TEF: 0 Cost: VSIC: 40,000 Forces: WNF/Elect Protect: 5 ENC: 1.5 RM: 2 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Glove Suits requires tech pouch.

Tech Level 8

Tech Level 3

Advanced Kinetic Absorbers - This device is added on to the Kinetic Absorbers to make them more efficient. This device absorbs damage as it hits adds an additional to 10 protection. Total absorption bonus to protect is 20. Does not affect Plasma. Adds on to existing Absorbers; uses those tech pouches for Glove Suits. TEF: 0 Cost: VSIC: 75,000 Forces: none Protect: 18 ENC: 1 RM: 3 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Kinetic Absorbers Advanced Reactive Targeting A new system for targeting attacks at the wearer. This system is more accurate also uses the power of the base more effectively. The system adds 3 to the reactive armor base and adds Gravity force; allowing reactive to now affect Plasma attacks. Burst Lasers are not affected. Adds on to existing reactive armor base, uses those tech pouches for Glove Suits. TEF: 7 Cost: VSIC: 85,000 Forces: Grav/Elect Protect: 3 ENC: 2 RM: 3 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A

Protective Coating for Personnel Armor Adds 8 to any Armors protection value. Glove Suits can use without tech pouch. TEF: 3 Cost: VSIC: 20,000 Forces: none Protect: 8 ENC: 0 RM: 0 Tech Type: VSIC Max Apps: 1 Requires: N/A Kinetic Absorbers Adds 5 points of protection to Physical Armor. The material absorbs the energy from kinetic impact weapons to characters. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: 30,000 Forces: Phys/WNF/SNF Protect: 5 ENC: 5 RM: 1 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Glove Suits requires tech pouch. Kronus Steel Plating This is a thin sheet of flexible Kronus steel that is added to armor to increase its protection. Increases protection of armor by 5. Can be used with any armor additions. TEF: 0 Cost: VSIC: 15,000 Forces: none Protect: 5 ENC: 1.5 RM: 2 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Glove Suits requires Tech Pouch Reactive Electric Armor An electronic lattice that

Armor Upgrades Tech Level 0

Tech Level 1

Tech Level 4

Adv, Plasma Absorption Harness An addition to Advanced Kinetic Absorbers that breaks up plasma streams and allows the Advanced Kinetic Absorbers to absorb an additional 8 damage. Total Absorption is 28 pts. Adds on to existing Absorbers and uses those tech pouches for Glove Suits TEF: 0 Cost: VSIC: 40,000 Forces: SNF/WNF/Phys Protect: 8 ENC: 2 RM: 6 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A Regulon Star Plates This circuitry is installed in Kronus Steel plates. Using refractive crystals to affect the Physical, Gravity and Electromagnetic Fields of Reactive armor adding 10 to protection. The crystals may be added 7 times. Each application adds weight to the Armor. This boost from the Regulon Start plates allows reactive protection to be counted as protection for Lasers.

TEF: 8 Cost: VSIC: 95,000 Forces: Grav/ Elect/Phys Protect: 3 ENC: .5 RM: 3 Max Apps: 7 Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Kronus Steel Plates. Glove Suit requires a Tech Pouch
Advanced Karlyle Plating An addition to Regulon Star Plates that increase all reactive armor protection and adds large flexible plates of Karlyle Lacing II to light and Frame armor. No glove suits. The Plates are too large and not stable enough for an Exo skeleton to lock onto. Also, the plates cannot survive the Hybrid armor fusing process. They must be removed before Exo or hybrid upgrades can take place. The plates add 10 Enc and increases RM by 5. The total protection (All Armor; Impact, Plasma, Laser) of the armor adds 72. TEF: 10 Cost: VSIC: 258,000 Forces: SNF/WNF/Phys Protect: 72 ENC: 10 RM: 5 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A

VSIC/Nanonic Max Chips:10 Requires: Reactive Armor base (Built In)

Level 5

Reactive Armor Type 5 Armor Chips A new set of chips that more efficiently generates the electromagnetic field used to stop attacks. Each chip adds +20 to the users protection, a maximum of 10 chips. Works also with plasma enhanced base. Mixing different power chips is allowed. TEF: 15 Cost: VSIC: 150,000 Nanonic: 225,500 Forces: Grav/Elect/WNF Protect: 20 per chip Tech Type: VSIC/ Nanonic Max Chips:10 Requires: Reactive Armor base (Built In)

Level 6

Reactive Armor Type 1Armor Chips A set of chips that more efficiently generates the electromagnetic field used to stop attacks. Each chip adds +2 to the users protection, a maximum of 10 chips. Works also with Advanced targeting base. No Mixing different power chips. Reactive will fail to function. TEF: 3 Cost: VSIC: 5,000 Nanonic: 7500 Forces: Grav/Elect/WNF Protect: 2 per chip Tech Type: VSIC/Nanonic Max Chips:10 Requires: Reactive Armor base (Built In)

Chips and Other Removable Systems Level 1

Reactive Armor Type 6 Armor Chips A new set of chips that more efficiently generates the electromagnetic field used to stop attacks. Each chip adds +25 to the users protection, a maximum of 10 chips. Works also with plasma enhanced base. Mixing different power chips is allowed. TEF: 15 Cost: VSIC: 150,000 Nanonic: 225,500 Forces: Grav/Elect/WNF Protect: 25 per chip Tech Type: VSIC/ Nanonic Max Chips:10 Requires: Reactive Armor base (Built In)

DNA Strands
Dermal Absorption Layer Simple Strand This dermal enhancement allows a thick inner membrane to separate the user from any damage that might penetrate the user. Similar to Kinetic absorbers the Strand has the ability to absorb damage that penetrates the armors outer skin. Additional strand upgrades, when added, increase the absorption and the complexity and size of the strand. Impact Absorb 3 Plasma Absorb 0 Laser Absorb 0 Strand Complexity 1/Simple

Level 1

Level 2

Reactive Armor, Type 2 chips As reactive armor, but chips that are more efficient. Each chip adds 5 to armors protection rather than 10 as original chips. You can intermix chip types but only nine chips maximum. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: 7500 Nanonic: 11,250 Forces: Grav/ Elect/WNF Protect: 5 per chip Tech Type: VSIC/Nanonic Max Chips:10 Requires: Reactive Armor base (Built In)

Level 3

Reactive Armor Type 3 Chips Adds 10 to armor instead of 10. Max addition to armor is now 100 plus the base unit. Ten chips max. Mixing is allowed. TEF: 10 Cost: VSIC: 10,000 Nanonic: 15,000 Forces: Grav/Elect/WNF Protect: 15 per chip Tech Type: VSIC/Nanonic Max Chips:10 Requires: Reactive Armor base (Built In)

The numbers listed above are the totals for each strand, and are not cumulative. These strands can be used with Kinetic Absorbers with a Plasma Harness, or a Molecular Harness NOT both. TEF: 5 Cost: Strand: 20,000 Insertion: 40,000 (5% failure chance) RM: 1 Max Apps: 1 Forces: Phys Strand Type: Simple Strand Size: 1 Human Mod: None

Level 2

Level 4

Reactive Armor Type 4 Chips A new set of chips that more efficiently generates the electromagnetic field used to stop attacks. Each chip adds 15 to the users protection, a maximum of 10 chips. Works also with plasma enhanced base. Mixing different power chips is allowed. TEF: 12 Cost: VSIC: 135,000 Nanonic: 202,500 Forces: Grav/Elect/WNF Protect: 15 per chip Tech Type:

Glove Suit Bio Electric Armor A Bioelectric field that works like reactive armor, but is a DNA strand; not VSIC or Nanonic technology. Reactive armor uses a different combination of Electromagnetic Forces and CANNOT work with Bio Electric Armor (Their forces cancel each other out). The base DNA Strand adds 50 to the armors base protection. This field affects both Plasma and ChemProject weaponry. Burst Lasers are not affected. The base adds

500 PU insulation. TEF:5 Cost: Strand: 120,000 Insertion: 40,000 (5% failure chance) RM :2 Max Apps: n/a Forces: Grav/WNF/ SNF/Elect Protect: 50 Strand Type: Simple Strand Size: 1 Human Mod: None

ure chance) ENC: .5 RM :3 Max Apps: 10 Forces: All (No Calon) Protect: 2 per app Strand Type: Complex Strand Size: 3 Human Mod: None Requires: n/a

Level 6

Level 3

DNA Dermal Layer Enhancement This enhancement increases the ability of the skin suit to take damage. The dermal layer thickens and is made more flexible. The change adds 10 to the protection of the suit. Adds 500 PU insulation. This strand also increases the Malfunction level of the armor by 2. TEF: 6 Cost: Strand: 75,000 Insertion: 40,000 (5% failure chance) RM :2 Max Apps: n/a Forces: Phys Protect: 10 Strand Type: Simple Strand Size: 1 Human Mod: None Dermal Absorption Layer Basic Strand This dermal enhancement allows a thick inner membrane to separate the user from any damage that might penetrate the user. The second layer of this strand adds protection from Plasma and Laser weapons. It also increase the size and complexity of the Strand. Impact Absorption 8 Plasma Laser Strand / AbsorpAbComplextion sorption ity 8 3 2/Basic

Glove Suit Adv Dermal Enhancement An Enhanced DNA strand that stays dormant until activated. When activated, the glove suits Enc increases by 10. All TEFs drop by 25 while the Enhancement is active. The Physical Armor (DO NOT include: Reactive/Bio-electric Based or absorbers) is increased by *2. The Enhancement can be used to defend against all the attacks in 1 phase, 4 times in a 24-hour period. TEF: 8 Cost: Strand: 531,000 Insertion: 40,000 (5% failure chance) ENC: 0 RM : 3 Max Apps: 1 Forces: SNF/WNF/Chem/Phys Strand Type: Basic Strand Size: 2 Human Mod: None Requires: n/a Dermal Absorption Layer Complex Strand This dermal enhancement allows a thick inner membrane to separate the user from any damage that might penetrate the user. The final upgrade brings the Strand to a complex DNA and increase the absorption to 500 for all weapon types. Impact Absorption 15 Plasma Laser Absorp- Absorption tion 15 15 Strand / Complexity 3/Complex

The numbers listed above are the totals for the upgraded strand, and are not cumulative. These strands can be used with Kinetic Absorbers with a Plasma Harness, or a Molecular Harness NOT both. TEF: 0 Cost: Strand: 60,000 to upgrade Simple Insertion: 40,000 (5% failure chance) RM :2 Max Apps: n/a Forces: WNF/Phys Strand Type: Basic Strand Size: 2 Human Mod: None

The numbers listed above are the totals for the complex strand, upgrades are not cumulative. These strands can be used with Kinetic Absorbers with a Plasma Harness, or a Molecular Harness NOT both. TEF: 0 Cost: Strand: 94,000 Insertion: 50,000 (2% failure chance) ENC: 0 RM : 3 Max Apps: 1 Forces: SNF/WNF/Phys Strand Type: Complex Strand Size: 3 Human Mod: None Requires: n/a

Bioelectric Armor DNA Strand Upgrade An addition to Bio Electric Armor that adds 7 new DNA strands to the Base Bio electric armor. This adds 10 to (5 from each strand) the armor protection. Requires the Bio Electric Armor strand. This may be added 6 times, 2 times per rank upgrade. Each strand adds 20 PU insulation (100 total). TEF: 0 Cost: Strand: 60,000 Insertion: 40,000 (5% failure chance) RM :4 Max Apps: 6 Forces: Grav/WNF/Elect Protect: 10 per app Strand Type: Enhanced Strand Size: 2 Human Mod: None

Level 4

Armor repair costs increase as penetrations and malfunctions increase. To repair Penetrations use the below formula. Each Penetration costs a minimum of 5 credits to fix. The more complex the armor the greater the Repair Modifier (RM) (5 * Armor Penetrations)* Armor RM

Armor Repair Penetrations

Level 5

Repairing Complications
Hard Tech Complications To fix hard tech armor systems with complications players must pay a cost equal to (10,000 * #Complications) * Armor RM) Bio Tech Complications These systems are repaired using gene viruses and other medical treatments. While less costly to fix there is a

Bioelectric Absorption Field A BioElectric Field that boosts the ability of the Dermal Absorption Layer by adding 2 to its absorption ability. The stronger the field, the larger the boost to the Absorption Layer; the field may be upgraded 10 times for a maximum of +20 to the absorption layer. TEF: 7 Cost: Strand: 250,000 Insertion: 50,000 (2% fail-

chance fix will fail and have to be done again. Glove Suit repair costs are (5000 * # of Complications +1) *Armor RM) There is a 15% chance the repair fails and has to be run again, at full cost. Time to Repair Armor takes time to fix The more damage the more time it takes. Penetration Repair Time (Armor Penetrations * 15 minutes) Hard Tech Repair 30 minutes per Complication BioTech 10 Minutes per Complication

Step 2 - Add Materials

Pick the various materials that you wish to add to the base frame material. Each materials Stability rating gets added together. This is the Total Stability Rating of the hybrid materials. This total cannot exceed the Stability Rating of the fusing method chosen.

Step 3 - Fusing Method

Hybrid Armor Design Steps Step 1 -- Pick Frame Armor materials

Hybrid Armor is bonded onto existing frame armor. The Stability rating of the materials determines what fusing method can be used; the higher the stability the harder to fuse, but the better the protection. The base material of the Frame armor MUST be used as base for bonding the additional materials. Alloy Type Plastic, Ablative 2A Plastic Advanced Stability Rating 1 1 3

Pick a Fusing method. Multiply the Total Density of the alloy by the Protect Multi. The total is the total added protection to the frame armor. Each Fusing method has a chance for failure; roll 2d10, if below the failure chance the fusing fails. Player must pay for fusing and may then attempt the fusing. Should it fail they can try as many times as they can afford.

Density Rating 3.2 3.7 4

Weight Modifier *.25 *.35 *.55 *.3 *.2

Cost Per Point 100 150 200 250 300 350 325 275 225 175 125 75

Plastic, Synthetic 1C Plastic, Plated Adv Meshing-10 Meshing-20 Webed-12 Meshing-30 Webed-22 Webed-33 Feshtan-1a

1 1 1 1 1


1 1

4.2 4.5 4.7 5.2 5.7 6 5

*.50 *.60 *.65 *.70 *.65 *.75

1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 2 1.5 1.5 2 2 2 2 2

Feshtan-2a Feshtan-3a Feshtron-1V


5.4 5.9 6.2 6.5 6.7 7.2 7.8 8.5 9 8 7.5 7

*.68 *.70 *.73 *.75

400 450 500 550 600 700 750 625 575 525 475 425

Feshtron-3NN Reflecta-1BN

Feshtron-2NN Feshtron-4NN Reflecta-2BN

*.80 *.83 *.85


Rastran-1S Rastan-2S


*.80 *.79 *.77


Supron Alloy-B

Supron Alloy-A


Fusing Method Ionic Level Fusing

Maximum Stability 4 5 3

Failure Chance 0 10 20 30 15 5

Protect Multi *2.5 *3.5 *5.5 *6 *5 *2

Enc. Mod +1.25 + .75 + .35 +.25 + .5 +1

Cost Multiplier *20 *40 *60 *80 *30

Kronus infusion Fusing

Blaron Compound Fusing

E-R Theoretical Bonds

Supron Sub Atomic bonds

4 5

Tyna Hydrogen Bonding Theories


Step 4 - Figure Costs and Encumbrance

To figure added Enc. Add the Enc. Multipliers from the Alloys together then add the Fusing Methods Enc Modifier. Last multiply the weight of the Frame Amour by the alloy Weight Mod. Remember character Enc maximums. Price of Hybrid armor is figured like so: Total Cost = (Material 1+ Material 2 + Material 3...) * (Number of Materials*2) * Fusing costs

Points: 0 Forces: None Protect: 10 Cost: 100,000 per application Special: Does not count towards 10 System Max. Neutron Coating A synthetic metal created in 2110 by Reich Armor Inc to enhance exoskeleton design. This metal proved so dense that only small amounts can be used or else the weight becomes incredible (it weighs approximately 300 kg for a solid 10 cm2 cube hence its name). It can be added to exoskele tons in thin coatings adding protection but lowering the players Enc. Bonus. One coating may be added at each level at a Each coating adds your base protection (Base Armor + Exo Base protection/10+(30*# of coats)) (do not include Non Physical, reactive and absorbers) armor again, but lowers Enc. Bonus by 5. Max Apps: 1 Tech Type: VSIC TEF: 6 Mech Pts: 5 Forces: Chem/Phys/WNF Costs 200,000. Special: Does not count towards 10 System Max. While weapons manufacturers make most of their profit making prototype weapons, stock weapons were needed for starting StrikeForce members to equip themselves with. In 2103 the UN ESC mandated that all weapons manufacturers had to create multiple stock models. 33 years later these weapons are all over the planet, in the hands of Gangs, Pirates, Security Forces, and anyone else who needs a gun, but does not have the money for a custom weapon. Rate of Fire (ROF) ChemProject bullets or laser pulses fired per shot Caliber -- Bullet size/Type of shot Accuracy/Power (ACC/PWR)-- guns accuracy and power Weapon Type -- Fire combat level needed to use weapon Encumbrance (ENC.) -- Shows bulk and weight of weapon Hands (HND) -- Number of hands needed to fire weapon without penalties Needs -- Show extras that weapon needs to operate Range (RNG)-- Maximum range of weapon Shots/DSR Number of internal Shots or the Max Discharge Rate of a Laser Cost-- cost in Earth Credits

Step 5 - Refigure Repair Modifier

Hybrid Armor requires a refigure of the Repair Modifier for the base frame Armor.

Hybrid Armor Neutron Coating A much thinner coat of the material used in the Exoskeleton version. This adds 10% of the Hybrid armor starting protection (Frame Armor + Hybrid protection) up to a maximum of 75 protect. TEF: 6 Cost: 375,000 Credits. Enc.: 7 Forces: Chem./Phys/WNF Protect: Max 75 RM: 2

Advanced Armor Upgrade Hybrid Armor Upgrades

Stock Weapons

Exoskeleton Upgrades

All Mech points are for initial application, additional Applications (Apps) DO NOT increase Mech points.

So a Chameleon skin with 35 full Apps still uses 5 Mech points.

Level 3

Weapon Stats

Supron Alloy Exoskeleton Layer A super thin layer of Supron Alloy B fused like frame armor to the Exo Skeleton that adds 6 pts of protection. Max Apps: 5 Tech Type: VSIC Forces: Physical/ WNF Protect: 6 Costs 10,000 per application. Max Apps: 5 Mech points: 1 Special: Does not count towards 10 System Max. Exoskeleton Plating Enhancement A denser synthetic Supron alloy coating (superior to its earlier cousin) that adds density to the Metallic body of the ExoSkeleton. The added density makes it much harder to penetrate and highly resistant to heat making it effective against all types of weapons including Burst Lasers, Plasma and ChemProject. Enhancement adds 10 to armor per application. Max Apps: 4 Tech Type: VSIC TEF: 0 Mech

Weapon Type 1 Blackton Plasma SemiAuto Colt Plasma Smash Styer-Hann Plasma Pistol Luger-1345

Cal SM/E 10 mM Proton Sabot 10mM Grenade Cal Hy/C

ACC/ DAM 30/410 140/140 30/480 60/180 10 /-60/490

ROF 1 5 1 5 1 1

Enc. 5.1 5.5 5.5 4 1.5 5

HND 1 1 1 1 +1 HND 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Needs A A A A A * Needs A B B C A B A A C

Range 40m 105m 125m 85m 255m 200m Range 40m 970m 425m 315m 250m 445m 90m 40m 420m 45m 1035m

Shots NA NA NA NA 3 Shots DSR NA 400 NA NA NA NA NA 10 NA 14 400 NA

Cost 43,700 40,250 9,155 18,350 20,378 500 Cost 94,600 61,110 119,360 114,843 31,668 54,063 72,500 94,905 1,895 60,400 2,050

Colt 10mm Sabot Auto Pistol 2CM Grenade Launcher

Weapon Type 2 Styer Hann Plasma I/X 12 JDA Laser Snipe Luger 40PL2 Plasma Sniper Styer-Hann Snipe II Plasma Luger .40 D Sub Gun

ACC/ DAM 60/490 190/340 140/380 100/330 1


Enc. 7.5 5.5 7.5 6.5 5.5 7 5 8 3 10 2


1-2 1 1 12 12 1* 2 10 2 1-2

.40 mM 100/250 3 mM Deut J-2ES Sa J-4 LASER 80/360 130/390 20/490 60/210 90/350

Carbine Needler 3

Blackton Laser Sub Blackton 15 Plasma Shot Gun Blakton Combat Shotgun-18

JDA Auto Shot Gun

Styer Mod-17 Combat K-10ES 60/210 Shotgun

Weapon Type 3 Styer-Hann M-250 BerretMAG-66 JDA Needler Assault (1 double capacity needle Mag Incl) Carbine Over Assault JDA Heater Assault Blackton Plasma Heater Colt Laser Plume 1256 Blackton Laser Rifle

Cal 7.62mM 10mM Needles 7.62mM

ACC/ DAM 170/520 90/440 90/590

ROF Enc. HND 20 15 6.3 11 1 2 1 1 2 1 1

Needs C C B A C B C

Range 475m 445m 490m 500m 250m 250m 1175m


Cost 409,100 104,275

20 20 1ec 1ec

12 9.5 7 11.5


122,800 360,210 1,400,000 269,010 190,334 526,467

.357 mM 180/490 Boosted Hy/C Positron LASER LASER 50/520 70/500

140/400 180/400








russian darkness. C-8 has held its own for over a cenWeapon Type 4 Carbine FAW-56 Cal 10mM 5mM P/P Hy/I ACC/ DAM 170/680 150/570 50/650 80/590 120/560 ROF 20 20 Enc. 2.8 5.8 6 6.4 12 9.4 4.6 HND 2 1 2 1 2 2 Needs B C B C C Range 730m 770m 650m 325m 280m 1845m 1625m Shots Cost DSR NA 778,000 NA NA NA NA 600 918,000

Styer-Hann MK-82 RFSW 6mM JDA ChemDeath 1

Styer-Hann Mk 1 Plasma Support Luger Plasma IV JDA Laser Blaster 1

20 1EC 1EC 1-3 1-3

1,051,800 1,096,650 1,581,750 2,148,000 1,425,750

Carbine Burst Cannon

LASER 200/460 LASER 190/450


Explosives are controlled by the UN IJC and MAC as the destructive potential of 10,000 Strikeforces all blowing tghings up could lead to too many destabilizing situations. The UN currently restricts the amount of explosives to a charcters rank in kilos. This dose not apply to prefabricated explosives such as grenades, juts the raw explosive materials.


tury because of its low cost and strong destructive profile. Wt Mod: 1.6 ACC:59 DAM:438 Avail: 82 Cost:*2.5 Axeon Gel Created originally by a long dead Brazilian Corp to clear rainforest for farming, Axeon Gel can burn anything and is cost effective at doing it. Wt Mod: 1 ACC:47 DAM:96 Avail: 94 Cost:*3.5 Spec: Starts Fires on anything for 1d10 phases. 10,000 Celsius temp. Axeon Gel White Phosphor MAC requested this upgrade to Axeon Gel to make it more useful in combat, meaning more deadly. Styer Hann and BioTech labs were happy to help. Wt Mod: 1.5 ACC:53 DAM:201 Avail: 84 Cost:*3 Spec: Starts Fires on anything for 1d10 phases. 15,000 Celsius temp. Explosive Charges Each kilo of explosive can be sub divided into 4 pts. So a Kilo of C-8 Improved has 4 pts with a 438 DAM. Each point requires a detonator.

Base Cost of Explosive materials

The source of the explosive sets the base cost to get an explosive, which is then modified by the type of explosive material being purchased. Social Combat and role play can of course effect these base costs. Source Employer Nation Guild Base Cost -100 450 500 650 Avail. Mod -20% -45% -35% +5% UN Reported Y Y Y N N Y


Blackmarket Int. Smugglers

375 ( or a Favor)

250 (or a favor)

-20% -25%

Explosive Kits and Detonators

So if your employers was a corporation, the base cost of explosive materials is (450* material cost mod) with a -15% availability roll. So 1 Kilo of C-16 would cost 1575 with an availability of 74% and have an ENC of .1 (1*.1)

Any explosive requires a detonator. Demolitions kit has materials that make a Demolitions roll more effective; Kits are not required to use c16, detonator not required. Smoke grenades subtract 100 from any non-technology enhanced perception. Demolitions Kit: Standard kit with materials to shape and contour Plastique for demolitions work. The kit adds 50 EF to any demolitions roll. Has 5 uses then must buy again. TEF: 3 Cost: VSIC: 500 Forces: none ENC: 1 RM: 0 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A Detonator, Remote: A Voice activated charge. Connected to the UNIWeb the user programs in a special voice code, tuned to their voice print. The Charge takes an active action to set the voice code and a Demolitions roll to set. The range of the Detonator is unlimited (UNIWeb

Explosive Materials

Terenax C -16 Terenax Corp was destroyed in 2065 during a Corporate War with Barrett Arms. Barrett won, but the formula for Terenax was claimed by their partner Jevin Chemistry. Jevin later sold the formula to a number of companies and cashed out, making Terenax C-16 the most powerful and widely used explosive in 2136. Wt Mod: .1 ACC:79 DAM:1009 Avail: 94 Cost:*4.5 C-8 Improved The last major release by the NATO countries, before he

access is required), no security encoding provided on communications. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: 500 Forces: none ENC: .5 RM: 0 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Demolitions Detonator, Timed: A Time activated charge. Connected to the UNIWeb the user programs in the time code of the region they wish to use. The Charge takes an active action to set the time code and a Demolitions roll to set. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: a weapon Forces: Chem/WNF/ SNF ENC: As weapon RM: 0 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: N/A Detonator, Motion A movement activated charge. The charge senses movement in a range of 1 -5 meters, set by the user. The greater the range the quicker the charge tends to explode. A range of 1 would have an explode chance of 10% per action, a 5 meter range would have a 50% chance. The Charge takes an active action to set the range and a Demolitions roll to set. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: 500 Forces: none ENC: .5 RM: 0 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Demolitions Detonator, Sound: A sound activated charge. The charge is set to a decibel range between 10 -50 decibels. Chance the detonator goes off is like Motion above. The Charge takes an active action to set the voice code and a Demolitions roll to set. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: 500 Forces: none ENC: .5 RM: 0 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Demolitions Detonator, Impact: A Force activated charge. The user sets a number of Force Units to detonate between 100 -500. A door closing (Non Hydraulic) has a force of 100, a weapon discharge has a force of 250, another explosion has a force of 500. If there is no set trigger, use percentages as above with motion and sound. The Charge takes an active action to set the voice code and a Demolitions roll to set. TEF: 5 Cost: VSIC: 500 Forces: none ENC: .5 RM: 0 Max Apps: n/a Tech Type: VSIC Requires: Demolitions

A powerful infantry weapon for over 200 years, the grenades of 2136 range from simple to advanced delay with specialized shrapnel patterns.

MAC Combat Explosives Grenades

Delay Fusing

Some grenades have a delay of a set number of active actions. The delay must be declared before the attack; once that number of actions has past the grenade explodes. TEF shows how hard it is to overcome the fuse. Fragmentation (Frag) Grenade A basic, not too powerful, grenade that goes off as soon as you throw it, dont drop it. ACC:70 DAM:560 Avail:89 Cost:600 RNG: 15m ENC.: 1.2 TEF: 0 Delay: 0 actions Improved Fragmentation Grenade A powerful infantry weapon for over 200 years, the grenades of 2136 range from simple to advanced delay with specialized shrapnel patterns. ACC:140 DAM:1370 Avail:86 Cost:1710 RNG: 10 m ENC.: .6 TEF: 5 Delay: 3 actions Micro Shard Grenade An improved fragmentation pattern, this boosts the range and damage of a Frag grenade. ACC:71 DAM:810 Avail:89 Cost:600 RNG: 15 m ENC.: .8 TEF: 10 Delay: 3 actions max Concussion Grenade A basic, not too powerful, design to knock an opponent down when it hits. ACC:129 DAM:641 Avail:71 Cost:1190 RNG: 10 m ENC.: 3.2 TEF: 5 Delay: 1 actions Special: Any target hits is considered knocked prone. Axeon Grenade Designed to create fires when thrown and confuse and distract the enemy. Anything burns ACC:112 DAM:613 Avail:90 Cost:500 RNG: 15 m ENC.: 2 TEF: 25 Delay: 5 actions Axeon Phosphor Grenade A redesign of the Axeon grenade to take advantage of the Axeon Phosphor material. ACC:118 DAM: 718 Avail: 81 Cost: 750 RNG: 15 m ENC.: 2.5 TEF: 25 Delay: 5 actions

A powerful additive to any munition. Which adds both destructive power and range to the explosion. Rigia - 19x boosts an explosive so its attack is multiplied by several times, depending on the successes of the attack. The amount of Rigia added is called its charge force and limits the damage a Rigia Enhanced weapon can do. Adding Rigia to personnel explosives is Illegal, dangerous and an obvious upgrade, usually resulting in massive damage or death of all involved. The Black market will

Explosive Upgrades Personnel Combat use of Rigia - 19x

of course do the work of mixing the additive; a delicate and dangerous operation (generally (225 x CF) EF, Demolitions as primary skill is required, but GMs discretion rules). See the combat section for its effects in combat. Use of Rigia - 19x explosives in a city is expressly forbidden and usually punishable by loss of rank, tech and cash. Rigia - 19x used as a plasma Ammo is inert and cannot be mixed to create CF weapons. Cost = 50000 x CF rating being added. Vehicle construction is a point system, players pick specific parts and then traits related to their vehicle. Each choice increases the points the vehicle has to buy the game stats for the vehicle. The key to designing a vehicle is to describe what you think you want, the more traits and powerful selections you make the more costly and powerful the vehicle will be.

Constructing Vehicles

What makes a StrikeForce vehicle

ing. Technology had hit a wall on engine power and body strength. These jet craft were capable of Mach 3+ and could actually take two or three hits from missiles twice as powerful as those used in the past. The U.N. and its System planners had decided the jet was a lacking platform ,not as flexible as the Helo; which had become the combat vehicle of choice. The day of the Jet appeared to be ending. Then, in 2107 the Tech guild changed the propulsion method of all vehicles by creating the Gravelectric engine. Jets can now travel at Mach 4.5 and have armor as tough as any tank. The Gravelectric revolution has allowed the lifting properties of such extreme wing designs as the V slick channel and the Variable Geometry Ellipse. Wings can be much shorter and weapon bays can hold much more. Combat in a jet at such speeds is beyond any description. The Jets, Gravelectric Hull, and the bodies engines combine to power lift and forward vectors in one combined system. Gravelectric technology allowed weight and power to explode off the design sheets and saved the Jet. Today UN System planners are refocusing on the Jet and what it can do for the future of the UN Plan.

A vehicle is strikeforce, like a character, has several key stats which define how good it is in combat or other maneuver situations.

The Gravelectric Helo

Main Vehicle Attributes

Maneuver Points how much the vehicle helps it pilot maneuver Structure Points How much punishment a vehicle can take. All Structure Pts are divided between the Four Systems; Body, Controls, Weapons, Engines. Defense Rating Ability of the vehicle to absorb and negate damage Remaining Vehicle Tonnage Current weight a vehicle is carrying Repair Modifiers indicates how difficult it is to repair the vehicles many systems. Cost of Vehicle Alt (Max Altitude) determines how high or deep a vehicle can go. Speed maximum speed a vehicle can travel at. Detection value ability of the vehicle to avoid detection by Forts or other VCI. PUO Amount of power the vehicle has to power systems. PUTO Amount of power a system needs to work on the vehicle

As the Jet was beginning to lose favor, the Helo had entered a renaissance. Newer power plants, extensive design of newer skin types and extra Mach engine boosters had propelled the Helo into the next step. The Gravelectric revolution simply expanded this growth in the Helo industry. The same factors that saved the jet simply expanded the platform of the Helo. Combat is a tad slower in a Helo, but the ability to hover and carry great payloads has truly expanded the platform.. It has replaced the Transport jet and the transport industry blimps are seeing competition from large scale platform Helos for the first time in many years. The Helo has become the most versatile of all the platforms changing, from a weapons to a transport platform. The Helo is a center piece of the System and looks to be one for many years to come.

The Gravelectric Scout Tank

Other Attributes

Crew (Pass) number of people vehicle can carry Armor Weight (subtract from body total) weight of tech armor on the vehicle Total Tonnage maximum weight a vehicle can carry in cargo, weapons, and ammo. GE Efficiency Gravelectric Efficiency displays how long it takes to reset a vehicles Power Plant.

Vehicle Design Types The Gravelectric Jet

The history of the Scout tank is a glorious one, starting in the Secret War. The scout tank was one of the original ways to destroy a Paulson unit. StrikeForces were focused on creating a force that could take out a Paulson Unit in one or two strikes. The scout tank became that force. After the secret war, EZone defenses became the new obstacle and the scout again rose to the occasion. Expanded power plants and transmissions and weapons made them a crucial part of any EZone attack. As the Corporate wars of the 2040s gave way to the GPPI era of the New UN System, attacks by STOs in scout tanks became legends. Tate W. Russel used his tank, the Jester, to attack a series of EZones over a month and did incredible damage. The Gravelectric age has simply moved the tank up in stature as payloads and weapons increase in damage.

Starting in 2050 the art of making jet aircraft was peak-

The Gravelectric Attack Boat

The age of the attack boat rose again in the early

2100s. EZone expansion into coastal areas increased use of the coasts of infiltrations by StrikeForces and Pirates. Attack boats really drove the creation of Defense Force boat squads and then StrikeForces escalated arming and creating the attack boat. The Attack Boat is like a tank on the water, and with careful weapon selection, is even capable of a great off shore bombardment, often with no EZone defenses that can retaliate. This ability plus the UN efforts to restore wetlands, rivers and lakes throughout the world has made the attack boat a viable platform form many StrikeForce missions. UN System Planners have been monitoring the use of the boat and its effects on the development of both strategies and weapons in the coming years. Rumor has it that the success of the boat may bring about new releases of technology like min.. Subs and mobile Sea Platforms run by the UN.

Step 1 Describe Vehicle Step 2 Pick Vehicle Type Step 3 Pick max weight Step 4 Pick Vehicle Traits Step 5 Pick Armor Step 7 Pick Power Plant Step 8 Pick Vehicle Control Interfaces Step 5 Total Points and Figure values

Step 1 Describe Vehicle

Describe what your vehicle looks like, what it can do any feature it should have.

Step 2 Pick Type

Vehicle Type Helo Tank Boat Jet PTS 50

Pick the type of vehicle that matches your vision. Starting DR -6 -3 -8 Modifier +1 Speed, + 2 MP +50 SP, +5 k Wt +25 SP, +4 MP


Unmanned combat and surveillance platforms used in EZONEs to supplement the automated emplacements, drones are powerful technology. Drones have a higher max speed threshold, Mach 6, than other vehicles and have no spaces for crew. Gravelectric and advanced weapons tech have made these a very cost effective and powerful tool.

50 50 50 25

-4 -12 2 0 -5 -1

Transport Large Hulled Vessel Drone Shuttle Blimp

+10 Crew, +5k wt +100 Crew, +25k Wt, -10 MP, +250 SP 0 crew, +10 Mp, + 100 SP

+100 SP, +2k Wt


Used to move the many good and working populations around the planet, these large vehicles ply the trade routes in the air, on land and in the sea. Transports range from smaller personally owned craft to larger Corporate owned vehicles that carry dedicated resources and the occasional secret cargo.

90 20 80 50

+250 SP, +15 Crew

+25 MP, +50 SP, +5 Crew


Used to ferry CEO, Presidents, and VIPs for Corps, Nations and Guilds; shuttles are a luxury combat vehicle. Designed with a larger crew area, defensive and weapons systems, shuttles are much more expensive to build and equip. Corporate shuttles are also a sign of status, the better the shuttle the more status it brings.


Advanced materials and gravelectric propulsion have made the Blimp an excellent transport, for large cargo and vacationing Crop Sector citizens. These blimps have multiple designs and cruise at blue attitudes or better.

Large Hulled Vessel

Used primarily by the Sea Lords, these large vessels ply the seas carrying supplies and other good for the Sea Lords. Several corps and Nations have leased these from the Sea Lords, with Sea Lords crew, Large Hulled Vessels tend to be defended by automated weapons and can carry in excess of 100000 KG.

Vehicle Design Steps

Pick the type of vehicle that matches your vision. Weight 10,000 25,000 75,000 15,000 5,000 PTS 20 25 35 10

Step 3 Pick Maximum Weight

roll. Also increases max speed by 1 per engine.

Hardened Structure Sluggish Ugly

Adds +100 Sp to Body

Lowers MP by 5, adds 50 SP lower max speed by 2.

50,000 100,000 150,000 125,000

40 45 50 70

Vehicle loses 1d10 +15 DV because its oddly shaped and - 25 Pts

60 80

Crew Spaces

Adds space for 2 crew/passengers

200,000 500,000 1 mil + 250,000

100 150


Weapons Platforms Amphibious

Adds weapons to non combat vehicle

Step 4 Pick Vehicle Traits Step 4 Pick Vehicle Traits

Heavy Armor

Can maneuver on water or land, Max Speed 70 KMPH

A vehicle can have as many traits as its designer wants. Traits that seem to contradict or exclude each other must have their function explained in the description. Adds +1 Speed each time added

Can take 2 Armor traits for the cost of 1. Lower Max Speed by 1.

Low Profile VTOL

Built for Speed

Adds 25 to Detection value

Built for maneuver Resilient Design Cargo Holds

Adds 5 MP per add to a vehicle

Flight capable craft can take off straight up no runway needed


Adds + 100 SP to 1 system per Add

Craft can go under water (reverse alt for depths) for up to 3 hours.

Can hold 50,000 KG in Cargo,counts against vehicle weight.

Low Orbit Capable

Craft can enter low orbit for up to 3 hours, then runs out of atmosphere

Cargo Spaces

Can hold 500 KG in Cargo, Counts against vehicle weight Vehicle can mount Weapons and Armor Vehicle can mount Armor and defensive systems. Vehicle can enter space or mid level ocean depths

All Terrain Chassis

Combat Design

Vehicle can maneuver on any terrain, lower max speed by 1. Vehicle Propulsion ( Must pick at least 1) A vehicle with multiple Propulsion traits, must figure out each types Speed maximums. Only 1 can be at a time. Vehicle can fly horizontal vectors using control surfaces to go vertical. Top of green altitudes. Additional adds increase to blue and then red. Max Speed -800 KMPH (requires short runway)

Defensive Design

Pressurized (5 Atmos) Multiple Engines

Flight Propulsion: Horizontal thrust (jet)

Each engine Allows the vehicle to whether damage better, adding + 1 Success per engine for any crash piloting

Flight Propulsion: Mixed Vector Thrust (helo)

Vehicle can fly vertical and horizontal vectors at the

same time. Top of green altitudes. Additional adds increase to blue and then red. Max Speed -320 KMPH (requires short runway)

Step 6 Pick Armor Traits






Ground Propulsion: Hoover

Land or Water Travel , +10 MP Max Speed: 120 KMPH

A vehicle can have as many traits as its designer wants. Traits that seem to contradict or exclude each other must have their function explained in the description.

Ground Propulsion: Tracked


Land Travel Only, Max Speed: 80 KMPH, -5 MP, + 50 SP.

Material is in Plates. Adds +20 SP and +5000 to final Weight.

Ground Propulsion: Wheeled Water Propulsion: Hydrofoil


Land Travel only Max Speed: 90 KMPH, -5 MP, + 50 SP.

Material is Layered. Adds +30 SP and +2500 to Final Weight.

Water travel only Max Speed: 60 KMPH, -5 MP, + 50 SP.

Infusion Process

Water Propulsion: Catamaran

Body and armor are melded together using a natures Forces forge. Adds +40 SP, +1500 to Final Weight, and + 20 pts.

Water Only Max Speed: 100 KMPH, -5 MP, + 50 SP,

Pressure Bonded

Material is seamlessly added to the vehicle. Adds +5000 to Final Weight, +70 SP, and + 25 pts

Metron Bonded

Material and frame are one molded material. Adds +1 DR ,+3000 to Final Weight, +120 SP, and +30 Pts.

Metron Charged Step 5 Pick Armor Materials

Armor Materials The armor used by all vehicles is extremely dense, heavy, and the better it is, costly. The weight factor of the armor is directly related to the weight of the vehicle it is protecting. A 10,000 kg vehicle with Meta Plastic armor would carry 2500 kg in armor (10,000 * .25 = 2500). The cost of that Meta Plastic would be the Final Total Weight of the vehicle x .75 added. So a vehicle with a final weight of 10,000 Kg would add 7500 crds to the cost. That same vehicle with iridium would add 760,000 crds to final cost. Armor Materials Meta Plastic Carbonized Beryllium Titanium Plastic Pts 10 Cost Multi +(*.75) +(3.5) +(*3) +(*4) +(*4) +(*8) +(*.5) SP Bns +20 +21 +22 +44 +68 +70 +10 Weight Mod .25 .9 .7 .2 .4 .5 .5 .15

Material is charged at the Sub atomic level bonding on one side repulsion on the other. Adds +1 Max DR ,+2500 to Final Weight, +200 SP, and +40 Pts

Bi-Polar Ion Bonds

Material and frame are one molded material. Adds +1 DR, +1 Max DR, +3500 to Final Weight, +400 SP, and +50 Pts

Step 7 Pick Power Plant Core Main Power Plants

These Fusion Power Plants are extremely safe and use a water/Deuterium mix to create sustained energy. The better the GE Efficiency (lower is better) the greater longer a vehicle can go without having to shutdown the engine for cooling. Type Base Graveletric Maron Gravelectric Tachyon maron Hybrid Maron Bi-Gravelectric PTS 20 40 45 50 25 PUO 7000 GE Efficency 8/1 8/1

Carbon Steel

20 30 50 75


Military Ceramic Kronus Steel

10000 12000 15000


Improved Kronus Steel

100 200



Walmers Gravelectric Hybrid Walmers

60 80

20000 22000

4/1 2/1




Pulsed Walmers




Type Early Detection System

PTS TEF PUTO 10 20 30 25 15 20 40 45 50 55 30 12 1000 2000 3000 5000 5500 2500 1500

Step 8 Pick Power Plant Traits

Infrared Scanning System A vehicle can have as many traits as its designer wants. Traits that seem to contradict or exclude each other must Digital Scanning Detection System Advanced Maneuver System have their function explained in the description.


Liquid Base Control System Designed to do up to 150% of a normal Power Core. 1.5 x Optic link Controls System PUO = Bonus PU, +2 GE Efficiency and +30 Points Multi Base Control System

Fiber Control System

60 90 80


Old Design

Been around forever, it always works, even if its not as good as the new stuff. -10% PUO -2 GE Efficiency and +10 Points

Analyzing Digital Detection System


60 70


Step 10 Pick VCI Traits VSIC

Battle Worn

Repaired several times, it works surprisingly well. Bonus PUO = 1d10 x10 + PUO, -1 GE Eff. and +20 Points

Uses VSIC technology Has 4 slots; +10 TEF and +500 PUTO



Its new its shiny and it might fail. Bonus PUO= 2d100 x10 + PUO, -2 GE Efficiency, - 150 SP from Engine Systems, when it takes a critical, and +45 Points

Uses Nanonic technology Has 4 slots; +15 TEF and +1200 PUTO


Proven Design

Uses DNA programing and systems has 4 Simple Slots. +25 TEF and +800 PUTO

Designed rock solid it always seems to work. -2 GE Efficiency, +150 Sp to engines, and +30 Points


High Quality

Adds slots and functions to a system. + 4 Slots, +20 TEF, + 1000 PUTO, and + 30 pts

Made by the best, its dimply flawless. +1d100 PUO, -1 GE Efficiency , + 100 SP to engines and +25 Points


Its new and shiny and works most of the time. + 2 Slots, +30 TEF, -100 SP Controls when they take a critical, and + 500 PUTO

Step 9 Pick Vehicle Control Interface Vehicle Control Interfaces

Proven Design

All vehicles use Vehicle Control Interfaces (VCI) a more advanced control and radar system than were used in the Conflict. The VCI of 2136 are more compact, using natures forces scanners to detect targets. VCI can mount scanner chips using multiple forces to increase their TEF. The pace of modern combat, on land and in the air, makes it impossible to hit a non tracked target; because of speeds in excess of mach 2 or more. The TEF of the VCI represents a 360o sensor sphere around the vehicle. The better the TEF the more powerful of the VCI. All VCI have the Electromagnetic, and WNF Forces for the purposes of Information Points and questions. Additional forces may be added by adding scanner suites that match the technology trait of the VCI. VCI without such a trait cannot take Scanner suites.

Been around forever and it just plain works. + 1 Slots, +10 TEF, +100 SP to Controls

Advanced Design

The newest thing well built and boy its pretty. + 2 Slots, +30 TEF, a+ 250 SP to Controls, + 1500 PUTO, and +25 Pts

High quality

Built by the best for the best, and it costs. +4 Slots, +50 TEF, + 2000 PUTO, and + 50

After you have finished step 9, total up the vehicles total points and the number of traits. The more points and traits it has the more expensive it will be, but the better

Step 11 Figure Vehicle Final Values

its values will be. Points are spent on traits like MP, SP and DR, as you spend them you have fewer points for the next value. Each descriptive sentence lower the final cost by 2000 Crd. The description flies like a dream, hits like a battle axe would lower the cost by 4000 crd

Vehicle Base Speed

Each Vehicle type has a maximum speed set by its traits and technology. Most land an sea vehicles max start around 100 KMPH while flight can start at 320 KMPH and break the sound barrier at Mach 4. Each plus to speed in-

Maneuver Points = 5 pts for 2 MP Structure Points = 1 Pt for 10 SP All Structure Pts are divided between the Four Systems; Body, Controls, Weapons, Engines. Defense Rating = 10 pts for 1 DR + Type DR mod Power Units to Operate: Pts x 50 + VCI PUTO + Engine PUTO

Spend Values (Build Points are spent until at 0)

Figured Values (Use total build points to figure these values)

Crew (Pass) = Base is 2 + Trait bonuses Armor Weight (subtract from body total)= Body Max weight * Armor Wt. Modifier Total Tonnage = Chosen value + Trait Bonuses Remaining Vehicle Tonnage = Total Tonnage (Armor Tonnage + Pts x 10) Maximum Defense Rating = Pts/100 (rnd Down)+ (# armor traits)+(1 per 5000 kg Armor Weight >20000 KG) GE Efficiency -- Gravelectric Efficiency displays how long it takes to reset a Power Plant. Repair Modifiers = 1 + Pts /100 (round up) Altitude (Alt) = Determined by Flight/ Submersible trait Speed Modifier = Propulsion Trait + Power Plant Traits - (1 Per 10000 Kg over 40000 Kg armor weight) Detection value = DR + 50 Cost of Vehicle = (Pts x 250) + (#Traits x 5000)+ (Armor Weight* Armor cost mod) - (# Descriptions x 2000) Final Vehicle Assembly After all values are figured, the Structure Points (SP) must be divided between the main systems. The Body of the vehicle must get 1/2 of the Structure Points. The remaining half are divided up between Control, Engines, and Weapon systems. When these systems hit 0 various malfunctions and failures occur, until the system is fixed. crease this one row on the speed chart in section 4.

Starting Base Critical Chances

Upgrading Systems and Traits

Buying or upgrading after a build is done by using choosing the new system or Trait. Only the Armor, Power Plants, and VCI systems can be upgraded. Any Trait can be added or replaced by a better similar trait; for example: Proven Design must be replaced by any other design trait. Cost of upgrades is ((5000 x total number of vehicle traits)x #Trait added this session.) Total number of traits includes the newly added trait.
A vehicle with 5 starting traits which adds 2 traits Trait 1 cost = (5000 x 6 ) x 1) = 30000 Trait 2 cost = (5000 x 7)x 2) = 70000 Total cost = 100000 crds

Vehicle weapons are devastating in the damage they do. The chance for a hit that does critical damage is much more dependent on how well put together the target is than the hit itself. Each vehicle type starts with a uniform Base Critical Chance. As the vehicles are improved, this chance becomes unique to the vehicle. Lowering BCC BCC can be lowered by raising the DR. of the Vehicle or buying technology that specifically lowers the BCC. Each point of DR over 0 lowers BCC by 5. Vehicle Type Helo Jet Base Critical Chance 120 110 90 95 85 Min.. BCC 60 40 80 80 30 50 55

Scout Boat Drone


Upgrade Effects The new System and Trait points are added to the Vehicles Total Points. ONLY THE NEW POINTS are used to buy additional MP, SP and DR; Max DR CANNOT be exceeded. The new total points (and weights) are used to refigure all other stats. Time to Upgrade Trait upgrades are requested and paid for at the start of the gaming session. Once paid for, and new values figured, they are available in that and all future sessions

Shuttle Blimp

Transport Large Hulled

150 175 80



Changes Successes: 1 gained with a successful roll and 1 bonus per 100 EF. Wounds and Damage have changed as have their effects Fatigue/rest and movement have changed

Section 4 Conflict System System Updates

A Skill roll can give a player the map of a building they want, but a complication might mean they are not entirely sure of its quality. A lock is picked, a failure is rolled, the door should stay shut. A complication could be the door opens, but the characters dont know it was opened by the Defense zones AI. Success Range The Success Range is used to set limits on SkillSet effects or complications as the story evolves. A successful roll indicates 1 success for the character or NPC. The SkillSet EF can increase the success range beyond one. Every 100 EF adds 1 bonus success, so a 300 EF adds 3 Successes, for a total of 4. An EF opposed by an intelligence has its Successes lowered by the oppositions successes a min of 1. Successes and Limits The GM uses the Success Range to set limits on anything related to the Effect. Psi Pattern durations, technology ranges, wound durations, or anything else that requires a limit uses Success Range. So a Psi Power with a duration in minutes and a success range of 3 would last for 3 minutes. Some situations do not specify the unit used; in this case Players specify a certain unit as part of the effect, The GM should increase the target EF, using any modifiers based on the desired effect and the opposition. Values should never last longer than the gaming session they were created in. Example
A character uses their material analysis skill, Structural analysis skill, and an armor repair kit to boost their armors protection of 340, before they attack a combat Droid in the next room. The character has a SkillSet of 337, rolls a 92 for a 245 EF. The armors protect is increased by 245, but the GM rules it will last for 3 penetrations, 1 hit per success .

Situational Modifiers Players and the GM can use the environment around them to try and increase a SkillSets effects. The GM assigns Situational Modifiers for each skillset. Players may also ask for or take actions to gain situational modifiers. The maximum number of Situational Mods for any player is 3. Each modifier has a specific effect on the situation, so picking the right modifiers can be important. Situation Modifiers have a direct effect on any situation in the game, and are meant to help draw a picture of the situation. See the list of suggested modifiers in Section 6.

Action Effects

An actions effects in StrikeForce are a straight comparison between the opposed EF, which the GM sets, and the Characters Skill EF. The higher EF succeeds, the lower EF Fails, ties go to the characters.

Narration of Effects

When a characters action is resolved the GM Should not just say you succeed or fail. A Success, the players EF beats the opposed EF, indicates the declared Effect occurs A failure opposed beat the characters EF, and the effect fails. The GM should narrate a short description of what the final effects are. Add some flair and description, dont just say the player succeeds or fails.. Complications The GMs job is play the role of the System, throwing conflicts at your characters as you play. One way to do this is to add complications; information that makes characters question whats going on to enhances the story. Complications are story points for the GM. When a complication occurs is up to the GM. The GM has a limited pool (see section 7) so the GM is not constantly throwing wrenches in the players plans and the story. The purpose of complications is to enhance and add tension to the story all the players are telling. Good complications, not abusive ones, improve the story. The GM section has more details on the complication mechanic. Complications should force a character to react to its effect and gives players a chance to gain bonus commendations.

Information Points When Players use a SkillSet to get information about a situation, the opposition, or any other details; it is a role play moment. Information points allow the player to ask additional questions about the target of the search. Each success gives the player 1 Information point. The player may ask for more detail on any aspect of the target of the action. This is not limited to UNIWeb searches. Anytime they try to get information on something, regardless of the method, information points should be awarded.

Character Damage

Wounded When an attack Breeches the protection of armor, the character takes damage to their END. Every 10 damage causes a wound. The amount of damage is a negative modifier to any Attribute (INT, PR,END) rolls. Wound Negatives Wounded characters find taking actions harder and fatigue a serious issue. Actions are painful; everything is harder to do. Each wound cases a -1 to all EM rolls. any

character with any number of wounds adds +1 actions to any action taken. 3 Wounds (30 Damage) means EM rolls are at -3 and all actions cost +1 Actions. Ignoring the Pain Characters and NPCs with an 80 END or more can roll to ignore any negative modifiers for 1 action. The Character Rolls 1d100 END applying all negative modifiers. A successful roll, under the modified END, means the character ignores all negatives for one action. Criticals When a character takes a critical hit, the character is considered to be in Critical Status. Each critical has a specific effects; from a simple negative modifier to an Emotion (EM) roll or an effect that kills instantly. Criticals may cause negative modifiers, but unless they state the character is incapacitated or Dead, the Character may continue to function with any modifiers from the critical. Incapacitated Whenever the negatives from damage to END and/or Criticals is greater than a characters END; the character is considered incapacitated. An incapacitated character falls unconscious, and drops everything. The character is out until healed. A character or NPC who goes into negative END ins incapacitated. A character with an 80 END would incapacitated at 81 damage, -1 END. Incapacitations cannot be ignored. Dead Whenever a character takes a critical that says they are killed or the negative modifier from Damage and Criticals is double their END the character is dead, gone, wasted. Damage Order of Effects When a character is damaged the effects occur in this order: Critical - Death results Critical - Incapacitated results Critical - other results Wounds This means that a Death critical must be healed before any END is fixed.

be used multiple times in a phase. Character with a 50 PR has a 5 meter passive move, character arrives immediately. Example
A character with a passive move of 10m (100 PR) could spend 4 passive actions to move 40m in a phase, moving immediately and then take an active action.

Tracking Movement in Game

In game tracking movement does not need to be a math moment. Players declare their movement and move them, unless they want to do some sort of stunt or special move, then a SkillSet roll might be needed. The more actions a character spends on movement, fatigue becomes an issue. Fatigue and Rest As Characters take actions without rest they will could fatigue. In free Form time fatigue is not usually tracked, as characters take many pauses. Fatigue is tracked more closely in the phased turn; setting in when a character: Goes 24 hours without sleep Using active movement for 3 consecutive phases. Using more than END/20 actions in 1 phase. Fatigued Characters halve all SkillSets until they rest. Rest
Resting means using no more than 1 passive action in a phase; for 1 phase per action over their limit. So 4 phases of active movement would require 1 phase of rest. Spend 7 actions in a phase, when ones max is 4 would require 3 phases of rest. A successful END roll lowers this by 1 per success (min of 1). A character in combat uses 10 actions in phase 4 and fatigues. The character has an end of 80 meaning they went 6 actions over. The character must rest for 6 phases. The player rolls END, getting 2 Successes, lowering it to 4 phases of rest.

Encumbrance and Actions A characters encumbrance can modify how many actions they can take. The below chart show the Enc modifiers on characters actions. Curent ENC At ENC or less Over ENC by 5 or less Over ENC by 12 or more No effect -1 action per ENC over, max of 3. Cannot use Active movement, lose 1 action per 2 Enc over max Modifiers

Game Movement
All movement in a 6 second phase is a based on a characters Prowess and type of action they use to move, active or passive. Characters get an active and passive rate; set at creation. Active Movement: When a character uses an active action to move they are moving no more than their PR in meters and can use active movement 1 time per phase. A PR 50 means 50 meters is moved by the character in that phase. Character moves the distance before the next active action is taken. Example
A character with an active move of 100m (100 PR) could spend 1 active action to move 100m in a phase. The Character arrives at the 100m before another active action is taken.

Psi Defense formula changed and the ability to not resist. Spins can be activated without a PSicon roll if the trigger is known All Psi PAtterns were tweaked to match the new success ranges and Combat influence system in Section 6

Section 5 Psi Patterns Psi Updates

Passive movement: Characters use passive movement to move slower. Their passive rate is 1/10 their PR and can

When any one is targeted by a Psi Effect Pattern they can choose to disrupt it with their own innate Calon energy, if they wish. Psi Defense is a free action using the PsiCon. The stronger the Psi Concentration (PsiCon) the greater the defense. Characters also add +10 for each passion which has a target number of 5 or less. The more passionate a character is about life the greater their defense. (PsiCon+Psi Defense Tech+10 per passion <= 5) - 1d100 Triggering Spun Abilities When a Spin is placed on an Item the Psi can choose a trigger or leave it to be triggered by another. To designate a specific trigger for the spin the Psi gets 1 command per 10 Successes on the Spinner ability. So a Spin with a 150 EF could have 2 specific triggers. For example a specific word, when a Bioelectric field comes within 5 meters, or when the lights go out. All triggers have a 5 meter range. So the word must be spoken within 5 meters or the target must walk within 5 meters for the spin to activate. For a user to activate the spin, without the defined trigger, they must roll a PsiCon EF under the Psi Factors of the spins. So for a user to activate a Weave they must roll an 45 or lower EF to activate. To activate a tapestry they would need a 124 or lower PsiCon EF. All characters can activate spins equal to their Psi actions per day.

Psi Defense

ing emotion and be confused as to how they really feel. This ability cannot control targets reaction in any way. Erase Emotion (51) E Psi can erase one emotion of the target. An angry person could be made to forget his anger. The target is aware the emotion has changed. This ability cannot control reaction in any way. Erase Thought (52) E Psi can erase one thought of the target. For example a person about to set off the alarm could be made to forget what they were doing. Insert Thought (60) E Psi can change one thought of the target, So a person about to set off the alarm could be made to think they want ti get a drink, then set off the alarm. Cannot eliminate a thought, but can divert them from acting on it for 1 action per success. 5 actions = 1 phase. Eventually the target will act on the original thought. Replace Emotion (128) E Changes a single Emotion on one subject. So a person who is angry could be made to love the person they are angry at. (The target will not notice the change in their conscious state). The Success range determines how opposite the change can be. 0-2 mild change 3- 6 Non-Violent change 6+ Opposite change. A violent change would be used to make some one attack a new target for instance. An opposite change is going from love to hate or indifference to passion. Replace thought (139) E Changes a single thought on one subject. (One example of using this power is a person who is about to set off an alarm could be made open the door instead). EF determines how the effective the change can be, for every 2 Successes Psi can make target change 1 action. Maximum of 5 actions can be changed. Mind wipe (190) E The targets mind is wiped of all thought, emotions and memories. Lose 10% of skill ranks and memories for every 2 Successes. New Mind (217) E The Psi is able to pick a select set of memories on ONE subject and replace them. So a person who saw the Psi kill someone could be made to think they were on a picnic when it happened. Leaves no gaps and the person is insistent the new memories are the truth. The chance target still remember a critical piece of information is INT -5% per Success.

Psi Abilities By School

The abilities listed below are divided by PSI School. Each school has a limited number of targets based on the PSIs PsiCon and the type of Psi power they use. The power of the PSI is not limited to these lists. Creation of new powers or even schools is a duty of all PSI Techs as they achieve the higher ranks of the skill and Psi ability.

Psi Esper Patterns +1 target 75 PsiCon

Read Single Emotion (12) E Read 1 specific emotion from 1 target Read Single Thought (13) E Read 1 specific thought from 1 target Direct Single Emotion (14) E Psi Directs one of their emotions at a target. Target is aware it came from outside influence, and must roll emotion at -1 per success If Emotion fails target has a distracting outburst based on that emotion. Direct Single Thought (16) E Direct one of their thoughts at a target. Target is aware it came from outside influences. Roll Intelligence at -10 per Success or act on the thought. Insert Emotion (45) E Psi can change one emotion of the target. A happy person could be given a conflict-

Psi Stalker Patterns +1 target 100 PsiCon

Astral Projection (34) E Psi may enter the astral plane and interact on that plane only. Movement on the astral plane allows only passive movement to a max of 25m from entry point. Leaving the astral plane, before duration is up, requires a PsiCon roll with a 10 EF to leave with-

out damage. Failure means the user takes 1 wound and leaves the plane. Duration: Minutes Astral walk (43) E Can enter the astral plane and walk normal distances and exit at a different point on the material plane. Characters must use active movement, max of 25 m a phase. Psi may see, but is unable to affect or be affected by things of the material plane. To exit the plane players must make a PsiCon roll by at least 25 EF. Requires an active action. Duration: Hours Phantasm (76) E Creates a Spectral entity from Astral resonance that can be seen by others on the material plane. Phantasm looks and moves as the Psi wills. Phantasm cannot be hurt or dispelled. Duration: minutes. Spirit of The Machine (76) E Use Astral Resonance to effect Computer circuits of any type. This is a nullify attack against any tech. Attacks EF is opposed by the target TEF. See section 4 for nullify. World Jump (86) E Psi enters the astral plane and can move and a rapid rate of speed through the astral. Psi travels up to 7000 KM from their current location. The Psi exits the plane 5 km from the target. Roll PsiCon each success lowers distance to target by 1 KM; 5 successes means the Psi lands where they want Duration: minutes. Change Perception (88) E Use Astral Resonance to confuse, targets Third Eye and change their perception of the objects around them. EF Determines how many senses Psi can influence one sense per 2 successes. Targets reaction is random and cannot be directed by Psi. Target can make intelligence roll at -10 per Success to believe Technology information, not senses. Duration: Phases Hallucination (92) E Psi Uses Astral resonances to causes a chemical imbalance in targets brain. The imbalance causes a random emotion to surface (roll 1d6); 1)Anger, 2)Fear, 3)Love, 4)Hate, 5)Sadness, 6)roll each phase, emotion changes. Also causes the target to hallucinate, psi may describe hallucination, Psi may also chose mood with a roll 6 successes or more. Duration: minutes Third Eye (99) E Uses the astral third eye to psychically see a targets aura (shows general intentions). The Psi adds total Successes x 10 as a SkillSet bonus for all attacks against target. Immune to ECM. Euphoria (113) E Use Astral Resonance to confuse targets Third Eye and Causes target to feel incredible distracting pleasure about something in their view. Target is completely distracted by their Euphoria and can take no actions. Duration: minutes Night Terror (140) E Psi attacks a sleeping target , inserting a nightmare so real they take damage from the vision. Damage is done as Effect Damage. Target is in throws of the terror until duration ends. Duration: Hours Cloak Self (148) E Allows the Psi to use astral

resonance around them to bend light and appear invisible. All Forces (See Scanning Section), except Calon, are blocked. Astral Beings see the cloaked figure as a shadow on the astral plane. Cannot cloak multiple targets. Duration: minutes Waking Terror (162) E As Night terror but target may be awake or asleep. Psi does gain 1 influence per 2 Successes. Duration: minutes Cloak Others (168) E As Cloak Self but can cloak multiple targets. ALL forces including Calon Are blocked, Astral beings may see a wake of movement if their perception is greater than 5 successes. Duration: minutes.


Psi Quaker Patterns target 60 PsiCon

Nudge (15) E Can lift an object that weighs a max of 50 kg weight 50 m high maximum. Object cannot be moved laterally. Lift rate is walking pace. Duration: Seconds Shove (22) D Psi has the ability to hit a target with a strong physical force. Lift (30) E Allows user to lift 150 kg. Maximum vertically only. Lift rate is walking pace. Duration: Seconds Hop (31) E Psi can jump up to 200 meters vertically and horizontally in one phase. Jump (46) E As hop except distance is up to 500 meters Vertical and Horizontal. Levitate (68) E Allows user to vertically lift themselves and belongings up to a maximum of 300 meters and can move horizontally at walking pace. Duration: minutes. Lift rate is walking pace. Crush (78) D Can exert a force on an immobile object from 4 different vectors. This generates Crushing force that adds 100 to EF. Gain +1 Success for Combat Influ-

ence for each success, 3 successes would be 6 combat influence.

Spark (87) D Can generate a 25 power unit charge per Success. Uses plasma armor for defense. Torch (97) D Causes chemical changes in an objects molecular structure that will cause it to catch fire. Any material, including normally inflammable materials such as metal, will burn for the duration. Max target size is 5 Enc. or 200 Kg. Temp= 100 degrees C per success Duration: minutes. Fly (98) E As levitate with 1000 m vertical height

limit and moves horizontally at running pace with no limit. Duration: minutes Inferno (142) E As torch but can set fire to 10 Enc or 350 Kg objects. +2 influence per success, so 3 successes would be 9 Influence. Add 100 to EF. Temp = 200 degrees C per Success Duration: minutes. Zap (167) D As Spark; charge is 50 Power Units per Success. Attack is so focused, add 150 to EF and gain 1 damage Dice per 50 EF. Gain +1 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 6 combat influence. Warhorse (170) D (E) A focused battering ram that hits target from multiple Vectors. Attack hits from so many different vectors at once, add 200 to attack EF. Gain +3 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 12 combat influence. Can also pull 800 kg at a walking pace as an Effect. Duration: hours (When Pulling)). Battering Ram (178) D An attack similar to Crush. However, it can only attack from the front Vector. This limits its EF bonus to +50, but its power is awesome. +4 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 15 combat influence. . Battering Ram as an Effect can be used to push 1000 kg of weight forward at a running pace. Duration: minutes when pushing

Mend Skin (61) E Heals Cuts and bruises to the skin only. Effect heals 2 wounds per success. Wound is healed in phases. Mend Organ (63) E Rebuilds damaged tissue in one organ, excludes the brain. Duration: 10 Phases to Heal. Lower time by 2 phases for every Success, minimum of 1 phase to heal. Rupture Vessel (73) D Causes massive Blood vessel wall breakage throughout the targets body. The Target is aware they were attacked. Gain +1 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 6 combat influence. Phased Hand (102) E Uses a Stalker Pattern in conjunction with Weaver Cell modifications. The Psis hand, and anything in or on it, becomes out of phase with the material plane Cell structures. The hand can pass through any Material/cells. An electrical field hitting the hand will destroy it if Psi does not make the Skill roll by 5 Successes or more. Duration: minutes Ghost (123) E Psi can phase whole body through any non-charged surface, by using weaver abilities to shift entire body and possessions out of phase. If electrical charge is introduced against the ghost, it causes complete body disruption, unless Psi has 12 Successes or more. This ability allows the Psi go through any material. Shatter Bones (154) D Causes bones to crack and split into Compound fractures and Splinters. Must target Specific Area. Gain +2 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 9 combat influence. Mend Wound (155) E Combines all needed forces to heal all damage of one specific wound. Duration: hours to heal. Regenerate Nerves (160) E Ability to regenerate Nerve and Neural Brain Damage. It also clears infection. Duration: Hours to heal. Target loses no memories. Shear (182) D As Shatter Bone but affects Organic and Inorganic Cells such as Metals. The Attack is a direct attack on the cells of the target. Energy is so concentrated that the attack adds 100 to the EF, Gain +2 Success es for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 9 combat influence, and negate 100 points of Protection. Deaths Hand (150) D Disrupts molecular cohesion of organic or inorganic material touched. Damage is very effective. Gain +3 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 12 successes would be 6 combat influence. Psi must touch target. Crumble (252) D Disrupts molecular cohesion of organic or inorganic material within 100 m. Material is

Psi Weaver Patterns

+1 target 75 PsiCon Cut (34) D Causes a small cut in the Skin that does normal damage. Skin does not need to be exposed. Knit Vessels (35) E Seals a ruptured or lacerated blood vessel. No infection and targets shock from wound is relieved. Heals in Phases. Knit Muscle (43) E Heals torn or hurt muscles, ligaments, or other muscle cell types. Heals any penalties done to muscles. Infection is eliminated. Duration: 10 Phases to Heal. Lower time by 1 phase for every Success; minimum of 1 phase to heal. Knit Skin (49) E Accelerates Cellular creation of a scab. Stops bleeding and repairs basic damage to skin layer. Heals 1 wound per Success. Does not affect criticals. Slice (54) D Causes a deep cut in skin and vessels. Gain +1 Success for Combat Influence for each success, 3 successes would be 6 combat influence. Mend Bone (59) E Seals and Closes any type of broken bone. Takes 10 Phases to Heal. Lower time by 1 phase for every success. Minimum of 1 phase to heal.

blasted by Calon energy, 1 Damage Dice at 50 EF, and crumbles into small pieces.

Psi Spinner Patterns

Spun Psi Patterns determines number of targets Detect Spin (20) E Ability to Detect any Spinner pattern of an 85 EF or less on any inorganic Object Spin (29) E Ability to Spin a Calon Pattern around any other Calon pattern with a Focus of 80 or less on any inorganic Object. Duration: Phases Rotating Spin (40) E Ability to spin a pattern around two other Psi Abilities with an EF of 160 or less on any inorganic Object Duration: minutes. Weave (45) E Ability to Weave a Pattern around any other Calon pattern with a Focus of 80 or less on any inorganic Object. Duration: minutes Detect Pattern (49) E Ability to Detect a pattern with a total EF of 160 or less and has 4 or less patterns on any inorganic Object. Major Weave (50) E Ability to weave a pattern around two other Psi Abilities with an EF of 160 or less on any inorganic Object. Duration: minutes. Recharge Etch (65) E Psi may reactivate an etch that has been triggered. Recharges one per success. Pulsed Spin (67) E A Pattern that rotates between Three Psi Abilities, Psi determines order with an EF of 160 or more on any inorganic Object. Duration: hours. Unravel Spin (77) E Ability to destroy a Pattern with an EF of 200 or less and has 2 or less patterns on any inorganic Object. Has +200 m range. Organic Etching (79) E Allows one-Psi ability with an EF 180 or less to be placed on an Organic object until unraveled or destroyed. PsiCon Cost: 75 Unravel Weave (83) E As Unravel Spin. But EF is 180+ and up to 4 patterns. Etch (85) E Ability to Etch a Pattern Around any other Calon pattern with a Focus of 80 or less on any inorganic Object. Etch may fire once then must be recharged. Duration: permanent until Calon energy bonds are unraveled or object is destroyed. Major Etching (95) E Ability to etch a pattern around two other Psi Abilities with an EF of 180 or less on any inorganic Object. Major Etching may fire 5 times in 24 hours. To fire more than 5 times; must be recharged. Duration permanent until unraveled or object is destroyed.

Organic Major Etch (99) E Allows up to two -Psi abilities with an EF of 200 or less to be placed on an Organic object. The range of all etched abilities is doubled and the Psi determines what actually triggers the etch. Does not need to be recharged. Duration: until unraveled or object is destroyed Tapestry (124) E Creates a pattern of up to 8-Psi abilities with an EF of 250 or less. All attack at once and they must be linked at one edge to any organic or inorganic Object. Tapestry is 5 meters wide x 5m-height max. And 1m thick. Takes EF/10 in minutes to create. Duration: hours. Unravel Tapestry (167) E Allows the Psi to destroy any pattern max EF 250 and up to 8 abilities.

Psi Preserver Patterns

+1 target per 40 PsiCon (Willing Targets) +1 target per 80 PsiCon (Unwilling Targets) Capture Emotion (31) E Ability to read a Beings emotions and copy one Specific Emotion View Life Force (34) E Allows Psi to view the structure of a soul required to build a matrix. No range as to where the Psi can receive the information. Capture Thought (63) E Psi can capture a specific thought from target and hold it in the targets mind. The Target is focused on the thought, but can take passive actions. EF determines how long thought is captured for 30 seconds per Success. Build Repository (94) E Uses metal and crystals and holds 1 complete set of memories from one mind. Takes EF in hours in hours to create (it is 5 Enc. space when finished). Requires: Suitable real gems, minimum 15,000 crd value and at least a .5 ENC. Synthetic gems will work for less at 1/2 duration. Capture Mind (96) E Probe and copy 1 persons memories. Target may be willing or unwilling. Each Success is 10% of Mind copied. Duration: minutes Touch Life Force (110) E Psi has a percent chance equal to their PsiCon/5 to Contact a willing Life Force that has passed beyond the material Plane. Psi may ask a question per Success. The answers may be very obscure and unclear, as the life force lacks references to answer, they are after all dead. Build Matrix I (144) E Allows the Psi to electrically charge a crystal matrix, such as a diamond, to hold a Life Force previously viewed by the View Life Force ability. Takes EF in hours to create. Duration: hours. Requires: Suitable real gems, minimum 40,000 crd value and at least a 5 ENC. Synthetic gems will not work. Duration: Years

Snare Willing Life Force (145) E Psi can hold a life force as it leaves a dead body within PsiCon/10 seconds of death. Range is double normal Psi range. Life Force must be willing and Psi can hold the Life Force for Duration: minutes. Press (150) E Psi Forces a living person or a Disembodied Life Force to re-live the most terrifying event in their past. The target determines the event unless the Psi has used View Life Force, then Psi may pick one. Duration: seconds; target is locked in place re-living that moment, no actions. Excommunicate (150) E Allows Psi to force a soul out of a body. Life Force will be unable return to body for duration. Psi Can communicate with Life Force. Psi is always aware of Life forces Position in the physical plane relative to them. Duration: Phases Snare Unwilling Life Force (155) E Psi can hold a life force as it leaves a dead body within PsiCon/10 seconds of death. Range is double normal Psi range. Life Force can be unwilling and Psi can hold the Life Force for Duration: minutes. Interrogate Life Force (165) E As Touch Life Force but target may be unwilling and chance to find a Life Force is 5% per Success. Interrogate Life Force gives 1 question per Success. Anchor Life Force (179) E As Snare Unwilling Life Force However the Life force experiences Pain and will do anything to get free. Duration: minutes. Entomb (200) E Psi can place any Life force, willing or unwilling, in a Matrix. Entomb Charges Matrix with Calon energy to hold the entombed Life Force for Duration. Must have 4 Successes minimum to be successful.

Determining Order

Reaction is determined by each character and any opposition controlled by the GM rolling 2d10 percentile and adding to the reaction Attribute. So a 65 roll plus a reaction of 40 would be a 105 reaction. Actions take place in highest to lowest order. The players characters win ties versus simple NPCs. Ties between PCs or NPC Foils are resolved by comparing attributes of the two characters in this order: Reaction, Prowess, Psi Intuition, Endurance, and lastly INT. Character who has the higher attribute goes first. Holding Actions Any character can hold their action and take actions LATER in the phase. The action can be taken before anyone else they beat in reaction. When multiple characters hold actions and both want to go at the same time, the higher reaction goes first if they want.

Actions In Combat

Attacker Declares Target and Effect The attacking player must spend the active action wants they can certainly try. These can be simple effects or complex; I shoot to kill, I want them to think the other guy is shooting him, or I want to wound him. Defenders Action Costs Defensive Actions use either a Passive or Active Action. Passive defense EFs effect a single attack in the current phase, Active defense EFs effect all attacks for that phase. Quickness in Combat This innate ability make it possible for a character to do 2 active actions in 1 phase. like an attack and active defense. Devices are still limited to their stated speed of attacks. Weapons cannot fire 4 times because you have quickness,

Section 6 Combat Updates


Breach System is now in use with SKill EF + DAM being the total attack. Situational mods now add effects like +1 breach and Skill Depth modifiers, no direct math to the SkillSet. Defenders can now choose for a variety of defense stances with different effects. The Passive/active choice still remains, but passive has benefits against one target actives against multiple targets. Added speed and reach for melee weapons Critcal Values for damage now top off at 250. Stress and Healing are now a step in combat Malfunctions are now a complication that occurs when an Armor Malfunction Threshold is exceeded. Each pen over MT increases its BCC by 1. No more tracking individual system damage.

Created exactly as any other SkillSet, using an attack SubSkill as its Primary Skill. Secondary skills can also be added to the SkillSet (Character skill depth and roll still applies). Base Skill is always added. Add any Tech TEFs situational mods, and declare your target(s)

Step 1 Compare Effectiveness Create Attackers SkillSet

Create Defenders SkillSet

Defenders declares if the defense is a Passive or Active. Action determines the defense Primary Skill. Secondary skills can also be added to the SkillSet (Character skill depth and roll still applies). Base Skill is always added. Add any Tech TEFs and declare your Stance. Defense Stances Stances are specialized defensive action allowing actions like faking out an attack, letting your armor take the brunt, or diving out of the way. Each has a listed Max Skill Depth, limiting the number of subskills the defender can use, even if their skill Depth is higher. Stances also have a listed hit effect. This effect is triggered when the defender is hit by an attack.

Defender changes armor, or shield, facing so heavier armor takes the brunt of the attack. The defender does not move, they just take it. Hit Effect: Defender with 2 successes may roll a random hit location and armor takes +5 Pens Max Skill Depth: 3

When this occurs the attacker rolls 1d100 and checks Attacker fakes out the attacker making them think they are the appropriate chart for the effects. going left not right, Social Influence, vocal or movement focused, Misses and Blow Through may be used with this. Allows the Social Influences Situational The weapons of 2136 are far different from any 20th cenMod. The defender stays in place. tury equivalent. Weapons in 2136 are designed to do masHit Effect: 4 Successes or more lower Breach by 1 (normal breach sive concentrated damage to a specific location and it is is the minimum) assumed the user has the skill and technologies to hit the Max Skill Depth: 5 target. When an attack hits, even if there is no breach, the Stance: Parry armor broke up the attack, in game terms it can be assume Defender uses a weapon or shield to parry melee attack d the plasma burst or the projectiles effects wre only against (shields can be used against ranged weapons). the target. Hit Effect: If attack hits: subtract Successes from attackers during Should an attack miss its target it is usually because the the skill bonus breach step (lowers Attacks skill bonus). If the attack misses defender can attack their attacker, out of order defenders dodge was high enough to force a miss. Attacks or Choose to leave Melee combat with no penealties. which obviously pass the defender can have effects, the GM Max Skill Depth: 4 has charts in the tables section to determine them . Stance: Block Stance: Feint

Step 2 Figure Armor Breach Calculate Total Attack

Defender reacts and dives out of the way of the attack. Passive dodge must move 1 meter , actives must move 5 meters. Defender can change from standing to prone and/or place cover between them and the attacker (Assumes cover is in range of the dodge). Hit Effect: 2 Successes or more lower Breach by 1 (small breach is the minimum) or defender rolls the hit location. Max Skill Depth: 2

Stance: Dodge

The Attacker total attack is the Weapons DAM value plus the SkillSets EF, plus any tech bonuses. The total attck is compared against the armors Protection to determine the strength of the Breach

Active Dodge in Melee Combat Any defender choosing active dodge while in Melee combat takes a risk. The Melee attacker can choose to take an attack, out of order if needed, against the Defending character. The attack is resolved as normal but the defender does NOT get the benefits of any cover for the Melee attack.

Explosive Defense Explosion is very difficult to defend against, because it is impossible to predict the area of effect on the fly. Any defense costs an active action, but uses passive defense values.

Compare the Total Attack to the defenders armor Protection. The Total Attack must be greater than the Total Protection to achieve an armor Breach. The greater the difference the more severe the breach. The type of breach determines the damage done to the target. There are 4 types of breach: Small Breach which occurs when the attack is 500 or less above the Protection. Does 2 Penetrations Normal Breach occurs when the Total Attack is 501 1000 over the protection. Does 5 Penetrations. Massive Breach occurs when the Total attack is 1001 or more above the Protection. Does 10 Penetrations Critical Breach occurs when the Total attack is 1001 or more above the Protection. Does 25 Penetrations.

Breach Effects

Roll For EF

The attacker and defenders roll EF, subtracting a 1d100 from their SkillSets. The Attackers EF must be higher than the Defenders EF or it is a miss. Figure successes The attacker defender both figure successes, as long as they have a successful skill roll. Each starts at 1 Success for a successful roll. Add an additional success for every 100 EF of the SkillSet.
A 250 EF Successful attack would have 3 successes.

Attackers takes their SkillSets Successes, using them to have greater influence on the attacks final effects. The Defenders successes are subtracted from the ATtackers, lowering the attackers influence on the combat. Choices can be taken multiple times, as long as the attacker has. Only Attacks using the non explosive attacks DAM bonus use combat influence. Attacks using the Explosive attacks DAM bonus DO NOT get to use it. Defenders Combat Influence

Step 3 Combat Influence Combat Influence

Jams, Fumbles, and Failures

Any Attack EF roll that is negative is a miss. Any Fire Combat attack jams on a 99-100. Melee Combat fumbles occur on a 97 -100. Psi Direct attacks fail on a 96 -100.

Remove Attacker Successes The defenders successes are immediately subtracted from the Attackers Successes, before they are spent on attackers influence effects..
Attacker Options

Use your skill to increase the damage done by the attack by 10. Adding this 4 times would add 40 damage to a targets final damage. Add 1d10 Penetrations (1 Success) Use a Success to roll 1d10 Penetration to a targets armor. Armor must be breached for this to take effect.

Add 10 Damage to the attack (1 Success)


stress check at the end of combat.

Every 10 END damage is a wound. Each Wound forces a Combat Stress roll at -(# of wounds) and adds +1 action to any actions taken.
3 wounds forces an EM roll at -3 and increases all action costs by 1 passive action. Includes free actions

Cause an effect (2 Successes)

Player can ask for a reasonable effect, I knock back the target, spin him around, end up in a place where I can attack another target, etc.. GM and player may need to negotiate the final effect.

Force an additional critical roll(3 Successes)

Attacker can use influence to force an additional critical roll against the target. This occurs even if there was no crit roll or can cause multiple critical rolls.

Increase Breach by 1(2 max) (5 Successes)

Critical Chance Modifiers +20% 5 wounds +10% Head +10% Explosives +5% Plasma -10% Laser +5% Psi Direc +10% MA, Assassin +25% Normal Breech +50% Massive Breech +75% Critical Breech

Step 5 Critical Effects Determine Critical Chance

Attacker can increase the breach type by 1, 2 times.

Every attack has a chance to cause a Critical. Certain damage locations, damage dice, and the successes, all factors increase the chance. The chart shows the factors When the chance is above 100% a critical occurs, a is still roll required, a roll of 100 is still a failure. Chances below 100% the attacker must roll 1d100, under or equal to the chance or no critical occurs. Determine Critical Severity The attack successes - Defenders Successes determines which severity column on the critical chart you use. Successes must equal the column value or the critical uses the lower column. Example A 6 Success (say a 550 EF) attack would use the 6 severity column, not the 8 severity column.

Step 4 Damage
Damage is determined by the attacks breach and the damage and any Combat Influence increases. The below list shows the the Damage done by each type of breach. Damage done is assigned to the character and compared to the targets END or SP. Damage acts as negative to END rolls. Every 10 Damage causes a Wound, which is further described below.

Determine Location Attackers roll 1d10 to determine where their attacks hits. Consult the table at the end of the section. Characters can call their attacks location if they have 4 or more successes. A targ with a TEF 15 or more also allows a character to call their hit location. Explosive Critical Hits Explosives critcals are handled differently Critical Severity is normal, but the type of breach determines the number of criticals done; Small Breach does 1 critical, Normal Breach does 2, Massive Breach does 3, Critical breech does 5. Multiple Criticals are expected. Roll 1d100 against the critical chance for each critical done. Location is random. Melee Called Critical Hits Players with a Martial Arts or Martial Arts: Assassin SubSkill of 45 or more can call their critical effects. Martial Arts adds its SubSkills ranks to the Final Attack, And used for all calculations, such as successes. Martial Arts: Assassin called critical hits add both Martial Arts and Martial Arts Assassin ranks to the Final Attack. The called critical must kill; ie nose into brain or

Small Breach (<=500): 1d10 Damage, No Crit Normal Breach (501 - 1000): 10 + 2d10 Damage, roll Crit Massive Breach(1001+): 20 + 1d100 damage ,roll Crit Critical Breach (2000+) 50+ 2d100 damage, roll Crit

Damage is subtracted from END/SP. Damage is a direct modifier to END/SP (5 Damage is -5 END/SP). When Damage is greater than END/SP the target is incapacitated, see section 4. Healing can occur at any time before the the

Damage, Figuring Wounds, and Effects

Shatter leg and bleed to death. Duration of the death can be based on success range; Duration is phases. To Call any critical the attack must do a Wound to the target. Non Lethal Critical effects every 10 ranks of skill give the attacker a 10% critical chance. No other modifiers are used except for defender mods that lower the chance. Lethal Called Criticals are rolled as normal, a successful critical means the player can describe the death. Deaths can take longer than 1 phase, a max of 1 phase per 10 success.

Step 6 Malfunctions Armor Penetration and Malfunctions

Armor is a wonder of technology in 2136. While other technology has a listed BCC, armor has a BCC of 0 until it takes excessive damage, in the form of penetrations Any attack that breaches, penetrates the armor. The level of breech causes a set number of penetrations the armor takes. Each time armor takes a penetration it gets closer to malfunctioning. Malfunction Threshold When the number of penetrations armor has taken exceeds the armors Malfunction threshold of the armor, the BCC rises leading to malfunctions. Each Penetration over the malfunction threshold adds 1 o the armors BCC of 0. Armor that has taken 45 Penetrations over their Malfunction Threshold has a BCC 45. Every time the Armor takes penetrations that are over the malfunction threshold the player must roll against the new BCC. if the roll is under the BCC a Complication occurs. ExoSkeleton and DNA Strands ExoSkeleton Systems are some of the most hardened, damage resistant systems in 2136. Any BCC rolls for an ExoSkeleton adds its current Mech Points to the roll. An Exo with 22 mech points would add 22 to the BCC roll. Hybrid and Glove Suit DNA strands are designed to resist damage, the complex the suit the better it is at resisting damage. A Hybrid or Glove Suit adds its RM to the BCC roll. A Glove Suit with an RM of 10 adds 10 to any BCC roll. Malfunction Effects As discussed in section 4 when technology takes a critical it receives a complication from the GM. These are negotiated by the GM and player to create a challenge based on the current situation in combat. An example complication might be You must roll PR by 40 to get your exoskeleton to dodge, some of the supporting motors are failing. Another idea could be Your Targ is giving bad data, roll 1d100 against the TEF. If the roll is under the data is good, else you miss. Targeting a Specific System Targeting a specific system for malfunction with a weapon is a specialized effect, using combat influence. This type of effect would require detailed information on the armor; like a scan using a threat analysis chip or a scanner, before the attack.

Character that take damage could die or have to roll EM or lose actions. Treatment for damage from medical resources like drugs, doctors or tech that heals can be done prior to this check. Free or passive actions to heal can be taken at any time in the combat steps. Damage Order of Effects When a character is Dead or damaged the effects must be healed in this order to survive: Critical - Death results Damage > END Critical - Incapacitation results Critical - other results Wounds/Damage Death criticals and damage greater than the END must be healed before any non death Criticals are healed.

Step 7 Health and Stress Character Damage

Combat Stress

In Combat the situations that can cause stress are different, but the effects are the same. Combat stress is only rolled for during combat. A character who dies and is saved after the combat ends might have to roll situational stress, but not combat stress. An action fails and the failure is apparent Picking a lock and setting off an alarm Repeated attacks fail to do any damage Character cannot hurt their target. Taking any Damage or wounds in 1 phase Character gets blasted by one or multiple hits. Explosive Damage of any kind Explosives are unnerving, the blast causes stress Character takes a critical or a Wound (10 Damage) Character takes Critical damage of any kind. Character dies and recovers through any means Dying is unnerving and defiantly causes stress When these situations occur the GM can ask for an Emotion (EM) roll by the characters. Characters roll 1d10 and it must be above the attribute. If the EM roll is missed the character drops to the prone position, cannot take an active action and the player drops anything in their hands. The character stays this way until an EM roll is made.

multiple reach attacks, GM has final say. Sometimes a Character wants to stop a target without killing or maiming the target. One way to do this is by grappling or wrestling them down to the ground. To grapple in the Conflict system The attacker must close to melee range and announce they are grappling with the target. The Attacker must use a Melee SubSkill or PR as part of the SkillSet. The Attacker must announce the effect of the grapple. Multiple grapples can be attempted if one has multiple actions in a phase. Clinch (1 Success Min) - A standing hold Take Down (2 Success Min) - Forcing target to the ground Pin (2 min) - Holding target to the ground Escape (Successes exceed Grapple) - Escape any type of hold. Position changes still cost actions. Combat is resolved as normal Compare EFs. The attackers must meet the minimum for the hold they are attempting and beat the defenders EF; Grapple is successful and then Use Combat Influence as listed. If the attacker has successfully grappled the opponent, the only attack move the grappled defender can do is to try and escape. The opposed EF to an escape is equal to the Grapple Successes x 10. Failed escapes means the grappled character has to roll combat stress at -1 for each failed escape attempt (cumulative). Example
So a target trapped by a pin must break a 120 EF after their attackers EF is subtracted from their attack.

Grappling an Opponent

Whether throwing a knife, a grenade, using a bow or something is thrown. Thrown attacks can use either the Attribute Prowess or Melee SubSkills, attackers choice. Attackers who user Prowess add their Prowess Save for their SkillSet. SkillSets using Melee Combat skills work as normal.

Melee Combat Thrown Projectiles

Weapon Speed and Reach

During a game a GM may want to limit or give advantage to someone with a specific type of melee weapon. This can be done using Speed and Reach. Speed limits the number of times a weapon can be used for an active attack. Reach determines what weapon, if any, can gain a reach attack. Speed Speed = (5 - Weapons Enc (round down). This number indicates the maximum number of active attacks one can make with the weapon in a phase . A sword with and Enc of 2.5 could be used for 2 active attacks per phase. Reach Weapon Reach = (ENC/10 + # hands). Reach attempts to account for longer weapons or opponents in combat. Anyone in combat, using a melee weapon or a large NPC, can use a higher reach to perform a reach attack against an opponent with a lower reach. Compare all weapon reaches; any weapon, Large, or Huge NPCs (mutated humans, BioHorrors, or droids) with a reach 1 or more sizes larger than their opponent gain a reach attack. Reach Attacks Higher reachs may attack an opponent with a lower reach 1 time. Reach attacks cost an active action, occur before the reaction order starts, and are treated as a normal attack. After all reach attacks are resolved, the order is followed as normal (an attacker with reach may be able to attack twice, if they won reaction). CI Effects could be used to allow

Special Combat Attacks Psi Direct Attacks

Psi Direct attacks are visible blasts of energy, that targets can see them coming just like any other attack. Psi attacks use the PsiTechs PsiPower as their DAM. Psi attacks get normal bonuses from situational modifiers. Targets of Psi Direct Attacks always use a their armors Laser Protection for defense.

Blast Effects

Any Explosive has a Primary blast radius and a secondary blast radius at double the primary. Primary range is listed on the range of the explosive. Anyone in the primary range takes damage as described above and are knocked prone, losing 1 active action. Targets in the Secondary zone take damage as normal, but do not lose the active action or knocked prone.

Targets with no Protection or TEF

Directly attacking a weapon or other tech is like attacking a Droid. Declare an attack against the weapon or device, figure penetrations and roll BCC +10 +10 per penetra-

tions. Attacking Armor to Force Malfunctions Attacking armor to force malfunctions, means penetrating the hell out of it so it malfunctions. This means causing breach penetrations, and then using combat influence to increase the armors penetrations. Blunt /Stun Attack Effects Anyone using a weapon in an attempt to stun must roll a normal attack, take at least 1 combat influence with the effect to stun, and successfully breach. Each success and Damage Dice rolled forces the target to roll EM at -1. Damage is rolled as normal, weapons designed to stun can still wound or cause criticals to a target. Splitting Attacks Splitting an attack in Combat will result in minimal damage to a target, but can be effective against weaker targets.

Rigia explosions and the Astral Plane

than vehicle weapons; the max CF any sane person will do (the Black Market) is 3. The range boost is 500m per CF. Roll attack with explosive damage as normal, adding the CF rating to the total successes, repeating the attack on all targets in range, to the CF max. CF personnel weapons ALWAYS do max CF wherever it lands, whether it hits the target or not. A 3 CF grenade thrown with 5 rolled Successes would have a Total of 8 Successes, 5400 DAM, a range of 1500 meters, the CF grenade would do 4 attacks to anything in that range.

CF explosives have a chance (CF x 20%) to effect the Astral plane. When this occurs anyone in the range/2 takes the CF -1 attacks. A PsiTech in the astral plane within the range of a CF explosion has a 60% chance to be hit by 2 attacks from a CF 3 weapon. CF Personnel weapons used on vehicles have a PWR equal to to the CF max of the weapon.

Burst Fire (Fire Combat)

Attackers using a ChemProject weapon may split their Total attack between weapon type in targets. So a Weapon type 4 can split between 4 targets max.

Use of Rigia - 19x explosives in a city is forbidden, punished by loss of rank, tech and cash. Burst Lasers

WhirlWind attacks (Melee Combat)

Attackers with 50 ranks in a Martial Arts skill may split their Total attack between 4 targets max. Cover Fire Players may fire any fire Combat weapon in the general direct of a target to get them to active dodge. This is a normal effect, using combat influence effects.

Weapon Types 3 and 4 ChemProject or Plasma with an Enhanced Fusing chamber can attack a second time in the same Combat phase as a free action. The second attack, if on the same target, can be re rolled or be identical to the first, attackers choice. Targets can be switched at normal penalties to the EF of the shot. Weapon Type 3 ChemProject and all Plasma weapons -100 from the second shots EF. Weapon Type 4 ChemProject have no minus on the second shot. Damage and Criticals ARE re rolled for all second shots. Luck does NOT have to be re rolled , but must be spent.

Specialty Weapons Multi Shot Weapons

Burst lasers were made useful by Warsaw Pact Scientist towards the end of the Conflict. Using a Chemical laser to charge a focus assembly with 200 Kilo Joules of energy every phase. The greater the charge built up, by calling that you are charging the laser, increases the lasers ROF or the damage of a single shot. Lasers have a maximum charge of 400 - 600 Kilo Joules, depending on design. Charging to 600 KJ takes 2 Phases to fully charge, since lasers always have a 200 KJ charge. To get the full Bonus of a 600 KJ laser the laser would have to charge for 2 phases. Lasers can hold a built up charge for 30 sec./5 phases/1 turn max. Energy then bleeds off for 1 phase, the laser is unusable for that phase. Characters with a charged laser must choose Multiple shot, which uses the laser base damage or 1 boosted shot, as shown below: Discharge Number of Shots per action Rate 200 1 ROF at normal Damage 400 600 2 ROF or 1 ROF +100 DAM 3 ROF or 1 ROF +200 DAM

Specialty Ammo

Effects of specialty ammo only occur with a successful attack, unless the ammo specifically says different. Fire Ball ammo, for example, turns regular ammo into an Explosive changing the chart for attack bonus and losing influence over combat.

Indirect Weapons Fire

Lasers get no range bonuses or penalties. Unless the armor or tech states explicitly that it protects against Lasers it does NOT. Most armor damage absorbers and reactive armor systems are useless against them.

Personnel Combat use of Rigia -19x

Rigia in personnel explosives is used in smaller amounts

Firing weapons that do not use direct fire rules, Mortars or long range grenade launchers for example; use the Heavy Weapons SubSkill of Fire Combat. To attack using indirect fire weapons the player designates a 5 or 10 meter area as the target. Players may shoot over obstacles in the way, for each

meter vertical add 5 meters to the range; so a 10 meter high wall adds 50 meters to the range of the shot. To fire at an area, either a 5 or 10 meter area, the Attacking SkillSet is figured as normal. In order to hit a 5 meter area the attack must have at least 3 successes. Multiple shots may be fired at the target area, each adds 10 damage Combat influence is figured as normal, with 1 exception hitting a 5 m target adds 5 Combat Influences to the attack. The Blast radius has a primary range of 10 meters. Indirect fire at a 5 meter target with 3 mortar shells, with a 345 EF would have the following effect. 4 Successes + 5 (for hitting a 5 meter area), the Attacker has 9 Combat Influence against everything in 10 Meters. Anything from 11- 20 meters takes an additional 10 damage from the attack. These weapons are very difficult to aim at a single target or at less than minimum range; an automatic -2 successes penalty applies when a character attempts to use these types of weapons in ANY non-indirect fire situation.


A Shield used in combat can be a piece of wall or desk grabbed by a defender or a high tech shield design. A peice of wall have a 0 TEF, and a greater chance of breaking. Shields only effect combat when the defender is using a Parry or Block Stance. Effects in Combat Shields count as cover for the defender, adding the SP/10 + Protection to the Defenders Protection. The attacker is considered attacking through an object. Shield Damage A shield used in combat takes 1/2 the penetrations from an attack. Any sheild that has no Protection takes SP damage in combat, when at 0 SP they are destroyed. Shields with a Protection value act like armor (No SP value); after each attack the owner must roll for a tech critical on the shield, during the malfunction phase. A Shields BCC ((TEF+10)+10 per 2 pens). Roll must be overthe BCC or the sheild is broken and must be repaired.

Vehicle Combat Step 3 Determine Damage

The Attackers total Damage is based on Total Successes after the targets DR. Total Successes = Attackers Successes - Target DR . This means a negative DR actually increases the damage taken, by increasing the attackers total successes and a high DR can save a vehicle from taking any damage. Damage is calculated using the below formula (Successes x 100) Bonus dice are also granted based on the attackers maneuver status Attacker has advantage : +1d100

Physical Combat Steps Step 1 Reaction Step 2 Skill Combat Compare Attacker SkillSet to Defenders Step 3 Determine Breech Add Skill Dam Bonus to Weapon DAM Compare Total Dam to Protection Step 4 Combat Influence Attackers Successes - Defenders Successes Attacker Picks Combat Influence Step 5 Damage Roll Damage based on Breach type Step 6 Criticals Roll 1d100 under Critical Chance Step 6 Malfunction Take penetrations based on Breach, Roll for each pen over Malfunction Thresh. Step 7 Health and Stress Heal, using drugs, Psi, or tech Roll EM at mods for wounds. Social Duel Steps Step 1 Structure Arguments Attackers Declares their Arguments Compare EFs Step 2 Combat Influence Attackers Successes - Defenders Successes Attacker Picks Combat Influence Step 3 Damage Attacker gives Defender 1 Information (Min 1) Step 4 Criticals Attackers Successes x10 = Crit chance Crit Adds an Effect or +1 Information Point

Psi Effect Steps

Step 1 Declare Pattern Step 2 Create a SkillSet Step 3 Defenders PSi Defense Step 4 Compare EFs Step 5 Determine Successes Step 6 Figure Effects
Social Influence Steps Step 1 Structure Arguments Attacker Declares their Arguments Compare EFs Step 2 Combat Influence Attackers Successes - Defenders Successes Attacker Picks Combat Influence Step 3 Damage Attacker gives Defender 1 Information (Min 1) Step 4 Criticals Attackers Successes x10 = Crit chance Crit Adds 50 to Certainty or +1 Information Point Step 5 Figure Certainty Attackers Successes x10 = Base certainty Base certainty + or - Combat Influence and Critical mods

Critical Chance Modifiers: +20% 5 Wounds +10% Head +10% Explosives +5% Plasma -10% Laser +5% Psi Direct +10% MA, Assassin +5% 50+ Successes +10% 100+ successes +25% Normal Breech +50% Massive Breech +75% Critical Breech

Combat Influence

Attacker Options (Success Cost) Add +10 Damage (1) Add 1d10 Penetrations (1) Cause an effect (2) Force an Additional Crit Roll(3) Increase breach by 1(2 max)(5)

Small Breach (<=500):

1d10 Damage, No Crit, 1- Successes Penetration 10 + 2d10 Damage, roll Crit, 2+Successes Pens 20 + 1d100 damage ,roll Crit, 5 + successes Pens

Normal Breach (501 - 1000): Massive Breach(1001+): Critical Breach (2000+)

50+ 2d100 damage, roll Crit, 10 + Successes Pens

Combat Charts - Situational Mods

Attacker/Active Modifiers Terrain Favors Attacker Attacker may re roll attack dice 1 time, this phase Aimed Shot (passive) Attacker calls location and + 1 Breach Takes Extra Time (passive) Each passive spent adds + 1 Success Charging Defender Defender must make an EM roll at -1 Passive or -5 Active Close Range Attacker adds 2d10 Damage and roll +1 Crit Point Blank Range Target gets no Mods, Attacker gets +1 Breach Target Surprised Target can take no actions and must roll any Stress at -5. Superior Attack Location Attacker gains +2 Successes Target Immobile Target can take no active actions Psychological Advantage Attacker may add social effects through Combat Influence Firing from Moving vehicle Attacker cannot call shots and Skill Depth is at -2 Attack Through Object -100 DAM, 1/2 Successes Attack From cover -1 Skill Depth Target attacked multiple times in last phase Make a Stress roll at negative = to # of attacks Long Range Attackers Skill Depth is at - 2 and 1/2 successes Attacking side vehicle aspect +1 Skill Depth and -100 DAM Attacking Front or rear vehicle aspect -2 Skill Depth, -4 Successes, +10% BCC Large Scale Target +1 Skill Depth, -100 DAM, -10% crit Huge Scale Target +2 Skill Depth, -1 Breach, -25% crit Micron Scale Target -100 EF, +1 Breach, +50% Critical Millimeter Scale target - 50 EF, +1 Breach, +25% Critical Small Sized Target (2 ENC or less) -2 Successes, +10% Critical Indirect Fire -100 EF, +1 Success Defender/Opposition Modifiers Terrain favors Defender Defender may re roll defense roll 1 time, this phase Kneeling Defender gains +1 Successes Prone Defender gains +2 Successes and -1 Breach Charging Attacker Attacker Skill Depth roll is at -2, attack is at +1 Breach Attacker moving +2 Successes Using an Object as Cover (ie: desk,wall, Chair etc..) Add Protection or SP/10 to defenders Protection (roll BCC in malfunction Step) Superior Defensive location Defender adds +2 Skill Depth or Lower Breach by 1 if they dont move. Defender behind Weak Power Systems/Field (NOT reactive armor) -100 DAM, -10% Critical Defender Behind Strong Power Systems/ Fields (NOT reactive armor) -1 Breach, -25% Critical External Environmental Modifiers Bad weather (high winds,low rushing water, dangerous cold) Skill Depth roll at Base Skill -20 Extreme weather (Hurricane winds, Flash Flooding, Extreme cold) Skill Depth roll at 1/2 Base Skill, if failed roll Situation Strees at -5 Rubble Filled areas (Demolitions or Combat areas) PR SkillSet roll at -50 to use active movement Blinded/ Pitch Darkness Skill Depth -4 and make Situational Stress roll every other phase Loud External Noise (Distraction tech, Explosions, Building collapsing) Situational stress -1 per phase of noise and Skill Depth -2

Successes 1
Hit does +1 wounds

Torso Criticals 2
Good Hit +1 Wounds

Through and through shot +1 Wound Cracked rib Roll EM at -2 and take +1 wound

20 Damage Bloody +1 wound, Roll EM at -1 50 Damage ShakesEM up Roll EM At -2 and take +1 wound 100 Damage

Excellent +1 wound, Roll EM at -2 Good shot Roll EM -2 Take +2 wounds

+2 wounds from a Bleeder

+2 wounds and roll EM at -2 Top notch Shot target Must roll EM at -3 and +3 wounds Targets in Pain on that Shot roll EM at -3 and take +3 wounds Stomach nicked roll - 70 EF and EM at -8 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

+2 wounds -2 EM

Just missed The Vitals Roll EM at -1 and take +1 wound

Hit major Nerve roll EM at -2 and take +1 wound

Nicked his Sternum roll EM at -2 and take +2 wounds

Nice shot Roll EM at -3 and take +3 wounds Near miss on targets lungs roll EM at -4 and take +4 wounds Smashed ribs at -75 EF and roll EM at -9 or Incapacitated +5 wounds Artery nicked. Internal bleeding at -115 EF and roll EM at -11 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Very bloody Roll EM at -1 Take +1 wound

Shocks target roll EM at -2 and take +1 wound

Knocks wind out of target roll EM at -2 and take +2 wounds

Strains chest Muscle roll EM at -2 and take +2 wounds 120 Damage

Very good Shot roll EM at -2 and Take +3 wounds

Powerful hit Roll EM at -3 and take +3 wounds

Target felt that Shot roll EM at -2 and Take +1 wound

Powerful shot Roll EM at -3 and take +2 wounds

Near miss on targets heart roll EM at -4 and take +3 wounds

Minor Organ damage at - 50 EF and roll EM at -5 +4 wounds 150 Damage

Spleen nicked roll at -65 EF and EM at -6 +4 wounds

Chest fills with blood roll EM at -7 -25 EF +4 wounds

Hit Shocks and bleeds roll EM at -4 +2 wounds

Cellular shock Bruising and and organ daminternal bleeding age at -60 EF roll EM at -5 and roll EM at +3 wounds -6 +4 wounds

Broken ribs Spine and Nerves pierce skin at numb at -75 EF -80 EF and roll and roll EM at -7 EM at -8 +4 +4 wounds wounds 200 Damage

Sternum crushed at -90 EF and roll EM at -9 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Lungs and heart fill with fluid at -105 EF and roll EM at -10 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Major chest wound roll EM at -6 +3 wounds

Major organ damage at -1 Success EF and roll EM at -9 +4 wounds

Major wound to Spine nicked at side. 1 organs -2 Successes damaged at -2 and roll EM at Successes, roll -10 +4 wounds EM at -11 +4 wounds Major organ critical at -105 EF and roll EM at -11 or incapacitated +4 wounds Shock to system 3 organs failing at -3 Successes, roll EM at -13 or incapacitated +5 wounds 220 Damage Spine damage at -2 Successes, roll EM at -12 or incapacitated +5 wounds 250 Damage Major spine injury at -4 Successes, roll EM at -14 or incapacitated +5 wounds

Major wound to side 2 organs damaged , -3 Successes, roll EM at -12 or Incapacitated +5 wounds 3 major organs wounded at -2 Successes, roll EM at -13 or incapacitated +5 wounds Major tissue damage 4 organs failing at -5 Successes roll EM at -15 or incapacitated +5 wounds

Major spine critical at -3 Successes roll EM at -13 or incapacitated +5 wounds Major Spinal critical at -3 Successes, roll EM at -14 or incapacitated +5 wounds

Major lung critical at -4 Successes, roll EM at -13 or incapacitated +5 wounds

Blast leaves large hole in center of target. Very nice

Smashed organs at -1 Success, roll EM at -9 +4 wounds

Shock and bleeding at -1 Success, roll EM at -10 +4 wounds

Large fountain of blood spurts from chest, then target dies. Very pretty

Liver and spleen are behind owner. Not so good for them. Dead.

Clipped chest cavity wall at -1 Success, roll EM at -10 or incapacitated +4 wounds

Spinal trauma at -2 Successes, roll EM at -11 or incapacitated +4 wounds

Big hit, quick death and still time for a beer. Nice.

Spinal damage and organ failure. Bad day gets worse. Dead and gone.

Complete organ failure, Target slumps to one side and dies.

Successes 1

Head Criticals 2 3 4
20 Damage

Smash to head Roll EM at -1 and take +3 wounds Power shot to head. Roll EM at -2 and +3 Wounds Concussive force to forehead stuns target for 2 phases, Take no actions.

Roll EM at -1 and +3 wounds

Powerful shot roll EM at -2 and +4 wounds

Roll EM at a -2 and +4 wounds

Nice shot +1 wounds

Good shot +1 wounds

+1 wounds

+2 wounds 50 Damage

Scratch to forehead Roll EM at a -1 and +1 wounds

Roll EM at a -1 and +1 wounds

Stunning blow Roll EM at -1 +2 wounds Blast to jaw Shatters it. Roll EM at -5 -1 Success till healed +2 wounds

Roll EM at a -2 and +2 wounds Concussion Make END roll at -10 or Incapacitated Else roll EM at -4 +3 wounds 120 Damage 100 Damage

Roll EM at -2 and +3 wounds

Roll EM at -2 and +4 wounds

Roll EM at -3 and +4 wounds

Roll EM at a -2 and +2 wounds

Power shot to head roll EM at -2 and +3 wounds

Whip lash hit causes concussion. Make END roll or out for 1 turn

Hit snaps head back, concussion. Make END roll at -40 or Incapacitated

Massive Hits cause concussion. Make END roll at -65 or Incapacitated else roll EM at -5 +4 wounds

Power shot to head. Roll EM at -4 and +3 wounds

Glancing blow. Roll EM at -6 and +3 wounds

Stunning blow. -1 Successes Roll EM at -4 or Incapacitated +4 wounds

Dead center hit. -1 Successes. Roll EM at -4 or Incapacitated +4 wounds 150 Damage

Bloody shot. -2 Successes Roll EM at -6 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Heavy bleeding -3 Successes make END roll at -40 or Incapacitated +5 wounds Deep Concussion. -4 Successes Make END roll at -10 or Incapacitated Else roll EM at -4 +5 wounds

Stunning blow -3 Successes Make END roll at -50 or Incapacitated. Else roll EM at -4 +5 wounds

Brain damage. Target is incapacitated. After healed, target must stay down for 1d10 hours.

Shot to head. Squishes brain roll EM at -2 and +3 wounds

Dizzy from hit -2 Successes Make END roll at -50 or Incapacitated Else roll EM at -4 +4 wounds Heavy blood loss -2 Successes Make END roll at -40 or Incapacitated. EM at -4 +4 wounds Concussion and bleeding. Make END roll at -70 or Incapacitated roll EM at -6 +4 wounds

Headaches from concussion. -3 Successes Roll EM at -8 or Incapacitated

Shock -3 Successes. Make END roll at -60 or Incapacitated. Else roll EM at -5 +4 wounds 200 Damage

Heavy concussion from hit. - 4 Successes Roll EM at -9 or Incapacitated. +5 wounds

Brain damage. Target is incapacitated. After healed, target must stay down for 1d10 hours.

Targets head dripping blood and brains as they fall forward and die. Entertaining.

Concussive Blast make END roll at -30 and roll EM at -4 or Incapacitated +4 wounds

Concussion -3 Successes Make END roll at -10 or Incapacitated Else roll EM at -4 +4 wounds

Heavy Concussion 4 Successes Roll EM at -9 or Incapacitated +5 wounds 220 Damage

Smash plus Brain Damage concussion make target is incapaciEM at -10 or tated Incapacitated +5 wounds.

Brain damage. Target is incapacitated. After healed target must stay down for 1d10 days.

Targets head explodes from the impact. Poor sucker Didnt have a chance

Heavy whip lash make END roll EM at -10 or Incapacitated +4 wounds

Concussion Make EM roll at -11 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Shock and neck pain. Make END roll at -80 or Incapacitated 250 Damage

Brain Damage. Target is incapacitated. Lose use of dominate arm Takes +5 wounds

Brain Damage. Target is incapacitated. Total loss of speech Take +5 wounds Targets has no face left. They gurgle and fall and die in two turns. Painful and distressing

Blast through eye destroys Targets brain. Very bloody and target is very dead

Poor planning by target put His head in the path of your attack. He lost his mind, sad.

Concussion 1/2 all Stats and skill Levels

Concussion Loss of all Speech

Coma induced for 1d10 hrs if END roll Missed else +5 wounds

Brain Damage target is incapacitated. Take +5 wounds

Brain Damage. Target is incapacitated. Take +5 wounds

Blast rips target a second mouth, in his cheek and then he dies

Brain meets blow. Blow wins destroying brain. Better Luck next time.

Successes 1

Leg/Arms Criticals 2
Getting Closer

Good show. Missed

20 Damage Missed the Shot. no effect

Shot for an extra +1 wounds Nice shot. Startles Target. Roll EM at -2

Hit to nerves or fall

Wind Knocked out of target. +2 wounds Target is Stunned. Lose 1 action. Nice hit.

Shocked him Roll EM +3 wounds Hit strikes nerves +3 wounds and -1 to EM roll

Looked Good

50 Damage Hit to Sensitive part +1 wounds 100 Damage Hit to joint Causes +25 END.

No effect

Through the No Effect. Try Armor to do harder next time a critical. No and you may be effect rewarded

Hard shot. Try again. No effect.

No effect.

Flesh wound. Causes bleeding +1 wounds

Strike Bruises bone -1 to EM roll 120 Damage

Smash to limb rips it. +1 wounds and roll EM

Hard strike. Jams limb. Roll EM at -2 to roll.

Shot causes Minor bleeding. Roll EM and +3 wounds extra Blast chips bone and blood vessels. Roll EM at -2 +3 wounds

Great shot into wrist/ankle. Roll EM at -2 and take +3 wounds Beautiful shot. Disarms target and breaks hand or foot. Roll EM at -5 and +4 wounds Splinters in limb start Nasty knee/Elbow Fracture. At -30 and roll EM at -10 take +5 wounds Shatters entire limb. At -65 till healed. Roll EM at -10 or Incapacitated +5 wounds Entire limb explodes in a grey mess. At -190 till healed also Incapacitated +5 wounds

No effect

Minor bruise to limb. Roll EM and +1 wounds

Jarring hit Blast strains Roll PR 50 EF Joint. Roll or better. EM at -2 Drop all items +1 wounds in hand if failed. 150 Damage Hit disjoints limb. It is useless till healed. Roll EM at -4 and take +3 wounds Blast chips Bone. Target at -10 till healed. Roll EM at -7 200 Damage Targets nerves spasm do to hit. At -60 EF for 3 actions +3 wounds Joint mangled by shot at -140 until healed. Limb is useless. Roll EM at -4 or Incapacitated +2 wounds

Nice hit. Target must roll PR at -30 target 50 EF or drop all held items.

Strong hit. Cuts muscle tissue roll EM at -4 and +2 wounds

Hit slices artery wide. Roll EM at -2 to roll and +1 wounds

Major bruise to limb. Roll PR EF of 60 or drop items in hand. Roll EM at -3 and take +2 wounds

Smash crushes Cartilage at joint. -15 for 2 actions and Roll EM at -8. Take +3 wounds

Hit causes minor bone fracture. -25 Till healed at -6 and Take +4 Wounds

Massive blood loss and shock from hit. Roll EM at -9 and take +4 wounds

Blast shakes up Shot arteries target at -10 for and causes 2 actions. Take a major bleeder. +2 wounds and Take +1 wounds roll EM -4

Shattered wrist /ankle at -35 EF till healed take +3 wounds and roll EM -5 220 Damage Bone pierces skin. Take +2 wounds at -150 until healed. Roll EM at -5 or Incapacitated

Stunned him. Target at -30 for 4 actions Take +4 wounds

Shot disarms target. Roll EM and take +4 wounds

Good shot. Causes internal bleeding. Roll EM at -5 and take +4 wounds Major shock as arteries cut by bone. At -170 till healed. Roll EM at -7 or Incapacitated +4 wounds Joint mangled needs major surgery. Roll EM at -10 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Nerve shock Roll EM at -5 and take +1 wounds

Minor break in limb at -35 till healed roll EM at -3 and take +2 wounds

Bones splinter and ripped ligaments. At 160 till healed. Roll EM at -6 or Incapacitated +4 wounds

250 Damage Shock and nerve damage. +5 wounds and Roll EM at -9 or Incapacitated

Bones splinter and rips ligaments. At - 160 till healed. Roll EM at -6 or Incapacitated +3 wounds

Bone splinters and breaks in two. At - 165 till healed. Roll EM at -7 or Incapacitated +4 wounds Bone and Muscle are Torn by shot. Roll EM at -10 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Great shot. Target must roll EM at -7 or fall Incapacitated +4 wounds

Blast splits limb. Target must roll EM at -8 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Smash crushes Limb and Joint. Roll EM at -10 or Incapacitated +5 wounds

Limb ripped from body. Shocking blow +5 wounds and target is Incapacitated

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