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1 Jada Brown PSY 322-90 Final Evaluation 1. Read the prologue written ! the author o" !

our te#t oo$% &illia' (. )eward. *"ter reading the prologue% * Per+onal ,iew o" Spe-ial Edu-ation% write !our own per+onal philo+oph! o" edu-ation. .t +hould e one to two page+ t!ped and dou le +pa-ed. /0 pt+. 0! per+onal philo+oph! o" edu-ation +ugge+t+ that all +tudent+ de+erve a good edu-ation% whether di+a led or not. ." we a+ adult+ +how the+e -hildren that learning i+ "un% 'otivate the'% and en-ourage the' to learn% the -hild will then e-o'e 'ore driven and +u--e++"ul. )owever% it all +tart+ in the -la++roo'. * -la++roo' i+ a pla-e where +tudent+ -an egin to e#perien-e new +ituation+ and prepare "or the "uture. 1he! egin to develop +o-ial +$ill+ with other -hildren their age. 1he tea-her ha+ to e the 'otivator and pu+h the +tudent+ to do their a +olute e+t. 1ea-hing i+ a long and -ontinuou+ pro-e++. 1here 'u+t e -on+ideration "or adaptation+ appropriate "or all +tudent+. &e all learn di""erentl! and at our own pa-e. So'e +tudent+ are +lower learner+ and +o'e are "a+ter. ." we 'a$e the +tudent "eel a+ though we are not giving up on the'% the! will -ontinue to +trive "or the e+t. 1hi+ will allow +tudent+ to grow a+ individual+ when the! learn at a pa-e that i+ appropriate "or the'. Student+ +hould $now the a+i- under+tanding o" the -ontent eing -overed in -la++. . elieve in the a-tive -ooperation o" "a'ilie+. &hen +tudent+ are not in +-hool% the! are with their "a'ilie+. 1he tea-hing +hould not +top at the "ront door o" the +-hool. 1he +upport o" "a'il! en-ourage+ +tudent+ to +ta! on tra-$. Parenting re2uire+ a per'anent devotion to tea-hing.

2 . en-ourage +tudent+ to -ontinue to rea-h their "ull potential. .t i+ not onl! a out learning "ro' the tea-her+ ut al+o learning "ro' peer+. 1hrough deter'ination% it i+ i'portant to en-ourage +tudent+ to -o''uni-ate and +hare their idea+ with one another in -la++ to rea-h a etter under+tanding. 3verall% with the help o" tea-her+ and parent+% the -hildren o" thi+ +o-iet! will e-o'e +u--e++"ul. 1he! are all +tar+ and de+erve a -han-e to +hine4

*** Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be

among the stars.***

Les Brown

2. *daptive ehavior i+ the degree to whi-h an individual 'eet+ the +tandard+ o" per+onal independen-e and +o-ial re+pon+i ilit! e#pe-ted o" hi+ or her age and +o-ial group. &hat are +o'e +pe-i"i- e#a'ple+ o" adaptive ehavior5 &h! i+ adaptive ehavior di""i-ult to 'ea+ure5 &h! i+ it ne-e++ar! to in-lude adaptive ehavior in the de"inition o" intelle-tual di+a ilitie+5 /0 pt+. 6one to two page+ t!ped and dou le +pa-ed7 *daptive ehavior i+% 8the -olle-tion o" -on-eptual% +o-ial% and pra-ti-al +$ill+ that have een learned ! people in order to "un-tion in their ever!da! live.9 6)eward% 2013% p.12:7 1here are 'an! e#a'ple+ o" adaptive ehavior. For e#a'ple% toddler+ learn to wal$% tal$% eat with uten+il+% ru+h their teeth% and eventuall! tie their +hoe+. 83lder -hildren learn to -ro++ the +treet% to go to the +tore% and to "ollow a great variet! o" rule+ while intera-ting with people% +u-h a+ when to +a! plea+e and than$ !ou.9 6(e erge% n.d.% p. 17 &e learn 'an! adaptive ehavior+ through out our live+. 1here are variou+ in+tru'ent+ "or 'ea+uring adaptive ehavior. 1he+e in+tru'ent+ in-lude; 617 the **0R *daptive Behavior S-ale% 627 the **.<< <iagno+ti- *daptive Behavior S-ale% 637 the ,ineland *daptive Behavior S-ale+% and the 6=7 *daptive Behavior *++e++'ent S!+te'-... )owever% adaptive ehavior i+ proven di""i-ult to 'ea+ure. .t i+ di""i-ult e-au+e o" the 8relative nature o" +o-ial ad>u+t'ent and -o'peten-e; a-tion+ that 'a! e -on+idered appropriate in one +ituation ! one group 'a! not e in another +ituation or ! another group.9 6)eward% 2013% p. 1297 *nother rea+on wh! adaptive ehavior i+ di""i-ult to 'ea+ure i+ due to the ia+ .? te+t+. 1he .? te+t+ that are ad'ini+tered are -ulturall! ia+ed in adaptive ehavior +-ale+. 1here are li'itation+ o" +el"--are +$ill+ a'ong -hildren with intelle-tual di+a ilitie+@ there"ore% it i+ ne-e++ar! to in-lude adaptive ehavior in the de"inition o" intelle-tual di+a ilitie+. *daptive ehavior+ are learned. Sel"--are +$ill+% +u-h a+ dre++ing% eating% and

= -leaning one+el"% are adaptive ehavior+. 8B! de"inition -hildren with intelle-tual di+a ilitie+ have +u +tantial de"i-it+ in adaptive ehavior.9 6)eward% 2013% p. 1317 .n order "or one to e diagno+ed with an intelle-tual di+a ilit!% one ha+ to have three -riteria. Fir+t% 8Signi"i-ant +u -average intelle-tual "un-tioning9 'u+t e e+ta li+hed. Se-ond% one ha+ to have e#-e++ive di""i-ult! with ever!da! ta+$+% $nown a+ adaptive ehavior+. 1hird% the de"i-it+ in intelle-tual "un-tioning and adaptive ehavior+ 'u+t happen during the develop'ental period. ." all three -riteria are de'on+trated% the -hild will auto'ati-all! 'eet the re2uire'ent+ "or an intelle-tual di+a ilit!.

3. )ow -an tea-her+ +hape the attitude+ o" +tudent+ without di+a ilitie+ toward +tudent+ with di+a ilitie+5 /0 pt+. 6at lea+t one page t!ped and dou le +pa-ed7 80an! +tudent+ with ph!+i-al di+a ilitie+ +u""er "ro' e#-e++ive pit!% +!'path!% and overprote-tion@ other+ are -ruell! re>e-ted% +tared at% tea+ed% and e#-luded "ro' parti-ipating in a-tivitie+ with nondi+a led -hildren9 6)eward% 2013% p. =117. 1here are 'an! thing+ that -an e i'ple'ented to +hape the attitude+ o" +tudent+ without di+a ilitie+ toward +tudent+ with di+a ilitie+. 1he tea-her -an +tart out ! di+-u++ing di+a ilitie+ and en-ouraging a--eptan-e and under+tanding o" -hildren with di+a ilitie+. Role-pla!ing a-tivitie+ or +ti'ulation -an al+o e a wa! to help the a--eptan-e o" +tudent+ with di+a ilitie+. 1he +tudent+ without di+a ilitie+ would then +tart to under+tand the hard+hip+ o" the di+a led. 80an! people with di+a ilitie+ report that their hardware% 6wheel-hair+% pro+thetili' +% -o''uni-ation devi-e+% et-.7 -reate+ a great deal o" -urio+it! and lead+ to "re2uent% repetitive 2ue+tion "ro' +tranger+.9 6)eward% 2013% p. =0:7 ." the +tudent+ had the -han-e to u+e ra-e+% wheel-hair+% or -rut-he+% to in-rea+e their $nowledge o" what di+a led +tudent+ have to go through ever!da!% the! would have a di""erent 'ind+et. *lthough% 8peer+ are the +e-ond-'o+t -o''on +our-e o" di+-ri'ination 6)eward% 2013% p. =127% the nondi+a led -ould e taught to help to a++i+t the di+a led +tudent+ when needed. 1he +tudent+ with di+a ilitie+ -ould "eel a+ though the! are no longer e#-luded "ro' the re+t and thi+ -ould oo+t their +el"-e+tee'. Peer -onta-t with +tudent+ with di+a ilitie+ 'ight lead to a po+itive attitude. .n addition% a nu' er o" progra'+ -ould e initiated to "a-ilitate po+itive intera-tion+ a'ong all +tudent+. 3n-e edu-ated a out the

B di+a ilit!% +tudent+A per-eption+ will then -hange. 1he in"or'ation re-eived "ro' the progra'+ will help uild an under+tanding o" i'pair'ent.

=. Children with e#-eptionalitie+ are 'ore li$e other -hildren than the! are di""erent. &hat +pe-i"i- e#a'ple+ illu+trate thi+ point5 /0 pt+. 6at lea+t one page t!ped and dou le +pa-ed7 8E#-eptional -hildren i+ an in-lu+ive ter' that re"er+ to -hildren with learning andDor ehavior pro le'+% -hildren with ph!+i-al di+a ilitie+ or +en+or! i'pair'ent+% and -hildren with +uperior intelle-tual a ilitie+ andDor +pe-ial talent+9 6)eward% 2013% p. E7. 1he -ategorie+ o" e#-eptionalit! var! tre'endou+l!. 1he -ategorie+ in-lude; 617 intelle-tual di+a ilitie+% 627 learning di+a ilitie+% 637 ehavioral di+order+% 6=7 auti+'% 6/7 language i'pair'ent+% 6/7 hearing i'pair'ent+% 6B7 vi+ual i'pair'ent+% 6E7 ph!+i-al i'pair'ent+% 6:7 trau'ati- rain in>ur!% 697 'ultiple di+a ilitie+% 6107 and gi"ted and +pe-ial talent+. 6)eward% 2013% p. :7 *lthough all -hildren di""er "ro' one another in 'an! wa!+% e#-eptional -hildren are 'ore li$e other -hildren than the! are di""erent. 1he di++i'ilaritie+ a'ong -hildren with e#-eptionalitie+ and other -hildren are 'inor. 1here are 'an! e#a'ple+ that illu+trate thi+ point. Even though the! 'u+t to e taught% li$e 'o+t -hildren% e#-eptional -hildren -an +till -o'plete dail! a+i- +el"--are +$ill+% +u-h a+% ru+hing their teeth% eating% and athing the'+elve+. 1he! +till re2uire edu-ation% >u+t li$e other -hildren@ however% e#-eptional +tudent+ need a "un-tional -urri-ulu' to a++e++ their need+. 8(earning "un-tional -urri-ulu' -ontent in-rea+e+ a +tudentA+ independen-e% +el"-dire-tion% health and "itne++% and en>o!'ent in ever!da! +-hool% ho'e% -o''unit!% and wor$ environ'ent+.9 6)eward% 2013% p. 1=17 So'e e#-eptional -hildren have to ta$e an individualiFed progra' o" +pe-ial edu-ation due to +lower learning% while +o'e attend gi"ted progra'+ "or advan-ed learning. E#-eptional -hildren re-eive good grade+ li$e other +tudent+% even though +o'e

: re2uire a +lower rate o" learning. Conver+el!% 8'a>orit! o" -hildren with di+a ilitie+ +pend 'o+t o" the +-hool da! in general edu-ation -la++roo'+.9 6)eward% 2013% p. 327 1here"ore% depending on the e#tent o" the di+a ilit!% 'an! e#-eptional -hildren are +i'ilar to other -hildren than di""erent in variou+ wa!+.

References )eward% &.(. 620137. Exceptional children: An introduction to special education 610th ed.7. Gpper Saddle River% HJ; Pear+on Edu-ation% .n-.

(a erge% 0. 6n.d.7. *daptive Behavior S-ale+ "or .n"ant+ and Earl! Childhood. Medical Information & Trusted Health Advice: Healthline. Retrieved <e-e' er 9% 2013% "ro' http;DDwww.healthline.-o'Dgale-ontentDadaptive- ehavior-+-ale+-"or-in"ant+and-earl!--hildhood

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