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This is an ONLINE accelerated course (January 2014 February 28, 2014)
INT 470.90: Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies Seminar (aka Senior Seminar) ONLINE
B <#+;.) C"=#0
Di. Khadijah O. MiIIei, Associale Iiofessoi & Depailnenl Head, InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies
Office: C-11O, iovn MenoiiaI HaII
Office: (757) 823-2864
INT Main: (757) 823-8198, C-1O8, iovn MenoiiaI HaII
LnaiI:* (lhis is lhe lesl vay lo conlacl Di. MiIIei)
Office Houis: (onIine and in-peison) ly appoinlnenl (pIease caII and/oi enaiI lo scheduIe)

2"=#0+ 7+0<#.8)."-D EF#+#+G=.0.)+0D :!H B?IJ B>>J BK?J BLMJ A@@N
Senioi IeveI couise pioviding a vide-iange exaninalion of lhe hisloiicaI and lheoielicaI
deveIopnenls lhal Ied lo lhe evoIulion of inleidiscipIinaiily, assessnenl of socielaI paianeleis
inpacling lhe pioIifeialion of nev aieas of inquiiy and lheii oulgiovlh as conpIenenlaiy oi
counleiagenls of pailicuIai inslilulionaIized nodes of lehavioi and lhoughl, deveIopnenl of
adequale desciiplions and expIanalions foi cuiienl and evoIving sociaI and cuIluiaI piaclices,
sone lhal conliasl shaipIy vilh noinalive peispeclives giounded in configuied liadilionaI

2"=#0+ O*)."-*%+D
Senioi IeveI cuIninaling couise piepaiing sludenls foi enliy inlo lhe voiking/ieaI voiId and
an incieased conpiehension of InleidiscipIinaiy sludies as an acadenic aiea/fieId and ils ioIe
in lhe ieaI-voiId. Iocus is on liidging lhe acadenic (lheoiy) vilh voik-pIace (piaclice) in
piepaiing sludenls foi caieei acquisilion and jol pIacenenl. This couise enphasizes, ieinfoices
and appIies lhe lasic INT coie piincipIes of ciilicaI lhinking, cuIluie, Ianguage, ieseaich, and
idea appIicalion.

2"=#0+ P"*%0 *-; Q+*0=#*5%+ :-)+-;+; ()=;+-) 4+*#-.-3 R=)<"9+0D
1. Thiough a ieseaich aclivily, sludenls viII expIoie a specific suljecl in an
inleidiscipIinaiy nannei, asking and ansveiing queslions as veII as denonslialing lhe
inleiconnecledness of discipIinaiy knovIedge.
2. Thiough a ieseaich aclivily, sludenls viII expIoie a specific suljecl, ieIaled lo lheii
caieei choice/aspiialions in an inleidiscipIinaiy nannei, asking and ansveiing
3. Via ieadings, discussions and/oi gioup aclivilies, sludenls viII le alIe lo define,
desciile, expIain and idenlify inleidiscipIinaiy sludies, acadenicaIIy and al voik in lhe
ieaI voiId.
4. y ievieving acadenic and non-acadenic souices, sludenls viII choose an issue of
inpoilance in lheii connunily lo addiess ly focusing on lhe coie aieas of inpoilance
in inleidiscipIinaiy sludies~ciilicaI lhinking, Ianguage/connunicalion skiIIs, ieseaich
and viiling skiIIs, sociaI, cuIluiaI and gIolaI avaieness and sensilivily.
5. Via jouinaIing and/oi olhei iefIeclive aclivilies, sludenls viII denonsliale and appIy
najoi InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies coie concepls lo ieaI Iife expeiiences and aiea(s) of

2"=#0+ Q*)+#.*%0SO+G=.#+; H+T)E0N *-; (=88%+9+-)*#1 O+*;.-30D
1. !"#$"% '()*+,-. /.(( 0%12$"34 567*('89
2. 1:('+;), <.=;>676-+;)7 1..6;+)?+6, @),A)7 /1<18B 6
edilion, Oclolei 2O1O
3. Sludenls viII iead al Ieasl one nalionaI nevspapei veekIy (e.g., C>( D).>+,-?6, <6.?B C>(
D)77 4?'((? E6A',)7B C>( "(F G6'H C+:(.B C>( #6. 1,-(7(. C+:(.B C>( I>+;)-6 C'+JA,(B C>(
1?7),?) E6A',)7, el aI.), uliIizing lhe NSU Liliaiy dalalase of cuiienl nevspapeis.
4. Sludenls viII have (puichase if necessaiy) and use an unaliidged diclionaiy (incIuding,
elynoIogies and suppIenenlaiy infoinalion) and a lhesauius. (A good souice is lhe
Oxfoid LngIish Diclionaiy.)
5. Sludenls viII use inleinel iesouices iesponsilIy and ciilicaIIy.

2"98=)+# 4.)+#*<1 O+G=.#+9+-)0
To successfuIIy conpIele lhis couise, sludenls shouId:
1. 7+9"-0)#*)+ *) %+*0) *- +%+9+-)*#1 &-"U%+;3+ "$ <"98=)+#0 (undeislanding fiIes and
foIdeis foi lhe puipose of upIoading and dovnIoading couise conlenl aie essenliaI).
2. 7+9"-0)#*)+ * 3""; =-;+#0)*-;.-3 "$ )C+ =0+ "$ V+5 #+0"=#<+0 such as lhe Iiliaiy and
onIine ieseaich looIs accessed lhiough a Wel liovsei.
3. 7+9"-0)#*)+ $*9.%.*#.)1 U.)C Q.<#"0"$) R$$.<+ *88%.<*)."-0, incIuding Woid and
Iovei poinl.
4. 7+9"-0)#*)+ * 3""; =-;+#0)*-;.-3 "$ C"U )" "8+#*)+ !(, +9*.% (lhis viII ensuie
effeclive connunicalion lelveen lolh insliucloi and cIassnales. AII sludenls have leen
assigned an enaiI accounl and viII le iequiied lo access il ieguIaiIy via lhe Wel).
5. W%*<&5"*#; 4+*#-.-3 Q*-*3+9+-) (10)+9 E4Q(N &-"U%+;3+ .0 +00+-).*% $"# )C.0
<"=#0+. (Ioi sludenls nol faniIiai vilh Iackloaid LMS, an onIine oiienlalion can le
accessed ly seIf iegislialion in Iackloaid. The couise nane is Iackloaid Sludenl
Tiaining. Iuilhei assislance vilh Iackloaid can aIso le ollained lhiough lhe
Iackloaid CenliaI HeIp Desk al and ly phone al (757) 823-
2328 (Monday - Iiiday, 8an - 5:OOpn, LST).

F#.9*#1 Q+)C"; "$ :-0)#=<)."- *-; ()=;+-)XY-3*3+9+-)D
As an onIine couise, lhe piinaiy nelhod of insliuclion is seIf-diiecled. Yel, sludenls viII
pailicipale in discussion loaids, gioup aclivilies and assignnenls onIine. Sludenls viII aIso
pailicipale in fieIdvoik in an aiea of inleiesl (fiisl appioved ly Di. MiIIei) and piesenlalions.

O+%*)+; ,-./+#0.)1XV.;+ *-; 2"=#0+X(8+<.$.< O+G=.#+9+-)0D
The foIIoving conpelencies viII le iequiied and assessed in lhis couise: (1) viiling, (2)
infoinalion lechnoIogy Iileiacy, and (3) ciilicaI lhinking. As an onIine couise, sludenls shouId
le alIe lo viile cIeaiIy, conciseIy, and anaIylicaIIy. Oui nain neans of connunicalion is
lhiough viiling (veekIy discussion loaid posls, Iive chals, papeis and exans). Sludenls
viiling shouId incIude denonslialion of ieading conpIelion and conpiehension, appIicalion of
couise concepls vhen necessaiy, and ciilicaI lhinking (independenl lhinking, anaIysis,
synlhesis and aigunenlalion). Sludenls ciilicaI lhinking aliIilies viII le assessed on lheii
piesenlalion of ideas (olheis and lheii ovn), queslioning, piolIen-soIving capaliIilies,
synlhesis, evaIualion, and anaIysis and cIaiily of lhoughl (incIuding Ianguage use and

7.0)*-<+ Y;=<*)."-SR!4:!Y <"=#0+ H+0).-3 FR4:2Z E+$$+<)./+ Q*1 >?@>ND /.(( )??);>:(,?8
AII exans in lhe onIine enviionnenl aie lo le piocloied. A piocloied exan is one lhal is
adninisleied ly an inpailiaI individuaI (caIIed a K'6;?6') vho nonilois and supeivises
a sludenl vhiIe lhal sludenl is laking an exan. The piocloi ensuies lhe secuiily and
inlegiily of lhe exan piocess. Sludenls viII le iequiied lo sulnil an !,7+,( I6A'.(
<'6;?6' $*(,?+5+;)?+6, 1KK'6L)7 M6': (allached) lo each insliucloi. Once lhe piocloi has
leen appioved ly lhe insliucloi, lhe sludenls viII le iequiied lo piesenl lheii Spailan
Idenlificalion Caid and pholo idenlificalion lo lhe piocloi piioi lo sludenls ieceiving lhe
exan. Sludenls aie iesponsilIe foi aiianging a piocloi foi lheii exan(s) and aII cosls
incuiied foi lhis seivice. 6%0"J 0++ )C+ :-0)#=<)"# *-; ()=;+-) [6\ $"# F#"<)"#.-3
YT*90 $"# *- R-%.-+ 2"=#0+ *))*<C9+-). Co lo: hllp:// foi
noie infoinalion.

7+8*#)9+-)*% F"%.<.+0
:-<"98%+)+ P#*;+ F"%.<1 E!(, O+/.0+; F"%.<1N
To be considered Ior an Incomplete ('I) grade in a course the Iollowing must be met: (1) the student
must be passing the course; (2) the student must have completed at least 70% of all coursework; and (3)
the student must have a legitimate reason for the request. Once these three requirements are met, it is at
the discretion oI the proIessor to approve or disapprove the student`s request Ior an Incomplete grade.
Additionally, Incomplete grades are not merely given, but are requested by students, considered by
proIessors, and are at the sole discretion oI the proIessor, depending on each individual student`s
situation/circumstance. The length of time to complete coursework for the removal of the Incomplete
grade is no more than six (6) weeks into the next academic semester. It is the student`s responsibility to
stay abreast of all requirements, timelines, and due dates. If the student does not comply with the
stipulations set forth to remove the Incomplete grade, the Incomplete grade will turn into an ('F) once
the deadline has passed. If an Incomplete grade request is approved by the professor, the student is to
complete the University Incomplete Grade Request Form.

69+#.<*- F01<C"%"3.<*% 600"<.*)."- V#.).-3 Q*-=*% O+G=.#+9+-)
ALL Interdisciplinary Studies courses require students to submit all papers, unless otherwise noted by the
professor, using APA 6
edition (October 2010). The APA Manual is a required text for all courses, and
students are to abide by that writing style. The APA Manual can be purchased from the University

Q.<#"0"$) V"#;
ALL I nterdisciplinary Studies papers are to be submitted as Microsoft Word documents (.doc),
unless otherwise noted by the professor. If students submit papers using other writing programs (i.e.,
WordPerfect, Microsoft works, MAC programs, etc.), they may lose points and/or not have their paper
accepted/graded. It is imperative that students follow the guidelines and directions of each professor.

Assignment Submissions: Course file format standards
When submitting assignments/documents for your Interdisciplinary Studies courses, submit them in
Microsoft Word.doc format and make sure that the document saved name does NOT include any special
characters (i.e., ^%$#@!*()}[ or anything else similar.
DO NOT PLACE your RESPONSES, PAPERS, or ANSWERS in the Comment box/area in
Blackboard. When submitting assignments, ALL assignments (unless otherwise directed by that course
professor) are to be submitted as Microsoft Word attachments (doc.files) in Blackboard through the
Assignment manager link.

2"=#0+ YT8+<)*)."-0D
Sludenls aie expecled lo enlei lhe couise sile vilh iespecl foi infoinalion and
knovIedge, even if il diffeis fion lheii ovn leIiefs, knovIedge, elc.
Sludenls aie expecled lo pailicipale in aII couise sile discussions (synchionous and
asynchionous), ieadings, assignnenls, piesenlalions and Ieaining aclivilies.
Iailicipalion is inpeialive lo cIass enIighlennenl, sludenl deveIopnenl and
Sludenls aie expecled )" 8#."#.).]+ lhis couise, conpIeling aII assignnenls, ieadings,
neelings, elc. IRIOR lo due dales.
Sludenls aie expecled lo conpIele aII ieadings, discussion loaid posls, assignnenls,
papeis and exans on line. AII assignnenls aie due ly lhe posled line (see assignnenls
foi specifics), and aIvays Laslein Slandaid Tine (LST). 5tudcnts' InItIa! dIscussInn
5"*#; 8"0).-30 *#+ ;=+ WY[ROY Q:7!:P^H H=+0;*1J Y(H_ 8++# #+08"-0+0 *#+ ;=+
WY[ROY Q:7!:P^H HC=#0;*1` 46HY 7.0<=00."- W"*#; F"0).-30 ;" !RH #+<+./+
<#+;.)a 46HY F*8+#0 *#+ !RH 6<<e8)+; b U.%% !RH #+<+./+ <#+;.)a
Sludenl assignnenls aie due on lhe DUL DATL LIORL 11:59pn, LST. Il is inpeialive
lhal sludenls foIIov lhe specific diieclives foi each assignnenl.
Sludenls can neel Iive onIine vilh lhe piofessoi and cIass duiing lhe seneslei lo
discuss a lopic ieIaled lo couise ieadings. These lines viII le announced on lhe couise
sile and via NSU enaiI.

2"=#0+ F"%.<.+0SO+G=.#+9+-)0:
This couise neels lhe iequiienenls of lhe foIIoving conpelencies: viiling, infoinalion
lechnoIogy Iileiacy, oiaI connunicalion and ciilicaI lhinking.

6<*;+9.< :-)+3#.)1 ()*-;*#;0D
6))+-;*-<+ EF*#).<.8*)."-NSH*#;.-+00 F"%.<1D As an onIine couise, sludenls aie expecled lo visil
lhe couise sile al Ieasl lhiee (3) lines pei veek. Sludenls aie lo pailicipale in lhe couise sile
fuIIy, neaning lhal assignnenls aie conpIeled and iead LIORL due dales of sulnissions and
discussions. Allendance is iecoided, lased on sludenls veekIy assignnenls. Lale assignnenls
do NOT eain ciedil. Sludenls aie lo le avaie of and foIIov lhe allendance poIicy slaled in lhe
Sludenl Handlook foi lhe Univeisily and foi lhe Depailnenl of InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies.

V+*)C+# F"%.<1D In case of incIenenl vealhei, sludenls shouId Iislen lo najoi iadio and
leIevision slalions, visil lhe NSU velsile al, and/oi caII lhe Univeisily opeialoi
al 757-823-86OO. As an onIine couise, sludenls aie STILL RLSIONSILL foi aII assignnenls,
ieadings, sulnissions, even if lhe physicaI canpus cIoses.

:-)+3#.)1SF%*3.*#.09 F"%.<1D Sludenls aie expecled lo le liulhfuI and lo alide ly a slandaid
code of noiaIs, elhics and inlegiily~lhis is lo le dispIayed in cIass conducl and evidenl in
couise assignnenls, naleiiaIs and piesenlalions nade ly sludenls. IIagiaiisn is defined as
using olhei peopIes voik as youi ovn vilhoul ciediling lhen, incIuding lul nol Iiniled lo:
copying olheis noles, exans, essays and infoinalion, quoling and paiaphiasing olheis ideas
vilhoul giving lhen ciedil and piopei docunenlalion, using infoinalion fion lhe inleinel
vilhoul piopeiIy ciling souice, velsile (URL), aulhoi, dale, elc. IIagiaiisn is a foin of chealing
and viII iesuIl in an assignnenl giade of I and possilIy an oveiaII couise giade of I. Sludenls
shouId foIIov lhe acadenic inlegiily poIicy of lhe Univeisily (see Univeisily CalaIog and
Sludenl Handlook) and INT Depl.

69+#.<*-0 U.)C 7.0*5.%.).+0 6<) E676N ()*)+9+-)
In accoidance vilh Seclion 5O4 of lhe 1973 RehaliIilalion Acl and lhe Aneiicans vilh
DisaliIilies Acl (ADA) of 199O, if you have a disaliIily oi lhink you have a disaliIily, conlacl
Suppoiling Sludenls lhiough DisaliIily Seivices (SSDS) foi infoinalion iegaiding piogians
and seivices lo enhance sludenl success.
Localion: Sludenl Seivices uiIding, Suile 11OD
Conlacl Ieison: eveiIy oone-Haiiis, DisaliIily Seivices Diiecloi
TeIephone: 757-823-2O49
Lel Di. MiIIei knov innedialeIy of any speciaI iequiienenls, seivices, elc.~vilhin lhe fiisl
veek of lhe couise!

,-./+#0.)1 600+009+-) ()*)+9+-)D
As pail of NSUs connilnenl lo piovide lhe enviionnenl and iesouices needed foi success,
sludenls nay le iequiied lo pailicipale in a nunlei of univeisily-vide assessnenl aclivilies.
The aclivilies nay incIude lesls, suiveys, focus gioups and inleivievs, and poilfoIio ievievs.
The piinaiy puipose of lhe assessnenl aclivilies is lo deleinine lhe exlenl lo vhich lhe
univeisilys piogians and seivices nainlain a high IeveI of quaIily and neel lhe needs of
sludenls. Sludenls viII nol le idenlified in lhe anaIysis of iesuIls. UnIess indicaled olheivise ly
lhe insliucloi, iesuIls fion Univeisily assessnenl aclivilies viII nol le conpuled in sludenl

(=<<+00 F"%.<1D
The lesl poIicy foi success in any couise is piepaialion, ieading conpIelion, line nanagenenl
and conslanl, consislenl connunicalion vilh lhe insliucloi.

OY\,:OY7 2"=#0+ 600.3-9+-)0D
Discussion oaids: 1O
Quizzes (2 1O each): 2O
AuloliogiaphicaI nap: 1O
Inlegialed Iapei: 15
Concepl Map: 15
LnpIoynenl Iiepaialion assignnenl: 5
IoilfoIio Iieviev: 5
IinaI Iiojecl (Iapei and IoilfoIio): 2O

46HY 6((:P!QY!H( 7R !RH Y6O! 2OY7:H` H,O! :! 644 6((:P!QY!H( WY[ROY

Y/*%=*)."- E2#.)+#.*NS600+009+-) Q+)C";0 *-; P#*;.-3 ()*-;*#;0D
!"#$# &$# '( #)*$& +$#,-* .//.$*01-*-#2 -1 *"-2 +.0$2#3

Il is each sludenls iesponsiliIily lo eain lhe A giade ly conpIeling aII assignnenls,
pailicipaling in aII couise discussions, piojecls, assignnenls and piesenlalions, and ieading aII
assigned naleiiaI, in an engaging and neaningfuI educalionaI nannei. AIlhough a Iaige
conlenl of lhe naleiiaI foi lhis couise is suljeclive, an oljeclive (oi as oljeclive as hunanIy
possilIe) viII le uliIized foi giading sludenls.

P#*;.-3 <#.)+#.* .-<%=;+0: (1) engagenenl vilh naleiiaI~lhis neans lhal sludenls viII iead,
conpiehend, acliveIy lhink aloul, digesl, evaIuale and anaIyze lhe naleiiaI~asking and
ansveiing queslions as veII as appIicalion, (2) viiling, ailicuIalion and expiession~lhis neans
lhal sludenls viII le alIe lo cIeaiIy convey lheii lhoughls (speIIing, vocaluIaiy, giannai and
conlenl), (3) scope/conpiehensiveness~lhis neans lo vhal exlenl is lhe sludenl alIe lo
anaIyze and synlhesize couise naleiiaI/infoinalion, lhis can incIude consideialion of palleins,
liases, caveals, aIIusions, assunplions, elc., (4) sulnission lineIiness---lhis neans lhal
assignnenls aie sulnilled lefoie oi on line, and (5) coiieclness/accuiacy~lhis neans lhal Di.
MiIIei viII suljecliveIy assess vhelhei sludenls iesponses aie on a specliun of coiiecl anaIysis
in iegaids lo geneiaI couise conlenl, of couise, lhis incIudes lias, lul lheie is a Iine of
dislinclion lelveen on lhe iighl liack and lolaIIy off lase.

P#*;.-3 (<*%+D
1OO-95 = A
94-9O = A-
89-86 = +
85-82 =
81-79 = -
78-75 = C+
74-71 = C
7O-68 = C-
67-65 = D+
64-62 = D
61-59 = D-
58 & leIov = I

Nole: As pail of lhe INT Coie/najoi, sludenls nusl eain a giade of C oi lellei in oidei lo gain
ciedil lovaids giadualion and ieceipl of .S. in InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies.

It Is thc studcnt's rcspnnsIbI!Ity lo iead lhe syIIalus. Il is a conliacl lelveen lhe Iiofessoi and
lhe Sludenl iegaiding lhe iesponsiliIilies and expeclalions of lhe piofessoi and lhe sludenl foi
lhis couise. Anendnenls can le nade lo lhe syIIalus al lhe discielion of lhe piofessoi and il is
lhe iesponsiliIily of lhe sludenl lo nainlain avaieness of any such changes, anendnenls,
addilions, adjuslnenls, elc. 45 &++#/*-16 *"# 2577&8029 *"# 2*0,#1* &6$##2 *. &8-,# 85 *"#
-1:.$;&*-.1 *"#$#-13

2"=#0+ R=)%.-+S2*%+-;*#D
HC+ <"=#0+ "=)%.-+ <*- <C*-3+ *) )C+ ;.0<#+)."- "$ )C+ 8#"$+00"# *-;S"# ;+8+-;.-3 =8"- )C+
prngrcss nf thc c!ass. It Is thc studcnt's rcspnnsIbI!Ity tn stay abrcast nf a!! changcs,
*9+-;9+-)0J ;+%+)."-0 *-; *;;.)."-0 *-; #+08"-;J *<) *<<"#;.-3%1`

["# )C.0 <"=#0+J )C+ U++& 5+3.-0 "- Q"-;*1J #+3*#;%+00 "$ ^R4:76Z(`

Week One
}anuaiy 13
Inlioduclions~Reviev of syIIalus, couise iequiienenls, expeclalions,
assignnenls, ieadings, conducl, poIicies, elc. Whal is INTLRDISCIILINARY
STUDILS` Whal is lhe ROLL of INT in lhe ieaI voiId` Hov can I use il` egin
ievieving cIass noles fion foinei INT couises (i.e., INT 3O8, INT 322, INT 36O,
INT 375, INT 411) of key leins, concepls, ideas and lheoiies. Iosl inlioducloiy
posl. LCIN piepaiing AuloliogiaphicaI Map (see veek foIdei foi pailicuIais).

Week Tvo
}anuaiy 2O
Whal is INTLRDISCIILINARY STUDILS` An I an inleidiscipIinaiian` (Reviev
InleidiscipIinaiy liails). Hov do I define InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies foi nyseIf and
foi olheis` LxpIanalions, Discussions, Llc. Reviev veeks foIdei. RLAD: OnIine
Readings (see Readings IoIdei) (=59.) 6=)"5."3#*8C.<*% Q*8 no Ialei lhan lhe
end of lhe day, Thuisday, }anuaiy 23
via lhe assignnenl Iink in veek lvo

Week Thiee
}anuaiy 27
Conponenls of InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies: CiilicaI Thinking, Language
avaieness, IhiIosophicaI ideas, Theoiies, Inlegialion, DiscipIines, and noie.
Reviev veeks foIdei. RLAD: OnIine Readings (see Readings IoIdei). 2"98%+)+
*-; 0=59.) \=.] c@ HC=#0;*1J d*-=*#1 B?

Week Ioui
Ieliuaiy O3
Conponenls of InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies conlinued: InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies al
voik and Iife. Reviev veeks foIdei. RLAD: OnIine Readings (see Readings
IoIdei). Iiepaie iesponse lo ieadings/discussion loaids. F#+8*#+ *-; 0=59.)
1"=# Y98%"19+-) F#+8*#*)."- 600.3-9+-) (piofessionaI iesune, covei Iellei
and jol desciiplion8 lo Di. MiIIei via enaiI Assignnenl Iink ly lhe end of lhe
day Tuesday, Ieliuaiy O4
. 4$3" AK 56' :6;H K>6,( +,?('L+(F F+?> 2'9 @+77(' /L+)
N7);HJ6)'*89 (=59.) 2"-<+8) Q*8 -" %*)+# )C*- )C+ +-; "$ )C+ ;*1J HC=#0;*1J
[+5#=*#1 ?K
Week Iive
Ieliuaiy 1O
AppIying Majoi Concepls in INT~CIolaIizalion, IhiIosophicaI Ideas, and
Reseaiching InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies, Advanlages and Disadvanlages of
InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies. Reviev veeks foIdei. Read ONLINL ieadings. egin
voiking on finaI papei and poilfoIio conponenls. I6:K7(?( =6A' :6;H ?(7(K>6,(
+,?('L+(F F+?> 2'9 @+77('9 (=59.) :-)+3#*)+; 8*8+# -" %*)+# )C*- +-; "$ )C+ ;*1J
HC=#0;*1J @B
` N(-+, .;>(*A7+,- +,*+L+*A)7 L+'?A)7 <6'?567+6 K'(L+(F .(..+6,. F+?> 2'9

Week Six
Ieliuaiy 17
AcluaIizing InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies: This is ny najoi and lhis is vhal I viII do
vilh il. Reviev najoi nevspapei lo Iocale InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies al voik.
ConpIele nock leIephone inleivievs vilh Di. MiIIei. 2"98%+)+ *-; 0=59.)
\=.] c> HC=#0;*1J >?

Week Seven
Ieliuaiy 24
AcluaIizing InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies: Wiap up.ansveiing lhe queslion: vhal is
InleidiscipIinaiy Sludies` Whal lype of InleidiscipIinaiian an I` Reviev veeks
foIdei. [.-*% 8*8+# *-; 8"#)$"%." ;=+ -" %*)+# )C*- +-; "$ )C+ ;*1J [#.;*1J
[+5#=*#1 >I

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