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Working to End Taxation Without Representation in the Nations Capital

DC Vote Expands Mission to Include Fight for Full Democracy
The hot button issues of the day often play out in Washington, DCs local politics, with same-sex marriage as the most recent example. As we have seen, some members of Congress have used these issues as an excuse to enter into DCs local debates and to legislate for the District on local laws. They have no problem passing legislation for DC that they would never consider in their home districts. Weve seen this most profoundly in the Ensign Amendment to the DC Voting Rights Act, which would repeal DCs gun control laws and remove any future local control over the issue. As we work to secure full congressional voting representation, DC Vote must and will protect the Districts local democracy against all congressional interference. This summer, the DC Vote Board of Directors voted to expand our mission to allow DC Vote to work more actively to defend Home Rule and local democracy. Our mission statement now reads: DC Vote is a 501 (c)(3) educational and advocacy organization dedicated to securing full voting representation in Congress and full democracy for the residents of the District of Columbia. This organizational shift better positions DC Vote to fight for congressional voting representation and greater autonomy for the District. Weve also identified statehood as DC Votes next major campaign. With your support, DC Votes campaign for statehood will be well researched and comprehensive with concrete steps identified to attain it. Passage of the DC Voting Rights Act is a critical first step in the fight for full democracy, and it will remain our top priority as we work to create a solid foundation for statehood. Future legislative vehicles to achieve full democracy could include significant objectives, like passing legislation to give DC budget and legislative autonomy and gaining support in targeted states for DC statehood.


DC Vote supporters at the July 4 Palisades Parade

DC Vote board member Marque Chambliss, board chair Bruce Spiva and David Valdez at a house party

Volunteers working the DC Vote table at Adams Morgan Day Festival

From the Executive Director

While we continue our work to pass the DC Voting Rights Act, I am excited to say that we are also working toward achieving full democracy. We will fight for the day when DC can pass laws on marriage equality, needle exchange programs and other issues without any congressional interference. We will fight for the day when we have two senators representing DC. And we will fight for the day when New Columbia enters the union as the 51st State. These fights wont be without obstacles and will take time, but I know that with our hard work and your continued support, we will see the end of Taxation Without Representation in our nations capital.

Showing off a new T-shirt at the Un-Natural State screening

Ilir Zherka, Executive Director

Washington Post reporter Nikita Stewart and Tonya Kinlow at Champions of Democracy



DC Vote Reaches Out to Elected Officials

In July we traveled to Philadelphia to attend the National Conference of State Legislatures. This annual conference attracted over 6,000 legislators, legislative staffers, government officials, business representatives, union members, foundation representatives and others interested in public policy. While in Philadelphia, we co-hosted a reception with the DC City Council. Eight members of the council, including Chairman Vincent Gray, were in attendance. The Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference is known as one of the most important gatherings of African American leaders in existence. DC Vote educated legislators from across the country, collected supporters for our DC Voting Rights Act petition and gained visibility through various social events.

Coalition Partner Highlight: NAACP Takes Action at Home and in Mississippi

Our coalition partners enable us to do the work we do. This past year, the leadership at the NAACP was instrumental in getting our message out both locally and nationally. Julian Bond, NAACP Chairman, penned an op-ed in Roll Call urging Congress to pass the DC Voting Rights Act. He also participated in DC Votes I Am DC; I Demand the Vote communications and advocacy campaign. In preparation for our Mississippi trip (details on page 3), the NAACP leadership reached out to their Mississippi colleagues for support on this issue. NAACP members from across the state met with DC Vote staff and wrote letters to Rep. Childers. When we learned that U.S. Senator Kay Hagan (D-NC) was waffling in her support of the DC Voting Rights Act during the February Senate vote, NAACP leadership sprung into action. Their national and state-based leaders talked to her directly to urge that she support the bill. With their help, we got Hagans Yea vote!

Karen Rose and Kesh Laddliwahetty of DC For Democracy

Susan Linsky and Eugene Kinlow at a local house party

Help us Update our Coalition Records!

We are asking our coalition partners to renew their membership in our coalition and provide updated contact information. Please contact Jennifer Matson at for the renewal form.
Marie & Wendell Johns and Pascale-Emmanuelle Nouama at the Congressional Black Caucus Gala

Showing DC voting rights pride at Fiesta DC

John Klenert, Derrick Acey and Jewell Fenzi at Champions of Democracy

Staff and supporters at our annual holiday party

3 Working to End Taxation Without Representation in the Nations Capital Staff Travels to Mississippi to Defend DCs Local Democracy
DC Vote staff traveled to northern Mississippi in response to attacks on DCs local democracy. Ilir Zherka, Executive Director, and Eugene D. Kinlow, Public Affairs Director, visited the district of U.S. Representative Travis Childers (D-MS), the author of the gun amendment in the House which would repeal DCs gun control laws and remove all local control of the issue.


DC Vote Ads Urge Ensign to Mind His Own Affairs

DC Vote took on U.S. Senator John Ensign (R-NV) in ads featured in Nevada-based political blogs. The ads urged the senator to mind his own affairs and leave local lawmaking to DCs locally elected Ilir and Eugene met with officials. The organizations including: campaign, Teamsters Local 667 of Memphis, featured in an various local chapters of the NAACP, article in Roll representatives from the Mississippi Call, helped us Immigrant Rights Alliance, the send a clear and impactful message Memphis Urban League and to members of Congress to stop students from Ole Miss. More than a interfering with DCs democracy. dozen of these leaders wrote letters urging Rep. Childers to protect DCs local democracy and pass a clean DC Excerpt from Roll Call Voting Rights Act. We then delivered 10/29/2009 them to his Hernando field office, to the shock of the local staffer. Henry DC Vote recently raised its profile Perry, president of the Teamsters by going after lawmakers for local, hadnt heard that DC residents interfering with DCs laws. This pay federal taxes and fight in wars week, the group kicked off a while being denied congressional series of blog ads attacking Sen. voting representation. In an interview John Ensign (R-Nev.) for not with the Associated Press , Perry minding his own affairs. noted, I think its really a The ad, which is running on disgrace that theyre denied that liberal blogs around Ensigns right; I was kind of shocked. home state, makes a thinly veiled Perry not only sent a letter to Rep. reference to the Nevada Childers, but he also pledged to Republicans acknowledged educate his union members about extramarital affair with a former the issue. staffer. Senator Ensign is focused on DCs affairs ... and his own. Where does Nevada fit in? reads the ad. Tell Senator Ensign to focus on NEVADA.

Staff members discuss the issue with the Memphis Urban League.

Rep. Travis Childers field office in Hernando, Mississippi.

Ilir and Samuel Williams, Chairman of the Desoto County Democratic Party.

NAACP meeting in Tupelo, Mississippi



Ilir speaks to the crowd at I Am DC Advocacy Day.

Our travels to the states taught us that Americans are still surprised to learn that everyday peoplenot just politicianslive in DC. Our new I Am DC campaign highlights their stories and images, including Kamal Ali, owner of Bens Chili Bowl, Reverend Lennox Yearwood, founder of the HipHop Caucus and Dixcy Bosley-Smith, a community nurse. This campaign was featured on WMATA buses and bus shelters in the District and in online and print ads, reaching upwards of 5 million people in total. It also includes an interactive portion where DC residents share their stories, which has attracted over 600 stories featuring personal anecdotes about the importance of voting and democracy. Add yours today at

DC Advocacy Day, tax-paying residents of the District have an opportunity to put a face and a personal story behind the critical issue of DC voting rights.

I Am DC Testimonials
My husband and I are due to have our first child in three weeks. Why do we have any less of a right to have a say in the country in which she will grow up? We deserve the same representational voice on the economy, education, the environment and national security as those in any of the 50 states. Not just usour baby deserves that. Cynthia I am angry at having to be left out of debating health care due to my lack of legislative representation. DC has had a Health Care Alliance plan that has covered the uninsured for many years. In the past five years the plan has saved the lives of two of my best friends without driving them into destitution. My experience as a US citizen is as valid as that of someone who lives in New York or Idaho, and I demand the vote for life and death issues such as war and health care, just two of many issues that only get decided in the legislature. Karen Joan

Coalition partners on their way to visit Congresspeople.

DC Vote Staff, Del. Norton and I Am DC participants at Advocacy Day

DC Vote Hosts I Am DC Advocacy Day

On Monday, October 5, DC Vote hosted I Am DC Advocacy Day on the Hill to urge Congress to pass the DC Voting Rights Act without harmful amendments. Over 75 DC Vote supporters and elected officials attended the program and delivered thousands of postcards from DC residents to Democratic members of Congress who support the gun amendment that has stalled the legislation in the House. This event is about DC residents raising their voices and telling their personal stories about why they demand the vote, said Ilir Zherka, DC Vote Executive Director. On I Am

Gigi Ransom, Tim Mahoney, Ed Davis and Claudia McKoin

DC Vote Merchandise!
Want to purchase our newest I Am DC; I Demand the Vote T-shirt? You can now purchase them and other merchandise by going to and clicking on Shop DC Vote.

Staff and supporters show their I Am DC pride.

5 Working to End Taxation Without Representation in the Nations Capital






I want to congratulate everybody in this room for fighting for whats rightthe right for all DC residents to vote! I salute you and your tenacity. Good luck citizensand people who live in Washington, DC. Stephen Colbert, via video Let me thank DC Vote, especially Ilir Zherka, who has led the DC Vote struggle with legendary commitment and strategic brillianceYou have brought perseverance, when some would have faltered; tenacity, when others would have grown weary, focused intelligence and above all, gutsplenty of guts, to this fightBecause DC Vote never gave up, we are close to victory tonight. Del. Norton

Ilir Zherka, Rep. John Conyers, Nancy Zirkin, Andrea Roane and Wade Henderson

Our 2009 Champions of Democracy Awards Dinner was a remarkable success. More than 320 people joined us at the newly re-opened W Hotel in honoring U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr. (D-MI), Wade Henderson and Nancy Zirkin with the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights and Akridge Real Estate. Covered by Washington Life Magazine, the Georgetowner and CityLiving, local business leaders, elected officials and DC Vote supporters enjoyed food, drink and our largest silent auction to date. They were also inspired by the words of our honorees, Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) and Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Report.

Volunteers help prepare for Champions of Democracy.

Christina Thakar, Andy & Marjon Shallal and Aakash Thakar

Sustainability in 2009
DC Vote is not immune to the pressures of this economy. 2009 saw a decrease in funds from individuals, foundations and the DC government. The loss in funds, totaling nearly $300,000, comes at a time when DC is closest to a victory for voting rights than at any time in generations. We are tightening our belts in response to these shortfalls by subleasing one third of our office and implementing a hiring freeze. DC Vote is dedicated to our mission above all else, and these difficult decisions were necessary to ensure the important work of ending taxation without representation in our nations capital. With your support, DC Vote will survive these challenging times and continue to embody the perseverance, tenacity and guts necessary for this struggle.

A full ballroom at the W Hotel for Champions of Democracy

Tom Wilbur accepting the award on behalf of Akridge Real Estate.



DC Vote Makes a Splash at Local Community Festivals

Community festivals are one of the best ways for DC Vote staff and volunteers to raise awareness by collecting petition signatures, broadening our network and handing out DC Vote gear. In 2009, we attended Adams Morgan Day Festival, Capital Pride Festival, Stone Soul Picnic, H Street Festival, Black Pride Festival, Black L.U.V. Festival, Fiesta DC and Barracks Row Festival. We also marched in the Nannie Helen Burroughs Day Parade and the July 4th Palisades Parade. These efforts could not have been possible without the support and dedication of our enthusiastic volunteersthank you! To volunteer in the future, please contact Jennifer Matson at or at 202.462.6000 x18.

put a Taxation Without Representation bumper sticker on her wall for the cameras to see. Thank you Real World DC! Check out the show to watch for DC Vote sightings!

Young Fiesta DC performers show off their Taxation Without Representation bumper stickers.

Un-Natural State Screening with Former Representative Tom Davis

Over 100 supporters, elected officials and members of the media joined us and former U.S. Representative Tom Davis (R-VA) at the historic Avalon Theatre for Un-Natural State. The film is the first feature-length documentary devoted to DC voting rights and is directed by Kirk Mangels and produced by Brad Mendelsohn. In a discussion with DC Vote board member Trish Vradenberg, Rep. Davis provided context and war stories from his days in Congress. Special thanks to Rep. Davis and our event sponsors for making the evening a success! I love this film for so many reasons, but Im not going to tell you whyI want you to watch it and see for yourself!Grace Guggenheim, DC filmmaker ...lush cinematography, witty editing, and fascinating vistas of the Districtthe film glides along with engaging flair. Dave Nuttycombe, City Paper

Staff and supporters with I Am DC participant and DCist blogger Martin Austermuhle at Adams Morgan Day Festival

DC Votes MTV Premiere

When the popular MTV show the Real World began filming in Washington, DC, we reached out to the cast to educate them about DC voting rights. Once they understood the issue, cast members decided to help out! Mike, Ashley, Erika and Callie volunteered at our Students for DC Vote Summer Send Off, a few of them worked in the office and Ashley

Callie and Erika from Real World DC handing out advocacy tool kits at the Students for DC Vote Summer Send Off.

Outside the Avalon Theatre at the Un-Natural State screening

Trish Vradenburg and former Representative Tom Davis at the Un-Natural State screening

Ilir with Roll Call journalists Emily Yehle and Elizabeth Brotherton at the Un-Natural State screening

7 Working to End Taxation Without Representation in the Nations Capital One Year Later, A New Administration: What has President Obama Done to Advance DC Voting Rights?
Its been a year since President Obama took office. With his election came renewed hope for a quick passage and signing of the DC Voting Rights Act. Supporters across the nation urged the President to take swift action on voting rights by: Signing DC Votes online and print postcardsover 7,000 in total! DC Vote, our coalition, local media, members of the DC City Council and others urged the President to change his limousine tags to Taxation Without Representation plates DC Vote worked with the DC City Council to create and place a banner urging full democracy for DC outside the John A. Wilson Building in time for the Inaugural Parade Yet, the DC Voting Rights Act is still held up in the House due to a gun amendment, and weve heard little from the President who declared his support for DC voting rights as both a presidential candidate and senator. To date, his administration has not taken the symbolic but significant step of switching the license plates on the presidential limousine. At a press briefing in June, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs answered a question about the plates, stating: Well, I guess I would ask you to ask people in Washington whether theyd like to have that status changed or that symbolism screwed on to the back of a limousine. When pressed on the issue of the plates and Obamas support for voting rights, Gibbs responded that the President is committed to changing DCs status by giving it voting rights, giving it statehood, emphasizing that: I think the legislation is making its way through Congress, with the support of the President. Gibbs comments show that engagement from this administration on the issue is not high enough. As the administration gauges the effectiveness and staying power of Afghanistans new democracy, its time to demand a sharper focus on democracy here at home. We will send more than 50,000 petitions to the White House on the anniversary of President Obamas inauguration, and will ask him to mention DC voting rights during his State of the Union address in February. Stay tuned for more information about DC Votes State of the Union campaign! If you are not already on our e-mail list, please sign up at for the latest news.


I Am DC; I Demand the Vote T-shirts for sale at our Un-Natural State screening

Supporters signing petitions for DC voting rights

Young DC Vote supporters showing their DC Vote pride at Barracks Row Oktoberfest.

Spoken word artists perform at our annual Student Send Off

Student artwork on DC voting rights

DC Votes Social Media Update


Become a DC Vote member today with your donation of just $35!

DC Vote members will receive a membership card with perks like discounts at local businesses.

If you arent already connected with us via social media, please become a fan of DC Vote on Facebook and follow us on Twitter! Facebook: Twitter: Contact Alexandra Ludmer, Communications Associate, at for more information about our social media campaign and to make sure that we return the favor by connecting with you or your organization on Facebook & Twitter!

Contact Abby Levine, Program Manager, at for additional membership information.

Use the enclosed envelope or visit our Web site today at to make a contribution to DC Vote.

DC Vote is a 501 (c)(3) educational and advocacy organization whose mission is to secure full voting representation in Congress and full democracy for the residents of the District of Columbia.

The VoiceDC Votes Newsletter Editor: Alexandra Ludmer Associate Editor: Abby Levine Contributors: Jaline Quinto and Jennifer Matson Copyright 2010 DC Vote

2000 P Street, NW, Suite 200

Washington, DC 20036

Nonprofit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Washington, DC Permit No. 2141

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