Joan Hamor

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Lesson Plan

Science and Health 5


Describe the orbit of each planet as ellipse. Explain why planets stay in orbit as they revolve around the sun.


Subject Matter
Planets in orbits
A. Science Concept/idea Orbits are the imaginary paths where the planets and other members of the solar system follow. B. Science Processes Observing Describing Explaining C. Materials: Chart Diagram One meter string Small rubber ball D. References: BEC Handbook in Science 5 pp. 4,31 Into the Future Science and Health pp. 250-251 The World of Science pp. 246-248


A. Preparatory Activity Review What is the importance of orbits in the planet? B. Developmental Activities Motivation Let the students sketch some ellipses of different sizes. Name your ellipses and describe each. Where can you find common ellipses? What is its difference from the oblong? Or ovals? What are the different ways of drawing an ellipse? Presentation Analyze the enlarged diagram of the planets revolving around the sun. Answer these questions by group: What is the shape of the planets orbits? Which planet has an almost circular orbit? Which planet has the most unusual orbit? Why? Why is the orbit of the planets oval or ellipse? Explain using the diagrams:

When the movement of the planets is from slow to fast; the planets tend to move farther from the sun and when they move from fast to slow, they tend to move nearer to the sun. Slow




Concept Formation The balance of the gravitational force of the sun and centrifugal force keeps the planets in their orbit. Application Activity Proper Objectives To show that planets stay in their orbits as they revolve around the sun. Tie a string to about one meter long to a small rubber ball. Hold the end of the spring and whirl the ball just above your head. Do you feel the outward pull of the ball? Slowly release the string. Describe the balls travel. Did it move in the straight line? Whirl the ball again. Did you feel the inward pull of your hand on the string? Why?


Practical Test Present in written form the output for this experiment. Materials Coupon bond Thumbtacks 25 centimeters string and a pencil Procedure Place a coupon bond flat on the table. Attach two thumbtacks five centimeters apart halfway to the paper. Make a loop in a 25 centimeter string. Then, tie its end. Place the loop around the two thumbtacks. Stretch the loop with a pencil in a vertical position, moving it around. What figure has drawn? Describe the figure.


Bring a string and a small rubber ball tomorrow.

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