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12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life

A Guide to Your Sacred Path, Joyful Journey
By Dr. Paul Dyer
12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life Workbook
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About the Author
Dr. Paul Dyer is an author and psychologist. He is the creator of the
Sacred Path, Joyful Journey

and president of Paul Dyer & Associates.
You can learn more about Paul at
2010-2012 by Paul L. Dyer, Ph.D. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication can be modihed or incorporated into any other
work, printed or electronic, without expressed written permission from Paul Dyer, Ph.D. and Paul Dyer & Associates.
The Sacred Path, Joyful Journey, Begin Your Journey Assessment, The Paradox of Joy, Find My Purpose Test, Life Wheel, Vocational
Interest Assessment, VIA, the Personality Type Discovery Inventory, and PTDI are trademarks of Paul Dyer & Associates.
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Welcome to the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life program. This
programs step-by-step process will help you discover your calling,
clearly understand your lifes purpose, and create a compelling vision
for your future. Your experiences over the next 12 weeks hold the
potential to be nothing less than life changing.
After you sign up for the online portion of the 12-Week program, this
detailed workbook will guide you through numerous online activities
that will help you gain more personal insight and awareness about
your calling and your lifes purpose. You will hnd the workbook
and the many online resources that you will be able to access,
straightforward, engaging, and easy to follow. The programs online
resources include insightful exercises, simple daily practices, in-
depth assessments, self-directed activities, and instructional videos.
Some of the things that you learn about yourself during the program
might be radically different than your current thinking and might
challenge you to reconsider some of your long-held beliefs. Others
will conhrm things youve already decided about yourself and
your life. Regardless, I believe you will hnd every experience in
this program to be an important part of your personal journey to
discover your lifes purpose and will lead you to a more fulhlling life.
Perhaps the most important overall principle that will be at work
as you go through 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life is that you
will get out of the process what you put into it. I encourage you to
take your efforts seriously, have fun, and be open to new ideas.
Im conhdent that you are going to hnd this experience to be quite
rewarding, and I am excited about the new phase of your life
journey that you are about to begin!
Dr. Paul Dyer
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Table of Contents
Getting Started
Four Keys for Success
Overview of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey Process
Your 12-Week Account
Week 1 - Determine Your Current Location
Week 2 Turn on Your Receiver
Week 3 Begin to Listen for Traveling Directions
Week 4 Make the Shift
Week 5 Strike the Tuning Fork
Week 6 Listen as if Theres a Thief in the House
Week 7 - Listen, Dont Think: The Art of Soulful Inquiry
Week 8 Connect the Dots
Week 9 Go On Your Discovery Pilgrimage
Week 10 Hold Your Clearness Committee Meeting

Week 11 Paint Your Future

Week 12 Slay the Dragon and Validate Your Call
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The 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life program is the practical
application of Dr. Dyers ideas from his writings about the
Sacred Path, Joyful Journey way of living. The Sacred Path,
Joyful Journey is a comprehensive approach to discovering your
lifes purpose, envisioning your future, and living joyfully. This
approach to living necessarily deals with a number of abstract
concepts and integrates a number of scientihcally-validated
principles and practices from psychology with more intangible
spiritual concepts. While these concepts can be complex and
at times challenging, the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life
program takes these abstract ideas and makes them very
practical and immediately actionable. Over the course of 12
weeks the step-by-step approach provided in this workbook
will allow you to navigate the three major parts of the Sacred
Path, Joyful Journey: Discovery, Creation, and Journeying. For a
more detailed explanation click on this link: Sacred Path, Joyful
A Short Note about the
Sacred Path, Joyful Journey
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The 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life program provides a
practical roadmap for navigating through the Sacred Path, Joyful
Journey process. This workbook is your guide to the program.
For each week of the program, the workbook presents you
with a series of workbook activities as well as additional online
assessments, exercises, and videos.
This very comprehensive process will help you discover your
purpose in life and create a vision for living out your purpose so
that you can travel through your life journey in a joyful way. If
you follow the workbooks directions, and if you complete the
online activities, at the end of the 12 weeks you will know much
more about yourself and you gain signihcant insights into how to
bring more passion and joy into your life.
I present the activities in what I believe is the best sequence
for you to experience them. However, while the workbooks
instructions are carefully designed to provide you with a very
positive learning and personal growth experience, please feel free
to customize or modify any of the instructions in any manner that
you feel will be most helpful for you. There is nothing particularly
magic about going through these experiences in precisely the
prescribed order or in exactly 12 weeks. Again, I believe that
most people will maximize their learning by following the timing
and order of the activities outlined in the workbook. However, if
your calendar and life demands make it necessary to adjust some
of the timing of the events or perhaps to skip a few, dont worry.
You will have an opportunity to extend the 12-Week program if
you like. The important thing is that you proceed through this
process in a way that feels right to you. Learning to attend to
this inner sense of what feels right, is one of the most important
parts of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey.
(Note: This workbook is constantly evolving based on feedback
from people like you. So let us know if you have any ideas for
improvement by going to the contact link at
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Getting Started
Although the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process deals with some very complex concepts,
you will hnd 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life to be a very practical approach for digging
into these issues in a way that will make the process engaging, exciting, and even fun. Here
are several ideas for how you can get the most out of your personal Sacred Path, Joyful
The Workbooks Design
Each week this workbook presents you with activities to complete as you go through the
12-Week program. You will complete some of these activities within the workbook itself,
however, youll experience most of the activities as you engage with more than twenty
interactive online resources. Once you register for the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life
program, you will have access to all of the online resources. The workbook presents three
types of icons to guide you through the activities.
Learn More
Optional reading or video presentations to allow you to learn more about a particular
topic if you so desire.

Highly Recommended Exercises
While you will hnd all of the suggested activities useful, some of the assessments,
exercises, and experiences are deemed essential. You will see this icon next to these
highly recommended exercises. You are encouraged not to skip any of these activities.
Go to the Activity
If you are logged in to your account, you will go directly to the activity by clicking on
this icon. Otherwise you will need to login with your Username and Password at, and you will then be directed to the online activity.
You can also access the online resources by simply logging in to your account and
then navigating to the Activities Menu. You can then select the recommended
resource from the list or click on the button below the menu to organize the activities
by the weeks corresponding to this workbooks organization.
Create a 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life Notebook
I highly recommend that you print a hard copy of this workbook and place it in a three-ring
notebook binder. You will refer back to the workbook often, so keep it somewhere that is
easily accessible. Write in it, take notes in the margin, do whatever increases your creativity,
opens up your mind, and helps you enjoy the experience.
You will hnd it useful to place divider tabs in your notebook. These tabs will help you organize
your assessment and exercise results, journal entries, notes, and other output from your
12-week experiences. Youll hnd suggested names for the tabs in the Quick Links section on
the 12-Week Welcome page.
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Four Keys for Success
Make use of the Learning Journal
Unlike conventional wisdoms assertion, experience is not the
best teacher; thoughtful refection upon your experiences is.
Unfortunately our busy lives often do not lend themselves to the
practice of refecting upon our experiences. Throughout the 12-
Week program you will be encouraged to ask, What is this trying
to teach me? as you encounter various experiences.
The 12-Week process and the programs activities are designed
specihcally to help you discover your lifes purpose so that you
can live a more passionate and joy-hlled life. Your refection upon
your experiences is the key to your learning and is simply the
most essential part of the program. Your online learning journal
will help you to systematically take a few minutes out of your
week to refect upon, and learn from, your experiences. Your
journal entries will be kept in your personal 12-Week database
and you can print these entries to include in your notebook at
Watch Dr. Dyers Weekly Videos
After you sign up for the 12-Week program, you will receive
weekly emails reminding you of a few things to consider during
the process. Additionally, these emails contain links to videos
related to each weeks activities where I will encourage you and
provide additional information related to the program and to your
personal Sacred Path, Joyful Journey.
Do Something Every Day Related to Your Sacred
Path Journey
Whether small or large, take some action every day related
to moving toward your Sacred Path Journey. Perhaps its a
purposeful conversation, a quiet contemplative walk in the park,
or reading a book related to your interests. Whatever the actions
you choose, it is important that you do something every day that
will bring you closer to your Joyful Journey.
Approach the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life
This program can genuinely change your life in a very positive
way. Commit to doing the work, suspend your skepticism, and
open up your mind and soul to the possibilities, and you will
greatly enhance your experience.
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The Sacred Path, Joyful Journey contains three major phases.
Each of these phases has a primary desired outcome.
To learn who you are and what your purpose in life is
To build a clear vision about your future and to overcome
barriers that may be in your way
To travel through life in a meaningful and joyful way

You will hnd much more detail about the Sacred Path, Joyful
Journey process on the web site.
Your 12-Week Account
When you register for the 12-Week program you gain access to
a remarkable resource. Your personal account will have access
to more than 20 online activities presented in this workbook,
including assessments, exercises, videos, and other types of
valuable resources. You will access these resources and monitor
your progress through your personal 12-Week account. You will
access the online resources through the 12-Week Activities Menu,
and your results will be stored in your conhdential database. You
can return to your account at any time to review your progress,
access any of the activities, record insights in your learning
journal, or reprint earlier results. Setting up your account is very
simple. Just click this button to register.
Overview of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey Process

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Week 1 Discovery
Discovery is the hrst phase of the three-part Sacred Path, Joyful
Journey process. Before you can begin to walk joyously on your
Sacred Path, you must clearly understand who you are and what
your Calling is asking you to do with your life. In Discovery you
will learn more about your gifts and your talents and where to
apply them in order to make the world a better place, and, in
turn, hnd joy in the process. Perhaps you will need to identify and
then remove barriers that stand in the way of your ability to hear
your Calling or that stop you from pursuing your lifes purpose
wholeheartedly. The Discovery portion of 12 Weeks to a More
Passionate Life will help you successfully address these issues.
Week 1: Determine Your Current Location
Our lives form stories, each story with a beginning, middle, and
an end. This story is your life journey. Your life journey began
with your creation as you were magnihcently designed with a
unique set of gifts and talents. One of the most amazing things
about the human experience is that we get to choose where and
how we use these talents. And while this freedom of choice is a
remarkable privilege, it is also an awesome responsibility with
many important consequences.
The good news
You were meant to live an energetic life of passion and joy.
The bad news
Figuring out how to get to the good news isnt always easy!
Here are two very important questions. How do you hnd a life
hlled with more passion, meaning, and fulhllment? And, once
you know where that life is, how do you pursue and sustain it?
Answering these two questions is what the Sacred Path, Joyful
Journey is all about. If youre looking for more of the good news
that is, a more joyful journeybegin by getting a clear picture of
where you are in terms of your current location.
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Week 1 Discovery
1. Please Answer an Opening Question.
Based upon my life circumstances today, I believe that my purpose in life is:

2. My Hopes and Desires for this Experience.
You are about to engage in a series of activities, assessments, exercises, and other experiences during
the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life program. These experiences will ask you to measure, refect,
dream, and in other ways consider who you are and how you want to spend your life energies, as well as
encourage you to take action in order to live out your purpose in ways that are deeply meaningful to you.
As you begin the process, please answer the following question about your aspirations.
What I genuinely hope I will gain from the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life program process is:

3. Complete the Begin Your Journey Assessment.
This assessment is a good place to start the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process. If you have not already
done so please click on the GO link or go to and complete the assessment. When you
hnish, you will receive a detailed report that will give you a good idea of where you are currently in terms
of both understanding your Calling (or lifes purpose) and to what degree you are currently following its
leading. The assessment is based upon Dr. Paul Dyers framework known as Two Paths, Two Awarenesses,
and Two Responses.
After completing the Begin Your Journey Assessment, you may want to print the results and place them in
your notebook or put them in another place where you can easily keep track of your results. You may take
this assessment as many times as you like during the program.
(Note: This is the only resource in the program where your results will not be stored in your 12-Week
You will learn much more about the Two Paths, Two Awarenesses, and Two Responses by watching the
following three videos.
The Two Paths, Two Awarensses, and Two Responses (Part 1)
The Two Paths, Two Awarensses, and Two Responses (Part 2)
The Two Paths, Two Awarensses, and Two Responses (Part 3) LEARN

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Week 1 Discovery
3a. Complete the following three questions related to your perceptions about your Begin Your
Journey Assessment results.
After reviewing your results from your assessment please answer the following three questions.
My initial thoughts about my results are:

The most surprising thing about this assessment is:

The one thing Im going to be sure to do this week based on these results is:

4. Complete the I Want Exercise.
We all have heartfelt desires. These desires are important clues about who we are as a person and what
and where our Calling is to be found. You will come back to this exercise in Week 4 from a very different
perspective, but for now, please complete the following sentences as authentically as you possibly can.
In terms of my future, I want:

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Week 1 Discovery
In terms of my career, I want:

In terms of my hnances, I want:

In terms of my relationships, I want:

In terms of how Im seen by others, I want:

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Week 1 Discovery
5. Find My Purpose Test
Much of the Discovery part of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process requires that you ask yourself
important questions, questions that engage both your heart and your head. I sometimes refer to this
kind of self-questioning as Soulful Inquiry. Often these types of questions are simple to understand but
challenging to answer. Nevertheless, Soulful Inquiry is a vital element in learning more about who you are
and what your Calling is. After completion, print your results and place them in your 12-Week Notebook.
5a. Think about what the rst two assessments are revealing.
When I consider my results from the Begin Your Journey Assessment along with my answers from the Find
My Purpose Test, the things that stand out most to me are:

6. Conduct a Meaningful Conversation With an Insight Partner.
We are meant to live in community. And our gifts and talents are designed to support this community. One
of the ways we learn about who we are is from listening to the feedback of others. This hrst week, identify
someone who will give you insight into who you are and where your Sacred Path may be found. Who you
select is important, so here are seven criteria for you to use to identify this weeks insight partner.
The person I will invite to be my insight partner this week:
genuinely cares for me
is insightful
has known me for a minimum of 1 year
shares a common set of values
will tell me the truth, even if its uncomfortable for me to hear
is respected by me
will consider the issues I will raise as important
The person I will ask to dialog with me is

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Week 1 Discovery
Location: Find a place that is quiet enough to hold a meaningful conversation. Perhaps a lunch or dinner
place, your home, a coffee shop, anywhere you both will feel comfortable. If necessary, you can conduct
this conversation on the phone, but face-to-face is preferable.
Sample Invitation: Hi, (Name). Im starting a process in which Im trying to think about the best way
for me to focus my attention on the things that really matter to me. Im thinking about my career and
other things that take my time and energy. I really value your viewpoint, and Id like to get together with
you and ask you for feedback and insight as I start this process. Is this something youd be willing to help
me with? When would be a good time to get together this week?
The Agenda: It is extremely important that you concentrate on listening, not talking, during this meeting.
Use open body language, smile, nod, and be genuinely thankful for the gift of feedback and insight you
will gain regardless of the message.
Using your own words, begin by saying something like, Thank you so much for getting together with me.
I know this will be a very valuable experience. Im going through an online self-development course that
has provided me with a few specihc questions to ask, and if you dont mind, I may take a few notes. So if
youre ready, here we go
Here are hve questions for your dialog with your insight partner:
If you were to describe me to someone who never met me, how would you do it?
Based on what you know about me, what do you think I value most?
What do you believe my greatest gifts are?
What gifts or talents do you think I possess that I may not recognize?
If you were to give me advice about how I could best help others, what would you say?
After the Conversation: Here are four questions for you to answer after you hold your conversation.
Please answer these questions as soon as possible after you have the conversation.
The main thing I learned from this conversation was:

What surprised me the most was:

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Week 1 Discovery
What I found most interesting and exciting was:

The one thing I want to know more about is:

7. Access Your Learning Journal
As mentioned in the early part of the workbook, refecting on your experiences is key to your success in
hnding your Sacred Path. Please access your Learning Journal after youve completed this weeks activities
and thoughtfully answer the questions presented as you consider what youre learning. You will receive
weekly reminders to refect on your experiences by spending a few minutes with your Learning Journal.
However, please remember that you can access your Learning Journal any time you like to record your
thoughts and insights. Your entries will be captured in your personal database, and you can print them
anytime you wish for inclusion in your notebook.

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The Sacred Path is the life journey that corresponds to your
Calling. Your Calling is asking you to do something with your
life, and it will also provide you with your lifes purpose. When
it comes to your Calling, you have a choice. You can choose to
surrender to your Callingthat is, say yes to what its asking
you to do. You are also free to say, no and choose another path.
Whether we are consciously aware of our Calling or not, we still
make a choice, and it is a very important choice. If you choose
to surrender to your Calling, you will travel on your Sacred Path.
While you may encounter many challenges on this path, you
are also certain to hnd meaning, purpose, passion, and true joy.
However, if you choose not to follow your Calling, to say no, you
will travel on the Path of Compromise. Regardless of the degree of
outward success or fame and fortune you might achieve, the Path
of Compromise will ultimately lead to feelings of disillusionment,
frustration, and a nagging sense that there must be more to life
than this.
I believe that our search for meaning in life is the most profound
question of the human experience. This search centers around
our inborn desire to hear our Calling, a need to hnd traveling
directions for our life journey. Eventually, we all seek to
understand why were here on this planet, and we all want to
choose fulhlling ways to spend our life energies.
Here is a very important question for you to consider. Please jot
down your response. If you believe you have a Calling, or purpose
in life, where do you believe it comes from?

I believe that if there is a Calling, then there is One who Calls,
and the One who Calls is God. I also believe that it is impossible
to explore lifes meaning, or to Discover your Calling, in any
depth, without addressing Gods role in this process. In order to
turn on your receiver, that is, to be able to begin to hear your
Calling and Discover your lifes purpose, I believe that we must
include God in the process. If you are uncomfortable with the
word God, please use other words that work better for you such
as Great Creator, Higher Power, etc.
Because I am convinced that no meaningful exploration in
Discovering our purpose can begin without our consideration of
Gods role in issuing our Calling, I am asking you to consider this
aspect of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey

in your own life early in
the process.
Week 2 Discovery
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1. Watch the Short Video, God, the Author of Calling
After watching this short video, please answer the following question.
My own thoughts about God (Great Creator, Higher Power, etc.) being the author of my Calling are:

2. Consider Your Relationship With God (Great Creator, Higher Power, etc.)
I believe that we all have three types of Callings. First, we are Called to determine our relationship with
God. Second, we are Called to use our gifts and talents in ways that make the world a better place. And
third, we are Called to journey joyfully, receiving and dispensing kindness and grace to others.
2a. The First Calling.
While I am a Christian, I am aware that we live in a pluralistic society with many different faith
perspectives. And while I am passionately committed to my faith, I am also deeply committed to being
sensitive and respectful of others who do not share my perspective. I do believe that the starting place
for Discovering meaning is to be found in our relationship with God. I encourage you to come to a clear
understanding of your own faith perspective and to live it out in a way that is meaningful to you. You may
hnd it helpful to record your answer to the following two questions.
My current relationship with God (Great Creator, Higher Power, etc.) can be described as:

The things I will do this week to enhance my relationship with God (Great Creator, Higher Power, etc.) are:

Week 2 Discovery

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3. Begin Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
This activity is one of the most important exercises in the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process. While you
will begin it here in Week 2, I suggest that you continue this exercise for at least the duration of this 12-
week program. Perhaps, depending upon the value you feel youre receiving from the experience, youll
want to continue this exercise for a lifetime.
This activity will help you unlock your creative processes and greatly enhance your ability to hear that
quiet inner voice that is ready to provide you with traveling directions for the rest of your life journey.
4. Consider who you will invite to participate in your Clearness Committee
During Week 10, you will have an opportunity to hold a Clearness Committee meeting. This is a fascinating
process developed by the Quakers to help people understand and gain clarity around making important
decisions. During this process, the Clearness Committee members will ask you questions about your
Calling, however, they will not provide you with any advice or direction. Nevertheless, you will hnd the
event quite enlightening.
You will learn much more about this process and its incredible value over the next few weeks, however,
please begin now to consider who might make good committee members.
Think of between 5 and 10 people who meet the criteria listed below. Please do not contact anyone of
these potential committee members at this time.
Criteria of Clearness Committee Members
This person genuinely cares about me.
This person shares a common set of values.
I believe he/she possesses maturity and wisdom.
I respect him/her.
This person is likely to be available during Week 10 of this process.
Based on what I know about the Clearness Committee at this time, the people I may invite include:
Week 2 Discovery

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5. Clear a Space on Your Calendar for a Week 9 Discovery Pilgrimage
One of the things that can be very helpful in turning on your receiver is for you to make the time to put
yourself in a focused listening environment. Going on a pilgrimage is one of the great practices found
within virtually all spiritual traditions. I am suggesting that you consider your own version of a pilgrimage
as part of your Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process. I am conhdent that you will almost certainly hnd your
pilgrimage experience richly rewarding. Purposely removing yourself for a short while from your everyday
routine in order to listen for your Calling will provide you with great insight and a time of deep refection.
In Week 4, I will provide you with more detailed information about the purpose of pilgrimage as well as
give you a list of issues to consider as you plan your Discovery Pilgrimage. Armed with this information
you will be able to decide whether or not you will make the investment of time and effort to go on a
pilgrimage. I hope that you do.
This is an activity that you will do alone. While there is absolutely no right or wrong way to go on a
pilgrimage, I suggest that here in Week 2 you place 2 or 3 days on hold on your calendar for Week 9 of
this process.
6. Complete My Life Wheel
There is no perfect prescription, no one way, to order our lives or spend our energy that will bring
everyone fulhllment. But each of us must decide how to invest our life energy across a number of very
important categories. When you complete the Life Wheel Exercise you will have a visual of how satished
you are about a number of different areas in your life.
7. Read the 10 Sacred Path, Joyful Journey Truths
Please read the Sacred Paths 10 Truths below and then go to the 10 Truths Exercise and complete the
10 Sacred Path, Joyful Journey Truths
1. You were created to create. Your gifts and talents are your brushes, and the world is your
2. You were created for a purpose.
3. You were designed in a particular way, with a unique personality and set of skills, abilities, and
interests (your gift mix), in a way that will allow you to fulhll your purpose.
4. You will be good at what you need to be good at to fulhll your purpose.
5. When you apply your design (your gift mix) in the right place (the place youre Called to apply
it, your Sacred Path) you will improve the world in some way.
6. You will enjoy using your design (your gift mix) when you apply it toward fulhlling your
7. You will feel genuinely satished with what you create and accomplish when you use your gifts
and talents on your Sacred Path.
8. Your design (your gift mix and your soul) resonates with your Calling.
9. Step into your Calling and the doors will open. Jump and the net will appear. You must learn to
trust yourself.
10. Aim at joy and youll miss it. Respond "Yes to your Calling, serve others, and youll hnd joy in
8. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing? What are your experiences trying to teach you?
Week 2 Discovery

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Recently, Gregg Levoy, author of Callings, Finding and Following
an Authentic Life, introduced me to a wonderful phrase. As we sat
in his living room discussing what people need to do to Discover
their Calling, Gregg said that in order to hear a Calling people
must learn the discernment arts. The discernment arts. What a
great way of capturing the skills that we need to develop if were
to be able to hear the message of our Calling.
I want to encourage you by saying that you already have
available to you all of the information you need to travel on your
Sacred Path. Hearing your Calling is more like remembering than
creating. Its not as if the One who Calls is waiting for you to
get richer or smarter before sending your traveling directions.
Theyve already been sent. If you dont know what your Calling
is, its a receiving challenge rather than transmitting a problem.
The trick is to get everything standing in the way of your ability to
hear your Calling, out of the way. If you want to begin to hear the
traveling directions from your Calling, or hear them more clearly,
you will need to get better at the discernment arts.
This weeks activities will improve your souls listening skills, not
the interpersonal skill of listening but the skills necessary to hear
the message of your Calling, which are a signihcant part of the
discernment arts. This means improving your ability to listen
soulfully, not intellectually. As I often say, Discovering your Calling
is much more about listening than it is any sort of intellectual
activity. In some ways, because of our tendencies to rationalize,
minimize, deny, and otherwise dismiss messages that would
move us out of our comfort zone, our thinking can be more of
a distraction than an aid in Discovering our Calling. We simply
cannot think our way to clearer understanding of our Calling.
Heres an overall challenge for the week. Rather than trying to
rationally think about what you should do with your life, listen
more soulfully. Thats it. Simply listen for that quiet inner voice,
for a nudging, for a leading. As you listen, do so without judging
yourself, or what your intuition is revealing. And perhaps most
importantly, listen without expectation or pressure to generate
the answer. The answer will come in the perfect time, perhaps not
in your desired timing, but in the perfect timing.
Week 3 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
If youve been writing your Communion pages, you have probably already begun to experience a number
of benehts and insights. Its important to continue the activity this week.
2. Complete the Detractors and Supporters Exercise
Throughout your life, youve had people who have been great supporters, people who have cared for you
and lifted you up. Youve undoubtedly also known those who have been your detractors and undermined
your life journey. The infuence from both of these groups has been important. This exercise will help you
identify these infuences.
3. Complete the 10 Things I Love to Do Exercise
In many ways your passions reveal your purpose. By considering the things you love to do, the things that
bring you pleasure and energy, you will demonstrate the kinds of life activities that resonate with your
4. Complete Dream Lives Exercise
As you go about seeking a better understanding of your Calling, it is important that you begin to let your
heart do some of the leading. Its not just okay to dream about a life youd love to liveits vital. Your
dreams and desires are one of the ways that your soul is manifesting your Callings message.
5. Rene Your Clearness Committee Invitees
Please download instructions for this activity. These instructions will give you a good deal of background
regarding how Clearness Committees operate and will also help you prepare for the event. You will not
need to identify and invite your committee members until next week.
6. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning again this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what
joys are you experiencing?
Week 3 Discovery

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The self-help shelves of your local bookstore are hlled with
encouragement to follow your passions, your dreams, and your
desires so that you can make yourself happy. And while there is
a lot that can be said for this type of book, I strongly believe that
its not the best place for you to begin when looking to hnd your
Calling. Heres why.
Youre not Calling yourself; youre being Called. Your traveling
directions are coming from the One who created you. And this
One who created you has also designed you for a purpose thats
needed by others. While I dont know the particulars of your
purpose, I do know that your design, your gifts and talents, were
created to serve others in order to make the world a better place.
Now this service can look like as many different things as there
are people on the planet. Because we are all interconnected in
many mutually dependent ways, no Calling is better than any
other Calling. I believe your Calling is to be discovered by you,
not created by you.
And so, heres the shift Im suggesting that you consider making.
Instead of asking, What do I want to do with my life? begin
your search for your Calling by asking the One who is Calling,
What do you want me to do with my life? While subtle, this
is a profoundly different starting place. What do I want? is
inherently selhsh. "What do you want from me? suggests
your willingness to surrender to the Callings message once its
Please dont think that Im suggesting that your desires dont
matter. They matter a great deal. Your desires and passions are a
means of validation of your Calling, but they are not your Calling.
You will love, be energized by, and be passionate about what
youre Called to do. Its part of your inner guidance system that
lets you know when youre on the right track. This inner guidance
system delivers joy when youre using your gifts and talents in
alignment with your Calling and discontent when youre not. The
theologian Frederick Buechner beautifully captured this magical
intersection where these two perspectives meet when he said,
The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness
and the worlds deep hunger meet.
Week 4 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Please continue your stream of consciousness writing this week. You are most likely hnding this exercise to
be freeing and generative of your creative side. Its important to be faithful in continuing this activity this
2. Make the Shift Exercise
In Week 1 you completed the I Want exercise. The desires you indicated in that exercise are a very good
indication of who you are as a person, and they most likely hold valuable clues as to where your Calling is.
This week, try turning the "I wants into "you wants. You may hnd this exercise quite easy or extremely
challenging. Regardless, the purpose of this exercise is for you to begin to listen for your traveling
directions as if there is a thief in the house.
Refect, meditate, consider each of the questions from the I Want exercise from the perspective of the One
who Calls. You may hear new answers emerge. You may not. What is most important at this point is that
you begin to think about the questions differently. Come to this exercise with an attitude that is in search
of the answers, instead of with the intention to craft the answers. And at the end of your questioning, ask
yourself if youre ready to surrender to your Calling when its revealed.
In terms of my future, what do you want for me?

In terms of my career, how do you want me to use my gifts and talents?

In terms of my hnances, what do you expect from me?

In terms of my relationships, what do you want of me?

In terms of how Im seen by others, I want:

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2a. Return to Week 1 and review your answers to the original I Want exercise, and then answer
the following question as authentically as possible.
What is different about the way I view these questions from the "I want and "you want perspectives?

3. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
Certain places have the ability to make us feel closer to the One who Calls, to better remember who
we really are, and to feel in touch with our soul. Perhaps its a walk in the woods, a house of worship,
a special room in your home. Wherever this place is, please hnd the time to go to one of these special
places this week and refect on the questions from the Make the Shift exercise. Simply ask the questions
about what you want, and then listen. Do not try to answer the questions using your thinking skills. Listen.
Dont think. And please do not worry about the outcome of this exercise or put any pressure on yourself
to come up with answers. The answers will come in perfect timing. For now, just continue to develop the
practice of asking for your traveling directions.
4. Plan Your Discovery Pilgrimage
In Week 2 you cleared 2 or 3 days on your calendar for Week 9 of this process. Its now time to learn
more about the benehts of going on a Discovery Pilgrimage. If you decide to make this investment of time,
you will hnd a guide for planning this event as well as a way of evaluating your experience upon your
5. Finalize Your Clearness Committee and Send Instructions
Please return to the Clearness Committee instructions you previously downloaded, hnalize the selection of
your committee members, and invite these people to participant in this event. You will hnd guidelines for
planning your Clearness Committee event during Week 10 of this program.
6. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing as you are going through the process?
Week 4 Discovery

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In 1711 a musician by the name of John Shore invented the tuning fork.
When struck, this simple two-pronged steel instrument begins to vibrate
and emits a perfect tone that serves as a way to calibrate instruments
to ensure that they are in tune and, when played, sound exactly as they
were created to sound. Like the instrument and the tuning fork, your soul
is seeking to be in tune with your Calling.
You possess a set of attributes that represent much of what makes
you a unique individual. Modern psychology provides solid methods for
measuring the individual differences in these attributes. Through tests
and other types of assessments, psychologists can provide a pretty good
picture of your personality, values, motivations, vocational interests,
and skills. These measurements can be very helpful in the Discovery
phase of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process. Like the tuning fork,
assessments can help you know more about yourself and give you
valuable insights to help you determine if youre in tune with your Calling.
However, no test, no counselor, no psychological theory, can tell you what
your Calling is. To know your Calling, you must listen to your soul, and
your soul cannot be measured. The results from tests, exercises, and
other methods aimed at providing you more self-awareness should be
thought of as signposts. These signposts can point you in the direction
of your Calling. They are not your Calling nor are they measuring your
The One who is Calling you designed you in a particular way with
a unique conhguration of attributes, for a specihc purpose. Modern
psychology can measure certain aspects of your design, such as
personality and vocational interest, very well. These measurements can
be quite helpful in learning more about who you are. They can assist
you in Discovering your gifts and talents, more about what motivates
you, and how others may see you. However, the ultimate answer to the
question of what your Calling is asking you to do is a spiritual question,
not a question that modern psychology can answer.
Over the next 3 weeks, you will have an opportunity to strike the tuning
fork as you take several assessments. Please remember, the real value
from these assessments is to add insight to your souls inquiry as you
hne-tune your understanding of your Calling. Again, our personality,
values and motivations, are like tuning forks. Because you were designed
for a purpose, they vibrate or resonate, with your Calling.
To add to what youve already learned in Week 1 from the Begin Your
Journey Assessment and the Find My Purpose Test, over the next 3 weeks
you will receive results from the following four assessments:
Personality Type Discovery Inventory
What Really Matters To Me-Values Assessment
Vocational Interests Assessment
Energizing Strengths Assessment
Week 5 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Please continue to generate these pages. This activity will assist your learning across the entire program.
Its important to continue the activity this week.
2. Take the Personality Type Discovery Inventory (PTDI)
Based upon Carl Jungs theory of personality, this assessment will give you a very good indication of where
you stand on four important personality dimensions. While personality doesnt explain everything, it does
explain a lot. The way you behave, the work and activities you enjoy, and your relationships with other
people are greatly affected by your personality.
After you complete the personality assessment answer the following three questions.
My general thoughts about the PTDI results are:

The thing I found most surprising about the PTDI results is:

At this point of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process, I believe that the implications for how my
Personality Type resonates with my Calling, or life purpose, are:

3. Take the What Really Matters to Me? Values Assessment
At the core of many of lifes most important decisions lays a need to carefully consider your personal
values. Essentially, this inquiry asks, "What Really Matters to Me? You cannot hnd contentment or peace
if you do not live in a way that is consistent with your values. To make sure that youve taken the time to
explicitly consider your values, please complete the What Really Matters to Me? values assessment.
After you complete the assessment, answer the following three questions.
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My general thoughts about my What Really Matters to Me? results are:

The thing I found most surprising about my What Matters to Me? results is:

At this point of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process, I believe that the implications for how my values
resonate with my Calling, or life purpose, are:

4. Complete Dream Lives Exercise
Continue to see where your dreams might take you. Your Calling will bring ideas and dreams to your
soul and conscious thinking. Because your dreams and desires are one of the ways that your soul is
manifesting your Calling, please continue with this exercise.
5. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
Again this week, please hnd at least 30 minutes to go to a special place with an intent to listen. Remember
the lessons from Week 4, Make the Shift, and ask, What am I being asked to do with my life? Remember
to listen and not think. And just as in Week 4, please dont put any pressure on yourself regarding the
outcome; just experience whatever you experience. The answers will come in perfect timing. Please
continue to develop the practice of asking for your traveling directions.
6. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing as you are going through the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process?
Week 5 Discovery

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Surely everyone has experienced this feeling: Its late at night,
perhaps when youre alone, and you hear it. That little creak of
the foor, a rustle of some fabric, or some other noise. Your eyes
fy open and your senses immediately come alive. Your focus is
extraordinary as your mind attends to nothing else while you wait
to hear any other sound. You are listening for the thief that might
be there, and you are sure not to miss it. This is how we need to
listen for our Callingas if there is a thief in the house.
I hrst heard of this analogy when reading a work by author Gregg
Levoy. I love the image this conjures up, and I want to encourage
you to listen with this kind of focus and this kind of intensity
this week. So many of the people with whom Ive worked fail to
hear their Calling because theyre working so hard to think it into
existence. Listen. Wait. It will come.
As with last week, here in Week 6 you will have an opportunity
to continue your Communion Pages and Learning Journal
activities, as well as be introduced to another assessment. This
new assessment will give you an opportunity to continue to gain
insight about your unique design as you strike the tuning fork.
Week 6 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Remember that this activity is important because it supports you across many other activities. Please keep
it going.
2. Take the Vocational Interests Assessment (VIA)
Vocational interests are very similar to personality. When you access the VIA online, you will be able to
download further discussion about the importance of vocational interests as well as take the assessment.
Its important to note that Callings are not about hnding jobs per se. Your Calling is about using your gifts
and talents in alignment with what youre being asked to do. It may be work related or not. However, very
often Callings do affect vocational choice and vocational interests are one more way of striking the tuning
After you complete the Vocational Interests Assessment answer the following three questions
based on the results.
My general thoughts about my VIA results are:

The things I found most surprising about my VIA results are:

At this point of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey

process, I believe that the implications for how my
vocational interests resonate with my Calling, or life purpose, are:

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If you would like to see how your VIA results match up to different occupations, go to the
Vocational Interests Assessment Occupational Guide. This guide will provide you with a list of jobs
that match your VIA results.
3. Conduct Another Meaningful Conversation With an Insight Partner
As you learned when you conducted your hrst meeting with an insight partner in Week 1, listening to the
feedback of others is a powerful way to gain insight into our lifes purpose. As you did in Week 1, identify
someone who will give you insight into who you are and where your Sacred Path may be found. Refer
back to Week 1 to remind yourself of the criteria for selecting an insight partner and how to best select
an optimal location. You may wish to invite the same individual to meet with you or you might choose to
select someone new. Either way, go with a spirit of openness and willingness to focus more on listening
than talking.
The person I will ask to dialog with me is
The Agenda: Here are four questions for you to dialog around when you meet with your insight partner.
It is extremely important that you concentrate on listening during this meeting. Use open body language,
smile, nod, and be genuinely thankful for the gift of feedback and insight you will gain regardless of the
Using your own words, begin by saying something like, Thank you so much for getting together with me.
I know this will be a very valuable experience. Over the last few weeks Ive been going through an online
self-development course. Ive found the process rewarding and at times challenging. The course provided
me with a few specihc questions to ask today, and if you dont mind, I may take a few notes. So if youre
ready, here we go.
Here are the main things Ive been learning through this process: (share the top three things youve
learned so far). Given what you know about me, what do you think about what Ive been learning?
Anything surprising to you about what Im learning?
One of the things Im still challenged with is understanding: (list any challenge you may be
having). What insight or advice do you have in this regard?
What do you believe my greatest gifts are?
What gifts or talents do you think I possess that I may not recognize?
If you were to give me advice about how I could best help others, what would you say?
After the Conversation: Here are four questions for you to answer after you hold your conversation.
Please answer these questions as soon as possible after you have the conversation.
The main thing I learned from this conversation was:

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What surprised me the most was:

What I found most interesting and exciting was:

The one thing I want to know more about is:

4. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
This activity is important, and you are most likely hnding it to be highly enjoyable as well. Set aside at
least 30 minutes this week to go to a special place and listen. Remember Week 4, Make the Shiftlisten,
dont think. Please be kind to yourself, you dont need to come up with the answer. Simply wait upon the
answers. The answers will come in perfect timing.
5. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing?
Week 6 Discovery

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The only real valuable thing is intuition.
Albert Einstein
Our society values logic. We worship at the feet of the systematic
thinker, the one who has thought about all the angles, plans for all
the contingencies, and can prove a point with quick wit. When it
comes to Discovering your Calling, however, thinking logically can
be problematic.
You see, Callings are messages that must hrst be heard spiritually,
not created through a logical analysis. Regardless of your faith
perspective, I want to encourage you this week to ask spiritual
questions and listen for spiritual responses. Practice the art of
soulful inquiry by asking, "What is my Calling asking me to do?
Then listen soulfully, intuitively, for answers.
Even as you receive the results from your assessments and other
exercises, ask yourself how these results resonate with your
spirit. Ask yourself what youre learning from these activities that
informs your understanding of your Calling. How do these results,
and how do the things youre experiencing during the 12 Weeks to
a More Passionate Life program, relate to your lifes purpose? Wait
for the answer. Perhaps it will be helpful if you remember that
with soulful inquiry you are engaging in Discovery, not in Creation.
Week 7 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Just stay with it. Have fun. If you havent written anything that just doesnt make any sense at all in a
few days, go a bit faster, take the breaks off, let your stream of consciousness bypass your evaluations.
Much of the value youll receive from this exercise comes from opening up the channel of communication
between your subconscious and conscious minds, so its important to "let it fy and not to evaluate what
youre writing.
2. Energizing Strengths Assessment
You possess a very special set of skills that I call energizing strengths. When you use these skills two
wonderful things occur. First, you hnd great reservoirs of energy when you use these special skills.
You may even loose track of time or consider their use too fun to be anything special. But these skills,
as you will see, are indeed quite special. The second marvelous thing that occurs when you use these
special skills is that you will achieve things that truly matter to you. In fact, you undoubtedly used these
energizing strengths when your greatest accomplishments occurred. You may not be aware of it yet, but
you do posses these very special energizing skills.
After you complete the Energizing Strengths Assessment answer the following three questions.
My general thoughts about my Energizing Strengths Assessment results are:

The things I found most surprising about my Energizing Strengths Assessment results are:

At this point of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process, I believe that the implications for how my
Energizing Strengths Assessment results resonate with my Calling, or life purpose, are:

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3. Return to the Life Wheel Exercise
As you did in Week 2, complete the Life Wheel exercise. Compare your results from the second weeks
activities to this weeks results. Are they different? The same?
How have things changed?

What has remained consistent?

What is this activity showing you about your Calling?

4. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
Again, this week take a little time and go to a place where you can refect on your Calling. Go with a
humble attitude and with a readiness to listen to the One who Calls. Again, please do not worry about the
outcome of this exercise or put pressure on yourself to come up with answers. The answers will come in
perfect timing.
5. Access the Sacred Path Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing?
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Its time to begin to pull the information from the assessments
and the other experiences together. This doesnt mean that you
need to have it all hgured out. In a way, we never have it all
hgured out. Life is a continuous process of listening and adjusting
course as our traveling directions change or our understanding
of our purpose becomes clearer. But here in Week 8, along with
continuing to write your Communion Pages, and completing this
weeks installment of the Dream Lives exercise, you will have an
opportunity to learn about the Paradox of Joy as well as complete
an exercise to help you connect the dots from the earlier weeks
Week 8 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Perhaps by this time you have developed a habit around this activity and you would really miss it if you
didnt write your Communion Pages. Whatever your experience with this activity is, its important to
continue this week.
2. Connect the Dots Exercise
This activity will guide you through a step-by-step process to provide additional insight into how to work
with your assessment results from the previous 3 weeks and to better connect these results to your
personal Discovery process.
3. Complete Dream Lives Exercise
By this time youre very well versed on how to complete this exercise. However, please make sure that
it doesnt become mechanical. Really let yourself dream. Let your spirit soar as you consider your dream
4. Read The Paradox of Joy
This concept is one of the most important ideas to get a hold of in the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey

Please read "The Paradox of Joy and then answer the follow two questions below.
What I believe to be different about the Paradox of Joy concept as compared to much of what I hear in our
society today is:

The things Im going to begin to do today to make the Paradox of Joy exceedingly real in my life are:

Share the Paradox of Joy concept with at least one person within 24 hours of reading about it. Afterward,
please record the name of the person with whom you shared the Paradox of Joy.

Week 8 Discovery


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5. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
Mix it up a bit this week. Go to someplace different than where youve been to thus far. Maybe youll have
to drive a few more minutes to get there. Think creatively about a new venue. Once you arrive, quietly
listen for your traveling directions.
6. Fine-Tune Your Discovery Pilgrimage Plans
Review your Discovery Pilgrimage plans and make any adjustments that you think will help you make your
time meaningful.
7. Answer the opening question again (from Week 1) on the last day of Week 8. Here is that
opening question again.
Based upon my life circumstances today, I believe that my purpose in life is:

8. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing?
Week 8 Discovery

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At hrst glance, it may look as if Week 9 is a rather light week
of activity. Not so. As you saw in Week 4 as you planned your
Discovery Pilgrimage, this is a very special week, perhaps
challenging, and certainly different than most weeks, maybe
different than any other week of your life. However, Im conhdent
that you will hnd it exceedingly worthwhile.
Week 9 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Continue this activity until your departure on your pilgrimage as well as during your Discovery Pilgrimage.
2. Go On Your Discovery Pilgrimage
Refer back to your Discovery Pilgrimage plan, make any needed last-minute adjustments, and go. Go
expectantly, but do not be concerned about how it will turn out, or what you will gain, but in expectation
that something worthwhile will occur. This is a mysterious process, a spiritual journey. Let the spirit work.
2a. After You Return from Your Pilgrimage
Upon your return, revisit the Discovery Pilgrimage activity on your 12-Week Activities Menu. Go to Step 7,
Refection After Your Pilgrimage, and complete the questions provided.
What I found most worthwhile about my pilgrimage was...

The most surprising thing about my pilgrimage was...

What I know now, or know much better is...

I believe the answer to the question, "What do you want me to do is...

3. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing?
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As mentioned earlier, we are meant to live in community. As you
learned when you read the Paradox of Joy in Week 8, others
need your unique set of gifts and talents. And when you use your
gifts and talents to make the world a better place, you will hnd
a great deal of satisfaction with your life. Our lives are enriched
by this mutually benehcial relationship between the communitys
needs and the use of our talents. There are many additional ways
that we can gain great benehts from others, and the Clearness
Committee is one such way.
You dont know it all. Neither do I. And neither does anyone
else here on the planet. But together, were a lot more insightful
than any one of us is alone. This is especially true when it
comes to seeing our self objectively and looking at all angles
of an important issue. This week, part of your community will
come together to provide you with additional insight, potentially
breakthrough-level insight, related to your Calling.
Week 10 Discovery
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Its important to continue the activity this week. Be sure that the activity has not become routine to the
point where it might lose its value. Remember, no rules, just stream of consciousness writing.
2. Hold Your Clearness Committee Meeting
This activity holds the potential to be one of the most revealing experiences within the 12 Weeks to a
More Passionate Life program. Youve thought carefully about who to invite. Youve selected a location.
Youve provided instructions to your committee members. Its now time to hold the event.
3. Answer the Opening Question From Week 1 Again on the Last Day of Week 8, (after you hold
your Clearness Committee Meeting). Here is the opening question again.
Based upon my life circumstances today, I believe that my purpose in life is:

4. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing?
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Hope for your future is one of the things that makes life fulhlling
and exciting. Hope can be dehned as an expectation that your
wishes will be fulhlled. The magnihcent creature that you are,
you can see the future, or at least your wishes or dreams for the
future, in your minds eye. Incredibly, your envisioning of the
future can actually change what will occur.
We possess an almost magical ability to see a different kind of
future in our minds eye today and then see that dream become
reality tomorrow. This power is a wonderful source of hope. Our
lives are not static; we can grow intellectually and spiritually,
build meaningful relationships, and do things that make the world
a better place. Our ability to infuence our future is simply an
astonishing part of being human.
Goals work on this principle of envisioning and then creating. If I
want to lose 10 pounds, I hrst must conceive of myself achieving
this desired outcome in the future, build a strategy to accomplish
my goal, implement and execute the strategy, and voila, a lighter
me. College degrees begin through the same mechanism, as
do marriages, businesses, lifestyles, and every other human
endeavor. As Stephen Covey has pointed out, all things are
created twiceonce in our minds eye and then in the very real
here-and-now through our efforts.
The Great Creator created us to create. Here in Week 11 you
will continue the 12 Weeks to a More Passionate Life program
by crafting a vision for your future, one that aligns with what
you learned during the Discovery portion of the process. Youll
follow step-by-step instructions that will assist you as you craft a
conceptual vision for your future as well as create a written vision
statement. This is the point in the

process where the proverbial
rubber meets the road as you begin to see how your Calling (at
least as you understand it today) will guide your footsteps as you
travel along your life journey.
Week 11 Creation
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1. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
Its important to continue the activity this week. Be sure that the activity has not become too routine to
the point where it might lose its value. Remember, no rules, just stream of consciousness writing.
2. Return to the Dream Lives Activity
This week focuses a great deal on envisioning your future. Dreaming is a very practical way to start this
process. Please return to this activity and be open to whatever comes to mind that brings you energy and
a sense of joy.
3. Complete the Paint Your Future Exercise
This exercise will give you a very practical step-by-step method for envisioning your future and crafting
a vision statement to capture the most important aspects of that future that youd like to bring about.
Please go to the Paint Your Future exercise on your activities dashboard. After you complete the
exercise, print the results and place them in your notebook.
4. Conduct A Third Meaningful Conversation With an Insight Partner
In this third meeting with an Insight Partner, your primary goal is to summarize the insights youve gained
over the last 10 weeks, to share how you plan to integrate these insights into your life, and to ask for any
wisdom or advice that your Insight Partner feels like providing.
As you did in Weeks 1 and 6, identify someone whose opinions you respect and who you believe possesses
wisdom and discernment. Once again, refer back to Week 1 to remind yourself of the criteria for selecting
an insight partner and how to best select an optimal location. You may wish to invite the same individual
to meet with you or you might choose to select someone new.
The person I will ask to dialog with me is
The Agenda: Here are three questions for you to dialog around when you meet with your insight partner.
It is extremely important that you concentrate on listening during this meeting. Use open body language,
smile, nod, and be genuinely thankful for the gift of feedback and insight you will gain regardless of the
Using your own words, begin by saying something like, Thank you so much for getting together with me.
I know this will be a very valuable experience. Over the last 8 to 10 weeks Ive been going through an
online self-development course. Ive found the process rewarding and at times challenging. Ive learned a
lot about what is really important to me, and about what kinds of things I want to focus on in the future.
Id like to share some of my learning with you and get any thoughts or advice you might have. Unless you
have questions, lets get started.
As I stated this process, I was asked to consider what I thought my lifes purpose was. Heres what I
initially said: (refer back to your answer from Week 1). However, based on my recent learning, I would
now modify my initial view. Now I would say that my purpose and vision for my lifes future is:

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Do have any thoughts about the modihcation/s Ive made? Any advice or things you think I
should consider?
One of the things Im still challenged with is understanding: (list any challenge you may be
having). What insight or advice do you have in this regard?
How do you think I can integrate this Calling (or life purpose) into my life immediately? What
small or large steps do you think I can take to make my dreams for my life a reality?
After the Conversation: Here are four questions for you to answer after you hold your conversation.
Please answer these questions as soon as possible after you have the conversation.
The main thing I learned from this conversation was:

The part of the conversation for which Im most grateful is:

What I found most interesting and exciting was:

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The one thing I highlighted from our conversation that Im absolutely going to take immediate action
upon is:

5. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
Again, this week take some time and go to a place where you can refect on what youve done during the
Sacred Path, Joyful Journey process. This week refect on your vision for your future. Ask if you think it is
consistent with what you believe your Calling is asking you to do with your life. Also, go with a feeling of
gratitude for what is being revealed to you, regardless of what that is.
6. Access Your Learning Journal
Record what youre learning this week. What insights, what challenges, what frustrations, and what joys
are you experiencing?
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Congratulations! You now know much more about who you are
as a person. You know more about your unique set of gifts and
talents and have a better sense about how to use those talents
to make the world a better place. And you know that you will hnd
joy in the process.
However, you may still have questions about what your Calling
is, or you may be unclear how to pursue it wholeheartedly. Its
important to remember that listening for your traveling directions
from the One who Calls is a lifelong journey. Wherever you are
today is where you are today, and thats hne. Whats important
at this point is that you get it into your life. That is, that you
begin to at least dip your toe into the cool water of your Calling,
the water that will ultimately refresh you and sustain your Joyful
You may need to identify the barriers that are standing between
you and your full-out pursuit of your Calling. You may need to
slay the dragon that stands as the gate between you and your
Joyful Journey.
Additionally, youll want to ensure that youre on your Sacred Path
as you begin to pursue what you believe to be your Calling. Youll
hnd two activities here aimed at helping you in this regard. Also,
youll see some hnal notes regarding your Communion Pages, Go
to a Special Place, and Listen, and Learning Journal activities, as
well as thoughts about future pilgrimages.
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1. Retake the Begin Your Journey Assessment
Youve done a lot over the last 12 weeks to Discover your Calling and create a vision for your future. Its
time to take a look back as you look to your future. Please retake the Begin Your Journey Assessment to
evaluate your journey over the last 3 months.
After completing the assessment, answer the following questions.
What I hnd most interesting about my results now compared to the hrst time I took the assessment is:

I think the things that are most important as I pursue a joyful life journey are:

2. Return to the Life Wheel Exercise
Youll hnd it interesting to compare your results this week to your two previous results in Weeks 2 and 7.
When you complete the activity, please answer the following questions.
What I hnd most interesting about my Life Wheel results now compared to the hrst two times I completed
the exercise is:

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I think the things that are most important as I order my life so that I travel on my Sacred Path are:

3. Continue Writing Your Daily Communion Pages
By this time you have no doubt received considerable beneht from writing your Communion Pages. Its
not easy to explain what takes place as you capture these stream-of-consciousness ideas, but for most,
its a pretty profound experience. Often subtle, sometimes frustrating, at times a lot of fun, people almost
always hnd this activity worthwhile. I encourage you to continue writing your Communion Pages for as
long as the activity brings value to your life. Some people have reaped benehts from this activity for many
years, while others give it up at this point. Again, my encouragement to you is not to stop unless the
benehts stop.
4. Identify the Barriers and Slay the Dragon
This exercise is designed to help you learn about the things that may be standing between you and a
wholehearted pursuit of your Calling.
5. Validate Your Calling
There are hve primary ways to conhrm or validate your Calling. This activity will help you consider each
one of these validation signs and to create practical ways to build these validation tests into your life.
The hnal step of the Validate Your Calling activity will assist you in creating a strategy for taking action to
conhrm your Calling.
6. Go to a Special Place, and Listen
Ive found that for my life this is an activity that I want to purposefully continue. Why not? Primarily all it
takes is making a little time for refection and soulful inquiry by making it a priority in my life. In my view,
this activity is not at all selhsh if the goal is to listen intently, with a humble heart, for traveling directions.
I believe its important that you remain eager to surrender to the One who Calls throughout your life.
7. Continue Journaling
While youll soon stop receiving the email reminders for Your Learning Journal, you may want to consider
making journaling a habit. Its easy, takes just a couple of minutes, and will help you inculcate lifes
lessons in deeper ways.
8. Consider Making Annual Pilgrimages
After my hrst 3-day pilgrimage I was tired, peaceful, a bit stunned at the shocking difference between
the hustle and bustle of my everyday world and my pilgrimage experience, and absolutely committed to
making a pilgrimage each year. You may want to do the same thing or create some other kind of recurring
schedule for making pilgrimages. What a privilege and blessing it is to spend time focused on listening to
the One who Calls, on the Great Creator, and asking for continued direction for your future travels.
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A Note About Journeying
Life is indeed a journey, one that is meant to be joyful. The 12
Weeks to a More Passionate Life program introduced you to the
hrst two phases of the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey framework:
Discovery and Creation. I trust that you found the experience
worthwhile and I always welcome your feedback about how to
make the program even better.
Of course, while the 12-week program has come to an end,
your pursuit of a joy-hlled life continues. If you would like
to learn more about the Sacred Path, Joyful Journeys third
stage (Journeying), Id like to suggest that you return to www. and investigate the Think About It and Personal
Journeys sections as well as my blog. These resources are
meant to help you manage the rest of your life journey in a
way that will bring you continued personal fuhllment.
Again, thank you for being a part of the 12 Weeks to a More
Passionate Life program. Lets stay in touch, and I wish you
A Note About Extending the Program
If you would like to extend the 12-Week program for any reason,
please click the extend tab below to learn how.
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Think About It Videos Each week, these thought provoking videos provide ideas and insights
related to the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey.

Personal Journey Videos - These intimate stories of people living passion-hlled lives will give
you ideas that you can apply to your own life.

Authors Corner Interviews - Leading authors who write about hnding purpose, meaning, and
passion, present ideas that Im sure youll hnd extremely useful.

My Blog As I travel on my own life journey, I will share with you my observations and
experiences in hopes that you will hnd value for your own journey.

My Newsletter This free newsletter will keep you up to date with happenings and changes to and to my other work related to the Sacred Path, Joyful Journey.

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