Carveth 2012 Phono Logical H

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Proto-Qindng-Hmongic: The Development of Aspirated Fricatives Handout elevant !

!hanges Vincent Carveth 5/30/12 (1) Wang's (1979) Yangh ! Chain "hi#t$ %&' (nts) * s) %&' (nts+), )ts+ * s+) %&' (nt-) * .) %&' (nt-+) * .+) %&' (s) * s+) %&' (-) * .+) (2) /i0n12ng Chain "hi#t$ %/& (nts(+)) * ts(+)), s(+)) in 1i##ering 1ia3ects %/& (nt4(+)) * t4(+)), 4(+)) in 1i##ering 1ia3ects %/& (s) * s+) %/& (4) * 4+) (3) 'i113e t! '!1ern 56r7ese$ s ))* 8t9: c 8ts: ))* 8s: (7) (K)

ch 8ts+: ))* 8s+: ;r), ;<) ))* 8t.: ;hr), ;h<) ))* 8t.+: (=ac>6es 2011$7) (?) "!6thern "han @ricative AsBirati!n$ (s/C ))* sD (t./1E ))* s) (F17!n1s!n 200G$197) (5) %a3ata3iCe1 HaIia3 "BirantiCati!n$ 'i113e Chinese ) F'C (BJ(+) * H'C (#(+) (%633e<I3an; 19G?) /i0n12ng ) %re)/i0n12ng (BJ(+) * %/& (#(+) "!n!rant "BirantiCati!ns$ L31 MiIetan (r+a3 * C!ne MiIetan 8-+N: %r!t!)'aCatec (O+ * Chi>6ih6it30n 'aCatec 8P+: AsBirate1 Hatera3 @ricative @!r7ati!n Far3< %re)/i0n12ng (3(+)8Qhigh: * Hate %re)/i0n12ng (3J(+) Hate %re)/i0n12ng (3(J)+ * %/& (R(J)+

Philological :ociety 100V1$25)5GV Xi7, Chin)W6V 1970V A the!r< !# asBirati!nV Phonetica 21$107)11KV 5<Iee, =!anV 2001V Phonology and language useV Ca7Iri1ge$ Xir;, %a63V 19KKV %r!t!)'aCatec %h!n!3!g<V %hZ 1issertati!n, Ca7Iri1ge Wniversit< %ressV Wniversit< !# Washingt!nV Chang, X6nV 197KV %r!t!)'ia! initia3sV Bulletin of the Institute of XnaBB, UingV 199KV @!n!3!gaa 1e3 'aCah6a/ Mesis 1e 3icenciat6ra, History and Philology ?7V2$155)217V 'b[ic!, FYA&V Ch!, Y!6ng)7ee Y6V 1991V V!ice3ess s!n!rants are asBiratesV %aBer X]an, =63ia ChinV 19KKV %h!n!3!g< !# a 53ac; 'ia! 1ia3ectV Bresente1 at the K5th Ann6a3 'eeting !# the Hing6istic "!ciet< 'astercs thesis, Wniversit< !# Washingt!nV !# A7erica, Chicag!V 'd, e6b3i0ng an1 M0i Chfnghg6V 195KV A Bre3i7inar< s6rve< !# the F17!n1s!n, =era31 AV 200GV "han an1 !ther n!rthern tier s!6theast Bh!n!3!g< !# the 'ia! 1ia3ects in the s!6theast !# X]eich!6V Mai 3ang6agesV Sn The Tai-Kadai languages, Anth!n< VVYV 34y9n 39n;i< 1$2K5)2G2V Zi33er, =er!31 AV F17!n1s!n an1 H6! Y!ng[ian (e1sV), 1G?) 'a11ies!n, SanV 19G?V Patterns of :oundsV Ca7Iri1ge$ Ca7Iri1ge 20KV H!n1!n$ U!6t3e1geV Wniversit< %ressV &a33e, '!rris, an1 "tevens, XVYV 1971V A n!te !n 3ar<ngea3 #eat6resV Yie1erer, 5arIaraV 199GV Les langues H!ong-M;en =Miao-3ao># MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress phonologie histori-ue/ '6nich$ Hinc!7 F6r!BaV Report 101$19G)213V Ca7Iri1ge$ 'assach6setts Snstit6te !# %ierreh67Iert, =anet 5V 2001V F[e7B3ar 1<na7ics$ W!r1 #re>6enc<, Mechn!3!g<V UeBrinte1 in &a33e, '!rris (2002)V ro! !e!ory 3eniti!n, an1 c!ntrastV Sn =V 5<Iee \ %V &!BBer (F1sV), to speech and bac"# papers on phonetics and phonology re-uency effects and the e!ergence of linguistic structure $%&'()**)V 5er3in \ Ye] Y!r; $ '!6t!n 1e Tr6<terV 137_ 157V A7ster1a7$ =!hn 5enOa7insV &a61ric!6rt, An1re TV 195?V Ze 3'!rigine 1es t!ns en vietna7ienV %itta<aB!rn, %itta<a]atV 2009V Mhe Bh!n!3!g< !# %r!t!)MaiV %hZ +ournal ,siati-ue 2?2$K9)G2V UeBrinte1 in Proble!es de 1issertati!n, C!rne33 Wniversit<V phonologie diachroni-ue, I< An1re TV &a61ric!6rt, 19G7, %633e<I3an;, F1]in TV 19G?V Middle .hinese? a :tudy in Historical 1G3)20GV %aris "!ciete B!6r 3'Ft61e 1es Hang6es Phonology/ Vanc!6ver$ Wniversit< !# 5ritish C!367Iia %ressV A#ricaines^"FHA@V %6rne33, &erIert CV 1970V M!]ar1 a rec!nstr6cti!n !# %r!t!)'ia!)Ya!V &!enigs]a31, &enr< 'V 19K0V Language .hange and Linguistic %hZ 1issertati!n, C!rne33 Wniversit<V Reconstruction/ Chicag!$ Wniversit< !# Chicag! %ressV Uan;in, U!IertV 19GGV h@&h (the !rigin !# the L#! asBirate1 Snstit6te !# Yati!na3 Hang6agesV 19K2V A Irie# 1escriBti!n !# the #ricative)V VSSS ann6a3 "i!6an an1 Ca11!an Hing6istics 'ia! 3ang6ageV Sn 0h1nggu2 3456n 111V C!n#erence, 5i33ings,'M, =6ne 19GGV Svers!n, Treg!r< XV an1 "a37!ns, =!seBh CV 1995V AsBirati!n an1 Uat3i##, 'arthaV 2010V H!ong-Mien language history/ CanIerra$ 3ar<ngea3 reBresentati!n in Ter7anicV Phonology 12$3K9_9KV %aci#ic Hing6isticsV =ac>6es, T6i33a67eV 2011V A Banchr!nic st61< !# asBirate1 #ricatives, Wang @6shi 1979V A c!7Baris!n !# rh<7es an1 initia3s in 'ia! ]ith ne] evi1ence #r!7 %67iV Lingua 9$151G)153GV 1ia3ects, 5eiOing$ ih!ngg6! "heh6i Ch6IansheV =a7ies!n, Car!3eV 199KV 7iccionario Ma8ateco de .hi-uihuitl9n/ Wheat3e<, =63ian XV 2003V 56r7eseV Sn The :ino-Tibetan Languages, La[aca, M6cs!n$ Snstit6t! Hing`isc! 1e Veran!, AVCV Mh6rg!!1, Traha7 an1 Ha%!33a, Uan1< (e1sV), 195)207V =!hns!n, 'ichae3V 2000V Mhe rec!nstr6cti!n !# 3aIia3 st!B Q s!n!rant H!n1!n$ U!6t3e1geV c36ster in %r!t!)@ar)Western)&7!ngicV Transactions of the


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