March 2014

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1 Aries - 21 Mar to 20 Apr:

Ten of Swords

Work/Career Aries is nothing if not impulsive. You make decisions on a gut level and it can often be hard to tell what an Aries is going to do next. This is all well and good for setting you apart from the pack many people who are friends with Aries' cite their wonderful spontaneity as one of their favorite things about them. But it isn't always good for a work environment. Luckily, this month you'll be much more grounded and responsible at your place of employment. This will go a long way to establishing you as a more essential part of the office, job site, or what have you, and those benefits will continue to accrue as the year goes on. Single Aries is a sign that likes to jump from one thing to the next, heading for greener pastures as soon as things become routine and dull. Sadly, romantic partners are no exception to this rule, and many a great potential partner has been lost by your sign's mercurial side. But prepare to be surprised, Aries: Starting this month, you'll find that you become bored less easily, and the idea of a lasting coupling is not as unappealing as it has sounded to you in months and even years past. The retrograde of Mars (your ruling planet) early in the month will make this effect even more pronounced. And the best part is that this is just a sign of things to come as 2014 progresses. In Love Just as with single Aries, you will be shocked to see that activities that formerly bored you to tears (such as shopping with the missus, or hanging out with hubby and his friends) won't be nearly the chores that they used to be. We all need to slow down every now and then and appreciate what we have, and this is precisely what the cosmos are conspiring to provide for you. It is very easy during this time to foster the growth of your relationship into something more significant and lasting. Finances Oftentimes, Aries loves the money chase because it provides him or her a source of competition. Many people under your sign make great brokers and investors because they can pay attention to different trends, graphs, and forecasts all at the same time. But this month you'll be more aware of how fleeting the pursuit of money is and it won't occupy your waking hours in the same way that it has recently. Even better, you won't be as reckless with your spending, meaning that continuing financial stability is definitely in the cards.

Health Pay close attention to your diet this month, Aries, and try to eliminate anything that has been giving you indigestion. You'll be better aware this month of how your eating habits affect your overall well-being. You'll know what foods and products cause you irritable bowels, acid reflux, and indigestion. The key, then, is to eliminate those foods (and similar ones) from your diet altogether or, failing that, cutting back significantly on them. Sadly, some of the best foods are the worst for you, but we know you're up the challenge.

2 Taurus - 20 Apr to 21 May:

Two of Pentacles

Work/Career This month, you'll want to go over all your tasks with a fine-toothed comb. Between your increased energy and heavier workload, it's going to be very easy for you to make mistakes or overlook glaring errors. Try to ease up the pace just a bit, Taurus, and it should help you notice any small gaffes that can be corrected before they become bigger problems. We all make slip-ups here and there; it's why pencils have erasers. But just going back and double checking everything can make all the difference in the world. Single Mars, which goes into retrograde this month, will have a noticeable effect on your libido and sexual prowess, so any Taurus looking for love may have to tone down the bravado and focus a bit more on charm and conversation. Sure, there are plenty of people out there, both men and women, who like the strong, forceful sort of sexual dynamism, but in many cases this isn't conducive to love as much as it lends itself to a few nights of passionate sex. If that's your end game, then go forth and enjoy yourself. But if you want a serious partner, try to keep those urges in check. In Love It isn't just single Taureans who will enjoy an uptick in sexual prowess. In many ways, the Taurus in a relationship is actually better off: Not only have you found someone you care for already, but this month will be one in which the two of you can reignite the passion you have for one another. Even the most virile among us can succumb to routine and boredom when we're in a long relationship; but March will help to freshen things up in a big way. Finances So far this year, the theme in your financial life has been one of consolidation and analysis. In other words, you've gotten better at learning how to increase your earning power and savings while also tidying up loose ends and cleaning house, as it were. But up until now, this hasn't translated into any sizable increase in capital. But fret not, Taurus: As the year goes on, money will come in from all directions, and these first few months of the year are simply an exercise in getting you prepared to handle your money as effectively and efficiently as possible.

Health Energy levels will remain high throughout the month. And as we've seen, this can have both a positive and negative effect. A heightened sex drive is rarely a bad thing, but increased energy overall can cause you to act too quickly, too rashly, and miss out on important details. That's what we covered in the work/career section. If you can keep your energy in check and use it for the right reasons, and know what the right reasons are, you should have a very productive and fruitful March.

3 Gemini - 21 May to 20 Jun:

Knight of Pentacles

Work/Career Geminis often have several things going on in their minds at once, which makes your sign particularly adept at multitasking. But it comes at a price; oftentimes, you'll spread yourself too thin and end up falling short. This month, you'll want to enhance your focus a bit and try dedicating your mental resources to one task at a time. Naturally, the way the working world is these days can make it sometimes impossible to only focus on one thing at a time. But if you can zero in your concentration rather than spreading it around, you'll have a much easier go of it at work this month. Single Impatience rears its head this month, making it a bit harder to find a connection with somebody on the dating scene. You'll grant no quarter to pointless conversation and dull discourse, and the entire superficiality of modern dating will be much more apparent to you. But not every month is one in which sparks are meant to fly, and this is a period of transition for you anyway: Be patient, Gemini. 2014 will be a blessed time for you when it comes to love, but you'll just have to wait a bit longer. In Love This month you may feel a bit miffed at the lack of assistance or gratitude offered to you by your partner and/or children. You're entering a phase wherein thankless jobs are de rigueur and acknowledgment of your struggles and sacrifices is virtually nil. But if you dig deep, you can find some appreciation on the part of your significant other and your family. Even the slightest bit of supposed ingratitude has the potential to set you off, sparking further discontent among your closest loved ones. Your best bet is to grin and bear it until April, and greener pastures, arrive. Finances As Saturn begins its season-long retrograde early in the month, changes are afoot. And, sadly, they're not all good changes. You'll be working harder during this period to get your financial affairs in order, but any noticeable improvements to your portfolio will be minimal. It can get very frustrating when you expend so much energy and see your earnings remain stagnant or even diminish, but it is something that we all have to go through from time to time. Curb spending during this period to minimize losses.

Health Another unhappy side effect of Saturn's retrograde is the fact that your Sixth House will come under fire from this grumpy planet. It is important to get an overall health check-up but you will want to pay particular attention to your bones and teeth. Saturn, with its insistence on structure, likes to test anything that has to do with support and order and that includes your pearly whites and your skeleton. This doesn't necessarily mean you'll have any fractures or cavities, but you will want to be careful about anything relating to bones or teeth.

4 Cancer - 21 Jun to 20 Jul:

Ten of Pentacles

Work/Career The trend of change continues through March, and any Cancers who haven't noticed disruptions in their career are likely to get their first taste of it this month. It may arise in any number of ways. Some Cancers may find increased dissatisfaction with their jobs, while others will strengthen their network and stumble into opportunities that present higher pay rates and more chances for upward mobility. Other Cancers will keep the same employer but move into a position where travel comes into play. Either way, changes are afoot. Single Another slow month on the dating front, Cancer, but that's all well and good with you. Again, this is a month in which you won't care as much as you used to about the thought of falling asleep in a loved one's arms. Cancer is a sign that loves comfort and thrills in the idea of gathering about a hearth with a loving partner and a few bundles of joy at her feet. But that doesn't mean you must always succumb to the saccharine aspects of love. In Love Cancers in a relationship will also be thinking of more deep-seated issues than cuddling up on the couch for movie night. But don't let this make you think that the honeymoon phase of your partnership is over. On the contrary, you're evolving beyond the hunky-dory idea of love and you are more interested in the idea of a relationship that has a more serious, profound meaning. This is a time when you may be surprised by your emotional growth, but it is just one of many areas in which you are becoming more sure of what you want out of your life. Finances This is an interesting time, financially, for Cancers. At the end of last year, your money situation was questionable. Toward the middle of this year, you'll see quite a few blessings in the form of cash and income; you'll be particularly liquid. At the end of the year your earnings will slow down and you will have to spend more money than you might like. But right now, at this moment, you are in a bit of flux. Money isn't plentiful, but conversely you aren't being bombarded with expenses. Your best bet? Save as much as possible to put yourself in a better situation come 2014's end.

Health Cancers are more easily fatigued than many other signs in the Zodiac; it isn't that your sign is less physically adept, but rather that Cancers FEEL so much more than other signs and sometimes you need rest and recuperation. This month, however, you won't feel physically spent so much as mentally exhausted. There's a reason for this: Your brain is working in hyperdrive as you handle not only the day to day tasks but also the changes within yourself that will take up quite a bit of concentration throughout the year. Give your mind a little rest every now and then and you should be just fine.

5 Leo - 21 Jul to 21 Aug:

Page of Wands

Work/Career In some ways March will be easier than February at the workplace. Last month you were overtaxed and burdened with work and stress and, though you'll still have more than your fair share of responsibilities this month, you're better able to cope with the workload. Keep your head up, Leo, because as the year progresses you'll have a much easier go of it. Try not to dilly-dally when you're on the clock, however, because it will be easy for you to become overwhelmed if you don't stick to your guns. Single You may have noticed that in the past few months the undeniable charisma of your sign has been burning at a slightly lower temperature. This is because Uranus, which has been in Aries for years now, is slowly making its way out of the headstrong, infatuated ram sign. Don't fret, however: You will find suitable partners this year and in some ways it will be better than it might have been in Aries: These relationships you foster in the second half of 2014 will have a much better chance of being lasting, serious kinships. In Love Leos in a relationship may already start to notice that their partner is somehow, strangely more attractive to them. The reason? As you grow past the physical and sexual aspects of love, you find that the most important parts of a relationship is fidelity, conversation, and intimacy (not of a sexual nature but of an honest, trusting nature) above all. If your partner possesses these aspects you will see a blossoming of love that you've not experienced in quite a while. Those relationships built on shaky foundation, however, may be tested. Finances While it isn't necessarily recommended that you start investing in March, you can take comfort in the fact that your financial outlook continues to grow healthier. Last month we talked about how the stagnancy you may be experiencing is just preparing you for brighter days on the horizon. Well, the horizon is getting closer every month. Come mid-Spring you'll find many opportunities to fatten your wallet. In the meantime, try to remain fiscally responsible and avoid counting your chickens before they hatch. If you follow this advice, 2014 will be a breeze for you.

Health You'll be much more aware of your body this month, and everything that it entails. If you've been neglecting your workout routine, it's quite likely that you'll recapture those physical fitness goals that have sat on the back burner. If you've put on a few winter pounds you'll be that much more aware of your extra heft and strive to get rid of it. Self-awareness is very rarely a bad thing and March is the perfect time to start getting that body you feel you deserve. Leos are proud of their appearance as a rule; after all, what better way to describe a lion than Pride?

6 Virgo - 22 Aug to 22 Sept:

Eight of Pentacles

Work/Career Ah, competition: That old double-edged sword. On the one hand, competition breeds productivity. A little friendly rivalry can often get twice the work done in half the time. But when competition turns ugly, nobody benefits and productivity slows to a crawl. Virgos are known for their industriousness; to be sure, your sign thrives on efficiency. But unbeknownst to you, this can cause coworkers to become irked and, even worse, feel as if their job is threatened. This month you might experience a bit of backlash, but ignore it: Do what Virgos do best and keep your head down, seeing through your task to the end. Single Jupiter's influence is strong with you this month, Virgo, and it's very probable that you've noticed it already. Your willingness to go out, socialize, and just enjoy the more fleeting things in life is very high right now, and your sociability will be noticed by nearly everybody you meet. This is a wonderful time to meet someone special if, that is, you are ready to settle down and begin a relationship. If you're just looking for a short, meaningless fling (rather rare for a Virgo), you will most certainly get that, but it does seem like a waste to forgo this chance at a true partnership for a frivolous night or two of fun, doesn't it? In Love March will be one of those rare months where the upkeep of the home, the domestic responsibilities of life, will take a backseat. Where normally your sign would spend your free time tidying up the living room or checking things off your to-do list, this month you'll be more inclined to want to spend time with your partner, having fun and maybe even trying out some new things. And why not, Virgo? The dishes in the sink can wait until tomorrow. Go see Shakespeare in the Park and have a good time. Finances Your desire to learn more about money matters is strong with you this month. Whereas you'd typically be satisfied knowing the bare minimum about investments, interest, and diversifying, March will bring in a yen to know in greater detail exactly what is going on with your investments. It never hurts to learn a bit more about finances and economics, and it's a sure bet that fast-learning Virgo will easily make sense of all these issues. As the year goes on, this information may come in more handy than you might think.

Health Falling asleep may be a bit more difficult this month, even when you exhaust your energy supply juggling your work and home life. You may feel a tendency to get tired more easily than usual and some Virgos will even feel restlessness in their limbs as they try to drift off to slumber. An over the counter sleep aid may help in these situations, and you might also try something natural like Valerian root. Don't fear that this will be a lasting problem; by month's end you should find yourself falling back to sleep more easily.

7 Libra - 23 Sept to 22 Oct:

Six of Pentacles

Work/Career Your higher level of output will thankfully continue into March, but your attitude toward your career will begin to take on a more personal tone. This is a time of great inward introspection, as you question whether this job is all it's cracked up to be. You'll be thinking a lot about the future as well. Is this the career that you want to spend the rest of your life in? Can you advance much further than you already have? These questions will nag at you throughout the month, and you may uncover some very interesting answers to those queries. Single This month won't be as sexually prolific as February, but that doesn't mean that you'll be wholly absent from the dating scene. Sure, your innate appeal won't shine forth as much as it has in the last several months, but this is just the cosmos telling you that you need to recuperate and focus on other things besides boundless physical enjoyment. And, to soften the blow, you won't be as gung-ho about having a night out with the fellas or ladies this month. But March will pass soon enough and you'll again start to feel the call of the dating scene. In Love Libras in a relationship may feel a bit overtaxed when it comes to spending time with their partners or children. You are having a bit of inner turmoil this month nothing serious but nevertheless your mind and energy won't be fully devoted to your loved ones. With any luck they will understand the situation and may even try to help alleviate it. With so much contemplation, your mind will be all over the place, but the support of your loved ones will almost certainly help you make sense of the universe around you. Finances Keep an eye out for any monetary bonuses that come in the form of gifts or cash from your family members. This may include a sibling who is finally paying you back some money you lent out a while ago. It may also arise from a windfall that a parent or aunt or uncle has come into and is generously spreading around. A member of your own nuclear family may even have a stroke of luck that results in an increase of spending power. Either way, Lady Luck is looking your way.

Health Concentration may be a bit more difficult for you this month, and to make matters worse you will be more prone to headaches. Any Libras who suffer from migraines will want to be doubly careful. Alleviating stress will go a long way toward curbing the worst of your throbbing temples or aching forehead. But the sad fact is that your brain is in a heightened state of action right now and you will feel repercussions of that increased activity until the month of March finally comes to a close.

8 Scorpio - 23 Oct to 22 Nov:

Nine of Wands

Work/Career This month your status in the workplace will get a nice boost as your services will be required to assist your company in a big way. You'll be working behind the scenes and showing what you're made of, which will go a long way toward reminding coworkers and superiors why you've made it this far in your career. And the best part is that this is the beginning of a year that will be focused on improving your standing within your vocation. It's a good time to be a working Scorpio. Single The blessings continue in the realm of romance as well, which means that Scorpios have a lot to be happy about this month. While few people would describe the average Scorpio as affable, the truth is that your sign has a particular knack for telling it like it is and conversations, even arguments with someone under your sign can be quite fun indeed. This fact will ring true throughout March, giving you plenty of opportunities to win the favors of anybody you might feel inclined to grow closer with. In Love Scorpios in a relationship will enjoy a more mild, less volatile month in terms of their love life. Whereas your sign is typically quick to rush to a snap judgment or say something harsh without even meaning to, this month you'll be more gentle, more endearing to your partner. This has the potential to help the two of you rebuild the connections that may have been damaged during the last several months, when things like work and familial strife might have caused a rift in your intimacy levels. Finances As your financial standing continues to improve, the cosmos will cause you start thinking a bit more about the future. Not the immediate future, but the distant future. You will start to look at your checking and savings accounts as finite numbers. You may even feel disenfranchised with the whole paper chase that is modern capitalism. Really, the problem is that you are beginning a trend of looking forward that will pop up throughout the rest of the year. Try not to get too discouraged about the whole thing, because right now you are doing a lot better financially than quite a few of the other signs in the Zodiac.

Health This is an area in which your thoughts about the future will be much more at the forefront. You will begin to seriously look at your body and mind and realize that, yes, you are in fact aging. March may be the month when you get back into that workout routine. It may also be the month when you start to adjust your diet in order to eat the right things the antioxidants, the omega-3 acids, the lycopene, and so forth. This is always a good move, but don't let your thoughts about mortality spoil the time you have on this planet.

9 Sagittarius - 23 Nov to 20 Dec:

Four of Pentacles

Work/Career What a relief it is to be back to the same old jovial, lovable Sagittarius! Last month (and off and on for the past few months) you've had your patience tested at the workplace and, to make matters worse, you entered a period of self-analysis that undermined your status as the funny, warm friend who can cheer up anybody. But now it's back to business as usual and not a moment too soon. You'll rekindle that spunky spark that makes Sagittarius one of the most beloved signs in the Zodiac. Single While your relationship with friends and acquaintances (as well as your stance toward them) returns to a state of normalcy, your outlook on the idea of love and partnership continues to be a bit confused. Part of this has confusion has to do with Mercury entering Pisces, a pairing that can butt heads when it comes to making sense of partnerships. But perhaps confusion is the wrong word: It isn't so much that you don't know what you want out of a relationship. The question is what you DON'T want out of a relationship. This line of thinking is very good and will help you grow into a more mature Sagittarius. The only downside is that it will obviously put a damper on your sexual prowess for the next couple months. In Love Sagittarians in love will have a much clearer picture of their needs and desires. But it comes at a price. Any partner that can't fulfill these requirements will reveal themselves as such in a very glaring way and it is up to you to decide if the relationship is worth sticking through. Do keep in mind that a true partnership takes time and effort and it's quite likely that you weren't as serious about fidelity in the past year as you are now. So jumping the gun and ending a relationship is not recommended. Just keep listening to your heart; you'll know what to do when the time comes. Finances While you may be more like your old self in the work environment, you'll still be paying more attention than usual at your financial outlook. Consolidating bills, getting rid of debt, and looking at potential investment opportunities will carry more of an importance to you; think of it as spring cleaning for your pocketbook. And what better time to do it, Sagittarius? As the year goes on you will continue to improve your monetary standing and you'll be that much better off if you clean house now.

Health With quite a lot of activity going on in your mind (as well as with your metabolism), it's quite likely that you will feel a bit of cabin fever if you relegate yourself to the indoors throughout March. The best way to avoid these feelings is simple: Just step out and get some fresh air! March is a strange, blustery, sunny, unpredictable month and putting yourself out in the elements for a little while each day is sure to help ward off any indoor blahs that may come your way this month.

10 Capricorn - 21 Dec to 19 Jan:

Four of Cups

Work/Career As much as you love to work from dusk 'til dawn, it is important that everybody, even durable Capricorn, take a break every now and then, slowing down the pace just enough to enjoy yourself and hit the refresh button. With the last couple of months providing a lot of positive energy in the work circuit, it's no wonder why you're still insistent on firing on all cylinders. But taking a breather is important to keep the engine running smoothly. Don't worry, you're not the type to get backed up with work. Single This is a time in which many Capricorns, by March, will have found someone to spend those lonely nights with. If this doesn't fit your description, you might wish to put yourself out there more this month. Yes, Capricorns aren't exactly wild about the idea of meeting new people and dealing with the awkwardness of flirting and eventually dating. But you must remember that this is a period in which the cosmos will help to soften your rough edges. Of course, if you aren't interested in starting a relationship, and it's perfectly fine if you aren't, then you can continue to focus on more immediate issues at hand. In Love Capricorns in a relationship are most likely having a wonderful time, growing closer with their loved ones. And the best is yet to come. Next month Jupiter and Venus will conspire to bring your budding relationship one step closer to matrimony. Cold feet? Don't be afraid, it's only natural. If your relationship is going through a rocky patch, you may want to think long and hard about whether this person is someone you will want to spend the rest of your life with. The stars are aligning to help you out no matter what decision you make, so there is no need to fear. Finances Conservatism is the watchword this month, Capricorn. You will be a lot more frugal with your money than you have been in months past. And that's really saying something, considering the fact that your sign can sometimes be faulted for being one of the more miserly signs of the Zodiac. But as long as you don't become a full-fledged Scrooge, there is something to be said for planning for the future. Just make sure that this doesn't put you at odds with your partner, friends, or family.

Health Capricorns who are sensitive to allergens will want to be a little more careful this month, as allergies can rear their head in quite a big way all throughout March. Those who suffer from sinus infections should be doubly careful. An over the counter histamine should be enough to take care of all but the worst allergies, but it would still behoove you to be a little more vigilant against things like pollen, dust, and dander. This would be a great time for a Spring cleaning, ridding your home of these filthy harbingers of doom.

11 Aquarius - 20 Jan to 18 Feb:

XIII Death

Work/Career Last year was a topsy-turvy time in which you were tested on the work front in many different ways but ultimately you came out on top with a better standing than you had in 2012. This year will continue the trend but you'll be happy to know that the testing phase won't be nearly as rigorous. Think of this year as the harvesting season whereas the difficult sowing took up much of 2013. But that being said, you still must keep your focus on the grindstone. Things won't exactly be easy per se, but rather easier. Single Around this time you will make some new friends. This in and of itself isn't much of a surprise: Aquarians are always making new friends. You are one of the most sociable signs of the Zodiac and your natural charisma and affability makes it easy for you to fit into every group without actually belonging to any of them. But the difference this time is that one of these friendships is almost certain to blossom into a relationship that has the potential to be as healthy as it is long-lasting. In Love Those Aquarians who have already found their special someone will also have plenty to be happy about. Whereas typically your sign is too flighty and mercurial to be held down to one partner for very long, you are growing into the kind of Aquarius who can form a connection with someone that doesn't become stale and boring in your eyes right away. This is a great time to take your relationship to the next level, especially when Venus enters your sign on the 5thof the month. Sure, monogamy can be somewhat foreign ground for your sign, but doesn't Aquarius love trying new things? Finances With Saturn in retrograde, it's highly likely that you'll be looking at money matters from a completely different angle. Instead of the usual rigmarole of finances, (investing, saving, and so forth) you'll be thinking of new ways to increase your net worth. You might start taking up a different vocation that will earn you a second income in addition to your regular nine to five. You might start selling off some of the possessions that you no longer care about. Either way, change is afoot and it looks to be highly beneficial to your sign.

Health Gland problems, an issue that has plagued more than its fair share of Aquarians, have the potential to return this month. Those who have a propensity to swollen lymph nodes might feel a bit of that old discomfort and it is recommended that they go ahead and go in for a checkup to make sure that everything is alright. Other than that, the problems should be minor, with little more than a few blemishes or some slight hyperactivity. Not too terrible in the grand scheme of things, though.

12 Pisces - 19 Feb to 20 Mar:

Three of Cups

Work/Career As with last month, the potential for change is very great. If you haven't switched jobs or received a promotion (or been transferred under a new supervisor) yet, keep your eyes peeled and your ear to the ground. There's a good chance that any change coming now is going to be very positive. And with your increase in camaraderie as well as productivity in the workplace, the opportunities for you are limitless. Change is always a bit daunting, but isn't it so much easier when you know the change is going to be positive? Single Don't be surprised if you find yourself quite a bit more free-spirited than you've been throughout much of 2013. This is the beginning of a flowering phase in which the more dour and depressive aspects of Pisces give way to your natural abilities to bring comfort and joy to the world, which translates into a better chance at meeting someone special. Pisceans often have to toe that watery line between somber and sentimental, but March will help to strengthen the levees that let the negative energy shatter the dam and pour forth. In Love The same goes for Pisceans in a relationship. Your partner may have been on his or her last nerve with you throughout much of 2013, when you were exploring the deeper yearnings of your being and taking a cold, honest look at your shortcomings. That sort of thing is rarely fun for the parties involved. But this month you'll be able to reconnect with your partner on a strictly joyous level. Consider taking them out for a night on the town; it just might be all it takes to rekindle that spark. Finances Be careful about your expenditures this month, Pisces. With a more positive and upbeat attitude, you'll be more likely to enjoy good times with friends and carry on the party throughout the night. While this isn't a bad thing in and of itself, the sad fact is that good times cost a lot of money. Any Pisces who have a propensity for booze might want to be extra frugal. With a few shots in you, it will be much easier to blow your paycheck on frivolous things.

Health Upset stomachs are a very real possibility this month and the scary bit is that this can arise at anytime. Yep, that means that you can feel that old familiar rumbling in the middle of a date, or while sitting in on a meeting at the office. A good piece of advice is to carry around some sort of anti-diarrheal medication in your purse or in your glove box. Also, eating a more healthy diet can ward off the vast majority of any stomach issues that might come your way this month. Hey, food for thought, right?

Renae and Paul Metaphysics Academy

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