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Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE)

Patients Name: Date: Instructions: Score one point for each correct response within each question or activity. Maximu m Score 5 5 Patient s Score Questions What is the year? Season? Date? Day? Month? Where are we now? State? County? Town/city? Hos ita!? "!oor? The e#aminer names three unre!ate$ o%&ects c!ear!y an$ s!ow!y' then the instructor as)s the atient to name a!! three o* them+ The atients res onse is use$ *or scorin,+ The e#aminer re eats them unti! atient !earns a!! o* them' i* ossi%!e+ - wou!$ !i)e you to count %ac)war$ *rom .// %y se0ens+ 12(' 34' 52' 56' 45' 78 9!ternati0e: S e!! W:;<D %ac)war$s+ 1D=<=;=:=W8 >ar!ier - to!$ you the names o* three thin,s+ Can you te!! me what those were? Show the atient two sim !e o%&ects' such as a wristwatch an$ a enci!' an$ as) the atient to name them+ ;e eat the hrase: ?No i*s' an$s' or %uts+ Ta)e the a er in your ri,ht han$' *o!$ it in ha!*' an$ ut it on the *!oor+ 1The e#aminer ,i0es the atient a iece o* %!an) a er+8 P!ease rea$ this an$ $o what it says+ 1Written instruction is

5 3


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6 .

1 3 1

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C!ose your eyes+8

Ma)e u an$ write a sentence a%out anythin,+ 1This sentence must contain a noun an$ a 0er%+8 P!ease co y this icture+ 1The e#aminer ,i0es the atient a %!an) iece o* a er an$ as)s him/her to $raw the sym%o! %e!ow+ 9!! ./ an,!es must %e resent an$ two must intersect+8


T:T9< 30

Interpretation of the MMSE:

Method Sin,!e Cuto** ;an,e Score @6A @6. B65 6. >$ucation @6( @6A 6A=(/ Se0erity .3=6( /=.5 Interpretation 9%norma! -ncrease$ o$$s o* $ementia Decrease$ o$$s o* $ementia 9%norma! *or 3th ,ra$e e$ucation 9%norma! *or hi,h schoo! e$ucation 9%norma! *or co!!e,e e$ucation No co,niti0e im airment Mi!$ co,niti0e im airment Se0ere co,niti0e im airment

Interpretation of MMSE Scores:

Score Degree of Impairment Formal Ps chometric !ssessment
-* c!inica! si,ns o* co,niti0e im airment Cuestiona%!y 65=(/ si,ni*icant co,nition may %e 0a!ua%!e+ "orma! assessment may %e he! *u! to %etter $etermine attern an$ e#tent o* $e*icits+ "orma! assessment may %e he! *u! i* ./=6/ Mo$erate there are s eci*ic c!inica! in$ications+ su er0ision+ Mar)e$ im airment+ <i)e!y to reDuire 6A=hour su er0ision an$ assistance with 9D<+ $eman$in, acti0ities o* $ai!y !i0in,+ Si,ni*icant e**ect+ May reDuire some su er0ision' su ort an$ assistance+ are resent' *orma! assessment o* $e*icits+ <i)e!y to a**ect on!y most May ha0e c!inica!!y si,ni*icant %ut mi!$

Da -to-Da Functioning



C!ear im airment+ May reDuire 6A= hour



Patient not !i)e!y to %e testa%!e+

Source: "o!stein M"' "o!stein S>' McHu,h P;: Mini=menta! state: 9 ractica! metho$ *or ,ra$in, the
co,niti0e state o* atients *or the c!inician+ J Psychiatr Res .255E.6:.32=.23+

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