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How an Interpreter Can Move from Exeges s to T!eo"og#$

S%&m tte' to( Dr) E'w n *erona

S%&+e,t( - &" ,a" Exeges s an' *rax s


R%e" .) C!ave/ 0%"# 123 1224

How an Interpreter Can Move from Exeges s to T!eo"og#$

M# a m n t! s essa# s to form%"ate m# persona" %n'erstan' ng a&o%t t!e pro,ess t!at an nterpreter m%st %n'ergo &eg nn ng from t!e exeges s of t!e text %p to t!e stage of ,onstr%,t ng &ot! t!eoret ,a" an' pra,t ,a" t!eo"og es) However3 t!e wr ter s aware t!at s%,! a tas5 s not somet! ng new to o%r generat on) It !as &een t!e preo,,%pat on of t!e ,ovenant ,omm%n t# &ot! n t!e past an' at present) I t!erefore ,!oose to present m# 'ea re,ogn / ng t!ese two aspe,ts of t me n re"at on to t!e &%s ness of exeges s an' t!eo"og#) T! s wo%"' mean t!at m# presentat on wo%"' pr or t /e m# own %n'erstan' ng of ! stor ,a" t!eo"og# &efore t!e 'eve"opment of m# per,ept on of t!e pro,ess from exeges s to t!eo"og#) *ersona" Un'erstan' ng of H stor ,a" T!eo"og# On t!e onset3 I a,5now"e'ge t!e " m tat on of m# own ,ompre!ens on of ! stor ,a" t!eo"og#) I %n'erstan' ! stor ,a" t!eo"og# as t!e growt! of t!eo"og#3 w! ,! starte' from t!e ear"# ! stor# of t!e ,!%r,! %nt " t!e not so re,ent per o' n t!e 12t! ,ent%r#) T! s 5 n' of 'es,r pt on s f"% ' espe, a""# n re"at on to t!e man# 'eve"opments n t!eo"og# n t!e 12 t! ,ent%r#) Some wo%"' ,ons 'er mproper t!at ,erta n t!eo"og es wo%"' &e 'es gnate' as part of ! stor ,a" t!eo"og#) However3 for t!e sa5e of ,"ar t#3 I wo%"' st ,5 w t! m# 'es,r pt on re,ogn / ng t!e f"ex & " t# of ,ategor / ng t!eo"og#) I &e" eve t!at ! stor# presente' to %s !ow t!e ,!%r,! "a&ore' n t!e r own t me to exegete t!e & &" ,a" text an' to form%"ate t!eo"og# t!at ntera,te' w t! t!e ,on' t on of t!e ,!%r,! an' of t!e r so, et#) *er!aps3 &ot! t!e r exeges s an' t!e r t!eo"og# were not t!at as 6s, ent f ,7 as we !ave n o%r t me) Man# exegetes n t!e past from o%r perspe,t ve !a' ,omm tte' ex,esses n t!e r treatment of t!e text) T!e r pr n, p"es of nterpretat on were ' fferent from %s) From t!ose pr n, p"es of nterpretat on t!at t!e# a'opte' n approa,! ng t!e text3 re"ate' t!eo"og es fo""ow) Let %s "eave t!e a&ove genera" /at ons) It s s%ff , ent for %s to %n'erstan' t!at &ot! t!e ' s, p" ne of exeges s an' t!eo"og# !ave %n'ergone stages of 'eve"opment t!ro%g!o%t ! stor#) D%e to t!e " m tat on of &ot! m# %n'erstan' ng an' of t!e nat%re of t! s paper3 I ,o%"' on"# , te two examp"es of exegetes an' t!eo"og ans t!at

,o%"' &e ,"ass f e' as & &" ,a" exegetes3 ! stor ,a" t!eo"og ans an' s#stemat , t!eo"og ans) T!e f rst exegete an' t!eo"og an t!at I !ave ,!osen3 as an examp"e s 0o!n Ca"v n) *r mar "#3 ! s exeges s of t!e & &" ,a" text was ,ontro""e' &# t!e pr n, p"e pop%"ar"# 5nown as t!e 6ana"og# of S,r pt%re)7 T! s 5 n' of exeges s respe,ts t!e ot!er parts of t!e S,r pt%res n exeget ng a ,erta n text) T! s s a"so 5nown as t!e pr n, p"e of 6t!e - &"e nterpret ng tse"f)7 I 'o not 5now f 0o!n Ca"v n !a' no p"a,e for t!e ' vers t# of t!eo"og es n t!e - &"e) A"" I 5now s t!at 0o!n Ca"v n !a' ! g! regar' for &ot! t!e Ho"# Sp r t an' t!e S,r pt%res as t!e 8or' of Go') T! s ,onv ,t on 'eterm ne' ! s manner of nterpret ng t!e text n re"at on to t!e w!o"e ,ontent of t!e - &"e) Anot!er 9%a" t# of 0o!n Ca"v n &ot! as an exegete an' as a t!eo"og an s t!at t!e 'eve"opment of ! s Inst t%tes of C!r st an Re" g on s not aff" ,te' &# art f , a" term no"og es an' for,e' s#stemat /at on) He ' v 'e' ! s Inst t%tes from two &ran,!es of t!e 5now"e'ge of Go'( Creator an' Re'eemer) Anot!er wa# to see t!e or'er ng of ! s &oo5 s from Tr n tar an perspe,t ve) In t! s sense3 t s "eg t mate to ,"a m t!at Ca"v n s a s#stemat , t!eo"og an t!o%g! ! s s#stem s ' fferent from %s) On t!e ot!er !an'3 ! s t!eo"og# ,an &e ,ons 'ere' as ! stor ,a" t!eo"og# for !e ! mse"f an' ! s form%"at on were s t%ate' n t!e :; t! ,ent%r#) T!e forego ng o&servat on ,on,ern ng 0o!n Ca"v n tea,!es %s two t! ngs) F rst3 0o!n Ca"v n !as somet! ng to te"" %s3 w! ,! I &e" eve are st "" re"evant to o%r t me) Se,on'3 0o!n Ca"v n was ,onf ne' n terms of 'ea" ng w t! mo'ern an' post<mo'ern 'eve"opments n o%r so, et#) T!e s mp"e reason s t!at !e ' ' not fa,e t! s 5 n' of pro&"ems n ! s 'a#) T!e se,on' person t!at I wo%"' " 5e to present as an examp"e s =ar" -art!) For s%re3 ! s exeges s of t!e & &" ,a" text was ' fferent from t!at of Ca"v n t!o%g! some wo%"' arg%e t!at -art! was an mprovement of Ca"v n) >evert!e"ess3 man# wo%"' f n' t !ar' to 'en# t!e t t"e of an exegete awa# from -art!) He s an exegete n ! s own r g!t) Moreover3 ! s %n 9%e met!o' of exeges s of t!e text res%"ts nto a %n 9%e 5 n' of t!eo"og#) -art! s a ,ontrovers a" person not on"# w t! n t!e Evange" ,a" ,omm%n t# as a w!o"e &%t a"so w t! n t!e Reforme' ,omm%n t#) Some wo%"' arg%e " 5e Corne" %s ?an T " t!at -art!@s t!eo"og# s t!e most o%tstan' ng !eres# n t!ese 'a#s) : However3 ot!ers wo%"' 'en# t!at a""egat on " 5e -er5o%wer w!o &e" eves t!at -art! s t!e
Corne" %s ?an T "3 An Intro'%,t on to S#stemat , T!eo"og# A*! "" ps&%rg3 >ew 0erse#( *res&#ter an an' Reforme' *%&" s! ng Co)3 :B4CD3 *refa,e)

wa# to re,on, "e t!e ,!%r,!)1 I 'o not 5now f =ar" -art! s aga nst t!e 'ea of s#stemat / ng t!e tr%t!) >evert!e"ess3 no t!eo"og an ,an es,ape t!e 'ea of s#stem) If !e s negat ve towar's s#stem of tr%t!3 per!aps ! s oppos t on s aga nst t!e 'ea of s#stemat / ng t!e tr%t! n t!e fas! on t!at Reforme' ort!o'ox# ' ' t n s%,! a wa# t!at an e"ement of m#ster# an' awe was "ost) T!e C!%r,! Dogmat ,s form%"ate' &# -art! s a s#stemat , presentat on of ! s t!eo"og#3 w! ,! " 5e Ca"v n s not s m "ar n t!e wa# t!eo"og ans s#stemat /e t!eo"og# to'a#) H s pr mar# fo,%s as Fran, s S,!aeffer wo%"' ,onf rm s on t!e ex stent a" s gn f ,an,e of t!e text A:BF1D) In S,!aeffer@s eva"%at on3 t! s ex stent a" emp!as s s somet! ng t!at C!r st an t# ,o%"' "earn from -art!) -# sa# ng t! s3 S,!aeffer ' ffers from ! s tea,!er Corne" %s ?an T " n assess ng t!e nf"%en,e of -art!) On t!e ot!er !an'3 S,!aeffer po nts o%t t!at -art!@s wea5ness " es n !av ng a s!a5# fo%n'at on '%e to t!e "atter@s v ew of ! stor#) E After a"" t!ese ,ons 'erat ons3 I t! n5 t ,an &e +%st f e' to ,a"" -art! a s#stemat , t!eo"og anC an' ! s t!eo"og# as part of ! stor ,a" t!eo"og#) M# *resent Un'erstan' ng of t!e Stages from Exeges s to T!eo"og# L 5e t!e exegetes n t!e past3 w!at we !ave w t! %s at present s t!e & &" ,a" text) It s o%r pr mar# '%t# as nterpreters of t!e - &"e to pr or t /e t!e exeges s of t!e text &efore we form%"ate a t!eo"og#) In t! s ,onne,t on3 I wo%"' " 5e to %t " /e t!e steps ment one' &# Do%g"as St%art n ! s &oo5 O"' Testament Exeges s( A *r mer for St%'ents an' *astor) St%art presente' to %s t!e pro,ess from exeges s to t!eo"og# A:BF2D) Even t!o%g!3 ! s &oo5 fo,%ses pr mar "# on t!e O"' Testament3 t!e stages !e ment one' t!ere ,o%"' a"so &e app" ,a&"e n approa,! ng an# text n t!e - &"e) 8!at I w "" 'o t! s t me s to present a restr%,t%re' format t!at ref"e,ts m# %n'erstan' ng of St%art@s &oo5) I ,ame %p w t! seven stages %nt " t!e po nt of rea,! ng t!e form%"at on of t!eo"og#) T!e stages !e propose' are as fo""ows( A:D Se"e,t a text3 A1D Trans"ate t!e text3 AED St%'# &ot! t!e ! stor ,a" an' " terar# ,ontexts3 ACD I'ent f# t!e form of t!e
Er , D) -r st"e#3 A G% 'e to t!e 8r t ngs of Corne" %s ?an T " :FBG<:BF4 AC! ,ago( O" ve Tree Comm%n ,at ons3 :BBGD3 p) :;) See a"so E) R) Gee!an e')3 0er%sa"em an' At!ens( Cr t ,a" D s,%ss ons on t!e *! "osop!# an' Apo"oget ,s of Corne" %s ?an T " A*! "" ps&%rg3 >ew 0erse#( *res&#ter an an' Reforme' *%&" s! ng Co)3 :B4:D3 pp) :B4<:BF)
1 E I ,ame %p w t! t! s genera" ,on,"%s on after rea' ng Fran, s A) S,!affer@s T!e Comp"ete 8or5s of F)A) S,!aeffer( A C!r st an 8or"'v ew ?o"%me E( a C!r st an ? ew of Sp r t%a" t#) C Max T%rner an' 0oe" -) Green , te Co" n E) G%nton ,"ass f# ng -art! among t!e 6s#stemat ,7 t!eo"og ans t!o%g! of ' fferent t#pe A12223:2D)

text3 AGD O%t" ne t!e text3 A;D Ana"#/e &ot! t!e grammat ,a" an' "ex ,a" 'ata3 an' A4D Lo,ate t!e message of t!e text n re"at on &ot! to t!e overa"" & &" ,a" an' t!eo"og ,a" ,ontexts)

Se"e,t ng a Text T!e f rst t! ng t!e st%'ent m%st 'o n se"e,t ng a text s to as,erta n t!at ! s text s a %n tG) A %n t s a ,omp"ete passage w t! ,"ear nat%ra" &o%n'ar es) St%art s%ggests t!at f t!e st%'ent s ,apa&"e to !an'"e t!e He&rew text an' ot!er trans"at ons3 t s &etter to ,ompare ! s 'e, s on w t! t!em) ; T!en t!e next step s to eva"%ate t!e var o%s vers ons of t!e - &"e e t!er from an, ent "ang%age vers ons or ' re,t"# from t!e Eng" s! trans"at ons of t!ose vers ons)4 T!e %se of ,r t ,a" apparat%ses ,onta ne' n -H an' -HS an' ,ons%"t ng ,r t ,a" ,ommentar es an' ot!er a 's w "" ass st t!e st%'ent n ! s 'e, s on)F Trans"at ng t!e Text In trans"at ng t!e text3 t!e f rst t! ng t!e st%'ent m%st 'o s to ,ome %p w t! a temporar# trans"at on of ! s re,onstr%,te' text) B If t!e st%'ent s not ,erta n a&o%t a part ,%"ar wor'3 t!e %se of "ex ,on w "" &e of !e"p to !ave a fee" of t!e range of mean ngs of t!e wor' %n'er st%'#) :2 An mportant rem n'er s proper at t! s po nt) -e rem n'e' t!at a He&rew wor' ,o%"' !ar'"# ,orrespon' a,,%rate"# to a s ng"e Eng" s! wor') It 'oes not !ave a f xe' %n tar# mean ng &%t m%"t p"e ones):: St%art a'v ,es t!at n or'er to ,ome %p w t! an nte"" gent 'e, s on to as,erta n t!e mean ng of pert nent wor's t!e st%'ent s mot vate' to rea' t!e art ,"es n ma+or "ex ,ons a%t!ore' &# =oe!"er< -a%mgartner or -rown<Dr ver<-r ggs):1 After ,aref%" st%'# an' ,ons 'erat on3
Do%g"as St%art3 O"' Testament Exeges s( A *r mer for St%'ents an' *astors A*! "a'e"p! a( T!e 8estm nster *ress3 :BF2D3 p)1E)
G ; 4 F B :2 :: :1

I& ') I& ')3 p)1C) I& ') I& ')3 p)1G) I& ') I& ') I& ')

t!e st%'ent s expe,te' to f%rn s! a f na" trans"at on) It s 'ea" t!at an exegete m%st tr# ! s &est to pro'%,e ! s own trans"at on of t!e passage %n'er st%'#) T!e 'ea t!at an exegete !as no r g!t to ' sagree w t! t!e op n ons of t!e expert s not !ea"t!# n t! s a,a'em , exer, se) St%art en,o%rages exegetes to ,ont n%e n t! s !ar' tas5 n v ew of t!e fa,t t!at an exegete w!o 'evotes more t me n a part ,%"ar passage ,o%"' &e a&"e to pro'%,e a &etter trans"at on t!an ot!ers !ave 'one) :E He a''s t!at &es 'es t! s a'vantage3 anot!er a'vantage of a fo,%se' exegete s t!at !e s str v ng for a trans"at on t!at s s% ta&"e for ! s part ,%"ar rea'er) :C

Cons 'erat on of H stor ,a" an' L terar# Context It s 6a &as , pr n, p"e of !ermene%t ,s t!at a passage ,annot mean w!at t ,o%"' never !ave meant)7 :G In or'er to &e tr%e to t! s pr n, p"e3 t!e ,ons 'erat on of ! stor ,a" ,ontext towar's a ,orre,t %n'erstan' ng of t!e passage s ne,essar#) T!e goa"s t!at are nvo"ve' n t!e tas5 of 'eterm n ng t!e ! stor ,a" ,ontext of a g ven passage are fo%rfo"'( a,a'em , ' gg ng3 'ent f# t!e so, a" sett ng3 propose a ! stor ,a" foregro%n'3 an' "o,ate t!e geograp! ,a" sett ng):;F n' ngs from ar,!aeo"og ,a" resear,! wo%"' &e of great &enef t towar's a &etter %n'erstan' ng of t!e passage) :4 T!e mportan,e of 5now ng t!e so, a" sett ng w "" !e"p t!e st%'ent to "o,ate ! s passage w!et!er t s ,%"t%ra""# &o%n' or t me"ess):F In t!e st%'# of t!e " terar# ,ontext of t!e passage3 St%art s%ggests fo%r steps( ana"#s s of t!e " terar# %t " t# of t!e passage3 assessment of t!e pos t on ng of t!e passage3 exam nat on of t!e 'eta "3 an' appra sa" of t!e a%t!or) :B I'ent f ,at on of t!e Form F ve s%&s ' ar# tas5s are %n'er t! s step) F rst3 'ent f# &ot! t!e &roa'

:E :C :G :; :4 :F :B

I& ')3 p)G2) I& ') I& ')3 p) GE) I& ')3 pp) 1;<14) I& ')3 p) 14 I& ') I& ')3 pp) 1F<1B)

an' narrow genre of t!e passage)12 After as,erta n ng t!e spe, f , " terar# t#pe3 t!en #o% are n a pos t on to ana"#/e ts form) Se,on'3 6"oo5 for s%&,ategor es71: for t! s w "" enr ,! t!e st%'# of t!e st%'ent &# ,ompar ng t!e 6passage w t! ot!ers of " 5e form an' to exp"o t t!e 5now"e'ge t!at res%"ts from t!at ,ompar son)711 T! r'3 propose a " fe sett ng of t!e passage) T! s w "" a ' t!e st%'ent to ,ompre!en' t!e passage ,on,rete"#) 1E Fo%rt!3 s,r%t n /e t!e tota" t# of t!e form)1C Last"#3 &e attent ve to part a" an' &ro5en forms) 1G

T!e Str%,t%r ng of t!e Text T!e mportant t! ng n o%t" n ng a passage s to ' s,ern ts nat%ra" str%,t%re) Do not for,e an art f , a" o%t" ne) Tr# to o%t" ne t!e text as 'eta " as poss &"e) On,e t!e o%t" ne s esta&" s!e'3 form%"ate #o%r o&servat ons a&o%t t!e overa"" f"ow of t!e str%,t%re) T!e >ee' for Competen,e n Grammat ,a" an' Lex ,a" Ana"#ses T!e mportan,e of ,ompeten,e n grammar n %n'erstan' ng t!e text ,annot &e %n'erest mate') T! s s ne,essar# n or'er to arr ve at a ,orre,t %n'erstan' ng of t!e passage %n'er st%'#) T!e st%'ent m%st o&serve t!e ex sten,e of var o%s grammat ,a" feat%res n or'er to ,ome %p w t! a r ,! appre, at on of t!e passage) Re"ate' to t! s grammat ,a" tra n ng s t!e a& " t# to 'ent f# an' ana"#/e t!e ort!ograp!# Aspe"" ng st#"eD an' morp!o"og# Arefers to mean ng affe,t ng parts of wor's s%,! as s%ff xes an' pref xesD of t!e wor') 1; Lex ,a" 'ata are s gn f ,ant n exp"a n ng t!e wor's t!at are not o&v o%s n t!e passage) In 'o ng t!e exp"anat on3 t s &est to start from a more genera" 'ea 'own to t!e spe, f , s%&+e,ts) 14 -r ef an' 'eta "e' exp"anat ons are a"so re"evant 'epen' ng on t!e we g!t of t!e s%&+e,t) 1F T!e st%'ent s a"so a'v se'
12 1: 11 1E 1C 1G 1; 14 1F

I& ')3 pp) E2<E:) I& ') I& ') I& ')3 p) E: I& ') I& ')3 p)E1) I& ')3 pp) EG3 ;2) I& ')3 p)EG I& ')

to fo,%s on 5e# wor's an' p!rases) 1B F na""#3 re,ogn /e an# spe, a" semant , feat%res At!e re"at on &etween ,ontent an' mean ngD) E2 An exegete ,annot es,ape t!e fa,t of s%&+e,t v t# n 'e, ' ng w! ,! wor's an' p!rases are t!e most mportant n ! s text) In st%'# ng t!e passage3 t s re9% re' t!at t!e st%'ent m%st &e as fam " ar w t! ! s passage as poss &"e &efore se"e,t ng an' pos t on ng t!e terms for ,"ose st%'#) S%&m t #o%r m n' to t!e Lor' n 'eterm n ng3 w! ,! s mportant)

T!e >e,ess t# to Lo,ate t!e Message of t!e *assage n Re"at on to t!e Overa"" - &" ,a" an' T!eo"og ,a" Contexts D%r ng t! s stage n #o%r st%'#3 t!e st%'ent s!o%"' &e a&"e to form%"ate a temporar# ntegrat on of a"" ! s ' s,over es n ! s prev o%s "a&ors) E: T!e a m of t!e st%'ent s to f n' o%t a part ,%"ar message) E1 He m%st ,on,entrate ! s m n' to ,ompre!en' t!e ,omp"ete ent t# of ! s s%&+e,t rat!er t!an &e s 'etra,5e' &# t!e 'eta "s of ! s st%'#) EE After 'o ng t! s3 !e s!o%"' re"ate t!e ma n s%&+e,t to t!e ent re tea,! ng of t!e S,r pt%res) EC T!e st%'ent m%st s%pp"# a s#nops s of t!e message stat ng t!e ma+or po nts3 v ta" feat%res3 mp" ,at ons an' ot!er mportant matters)EG Ot!er mportant steps n "o,at ng t!e message of t!e passage %n'er st%'# n re"at on to t!e ent re - &" ,a" ,ontext n,"%'e t!e fo""ow ng( st%'# of t!e passage as t s emp"o#e' n ot!er parts of t!e S,r pt%reH eva"%at on of t!e ,onne,t on of t!e passage w t! ot!er port ons of t!e - &"e3 an'H exam nat on of t!e ,ontr &%t on of t!e passage n appre, at ng t!e S,r pt%re)E; After grasp ng t!e message of t!e passage3 t!e st%'ent s!o%"' ref"e,t ,on,ern ng t!e t!eo"og ,a" ,ontr &%t on of ! s st%'# to s#stemat , t!eo"og#) E4 He
1B E2 E: E1 EE EC EG E; E4

I& ') I& ')3 p)E;) I& ') I& ') I& ') I& ') I& ') I& ')3 pp)E;<E4) I& ')3 p)E4)

s!o%"' assess e t!er t!e ,ontr &%t on s ma+or or m nor) EF He s!o%"' a"so re,ogn /e f t!ere are an# spe, f , ss%es t!at 'eserve attent on or ' ff ,%"t es answere' &# t!e passage)EBHe s!o%"' a"so as5 f t!ere s an#t! ng a&o%t t!e passage t!at 'oes not seem to re"ate to a part ,%"ar t!eo"og#) C2 Remem&er t!at we &e" eve n t!e pr ma,# of t!e S,r pt%res over a t!eo"og ,a" s#stem) T!e st%'ent m%st not &e as!ame' to a,,ept t!e " m tat on of s#stemat , t!eo"og#) He s!o%"' ma5e t! s as an o,,as on for ,e"e&rat on 5now ng t!at t!e tea,! ng of t!e S,r pt%res s r ,!er t!an s#stemat , t!eo"og#) T!e st%'# of a & &" ,a" passage s!o%"' ,ontr &%te to t!e mprovement of t!e t!eo"og ,a" s#stem) T!e st%'ent m%st a"wa#s enterta n t!e 'ea t!at n t!e st%'# of t!e S,r pt%res3 !e w "" en,o%nter s%&+e,ts t!at wo%"' expan'3 enr ,!3 an' 'eepen ! s %n'erstan' ng of s#stemat , t!eo"og#) T!e mportant t! ng s t!at t!e st%'ent s not attempt ng to for,e t!e text n or'er to f t nto ! s t!eo"og ,a" s#stem) C: On t!e ot!er !an'3 t!e %n'erstan' ng of t!eo"og ,a" s#stem s!o%"' !e"p t!e st%'ent to appre, ate t!e s gn f ,an,e of t!e passage %n'er st%'# an' ts proper "o,at on n t!e ent re s#stem of tr%t!) In stat ng t!e a&ove ,onv ,t on3 t 'oes not mean t!at t!e st%'ent wo%"' ,are"ess"# gnore t!e wor5 of s#stemat , t!eo"og ans) It s a"so &%t proper t!at t!e st%'ent m%st ,ompare ! s wor5 w t! ot!er t!eo"og ans as a 5 n' of ,orre,t ve n ! s st%'#) In a'' t on3 after ,aref%" ,ons 'erat on3 !e rema ns ,onv n,e' t!at ! s spe, f , st%'# s not g ven proper attent on w t! n s#stemat , t!eo"og#H I t! n5 t s "eg t mate for ! m to p%rs%e t! s ,o%rse for ! s %"t mate "o#a"t# s not to s#stemat , t!eo"og# &%t to t!e Ho"# S,r pt%res)

T!e *roper *"a,e of *ra,t ,a" T!eo"og# After present ng t!e seven restr%,t%re' steps ta5en from Do%g"as St%art3 "et me a'' +%st one more step3 w! ,! s t!e proper p"a,e of pra,t ,a" t!eo"og#) In o%r ,%rr ,%"%m !ere at t!e *res&#ter an T!eo"og ,a" Sem nar#3 t!e pr mar# s%&+e,ts t!at wo%"' fa"" %n'er pra,t ,a" t!eo"og# are C!r st an E'%,at on3 *astora" T!eo"og#3 Co%nse" ng3 an' *rea,! ng) I t! n5 t!at t!e ment one' s%&+e,ts ,o%"' &enef t from t!e "a&or of &ot! & &" ,a" exegetes an' s#stemat ,

I& ')3 p)EF) I& ') I& ') I& ')

t!eo"og ans) T!e# ,o%"' go ' re,t"# e t!er from & &" ,a" t!eo"og# or s#stemat , t!eo"og# to "oo5 for t!e r fo%n'at on an' art ,%"ate n t!e r own ' s, p" ne) However3 I &e" eve t!at t s safer to go to & &" ,a" t!eo"og# f rst) >evert!e"ess3 f s#stemat , t!eo"og# s form%"ate'3 w! ,! s sens t ve to t!e tea,! ng of t!e & &" ,a" text3 an' t!en m# reservat on w "" &e remove') S%mmar# T! s essa# spea5s of t!e stages t!at a st%'ent m%st %n'ergo &eg nn ng from exeges s of t!e & &" ,a" text to t!e form%"at on of t!eo"og#) Moreover3 s n,e ! stor ,a" t!eo"og# s part of t!eo"og# n genera" an' t!at t!e ' s, p" ne of exeges s to t!eo"og# s not %n 9%e n o%r t me3 t!e st%'ent 'e, 'es to n,"%'e n t! s essa# two examp"es t!at ,o%"' &e "eg t mate"# 'es gnate' as exegetes3 s#stemat , t!eo"og ans3 an' ! stor ,a" t!eo"og ans) T!e n,"%s on a ms to prov 'e a genera" &a,5gro%n' to %n'erstan' some!ow t!e re"at on &etween exeges s an' t!eo"og#) T!e ma n part n t! s essa# 'ea"s w t! t!e seven steps t!at a st%'ent m%st %n'ergo n ! s attempt to exegete t!e text %nt " t!e form%"at on of t!eo"og#) T!e st%'ent %se' t!e wor5 of Do%g"as St%art as a &as s n t!e presentat on of t!e state' steps w t! t!e nsert on of persona" ns g!ts)

Referen,es -r st"e#3 Er , D) :BBG) A G% 'e to t!e 8r t ngs of Corne" %s ?an T "3 :FBG< :BF4) C! ,ago( O" ve Tree Comm%n ,at ons) Gee!an E)R) e') :B4:) 0er%sa"em an' At!ens( Cr t ,a" D s,%ss ons on t!e *! "osop!# an' Apo"oget ,s of Corne" %s ?an T " )*! "" ps&%rg3 >ew 0erse#( *res&#ter an an' Reforme' *%&" s! ng Co)


Green3 0oe" -) an' Max T%rner e's) 1222) -etween Two Hor /ons( Spann ng >ew Testament St%' es an' S#stemat , T!eo"og#) Gran' Rap 's3 M ,! ganICam&r 'ge3 U)=)( 8m) -) Eer'mans *%&)Co) S,!affer3 Fran, s A) :BF1) T!e Comp"ete 8or5s of Fran, s A) S,!aeffer( A C!r st an 8or"'v ew ?o"%me E( a C!r st an ? ew of Sp r t%a" t#) 8est,!ester3 I"" no s( Crosswa# -oo5) St%art3 Do%g"as) :BF2) O"' Testament Exeges s( A *r mer for St%'ents an' *astor) *! "a'e"p! a( T!e 8estm nster *ress) ?an T "3 Corne" %s) :B4C) An Intro'%,t on to S#stemat , T!eo"og# ) *! "" ps&%rg3>ew 0erse#( *res&#ter an an' Reforme' *%&" s! ng Co)


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