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CSS Image Opacity / Transparency


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CSS Image Opacity / Transparency

Creating transparent images with CSS is easy. Note: The CSS opacity property is a part of the W3C CSS3 recommendation.

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Styling Backgrounds Styling Text Styling Fonts Styling Links Styling Lists Styling Tables Creating transparent images - Hover effect Creating a transparent box with text on a background image

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Example 1 - Creating a Transparent Image

The CSS3 property for transparency is opacity. First we will show you how to create a transparent image with CSS. Regular image:

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i m g { o p a c i t y : 0 . 4 ; f i l t e r : a l p h a ( o p a c i t y = 4 0 ) ;/ *F o rI E 8a n de a r l i e r* / }
IE9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari use the property opacity for transparency. The opacity property can take a value from 0.0 - 1.0. A lower value makes the element more transparent. IE8 and earlier use filter:alpha(opacity=x) . The x can take a value from 0 - 100. A lower value makes the element more transparent.

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Example 2 - Image Transparency - Hover Effect

Mouse over the images:

The CSS looks like this:

i m g { o p a c i t y : 0 . 4 ; f i l t e r : a l p h a ( o p a c i t y = 4 0 ) ;/ *F o rI E 8a n de a r l i e r* / } i m g : h o v e r { o p a c i t y : 1 . 0 ; f i l t e r : a l p h a ( o p a c i t y = 1 0 0 ) ;/ *F o rI E 8a n de a r l i e r* / }
The first CSS block is similar to the code in Example 1. In addition, we have added what should happen when a



CSS Image Opacity / Transparency

user hover over one of the images. In this case we want the image to NOT be transparent when the user hover over it. The CSS for this is: opacity=1 . IE8 and earlier: filter:alpha(opacity=100) . When the mouse pointer moves away from the image, the image will be transparent again.

Example 3 - Text in Transparent Box

This is some text that is placed in the transparent box. This is some text that is placed in the transparent box. This is some text that is placed in the transparent box. This is some text that is placed in the transparent box. This is some text that is placed in the transparent box.

The source code looks like this:

< h t m l > < h e a d > < s t y l e > d i v . b a c k g r o u n d { w i d t h : 5 0 0 p x ; h e i g h t : 2 5 0 p x ; b a c k g r o u n d : u r l ( k l e m a t i s . j p g )r e p e a t ; b o r d e r : 2 p xs o l i db l a c k ; } d i v . t r a n s b o x { w i d t h : 4 0 0 p x ; h e i g h t : 1 8 0 p x ; m a r g i n : 3 0 p x5 0 p x ; b a c k g r o u n d c o l o r : # f f f f f f ; b o r d e r : 1 p xs o l i db l a c k ; o p a c i t y : 0 . 6 ; f i l t e r : a l p h a ( o p a c i t y = 6 0 ) ;/ *F o rI E 8a n de a r l i e r* / } d i v . t r a n s b o xp { m a r g i n : 3 0 p x4 0 p x ; f o n t w e i g h t : b o l d ; c o l o r : # 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; } < / s t y l e > < / h e a d > < b o d y > < d i vc l a s s = " b a c k g r o u n d " > < d i vc l a s s = " t r a n s b o x " > < p > T h i si ss o m et e x tt h a ti sp l a c e di nt h et r a n s p a r e n tb o x . T h i si ss o m et e x tt h a ti sp l a c e di nt h et r a n s p a r e n tb o x . T h i si ss o m et e x tt h a ti sp l a c e di nt h et r a n s p a r e n tb o x . T h i si ss o m et e x tt h a ti sp l a c e di nt h et r a n s p a r e n tb o x . T h i si ss o m et e x tt h a ti sp l a c e di nt h et r a n s p a r e n tb o x . < / p > < / d i v > < / d i v > < / b o d y > < / h t m l >
First, we create a div element (class="background") with a fixed height and width, a background image, and a border. Then we create a smaller div (class="transbox") inside the first div element. The "transbox" div have a fixed width, a background color, and a border - and it is transparent. Inside the transparent div, we add some text inside a p element.

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