GL Chart of Accounts by Classification

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Chart of Accounts by Classification

Quality Hardware & Rentals

All Classifications All Active Accounts
G/L Account Type Description Reconcile 1099

June 22, 2012 2:57:44 pm Page: 1

Classification: (None)

85100-000 99999-000

Expense Expense

Bad Debt Miscellaneous Adjustments

Classification: Accounts Payable (APAP)



Accounts Payable

Classification: Other Cost of Sales (APCS)

69200-000 69400-000

Expense Expense

Vendor Discounts Freight Charges

Classification: Vendor Down Payments (APDP)



Prepaid Expenses

Classification: Interest Paid (APIN)



Vendor Finance Charges

INT Box: 1

Classification: Loans Payable (APLN)

22500-000 31000-000 31220-000

Liability Liability Liability

Line of Credit Notes Payable - Building Mortgage Notes Payable Bank - Equip./Vehicle Loan

Classification: General Overhead Expenses (APOH)

70100-000 70110-000 70400-000 70600-000 70610-000 71000-000 71000-010 71000-020 71000-100 71000-200 71100-000 72100-000 72200-000 72300-000 73100-000 73300-000 73400-000 75300-000 77110-000 77140-000 77240-000 78400-000 78500-000

Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense

Interest paid Bank Charges Advertising Legal & Accounting Dues & Subscriptions Store Supplies - General Store Supplies - Hardware & Accessories Store Supplies - Paint Supplies - Manufacturing Store Supplies - Service Department Office Supplies Telephone Electricity Heating Building Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Vehicle Maintenance Equipment Rental General Liability - Building Vehicle Liability Vehicle Collision Sales Tax Paid Real Estate Tax

Classification: Purchases for Resale (APPS)

60000-000 60000-010 60000-020 60000-100

Expense Expense Expense Expense

Materials Purchased Purchases - Hardware & Accessories Purchases - Paint Purchases - Manufacturing

Chart of Accounts by Classification

Quality Hardware & Rentals
All Classifications All Active Accounts
G/L Account Type Description Reconcile 1099

June 22, 2012 2:57:44 pm Page: 2

Classification: Subcontract Service Labor (APSR)



Subcontract Labor

MISC Box: 7

Classification: Accounts Receivable (ARAR)



Accounts Receivable

Classification: Salesperson Commission (ARCO)



Accrued Salesperson Commissions


Classification: Customer Down Payments (ARDP)



Downpayments from Customers

Classification: Other Income (AROT)

80100-000 80200-000 80300-000

Revenue Revenue Revenue

Interest Earned Discounts Earned - Misc Customer Finance Charge Income

Classification: Sales (ARSA)

51000-010 51000-020 52000-010 52000-020 53000-200 59200-000 59500-000

Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

Retail Sales - Hardware & Accessories Retail Sales - Paint Wholesale Sales - Hardware & Accessories Wholesale Sales - Paint Service Income Customer Discounts Delivery Charge Income

Classification: Service Income (ARSS)



Rental Income

Classification: Sales Tax (ARTX)

24000-000 24100-000

Liability Liability

PA Sales Tax Collected NJ Sales Tax Collected

Yes Yes

Classification: Bank Account (BANK)

01100-000 01200-000 22000-000

Asset Asset Liability

Checking Account Savings Account Credit Card Account

Yes Yes Yes

Classification: Cash (CASH)



Cash on Hand


Classification: Depreciation Asset Disposal (DPAD)



Asset Disposal

Classification: Depreciation Disposal (DPDD)



Depreciation Disposal

Chart of Accounts by Classification

Quality Hardware & Rentals
All Classifications All Active Accounts
G/L Account Type Description Reconcile 1099

June 22, 2012 2:57:44 pm Page: 3

Classification: Depreciation Expense (DPEX)

79100-000 79200-000 79300-000 79300-010 79300-020 79300-100 79300-200 79400-000

Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense

Depreciation - Buildings Depreciation - Office Equip./Fixtures Depreciation - Machinery & Equipment Depreciation - Machinery & Equipment - Hardware & Accessories Depreciation - Machinery & Equipment - Paint Depreciation - Machinery & Equipment - Manufacturing Depreciation - Machinery & Equipment - Service Department Depreciation - Vehicles

Classification: Sale of Assets (DPSA)



Sale of Assets

Classification: Capital Investments (GLCI)



Owner Investments

Classification: Capital Withdrawals (GLCW)



Capital Withdrawals

Classification: Retained earnings (GLRE)



Bob Quality, Capital

Classification: Accumulated Depreciation (INAD)

13100-000 13200-000 13300-000 13400-000

Asset Asset Asset Asset

Accum. Depreciation - Buildings Accum. Depreciation - Office Equip/fixtures Accum. Depreciation - Equipment Accum. Depreciation - Vehicles

Classification: Depreciable Asset (INDA)

12100-000 12200-000 12300-000 12400-000

Asset Asset Asset Asset

Buildings Office Equipment and Fixtures Machinery & Equipment Vehicles

Classification: Non-depreciable Asset (INNA)




Classification: Inventory Variance (INVA)

65000-010 65000-020 65000-100 65500-000 65700-100

Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense

Inventory Variance - Hardware & Accessories Inventory Variance - Paint Inventory Variance - Manufacturing Materials used within a Job Increased value of Manufactured Goods - Manufacturing

Classification: Inventory (INVE)




Classification: Customer Retainage (JCCR)



Customer Retainage Receivable

Chart of Accounts by Classification

Quality Hardware & Rentals
All Classifications All Active Accounts
G/L Account Type Description Reconcile 1099

June 22, 2012 2:57:44 pm Page: 4

Classification: Job Billing in Excess (JCJB)



Billings in excess of costs

Classification: Job Cost in Excess (JCJC)



Costs in Excess of Billings

Classification: Work in Process Variance (JCWP)



Work In Process Variance

Classification: Overhead Payroll Labor (PYLO)

74100-000 74810-000

Expense Expense

Office Wages Other General Wages

Classification: Payroll Labor - Cost of Sales (PYLS)

66100-000 66100-010 66100-020 66100-100 66100-200 66110-000 66200-200 68000-000 68000-010 68000-020

Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense

Wages Wages - Hardware & Accessories Wages - Paint Wages - Manufacturing Wages - Service Department Labor Applied to Jobs Warranty Labor - Service Department Commissions Commissions - Hardware & Access. Commissions - Paint Department

Classification: Payroll Overhead Costs (PYOH)

74800-000 77300-000 78200-000 78200-010 78200-020 78200-200 78220-000 78220-010 78220-020 78220-200 78310-000 78310-010 78310-020 78310-200 78320-000 78320-010 78320-020 78320-200

Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense Expense

Employee Benefits Workman's Compensation Payroll Tax - Social Security Payroll Tax - Social Security - Hardware & Accessories Payroll Tax - Social Security - Paint Payroll Tax - Social Security - Service Department Payroll Tax - Medicare Payroll Tax - Medicare - Hardware & Accessories Payroll Tax - Medicare - Paint Payroll Tax - Medicare - Service Department Payroll Tax - Federal Unemployment Payroll Tax - Federal Unemployment - Hardware & Accessories Payroll Tax - Federal Unemployment - Paint Payroll Tax - Federal Unemployment - Service Department Payroll Tax - State Unemployment Payroll Tax - State Unemployment - Hardware & Accessories Payroll Tax - State Unemployment - Paint Payroll Tax - State Unemployment - Service Department

Classification: Payroll Payable (PYPY)



Payroll Payable

Chart of Accounts by Classification

Quality Hardware & Rentals
All Classifications All Active Accounts
G/L Account Type Description Reconcile 1099

June 22, 2012 2:57:44 pm Page: 5

Classification: Payroll Tax/Deduction (PYTD)

25110-000 25120-000 25200-000 25220-000 25400-000 26510-000 26520-000 26800-000 74700-000

Liability Liability Liability Liability Liability Liability Liability Liability Expense

Employee Tax Withheld - Federal Income Employee Tax Withheld - State Income Tax Payable - FICA - Social Security Tax Payable - Medicare Employee Tax Withheld - Local Tax Payable - Federal Unemployment Tax Payable - State Unemployment 401k Payable Employee Medical Insurance

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

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