Pet Pals Client Agreement

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Jeremy & Laura Clarke

419-603-2157 / 2158

This agreement is between Pet Pals and __________________________________________________________ (Owner)
who resides at: ____________________________________________________________________________________.
Pet Pals agrees to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworthy manner. This agreement constitutes
permission to enter the above address and perform duties as outlined in accord with the Dog Walking Agreement, Pet
Sitting Agreement, Pet Information Form, Veterinarian Release Form, and Medication Authorization Form (if needed). All
forms mentioned become part of this contract. Any changes to this agreement must be done so in writing or they will be
null and void. Pet Pals has the right to make any changes to this agreement at will and without notice. With any changes,
a new agreement will be presented to the client before any new services are rendered.
1) Relationship and Responsibilities: It is expressly understood that the Owner retains the services of Pet Pals as an
independent contractor and not as an employee. Pet Pals undertakes to perform the agreed-upon services in an attentive,
reliable and caring manner, and the Owner undertakes to provide all necessary information to assist in this performance.
Pet Pals undertakes to notify the Owner of any occurrence pertaining to household pets which may be relevant to the care
and well-being of the pets. For dog walking, Pet Pals will be supplied and be equipped with waste bags and will duly remove
the dog's feces from all public places. The Owner will provide suitable harnesses, collars and non-retractable leashes as
approved by Pet Pals. Pet Pals reserves the right to adjust walking times due to extremely hot or stormy weather.
2) Compensation: As outlined below.

Dog Walking: Pet Pals shall be paid the amount of $_______ per ______ minute walk. Visits will follow the
intructions outlined in the Dog Walking Agreement. Services will start on __________ (date) and end on
___________ (date.) Owner will pay monthly or weekly in advance of services.
Pet Sitting: Pet Pals shall be paid the amount of $ _______ per ______ minute visit. Visits will follow the
instructions outlined in the Pet Sitting Agreement. Pet Pals shall make _____ visits per day. Services will start on
__________ (date) and end on ___________ (date.) Owner will pay monthly or weekly in advance of services.

3) Duration: This Contract shall become effective on ___________________. Either party may terminate this Contract
with a minimum of 24 hours notice prior to the scheduled visit without incurring penalties or damages. Cancellation by
the Owner of scheduled dog walks or pet sitting services with less than 24 hrs notice will be charged at the
full rate. Should any dog or pet become aggressive or dangerous, Pet Pals may terminate this Contract with immediate
effect. Any wrongful or misleading information in the Owner's Information or Pet Information sheets may constitute a
breach of terms of this Contract and be grounds for instant termination thereof. Termination under the circumstances
described above shall not entitle the Owner to any refunds or relief of any outstanding payments due.
4) Liability: Pet Pals agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and trustworhty manner. In
consideration of these services and as an express condition thereof, the owner expressly waives any and all claims against
Pet Pals unless arising from gross negligence on the part of Pet Pals. Pet Pals accepts no liability for any breach of security
or loss of or damage to the Owner's property while Pet Pals is not present. Pet Pals shall not be liable for any mishap of
whatsoever nature which may befall a dog or pet or be caused by a dog or pet who has unsupervised access to the
outdoors. The Owner shall be liable for all medical expenses and damages resulting from an injury to Pet Pals caused by a
dog or pet, as well as damage to the Owner's or other persons pets or property. Pet Pals is released from all liability
related to transporting dogs or pets to and from any veterinary clinic, the medical treatment of the dog or pet, and the
expense thereof. All dogs must be walked on a leash, no exceptions. If owner requests that keys be returned via mail, Pet
Pals will not be responsible for any keys lost by USPS.
5) Indemnification: The parties agree to indemnify and hold harmless each other as well as respective employees,
successors and assigns from any and all claims arising from either party's willful or negligent conduct.
6) Emergencies: In the event of an emergency, Pet Pals shall contact the Owner at the numbers provided to confirm the
Owner's choice of action. If the Owner cannot be reached, Pet Pals will follow all instructions listed on the Veterinarian
Release Form.
7) Security: Pet Pals warrants to keep safe and confidential all keys, remote control entry devices, access codes and
personal information of the Owner and to return same to the Owner at the end of the Contract period or immediately upon
By signing below the Owner fully understands and agrees to the contents of the above agreement:

Payment for Services via:

Cash Check




Monthly Weekly

Pet Owner's Signature: _______________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Pet Pals Signature: ___________________________________________________

Date: ________________________

1 | Pet Pals Client agreement, revised 01/2014

Jeremy & Laura Clarke

419-603-2157 / 2158


Dog Owners Name: ______________________________ Name of Dog(s): _________________________________
Address: _____________________________________ City____________________________________Zip_______
Phone: _______________________________ Email Address: ____________________________________________
Emergency Contact and Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________
Secondary Emergency Contact and Phone Number: ____________________________________________________
Dog Walking times: Please give us at least a 2-hour window. (ex: 7-9am, 11am-1pm, etc.)







Dog Walking visit of _______ minutes, including time for additional services as outlined below. Cost per visit: $_______
How will Pet Pals enter home ? ________________________________________________________________________
Parking Instructions (if needed): _____________________________________________________________________
Location of leash, poop bags, treats____________________________________________________________________
Where should we dispose of poop bags after walk? __________________________________________________
Would you like us to provide food or water after the walk? __________________________________________________
Would you like us to provide treats after the walk? ________________________________________________________
Any medications needed during visit? ____________(If yes, please see medication authorization form.)
Weather Restrictions? _______________________________________________________________________________
Would you like a text or email update regarding the visit? __________________________________________________
Additional instructions: ______________________________________________________________________________

Keys: Please have one key ready for us when we meet.
I release my house keys to Pet Pals to retain on file, in a secured location, for future services. I may revoke this release
at any time, at which time my keys will be returned. Initial: __________
You must cancel walks with a minimum of 24 hours notice for a credit. You will be charged full price for walks cancelled
with less than 24 hours notice. Initial: __________

2 | Pet Pals Client agreement, revised 01/2014

Jeremy & Laura Clarke

419-603-2157 / 2158


Pet Owners Name: ___________________________________ Pet's Name: ____________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________ City_______________________________Zip________
Phone: _______________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________________
Emergency Contact and Phone Number: __________________________________________________________________
Secondary Emergency Contact and Phone Number: _________________________________________________________
Pet Sitting Visit times







Pet Sitting visit of ________ minute, including all services as outlined below. Cost per visit: $________
Services to begin on _____________ (date) and end on ________________ (date)
How will Pet Pals enter home? ________________________________________________________________________
Where should we dispose of animal waste? ______________________________________________________________
Location of leashes, food, and treats? ___________________________________________________________________
Services to be performed during visit:

Walk dog(s) for _______ minutes.

Let dog outside in fenced yard for play time for ___________minutes.
Food and Water times:________________________________________
Litter box scooping and doggie waste yard clean up
Administering any necessary medications
Brushing (if your pet likes to be brushed)
Bringing in mail, newspapers and packages
Turning lights on and off
Opening and closing blinds
Watering plants
Taking trash cans to and from the curb
Small animal cage cleaning (birds, hamsters, etc)
Daily email or text update on your pets

Additional Notes: (another sheet may be attached for further details): ________________________________________
Keys: Please have 1 key ready for us when we meet. Choose one of the following options.
Option 1: I would like my key to be returned by USPS mail after services are completed. Initial:____________
Option 2: I release my house keys to Pet Pals to retain on file, in a secured location, for future services. I may revoke this
release at any time, at which time my keys will be returned. Initial: ___________

3 | Pet Pals Client agreement, revised 01/2014

Jeremy & Laura Clarke

419-603-2157 / 2158





Pet's name
Type of Pet
Male or Female
Approximate weight


Medical conditions or

Additional information
(scared of storms,
aggressive w/ other
dogs, etc)

Feeding type & amount

Feeding times

Additional instructions,
including treats

I, __________________________________ (Owner) have entered the above information as truthfully and accurately as
Pet Owner's Signature:______________________________________________ Date:__________________________

4 | Pet Pals Client agreement, revised 01/2014

Jeremy & Laura Clarke

419-603-2157 / 2158


Pet Information
Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________
Type(s): __________________________________________________________________________________
Birthdate(s): ______________________________________________________________________________

Veterinarian Information
Veterinarian: ______________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ____________________________________________________________________________

During my absence, Pet Pals will be caring for my pet(s). In the event of an emergency, I authorize you
(veterinarian) to administer medical treatment and will be responsible for payment to you (veterinarian) upon
my return.
I, ___________________________give Pet Pals permission to transport my pet(s) to the above veterinarian and authorize
treatment in the event of an emergency or sickness.
If this veterinarian is not available, I authorize Pet Pals to transport my pet(s) to a veterinarian of choice and authorize
treatment. If emergency care is needed after regular office hours, my pet(s) may be taken to the nearest Veterinarian
Emergency Hospital.
I give my permission to Pet Pals to approve treatment up to $_________________ (designate maximum dollar amount or
No Limit).
I agree to be responsible for all charges upon my return including, but not limited to, vet fees, extra visit fees, and
transportation fees.
I agree that Pet Pals is released from liability related to transportation to and from veterinarian and treatment for sickness
or emergency.
This release will remain valid for all current and future visits unless a new release is signed.

Pet Owner's Signature:______________________________ Date: ________________________________

5 | Pet Pals Client agreement, revised 01/2014

Jeremy & Laura Clarke

419-603-2157 / 2158


Pet Name: ________________________________________________
Type of Pet: _______________________________________________
Breed: ___________________________________________________
Markings: _________________________________________________
Male or Female: ____________________________________________
Number of Medications needed during service contract: _____________

1. Name of Medication: ____________________________________________________________________

Dosage: ______________________________________________________________________________
Time to administer: _____________________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: ___________________________________________________________________
Known side effects: ______________________________________________________________________
Instructions for medication: _______________________________________________________________
Has pet been on this medication before? _____________________________________________________
Any known problems with administering? _____________________________________________________

2. Name of Medication: ____________________________________________________________________

Dosage: ______________________________________________________________________________
Time to administer: _____________________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: ___________________________________________________________________
Known side effects: ______________________________________________________________________
Instructions for medication: _______________________________________________________________
Has pet been on this medication before? _____________________________________________________
Any known problems with administering? _____________________________________________________

3. Name of Medication: ____________________________________________________________________

Dosage: ______________________________________________________________________________
Time to administer: _____________________________________________________________________
Reason for medication: ___________________________________________________________________
Known side effects: ______________________________________________________________________
Instructions for medication: _______________________________________________________________
Has pet been on this medication before? _____________________________________________________
Any known problems with administering? _____________________________________________________

I, _____________________________________ authorize Pet Pals to administer medications to my pet per the instructions
listed above. Pet Pals is not responsible for reaction or adverse effects pet has to the medication. Owner expressly waives
any and all claims against Pet Pals unless arising from gross negligence on the part of Pet Pals. This agreement will remain
valid until a new agreement has been filled out.

Pet Owner's Signature:___________________________________________

6 | Pet Pals Client agreement, revised 01/2014


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