How Is Payroll A HR Functions..!!!

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How is payroll a HR functions..!!! Dear friends, Payroll in India was once upon a time (before 10 - 15 years) considered to be part of Accounts Department. !ose are t!e days w!en payroll was seen as a mere compliance function and also as finance"accountin# function as money was in$ol$ed. Performance appraisal was more a ritual done once in a year and performance was not ade%uately related to pay. &oreo$er, Accounts personnel were t!e only people considered to be fit for doin# statutory compliance related 'obs suc! as P( and )*I 'obs in an or#ani+ation. In countries li,e -*, e$en before 15 years Payroll was treated as part of t!e .ompensation / 0enefits &ana#ement, w!ic! is basically 12 function. Payroll, as you can see, is only an e$ent, w!ic! is !appenin# at a fre%uency as may be stipulated by t!e country"company rules, and is #uided by t!e policy on .ompensation / 0enefits &ana#ement pro#ram of any company. 3t!er countries #radually adopted t!e concept. Payroll is also a sensiti$e matter as employees may !a$e %ueries w!en t!ey recei$e t!eir pay slips. 4ot to #enerali+e, Accounts personnel are not $ery muc! t!e ri#!t persons to !a$e t!e ,ind of !uman relations s,ills to answer suc! %ueries wit! empat!y and patience. *o, Payroll also became a matter of !uman relations o$er years w!en employees mattered. Anot!er reason is t!e salaries !a$e become more and more lin,ed wit! employee performance and retention wit! a substantial part of salary paid as performance-lin,ed incenti$e. Performance &ana#ement bein# t!e 12 function, payroll mana#ement in a performance-oriented reward system !as become 12 function. Accounts department mainly performs a control function and is t!erefore made as bottlenec,. A bottlenec, approac! is not t!e ri#!t approac! w!en you need to reward people5s performance in a dynamic business en$ironment. *o, t!e payroll function !as been transferred to 12 to ma,e it stay nearer to t!e people of t!e or#ani+ation so as to respond %uic,ly to t!e employees5 %ueries and performance. 3f course, Accounts will ultimately monitor t!e e6penses and #i$e t!eir ad$ice re#ardin# any lapse in controls t!rou#! audit and ot!er tools. If 12 is not !andlin# payroll wit! a difference and wit! w!at purpose it s!ould !andle t!is function, t!en it does not matter if Accounts !andles it or 12 !andles it. I t!in, I !a$e answered you to t!e e6tent I can. !ere could be different $iews"reasons to be put fort! by ot!er members.

(le6ible salary definition wit! formula"slab etc., Inte#ration wit! Attendance &onitorin# *ystems Data Importin# / Interface wit! )6cel for Import / )6port of 7arious data .ustomi+ation facility of 2eports / *alary 1eads to suit t!e needs .apable of !andlin# of )*I, P( / P processin# " 2eportin# (le6ible definition of wor,in# days " !olidays dependin# on lea$e #roups .omplete lea$e mana#ement 12 details &ana#ement D* .omputation, e D* 8eneration / Printin# of D* certificates and 2eturns )6portin# *alary details to Accountin# *oftware 4etwor, .ompatible .lient *er$er Arc!itecture wit! optional bac,end, a$ailable wit! 3racle"&* *9:"&y *9:"&* Access ;ide list of printable 2eports

Reports Generated
Monthly Reports
*alary *!eet Pay *lip 0an, *tatement Attendance Details *alary Abstract 3$ertime 2eport Additional payments " Deduction 2eport 1old *alary 2eport 7ariance *tatement

Statutory Reports
P( 2eport )*I 2eport P 2eport 0onus 2eport 8ratuity 2eport

D* 2eport


Additional Reports :ea$e *alary .ertificate 3pen *alary .ertificate Ad$ance Arrears

Employee Related Reports )mployee Details .ontact Details Date 2elated 2eport 12 Details 2eport etc.

Database .!oice :oc,in# &ont! 1oldin# *alary 12 (unction &ont! .reation :ea$e &ana#ement Payroll .alendar *ample (ile And many more=.

Attendance *ettin# Attendance > Daily and 1ourly Allotment > 0etween Dates, .alendar ?ear and (inancial ?ear Percenta#e wise P( and )*I applicability to *alary 1eads in Assi#n !eads to *alary *tructure. )mployee .lassification c!an#es in between mont!. (i.e., user can c!an#e classification detail at 1st of e$ery mont! only) 2otatin# ;ee,ly 1oliday *ettin# Automatic :ea$e Allotment .onfi#uration Periodic Incenti$e (in *tandin# Instructions) 8ratuity : A &edical 2eimbursement

(ood .oupons 2eimbursement (le6i Pay 1old"2elease *alary Arrears (*imilar feature called *alary Ad'ustment will be #i$en) (ull and (inal *ettlement ;!ole ?ear *ummary Aournal 7ouc!er (a$orite .onfi#uration Payroll .alendar Denomination 9uery 0uilder )dit emplates

ACC !"# CREA#$ "S

o o &ultiple .ompany creation -nlimited employee creation

%remium &eatures
Statutory 'etails
Pro$ident (und )mployee *tate Insurance )ffecti$e &ont! based P(")*I 2ates Definition Profession a6 )ffecti$e &ont! based P 2ates Definition for multiple states a6 Deduction at *ource

Company 'etails

Address capturin#
)nablin# P( wit! options for P( 7oluntary and multiple P( #roup )nablin# )*I wit! options for Indi$idually calculatin# employer )*I

(imiting ES$ Gross and Multiple ES$ Group

)nablin# P and definin# P 8roups

)nable 0onus")6-8ratia )nable D* )nable *upplementary *alary

)nable 8ratuity *imple Document &ana#ement

Reminder Configura)le


&aintain user defined employee identifier &aintain 12 Details

.onfi#urable captions for )mployee ID, 2eference 4umber and *alary *tructure (i$e types of 4et *alary roundin# off wit! option to carry o$er rounded-off $alue to ne6t mont! salary *tandin# Instructions - Ad$ance, :oan, Insurance, 8roup Insurance, ***, Periodic Incenti$e &aintain : A &aintain &edical 2eimbursement &aintain Arrears #i$en *ecure salary processed mont!s &aintain 1eld salaries &aintain *alary ransfers directly to )mployee Account (Ad$. 0an,) Process salary in &iddle of t!e &ont! Process salary wit! !idden parameters -ser definable multiplier and di$isor for salary !eads defined (le6i Pay &ana#e (ood coupons &aintain !eoretical *alary alon# wit! Actual *alaries .onsider e6cess lea$es as :oss 3f Pay Allot lea$es after certain number of days 8enerate P( (orms 10 and 5 wit! pre$ious mont! data Display P( 7oluntary and )mployer contribution separately in &ont!ly P( report 2estrict P( )mployer contribution for eac! employee *ranch Creation ;it! P( ;it! )*I ;it! P Multiple Attendance Management settings :ea$e 2e#ister Attendance Daily Attendance 1ourly Attendance &ont!ly Allotment - 0etween Dates Allotment - &ont!ly 5

-nlimited number of *alary *tructure Definition Pro$ision for creatin# @0 )arnin# and Deduction !eads eac!. Definin# different settin# for same salary !ead across multiple *alary *tructures Period dependent *alary 1ead definition Salary Heads can )e defined as (ormula *lab :ump sum .ompany :ump sum 8roup :ump sum )$ery &ont! Percenta#e based options for definin# w!at amount of salary !ead is applicable for P( and )*I calculation. )ac! salary !ead can be defined to contribute towards P *ettin# re%uired D* references for eac! salary !ead for automatic a6 computation. Detailed employee information capturin# wit! period based classification of data pertainin# to department, desi#nation, occupation, di$ision, #rade, branc!, attendance !ead, ban, account number and salary structure Date wise c!an#e )mployee le$el applicability for P(, )*I, P and D* P( )*I P D* *ettin# P("P applicability"non applicability from *et Date &aintain ot!er employee details li,e, %ualification, blood #roup, ima#es, references, lan#ua#es, trainin# pro#rams, special dates, family details, memos, disciplinary actions ta,en etc. &aintain financial institution"ban, details for standin# instructions and salary remittance. Attendance &ana#ement .reate unlimited number of lea$es " on duty items &aintain 1oliday list wit! a master list and attendance !ead based list (i6ed (re%uency 2otatin# Policy .onfi#ure allotments for automatically set t!e lea$e to be allotted to employee

&aintain encas!ment of lea$es eit!er as separate payment or payment t!rou#! salaries *et user defined dates for applyin# special 3 *tandin# Instruction Ad$ance":oan, mana#e indi$idual or bul, entries. 3ptions to read'ust manually"automatically. &aintain $oluntary employee contributions towards ad$ance"loan ta,en Insurance. &ana#e premium payments on insurance policies ta,en by employee 8roup Insurance. &ana#e premium payments done for #roup policy ta,en on a #roup of employees ***. &aintain *alary *a$in# *c!eme data Periodic Incenti$e D* Data lin,in# for *tandin# Instructions 0onus")6-8ratia. Define infinite number based on user defined formula. D* applicability if re%uired can also be made. P deducted on bonus"e6-8ratia #i$en can also be defined Pro$ision to treat bonus"e6-8ratia #i$en as a separate payment or t!rou#! salaries 8ratuity payments based on t!eoretical " earned salaries. Pro$ision to consider ta6able amount for ta6 computation : A based on followed practices &edical 2eimbursement based on followed practices (ood .oupon mana#ement 2eimbursement &ana#e t!eoretical salaries and also define salary rates (*alary 2ate) Automated *alary .alculation (*alary )ditor) 3 2ate D* Ad$ance 0an, Detail 2elease *alary .alculation (ield )&I Details )ditin# .reate unlimited number of additional payments"deductions done eac! mont! Pro$ision #i$en to apply t!e additional deductions made to re%uired ta6 deduction references for automatic ta6 computation Arrears *alary Ad'ustment (ull and (inal settlement Import " )6port options for employee details, attendance details and salaries )mployee &aster 12 Details

:ea$e 2e#ister Attendance Daily Attendance 1ourly Attendance &ont!ly *alary 2ate *alary Details

D* &ana#ement 0ul, employee delete Process immediate pre$ious mont! salary Aournal $ouc!er based on company, salary structure, department or branc!es defined )6pression )ditor Ad$anced (ilter (a$ourite .onfi#uration Payroll .alendar Interest .alculation Denomination 9uery 0uilder )dit emplates *ecurity at product and data file le$el 8roup based data access for users. 0ac,up and restore - sin#le file 0ac,up and restore - multiple file 3pen .omponent 55. &ultiple .ompany &* Access &* *9: &?*9:

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