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BI TP VIT LI CU (C P N) A.Mi quan h i!a "a #$%in&'$(#)* +, -h. qu/ 0h1 23n +, -h. hin -4i h#,n -h,nh.

1.We havent been to a concert for over a year. -The last time 2.Your birthday party was the last time I really en oyed myself. -I. !.Its nearly 2" years since my father saw his brother. -#y father $.Tom went to %cotland last &riday and is still there. -Tom has. '.When did you last ride a bi(e) -*ow lon+ is it) ,.The last time I went swimmin+ was when I was in &rance. -I havent.. -.You havent tided up this room for wee(s. -Its. ..*e was last in touch with me three wee(s a+o. - *e hasnt.. /.#r 0ohn hasnt visited &rance since 1//". -#r 0ohn last.. 1".It last rained three wee(s a+o. -Its.. 11.I havent eaten this (ind of food before. This is the first.. B.Mnh 25 "6i%h*. 12.What a pity you failed your drivin+ test1 -I wish 1!.Its a pity that youre +oin+ away so soon. -I wish 1$.Im sorry I didnt phone him yesterday. -I wish.. C.Mnh 25 %# %/nh. 1'.%he (nows a lot more about it than I do. -I dont (now.. 1,.0ane is a better coo( than 2etty. -2etty cant.. 1-.Tom is youn+er than he loo(s. -Tom isnt.. 1..I didnt spend as much money as my friend did. -#y friend.. 1/.*e doesnt (now them as well as I do. -I (now.. 2".Its still cold but it was colder yesterday. -Its isnt 7.Mnh 25 &h8 n u9:n nh;n +, 0<- qu=. 21.The children couldnt +o swimmin+ because the sea was very rou+h.

-The sea was too 22.We didnt have enou+h money3so we didnt +o on holiday. -If we 2!.We +ot lost because we didnt have a map. -If we.. 2$.The brid+e was so low that the bus couldnt +o under it. -It was.. 2'.It was so late that nothin+ could be done. -It was too. 2,.*e couldnt afford to buy a car. -The car.. 2-.That restaurant is so dirty that noone wants to eat there. -It is such. 2..The tast was too difficult for the pupils to do. -The test 2/.4hone now or you will be late. -You will.. >. M?- % @Au &;u 0h/&. !".I advise you to put your money in a ban(. -Youd . !1.Why dont you meet to discuss the price) -I su++est !2.I would prefer you to deliver the pac(a+e on #onday. -Id rather P N A.1I went to a concert was over a year a+o. 2havent really en oyed myself since your birthday party. !.hasnt seen his brother for nearly 2" years. $.been in %cotland since last &riday. +one to %cotland since last &riday. '.. since you rode a bi(e) ,been swimmin+ since I was in &rance.5 ..+one swimmin+ since I was in &rance. -.wee(s since you tided up this room. .. 2een in touch with her for three wee(s. /.visited &rance in 1//". 1"three wee(s since it rained. 11.time I have eaten this (ind of food. had passed5 hadnt failed your drivin+ test. 1!.you werent +oin+ away so soon. 1$..I had phoned him yesterday. 1' much about it as she does. 1,.coo( as well as 0ane. old as he loo(s. 1..spent more money than I did.

1/.them better than he does. 2".as cold today as it was yesterday. 7.21rou+h for the children to +o swimmin+. 22.had had enou+h money3 we could have +one on a holiday. 2!had had a map3 we couldnt have +ot lost. 2$such a low brid+e that the bus couldnt +o under it. 2'. late for anythin+ to be done.5 ..late to do anythin+. 2,.was too e6pensive for him.5 cost more than he could afford. 2-.a dirty restaurant that noone wants to eat there. 2..was so difficult that the pupils couldnt do it. 2/.be late if you dont phone now. >.!"..better put your money in a ban(. !1.that you should have a meetin+.5 .that you should meet to discuss the price.5 .meetin+ to discuss the price. ! delivered the pac(a+e on #onday.

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