Foundation Stones

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While the worlds attention is riveted on the unfolding drama in Ukraine, recent domestic events in the United States

deserve mention as they may be the foundation stones for a resurgence of the protest movement witnessed in 2011

Figure 1: A video where a cop peppered sprayed a group of peaceful protesters at the University of California at Davis by RTAmerica

!he assault on individual rights has picked up pace during the "bama #dministration, picking up from where $resident %ush left off !he violations range from passing a bill to facilitate detention of #merican citi&ens without trial, increased use of unmanned drones in the homeland, the 'epartment of (omeland Security purchase of 1 ) %illion rounds of ammunition to the *ational Security #gency spying on citi&ens !he official +hinese ,inhua *ews #gency came out with a rebuttal to U S accusations on violation of human rights !he commentary issued on -riday cited the *S# $/0S1 program, solitary confinement in U S prisons, use of drones in $akistan and deaths due to misuse of firearms as part of a report pointing to a worsening U S human rights record *otably, there has been a push back on recent attempts to entrench additional "rwellian policies $erhaps, the uprisings in Ukraine, !hailand and 2ene&uela are rubbing off on #mericans What emerges below the surface is a timing element and a well structured pattern !he magnet appears to be "ctober of 201)

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