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Highlights Definition Chromosomes Cell Division mitosis _ meiosis _ significance A note on chronology

TYPES: C !s l "e#$eriment l% em&ryology Com$ r tive em&ryology

Descri$tive em&ryology

'em( &re)ol*+),e'

-he science of the .evelo$ment of the in.ivi.! l .!ring the embryonic stage and, &y e#tension/ in sever l or even ll $ n. s!&se0!ent st ges of life cycle.

General e!"n"#"$n% $! e&'r($l$)( -he &r nch of &iology th t .e ls 1ith the form tion/ e rly gro1th/ n. .evelo$ment of living org nisms 2t!.y of the form tion n. development of an embryo and fetus

*h( &e "+al %#, en#% %h$,l %#, ( E&'r($l$)( 3no1 ho1 single cell .evelo$s into ne1&orn/ +$n#a"n"n) n,&er$,% #"%%,e% an $r)an%. Hel$ !s !n.erst n. m ny com$lic te. f cts of .!lt ana#$&(. E#$l in 1hy some re &orn 1ith org ns th t a'n$r&al.
A$$reci te the f ctors res$onsi&le for m l.evelo$ment to assist us in preventing or treating such abnormalities.

S$&e .rel"&"nar( +$n%" era#"$n

Em&ryo 4 .evelo$ing in.ivi.! l .!ring 5st t1o months. 6et!s 4 .evelo$ing in.ivi.! l from 7r. month !ntil &irth.

G metes 8 re $ro.!ce. &y testes n. ov ries. -estis 8 $ro.!ces g metes " s$erm to9o %. 2$erm togenesis 8 $rocess of $ro.!cing s$erm to9o . Ov ry 8 $ro.!ces g metes " ov %. Oogenesis 8 $rocess of $ro.!cing ov . 6ertili9 tion 8 t :es $l ce 1hen one s$erm to9oon enters n $/,&. ;ygote 8 the f!se. ov!m n. s$erm.

*ha# "% E&'r($l$)(E&'r($l$)( "% #he %#, ( $! #he e/el$.&en# $! an "n "/" ,al 'e!$re '"r#h.

Every in.ivi.! l s$en.s <== . ys> 01 2ee3% ( #$ 'e e4a+# )

One celle. str!ct!re $ ss st ges to &ecome org nism h ving '"ll"$n% $! +ell%5 n,&er$,% #"%%,e% an $r)an% are !$r&e an +$&e #$ !,n+#"$n "n .er!e+# har&$n(.
The &$%# %.e+#a+,lar $! #he%e +han)e% $++,r "n #he 6%# #2$ &$n#h% ( #he ,n'$rn

'a'( a+7,"re% "#% &a"n $r)an% an 8,%# 'e)"n% #$ 'e re+$)n"9e a% h,&an ).

5st t1o months 4 Em&ryo. 7r. month !ntil &irth 4 fet!s.

5st <? . ys $ost &irth 4 @e1&orn & &y .

A str!ct!re in the n!cle!s cont ining line r thre . of D@A/

2h"+h #ran%&"#% )ene#"+ "n!$r&a#"$n an a%%$+"a#e 2"#h RNA an h"%#$ne%: ,r"n) +ell "/"%"$n.

Chrom ti. 4
$ne $! #he .a"re +hr$&$%$&e %#ran %5 8$"ne a# #he

+en#r$&ere5 2h"+h &a3e ,. a &e#a.ha%e +hr$&$%$&e5 re%,l#"n) !r$& +hr$&$%$&e re ,.l"+a#"$n ,r"n) #he DNA %(n#he#"+ .ha%e $! "n#er.ha%e.

It coils to form the metaphase chromosome.
-he more re .ily st in &le $rotein of the cell n!cle!s/ forming net1or: of nuclear fibrils. It is a DNA attached to a protein primarily (histone structure base and is the carrier of the genes in inheritance.

A %e)&en# $! DNA &$le+,le #ha# +$n#a"n% all #he "n!$r&a#"$n re7,"re !$r %(n#he%"% $! a .r$ ,+# ( .$l(.e.#" e +ha"n RNA &$le+,le ). It is biologic unit of hereditary, self reproducing and transmitted !r$& .aren# #$ .r$)en(. Ea+h )ene ha% a %.e+"!"+ .$%"#"$n (l$+,%) $n #he +hr$&$%$&e.

THE NUCLEIC ACID IN *HICH THE SUGAR DEO;YRIBOSE5 +$n%#"#,#"n) #he an $++,rr"n) .re $&"nan#l( #he n,+le,%. .r"&ar( )ene#"+ &a#er"al $! all"n +ell,lar $r)an"%& an #he DNA /"r,%e%: DNA "% ,.l"+a#e '( re.l"+a#"$n an "# %er/e% a% a#e&.la#e !$r %(n#he%"% $! r"'$n,+le"+ a+" (RNA ) (#ran%+r".#"$n).

S$&e !a+#% a'$,# +hr$&$%$&e%

@!m&er of chromosomes in e ch cell is fi#e. for given s$ecies n. in m n it is "A=%. -his is referre. to s .i$loi. "or .o!&le n!m&er %. Bn s$erm to9o n. ov the n!m&er of chromosomes in only hal! #he ".l$" n,&'er (<0)5 #h"% "% +alle ha.l$" $r hal! n,&'er . -here re "A=% chromosomes in h!m n cell "AA% !tosom l (<) are %e4 +hr$&$%$&e%. "AA% !tosom l chromosomes 4 "<<% $ irs. -he chromosomes forming $ ir &eing e# ctly li:e.

Other f cts
Ch r cters of $ rents re tr nsmitte. to offs$ring thro!gh +$ e% '$rne $n %#ran % $! DNA. Genes re m .e !$ of s!ch str n.s of D@A. Genes re loc te. on chromosomes. A ty$ic l cell cont ins "A=% chromosomes 4 .i$loi. n!m&er. A g mete cont ins "<7% chromosomes 4 h $loi. n!m&er. -he .i$loi. n!m&er of chromosomes is restore. s res!lt $! !er#"l"9a#"$n.

H,&an +hr$&$%$&e 2"#h +$"le an ,n+$"le

S")n"!"+an+e $! +hr$&$%$&e%
-he entire h!m n &o.y .evelo$s from the fertili9e. ov!m. -he fertili9e. ov!m cont ins ll the inform tion necess ry !$r !$r&a#"$n $! #he n,&er$,% #"%%,e% an $r)an% $! #he '$ (5 an !$r #he"r $r erl( a%%e&'l( an !,n+#"$n. E ch cell of the &o.y inherits ll .irections th t re ne+e%%ar( !$r "# #$ +arr( $,# "#% !,n+#"$n% #hr$,)h l"!e. -his tremen.o!s vol!me of inform tion is store. 1ithin the +hr$&$%$&e% $! #he +ell.

-he n t!re n. f!nctions of cell .e$en. on the $roteins synthesi9e. &y it 2o the genes control the .evelo$ment n. f!nctioning of cells &y .etermining 1h t ty$es of $roteins 1ill &e synthesi9e. 1ithin them.
Gene% .la( an "&.$r#an# r$le "n #he e/el$.&en# $! #"%%,e% an $r)an% $! #he "n "/" ,al.

!ignificance of chromosomes(continue

Ch r cters " tr its% of n in.ivi.! l re .etermine. &y genes c rrie. on his "or her% chromosomes. H lf of these ch r cters re inherite. from the f ther n. h lf from the mother.

2ignific nce of chromosomes CO@-B@CE

E ch chromosome &e rs on itself very l rge n!m&er of )ene%. Genes re m .e !$ of n!cleic ci. c lle. D@A n. ll "n!$r&a#"$n "% %#$re "n #he &$le+,le% $! #h"% %,'%#an+e. Genes re involve. in synthesis of $roteins. Droteins re the most im$ort nt constit!ents of o!r &o.y/ #he( &a3e ,. #he )rea#er .ar# $! ea+h +ell an "n#er+ell,lar %,'%#an+e. =En9(&e%5 h$r&$ne% an an#"'$ "e% are al%$ .r$#e"n%.

Chr$&$%$&e %#r,+#,re
Bn resting cell/ the chromosomes ren*t visi&le ! light microsco$e. D!ring cell .ivision the chrom tin net1or: &ecomes con.ense. into n,&'er $! +hr$&$%$&e%. (/"%"'le ,n er l")h# &"+r$%+$.e)

Chromosome is m .e !$ of t1o ( r$ %ha.e %#r,+#,re) +alle +hr$&a#" %. Ea+h +hr$&a#" ha% #2$ ar&%.

Chrom ti.s !nite t n re c lle.

+en#r$&ere ( 3"ne#$+h$re ).

Chromosome str!ct!re "contin!e%

Bn.ivi.! l chromosome .iffers from one nother in total length, relative length of the t"o arms and in various other characteristics and these differences enable us to identify each chromosome individually . Cla%%"!"+a#"$n $! +hr$&$%$&e% "n #h"% 2a( "% +alle >ARYOTYPING.
>ar($#(."n) &a3e% "# .$%%"'le !$r ,% #$ e#e+# a'n$r&al"#"e% "n +hr$&$%$&e n,&'er $r "n #he "n "/" ,al +hr$&$%$&e.

MB-O2B2 'm itosis'

MEIOSIS /maiosis

Cell D"/"%"$n

Cell D"/"%"$n
Cell D"/"%"$n

#IT$!I! %maitosis%
-his term is !se. interch nge &ly 1ith cell .ivision/

&!t strictly s$e :ing it refers to n!cle r .ivision/

1here s cyto:inesis refers to .ivision of cyto$l sm.

Cell Division
m!lti$lic tion is n essenti l fe t!re for em&ryonic .evelo$ment an "% ne+e%%ar( a!#er '"r#h !$r )r$2#h an !$r $! ea +ell%. Chromosomes 1ith the n!clei of cells c rry genetic inform tion th t controls the DEEELODME@- n. 6C@C-BO@B@G of v rio!s cells n. tiss!es.

Fhen cell the . !ghter cells m!st h ve chromosomes identical in number ( and in genetic content to those in the mother cell.

-his ty$e of .ivision is c lle. mitosis

Cell Division (continue)

A .ifferent :in. of cell .ivision is c lle. MEBO2B2 occ!rs .!ring the form tion of g metes.

MEBO2B2 consist of t1o s!ccessive .ivisions.

-he cells res!lting from the first n. secon. MEBO-BC .ivisions "g metes% .iffer from other cells of the &o.y in th t8 5. -he n!m&er of chromosomes is re.!ce. to h lf the norm l n!m&er. <. -he genetic inform tion in v rio!s g metes $ro.!ce. isn*t i.entic l.

M!lti$lic tion of cells t :es $l ce &y cell .ivision.
-he !s! l metho. of cell .ivision/ seen in most tiss!es. D !ghter cells res!lting from mitotic .ivision re simil r to the $ rent cells n. h ve the s me n!m&er of chromosomes "A=%. M ny cells of the &o.y h ve limite. s$ n of f!nction l ctivity/ At the en. of f!nction l ctivity/ cells !n.ergo .ivision into t1o . !ghter cells. -he . !ghter cells in t!rn h ve their o1n s$ n of ctivityG follo1e. &y nother .ivision. -he $erio. &et1een t1o s!ccessive .ivision is c lle. interphase.

2t ges of MB-O2B2
MB-O2B2 B2 DBEBDED B@-O 6OCR 2-AGE2 6. Pr$.ha%e <. Me#a.ha%e 0. Ana.ha%e &. Telophase

-he &est $h se for !n.erst is T'($)*A!'

Bnter$h se
D!ring s$ecific $erio. of the inter$h se/ the D@A +$n#en# $! #he +hr$&$%$&e "% ,.l"+a#e .
So that

Another chrom ti. is

Chromosome no1 is m .e !$ of t1o chrom ti.s. Bn E rly inter$h se 4 chromosomes re in the form of e#ten.e. thre .s. Bn L te inter$h se D@A of e ch chromosome h s !n.ergone .!$lic tion.

forme.."i.entic l to the origin l one%

In#er.ha%e refers to ll st ges of the cell cycle other th n &"#$%"%.

Dro$h se
-he chrom tin of the chromosome 'e+$&e% )ra ,all( &$re an &$re +$"le 5 -h t me ns the chromosome &ecomes recogni9 &le s thre .)li:e then s ro. li:e $$e r nce. -o1 r. the n. of $ro$h se/ the t1o +hr$&a#" % 'e+$&e "%#"n+# an #he +hr$&$%$&e n$2 ha% "#% #(."+al %#r,+#,re. -he t1o centerioles se$ r te n. move to o$$osite $oles of the cell. -he t1o centerioles $ro.!ce n!m&er of microtubules that pass from one centeriole to the other and form a spindle. -he n!cle r mem&r ne &re :s .o1n. -he n!cleoli .is $$e r.

Met $h se
Fith the form tion of s$in.le/ +hr$&$%$&e% &$/e #$ a .$%"#"$n &" 2a( 'e#2een #he #2$ +en#er"$le%. ( a# #he e7,a#$r $! #he +ell)

E ch chromosome 'e+$&e% a##a+he #$ &"+r$#,',le% $! #he %."n le '( "#% +enr#$&ere.

An $h se
-he centromere s$lits l$n)"#, "nall( "n#$ #2$5
-he chrom ti.s no1 'e+$&e "n e.en en# +hr$&$%$&e%.

-he cell cont ins "A=%

.a"r% $! +hr$&$%$&e%.

One chromosome moves long #he %."n le #$ e"#her .$le $! #he +ell.

-elo$h se
Chromosomes gr .! lly elong te an 'e+$&e "n "%#"n+#.

-1o . !ghter n!clei re !$r&e '( a..earan+e $! n,+lear &e&'rane%.

@!cleoli re $$e r.

Centeriole is .!$lic te. t #h"% %#a)e $r "n #he earl( "n#er.ha%e.

-he .ivision of the n!cle!s is a++$&.an"e '( #he "/"%"$n $! #he +(#$.la%& ? (CYTO>INESIS). In #h"% .r$+e%% -HE ORGA@ELLE2 re $res!m &ly ,.l"+a#e . E ch . !ghter cell comes to h ve !,ll +$&.le&en# $! #he&.

%.e+"al 3"n $! +ell "/"%"$n #a3e% .la+e "n #he #e%#"% an $/ar( !$r !$r&a#"$n $! )a&e#e%. The )a&e#e% re%,l#"n) !r$& &e"$%"% ha/e #he haploid number of chromosomes (+, . The /ar"$,% )a&e#e% !$r&e %a&e )ene#"+ +$n#en#. $n@# ha/e #he

#eiosis (continue

Consists of t1o s!ccessive .ivisions. -hey re c lle. the 5st n. <n. meiotic .ivisions.
D!ring the inter$h se $ the 5st .ivisionG

DUPLICATION OF DNA a% "n &"#$%"%.

An$#her +hr$&a#" " en#"+al #$ #he $r")"nal $ne "% !$r&e .

E ch chromosome is m .e !$ of t1o chrom ti.s.

Dro$h se Le$totene -ygotene )achytene Diplotene

Met $h se An $h se -elo$h se

6irst Meiotic Division

-he Dro$h seis $rolonge. n. is ,%,all( "/" e "n#$ a n,&'er $! %#a)e% a% !$ll$2:

.. (eptotene +. -ygotene ,. )achytene &. Diplotene

Chromosomes &ecome visi&le " s in mitosis%. Chrom ti.s ren*t .isting!ishe..

D iring 4t1o chromosomes lie $ r llel to e ch other.

2yn $sis 4 con,!g tion 4 $ iring


D chytene
Chrom ti.s &ecome .istinct. -he &iv lent h s "A% +hr$&a#" % "% +alle a T'T/AD. -here re "<% centr l n. "<% $eri$her l chrom ti.s one from e ch chromosome. -he "<% centr l chrom ti.s become coiled over each other at a number of points 0 C/$!!IN1 $2'/. Chrom ti.s &ecome .herent t crossing $oints/ these $oints re c lle. +h"a%&a#a.

E#ch nge of genetic m teri l &et1een chrom ti.s. -he t1o chromosomes of &iv lent move $ rt

-his res!lt in crossing over HBRE 3( t the $oints of crossing over.

Loose $ieces &ecome tt che. to the o$$osite chrom ti..

Met $h se
As in mitosis #he (AB) +hr$&$%$&e% 'e+$&e a##a+he #$ #he %."n le a# #he e7,a#$r.

-he t1o chromosomes $! .a"r 'e"n) +l$%e #$ ea+h $#her.

An $h se
" .iffers from th t in mitosis%.

-here is no s$litting of the centromeres.

One entire chromosome of each pair moves to each pole of the spindle. D !ghter cells h ve "<7% +hr$&$%$&e% (ea+h &a e ,. $! #2$ +hr$&a#" %.

-elo$h se -1o . !ghter n,+le" are !$r&e .

-he .ivision of the n,+le,% "% !$ll$2e '( "/"%"$n $! #he +(#$.la%&

Tel$.ha%e- #he !"nal %#a)e $! &e"$%"%

Tel$.ha%e 6

!econd #eiotic Division

-he first meiotic .ivision is follo1e. &y short inter$h se. -here is no .!$lic tion of D@A.
"2!ch .!$lic tion is !nnecess ry s chromosomes of cells $ossess t1o chrom ti.s e ch%. -he <n. meiotic .ivision is simil r to mitosis. -he . !ghter cells ren*t i.entic l in )ene#"+ +$n#en# 'e+a,%e $! #he +r$%%"n) $/er ha% $++,rre ,r"n) #he 6%# "/"%"$n .

2ignific nce of Meiosis


'3C')T ID'NTICA( T4IN! N$ T4$ )'/!$N! A/' A(I5'6 .. There is a reduction of the number of chromosomes from .i$loi. to h $loi.. At time of fertili9 tion the .i$loi. n!m&er is restore.. -his $ consistency of chromosome n!m&er from gener tion to gener tion. +. Chromosomes from mother and father are distributed &et1een the . !ghter entirely. ,. Crossing over results in thorough !*788(IN1 of genetic m teri l "ov n. s$erm to9o ll h ve .istinctive genetic content%.

-er togen
-he .evelo$ment of .efects in n em&ryo A&norm lities in .evelo$ment c n res!lt .!e to e#$osing the embryo to certain agents (chemical or physical . -he list of ter togens :ee$s incre sing. 2ome $ rtic!l r org ns re most sensitive to ter togens 1hen they are passing through critical phase in their development. -his $erio. of gre t s!sce$ti&ility to ter togens .iffers from org n #$ $r)an. Bn e rly st ges of .evelo$ment / the ge rec:one. in . ys. L ter 1hen the events re less .r m tic/ ge c n &e e#$resse. in 1ee:s or months. Ho1ever / the e# ct ge of em&ryo isn*t l1 ys :no1n.

-er togen "contin!e%

An estim te c n &e m .e &y o&serving the si9e of the em&ryo

"e#$resse. s C.R. length%.

2ome other fe t!re li:e the n!m&er of somites.

-here re n!mero!s references to the timing of em&ryonic events (most commonly in terms of C./. length . -he .is .v nt ge of .oing so is th t it ..s yet one more complication to understanding of an already intricate sub9ect.

Dro1n)r!m$ length 4 the length of any embryo, fetus, or infant from the cro"n of the head to the breech: used in estimating the age of the embryos from the fourth to the eighth "ee; . Bt is the e0!iv lent of sitting verte# height in in.ivi.! ls.

2omite 'so*mit'
One of the $ ire./ &loc: li:e m sses of meso.erm/ rr nge. segment lly longsi.e the ne!r l t!&e of the em&ryo/ forming the verte&r l col!mn n. segment l m!sc!l t!reG c lle. lso meso.ermic/ meso&l stic/ $rimit tive/ $rimor.i l/ or $rotoverte&r l segment.

-his sho1s $ro$h se/ $romet $h se/ met $h se/ n $h se n. telo$h se

Aster short fi&ers $ro.!ce. &y cells .!ring &"#$%"% an &e"$%"%.

The en
-h n: yo!
ne#t lect!re 4 s$erm togenesis n. oogenesis

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