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Abdul Qadeer Roll # E 44 Mohammad Abdullah Roll # 37

Mercy Malaysia is a non profit organization supported by the masses of Malaysia for Medical and humanitarian aid in all over the world.
When ever any Natural disaster take place in any part of the world Mercy Malaysia irrespective of religion or nation, rushes out and gets actively involved in providing emergency assistance (medical relief services) and humanitarian aid to affected populations voluntarily.

Mercy Malaysia Mainly focuses on

Medical Relief Emergency assistance Sustainable Setups Humanitarian aid Houses for the Survivors Donations for the

Survivors Needy support

Indonesia 2000, 2007 Cambodia 2001, 2002. Sri Lanka 2003 Pakistan in 2007, 2010 Sudan 2007 Bangladesh 2007 Yemen 2008

India 2008

Turkey 1999. India 2000,

China 2003, 2008

Iran 2003. Sumatra 2005.

Indonesia 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009

Pakistan Azad Kashmir 2005, 2008 Bangladesh 2007

Japan 2011

Indian Ocean 2004. Aceh, Malaysia. 2004 Sri Lanka 2004 Indonesia 2004 Japan 2011

Philippines 2004, 2004, 2006, 2009 Bangladesh 2007 Vietnam 2007 Myanmar 2008, 2009


Internally Displaced Persons Indonesia Conflict 2000. 2001, Afghanistan 2001, 2002 (Medical center.) Iraq 2003, (Baghdad), (Hospitals) Sudan 2004, 2008, 2009 Palestine , 2003, 2008 and 2009 Lebanon 2006 Sri Lanka 2009.

In 2008, MERCY


North Korea's appeal for

Malaysia also responded to Myanmar to aid the survivors of Cyclone Nargis

international aid for the train collision and explosion and also provided medical supplies worth RM50,000.


donations of RM1.7 million cash and software grants


TORN COUNTRIES Provides boys and girls aged between 5 and 10 pre-school education to prepare them for primary school during the onset of the war MERCY LITTLE CALIPH (MLC)

The MLC has conducted a vaccination program

War-Torn Countries

Focuses conflict zones, fundraising campaign to provide schoolbags and other necessities for children in war-torn countries like Palestine, Afghanistan and Iraq. Psychosocial Trainings Free Training. Intervention Group Of Alcohol Misuse: Awareness regarding non consumption of Alcohol. School Preparedness Program to increase the participants understanding of disaster preparedness. Donation of medical equipment and ambulances



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