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Westfield London Cinema Whats on

Two little girls go missing but theres nothing to connect the suspect to the crime. Can a father be blamed for taking the law into his own hands? Running time: !"mins. #Contains child abduction theme$ strong %iolence and strong language&

Standard film times

13:10 16:35 20:40 21:50

Runner Runner
' student realises hes been cheated b( an online gambling site and %ows to track down the man behind it onl( to be seduced into a life of crime. Running time:) mins. #Contains strong language and se*&

Standard film times

13:10 15:40 18:10 20:00

+n the ),-s$ two .ormula up dead. racing dri%ers were willing to do an(thing to beat each other$ e%en if that meant winding

Running time: //mins. #Contains strong language$ se* and blood( in0ur( detail&

Standard film times


Blue Jasmine
' woman plummets from a life of lu*ur( to almost breakdown and heads to sta( with her sister in order to find her wa( out of this mess. Running time:)1mins. #Contains infre2uent strong language 3 moderate references to se* 3 suicide&

Standard film times

11:10 13:50 16:30 19:10

Insidious 2
The Lambert famil( think their haunting ordeal is o%er when the( mo%e. Little do the( know$ things are about to get horribl( worse. Running time: -!mins.

Standard film times

1 :00 18:10 20:50 23:30

!"out #ime
' (oung man is told the famil( secret: the men can tra%el in time. 4e sets about putting this skill to the use of making his lo%e life perfect. Running time: /"mins. #Contains infre2uent strong language and moderate se* references&

Standard film times

15:30 16:40 18:00
$ser ratin%



&hite 'ouse (o)n

While at a 0ob inter%iew at the White 4ouse$ a policeman is caught up in a full5scale in%asion. Can he sa%e his daughter and his 6resident? Running time: " mins. #Contains fre2uent moderate %iolence 3 threat$ 3 one use of strong language&

film times
09:50 13:10 16:20
$ser ratin%



Justin and the *ni%hts of +alour

' (oung man set to be a law(er would actuall( prefer to become a chi%alrous knight like his grandfather. ' team of mentors help him li%e his dream. Running time:)7mins. #Contains mild %iolence&

Standard film times

09:40 12:15 14:50

8he is the most famous woman in the world$ but behind the smiles$ her world is in freefall$ something that wont stop until it hits the bottom. Running time: 13:50 16:50 !mins. #Contains strong language$ brief land mine in0ur( 3 surgical detail& 19:50
$ser ratin%

Standard film times


#he ,all
' ) operator is faced with a killer from her past when she gets a call from a (oung girl who has been kidnapped. Can she put an end to him for good? Running time:)!mins. #Contains strong language$ blood( %iolence and sustained threat&

Standard film times

18:30 21:00 23:30

-irl .ost /i0el1

' girl with dreams of fame and fortune in 9ew :ork hits an all5time low and learns to come to terms with her eccentric famil( and her 9ew ;erse( roots. Running time: -"mins. #Contains one use of strong language and moderate se* references&

Standard film times

12:50 15:20 1 :50 20:30 23:15

&e2re the .illers

' bunch of hard5up people pretend to be a famil( in order to smuggle pot from <e*ico. Little do the( know what the(re getting themsel%es into. Running time: 1 :20 20:20 -mins. #Contains strong language and references to se* and drugs& 23:10
$ser ratin%

Standard film times

' big5hearted$ fast5fl(ing crop duster with dreams of aerial racing learns to con2uer his fears and reach new heights with a little help from his friends. Running time:)/mins. #Contains no material likel( to offend or harm&

Standard film times

10:40 13:10 15:40
$ser ratin%

' cop who has recentl( been killed 0oins a =ombie police department to help track down the man who did the e%il deed. Running time:)7mins. #Contains moderate fantas( %iolence and threat&

Standard film times

10:00 12:30 15:00 1 :30 20:00

(es4i5a"le .e 2
>ru is turning awa( from the dark side as he starts to help eliminate the world of %illains. Which means lots of weapons? Running time:)1mins. #Contains %er( mild scar( scenes and slapstick %iolence&

Standard film times

10:20 13:00 15:30
$ser ratin%

+n the future$ the rich li%e on a lu*ur( space station whilst the poor still li%e on a ruined @arth. @2ualit( can onl( be won at great danger to one mans life. Running time: -)mins. #Contains strong language$ blood( %iolence and gor( images&

Standard film times

$ser ratin%

Le%iathan is a thrilling$ immersi%e documentar( that takes (ou deep inside the dangerous world of commercial fishing. Running time:1,mins. (ue to "e released: 2981182013

Standard film times


.ada%as5ar 3
When the animals get stranded in @urope on their wa( back to 9ew :ork$ the( find the onl( chance the( ha%e of sur%i%al is to 0oin a circus. 'nd come up with an act? Running time:)"mins. #Contains mild slapstick %iolence&

Standard film times

$ser ratin%

.onsters $ni7ersit1
Aefore the( 0oined <onsters +nc. <ike and 8ulle( had to learn their scaring skills$ something the( did at Bni%ersit($ where the( first meet. Running time: 11:10 10:00
$ser ratin%

-mins. #Contains mild slapstick and comic threat& 13:55

Standard film times


film times

.onsters $ni7ersit1 3(
Aefore the( 0oined <onsters +nc. <ike and 8ulle( had to learn their scaring skills$ something the( did at Bni%ersit($ where the( first meet. Running time: 10:30
$ser ratin%

-mins. #Contains mild slapstick and comic threat&

film times

Per51 Ja50son: Sea of .onsters

6erc( ;ackson and friends tra%el into the 8ea of <onsters in search of a >olden .leece in order to protect his people$ but encounter a range of problems which threaten their own safet( along the wa(. Running time: -7mins. #Contains moderate fantas( %iolence and threat$ and mild language&

Standard film times

$ser ratin%

#he Smurfs 2
The 8murfs hit the human world again$ this time %enturing to 6aris to tr( and rescue 8murfette from e%il sorcerer >argamel and his newl(5created 9aughties. Running time: -!mins. #Contains mild slapstick %iolence and %er( mild language&

Standard film times

11:15 14:05
$ser ratin%

#he &a19 &a1 Ba50

' teenage bo( finding it hard to fit in goes on summer holida( with his mum and finds a friend C and a new outlook C at his 0ob at a water park. Running time: -"mins. #Contains one use of strong language and moderate se* and drug references& Standard film times 19:45 22:30

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