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By Loralei Poll

Inside Out Coaching

Book You Already Know How to Be Great by Alan Fine with Rebecca R. Merrill

Challenge our perceptions of people & their performance potential Identify different approaches to coaching Approach coaching challenges in a positive manner Improve focus, increase accountability and achieve results Improve performance in the workplace


Coaching is the helping of another person by developing their skills and ability to deal with changes in an organization, whether its a coworker, subordinate, supervisor or a friend Coaching is about empowering the performer to align thoughts, beliefs, goals, and actions to achieve desired results

Not enough time Not sure how Dont obtain results Reluctant to have difficult conversations Unwilling participants No accountability on part of coach or performer


Think about an experience wherein your performance reach a high point What were some feelings you experience? Confident, engaged, proud, energized, can do, Satisfied, grateful, excited, appreciative, creditable, positive Driven to excel Want to learn Apply what you know Seek after knowledge and acquire skills

Unlocks positive human potential Engaged performers are motivated and enjoy what they are doing Positive and confident in knowledge and skills Passionate in applying themselves Minimum direction Volunteer best efforts Goes the extra mile

Paradigm set of beliefs about people and their potential Principle rule about getting to breakthrough in performance Process sequence of steps that give you a way to put the principle of focus into action
Acquire from a variety of sources: parents, past managers and your own experiences


Outside In

Performance = Capacity + Knowledge

Assumes coaches are experts Work best when coach is a expert and performer interested

Inside Out

Performance = Capacity Interference

Assumes performer has the knowledge Works best when coach focuses on removing obstacles (interference)

Focus What do we pay attention to Faith Belief about ourselves, our abilities and that of others Fire - commitment
Confident in their capability to learn perform and succeed Energy, passion and engagement Ability to Stay on Task

Focus Faith Fire

Inability to avoid distractions Doubts in their own ability to be successful or have a positive outcome Lack of commitment & low level of engagement or involvement


Four Elements for coaching for breakthrough

This process helps with focus & leads to faster, more accurate decisions

Goal What an individual seeks to achieve Reality What a person should consider in the context of the decision process Options alternative for the decision maker Way Forward specific action plan

SMART (Enables to solve problems)

Specific Meaningful and measurable Agreed to (aligned / achievable) Realistic Time Phased

What is to be accomplished What are consequences depends

What is happening? What have you tried so far? What were the results? What is your sense of the obstacles? For you and others Is it a realistic goal, if not, why?


Describe Ideal situation If you could do anything, what would this be? Brainstorm If you were the other person What would you do? Need to see / hear If you were observing this conversation, what would you recommend?

Would you like me to make any suggestions Do any of the things suggested, interest you to pursue further? If you were to do this, how might you go about doing it? Listen without judgment What else?

Does this option / idea interest you enough to take action on? Gain commitment How will you go about it? What might get in your way? How might you overcome this? What and when is the next SMART goal?


Buying a Home

Goal More Bedrooms Reality Living in an apartment Options Research whats available, prioritize choices Way Forward Make offer, get financing

Performance Management

Goal Create a plan to improve performance Reality Specific poor performance, performing well with potential for more Options List of actions to improve or to enhance performance Way Forward Commitment to action, review date

Strategy Development

Goal Vision / Mission / Purpose Reality SWOT Analysis, Key success factors Options Prioritize Strategies Way Forward Tactics / Action Plan



Goal Work toward consensus of what the goal is Reality Allow for differences to increase creativity, different view points Options Brainstorm for greater chance to achieve breakthrough Way Forward Agree on SMART Goal, identify who, what and when for next steps

Ensure Goals are specific to achieve success Reality Time to acquire basic understanding of performers issue Options This is a time to brainstorm (coach and performer) Way Forward Is specific and aligned with goal, needs of organization, realistic and timely Coach helps remove interference


Feedback helps both coaches and performers maintain focus, solve problems or address issues Increase awareness of performance challenges Know the difference What they think they do and what they actually do Ensure actions are moving the goal forward Initiate course correction

Many people nervous, but given appropriately, can have very positive impact Three questions
What worked? Where did you get stuck? What might you do differently?

Capture performer viewpoint first

Ask permission Listen to their perception Endorse what you agree with, offer observations using three questions Acknowledge success & agree on new direction

Its important to reflect on your perceptions and those perceptions of others Possible responses SARAH reactions

Surprise I didnt see that one coming Anger That isnt true Rationalization Obviously they dont understand me Acceptance I can see there is some validity to what is being said. Help What do I need to do to become a better coach?


What Do I do well

Where Did I get stuck

Where did others rate me the highest Where do I rate myself highest What am I doing that was a big surprise Where did others rate me lowest Where do I rate myself lowest What surprised me What areas can I easily improve What additional information do I need from others What other questions remain

What might I do differently

Difficult conversations Coaching the disengaged or reluctant performer Do you avoid these conversations Delaying, doesnt make it easier What interference do you face when? What interference does the performer face when?

Think about what makes this conversation difficult for you as a performer.

Willingness to be helped

Willing Don't know they need it

Willing Know they need it

Unwilling Don't know they need it

Unwilling Know they need it

Awareness of need to be helped

A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they dont necessarily want to go but ought to be. Rosalynn Carter



Clarify your thinking (Grow yourself)

Prepare & Plan the Conversation

Recognize you own the issue with the situation What will get the performers attention What will you do if you cant get their attention (consequence) get coach if necessary Keep the SMART goal in mind Identify language for each phase Anticipate performers possible responses
Share your intentions Demonstrate understanding Ask for buy-in

Conduct the Conversation repeatedly, if necessary

Draft language you will use in difficult conversation Plan for anticipated responses Understand why this conversation is difficult for you Know what you will do in each situation to work through to engage the performer

Practice Difficult conversation with another manager, human resources or mentor Performer is unwilling to address performance issue Performer is unaware a performance issue exists
Must set clear expectations on a regular basis



Coaching for Breakthrough

Feedback process

Focus on conversation Use the Grow Method to direct the conversation Take notes & document the conversation Manage your time Support Performers way-forward

Reduce interference for you and the performer Focus feedback where it will be most useful Take notes

Coaching for Engagement

Share your intentions

Prepare and plan What will get the performers attention? What will I do if I dont get buy-in? I have something I would like to discuss, is now a good time, if not, when? How it appears If Im accurate, I want to help you change things If Im not accurate, help me understand whats happening


Discuss options seek buy-in

Active listening So what you are saying is What you are feeling is Have I understood correctly This is my perception

Helps increase awareness and willingness

Want to resolve in positive way for both If you choose not to discuss, refer to your practice plan you prepared



Two key roles of coach

Commit to do those small things to make a difference in your performance Create a culture of coaching to reach your goals and that of the organization

Accept responsibility for your part in achieving desired outcome Hold performer accountable for theirs


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