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1.What is catenation? 2.The oxidation state of Mnin KMnO4, KMnO2, MnO2 and MnSO4? 3.

What is the charge on an aminoacid in basic sol tion? 4.!a ses of acid rain ". The reaction Of fats #ith ca stic soda is $no#n as a % &sterificatiom b% sa'onification (. ') of acid rain *s a% " b% less than " c% + d % bt# " n + +.When alcohol reacts #ithconc. s l'h ric acid at 14, degree centigrade , the 'rod ct formed is a aldeh-de b al$enes c ether .. #hich t-'e of reations are sho#n b-dihaloal$ane/secondar- halogenoal$an a Sn1 b Sn2 c &1 d both sn1 and sn2 0.T#o amino acids combined together to form diamine. 1l-cine andalanine. )o# #o ld the- be named? a21l-c-lalanine b2alaninegl-c-l? 1,.the order of boiling 'oint is? 3.#ater4hf4ammonia4h-drogen chloride 5.)64#ater4)!748)3 9):S*!S 1.!alc late 5 in a solenoid#ith 1,cm length, 1,, t rns, #ith 1micro am'ere c rrent in it? 2.*f bar magnet is h ngfrom a ro'e . 3 solenoid is 'laced near it. *f a magnet is mo;ed inside thesolenoid then #hat #ill ha''en to the magnet hanging? 32 it #ill mo;e near thesolenoid 52 it #ill mo;e a#a3.S* nit of e< i;alencedose is? 4.for the bomborment of x ra-s on target, target materialsho ld ha;e the 'ro'ert- of? ". *f so rce mo;es to#ards stationar- ob=ect, then form la for changed fre< enc- is?

(.if the 3rea of the each ca'acitor is do bled and thedistance bet#een them becomes one half , #hat #ill be the ;al e of ca'acitance a2 inc. b- 4 times b2 inc. b- 2 times c2 remains same d2 becomes half +. half life of sodi m 24? .. ratio of tensile stressto tensile strain is called? 0.#hat #ill b# the a''arent #eight of the ob=ct falling#i an acceleration a >ero b 2mg 1,.if the length of sim'le'end l m is do bled #hat #ill be the ratio ofne# old fre< enc- to ne##fre< enca nderroot 2 b 1/ nderroot 2 c 1/2 d? 11.the ;oltage a''lied across the ca'acitor is 1,@ en theca'acitance o; the ca'acitor is 1 micro 6arad. #hat is the energ- stored in theca'acitor ? 12.t#o #ire 'laced;erticall- are carr-ing c rrent in o''osite directions .. #hich of thefollo#ing statement is tr e ? a2 magnetic field in region x is #ea$er ascom'ared to - and > b2 magnetic field in region x is stronger ascom'ared to both - and > c2 magnetic field in region x is #ea$er ascom'ared to - b t stronger as com'ared t > 13.3 ball is mo;ing insidea ;isco s fl id. The force acting on the ball is gi;en b- 6A('inr;. This iscalled a2stro$eBs la# 14.&ffl x s'eed of the fl id is 0..m/s. What #ill be the heightof the fl id? 1".Which one is the gra'h of a = nction diode?

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