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Submitted toDr. Shalini Nigam Submitted byAkshay Srivastava MBA 1 Sem.

Human Resource Department

Human Resource Management (HRM) refers to that part of an organisations activities designed to attract, train, develop and maintain an effective workforce. The Human Resource Department deals with management of people within the organisation. There are a number of responsibilities that come with this title. First of all, the Department is responsible for hiring members of staff; this will involve attracting employees, keeping them in their positions and ensuring that they perform to expectation. Besides, the Human Resource Department also clarifies and sets day to day goals for the organisation. It is responsible for organisation of people in the entire Company and plans for future ventures and objectives involving people in the Company. Research has shown that the human aspect of resources within an organisation contributes approximately eighty percent of the organisations value. This implies that if people are not managed properly, the organisation faces a serious chance of falling apart. The Human Resource Departments main objective is to bring out the best in their employees and thus contribute to the success of the Company. These roles come with certain positive and negative aspects. However, the negative aspects can be minimised by improvements to their roles and functions.

Some activities and functions undertaken include:

Manpower Planning It involves the planning for the future and finding out how many employees will be needed in the future by the business and what types of skills should they possess. It depends on the following factors The number of people leaving the job The projected growth in sales of the business Technological changes Productivity level of the workers Job analysis and Job description HR Department is also involved in designing the Job analysis and Job description for the prospective vacancies. A job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. Job descriptions are written statements that describe the: duties, responsibilities, most important contributions and outcomes needed from a position, required qualifications of candidates, and reporting relationship and co-workers of a particular job.

Determining wages and salaries HR Department is also involved in conducting market surveys and determining the wages and salaries for different position in an organization. These decision may be taken in consultation with top management and the Finance department.

Recruitment and Selection One of the most important jobs HR department is to recruit the best people for the organization. This is of crucial importance as the success of any organization depend on the quality of its workforce.

Performance Apprasial Once the employees are recruited , the HR Department has to review their performance on a regular basis through proper performance appraisals. Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring and improving the actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the employee. Its aim is to measure what an employee does. On the basis of performance appraisal the HR Department will set up an action plan for each employee. If the employees needs any training then he provided that.

Training and Development HR department is constantly keeping a watch over the employees of the organisation. In order to improve the efficiency level of the employees they have to undergo regular trainings and development programmes. All trainings and development needs are carried out by this department. Training might include on the job or off the job training.

Employee welfare and motivation Happy employees mean a healthy organization. HR Department conducts various employee welfare activities which might include employees get together, annual staff parties etc. HR department also reviews organizational policies and its impact on the motivation of the employees.

Addressing employees grievances HR department is the link between the workers and the management. Employees grievances related work environment are usually entertained and resolved by the HR Department.

Implementing organizational policies HR Department has to coordinate with line manager and see that the organizational policies are being implemented in a proper manner. Disciplinary action can be initiated against employees who are not following organizational rules and regulations. All these actions are conceived and implemented by the HR department.

Objectives of HRM Department

1. To help the organization reach its goals: HR department like other departments in an organization exists to achieve the goals of the organization first and if it does not meet these purposes, HR department (or for that matter any other unit) will wither and die. 2. To employ the skills and abilities of the workforce efficiently: The primary purpose of HRM is to make peoples strengths productive and to benefit customers, Stockholders and employees. 3. To provide the organization with well trained and well motivated employees: HRM requires that employees are motivated to exert their maximum efforts that their performance be evaluated properly for results and that they be remunerated on the basis of their contributions to the organizations. 4. To increase to the fullest the employees job satisfaction and self actualization: It tries to prompt and stimulate every employee to realize his potential. To this end suitable programs have to be designed aimed at improving the quality of work life (QWL). 5. To develop and maintain quality of work life: it makes employment in the organization a desirable, personal and social situation. Without improvement in the quality of work life it is difficult to improve organizational performance. 6. To communicate HR policies to all employees: It is the responsibility of HRM to communicate in the fullest possible sense; tapping ideas, opinions and feelings of customers non customers regulators and other external public as well as understanding the views of internal human resources. 7. To be ethically and socially responsive to the needs of society: HRM must ensure that organizations manage human resource in an ethical and socially responsible manner through ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. 8. People have always been central to organizations, but their strategic importance is growing in todays knowledge based industries. An organizations success increasingly depends on the knowledge skills and abilities (KSAs) of employees particularly as they help establish a set of core competencies that distinguish an organization from its competitors. With appropriate HR policies and practices an organization can hire develop and utilizes best brains in the marketplace realize its professional goals and deliver results better than others.

Role of HRM department in an organisation

The executive role Here, the HRM department is seen as the expert in matters relating to Human Resource Management and makes decisions about what should be done in this area. For example, the HRM department will ensure that organisational policies are developed in line with legal requirements, will decide to produce information booklets on training, etc.

The audit role In this capacity, the HRM department monitors organisational activities to ensure that HRM policies are being properly implemented by all concerned.

The facilitator role This role requires the HRM department to facilitate the work of other managers in the organisation and help them to acquire and use the skills, techniques and attitudes that they need to make sure that HRM policies are implemented throughout the organisation. For example, team leaders could be given training to help them respond to, and deal with, complex relationships between team members that may involve HRM issues such as grievances, equal opportunities, human resource planning, etc.

The consultancy role In this role, the HRM department provides advice and guidance to managers at all levels on matters to do with the management of people.

The service role This requires the HRM department to be the provider of useful information on HRM matters. This is most important in times of change when the organisation needs to make sure that it is up to date with what is happening, for example with changes in legislation on issues like equal opportunities, or with developments in HRM practice or 360-degree feedback.

Human resources management helps an organization and its people as well to realize their respective goals thus: At the enterprise levels: 1) Good human resource practices can help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organization. Planning alerts the company to the types it will need in the short medium and long run. 2) it helps in training people for challenging roles, developing right attitudes towards the job and the company promoting team spirit among employees and developing loyalty and commitment through appropriate reward schemes. At the individual level: Effective management of human resources helps employees thus: 1) it promotes team work and team spirit among employees. 2) It offers excellent growth opportunities to people who have the potential to rise. 3) It allows people to work with diligence and commitment.

At the society level: Society, as a whole is the major beneficiary of good human resources practices 1) Employment opportunities multiply. 2) Scarce talents are put to best use. Companies that pay and treat people well always race ahead of others and deliver excellent results At the national level: Effective use of human resources helps in exploitation of natural, physical and financial resources in a better way. People with right skills, proper attitudes and appropriate values help the nation to get ahead and compete with the best in the world leading to better standard.

The Human Resource Management teams main function is to manage people. There are positive and negative aspects of this Department; first of all, the HR department enriches the organisation through recruitment procedures and an example an effective HR team in this area is Tesco Ireland. HR department also ensures that members of staff follow a general direction by frequently clarifying and reminding them of the organisations goals. Besides this, they are also responsible for organising incentives or compensation packages to motivate employees. All these functions contribute towards organisational effectiveness. However, there are some negative aspects of HR; it has to bear the burden of blame if an employee performs poorly like the Arthur Andersen Company. Besides this, some policies made by the department may be detrimental to the Company like in the Home Depot Companys case. Improvements to their role can be done by arranging training for staff members, organising activities for the organisation and changing organisational culture.

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