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Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM):


Pest Management (IPM) is a decision making approach to pest management that involves knowing the crop, pest, ecosystem, and the relationship between these components. IPM focuses on long-term management strategies including biological control, cultural manipulation, and using resistant varieties. pest management philosophy that utilizes all suitable pest management techni ues and methods to keep pest populations below economicall! in"urious levels. pest management techni ue must be environmentall! sound and compatible with producer ob"ectives.


A pest management philosophy

$ecognizes that there is no %ure-all in pest control. &ependence on an! one pest management method will have undesirable effects. &etermine and correct the cause of the pest problem. 'nderstanding pest biolog! and ecolog! is essential. Manipulate the environment to the crop(s advantage and to the detriment of the pest. $ecognizes that eradication of a pest is seldom necessar! or even desirable, and generall! not possible. )ome damage is unavoidable and acceptable

IPM is a continuum, not an end


*air Poor



!earning "b#ecti$es

an understanding of IPM Importance of IPM to Producers Importance of IPM to the environment Importance of IPM to human health and safet! IPM strategies -dvantages and limitations to IPM

Pest Management %actics

Pesticides. %hemical control %ultural control Ph!sical and Mechanical control )anitar! control /atural control ,iological control 0ost Plant $esistance

&"%': (ome tactics )all into se$eral categories

Pesticides * +hemical control


. %hemicals can be used in an IPM program, however onl! as a last resort and of course in a manner that is legal. Pesticides are to be used when there is no risk of environmental damage or when benefits outweigh the risks. Monitoring pest populations in the field1...
Identif! the pest %ompare pest population and the economic threshold 2ife stage susceptible to pesticide %rop stage and preventable loss

+ultural +ontrol

practices that are designed to3

4ptimize growing conditions for the crop. 5o increases a crop(s competitive edge which will result in increased tolerance to pests often resulting in reduced pesticide use. %reate unfavorable conditions for the pest
Methods of pest control such as improving ventilation to prevent attack b! termites or improving h!giene and sanitation measures to reduce the risk of cockroach infestation should alwa!s be undertaken, where possible, to make conditions less favorable for pests.

Physical ,Mechanical +ontrol


machiner! and.or other tools to control pests

Physical barriers %illage


(anitary +ontrol

to avoid introducing a pest into a field

%leaning field e uipment Planting certified seed 6uarantines

- state, period or place of isolation in which people or animals that have been e7posed to infectious or contagious disease are placed.

&atural +ontrol
#nhancement of naturall! occurring pest management methods
,eneficial insects ,eneficial microbes

of biological organism to control pests

$elease of predators.parasites.disease of an insect or weed %an be time consuming, e7pensive and difficult

0ost Plant /esistance


the crop to withstand or tolerate pests

/atural breeding method +eneticall! modified plants /ot a permanent method of control #7amples3 +landular-haired -lfalfa, ,t %orn
Bacillus thuringiensis - +ram-positive, soil-dwelling bacterium, commonl! used as a biological pesticide.

Gram-positive bacteria are those that are stained dark blue or violet b! +ram staining.

'conomic In#ury !e$el

1eep pests below economic 'conomic In#ury !e$el:

in#ury le$el

+ost o) control 2 Amount in rupees o) damage caused by the pest

Includes amount o) pest damage +ost o) each control practice

+an be determined through e3tensi$e research 'conomic In#ury !e$el is the in)ormation that is necessary to de$elop an 'conomic %hreshold, which is used by crop ad$isors

'conomic %hreshold

densit! of a pest at which a control treatment will provide an economic return. Pest Population at which a grower must take action to prevent a pest populations from reaching the economic in"ur! level (#I2)
'conomic threshold ('%) is slightly below the economic in#ury le$el Pest populations must be increasing

Multidisciplinary Approach

multi disciplinary approach to pest management

'ntomology Plant Pathology &ematology 4eed (cience +rop (ciences (0orticulture*Agronomy) (oil (cience 'cology

IPM is not static

&ew pests

(oybean aphids * bean lea) beetle 4estern corn rootworm

&ew races 4eed

*strains o) pests

/oundup ready technology

(5enetically Modi)ied Plants %echnology)

species shi)ts

%illage system

+olorado Potato .eetle


6our .asic Principles o) IPM

7nderstanding o) the crop, pest, their en$ironment and their inter relationships Ad$anced planning .alanced cost * bene)its o) all control practices /outine monitoring o) crop and pest conditions

7nderstanding +rop 5rowth and 8e$elopment


to grow a healthy crop Potential pests o) the crop 4hen is the crop most susceptible to pest damage 4hen is the crop under stress

7nderstanding the Pest

Proper Identi)ication 7nderstanding o) Pest !i)e cycle 4hen it is present 4hen it is most susceptible to control

7nderstanding the 'n$ironment


does it a))ect crop growth (tress %ime within susceptible stage 0ow it a))ects pest de$elopment 0igh mortality 0igh sur$i$al

Ad$antages o) IPM Program

Protects en$ironment through elimination o) unnecessary pesticide applications Impro$es Pro)itability /educes risk o) crop loss by a pest Peace o) Mind

/e9uires a higher degree o) management (uccess can be weather dependent More labor intensi$e

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