Chapter 2 Force and Motion 2003

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1. The diagram shows a velocity-time graph for the motion of an object.

The momentum of the object is constant from A B ! # $. 0 s to 3 s 3 s to s s to " s 0 s to " s

The diagram shows a coin% marble and dried leaf being released at the same time in a vacuum cylinder.

&hich observation is correct' A All three objects float in the cylinder B All three objects reach the base at the same time ! The marble reaches the base earlier than the coin # The coin and the marble reach the base earlier than the dried leaf


!hoose the diagram which shows the student doing the ma(imum wor).


A softball player moves his hand bac)wards while catching a fast moving ball.

This movement of the hand is to A increase the impulsive force B increase the stopping time of the ball ! control the ball to stop it falling


The diagram shows a bo( being pulled by a boy.

&hat is the acceleration of the bo(' A B ! # . $.+0 m s-$ 3.,+ m s-$ +.00 m s-$ .$+ m s-$ ".,+ m s-$

An iron ball is dropped from a height of 10 m above the surface of the moon. !alculate the time ta)en for the iron ball to reach the surface of the moon. 1 ./oon gravitational acceleration 0 of earth gravitational acceleration1 6 A 0. s B 1.* s ! 1., s # 3.+ s - 1$.0 s The diagram shows an aeroplane accelerating at a constant height.


&hich relationship between the forces is true' A B ! # 2 2 5 5 0 4 0 6 3 3 & &

". &hich object has the greatest inertia'


&hich graph shows a constant acceleration'


The diagram shows a motor lifting a load of mass ".0 )g. The motor ta)es * s to lift the load to a height of 0.+ m.

&hat is the power of the motor' A B ! # 11. *& 10 & 1 & *0 & 1 0&

The diagram shows a bric) falling from a table.

&hat physical 8uantity of the bric) is constant while it is falling' A B ! # 9otential energy :inetic energy Accelaration ;elocity


A ping pong ball is dropped onto a concrete floor. &hich graph shows the relation ship between the velocity of the ball with time'


The diagram shows the path of ball rolling drown a smooth slope.

The ball has the greatest change in gravitational potential energy between the positions A B ! # 9 and < < and = 9 and > = and T


The diagram shows a picture hanging on a wall.

&hich vector diagram represents the forces% T1% T$%and &% that act on the picture'

1+. The time ta)en for an object to fall from a height of h m from the earth?s surface is t s. @f the gravitational acceleration on the moon is 1. ms-$% compare the time ta)en for the object to fall from the same height on the /oon. A >ame as t s B Aess than t s ! Aonger than t s 1 . The diagram shows a student running up a staircase at a constant speed.

&hich physical 8uantity increases while the student running up the staircase' A @nertia of the student B /omentum of the student ! :inetic energy of the student # 9otential energy of the student 1,. The diagram shows two student s)ating towards 9.

&hat will happen to the girl when the boy releases her hand'

A B ! # 1".

>tays stationary /oves towards 9 /oves towards < 9otential energy of the student

The diagram shows an athlete performing the high jump.

&hat is the function of the mattress' A To reduce the collision time between the athlete and the mattress B To reduce the change if momentum of the athlete when he hits the mattress ! To reduce the impulsive force acting on the athlete when he hits the mattress 17. The diagram shows a pillion rider moving bac)wards when the motorcycle accelerates.

The bac)ward movement of the pillion rider can be e(plained by A B ! # the concept of inertia the concept of e8uilibrium of forces principle of conservation of momentum principle of conservation of energy


The diagram shows forces 21 and 2$ e(erted on a wooden bloc) placed on a table surface. The friction between the bloc) and the table surface is $ B.

&hich pair of forces 21 and 2$ causes the wooden bloc) to move with an acceleration' A B ! # $1. 21CB + 3 3 * 2$CB , + * $ 1

The acceleration-time graph below shows the movement of an object.

&hich velocity time graph represents the movement of the object'



The diagram shows load / supported by the arrangement of springs% 9% < and =. All the springs are identical.

&hich comparison is correct about the e(tension of 9% < and =


37 36

A B ! #

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$3. #iagram 1 shows a weightlifter successfully lifting a load of 0 )g.

!alculate the wor) done in lifting the load A 30 D B 1$0 D ! 00 D # 1$00 D $*. #iagram $ shows a parachutist landing with his legs bent.


&hy does the parachutist bend his legs' A To lengthen the time of impact of his feet with the ground B To shorten the time of impact of his feet with the ground ! To lengthen the time of falling to the ground $+. #iagrams 3 shows a metal sphere oscillating on a frictionless trac).

&hich of the following statements is true' A B ! # The )inetic energy of the metal sphere is minimum at = The potential energy of the metal sphere is ma(imum at 9 The principle of conservation of energy is not obeyed The total energy of the metal sphere at > is higher than at =


$ .

#iagram * shows two trolleys% 9 and <% on a frictionless plane. Trolley 9 moves and collides with the stationary trolley% <.

&hich of the following statements is true' A B ! # $,. The collision is an elastic collision Both trolleys do not undergo changes in momentum The total momentum before and after the collision is the same The total )inetic energy before and after the collision is conserved

#iagram + shows two metal spheres% 9 and <.

&hich of the following statements is true when 9 and < are in free fall' A B ! # $". The velocities of 9 and < are the same The acceleration of 9 and < are the same The momentum of 9 and < are the same The gravitational forces acting on 9 and < are the same

#iagram shows a load hanging on a spring balance is a stationary lift. The reading of the spring balance is $0 B.


Diagram 6 &hat is the reading of the spring balance when the lift moves up with an acceleration of $ ms-$ ' A B ! # -. 1 B 1" B $0 B $$ B $* B


26 2224 15 17


#iagram , shows a coin and a feather e(periencing free fall in a vacuum container.

&hich physical 8uantity is constant' A B ! # ;elocity Accelaration /omentum :inetic energy

18 20 12 31 14 13 34 19 21 29

30. #iagram 1 shows the path traveled by a car form 9 to >.

&hat is the displacement of the car'


A +.0 )m B ." )m ! ".$ )m # 7.0 )m 31. #iagram $ is a velocity-time graph showing the motion of an object.

&hich of the following describe the motion of the object' A B ! # 3$. ED 5niform acceleration @ncreasing acceleration @ncreasing acceleration 5niform acceleration D: #ecreasing acceleration #ecreasing acceleration 5niform deceleration 5niform deceleration

#iagram 3 shows a car on town.

&hich of the following vector diagrams represents the resultant force% 2% which acts on the car'



#iagram * shows a car with a mass of 1000 )g moving with an acceleration of $ m s-$. There is a frictional force of 700 B acting on the car.

&hat is the force e(erted by engine of the car' A B ! # 3+. 700 B 1100 B $000 B $700 B

#iagram + shows a bo( with a mass of ++ )g being dropped from a helicopter. At the moment before touching the ground% the velocity of the bo( is 1$ m s -1. The bo( stops $ seconds after touching the ground.


&hat is the magnitude of the impulsive force acted on the bo(' A 0B B 330 B ! 1$$ B # 110 B 3 . &hy are the front and rear sections of a car designed to crumple easily' A B ! # 3,. To increase impact time to decrease momentum to increase friction to decrease friction

A bric) falls from a height of 10 m. !alculate the time ta)en for the bric) to reach the ground. A B ! # 0.+ s 0., s 1.0 s 1.* s


&hen an object is in e8uilibrium of forces% the object A B ! # must stationary must move with a uniform velocity is either stationary or moving with a uniform velocity either moves with a uniform velocity or with a uniform acceleration


37 Famid cycles at a velocity of 3.1 )m h-1. &hat is this velocity in m s-1. A B ! # *0 0.07 0." 1.1 11. 1

Table 1 shows the results of an e(periment to investigate the relationship between load and e(tention when a spring is stretched. Aoad 2CB -(tention (Ccm 100 1.0 1+0 1.+ $00 $.0 Table 1 The original length of spring is lo 0 1+.o cm. &hat is the manipulated variable' A B ! # Aoad% 2 -(tention% ( Eriginal length of the spring% lo /aterial used to ma)e the spring $+0 $.+ 300 3.0


#iagram $ shows the velocity-time graph of an object.

&hich acceleration-time graph represent the same motion as the object' A



#iagram 3 shows two trolleys of different masses. Both trolleys move at the same velocity and fall over the edge of the table and hit the floor.


&hat is the same physics 8uantity for both trolleys' A B ! # 3ravitational potential energy Time ta)en to hit the floor :inetic energy /omentum


#iagram * shows two identical balls% 9 and <% moving towards each other with a velocity of v and $v respectively. The collision between the two balls is an elastic collision.

&hich statement is correct about the elastic collision' A The momentum of the ball 9 before the collision is e8ual to the momentum of ball < before the collision B The total momentum before the collision is e8ual to the total momentum after the collision ! The )inetic energy of ball 9 before the collision is e8ual to the )inetic energy of ball < before collision # The total )inetic energy before the collision is not e8ual to the total )inetic energy after the collision


21% 2$ and 23 are forces with the same magnitude acting on a wooden bloc). &hich diagram shows the ma(imum resultant force acting on a wooden bloc)'



The forces are in e8uilibrium in all the phenomena below except A B ! # a car descending a hill at constant velocity a lamp hanging at reset in a hall a mango falling from a tree a ship floating at rest in the sea

&hich situation shows no wor) being done'



#iagram + shows a stroboscopic photograph of a ball dropped from a height.

&hich physics 8uantity remains constant as the ball falls' A B ! # ;elocity /omentum Acceleration :inetic energy


The Brownian motion of smo)e particles is due to the smo)e particles A B ! # having higher temperatures than the air molecules being randomly hit by other smo)e particles being randomly hit by air molecules having lower )inetic energy than the air molecules


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