English Teacher Interview

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English teacher interview questions

I. Introduction
These interview questions below are excepted from: Ebook: Guide to Getting the Teaching Job: http://a !obebooks"info/#$%&teacher& interview&questions/ 'ist of #$% teacher interview questions: http://interviewquestionsandanswers"bi /teacher& interview&questions&and&answers/

II. List of interview questions

(ou can ref top )% english teacher interview questions as follows: #" Tell me about *ourself+ )" ,h* did *ou leave *our last !ob+ -" ,hat are *our career goals for english teacher+ ." ,hat is *our greatest weakness+ /" ,hat kind of salar* are *ou looking for english teacher+ 0" ,h* do *ou think *ou would do well english teacher+ $" ,hat motivates *ou to do *our best on the english teacher+ 1" 2ow would *ou know *ou were successful on this english teacher+ 3" 4o *ou think *ou are overqualified for english teacher+

Ebook: English teacher interview questions

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#%" 4escribe one of the most successful lessons *ou have taught in a class" Explain wh* it worked so well+ ##" ,hat strategies do *ou use to encourage group work amongst *our students+ #)" ,hat do *ou do if a lesson doesn6t work well+ #-" ,hat qualities do *ou look for in a principal+ #." ,hat are *our personal and professional goals+ #/" 2ow do *ou evaluate the success of *our teaching+ #0" Tell me about a teacher who has inspired *ou and what did *ou learn from him or her+ #$" ,hat are *our areas of strength in the curriculum+ #1" 2ow do *ou keep up to date on *our sub!ect+ #3" Tell me about the materials *ou use in the classroom to support *our teaching+ )%" ,hat do *ou consider to be the ph*sical appearance of an ideal classroom+ You can ref more teacher interview materials at: Ebook: Guide to Getting the Teaching Job: http://a !obebooks"info/#$%&teacher&interview& questions/ 'ist of #$% teacher interview questions: http://interviewquestionsandanswers"bi /teacher& interview&questions&and&answers/

III. Teacher interview tips

#" 7ind out about which t*pe of interview it is8 how man* interviewers and candidates there are8 it is a formal interview or informal one" )" 7ind out which qualification the interviewers expect8 training courses8 appl*ing procedures8 etc" -" 9e careful with *our certificates" The interviewers ma* ask wh* *ou take a certain training course or what *ou have learn from such course" ." :s interviewers ma* ask *ou to elaborate on certain issues8 *ou ma* want to read some articles about such issues"
Ebook: English teacher interview questions 5age ) of .

/" :sk a friend or relative of *ours to help *ou practice answering an interview" 0" ;peak with those candidates who have participated in the interviews< ask for their comments and tips" $" 5repare a list of things *ou want to sa* in the interview" 1" There ma* be questions about normal life of *ours in the interview =for example8 wh* did *ou choose this universit*+> 9e prepared for that" 3" 5repare a list of questions *ou ma* ask the interviewers =for example8 about their training programs and how *ou appl* for such programs>" #%" :rrive earl* and avoid rush hours" Get to know the road to the interviewing building before" ?n the da* of the @nterview ##" 2ave a sleep well" 5repare *our stuff read* and don6t drink or sta* up late the night before the interview" #)" :rrive #/&#% minutes earlier" :void going during rush hours or on crowed streets" Take a look around the universit* and talk to other candidates there" #-" @f there is a problem8 contact the universit* to rearrange *our appointment" #." 4ress properl*" #/" Turn off *our mobile" 4istraction or interruption is unforgivable mistakes during an interview" #0" 5a* attention to *our bod* language: look straight8 keep e*e contacts8 and smile" #$" 4emonstrate *our enthusiasm and passion for the course" Aake the interviewers impressed b* that" #1" Think carefull* before answering an* question" 4on6t rush" ;elect and determine which the most suitable answer to give is" #3" 4on6t hesitate to ask the interviewers to repeat the questions again or give more details about the questions" )%" Tr* to answer the questions completel*" 4on6t waste time !ust making *our answer long without useful information"

Ebook: English teacher interview questions

5age - of .

IV. Common interview questions

Ever* emplo*ers alwa*s ask candidate common interview questions and technical interview questions" (ou can ref all common interview questions with answers =free> at: #%- interview questions and answers: http://interviewquestionsandanswers"bi /interview& questions&list&and&answers/ Sample of common interview questions #" Tell me about *ourself+ )" ,hat are *our biggest strengths+ -" ,h* did *ou leave *our last !ob+ ." ,hat are *our career goals+ /" ,h* do *ou want to work here+ 0" ,hat is *our greatest weakness+ $" ,hat do co&workers sa* about *ou+ 1" :re *ou appl*ing for other !obs+ 3" ,hat do *ou know about our organi ation+ #%" ,hat kind of salar* are *ou looking for+ ##" 2ow long would *ou expect to work for us if hired+ #)" 4o *ou know an*one who works for us+ #-" ,h* should we hire *ou+ #." ,hat @s (our 4ream Job #/" ,hat are *ou looking for in a !ob+

Ebook: English teacher interview questions

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