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Atelier de recherche franco-allemand


Berlin, 5.-6.9.2013


Chomage de jeunesse, ducation et d !elo""ement

30 25 20

#outh $nem"lo%ment, education and de!elo"ment

10 5 0



Objective and research questions Methodology Findings Summing up

&'jecti!e and (esearch )uestions

analyse unemployment situation in Southern Mediterranean identify factors and explain unemployment evaluate impact of education on employment assess effects of education and employment on development


Literature review to describe unemployment situation in Southern Mediterranean to identify the major causes of unemployment Comparative data analysis to describe unemployment situations in other developing regions to identify in which areas Southern Mediterranean is lagging to explain how and or why Southern Mediterranean lagging in these areas

$nderstanding $nem"lo%ment
!nemployment is an outcome of desequilibrium between labour supply and demand at a given wage rate" #ublic sector$ job creation %or labour demand& can be insensitive to price %i"e" wage rate&" #rivate sector$ under the assumption of perfect competition' job creation %or labour demand& is price sensitive"

$nderstanding unem"lo%ment

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration"

+indings 1,$nem"lo%ment . An &!er!ie/

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and *he +orld ,an-" .ote$ Latest data available"

/igh unemployment rate in Southern Mediterranean"

+indings 2,0ome interesting facts 0mpirical evidence presented by 1reishan %2344& and others shows that there is little or no correlation between economic growth and %un&employment" *herefore' the results suggest that the unemployment problem in Southern Mediterranean is most li-ely related to structural unemployment that cannot be solved by simply boosting economic growth"

+indings 3,1dentif%ing factors of unem"lo%ment

/igh population growth rate #ublic sector expansion %used in the past& 5lobalisation and competition S-ills mismatch

+indings 23igh "o"ulation gro/th rate

/igh population and labour force rate in Southern Mediterranean"

Situation continues to developed in 0gypt and Lebanon"

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and *he +orld ,an-"

+indings 545"anding "u'lic sector em"lo%ment

hi gh :o b se cu rit 9 is to y rt ed ly g8 sa la r

Compensation of employees %6 of expense&


Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and *he +orld ,an-"

Cu l tu re




+indings 66oes social 'enefits "la% a role in unem"lo%ment7

Social contribution %6 of revenue&

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and *he +orld ,an-"

+indings 809ills mismatch m%th

;uality of education %2344<2342&
;uality of education in Southern Mediterranean ahead of other developing regions' but lags behind high income group"

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and +orld 0conomic Forum"

+indings :;here is the s9ills mismatch7 0ngineering (rts Social Science Law ,usiness /umanities .atural Science

More than =3 percent of tertiary graduates in Southern Mediterranean specialised in arts' social sciences' business' law and humanities" Less than >3 percent of them graduated from natural science and engineering faculties"

+indings 9<romote "ri!ate sector to create jo's

0ase of 9oing ,usiness ?an-ing' 234>

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and *he +orld ,an-"

Southern Mediterranean needs to improve business environment to compete more effectively globally"

+indings 10;hich s"ecific areas,to im"ro!e7

< Southern Mediterranean has less favourable business environment than middle income group" < four areas to improve to promote more competitive private sector$ a& dealing with construction permits %2@"A= placings lag& b& 5etting credit %2B"A@& c& ?egistering property %4="C2& d& 0nforcing contracts %4="AA& < equilibrate pay and productivity"

+indings 113o/ to ma9e the la'our force more com"etiti!e,7

#ay and #roductivity' 2344<2342

Source$ (uthor)s own elaboration and +orld 0conomic Forum"

+indings 12=lim"se into the %ouths> attitude Strengths$ < increasingly educated < hardwor-ing' ambitious and career< minded +ea-nesses$ < public sector preference < opinions of governments

Source$ *he Silatech Dndex$ Eoices of Foung (rabs' 2344"

+indings 12=lim"se into the %ouths> attitude Strengths$ < increasingly educated < hardwor-ing' ambitious and career< minded +ea-nesses$ < public sector preference < opinions of governments

Source$ *he Silatech Dndex$ Eoices of Foung (rabs' 2344"

0umming u" 0conomic growth does not necessary help Southern Mediterranean overcome its rampant unemployment" 0mployment will bring development and vice versa" Correcting institutional deficiencies would improve unemployment situation in Southern Mediterranean"

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