What Is The Cambridge English Advanced Writing Test

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What is the Cambridge English: Advanced Writing Test?

Duration and format

The Writing test takes 90 minutes. There are 2 Parts. Part 1 consists of a compulsory task. Part 2 consists of four questions, from which candidates must choose one. Candidates are asked to write 180220 words for Part 1 and 220260 words for Part 2. Texts and questions appear on a question paper which candidates can write on but not remove from the test room. Candidates must write all answers on an answer sheet during the 90-minute test.

Task types
In Part 1, candidates are asked to write one of the following: an article, a letter, a proposal or a report. The task includes instructions and input material which candidates are required to consider and use appropriately in their response. In Part 2, candidates must choose one of four questions from among the following: an article, a competition entry, a contribution to a longer text, an essay, an information sheet, a letter, a proposal, a report, or a review. The range of functions in the task may include evaluating, hypothesising, justifying, prioritising, summarising, explaining and comparing. Part 1 tasks always include an element of persuasion. The testing focus is on content, appropriacy to the intended audience, effective organisation, and accuracy.

Marking and assessment

Writing examiners undergo a rigorous process of training and certification before they are eligible to mark. They are supervised by Team Leaders, who are in turn supervised by a Principal Examiner, who guides and monitors the marking process. Examiners mark writing responses in a secure online environment. The software randomly allocates responses to ensure that individual examiners do not receive a concentration of strong or weak responses, or responses from any one language group. Examiners marking is monitored for quality and consistency throughout the marking period. Writing examiners mark tasks using assessment scales which were developed with explicit reference to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). There are four subscales: Content, Communicative Achievement, Organisation, and Language. Responses are marked on each subscale from 0 to 5. Content focuses on how well the candidate has fulfilled the task. Communicative Achievement focuses on how effectively the candidate has communicated complex ideas, and how appropriate the writing is for the task in terms of genre, register and tone. Organisation focuses on the coherence and cohesion of the piece of writing. Language focuses on the range of vocabulary and grammar used, as well as how accurate it is.

The assessment subscales for Cambridge English: Advanced Writing are as follows: CONTENT All content is relevant to the task. Target reader is fully informed. 5 COMMUNICATIVE ACHIEVEMENT Uses the conventions of the communicative task with sufficient flexibility to communicate complex ideas in an effective way, holding the target readers attention with ease, fulfilling all communicative purposes. ORGANISATION Text is a well-organised, coherent whole, using a variety of cohesive devices and organisational patterns with flexibility. LANGUAGE Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, effectively and precisely. Uses a wide range of simple and complex grammatical forms with full control, flexibility and sophistication. Errors, if present, are related to less common words and structures, or as slips. 4 Minor irrelevances and/or omissions may be present. 3 Target reader is on the whole informed. Performance shares features of Bands 3 and 5. Uses the conventions Text is well-organised of the communicative and coherent, using a task effectively to hold variety of cohesive the target readers devices and attention and organisational patterns to communicate generally good effect. straightforward and complex ideas, as appropriate. Uses a range of vocabulary, including less common lexis, appropriately. Uses a range of simple and complex grammatical forms with control and flexibility. Occasional errors may be present but do not impede communication. 2 Irrelevances and misinterpretation of task may be present. Target reader is minimally informed. Performance shares features of Bands 1 and 3. Uses the conventions Text is generally wellof the communicative organised and coherent, task to hold the target using a variety of linking readers attention and words and cohesive communicate devices. straightforward ideas. Uses a range of everyday vocabulary appropriately, with occasional inappropriate use of less common lexis. Uses a range of simple and some complex grammatical forms with a good degree of control. Errors do not impede communication. 0 Content is totally irrelevant. Target reader is not informed. Performance below Band 1.

The following samples illustrate performance of Exceptional, Good, Borderline and Weak performance in response to Q2 of the sample test:

Script A Exceptional performance

This essay shows the characteristic features of C1 performance and many features of C2 performance. It is a known fact that technology has infiltrated our lives and changed them forever. It has a huge influence on all of us and some people even believe that we have become slaves to technology. Others, however, believe that we are not dependent on technology. But how can this be true when some gadget or other accompanies our every move, whether it is the television, a mobile phone, an iPod, or a computer? There is nothing to gain from disputing the fact that technology is now all around us. That is a given. The more topical and challenging question is: how much have our lives really changed since the arrival of technology? Are our leisure activities and hobbies really that different now? A lot of people spend endless hours in front of their television or their computer screens, staring passively at the images in front of them. Teenagers often prefer to text their friends instead of actually meeting them, and an inability to express their feelings when they are faced with another person is starting to develop among them. Books and reading have in a lot of cases been replaced by the internet and video games. The number of people exercising in their free time is also diminishing in some places. However, in my opinion, all is not lost. Of course technology is a big part of our lives and there will always be people who get carried away, but most people have other things in their lives which they consider a lot more important. As far as the change in our leisure activities and hobbies is concerned, there are a large number of factors in play, not just technology. So to a certain extent technology has changed the activities we participate in during our free time, but the majority of us still love to read a good book, go for a leisurely stroll, play games with our friends and just enjoy ourselves exactly like our grandparents did when they were young.

Content (performance at Band 5)

All content is relevant to the task, and the target reader would be fully informed.

Communicative Achievement (performance at Band 5)

This essay shows the precision and complexity of C1-level communication. The writer maps out the topic area effectively, and qualifies her own position with a precision suitable for academic text (of course to a certain extent; there are a large number of factors in play, not just technology). The tone is consistently measured and objective, as the reader of an academic essay would expect.

Organisation (performance at Band 4)

This essay is C1 level in its clarity and flow. The different elements of the argument are integrated in a convincing way (As far as the change in our leisure activities and hobbies is concerned, there are a large number of factors in play, not just technology ). There are signs of the organisational flexibility characteristic of C2, for example in weighing contrasting opinions against each other (there will always be people who but most people ).

Language (performance at Band 4)

This essay draws on the wide range of vocabulary and structures expected at C1 level, and the text is free of errors. Longer noun phrases, characteristic of academic writing, all wellcontrolled (an inability to express their feelings; the number of people exercising in their free time). The language shows C2-level sophistication in places, particularly in the natural use of idiom (accompanies our every move; all is not lost). The positive/negative connotations of words are exploited to make the argument more persuasive (staring passively at the images in front of them; people who get carried away).

Script B Good performance

This essay shows many features of C1 performance in terms of communicative achievement, organisation, and a number of features of C1 performance in terms of language. Beginning from the last decades, technology has invaded our lives, customising several parameters of our daily life such as our job. Our leisure time activities could not be the exception. Searching the net, you can see there the rate of the downloads and views online is on the increase. This means that more and more people are using the net, the main mean of technology, for entertainment. Most of the teenagers especially choose to browse the net instead of taking up a sport when they have free time, so their way of spending it changes dramatically. Sitting in front of the screen for as much time as you have prevents you from interacting with your friends or exercising. In addition, video games have become very common among kids, who could reject any invite for play, in order to finish the level in the console. Yet some people claim that it is a matter of your personal choice, whether you will open your PC or take a traditional activity such as drawing or exercising. In fact, especially in agricultural areas, there is no significant reduction on the number of children whod rather play basketball than browse the net, but this single example cannot obviously be a sample of how people spend their time nowadays in general. In my point of view, and from my personal experience, it is really hard for a person, a civilian of modern society to resist to the temptation of exploring the world by one click, watching a movie or enjoy a video game at the comfort of his couch, but select the traditional activities. In the case you are a child, when you cope with technology the most of the time and your friends are common to be on blogs and chatting sites, you learn that way as the ordinary, with all the disadvantages it may cause. Summing up, even if the personal choice is not cancelled by means of technology, the way of life nowadays supports technology and helps it infiltrate our leisure time activities dramatically.

Content (performance at Band 5)

All content is relevant to the task, and the target reader would be fully informed.

Communicative Achievement (performance at Band 4)

The points of the argument are expanded and supported with informative examples (for example, the cumulative effect of the internet on teenagers as described in the second paragraph). The tone is suitably objective and balanced for an academic essay; although the writer gives his own opinion persuasively, he also presents alternative points of view in a measured way (Yet some people claim that; In case you are a child). Complex ideas are communicated successfully (such as the claim that the internet is second nature for younger children).

Organisation (performance at Band 3)

A wide range of techniques is used to organise this essay (including cause and effect, comparison and contrast, and a clear focus on the main theme in the opening sentences). The result is that the essay is smooth to read, and the reader can easily follow the progress of the argument, as expected at C1 level.

Language (performance at Band 3)

Although it is not difficult to spot minor language errors in this essay, they do not create any difficulty for the reader. Complex sentences are used with the control characteristic at C1 level (Sitting in front of the screen for as much time as you have prevents you from interacting with your friends or exercising). Where phrases are used inappropriately (the personal choice is not cancelled by means of technology; customising several parameters ), this is usually linked to the attempt to use more sophisticated, academic language, and not to a lack of vocabulary.

Script C Borderline performance

This essay shows some of the features of C1 performance in terms of communicative achievement, organisation, and language, but other C1 features are absent in each of those areas. It is often said that the Internet has always influenced us in the wrong way. From my perspective, I believe that without the Internet, our society would not have developed, and also I feel that the Internet will bring great benefits in the future. There are many reasons which support this statement. Firstly, we live in the century when everything has to be done quickly, at full speed. Therefore the Internet helps us with that. The Internet is used in communication and in order to keep in touch with people from all over the world. Secondly, the Internet boast an impressive amount of information. When you want to go somewhere or find out something, for instance, you surf the net and receive loads of webpages or links. Moreover, the Internet can offer different forms of entertainment, such as movies or video games. In addition, the Internet makes everything easier. If you are a shopaholic and too busy, you can buy from the Internet. Conversely, I feel that the Internet can also do harm. For example, you can lose your identity, because of the blogs, and forget about socialising in real life. Another drawback is the fact that you do not find always useful information. This can affect us badly in the future. All in all, I believe that all of these qualities and advantages that the Internet has will help us to build a more developed society. In conclusion, it is true that as the Internet develops, it will continue to have a positive impact on our lives.

Content (performance at Band 5)

All content is relevant to the task, and the target reader would be fully informed .

Communicative Achievement (performance at Band 2)

This essay communicates a range of statements and opinions clearly, but there is a tendency to add further simple points (Moreover In addition Conversely) instead of developing the key points in depth as would befit an academic essay. As a result, there is limited evidence that the writer can handle complex ideas and subsidiary themes at C1 level.

Organisation (performance at Band 2)

The essay has a clear paragraph structure, and linking expressions are used to guide the reader through the argument. However, the use of organisational patterns is mechanical and formulaic (Firstly Secondly Conversely). This prevents the writer from fully demonstrating the C1-level ability to produce smooth flowing text.

Language (performance at Band 2)

There is evidence in places that the writer is restricting what he wants to say because he lacks more precise vocabulary (the Internet helps us with that; this can affect us badly in the future). The grammatical accuracy is consistent with C1-level ability, but there is little attempt to use the more complex structures characteristic of academic text.

Script D Weak performance

The organisation of this essay has some C1-level features, but communication and range and control of language are below C1 level. In the last years, the Internet and more concretedly social networks such as Facebook or Twitter are being developed to its limits and this fact can lead in a concern. Is this development excessive or will continue beneficial for our lives? Although privacy is a field that needs to be regulated in the net, I honestly believe that the internet is an essential tool nowadays. Its a gadget that has been and will be useful for loads of things. Lets take as an example the military operation to catch Osama Bin Laden, undoubtedly the event of the decade. If it hadnt been narrated by a witness in Twitter we wouldnt have known how was carried on. Whats more, we are talking about a free, easy-to-use and practical way to keep in touch with friends and relatives and surely the best way to do it without spending a penny. Taken into account all these pointed mentioned above, I would like to say that despite the amount of stories that exist about hackers, the insecurity in the Internet and a long etc, it has been probably the most important and useful improvement for th human beings in the 20 Century.

Content (performance at Band 5)

All content is relevant to the task, and the target reader would be fully informed.

Communicative Achievement (performance at Band 1)

This essay does not consistently use the measured tone the reader would expect of an academic essay, and therefore gives little evidence that the writer has a C1-level appreciation of register and tone. Subsidiary themes are introduced, but not integrated into the text (for example, the theme of privacy is stated but not developed). This leaves the writer with little opportunity to demonstrate C1-level ability in communicating complex ideas.

Organisation (performance at Band 3)

The essay shows a number of features which give evidence of C1 ability in the area of organisation: the text is clear and well-structured, and the paragraphing and punctuation are consistent and helpful to the reader. Organisation of clauses within the sentence is also wellcontrolled (although ; despite ).

Language (performance at Band 1)

There are clear signs that the writers language ability is below C1 level. Errors are noticeable, and missing words cause difficulty for the reader in places (we wouldnt have known how was carried on). Pre-learned chunks have been reused inaccurately ( this fact can lead in a concern; will continue beneficial), and there are signs of generic vocabulary (loads of things; stories) where an academic essay would be expected to be more precise.

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