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Mark J. Frank...

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 303.717.2266

Executive Leadership: Technology Environments High Technology, Post-Startups, GIS, Aerospace and Defense
Product and Software Development | Engineering | Information Technology | Data Management

Senior Technology Leader and Strategy Executive experi enced in building successful customercentric organizations that produce quality output efficiently, support business objectives and establish a path for continued growth. Solution-driven executive with high integrity and a unique leadership background that encompasses software development, IT, engineering, product management, data management, quality assurance and customer service. Proven history as a high-level strategic thinker and problem -solver who successfull y integrates technology, peopl e, and processes to produce results. Skilled in facilitating cooperation and collaboration across functional boundaries to produce and support customer -focused interfaces and solutions.

Core Competencies
Technical / Engineering Software Dev elopment Lifecycle (SDLC) Management (Agile, RUP, W aterfall) Data Processing & Data Management Data Conflation; BI; Big Data Cloud Computing; IaaS Virtualization IT & Data Processing Infrastructure / Mgmt Information Technology & Management (ITIL) Vendor & Strategic Partner Ev aluations Vendor Coordination/Management SaaS/Ecommerce/B2B Network Engineering Systems Testing Systems/Software Installation Web Services Architecture & Dev elopment Location-Based Services (LBS); Mapping Apps Remote Sensing Imagery and Radar (IFSAR) Operations Leadership P&L Accountability Cost Control/Budgeting (Ops & Capital) Total Quality Management Team Leadership International Employees Organizational & Personnel Dev elopment Operations Management Succession Planning Corporate Culture & Change Strategic Planning Process Design and Dev elopment Project Management Product Management Technical Sales Support Engineering and R&D Leadership IT and GIS Infrastructure / Leadership

Work Experience
Privately held technology company providing highly accurate 3D models of roofs and other property information to the insurance and construction contracting industries.


(2011 2012) Tasked to start a geospatial engineering division, charged with mitigating the risk of having a single imagery supplier, and to create the systems necessary to feed geospatial input data to the companys production systems. Dev eloped and implemented an imagery search and distribution web service that prov ided more dependable access to multiple data sources using Agile SDLC methodology and .NET in a cloud environment. Expanded the offering of accurate 3D roof models to the insurance and construction indus tries from approximately 40% to virtually 100% of the U.S. through expansion of the imagery library Architected and proposed the industrys lowest cost, but highest resolution imagery systems av ailable along with the corresponding data processing architecture

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(2002 2011) Publicly traded geospatial services company providing NEXTMap 3D terrain products and GIS solutions for industries that include energy, engineering, government, risk management, telecommunications, water resource management, consumer electronics and automotive. Joined Intermap in 2002, during its initial development of the NEXTMap 3D prototype. Held progressively responsible senior operations, technology, quality/customer care and product development roles during the evolution of Intermap from a contract-based remote sensing/air based radar system company into a major international elevation mapping company serving numerous industries worldwide.


(2009 2011) Assumed complete P&L control of operations, in addition to Senior Vice President of Technology responsibilities, charged with transitioning the corporate focus to ensure modification of national dataset would meet newly penetrated market (Risk Management, Automotiv e, Telecommunications, and Consumer Electronic) needs. Managed all aspects of data operations and technologies to produce, integrate, manipulate and interface digital elev ation model (DEM) data products and deriv ed products with other data, software and systems. Reduced the companys operating budget by >50% ($40M+ to ~$18M), while driving the percentage of total operating budget from 70% to less than 50%. Established a web services capability based on SOA that enabled the delivery and manipulation of elev ation data to address customers needs for flood models, cell tower line of sight and 3D terrain models. This established a SaaS capability that was dev eloped utilizing .NET via Agile methodology, and facilitated a transition from a contract services to a recurring rev enue model. Mentored and coached employees resulting in promotion of more than 10 people including Vice President, Directors and Managers. Defined and implemented a company-wide risk management process to ensure highest risk items to the company were known and that mitigation strategies were put in place. Ensured all technology-associated risks were known and had mitigation plans in place.


(2008 2009) Promoted to assess, identify and address technology needs, interfaces and overlaps in new and existing product lines as the company uncov ered and pursued new markets for non-standard products targeting Risk Management, Automotive, Telecommunications, and Consumer Electronic markets. Managed all aspects of companys technology activities. This included system lifecycle management of operational production systems, support of BUs in dev eloping S aaS solutions that utilized uniform high-resolution 3D digital mo dels of the earths surface and maintenance of business application (ERP/CRM) systems and IT infrastructure, including Oracle spatial RDBMS. Won recognition by industry association for being the first mapping company to complete digital map dataset for Western Europe (MAPPS Excellence Award). As an early adopter of v irtualizaton and cloud computing, managed ov er 280 CPUs/serv ers and ov er 650 TB of data storage while maintaining >98% av ailability.


(2007 2008) Following restructure in organization to support continued growth, assumed this newly created role integrating engineering with operations to driv e process efficiencies and reduce costs. Developed/launched a product team strategy. Managed airbor ne data acquisition operations and maintenance utilizing Intermaps proprietary IFSAR radar for the acquisition of DEM radar and image data, while improving next generation radar systems.

Increased data acquisition capacity by more than 280% in 12 months. Grew data processing capacity by 400%+ through effectiv e scaling and process improvement. Reduced ov erall cost of acquiring, processing and finishing a square kilometer of data by 43%+ (70% reduction in costs over life of program). Ensured compliance with all national and international aviation and data management requirements


(2006 2007) Rebuilt the organizational structure of Customer Care, resulting in overall improvement of customer satisfaction and quality. Ov ersaw company-wide Project Management (PM), Quality Management System (QMS), Configuration Management (CM), Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V), and Learning and Skills Development (LASD). Created and implemented formal CM processes and disciplines (change control, audits, software & product config. tracking, compliance tracking, etc) throughout the company resulting in rapid, error -free delivery of software upgrades and tracking of acquired data.

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Successfully expanded companys ISO 9001 certification status to all dev elopment and production facilities in US and ov erseas, increasing client confidence in data quality and instituting continuous process improv ement throughout the company. Performed technical due diligence/integration, for purchase of foreign software dev elopment company (MMC; Prague) that specialized in displaying GIS information ov er the web using .NET v ia Agile methods. (2002 2006)


Promoted into this newly created role to position company as major competitor in the national mapping space. Created production tools utilizing .NET/C++/C# and infrastructure necessary to carry out business vision through leadership of all engineering and IT activ ities.

Led multi-functional team that created the program plan to collect, process, edit, and deliver a nation-wide data elev ation set, a feat nev er before accomplished. Addressed the technologies, risks, processes and personnel to execute the program. Dev eloped and deployed all production systems associated with a national mapping program. W as early adopter of v irtualization technologies, primarily VMW are, for our data processing center. Grew team from 25 to 40+ professionals who used Agile and waterfall dev elopment methodologies to complete a sophisticated, semi-automated data collection, finishing and delivery production system. Established infrastructure and tools for low cost operations in Jakarta.


(2002) In this start-up operation, led the change to establish direction for companys infrastructure and processes in its transition from a project -oriented company to a production and product -oriented company. Established baseline processes for IT department, utilizing ITIL and COBIT, as part of SOX-compliance initiative, thus increasing responsiv eness to customers and increasing effectiv eness of the department.

THE BOEING COMPANY, Denv er, CO / Seattle, W A

Major defense and aerospace company.

(1982 2001)


(2001 2002) In this start-up role supporting defense side of Boeing business, built dev elopment support team to the Future Imagery Architecture (FIA) satellite dev elopment program. Created, tested and v alidated flight and operations databases for two FIA v ehicles under production in CA. Performed satellite orbit analysis and planning. Grew Denv er offices participation lev el in the FIA program from 2 28 engineers. Reduced risks and costs by identifying and providing unique talent to an important company defense program.


(1998 2001) Led three integrated product teams responsible for infrastructure design, integration and deliv ery of COTS -based products (defense) into a multi-site, multi-program env ironment.


(1986 1998) Roles included Test Functional Manager and H/W Maintenance and System Admin. IPT Manager (1995 1998); Team Lead, System/Software Test Group (1989 1995); and Lead Engineer of System/Software Test Group (1986 1989) Held increasingly responsible roles for the command and control portion of a satellite asset program. Inv olved with system design phase, through dev elopment and deliv ery, to operations and maintenance. Recognized by the Site Customer for our outstanding planning and execution of Y2K testing Ov ersaw the safe and satisfactory delivery of the space assets into their operating roles as a member of the Launch Management Team (LMT) Led teams of 6-22 people focused on establishing test and operational processes to ensure the high av ailability operation of the ground control center and space assets (1982 1985)


Roles included hardware and software unit, integration and system testing

Mark J. Frank Education and Affiliations

SEATTLE UNIVERSITY, Seattle, W A MBA, 1989 BS Electrical Engineering , 1982

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Product Management Certification, Univ ersity of California-Berkeley, CA, 2008 Network Analysis and Design Certification, Univ ersity of Denv er, CO, 2002 Project Management Certification, Regis University, Denver, CO, 2001 Serv ed on numerous Boeing initiativ es to establish hiring and promotion criteria, as well as career dev elopment. Clearances: Extended Background Inv estigation (TS/SBI-SCI SSBI) and DOD Secret Clearance, 1986 2002

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