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Ivy Tech Community College Student Information for Certification Testing You are enrolled in a course that includes

a national, third-party, certification exam or assessment. You will be scheduling and taking your exam at a regional Workforce Certification Center. The Workforce Certification Center will be ordering your exam as the cost was included in your course fee. Please see information below for the steps necessary to register and schedule your exam: Pre-Registration and Scheduling Step #1: Pre-registration for certification exams Only applies to CINT (CompTIA), OFAD/CINS (Certiport), HOSP (ServSafe and ManageFirst), & ADMF (MSSC). Specific pre-registration instructions are included at the end of this document. Exam pre-registration requirements can vary depending on the length of your course and the exam being taken. Failure to pre-register could result in a delay in scheduling and/or taking your exam. Step #2: Scheduling your certification exam Applies to ALL certification exams All certification exams, whether pre-registration is required or not, must be scheduled at least 48 hours in advance. To request an appointment at a Workforce Certification Center, go to No walk-in testing permitted for these certification exams. When you request your exam appointment, you will be selecting the date and time of your exam session based on the available hours of the Workforce Certification Center. Schedule your exam as soon as possible, as seating may be limited. If you wait until the last week of class to schedule your exam, there may not be seating available in the testing center. During scheduling, you will be provided information about what to bring (or not to bring) to the test center, acceptable IDs, etc.

General Exam Information Rescheduling/No-Shows: If you need to reschedule, contact the Workforce Certification Center where you scheduled your exam. Provide at least 48 hours advance notice when rescheduling. The third-party testing vendors who sponsor your exam have varying policies regarding no-show and rescheduled appointments. Some of these policies may result in additional fees. Specific reschedule and no-show policies for your exam will be discussed with you during pre-registration and/or scheduling. Exam Results: You are responsible for providing exam results to your instructor.

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Retakes: The third-party testing vendors who sponsor your exam have varying policies regarding retakes. For most exams, retakes are not permitted. Specific retake policies for your exam will be discussed with you during scheduling and/or pre-registration.

Ivy Tech cannot guarantee that any student will pass a certification or licensing exam. Your success will be determined by several factors beyond the instruction you are given in the classroom including your test-taking skills, your willingness to study outside of class, and your satisfactory completion of appropriate practice exams. Certification and licensure exam questions are drawn from databases of hundreds of possible questions; therefore, a thorough understanding of the subject matter is required. Ivy Techs coursework is designed to assist you in understanding the material sufficiently to provide a firm foundation for your studies as you prepare for the exam.

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CERTIFICATION EXAM PRE-REGISTRATION (For CINT, OFAD, HOSP, & ADMF Only) You have enrolled in a class that requires a certification exam. Prior to scheduling your exam appointment, you will need to pre-register allowing you to take assigned tests and/or view your results. Pre-registration will include inputting demographic information and setting up a username and password. Be sure to enter your information as you would like it to appear on your certification. Pre-Registration Instructions for Pearson VUE CompTIA (CINS 205-CINT 108,115,116,121,208,251) Pre-registration is required for first-time Pearson VUE-CompTIA candidates only. If you have taken a CompTIA exam in the past, you do not need to pre-register with Pearson VUE as you already have an account; you may contact your local Workforce Certification Center to schedule your exam appointment. To pre-register go to: 1. From the Pearson VUE web site, click on sign in. 2. Under 1) Narrow by Category click on Information Technology (IT). 3. Under 2) Select your testing program click on CompTIA. 4. Click on create a new web account. 5. Complete the required fields and Save Profile. You should now request an appointment by going to **NOTE- Request your appointment as soon as possible as seating is limited.

Pre-Registration Instructions for Certiport MOS (CINS 131,225 and OFAD 103, 110, 204, 218, 222, 226) Pre-registration is required for first-time Certiport - MOS candidates only. If you have taken a Certiport exam in the past, you do not need to pre-register with Certiport as you already have an account; you may contact your local Workforce Certification Center to schedule your exam appointment. To pre-register go to: 1. From the Certiport website, click on Register (upper right corner). 2. Complete the required fields and Save. 3. Be sure to document your username and password, you will need it to log into your exam. You should now request an appointment by going to **NOTE- Request your appointment as soon as possible as seating is limited.

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Pre-Registration Instructions for ServSafe & ManageFirst(HOSP 101, 108, 201, 203, 207, 280) Pre-registration is required for ServSafe & ManageFirst candidates. If you have already registered, you do not need to do so again. NOTE: If you have registered, your username and password is valid for ManageFirst & ServSafe sites. You do not need to register at both sites. If you have not registered, you will need to follow the following instructions: To pre-register for ManageFirst go to: 1. Go to Student Resources (left side) 2. Click on Exams and Scores 3. Click on Check your Exam Score? 4. Go to Need Access 5. Click Create New Profile 6. Complete the required fields and Save. You should now request an appointment by going to **NOTE-Request your appointment as soon as possible as seating is limited. To pre-register for ServSafe go to: 1. Go to Student/Examinees (left side) 2. Click on Check Exam Score 3. Go to New User (right side) 4. Click Create Profile 5. Complete the required fields and Save. You should now request an appointment by going to **NOTE- Request your appointment as soon as possible as seating is limited. Pre-Registration Instructions for MSSC--ADMF 101, 102, 119 Pre-registration is required for first-time MSSC--ADMF candidates. If you are taking a CPT (Certified Production Technician) and a CLT (Certified Logistics Technician) exam, you will need to register for each type separately. If you are already registered, you will not need to register again, but you will need to know your Candidate ID, which can be found at the MSSC website. If you have not registered, you will need to follow the instructions below: To pre-register for MSSC go to: 1. Click on link located on upper-left side of screen labeled: Dont have an account? Click here to register 2. Complete required fields. For specific fields enter the following information: Certification System: CPT for Certified Production Technician CLT for Certified Logistics Technician Candidate Type: Student Classification: Post-Secondary/Industry Assessment Center: Test1 or center you will test at You will also need to download and read the Candidate & Certificant Handbook. You will then be required to agree to uphold the Code of Ethics. Once you have registered, you will receive an email from MSSC with information on how to activate your account and retrieve your Candidate ID. Forward your Candidate ID to your instructor to verify that you have registered. If you have already registered, retrieve your Candidate ID from the MSSC website and forward to your instructor. It can be found on Updated 9 5 12

the right side of your screen once you have logged in. If you cannot remember your password to log into the MSSC website, you will need to contact MSSC at: 703-739-9000. You should now request an appointment by going to **NOTE-Request your appointment as soon as possible as seating is limited.

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