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a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. To monitor the count of blood cells. To determine presence of micro-organisms. To detect urine sugar/ acetone. For routine stool / urine analysis. To test for occult blood in stool. For serological examination. For hormonal assay. Auto immune profile. For x-matching & blood grouping. For pregnancy test. For toxicology test. Food poisoning. For determining sexual activities.

. !pecimen should be collected and handled properly to maximi"e the outcome of laboratory tests. #. !pecimens should be collected during the acute phase of infection if possible and before the initiation of antibiotic therapy. $. An ade%uate amount of specimen necessary for the particular test should be collected. &. Avoid potential contamination of the specimen by using proper collection instrument and containers. '. (bserve universal precautions at all times.


a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. !pecimen bottles / re%uest. )otton balls *ith alcohol. +ry cotton balls. ,rovidone / alcohol. !yringe. -utterfly needle. ,laster. !terile gloves. .abels. !tickers. /ce if necessary. Tourni%uet. 0e%uisition form.

. 1xplain procedure. #. Attach butterfly needle to syringe. $. *ash hands. &. *ear sterile gloves. '. clean site of extraction *ith antiseptic. 2. apply the tourni%uet. 3. insert needle & extract desired amount . 4. remove needle & put dry cotton ball over site and apply plaster. 5. put blood in labeled specimen bottle. 6. make patient comfortable. . discard syringe and needle appropriately. #. *ash and dry hands. $. send specimen to laboratory.

1%uipment for urine collection labeled a. !pecimen bottle7 sterile & clean. b. !yringe and needle if patient is catheteri"ed- urine bag collection if patient is a child. c. 0e%uisition form.

. 1xplain procedure to patient. #. take specimen bottle to the patient. $. if patient in catheteri"ed7 clamp collection tube for about $6 minutes before taking the sample. &. clean sampling port *ith alcohol '. allo* to dry. 2. Then clean *ith normal saline if specimen is for culture and sensitivity. 3. 8ith dra* urine from sampling part using sterile syringe and needle. 4. ,lace specimen in to labelled sterile bottle. 5. 9ake patient comfortable. 6. 8ash and dry hands. . !end specimen to laboratory *ith in $6 minuets of collection or refrigerate up to ' hours.

a. .abeled specimen bottle sterile or clean. b. 0e%uisition form.

. #. $. &. '. 2. 3. Take specimen bottle to patient. 1xplain procedure to patient. 8ash and dry hands. )ollect specimen from patient. Fecal specimen can be obtained directly from the rectum using a sterile s*ab if patient cannot pass stool. !end specimen to laboratory. 8ash and dry hands.

0e%uirements a. .abelled specimen bottle :sterile;. b. .aboratory re%uest form.

. #. $. &. '. Take labeled specimen bottle to patient. /nstruct patient that the specimen should be from the lo*er respiratory tract. )ollect specimen from patient. !end specimen to laboratory *ith completed re%uest form. 8ash and dry hands.

0e%uirements< a. !terile cotton = tipped s*ab. b. )ompleted laboratory re%uest form. c. >loves to remove the dressing if there is one. d. 1%uipment for dressing. e. !terile gloves.

. 1xplain procedure to patient. #. Take labeled s*ab stick to patient. $. 8ash and dry hands. &. ,ut on gloves. '. 0emove soiled dressing if any. 2. +iscard gloves. 3. 0emove s*ab stick from the tube. 4. ?sing the sterile cotton = tipped s*ab7 collect as much exudates as possible. 5. Avoid s*abbing surrounding skin. 6. ,lace the s*ab immediately in transport culture tube. . !end specimen to laboratory. #. +ress *ound. $. 8ash and dry hands.

0e%uirements< a. @.> Tube. b. !pecimen bottle :sterile;. c. '6 cc syringe. d. .ubricating jelly. e. Tape. f. !tethoscope. g. 0e%uest form.

. #. $. &. 0efer to @.>.T insertion policy. 8ithdra* 6-#6 cc of gastric content. 0emove tube. !end to main laboratory.

Requiremen !: a. speculum b. >loves. c. !*ab sticks. d. 0e%uest form. e. .ubricating jelly. f. !terile gau"e :&x&; g. Angled lamp.

. 1xplain procedure to patient. #. Take e%uipment to bedside. $. ,repare and position patient. &. ,osition lamp. '. 8ash hands. 2. ,ut on gloves. 3. /nsert speculum 4. Take vaginal s*ab and perineum s*ab. 5. ,lace s*ab immediately in transport culture tube. 6. 9ake patient comfortable.

0e%uirements :Food poisoning & rape; a. # s*ab sticks. b. +ry specimen bottle and peptone speciment bottle :obtained from microbiology department; c. >loves. d. 0e%uest form.

. 1xplain procedure to patient. #. ,repare / position patient. $. 8ash and dry hands. &. ,ut on gloves. '. 0emove s*abs from the tubes. 2. !*ab inside rectum aprox.'cms for food poisoning & outside of anus for rape. 3. 8ash & dry hands. 4. ,lace the s*ab immediately in transport culture tube. 5. !end immediately to microbiology. 6. 9ake patient comfortable.

Toxicology department to be informed before sending specimen in suspected drug / alcohol intoxication investigation case. 0e%uirement< $ :samples needed; a. -lood extraction.

b. >astric contents : gastric lavage; c. ?rine sample. All specimens to be sent to main laboratory toxicology department :+ammam;

For toxicology specimen . @urse send specimen to laboratory. #. record all information in laboratory log register before sending specimens to main laboratory :dammam; $. ,lace specimens in safety container for transport.

a. b. c. type of investigations re%uested. d. time specimens *ere sent to main laboratory : dammam;. e. name and signature.

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