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Topic: Motors & Generators

Andrew Jackson
HSC Practical Investigation Marcellin College 25 November 2011

Andrew Jackson email: Marcellin College 1

Table of

Table of Contents .............................................................................................1

Background Theory...........................................................................................2
Variables & Hazard Analysis.............................................................................6
Procedure Recount............................................................................................8
Phasellus et ligul....................................................................................................8
Error Analysis......................................................................................................13
The relative motion between the coil and the magnet is varied:..........................15
Hasellus et ligul....................................................................................................17

Andrew Jackson email: Marcellin College 1

Background Theory
Insert Subtitle Later

Incidunt quis, vulputate sit amet, placerat vitae, mass amet, placerat vitae, massa.

The ancient Greeks from Magnesia discovered stones called lodestones that
were naturally magnetised. In 1819 Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish
physicist and chemist established a link between magnetism and current
when he observed a compass needle deflected when placed near a currentcarrying wire, and reasoned that the wire must produce a magnetic field
around it. Michael Faraday a British chemist and physicist studied this
phenomenon and was the first person to realise that a changing magnetic field
was able to produce electricity (electromagnetic induction). He mapped the
magnetic field generated around the current carrying wire in 1821. In one of
his later experiments, he achieved the induction of a current in a conductor
through the application of a changing magnetic field. Faraday showed that
moving a magnet near a coil could generate an electric current in the coil and
when the magnet is turned around, the galvanometer needle deflects in the
opposite direction, thereby discovering that the magnitude of the current
depends on the rate of movement of the magnet: the faster it is moving in and
out of the coil the larger the current. This was called electromagnetic induction,
created due to a change in magnetic flux through a conductor. This
breakthrough led to further work and discoveries in the electromagnetism field
and the development of electric generators and subsequent use of electricity
for lighting and the many other electrical appliances in use today. Society is
currently reliant on technology to a much larger extent than ever before and
with the increase in technological devices there has been a steady growth in
the rate of many cancers. Past studies discovered very small increases in
these cancers; however more recent, well-conducted studies are revealing
alarming increases in the association of EMFs with leukaemia, brain tumours
and breast cancer necessitating further studies of EMFs and the effects on

Insert Subtitle Later
To investigate the effect on a generated current when:
The distance between the coil and magnet is varied
The strength of the magnet is varied.
The relative motion between the coil and the magnet is varied

Libero purus sodales mauris, eu vehicula lectus velit nec velit.

Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
It was hypothesised that:
When the distance between the coil and magnet is increased, the amount of
current generated will decrease when the numbers of coils in the solenoid, the
size of the solenoid and the size/shape of the magnet is maintained at a
constant value, and vice versa for when the distance between the coil and
magnet is decreased.
When the strength of the magnet is varied, the amount of current generated
will increase when the numbers of coils in the solenoid, the size of the solenoid
and the size/shape of the magnet is maintained at a constant value, and vice
versa for when the strength of the magnet is decreased.
When the relative motion between the coil and magnet is increased, the
amount of current generated will decrease when the numbers of coils in the
solenoid, the size of the solenoid and the size/shape of the magnet is
maintained at a constant value, and vice versa when the relative motion
between the coil and magnet is decreased.
Faradays law logically supports this hypothesis as it indicates that any change
in the magnetic environment of a coil of wire will cause a voltage (EMF) to be
"induced" in the coil. Due to magnets possessing a magnetic field, a moving
magnet should disrupt the magnetic environment of the solenoid, thereby
producing a current, and the fact that Faradays law is a valid and well settled
theory leads to the conclusion that the hypothesis will be supported through
the practical experiment.

Libero purus sodales mauris, eu vehicula lectus velit nec velit.

Insert Subtitle Later

Incidunt quis, vulputate sit amet, placerat vitae, mass amet, placerat vitae, massa.

The following materials are prerequisites in order to conduct this first-hand

Three identical bar magnets
A solenoid
An ammeter / galvanometer
A ruler
Two wires.
A metronome

Variables & Hazard

Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
Due to this experiment having three separate components, there are three
sets of variables.
The distance between the coil and magnet is varied:
Independent - The distance between the coil and the magnet
Dependent - The amount of current generated
Controlled - Number of coils in solenoid
- Size of the magnet
- Shape of the magnet
- Size of the solenoid

The strength of the magnet is varied:

Independent - The strength of the magnet
Dependent - The amount of current generated
Controlled - Number of coils in solenoid
- Size of the magnet
- Shape of the magnet
- Size of the solenoid

The relative motion between the coil and the magnet is varied:
Independent - The relative motion between the coil and the magnet
Dependent - The amount of the current generated

Controlled - Number of coils in solenoid

- Size of the magnet
- Shape of the magnet
- Size of the solenoid

Nullam tortor. Fusce malesuada. Quisque dolor mauris, malesuada quis,
ultricies non, interdum blandit, lectus. Etiam nulla lacus, nonummy a, blandit
sed, pellentesque eget, arcu. Phasellus id pede. Vivamus tortor nibh, tempus
auctor, interdum a, faucibus ut, mi. Aliquam tincidunt turpis eleifend orci.
Mauris at odio vel metus ullamcorper blandit. Nullam tortor. Fusce malesuada.
Quisque dolor mauris, malesuada quis, ultricies non, blandit, lectus. Etiam
nulla lacus. Etiam nulla lacus, nonummy a, blandit sed, pellentesque eget,
arcu. Phasellus id pede. Vivamus tortor nibh, tempus auctor, interdum a,
faucibus ut, mi. Aliquam tincidunt turpis eleifend orci. Mauris at odio vel metus
ullamcorper blandit. Mauris at odio vel metus ullamcorper blandit. Nullam
tortor. Fusce malesuada. Quisque dolor mauris.

Procedure Recount
Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
Incidunt quis, vulputate sit amet, placerat vitae, mass amet, placerat vitae, massa.

Phasellus et ligul
1. A circuit was constructed, consisting of a solenoid, two wires and a
2. To measure the effect on a generated current when the distance between
the magnet and the coil is varied, one magnet was placed directly next to
the solenoid with the north end of the bar magnet facing towards the
solenoid. Then the bar magnet was quickly withdrawn away from the
3. Any movement of the needle of the galvanometer was recorded.
4. Then the magnet was placed 1.5 cm from the solenoid and moved in the
same fashion as before.
5. Any movement of the needle of the galvanometer was recorded.
6. The magnet was then placed 3 cm away from the solenoid and withdrawn
7. Any movement of the needle of the galvanometer was recorded and the
results were compared to verify effects on a generated current when the
distance between the magnet and coil is varied.

8. To measure the effect on a generated current when strength of the magnet

is varied, one magnet was placed inside the solenoid and swiftly removed.
9. The movement of the needle on the ammeter was recorded.

Two magnets with the two north poles connected and the two south

poles connected were then placed inside the solenoid and quickly

The movement of the needle on the ammeter was recorded.


Three magnets were then connect in the same manner as step 10,

placed inside the solenoid and quickly withdrawn.


The movement of the needle on the ammeter was recorded and

compared with the other results to verify the effects on a generated current
when the strength of a magnet is varied.

Through the use of a metronome set to a tempo of 120, one magnet

was moved back/forth every beat.


The movement of the needle of the galvanometer was recorded.


The metronome was then set to a tempo of 250 and the magnet was

moved back and forth every beat.


The movement of the needle of the galvanometer was recorded.


The metronome was then set to a tempo of 30 and the magnet was

moved back and forth every beat.


The movement of the needle of the galvanometer was recorded and

compared with the other results to verify the effect on a generated electric
current when the relative motion between the coil and the magnet is varied.

Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
1.53Displacement from the solenoid (cm)
-2-11st test (a)0
-2-12nd test (a)-4
-2-13rd test (a)-4

Number of

1st test(a)




2nd test (a)




3rd test (a)




magnets used

Beats Per Minute




1st test(a)

-2 to 2

-1 to 1

-4 to 4

2nd test (a)

-2 to 2

-1 to 1

-4 to 4

3rd test (a)

-2 to 2

-1 to 1

-4 to 4


Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
Whilst the experiment was being performed, the results gathered were
organised into multiple tables. Through the tables, the results were correlated
in order to verify the hypothesis. The results demonstrated that:
As the distance between a magnet and the solenoid increased, the amount
of current generated in the coil was reduced.
As the strength of the magnet increased, the amount current generated in
the coil increased.
As the relative motion between the magnet and the solenoid increased, the
amount of current generated decreased.

Error Analysis

You will need to undertake an error analysis. This could be as simple as a qualitative
description or as complex as a full numerical error calculation. However, it is the logic
that is important and some quantification of accuracy should be evident. Consult a text to
find out the way to do it.

Heinrich Emil Lenz put a definite direction to induced currents when the
magnetic flux was changing.
"The Induced current is such as to oppose the change in the applied field."
Whenever there is a change in the number of magnetic field lines passing
through a loop of wire, a voltage (or electromotive force) is generated (or
induced) in the loop of wire. This is how an electric generator works. The
phenomenon is known as electromagnetic induction and is explained by
Faraday's law of induction:
e = - dF / dt
where e

Libero purus sodales mauris, eu vehicula lectus velit nec velit.

Lasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor. Etiam sed elit sed diam tempus
consectetuer. Proin dignissim, velit a gravida elementum, metus tellus dictum
mauris, quis auctor est lectus in sapien. Fusce diam arcu, ultricies non,
ullamcorper feugiat, semper quis, tortor. Phasellus egest feugiat augue.
Vestibulum nec wisi. Vivamus lacus wisi, tincidunt qui.

Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
The distance between the coil and magnet is varied:
The closer the magnet, the stronger or the more larger electromotive force

produced and as a result the larger the current produced.

Libero purus sodales mauris, eu vehicula lectus velit nec velit.

The strength of the magnet is varied:

The stronger the magnet, the more movement in the needle occurs because
the stronger the magnet, the higher the magnetic flux density via the
magnetic flux strength. Therefore more flux lines pass through a given area
and thereby increasing the magnetic flux density.
The relative motion between the coil and the magnet is varied:
The faster the magnet is moved, the more magnetic flux lines are being cut.
Therefore a larger EMF is being produced and thereby a stronger current.

Phasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor
Explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of the experiment; discussion of
accuracy, validity and reliability of results; modifications to experiment are
recommended; explanation of possible sources of variation are included
The experiment performed provided a clear illustration of Faradays law.
However, there were many aspects of the experiment that could have been
altered in order to reduce/remove error:
In order to reduce inaccurate readings of the galvanometer, a digital
galvanometer should be used to reduce human error.
A method of removing the magnet from the area of the solenoid at the same
velocity for all repetitions of the experiment should be used to remove human
The experiment was valid as it correctly tests the hypothesis by experiment the
effect on a generated current when the distance between the coil and magnet
is altered, the strength of the magnet is altered and the relative motion
between the coil and magnet is altered.
The experiment was reliable as it underwent multiple repetitions in order to
achieve reliable results and verify the hypothesis.
The experiment was accurate as it ...

Libero purus sodales mauris, eu vehicula lectus velit nec velit.

Lasellus ut arcu ut nulla dignissim auctor. Etiam sed elit sed diam tempus
consectetuer. Proin dignissim, velit a gravida elementum, metus tellus dictum

mauris, quis auctor est lectus in sapien. Fusce diam arcu, ultricies non,
ullamcorper feugiat, semper quis, tortor. Phasellus egest feugiat augue.
Vestibulum nec wisi. Vivamus lacus wisi, tincidunt qui.
Hasellus et ligul
Nullam tortor. Fusce malesuada. Quisque dolor mauris, malesuada quis,
ultricies non, interdum blandit, lectus. Etiam nulla lacus, nonummy a, blandit
sed, pellentesque eget, arcu. Phasellus id pede. Vivamus tortor nibh, tempus
auctor, interdum a, faucibus ut, mi. Aliquam tincidunt turpis eleifend orci.
Mauris at odio vel metus ullamcorper blandit. Nullam tortor. Fusce malesuada.
Quisque dolor mauris, malesuada quis, ultricies non, blandit, lectus. Etiam
nulla lacus. Etiam nulla lacus, nonummy a, blandit sed, pellentesque eget,
arcu. Phasellus id pede. Vivamus tortor nibh, tempus auctor, interdum a,
faucibus ut, mi. Aliquam tincidunt turpis eleifend orci. Mauris at odio vel metus
ullamcorper blandit. Mauris at odio vel metus ullamcorper blandit. Nullam
tortor. Fusce malesuada. Quisque dolor mauris.

What needs to be done

- Analysis: Error analysis
- Discussion: Explanation of possible sources of variation; accuracy
- Variables and Hazard Analysis: Hazards
- Bibliography

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