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{29}{66}Previously on Charmed:

{70}{138}For our plan to work,|we need to get the sisters...

{143}{200}And Leo and Chris out of the way.
{284}{353}It opened up a portal|to another world.
{358}{397}- Like evil?|- Precisely.
{401}{450}And if you encounter|your counterparts, be careful.
{454}{479}They will kill you.
{571}{610}I'll take mine, you take yours.
{614}{666}- It was Gideon all along.|- And he's still out there.
{670}{718}He wasn't vanquished here,|he wasn't in our world.
{723}{771}The imbalance has caused|a shift in both worlds.
{875}{918}Put him in the playpen.|Don't want him to see.
{926}{986}- But Phoebe...|- Just do it.
{1007}{1090}Okay, there we go. There you go.
{1097}{1137}Don't let him out of your sight.
{1174}{1228}- What's wrong, what's taking so long?|- I don't know.
{1233}{1286}Damn it, Leo, you should have|just healed her outside.
{1291}{1362}Right, and risk you getting shot too?|I don't think so.
{1371}{1457}Okay, so I just sent our evil twins|through the portal, although...
{1495}{1531}What happened?
{1563}{1599}- Thank God.|- Stay with Wyatt.
{1604}{1644}I got him.
{1674}{1735}- You okay?|- Yeah.
{1740}{1809}Just remind me to never park in|Mrs. Noble's driveway again.
{1813}{1866}Will someone please tell me|what is going on here?
{1871}{1915}The neighbourhood patrol|shot her point-blank
{1919}{1955}and nobody so much|as blinked an eye.
{1960}{1991}What? Why?
{1995}{2038}Because by getting us all|to the evil world,
{2042}{2088}Gideon screwed up the balance,|the grand design.
{2092}{2159}If you ask me, the grand design was|messed up in the first place.
{2164}{2250}Wait, so are you saying because of|what he did, our world is bad now
{2255}{2308}No, on the contrary, it's good.|Too good.
{2313}{2366}Where every little infraction|is a capital offence.
{2370}{2405}And everyone just accepts it.
{2410}{2471}Oh, so we're starring in a little movie|called Pleasantville?
{2495}{2549}Okay, how come|we weren't affected?
{2554}{2618}Because we must have been|crossing over when the shift occurred.
{2622}{2674}Well, that must mean Gideon's|not affected either.
{2678}{2718}No, he wouldn't be,|because he's an Elder.
{2722}{2782}How do we know he's not using|this situation to his advantage?
{2786}{2844}- To come after Wyatt?|- Because I'm gonna find him first.
{2848}{2917}No, you can't hurt him, Leo.|Not until he shifts the balance back.
{2921}{2962}And you know he knows|how to do that.
{3004}{3078}Oh, my God, we totally forgot about|Piper. We have to get to the hos
{3082}{3140}- Who's gonna watch Wyatt?|- I will.
{3144}{3222}Look, I didn't come all the way from the|future just to lose him now
, all right?
{3380}{3441}I think we should drive.|I don't wanna risk orbing.
{3452}{3519}All right,|just watch your speed, okay?
{5086}{5151}Oh, give me a break.
{5169}{5258}You're lucky.|It could have been worse.
{5273}{5373}Well, well, well,|the new peeping Elder.
{5377}{5480}How the mighty have fallen,|so to speak.
{5485}{5512}Show yourself.
{5521}{5574}Only if you agree to a truce.
{5583}{5664}I promise, it is in your best interests.
{5668}{5709}Why not.

{5713}{5801}This particular day|couldn't get much worse.

{5815}{5854}Actually, it could.
{5865}{5898}You could die.
{5903}{6012}The world has changed, my friend,|as you've obviously just witnessed
{6017}{6102}You're referring to the witches|constantly hunting me.
{6106}{6246}That wouldn't happen to be some of|your doing, now, would it, friend
{6250}{6336}Not by intent, but it's why I'm here.
{6340}{6420}If I'm to shift things back|to the way things were,
{6424}{6495}to give evil a fighting chance again,
{6500}{6574}then you and I must work together.
{6578}{6677}Now, why would you wanna|give me a fighting chance?
{6682}{6805}To restore the balance,|the grand design,
{6809}{6877}as I am honour-bound to do.
{6884}{6953}Just out of curiosity,
{6957}{7073}how is it this imbalance|happened to occur?
{7111}{7225}Come on. You can say it.|I know you can.
{7229}{7355}"I made my move on the boy|and I screwed up."
{7364}{7404}I took a calculated risk.
{7408}{7468}You screwed up.
{7472}{7579}And now you wanna hide out|down here with me,
{7583}{7692}and just hope that the boy's aunties|don't know how to find you.
{7696}{7774}Isn't that about right, friend?
{7779}{7919}Believe me, you don't want this child|growing up any more than I do,
{7923}{7963}His power is too great.
{7967}{8067}He is an enormous threat|to both of us.
{8103}{8151}I see.
{8210}{8252}Any shift between good and evil
{8256}{8338}is supposed to happen|naturally over time.
{8343}{8403}By intervening,|I've allowed too much good
{8407}{8455}to corrupt the other world.
{8459}{8603}And the only way to get it back|is for a great evil to corrupt ours.
{8618}{8682}Oh, and you just naturally|thought of me.
{8686}{8729}I'm very flattered.
{8734}{8842}I have to complete what I started,|for everyone's sake.
{8852}{8886}Help me.
{8891}{8962}Distract the sisters.
{8966}{9069}And I will help you|get your world back.
{9190}{9256}You won't find Gideon that way.
{9306}{9339}We've already tried.
{9394}{9421}What are you doing here?
{9426}{9483}I'm here to remind you|of your responsibilities.
{9487}{9532}My responsibilities now|are to protect my son.
{9536}{9594}How? By taking revenge|on one of our own?
{9599}{9658}Gideon stopped being one of us|when he went after Wyatt.
{9663}{9709}Oh, that's not for you to decide.
{9713}{9783}You're but one voice|in a chorus, Leo.
{9788}{9845}We can't allow you to take matters|into your own hands.
{9850}{9908}- Gideon did.|- Yes, and look what's he's wrought.
{9913}{10009}The world is spiralling out of control.|Innocents are being hurt, k
{10013}{10119}- All because one Elder acted alone.|- I know what I'm doing.
{10123}{10190}Gideon thought he knew|what he was doing too.
{10195}{10280}Truth be known, he was not alone|in his thinking.
{10284}{10351}There are others who share|his fears of Wyatt.
{10355}{10407}That your union with a Charmed One
{10411}{10475}might have created too great|a concentration of power.
{10480}{10546}- Wait, so you're on his side?|- No, of course not.

{10550}{10641}- What Gideon's done is inexcusable.|- Then let me handle him.

{10645}{10740}Please, Leo, your emotions|are clouding your better judgment.
{10745}{10837}The fate of the world is more important|than any one child.
{10842}{10878}Not more important than my son.
{10883}{10958}They're all your sons,|your daughters.
{10962}{11038}They're who you should be protecting.|That's the greater good.
{11058}{11189}Come, help us find a way to restore|what was while we still can.
{11212}{11250}I can't.
{11254}{11305}Not until I stop Gideon.
{11446}{11554}Anti-immunologist to the quarantine.|Anti-immunologist to the quar
{11558}{11615}You're all done, sir.|All you have to do is pay your fine.
{11652}{11733}- You know, I'd really like to, but I can't.|- Over here?
{11737}{11862}Wow, it's just as creepy in here|as it is out there.
{11866}{11932}Actually, creepier.
{11942}{11983}Welcome to|San Francisco Memorial,
{11987}{12022}how can I help, help, help you?
{12027}{12068}Well, you could take it|down a notch.
{12099}{12160}She's kidding. She's a kidder.
{12165}{12219}Just out of curiosity,|what happened here?
{12223}{12283}- Was it a freeway accident?|- Oh, heavens, no.
{12287}{12323}It's always like this around here.
{12327}{12402}- Lawbreakers, you know.|- Right.
{12407}{12458}- You visiting?|- Yes. Piper Halliwell.
{12467}{12539}Halliwell, Halliwell.|What was her offence?
{12544}{12618}Oh, no, no offence.|She's having a baby.
{12623}{12691}Oh, a baby!|Oh, why didn't you say so?
{12696}{12758}- Because we were just too excited.|- Oh, of course you are.
{12762}{12837}There's nothing more exciting|than a baby.
{12842}{12929}Room 1402. But don't dawdle.|Visiting hours are almost over.
{12933}{12969}You have a wonderful day,|now, okay?
{13038}{13093}It's almost 8:00.|It should be dark now.
{13097}{13186}Dark? Why on earth would anyone|say such a depressing thing?
{13191}{13251}Lmagine the sun going away,|not having sunshine all the time.
{13255}{13319}Anyone who'd want|that should be, well, well, shot.
{13376}{13468}She's joking.|It's my sister, the jokester.
{13472}{13510}We're gonna go see|our other sister now.
{13514}{13556}She's having a baby. Yeah.
{13560}{13641}Okay, have a good day, everyone.
{13856}{13898}Oh, there you guys are.|Where have you been?
{13910}{13960}- Seems normal.|- Come on, come in.
{13969}{14055}- Piper, you okay?|- Of course I'm okay.
{14059}{14098}I'm having a baby,|for crying out loud.
{14102}{14146}Jell-O? It's really yummy.
{14151}{14189}No, thanks.
{14194}{14220}Excuse me.
{14224}{14250}How'd you like your dinner?
{14254}{14332}Are you kidding? The frozen peas|and processed turkey?
{14336}{14391}It was to die for.
{14395}{14431}Oh, here, let me give you a hand.
{14545}{14607}- Piper, that's not funny.|- Oh, that's okay.
{14611}{14675}- It's my fault it even happened.|- Why is it your fault?
{14679}{14752}I used my cell phone in the hospital.|Talk about your big no-nos.
{14759}{14851}- Hey, good luck with the little one.|- Thanks.
{14863}{14922}He really should have known better.
{14926}{14992}Piper, snap out of it.|This is crazy-making.
{14996}{15041}- What is?|- This. Everything.
{15045}{15091}You, the hand,|the whole damn world.

{15095}{15133}It's driving me insane.

{15137}{15212}Phoebe, you really should not swear.|They will cut your tongue out
{15237}{15275}This is ridiculous.
{15279}{15383}Okay, Piper, you have to listen to me.|Wyatt is in danger.
{15392}{15428}What do you mean?|What kind of danger?
{15432}{15483}It's Gideon.|He's trying to kill him.
{15599}{15673}- It's not funny, I'm being serious.|- That's ridiculous.
{15677}{15731}He's an Elder. He couldn't hurt a fly.
{15775}{15846}- What's so funny?|- Oh, don't ask.
{15851}{15932}- Whoopsie, that's not good.|- What's not good? What's going on?
{15937}{16010}Those darn contractions are a lot|more painful than they should be
{16015}{16078}- What does that mean?|- Visiting hours are over. Bye-bye, now.
{16082}{16148}- No, we're not leaving her.|- Well, I'm sorry, but rules are rule
{16152}{16191}Did you wanna keep your legs?
{16228}{16306}- We'll call you.|- Okey-dokey.
{16374}{16424}Are you sure we should leave?|I'm worried about her.
{16428}{16488}We have to. We can't wait for Leo.|We have to fix this.
{16492}{16541}This isn't the world we want|Chris to be born into.
{16545}{16576}Okay, but how?
{16580}{16645}Okay? Especially now|that we're down a sister?
{16649}{16726}Maybe we should have|another little talk with ourselves.
{16864}{16919}You were right.
{16926}{16992}Piper's the only one|of the sisters affected.
{16996}{17102}And therefore the only one|that can affect her sisters.
{17114}{17209}She can cast a spell on them,|make them think as she does,
{17213}{17279}so that they won't be|concerned about me either.
{17284}{17366}And your theory is that I'm|going to make her do this.
{17370}{17416}How, exactly?
{17421}{17458}By doing what you do best:
{17462}{17528}Tapping into her fear|of losing her sisters.
{17532}{17574}I don't know.
{17578}{17672}She's out in cloud-cuckooland|someplace.
{17677}{17758}She's in a place where she doesn't|even fear her own affliction.
{17770}{17865}What makes you think|she's gonna fear losing a sister?
{17869}{17933}Family means everything to Piper.
{17937}{17983}In any world.
{17987}{18027}The sooner you hit that nerve,
{18031}{18126}the sooner we both|get what we want.
{18360}{18429}I thought I had him for a second,|but I lost him.
{18433}{18485}Well, keep looking.|Gideon's bound to surface again.
{18489}{18549}Well, maybe you should ask|the other Elders for some help.
{18623}{18648}Trouble in paradise?
{18652}{18716}Let's just say we're not|seeing eye to eye.
{18724}{18815}Well, then, maybe you should,|I don't know, quit.
{18843}{18909}The girls are gonna need another|whitelighter the moment I'm gone.
{18913}{18977}That's not why you|want me to quit, Chris.
{18983}{19030}Okay. Fine, I admit.
{19034}{19126}I'd like to go back to a future where|my parents are still togethe
r, all right?
{19130}{19194}It's just like I said|when I was making the potion...
{19261}{19323}- What about the potion?|- Gideon didn't want it to work, right?
{19327}{19400}But he did want us in this other world,|which means it probably do
es work,
{19404}{19441}which means we can get you home.

{19445}{19514}- No. I'm not going back.|- Chris, you have to.
{19518}{19613}Not until I finish what I came here|to do, and that's to save Wyat
t from...
{19628}{19655}Turning evil.
{19709}{19741}Well, what I don't understand is,
{19745}{19805}if Gideon always viewed|Wyatt as a threat,
{19809}{19858}why did he turn him evil in my future?
{19863}{19919}I don't think he did, intentionally.
{19923}{19999}I think Gideon tried to kill|Wyatt in your future.
{20037}{20109}Only, just like in this time, he found out|that Wyatt can protect
{20113}{20221}So he probably had to get him away|so he could figure out how to d
o it.
{20226}{20282}- You mean kidnap him.|- Imagine being taken away from us
{20286}{20316}for weeks, maybe even months,
{20326}{20378}constantly fending off|Gideon's attack.
{20437}{20474}I had no idea.
{20487}{20530}We're gonna change|that future, Chris.
{20597}{20638}For both of your sakes.
{20763}{20810}The power of four has worked before.
{20814}{20875}Yeah, but that was when|we were in the same world.
{20879}{20932}We can't even contact them now.
{20937}{21034}There must have been a way that|Gideon contacted his evil counterp
{21038}{21102}Hey, do you hear an echo?
{21406}{21451}- I knew it.|- I knew it.
{21456}{21512}Nice to see you.
{21516}{21559}So is your world as|messed up as ours?
{21563}{21600}I've never seen everybody|so miserable.
{21604}{21668}- Every little good thing that happens...|- Gets punished.
{21672}{21742}Limbs get cut off|for saying "gesundheit."
{21746}{21774}I never thought I'd say this,
{21778}{21822}but I would kill for|some daylight right now.
{21826}{21866}We got plenty of it in our world.
{21874}{21899}- It sucks.|- It sucks.
{21903}{21933}So, what do you think happened?
{21937}{21973}I think we did too much|good together
{21977}{22023}when we were trying to|get Gideon in your world.
{22027}{22060}My thoughts exactly.
{22065}{22121}Maybe we need to do some|serious evil on your side
{22125}{22151}to shift the balance back.
{22156}{22189}- Right.|- The problem is,
{22194}{22283}I don't know if our collective powers|will work with us in differe
nt worlds.
{22288}{22326}Well, we better think of|something fast,
{22330}{22396}because Gideon's still|after Wyatt in both of them.
{22400}{22453}- The power of three.|- What?
{22458}{22522}If we can cast a spell on|our respective Pipers...
{22527}{22564}We're back to full power again.
{22569}{22649}Then bring us to your side|so we could shift the balance back.
{22657}{22698}And then kick some ass.
{22709}{22762}I like it.
{22801}{22860}Security to the prison floor.
{22864}{22913}Does it hurt when I touch here?
{22928}{22976}Boy, that smarts.
{22980}{23052}Well, we might be looking|at a C-section here, Piper.
{23056}{23113}Might be the only way|to get the baby out safely.
{23160}{23231}Oh, let's get another ultrasound,|shall we? I'll be right back.

{23476}{23542}It would be so sad if your sisters

{23546}{23616}weren't here to help you|through all this.
{23620}{23667}You heard what they said|about Gideon.
{23671}{23770}Imagine, saying such ugly lies
{23774}{23853}about such a nice person.
{23903}{23956}Gideon is trying to kill Wyatt,|we have to stop him.
{23960}{24005}No, no, no, no.
{24009}{24069}- Stop it. He's an Elder.|- No, Piper, he's evil.
{24073}{24144}No, he's not. Now, shush|before someone hears you.
{24188}{24245}No, no, no, don't hurt them.|They didn't mean it.
{24446}{24508}You have to help them conform.
{24512}{24551}Save them from themselves
{24555}{24670}before it's too late|and you lose them forever.
{24859}{24965}Call now the powers blessed be
{24969}{25103}To make my sisters happ... Happy
{25184}{25221}What are you doing here?|Is Piper okay?
{25225}{25277}No, but she will be, thanks to us|and our evil twins.
{25281}{25319}Wait, you saw them? Where?
{25324}{25374}In Gideon's office.|Talk about your vanity mirrors.
{25378}{25403}We have a plan.
{25419}{25461}We're gonna shift the world|back from Gideon
{25465}{25502}so he can't use it to his advantage.
{25507}{25577}- How?|- We're gonna use a spell to...
{25631}{25704}- What just happened?|- I don't know.
{25708}{25758}- Are you guys all right?|- Yeah.
{25762}{25821}Yeah, I've never felt better.
{25869}{25927}Okay, so back to the plan.|You were saying?
{25932}{26006}Yeah, the plan is just to go|see Piper in the hospital.
{26018}{26090}- That's a really good plan.|- I know.
{26423}{26477}No time to dawdle.|There's a baby on the way.
{26481}{26534}Guys, this is crazy.|You can't leave like this.
{26538}{26619}Well, we can't very well ignore|Chris' birth. We have to celebrate
{26623}{26678}I'm the baby.|I give you permission not to.
{26682}{26730}What, and miss all the excitement?
{26734}{26811}Seeing you for the first time.|Burping you.
{26815}{26842}Picking out a name.
{26846}{26877}I already have a name.
{26881}{26919}Oh, gosh, you do, don't you?
{26923}{26992}Well, now would be|the perfect time to change.
{26996}{27038}How did you get your name?
{27043}{27075}It doesn't start with a P.
{27080}{27110}It was Leo's father's name.
{27149}{27197}That is so sweet.
{27202}{27247}I can't wait to tell Piper.
{27268}{27306}I'm gonna get her bag.
{27310}{27391}It's in the kitchen, all ready to go.
{27396}{27454}Oh, you are gonna be so cute.
{27459}{27536}Yes, you are. Yes, you are.
{27697}{27742}We need to snap them|out of this, fast.
{27747}{27818}Piper must have cast a spell.|She's the only one who could do this
{27823}{27884}- Why would she do that?|- She wouldn't.
{27888}{27958}Unless Gideon wanted her to,
{27962}{28015}to distract them like before|so he can go after Wyatt.
{28025}{28070}- All set.|- Let's go.
{28074}{28142}You guys can't leave yet. Gideon|might be coming for Wyatt any min
{28146}{28182}Oh, is he babysitting?

{28187}{28244}No, he's trying to kill Wyatt.

{28255}{28303}Don't tell me you don't remember.
{28368}{28401}You're laughing. That's great.
{28405}{28453}Your nephew's almost killed,|and you're laughing.
{28457}{28518}You're silly. Yes, you are.
{28523}{28561}Oh, yes, you are.
{28570}{28630}Like an Elder would ever,|ever do that.
{28635}{28708}Must be the spell. They don't remember|because Gideon doesn't want
them to.
{28712}{28754}A spell? What spell?
{28840}{28887}Hey, stay with Wyatt.
{28920}{28977}Wait, stop, stop, stop.|Okay, you cannot open that door.
{28981}{29031}- What if it's the patrolman?|- That's a good point.
{29035}{29070}I forgot to move my car.
{29112}{29186}Well, I'll just have to take|whatever's coming to me.
{29275}{29351}- Hi, ladies. Chris.|- Hi.
{29355}{29411}We thought you were the patrol guy,|come to shoot Phoebe.
{29415}{29462}Sorry. Actually, I'm here to get Chris.
{29466}{29526}I'm afraid I have to take him|into custody for assaulting me.
{29531}{29558}Dude, I didn't assault you.
{29563}{29631}- No, but evil Chris did.|- That wasn't me.
{29636}{29714}- You're still a fugitive anyways.|- Okay, you're not helping, tha
{29719}{29800}You know, I'm only giving you this|chance because we used to be fr
{29805}{29846}That is so sweet, Darryl.
{29865}{29961}And evil double or no,|someone has to do the time.
{29965}{30010}Take him away, Darryl.
{30041}{30105}- So, what, you're just gonna leave?|- Listen, young man,
{30109}{30187}we can do this the easy way|or the hard way. Your choice.
{30192}{30223}I don't have time for this.
{30313}{30358}Have a nice day.
{30478}{30621}I was thinking if Gideon did get to|Piper, maybe he left a trail I
can follow.
{30695}{30752}If I know Leo, then right around now|he'll be figuring out
{30756}{30802}that I made Piper cast the spell.
{30806}{30891}No, no, no, correction,|I made her cast the spell, remember?
{30895}{30944}The point being|he'll go to Piper next
{30948}{31034}to see if he can't find|any magical clues to find me.
{31039}{31116}- Find me, you mean.|- Actually, yes.
{31121}{31211}- But then again, that's what we want.|- Oh, really?
{31216}{31260}With the sisters|sufficiently distracted,
{31264}{31331}Leo is the last powerful being|in my way.
{31335}{31403}One who you should|easily be able to distract
{31407}{31459}whilst I make my move on Wyatt.
{31482}{31576}I don't know, this all is starting|to sound very interesting,
{31580}{31705}but, you know, it seems to me like I'm|the one doing all the heavy
lifting here.
{31709}{31767}- Have you noticed that?|- Barbas!
{31772}{31842}While you, you're hiding out|down here,
{31846}{31940}relaxing in my lair,|all safe and sound.
{31944}{32047}What could possibly be wrong|with that picture?
{32052}{32137}Leo is the last impediment,|I promise.
{32141}{32208}Paralyse him with his greatest fear,|keep him occupied,
{32212}{32307}and we'll be one step closer|to returning the world to a place
{32311}{32386}where evil at least|has a chance again.

{32467}{32536}You're such a tease.

{32789}{32852}Excuse me, do you know|where the maternity ward is?
{32862}{32926}Are you kidding?|That's everyone's favourite hang-out.
{32931}{32979}- Just go in that elevator and...|- Thanks.
{32983}{33029}You're welcome.
{33049}{33096}- Paige.|- Leo.
{33100}{33162}Well, it's about time the nervous|father made an appearance.
{33167}{33202}Where's Phoebe? Is she with Piper?
{33207}{33278}Of course. We would never leave|Piper alone at a time like this.
{33283}{33327}Good. I wanna ask her|if she's seen Gideon.
{33332}{33399}Gideon? No, silly,|not with the complication.
{33443}{33514}- Oh, dear, you don't know?|- Know what? Is something wrong?
{33519}{33591}Well, I'm sure the doctors|are gonna find out any minute
{33595}{33648}and everything is gonna be|just peachy.
{33653}{33737}- I gotta go see her.|- No. That's against the hospital rules.
{33742}{33788}- Screw the rules.|- Okay.
{33792}{33845}But you're going to get in trouble.
{34118}{34278}Watch as the thing you fear most|comes to life and the future is l
{34406}{34460}- What?|- What's the matter, Dad?
{34464}{34494}Don't you recognize me?
{34499}{34545}I'm the Wyatt you're trying to save.
{34550}{34585}The one from Chris' future.
{34688}{34760}It'd appear that there is|no way to save him,
{34764}{34813}that he is lost to evil.
{34870}{34944}And that you are a failure|as a father.
{34959}{35035}This isn't right. You're good.
{35039}{35066}I'm here to save you.
{35071}{35108}I don't think so.
{36095}{36158}Okay. It's time to get you out of here.
{36330}{36374}Don't make me sacrifice you both.
{37333}{37389}In trying to save one son,
{37393}{37463}you have lost both sons.
{37467}{37579}- Very, very sad.|- No!
{37673}{37757}Wyatt. Wyatt.
{37762}{37801}It's for the best, Leo.
{37987}{38023}Chris. Chris.
{38381}{38418}Now what are you doing?
{38434}{38515}Would you come on?|Let's get this thing over with.
{38519}{38569}Not so fast.
{38589}{38636}This will take some thinking.
{38640}{38734}And I'd prefer not to get|stabbed again if I can avoid it.
{38747}{38776}How cute.
{38780}{38880}The great big Elder is afraid|of the teeny-weeny, itsy-bitsy baby.
{38884}{38932}Oh, he's much more than that.
{38941}{38998}Trust me. Cocky, too.
{39002}{39068}Notice his shield's not even up.
{39073}{39180}His shield is not up|because you pierced it already.
{39184}{39242}Fools and idiots.
{39247}{39403}Why is it that every time|you want something done right,
{39407}{39491}you gotta do it yourself?

{39627}{39681}Slippery little devil, isn't he?

{39685}{39740}Now look what you've done.
{39745}{39803}Well, you didn't tell me|that he could orb.
{39808}{39889}I didn't know he could.|That's why I wanted to be careful.
{39893}{39953}Although I doubt he's able|to orb out of the underworld.
{39957}{40032}Even he's not that powerful yet.
{40056}{40151}Now, I suppose all of this means|that you've lost your interest
{40155}{40199}in fixing the world at this moment.
{40203}{40289}And allow the Charmed Ones|the chance to rescue him? No.
{40293}{40387}The world stays exactly as it is|until Wyatt is eliminated.
{40391}{40529}You and I will have to work|together to find him.
{40565}{40664}Or perhaps we could work together|in order to eliminate him,
{40668}{40774}seeing as how much trouble|you're having by yourself.
{40823}{40909}It could work, especially if you|bless the athame too.
{40914}{40984}But to try,|we need to get him back.
{40989}{41036}Well, then, you track him|with his orbs.
{41040}{41183}I'm going to track him|with his fears.
{41283}{41360}- You have to find Wyatt.|- We're gonna find him together.
{41372}{41420}It won't work, you've already tried.
{41462}{41510}Gideon's magic did this to me.
{41514}{41548}He's the only one who can stop it.
{41576}{41640}Just go.
{41663}{41730}Saving Wyatt saves the future.|You know that.
{41735}{41781}Gideon doesn't know how|to kill Wyatt, remember?
{41785}{41866}- We still have time.|- Only till the trauma turns him.
{41871}{41942}I'm not gonna choose between|you and Wyatt, Chris. I can't.
{41947}{41981}You don't have to, Dad.
{42015}{42056}Find Gideon...
{42063}{42097}...and you save us both.
{42174}{42261}All right. All right, but I'm not|leaving you alone. I'll be right
{42266}{42301}Where are you going?
{42305}{42357}To get your one of your aunts|to watch over you.
{42395}{42462}Look, you're gonna be fine, okay?|I promise.
{42796}{42872}Okay, Auntie Paige, big smile.
{42981}{43061}Leo, don't you think you|should be more careful?
{43071}{43137}I mean, you don't wanna|bring back the witch trials.
{43141}{43174}Gideon got to Chris.|He's hurt bad.
{43182}{43279}What? Now, why would Gideon|want to hurt Chris?
{43283}{43355}- To get to Wyatt, which he's done.|- Gideon is the paragon of all
{43359}{43393}I told you that, remember?
{43398}{43465}- Smile.|- But he's not good.
{43469}{43524}He's trying to kill my sons.
{43528}{43588}Your nephews. How can that be|good under any circumstances?
{43592}{43662}- Oh, I don't know, but...|- You don't understand. Chris is dying.
{43699}{43755}- What?|- I have to find Gideon,
{43759}{43830}but I can't leave Chris alone.|Somebody has to be with him.
{43834}{43894}Come on. I know, deep down inside,|family matters to you
{43898}{43998}more than this twisted sense|of right and wrong.
{44002}{44052}You love him, I know you do.
{44056}{44140}And that's gotta trump everything,|even this stupid spell that you
're under.
{44145}{44174}You have to help me save him.
{44178}{44219}You have to help me|save them both. Please.
{44345}{44428}- What just happened?|- I think we were under a spell.
{44432}{44458}And he took us out of it.
{44463}{44536}- Okay, come on. Let's go.|- No, we can't all go.

{44565}{44597}Piper's being prepped for surgery.

{44601}{44677}- Surgery? What's the matter?|- They're not saying.
{44681}{44731}Don't worry, we're not|gonna lose either Chris.
{44735}{44813}I'll go home, you stay here,
{44817}{44873}and you, you go find Gideon.
{45148}{45202}Easy, easy.
{45206}{45234}We got one of them. Stand by.
{45298}{45351}- Darryl, what's going on?|- Good day, Miss Matthews.
{45355}{45408}- Where's Chris?|- Chris?
{45413}{45439}Chris who?
{45444}{45489}Paige, please.
{45493}{45558}We've been waiting here to give you|one last chance to turn him in
{45562}{45587}for your sake.
{45649}{45678}Go to hell.
{45752}{45787}Watch your tongue.
{45972}{46017}He's gotta be hiding|in the underworld.
{46022}{46092}I agree. It's the only place|he can go to avoid being sensed.
{46097}{46149}Which means he must have|both of our Wyatts there too.
{46153}{46205}Still, it's too vast.|We have to narrow it down.
{46210}{46307}Wait, it is too vast.|For Gideon too, right?
{46311}{46367}- Somebody's gotta be helping him.|- But who?
{46371}{46427}Whoever helped him|get to Piper in the hospital.
{46431}{46503}- I went and tried to pick up a trail.|- But I was overwhelmed wit
{46508}{46542}...hope.|- Fear.
{46546}{46578}- Barbas.|- Barbas.
{46582}{46641}- So if we find Barbas...|- We'll find Gideon.
{46646}{46675}For both of our sons.
{47321}{47376}Leo. Leo.
{47418}{47489}Sorry. I was in the underworld,|looking for...
{47493}{47539}What's wrong?
{47624}{47668}What's going on?|The hell are you doing here?
{47672}{47720}Nothing. We didn't have to.
{47759}{47795}I'm sorry, Leo.
{47939}{47984}- Chris.|- Hey.
{47989}{48034}Hey, I'm here right now.
{48038}{48127}You can hold on, okay?|Hold on, hold on.
{48132}{48180}I'm here. You can hold on, okay?
{48226}{48267}Don't give up, okay?
{48272}{48300}You either.
{48430}{48473}No, no, no, please.
{48513}{48584}No, please. No.
{49303}{49379}No! No!
{49648}{49708}Leo, stop it.
{49712}{49750}What are you trying to do, kill us?
{49754}{49796}This isn't gonna bring him back.
{49801}{49869}I promised him|I'd get him home safely.
{49873}{49925}I know, but you can still|save his future.
{49929}{49988}And you can still save Wyatt,|we just have to hurry.
{49992}{50073}And you have to focus, okay?
{50078}{50141}Look, you were saying something|about the underworld,
{50145}{50217}about looking for|something there. What?
{50290}{50336}Barbas? What's he got|to do with this?
{50341}{50391}He's working with Gideon.
{50398}{50465}That's how I think he got to Piper,

{50469}{50506}that's how I think he got to me.

{50511}{50565}Gideon teamed up|with a demon for that?
{50607}{50692}An act of great evil in our world|restores the balance.
{50723}{50781}That's what I think|he was using Barbas for.
{50799}{50852}So they're working together.
{50885}{50961}That means they must be|in contact with each other, right?
{51002}{51063}So that means maybe that's|a way to find Gideon.
{51067}{51141}The next time they try to contact|each other, you can just interce
pt it.
{51311}{51405}Wyatt, can you hear me? It's Daddy.
{51462}{51530}Wyatt, can you hear me? It's Daddy.
{51696}{51725}Hello, son.
{51789}{51848}So sorry to lure you like this.
{51853}{51942}Barbas, where are you?
{52145}{52188}It's time.
{52192}{52260}Well, it took you long enough.
{52264}{52346}Your impatience is growing tiresome.
{52367}{52422}I blessed it already.
{52426}{52454}Now it's your turn.
{52539}{52573}Is something wrong?
{52612}{52678}As a matter of fact...
{52832}{52868}...there is.
{53075}{53140}Because you murdered my son.
{53275}{53300}I'll be right back.
{53382}{53442}Leo, please.|You have to understand.
{53447}{53536}I am only doing this|for the greater good, I swear.
{53570}{53625}How is killing a child|ever for the greater good, huh?
{53630}{53678}And who the hell are you|to decide that?
{53801}{53854}I'm an Elder, so are you.|It's what we do.
{53859}{53885}I'm not one of you anymore.
{53889}{53939}Leo, listen to me.|You know what happens.
{53943}{54013}You know what|Chris came here to stop.
{54081}{54135}Let me finish what I started.
{54139}{54253}Let me save the future|the only way it can be saved.
{54258}{54344}You're the reason the future's|threatened, Gideon. Not Wyatt,
{54349}{54410}- No.|- But because of what you do to him.
{54439}{54528}I'm about to make sure neither one|of you get the chance again. Mi
{54558}{54605}- You ready?|- Yeah, but remember,
{54609}{54655}you can't do anything.|I have to do this alone.
{54660}{54685}I know.
{54717}{54789}- Do what?|- A great evil.
{55131}{55200}Fade away? What do you mean,|he just faded away?
{55205}{55252}In Leo's arms, after he died.
{55277}{55353}Yeah, maybe he didn't die, I mean,|maybe he was just going back...
{55409}{55457}Oh, God.
{55499}{55538}Poor Leo.
{55614}{55702}Dr. Roberts, how's Piper?
{55706}{55763}Well, it depends on how|you look at it, I suppose.
{55767}{55829}Me, I like to think she's|moving off to a better place.
{55834}{55889}- What?|- What is that supposed to mean?
{55894}{55932}Well, I think you know what I mean.
{55936}{56021}She's haemorrhaging.|We can't stop it. It's everywhere.
{56038}{56092}But let's all try|to think positively, shall we?

{56097}{56123}No, you listen to me.

{56127}{56207}You get your ass back in that room|and you save my sister and her
{56211}{56244}you understand me?
{56292}{56349}- Let's take care of this.|- Locked and loaded.
{56361}{56407}Okay, they shoot people here,|remember?
{56411}{56470}We gotta get Piper out of here.|We gotta get her to Leo.
{56475}{56518}We can't.|We don't know where Leo is.
{56523}{56556}We can't just do nothing.
{56647}{56689}What's going on?
{57030}{57077}Phoebe, it's night.
{57117}{57171}Everything's back to normal?
{57222}{57274}I'll do everything I can, I promise.
{57307}{57340}Excuse me.
{57392}{57449}Leo must have done something.
{57743}{57857}You have no idea what you've done.
{58031}{58065}Didn't know you had it in you.
{58076}{58124}Our worlds can never|cross over again.
{58153}{58183}Take care of your family.
{58201}{58226}You too.
{58698}{58774}I got you. You're safe now.
{58789}{58832}I have you.
{58883}{58927}I have you.
{58975}{59087}- To Triage.|Please report to Triage, stat.
{59146}{59183}He found him.
{59253}{59293}- Is he okay?|- Yeah.
{59298}{59350}He wasn't with Gideon long enough|to do any damage.
{59355}{59390}What happened to Gideon?
{59477}{59518}How's Piper?
{59523}{59576}She's resting comfortably.
{59611}{59637}Is she okay?
{59642}{59667}We stopped the bleeding.
{59671}{59711}Obviously, we had|to perform a C-section,
{59715}{59754}but I think she's gonna be okay.
{59789}{59825}And the baby, is he all right?
{59845}{59893}You tell me.
{60078}{60150}Congratulations.|He's perfectly healthy.
{60184}{60267}Oh, look, he's beautiful.
{60271}{60306}Baby Christopher.
{60403}{60449}That's your brother.
{60480}{60545}Looks like we didn't lose him|after all.
{60735}{60764}Can we see Piper?
{60797}{60852}Well, maybe just one of you for now.
{60916}{60950}Go tell her we love her.
{61110}{61175}Where'd that baby go?|That's your brother.

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