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Pile Foundation Works for Multipurpose Warehouses & Bulk Warehouses of Phase: II at FTWZ, Khurja.

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P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

Revision Date

For Information or review

Reason for Issue / Remark Prepared Checked Approved

IT2 !'M Proje3t #o.: IT2 !'M Proje3t !ode.:

Contractor Doc. o.! Compan" Doc. o.!

)45 )!F
Piling, FTWZ, Khurja

P.,!!,P2$P,PI0',6%( ,*5( *,F"%,*2ated )*(*)()* *

IT2 !e7,2i8.9,P/P,Piling (

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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Pro,ect 1ua$it" p$an

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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2 otes!

(his pa3e records a$$ revisions of the pro,ect 1ua$it" p$an.

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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TIM' P$"6$%M F"$ P$".'!T '?'!&TI"#

Refer to D0C. o.14610CF/Foster %hee$er /p$annin3 5010601 dated 17.08.10

@. ;. 5.

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FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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I(D Cem. I0C9 F% P#C -PC# P;P I#/<Procedures ;R R #/ %I D/ I(P P I/ ;A;C ;/ ;#/ -#/ I(D Cementation India 9td. #/s. Indian 0i$ Corporation 9imited Foster %hee$er :' $imited Pro,ect #ana3ement Consu$tant -n3ineerin3 Procurement & Construction #ana3ement Pro,ect ;ua$it" P$an Inte3rated #ana3ement /"stem Procedures ;ua$it" Record Record #ethod /tatement %ork Instruction Data /heet Inspection (est Procedure / P$an Procedure Indian /tandard ;ua$it" Assurance & ;ua$it" Contro$ ;uantit" /urve" ;ua$it" #ana3ement /"stem -nvironment #ana3ement /"stem

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0ccupationa$ =ea$th and /afet" Assessment /eries -nvironment* /afet" =ea$th

'?'!&TI"# 2'T%I0=
Contractor 0wner Date of Commencement Date of Comp$etion I(D Cementation India 9td. #/s. Arshi"a Internationa$ 9td. Apri$ 50th* 5010 Decem>er 1?th 5010

(he scope inc$udes 'ored Cast<in<situ pi$es* Pi$e caps & (ie >eams for mu$tipurpose warehouses and 'u$k houses of phase!II at F(%). (he activities in this contract are separate$" discussed in method statement.


/&%0IT1 =1=T'M

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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I(D Cem operates an Inte3rated #ana3ement /"stem certified >" D . as per the re1uirements of I/0<?001* I/0<1@001 and 0/=A/<17001 termed as A Integrated Manage7ent =Aste7.B I(D Cem ensures that a$$ emp$o"ees whose activities are re$ated to I#/ performance are assi3ned responsi>i$ities and 3iven authorit" to ensure proper imp$ementation throu3h their motivation* active invo$vement* and commitment. (he Pro,ect sha$$ >e eBecuted >" the I(D Cem under I#/ #anua$* I#/ Procedures* #ethod /tatements* %ork Instructions pertainin3 to the scope of work.

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#


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P&$P"=' "F P/P

(he purpose of this P;P is to eBecute the work in an or3aniCed manner and provide c$ear procedure for each part of the eBecution with proper recordin3 & monitorin3 s"stem. (his P;P has >een prepared in accordance with the 3uide$ines provided in I#/< Procedure P<11 Pro,ect -Becution. (he P;P sha$$ >e a $ive document ti$$ the end of the pro,ect. (his P;P sha$$ >e reviewed* amended and re<issued as mentioned in I#/<Procedure* P<1 DContro$ of Documents.E If re1uired ;A/;C procedures* ;C P$ans* #ethod /tatements and %ork Instructions sha$$ >e prepared and issued as per I#/ Procedure P<1* Document Contro$.


$'F'$'#!' 2"!&M'#T=

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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App$ica>$e I/ Codes< Indian codes and standards I/<@86 P$ain and Reinforced concrete I/<1@7? /pecification for Port$and poCCo$ana cement I/<5?11 Part<1* sec 5 'ored Cast in situ concrete pi$es I/<F7F /pecification of coarse and fine a33re3ate from natura$ sources for concrete I/<816 #ethod of (est for stren3th for concrete I/<11?? #ethod of samp$in3 and ana$"sis of concrete I/<1476 /pecification for =i3h stren3th Deformed stee$ 'ars &wire for concrete reinforcement I/<5F76 #ethods for samp$in3 of a33re3ates for concrete I/<@0F1 #ethod of ph"sica$ (ests of ="drau$ic cement I/<@0F5 #ethod of Chemica$ (ests of ="drau$ic cement I/<@?58 /pecification of concrete >atchin3 and miBin3 p$ant I/<6@61 :$ossar" of (erms re$atin3 to cement concrete I/<7115 /pecification for @F 3rade ordinar" Port$and cement I/<?01F #ethod of makin3* curin3 & Determinin3 compressive stren3th of acce$erated cured concrete test specifications I/<?10F /pecification of concrete admiBtures I/<10565 Recommended 3uide$ines for concrete miB desi3n I/<1FF11 #ethod of non<Destructive testin3 of concrete I/<1@000 ;ua$it" /"stems<:uide$ines for se$ection and use of standards on 1ua$it" s"stems I/<1@787 Compressive testin3 machine used for testin3 of concrete and #ortar<re1uirements /P<5F =and>ook on concrete miBes /P<F@ =and>ook on concrete reinforcement and Detai$in3


/&%0IT1 "B.'!TI<'
5.1 5.5 5.F (he work sha$$ >e performed throu3hout the eBecution period in accordance with the app$ica>$e standards and specifications as per the contract document* ;C P$ans* #ethod /tatements and %ork Instructions wherever app$ica>$e. Pro,ect In<char3es sha$$ maintain the I#/<Procedures* #ethod /tatements* %ork Instructions and P;P. (he work sha$$ >e performed in accordance with 1ua$it" re1uirements to the satisfaction of the 0wner & P#C and sha$$ >e comp$eted within the schedu$ed contract duration.


=IT' "$6%#"6$%M
F.1 (he or3aniCation structure indicatin3 various functiona$ and administrative re$ationships to3ether with $ines of communication for effective mana3ement and eBecution of the pro,ect is shown in Annexure-A to this P;P.


%00"!%TI"# "F $'=P"#=IBI0ITI'=

@.1 (he responsi>i$ities a$$ocated herein are specified to this pro,ect. In case of conf$ict of responsi>i$ities >etween this P;P and the I#/ #anua$* the former sha$$ prevai$ in

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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addition to those identified in the I#/ #anua$.

-. .

Proje3t Manager
0vera$$ eBecution and administration of the pro,ect as per the contract re1uirements and Approved drawin3s. -nsure ;ua$it" #ana3ement /"stem is effective$" imp$emented in the pro,ect. Continuous$" assess the actua$ pro3ress of work a3ainst p$anned pro3ram and initiate recover" pro3ram in a case of s$ippa3e in pro3ress. -nsure that a$$ approved drawin3s are avai$a>$e at the pertinent $ocations. -nsure firm contro$ over the su>contractor to meet the end product 1ua$it" re1uirements as per the contract re1uirements. Coordinate with invo$ved functions for o>tainin3 the necessar" resources for the pro,ect and dep$o" as re1uired. /u>mit Pro,ect reports as per contractua$ re1uirements. Perform initia$ post<award and periodica$ contract review a$on3 with Pro,ect ;/ as and when re1uired throu3hout the eBecution of the pro,ect. Identif" the trainin3 needs and coordinate with appropriate function for fu$fi$$in3 the trainin3 re1uirements. Ana$"Ce deviations* chan3e of contract scope* incorporate it and if necessar"* reschedu$e to meet tar3et dates and maintain records for chan3es incorporated.

-. .) Proje3t In(!harge
Review of drawin3s received from the customer in co<operation with Pro,ect #ana3er. Co<ordinate with Pro,ect #ana3er for mo>i$iCation of manpower* e1uipment and materia$ for eBecution of works. #onitor the su>contractorGs activit" to ensure 1ua$it" and time$" comp$etion of the work. 9aise with the su><ordinate staff and eBecute the works as per p$anned schedu$e in conformance with app$ica>$e standards. 9aise with customer representative for da"<to<da" 1ua$it" re$ated activities. Responsi>$e for an" surve" activit" to >e carried out.

-. .9 Proje3t 'ngineer
Co<ordinate with -Becution -n3ineers* /ite /upervisors for the eBecution of the work. Receive instructions from Pro,ect mana3er / In<char3e re3ardin3 priorit" of the work & imp$ementation of the p$anned pro3ramme at fie$d. 9iasonin3 with 0wner / consu$tant for approva$ of the routine works. Responsi>$e for ensurin3 1ua$it" & safet" at work site with re1uired pro3ress of the work. -nsure fu$fi$$ment of time to time documentation re1uirement for the eBecution part of the work.

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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$e8ision : .* 2ate :

-. .- /%,/! 'ngineer
Responsi>$e for a$$ the $a> tests and fie$d tests inc$udin3 coordination for the third part" testin3 of re1uired materia$s durin3 the course of eBecution. #aintain a$$ re$evant test records which are >ein3 used for recordin3 the resu$ts. Foca$ point of Inspection* #onitorin3 and #easurement Devices used in the pro,ect and responsi>$e for the proper imp$ementation of the I(D CemGs I#/ /"stem Procedures. Responsi>$e for preparation* maintenance and retention of 9a>/Fie$d test records. Inform Pro,ect en3ineer re3ardin3 an" non conformance o>served in the materia$ in use durin3 the pro,ect eBecution. /ha$$ >e worked as I#/ Coordinator for co<coordinatin3 the ;#/ re$ated issues & imp$ementation of ;#/ durin3 the entire period of the pro,ect eBecution.

-. .+ =ite =uper8isor
-nsure that the work in their respective area is carried out in accordance with the contract document and procedures as directed >" the discip$ine -n3ineers. Proper and optimum uti$iCation of avai$a>$e resources. 9iaise with the ;A/;C -n3ineer for effective imp$ementation of Procedures.

-. .4 Planning 'ngineer
Responsi>$e for preparation of detai$ time pro3ram for the smooth eBecution of the pro,ect. Responsi>$e for eva$uation of resources re1uired. Responsi>$e for preparation of week$" pro3ress report. Review the actua$ pro3ress of work a3ainst the schedu$ed pro3ram. #onitor the pro3ress inc$udin3 su><contractorGs activit". 9aise with Pro,ect In<char3e for the reasons of de$a" in comp$etion of the pro,ect in time.

-. .@ !o77er3ial 'ngineer,/=
Responsi>$e for preparation of invoices in terms of contract. Responsi>$e for the cost<va$ue reconci$iation on the >asis of invoices on month$"/ ;uarter$" >asis. Responsi>$e for preparin3 c$aims towards eBtra/additiona$ works undertaken.

-. .; Plant 'ngineer , 'Cuip7ent 'ngineer

Responsi>$e for maintainin3 $ist of e1uipments avai$a>$e at site. Responsi>$e for maintenance of vehic$es / e1uipment periodica$$". Responsi>$e for maintainin3 a$$ records as per the I#/<Procedure P<18 P$ant.

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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Co<0rdinate with Pro,ect In<char3e in smooth runnin3 of p$ant and machiner". Attend the >reak downs immediate$" to avoid in de$a" of pro3ress.

-. .5 '=> "ffi3er
=e wi$$ >e accounta>$e to the Pro,ect #ana3er / Pro,ect Inchar3e for fu$fi$$in3 the duties assi3ned to him and ensures imp$ementation of -/= P$an. #onitor and advise re$evant personne$ on comp$iance with -/= statutor" o>$i3ations at the site. Provide copies of site / office inspection report to re$evant mana3ers / en3ineers. #onitor incident reportin3 procedure. Attend and participate in /ite -/= #ana3ement Review #eetin3s. Access and advise P# on the perceived -/= trainin3 needs of pro,ect personne$. 0r3anise and conduct trainin3 for site.


0I=T "F P'$="##'0 F"$ =IT' "$6%#IZ%TI"# .

8.1 (he detai$s of personne$ for the site or3aniCation are shown in Annexure-B to this P;P.


2'T%I0= "F !"#=T$&!TI"# %!TI<IT1 .

6.1 (he construction activit" in this pro,ect is shown in Annexure C to this P;P a$on3 with app$ica>$e #ethod /tatements and re$evant ;ua$it" records that are to >e maintained durin3 the eBecution of the pro,ect.


TIM' P$"6$%M F"$ P$".'!T '?'!&TI"#

4.1 A detai$ activit" wise time pro3ram for smooth eBecution of this pro,ect is shown in Annexure D to this P;P.


M%T'$I%0 P$"!&$'M'#T
7.1 7.5 7.F 7.@ I(D Cem has deve$oped a procedure P<7 DPurchaseE for procurement of materia$s and P<17 D/toresE for preservation* transportation* hand$in3* stora3e of materia$s. #anufacturerGs (est certificates for ma,or direct materia$s e.3. Cement & Reinforcement /tee$ sha$$ >e co$$ected with ever" $ot & same sha$$ >e kept with ;A;C In<char3e. Record of the same sha$$ >e maintained in the stock re3ister. A detai$ materia$ re1uirement at various sta3es of pro,ect is shown in #ateria$ Procurement P$an attached as Annexure E to this P;P. If an" non<conformit" o>served durin3 procurement of materia$s* it sha$$ >e either re,ected or disposed as detai$ed in P< 16 DContro$ of C ProductE and corrective & preventive action sha$$ >e taken as per P<14 DCorrective and Preventive ActionE.(he record of the same sha$$ >e maintained in R<1/16 H Record of non<confirmin3 product and corrective & preventive action taken attached herewith as Annexure - L

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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Receipt of Customer Comp$aint with respect to the 1ua$it"* pro3ress of the work* $e3is$ative safet" & environmenta$ issues sha$$ >e recorded in R<5/14 H Customer Comp$aint Record attached herewith as Annexure M.


I#=P'!TI"# %#2 T'=T P0%#.

?.1 A detai$ed Inspection and (est P$an for contro$$in3 the ;ua$it" of the product inc$udin3 incomin3 & in process materia$s at various sta3es of construction and responsi>i$it" $ies with shown as Annexure F 10.1 (he ;A/;C -n3ineer sha$$ >e the foca$ point for a$$ #onitorin3 and #easurement devices used in the pro,ect. A detai$ p$an for ca$i>ration of instruments used in this pro,ect is shown in Annexure-G to this P;P.


P0%#T & M%I#T'#%#!'

11.1 I(D Cem has deve$oped a procedure P< 18* for maintenance of p$ant & machineries and maintenance of records. 11.5 A detai$ re1uirement of p$ant and e1uipment for eBecution of pro,ect is shown in Annexure H in this P;P.


/&%0IT1 $'!"$2=
15.1 A$$ ;ua$it" records sha$$ >e compi$ed* stored and retained in such a manner that the" are readi$" retrieva>$e* prevented from dama3e* deterioration and $oss. 15.5 A$$ ;ua$it" records sha$$ have uni1ue identification no. as mentioned in the Detai$s of Construction Activit" sheet.


M'%=&$'M'#T %#2 M"#IT"$I#6

Report on num>ers of CR to >e reported at week$" pro3ress meetin3 Performance of the pro,ect sha$$ >e monitored in the month$" /ite Review #eetin3 at site $eve$ and >" the Interna$ Audits at Division $eve$. 1F.1 I(D Cem has deve$oped a Procedure P< 50 DInterna$ AuditE* for Interna$ Auditin3 s"stems & maintainin3 records of the interna$ audits. 1F.5 Interna$ as we$$ as eBterna$ Don su><contractorsE ;ua$it" Audits sha$$ >e carried out as per the Interna$ Audit pro3ram >" respective =0D<-n3ineerin3. 1F.F =0D -n3ineerin3 in consu$tation with Corporate -nvironmenta$ and /afet" =ead sha$$ >e responsi>$e for imp$ementin3 the audits inc$udin3 fo$$ow<up. ;ua$ified auditors nominated >" Chief Interna$ Auditor wi$$ carr" out the audits. 1F.@ Fre1uenc" of Interna$ Audit sha$$ >e once in a siB month. D . se$ects the pro,ects for -Bterna$ Audit. 1F.8 Customer /atisfaction sha$$ >e taken in Customer /atisfaction Form attached herewith as Annexure I. 1F.6 Audit Pro3ram and Audit reports to >e copied to Arshi"a Internationa$ 9td.

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

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- T$%I#I#6
(rainin3 sha$$ >e conducted for emp$o"ees & workers deputed at pro,ect sites to improve the awareness & ski$$s of the emp$o"ees & workers in their respective fie$ds. 1@.1 -nvironment & /afet" (rainin3s for a$$ sha$$ >e conducted >" -=/ officer at pro,ect sites. 1@.5 For specia$iCed trainin3 on technica$ su>,ects* environment & safet"* trainin3 needs sha$$ >e identified >" concerned Corporate/Div. =ead. 1@.F Pro,ect #ana3er / In<char3e in consu$tation with respective functiona$ heads sha$$ identif" the trainin3 needs for emp$o"ees & su>contractors personne$. 1@.@ (rainin3 record sha$$ >e maintained in R<1/1? record sheet enc$osed herewith as Annexure J.

+ $'="&$!' M%#%6'M'#T
18.1 Re1uirement of resources such as manpower* materia$s* p$ant & e1uipments* etc. sha$$ >e identified & sha$$ >e procured / dep$o"ed accordin3 to re1uirements of the pro,ect. 18.5 Records re$ated to workmen dep$o"ed sha$$ >e maintained >" =R & Administration 0fficer in accordance with the app$ica>$e Ru$es & Re3u$ation of the /tate :overnment and sha$$ >e maintained in the format prescri>ed >" them. 18.F Faci$ities in terms of accommodation* drinkin3 water* urina$s & $atrines* rest room* etc. sha$$ >e provided as per the compan"Gs specifications. 18.@ (emporar" /ite Insta$$ations such as /ite 0ffice* /tores* %orkshops* 'atchin3 P$ant* and Cement :odown sha$$ >e constructed / erected as per site re1uirements.

4 %=(B&I0T=
16.1 Receipt of the drawin3s & a$$ amendments sha$$ >e recorded in the Drawin3 Re3ister attached herewith as Annexure K 16.5 As 'ui$t drawin3 sha$$ >e prepared in accordance with app$ica>$e contractua$ re1uirements and sha$$ >e su>mitted after comp$etion & handin3 over of the structures. 16.F ;ua$it" and method of markin3 up As H'ui$t drawin3 to >e as shown on compan" procedure. 14 Pannin3 -n3ineer in consu$tation with /urve"or sha$$ >e responsi>$e for record of drawin3 receipt & su>mission of as >ui$t drawin3s.

; '#!0"=&$'=
Fo$$owin3 enc$osures are attached herewith a$on3 with this P;P for ease of reference of the documents. AnneBure H A AnneBure H ' AnneBure H C AnneBure H D /ite 0r3ano3ram 9ist of Personne$ for /ite 0r3aniCation Detai$s of Construction Activit"

(ime Pro3ramme for Pro,ect -Becution DRefer to <D0C. o.14610CF/Foster %hee$er /p$annin3 5010601 dated 17.08.10

FTWZ Warehouses Bulk:arehouses Proje3t


#u$tipurpose %arehouses & 'u$k %arehouses of Phase! II at F(%)* +hur,a.

P$".'!T /&%0IT1 P0%#

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AnneBure H AnneBure H F AnneBure H : AnneBure H = AnneBure H I AnneBure H I AnneBure H + AnneBure H 9 AnneBure H #

#ateria$ Procurement P$an Inspection and (est P$an P$an for Ca$i>ration of Instruments P$ant Re1uirement P$an D Refer. I(D/14610CF/5010/F%/-D/E Customer /atisfaction Form (rainin3 Record Drawin3 Re3ister Record of non<confirmin3 product and corrective & preventive action taken Customer Comp$aint Record

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