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Table of Contents

1. Project Goal 2. Project Description 2.1. 2.2. 2.3.

Data collection MATLAB functions/tools lo! of t"e project 3 3 4 4 # & & &

3. $%ple%entation plan 3.1.


4. 'u%%ar(

Project Proposal: Filter design to de-noise audio signals

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Project Proposal) * ilter +esi,n to +e-noise au+io si,nals. Project Goal

The project aims to demonstrate practical application of different types of filters in de-noising audio signals. We wish to investigate appropriate filter design to eliminate noise patterns in a set of different noise-corrupted audio signals.

Project Description
We have a noisy audio signal. The original speech and the Signal to Noise ratio are both unknown. Our method de-noise the signal is to e tract information of noise patterns from the corrupted audio signal by analy!ing the power spectral density of the signal. "ased on the observations in the spectral density# appropriate filter type and filter parameters would be determined. Ne t# the filters would be applied to the noisy signal and filter performance would be noted. $ilter coefficients would be modified until satisfactory levels of signal to noise ratio are achieved. This process would be repeated for a set of noisy signals to e perience application of different filter designs. Data collection Noisy audio file samples can be found on several websites the internet. One such website is http%&& .pl'page(codec)samples. The working environment for this project would be *+T,+".

Project Proposal: Filter design to de-noise audio signals

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MATLAB functions/tools Main function There would be a main function which would read the file# cut the file into frames# plot power spectral density function of the frames# apply filter functions to the frames# output the filtered frame to an audio file for performance check and lastly repeat the process for the entire signal. MATLAB * DAtool. The project features design of different filters for the same&different audio signals. This includes changing filter type and specifications. The use of $-+tool would be preferred in this project for its convenience and .uick design benefits over command line filter design. The /$ilter -esign and +nalysis Tool 0$-+Tool12 is a graphical user interface 03451 in *+T,+" Signal 6rocessing Toolbo 7. With this# we can .uickly design $58&558 filters by setting up re.uisite filter specifications. The $-+tool can be called up by the 9fdatool: command.

Project Proposal: Filter design to de-noise audio signals

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ilter functions $ilter functions would be designed by using the $-+tool. $ilter parameters would be set up after observing the power spectrum of the noisy audio signal. 4sing $-+tool# these filter parameters could be easily adjusted as well.

The tentative flow of the program# source of data# *+T,+" tools used and *+T,+" function to be built are mentioned in the coming sections. lo! of t"e pro,ra%

Project Proposal: Filter design to de-noise audio signals

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$%ple%entation plan
The project can be distributed into nine tasks. These tasks and the milestones have been listed in the time schedule below. Working period for the project would be ;<th October# =>;? to ;;th -ecember# =>;?. This period has eight weeks listed as week-;0Wk-;1 to week-@0Wk-@1 in the time frame below. +fter the initial = weeks of project planning and study# both of us would work

Project Proposal: Filter design to de-noise audio signals

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on different audio signals independently. +fter that# we would look forward to meet weekly on Wednesday at ; 6* to discuss the progress of the project# review problems and share the results&methods. Ti%eline Task Project Planning Collection of Data Revie filter t!"es#"ara$eters %&T'&( co)ing *"ectr+$ anal!sis ,ilter )esign Res+lts#-val+ation Re"ort Writing .ral "resentation#De$o Wk-1 Wk-2 Wk-3 Wk-4 Wk-5 Wk-6 Wk-7 Wk-8

$ilter design is an elementary application in digital signal processing. Astablishing this project would be a good learning e perience in filter design and application. We think that the project demonstration at the end of the class could serve as a good tutorial for the students as well. 4sing this e perience# we can e plore advanced topics in signal processing in future.

Project Proposal: Filter design to de-noise audio signals

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